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Year 1 (2019)
Compiled by
Teacher Nurul Hazirah Mahmud
English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 1

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

My sister Lisa is three years old today.
My parents got her a birthday cake.
It is a strawberry cake. The cake is
pink in colour. It has little roses on it.
There are three big blue candles on the cake.

1. Whose birthday is today?

2. How old is Lisa?

3. What cake did she get?

4. What colour is the cake?

5. How many candles are there?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|2

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 2

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.


My best friend’s name is Ameena binti Azam.
She is tall and thin. She has a long brown hair.
She likes to tie her hair in two pigtails. She is a
very kind person. In school, she always shares her
food and toys with me. Ameena and I do everything
together. Every day we eat, play and study together.
I hope we will always be friends.

1. Who is the author’s best friend?

2. Is she tall or short?

3. What colour is Ameena’s hair?

4. Is she a kind person?

5. Ameena shares her food and what else?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|3

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 3

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

My daddy loves me very much. He plays games with me
when he comes home from work. Sometimes
we play football in the field. On the other days, we go
cycling. When Daddy is tired, we just go for a walk in the
park. I love my Daddy. He is the best daddy in the world.

1. What is the story about?

2. When does Daddy play games with the author?

3. Where do they play football?

4. Besides games and football what else do they do together?

5. Where do they go for a walk?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|4

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 4

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Laura visited an animal farm yesterday.
On the farm she saw many animals. There
were chickens, goats, cows, ducks and horses on
the farm. The farmer let Laura play with all the
animals. Then Laura helped him feed the animals.
She was very happy she could help with the animals.
Laura hopes she can visit again someday.

1. Who visited the farm?

2. When did she visit the farm?

3. What did she saw on the farm?

4. Did the farmer let Laura play with the animals?

5. Was Laura happy visiting the farm?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|5

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 5

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Jane loves shopping with her mummy. Today she
went to buy flowers with her mummy. At the florist,
Jane saw many different flowers. The flowers were
of different colours. Jane helped her mummy choose
some red and orange flowers for their vase. Her
mother also bought some white and pink flowers for
Jane’s grandmother.

1. What does Jane loves to do with her mummy?

2. Where did she go today?

3. Did Jane help her mummy to choose flowers?

4. What colour did she chose for her vase?

5. What colour did her mother buy for Jane’s grandmother?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|6

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 6

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.


The fun fair is near Kevin’s home. Every day
Kevin visits the fun fair with his brother, John.
He loves to sit on the Ferris wheel with John.
You can hear them laughing as they go up the
Ferris wheel. At the fun fair, John buys Kevin
his favourite cotton floss candy. He becomes
very happy after visiting the fun fair.

1. Where is the fun fair?

2. Kevin visited the fun fair with who?

3. Kevin sits with who on the Ferris wheel?

4. What did John bought for Kevin?

5. How does Kevin feels after visiting the fun fair?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|7

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 7

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Andy always enjoys his bath time. He does not cry
when he has his bath. He loves to play with bubbles
in his bath. There are also three rubber ducks in Andy’s
bath. He usually fills them up with water and lets them
float around him. This makes Andy squeal with laughter.

1. What does Andy enjoys doing?

2. Does he cry when he has his bath?

3. What does Andy loves to play with during his bath time?

4. How many rubber ducks does Andy have?

5. What makes Andy squeal with laughter?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|8

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 8

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Miss Melissa is my favourite teacher. I like
her because she is kind and helpful. She helps
me with my drawing and colouring. She cheers me
up and makes me happy if I miss mummy and daddy
in school. Miss Melissa is also very pretty. She is
a tall lady. She has a long, dark brown hair.
She is the best teacher in the world.

1. What is the story about?

2. Why does the author like Miss Melissa?

3. Miss Melissa helps the author with what?

4. What colour is Miss Melissa’s hair?

5. Is Miss Melissa the best teacher in the world?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|9

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 9

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Allan is a very active and energetic boy. Today was
sports day in his school. He enjoyed sports day very
much. Allan won three medals at his sports day. He
won a gold medal for the high jump. He won a silver
medal for the 50 meter sprint. He also won a bronze
medal for a group race. Allan’s parents were very
proud of him.

