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A pleasant morning to everyone, now that we are done on discussing the Significance
of this Study. Let's move on to the next topic. Wherein we are about to tackle the
different hypothetical statements that we, researchers came up with.


This study is designed to assess the hyphothesis that online platforms is an

effective advertising tool for clothing brands.

The researchers hyphothesize this statement with the basis that most people uses
social media as a form of entertainment and communication, therefore, it is most
suitable for it does not limit it's audiences. The advertisement may reach
different people from different countries, with different ages, gender and social

The web offers more than the television like youtube, who provides unique contents
and shows, It may even show your favourite dramas from a certain channel. for these
reason most consumers are convinced to use online applications than watch the tv,
and pay for television wire brands. These results to a bigger probability that your
advertisement would reach a larger scale of commercial audience.



One of the largest benefits of Online Advertising is that, it is much more

affordable compared with other traditional advertising methods (such as making
brochures, leaflets, flyers, and such). It allows various business owners to
advertise their business in a concise, relevant, and personalised way to their
targeted customers with a right fraction of cost. In addition, the reason why it
is more easier to implement, is because. Online Advertising can give you more
control in your business. In what way? In a way of, you, a business owner can
easily identify what specific target audience you will get since the Platforms that
you are using is through Online, you will be having a wide range of Target Market,
getting an instant reviews/feedbacks from them since the method you are using are
more applicable for them, and lastly, you will identify what Advertising Tool will
worked on you, and will not.


The lack of knowledge on using Online Platforms can lead to misuse, confusion and
misleading information.

The researchers hyphothesized that If online platforms are not used carefully it
would lessen the effectiveness of online advertisements. This would be beacuse a
lot of consumers does not trust brands, to input real informations and data of
their product in their advertisements. Social media scamming is also one of the
factors that we considered in making this hyphothesis for it may also affect your
consumers behavior and they may generalize or doubt everything that they see online
including true and honest advertisements.


In Online Advertising, we presume that the Internet Users would have a negative
attitude towards it. Normally, people who reacted like this are the ones who uses
the Internet the most. In a situation like this, you can't really guarantee their
time to lend you a small attention because, they will thought that you are just
wasting their precious time and you are just an interruption. That's why to have an
effective Online Advertisement. Business Owners should make sure that the content
of their advertisement are made of good quality, creative animation, informative,
and not that time-consuming kind of advertisement.profile.


those are the four proposed hyphothesis of the study

now lets move on to the assumptions of the study.

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