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Pediatric Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease:

A Rare, But Treatable Condition
Rotem Semo Oz, MD; Michael Gluth, MD; and Melissa S. Tesher, MD

vention may result in improved rates of

ABSTRACT hearing loss reversal.6
Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED) is a rare, but treatable cause of sudden sen-
sorineural hearing loss in children. Most cases present acutely and involve both ears. EPIDEMIOLOGY
The precise mechanism of hearing loss in AIED is not known. Many suspected etiolo- AIED is a rare disease with an esti-
gies have been proposed including infections, vascular abnormalities, and trauma. How- mated yearly incidence of less than 5
ever, 70% of cases are defined as idiopathic. There are no standardized diagnostic crite- cases per 100,000.7 However, because
ria for AIED, and the diagnostic process may be challenging. Positive auto antibodies there are no standardized criteria or de-
and response to immunosuppressive therapy support the diagnosis. Treatment may finitive diagnostic tests, the exact preva-
include corticosteroids and steroid-sparing immunosuppressive medications. A high lence remains unknown.7
index of suspicion is recommended as the hearing loss may be stabilized or even re-
versed with early treatment. Long-term medical treatment failures generally have CLINICAL PRESENTATION
good outcomes with cochlear implantation. [Pediatr Ann. 2019;48(10):e391-e394.] AIED typically presents as bilateral
asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss

utoimmune inner ear disease den. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss that progresses over a period of days to
(AIED), also known as auto- (SSNHL) is defined hearing loss of more months. This contrasts with pediatric
immune sensorineural hearing than 30 dB in less than 3 days.3 AIED is nonautoimmune sudden onset hearing
loss, is a rare form of bilateral sensori- unlike most cases of SSNHL in that it is loss, in which most cases are unilat-
neural hearing loss that responds to im- usually bilateral at the time of presenta- eral.4.8 Serial audiometry in AIED pa-
munosuppressive therapy.1 This condi- tion. This rare occurrence among cases tients usually depicts fluctuating hearing
tion, as first described by McCabe1 in of SSNHL should prompt clinicians to thresholds that follow a trend of pro-
1979, is usually recognized as a specific consider the diagnosis of AIED as well gressive deterioration. Although 80%
pattern of sensorineural hearing loss as underlying systemic conditions such of AIED patients have bilateral, asym-
that is uniquely bilateral, asymmetric, as infection (Lyme, cytomegalovirus metrical SSNHL at initial presentation, a
and fluctuating.2 Sensorineural hearing [CMV], Epstein-Barr virus [EBV], small minority will initially present with
loss attributed to AIED was originally syphilis), vasculitis, paraneoplastic hearing loss only in one ear, before later
characterized by responsiveness to treat- syndrome, drug ototoxicity, or other (weeks to months) developing hearing
ment with systemic corticosteroids and systemic autoimmune diseases.4,5 Early loss on the contralateral side.2 One-half
cyclophosphamide. The presentation of diagnosis and treatment of this disorder of patients with AIED have associated
AIED-related hearing loss is often sud- is extremely important as early inter- vestibular symptoms such as imbalance
and vertigo.2 Tinnitus is also a common
presenting symptom. Data describing
Rotem Semo Oz, MD, is a Fellow in Pediatric Rheumatology, Comer Children’s Hospital, The Universi- AIED specifically in children are sparse.
ty of Chicago. Michael Gluth, MD, is an Associate Professor of Surgery, Section of Otolaryngology-Head Huang et al.9 presented seven children
& Neck Surgery, The University of Chicago. Melissa S. Tesher, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, age 4 to 13 years who were diagnosed
Section of Pediatric Rheumatology, The University of Chicago Medical Center. with AIED based on the finding of
Address correspondence to Rotem Semo Oz, MD, The University of Chicago, 5841 S. Maryland Av- SSNHL and positive antibodies. Five of
enue, MC 5044, Room C-1041, Chicago, IL 60637; email: the seven children presented with bilat-
Disclosure: The authors have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. eral hearing loss, and 5 of 7 complained
doi:10.3928/19382359-20190923-01 of tinnitus.9

PEDIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 48, No. 10, 2019 e391


PATHOGENESIS AND EVIDENCE The precise immune pathogenesis tor, anti-Sjögren syndrome-related an-
FOR AUTOIMMUNITY of the inner ear injury process is un- tigen A, anti-Sjögren syndrome-related
The precise mechanism of hearing clear. Type II (cytotoxic), type III (im- antigen B, and angiotensin converting
loss in AIED is not fully understood. mune complex), and type IV (delayed enzyme level. Lyme serology, fluores-
Numerous clinical observations and type) immune response were suggested cent treponemal-antibody absorption
animal studies seem to support an au- as potential mechanisms.10 for syphilis, and/or anti-CMV and EBV
toimmune mechanism for this entity.10 immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM, as
Hearing loss is known to occur at DIAGNOSIS clinically indicated to rule out infec-
a higher-than-normal rate in patients There are no standardized diagnos- tious etiology, may also be considered.
with several autoimmune diseases such tic criteria for AIED and the diagnostic Eye examination to rule out interstitial
as systemic lupus erythematosus, ul- process may be challenging. A high in- keratitis/uveitis (Cogan syndrome) or
cerative colitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, dex of suspicion is recommended when branch retinal artery occlusion (Susac
and Cogan’s syndrome. Interestingly, sudden bilateral asymmetric sensori- syndrome) could also be another
children with juvenile idiopathic ar- neural hearing loss is encountered. The element.
thritis (JIA) may have subtle hearing diagnosis is mainly clinical based on
impairment more frequently than is hearing loss pattern and responsiveness Testing for Specific Inner Ear
commonly appreciated. Céspedes et to immunosuppressant therapy. Posi- Autoantibodies
al.11 found that 78 of 124 ears in 62 tive serum autoantibodies and exclu- Serologic testing for inner ear an-
patients with JIA had a mild degree of sion of other potential causes further tibodies can be helpful as a positive
hearing impairment. Ikiz et al.12 found support the diagnosis. The diagnostic finding supports the suspected diag-
middle and/or inner ear involvement in assessment consists of four parts.2,4,9 nosis of AIED, but sensitivity is lim-
32% of ears in a cohort of 38 patients ited and the significance of a positive
with JIA. He attributed this finding to Otologic Assessment versus a negative test is unclear. The
rheumatic process in the middle ear Audiologic testing demonstrates the most well-known antibody is the heat
joints or to immune-complex medi- presence of acute sensorineural hear- shock protein 70 against the 68-kDa
ated vasculitis in the inner ear. Simi- ing loss (bone-conduction thresholds antigen, which is present on hair cells
lar results were reported among adults >30 dB for at least three frequencies); and supporting cells in the inner ear.16
with rheumatoid arthritis. Lidar et al.13 usually present in both ears. Speech This antibody was found in 35% of pa-
reported three cases of vasculitis that audiometry typically demonstrates tients with AIED17 and in 92% of pa-
initially presented as sudden hearing diminished word recognition scores. tients with Cogan’s syndrome, which
loss.13 Vestibular function testing may de- presents with corneal inflammation
Harris et al.,14 using guinea pig pict evidence of unilateral or bilateral and audiovestibular dysfunction that is
models, showed that the inner ear can peripheral vestibular weakness. Oto- otherwise similar to AIED.18 Presence
produce antibodies in response to sen- scopic examination is usually normal, of these antibodies has been proposed
sitization. They later isolated a 68-kD as is head and neck examination. If the as a marker for steroid responsiveness,
protein, using Western blot analysis patient is experiencing acute vestibular but animal studies have failed to defini-
on serum from patients with SSNHL symptoms, spontaneous jerk nystag- tively support this assertion, and practi-
and from animals with experimental mus in the horizontal plane may be ob- cally speaking, most patients suspected
autoimmune hearing loss. Inner ear served and gait may be unstable. of having AIED have been treated with
proteins were found to be the target a steroid trial well before laboratory
of this 68-kD protein.14 Boulassel et Evaluation for Underlying test results are known. Other antibodies
al.15 found several additional antibod- Autoimmune/Infectious Disease such as anti-beta tubulin and anti-coch-
ies (including 30- and 42-kD protein) Clinical history of autoimmune lin have also been suggested as possible
that reacted with the guinea pig inner disease. Suggested laboratory evalu- markers of AIED.
ear. These findings suggest that several ation includes compete blood count,
populations of antibodies contribute to erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Radiologic Imaging
the enhanced immunologic activity in antinuclear antibody, antineutrophil Magnetic resonance imaging  (MRI)
AIED. cytoplasmatic antibody, rheumatic fac- with contrast of the brain and internal

e392 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated


auditory canals should be considered maintaining the hearing improvement trial of corticosteroid therapy is a rea-
to rule out rare primary causes such as achieved in 60 patients with AIED.24 sonable approach to suspected cases,
cranial nerve tumor (bilateral vestibular Unfortunately, not all patients with whereas cochlear implantation is a vi-
schwanomma, in type 2 neurofibroma- AIED will respond adequately to medi- able option for most long-term treatment
tosis), neurodegenerative disease (mul- cal therapy even if applied promptly failures.
tiple sclerosis), superficial siderosis, in the acute setting. Further, some pa-
or inner ear developmental malforma- tients that do respond will experience REFERENCES
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