1. What is the story about?

2. Where does the sports day took place?

3. Did Allan enjoyed the sports day?

4. How many medals did he won?

5. Who was proud of Allan?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|10

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 10

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Martin enjoys having a big breakfast. He has two slices
of toast with butter and jam. He also has a plate of
scrambled eggs. Some morning, he has bacon too. He
finishes his breakfast with a big glass of cold milk. He
is very full once he finished eating.

1. What is the story about?

2. What did Martin have for breakfast?

3. Does Martin have bacon every morning?

4. What did he drink after he finishes his breakfast?

5. How did Martin feels after finished eating?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|11

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 11

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

David saw a rainbow today. The rainbow appeared
after the rain. David tried to count the different
colours in that rainbow. Some of these colours were
blue, red, yellow, green and orange. Red is the brightest
colour in the rainbow. Red is also David’s favourite colour
in the rainbow.

1. What is the story about?

2. Who saw the rainbow?

3. When does the rainbow appear?

4. Which colour is the brightest colour in the rainbow?

5. What is David’s favourite colour?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|12

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 12

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Ethan visited the zoo with his brother Ryan.
He saw many animals there. Most of the animals
were in large enclosures. Ethan was allowed to
feed the animals. He chose to feed the monkeys.
He gave the monkeys some bananas. It was a lot
of fun.

1. Who visited the zoo?

2. With whom did Ethan visit the zoo?

3. Was Ethan allowed to feed the animals?

4. Which animal did Ethan chose to feed?

5. What did Ethan gave to the monkeys?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|13

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 13

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Jane loves horses. She named her horse Black
Beauty. It is a black and beautiful horse. It is
also a good and friendly horse. It can go very
fast. When Jane rides Black Beauty, she feels
happy. Jane rides her horse once every week.

1. What is the story about?

2. What did Jane name her horse?

3. What colour is Black Beauty?

4. What does Jane feels when riding Black Beauty?

5. How many times in a week did Jane ride her horse?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|14

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 14

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Today is Saturday. In the morning, I go
to the fish market with my mother. She
buys many things at the market. First, my
mother buys two big fishes. Next, she gets
a big bag of prawns and a small bag of crabs.
I cannot wait for my mother to get home to
start cooking. Lunch is going to be a feast.

1. What day is today?

2. With whom did the author go to the fish market?

3. What did the author’s mother bought first?

4. What did the author’s mother bought in the fish market?

5. Who will cook their lunch?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|15

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 15

Read the paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow.

A family can be of any size. My family is
a big family. I have a brother named Daniel.
My sisters’ names are Ginny, Jenny and Penny.
We live in a big house with my parents and
grandparents. We also have pets in our family.
We have a big dog named Pongo. Our little
kitten’s name is Topsy.

1. What is the story about?

2. How many brothers did the author have?

3. How many sisters did the author have and what are their

4. How many pets did the author have?

5. What is the name of their kitten?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|16

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 16

Read the poem below. Then answer the questions that follow.


In the black, black town
Was a black, black road.
On the black, black road
Was a black, black truck.
In the black, black truck
Was a black, black box.
In the black, black box
Was a…… mouse!

1. Where was the black road?

2. Where was the mouse?

3. What was the colour of the box?

4. How many times does the word “black” appear in the poem?

5. Which word in the poem describes a place with buildings

where people live and work?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|17

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 17

Read the conversation below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Who left the boat on the riverbank?
Lion, did you leave the boat on the riverbank?
No, I did not leave the boat on the riverbank, but I’ll get in.
Monkey, did you leave the boat on the riverbank?
No, I did not leave the boat on the riverbank, but I’ll hop in.
Tiger, did you leave the boat on the riverbank?
No, I did not leave the boat on the riverbank, but I’ll jump in.
Elephant, did you leave the boat on the riverbank?
No, I did not leave the boat on the riverbank, but I’ll climb in.
Crocodile, did you leave the boat on the riverbank?
Yes, I left the boat on the riverbank to catch my dinner.

1. How many boats were there on the riverbank?

2. Who wanted to jump into the boat?

3. Who left the boat on the riverbank?

4. Which of the animals was the heaviest?

5. Which word in the story has the same meaning as ‘the land at
the side of the river’?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|18

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 18

Read the poem below. Then answer the questions that follow.

