Child Abuse

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Childhood is the most primitive stage of life. It knows no good

or evil, all it is filled with is innocence and playfulness. It is said
that “god lives in a child” and that is how pure a child is
considered to be. But some heartless monsters never think how
hurtful it would be for a child to face abuses which they won’t
be able to take for themselves.
Child abuse is a crime which is mostly committed by ppl who
are frustrated by their own lives. Abusing a child is as serious a
crime as murdering a person, as a child is tender by nature and
any abuse that happens at the early stages of his or her life will
leave a lasting imprint on its mind for always. The moment the
memory of the abuses that he or she has faced in their lifetime
flashes, however happy that moment might have been, the
child’s heart gets filled with sadness.
However hard the child tries to erase such memories all he or
she ends up doing is getting frustrated. Some of the victims of
child abuse lose their confidence forever and lead their lives
without any external contact.
Child abuse occurs in various forms. In extreme cases a child is
found raped, some children are beaten up by their parents for
the silliest of reasons and at times school teachers for not
having learnt lessons. As a matter of fact, child labour is also a
form of continuous child abuse.
Child abuse takes many forms, some of which are physical,
sexual, emotional abuse and neglect to provide food, shelter
and educational care.
In many of the cases the child id found to be abused by the one
who the child trusts the most, this might be a relative, a
neighbour or in the worst cases the parent itself. A child who is
being abused might feel confused and wldn’t probably tell
anyone what he/ she has been going through. That is why some
of its vital symptoms are:
 Withdrawal from friends or usual activities
 Changes in behaviour — such as aggression, anger,
hostility or hyperactivity — or changes in school
 Depression, anxiety or unusual fears, or a sudden loss of
 An apparent lack of supervision
 Frequent absences from school
If you find any child who you think has been abused, it is in the
best interests of the child to take it to a therapist or dial 1098 at
the earliest .

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