When I see a laughing clown
My mouth goes up. I do not frown.
When I hug my kitten tight
She turns her head and starts to bite.
When my Mum yells and Dad gets mad
The tears run down, ‘cause I’ve been bad’.
But when my head goes down to sleep
I close my eyes and do not peep.

1. What does the child do when she goes to sleep?

2. What does the child’s mother do when she is angry?

3. What does the child do when she sees a laughing clown?

4. When do the child’s parents get angry?

5. Do you think the child’s cat likes to be hugged tight, why?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|19

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 19

Read the fable below. Then answer the questions that follow.


A black raven saw a beautiful white swan cleaning
her feathers in the water while she was swimming.
The raven wanted to be as beautiful as the swan.
The raven left his home and went to live near the
lake where the swan lived. He cleaned his feathers
every day in the water but his feathers did not change
from black to white. He spent so much time trying to
make himself beautiful that he did not eat and soon died.

1. What was the swan doing while she was swimming?

2. Why did the raven leave his home?

3. How was the raven different from the swan?

4. How did the raven try to make himself beautiful?

5. The raven wanted his feathers to be in what colour?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|20

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 20

Read the recipe below. Then answer the questions that follow.

You will need / ingredients:

 Chopped ham  Sliced tomato

 Pizza sauce  Sliced onion
 Lebanese bread  Sliced capsicum
 Grated cheese  Sliced mushroom
 Pineapple pieces  An oven tray

1) Spread pizza sauce over the Lebanese bread
2) Top with sliced tomato, onion, capsicum and mushroom
3) Add chopped ham and pineapple pieces.
4) Sprinkle with grated cheese.
5) Put the bread on the oven tray.
6) Bake in a hot oven until the cheese melts and the bread turns

1. What is spread on the bread?

2. Which of the ingredients does not need to be sliced?

3. What kind of bread is used to make the pizza?

4. From the recipe, name the meat that you can put on the pizza.

5. When is the pizza ready?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|21

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 21

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Jonas is going apple picking with his sister, Maria.
They are going to the apple orchard near their house.
They need to pick twelve apples. Their mom is going to
use the apples to make a big apple pie. At the orchard,
Jonas picked nine apples and Maria picked three.
They had a great day together. Now they can’t wait
to enjoy their pie!

1. Where is Jonas going?

2. Who is he going with?

3. From where do they get the apples from?

4. How many apples do they need?

5. What will their mom do with the apples?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|22

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 22

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Alexa is going to a baseball game with her dad.
She can hardly wait! It is the first game of the
season and they have front row seats! When they get to
the stadium, it is very loud. Alexa loves baseball but
her favorite part of the game is the snacks. In the middle of the
game, a man wearing red stripes walks up
and down the aisles yelling, “Peanuts! Popcorn!”
“Dad! Can we please get some popcorn?” asks Alexa. “Sure,” says
dad. He raises his hand and yells, “We will take a large popcorn!” He
hands Alexa the popcorn and they share it as they finish watching
the game. They are having a great time!

1. What is the story about?

2. Where is Alexa going?

3. Who is she going with?

4. Where are their seats?

5. What did they get to eat?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|23

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 23

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Rico’s class went to the school carnival today. It was a lot of fun.
Rico won two prizes. He won a blue balloon and a toy car.
He had a great time with all of his friends. First, he played a few
games. Then, he got popcorn and lemonade with his friends.
Finally, he got to watch a magic show. Rico can’t wait to get home
and tell his parents all about his fun day!

1. Where did Rico’s class go?

2. What did Rico win?

3. What did he do first?

4. What did Rico eat at the carnival?

5. What did Rico drink at the carnival ?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|24

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 24

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Joey and Jake spent the weekend looking for bugs. They saw a lot of
different types of bugs. First, they saw an ant. It was on an ant hill.
Next, they saw a big spider. Joey ran away from that bug. He hates
spiders! Then, they saw a caterpillar on a tree branch. Finally, they
saw a bee sitting on a flower. “I bet it is getting something to eat!”
said Jake. At the end of the day, the boys saw ten different types of
bugs. They had a fun day!

1. What did Joey and Jake do during the weekend?

2. What did they see first?

3. What did Joey run from? Why?

4. Where did they see a caterpillar?

5. Do they have fun?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|25

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 25

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Tony’s class was playing kickball for recess. He
was having so much fun! When the ball went flying
into the air, he quickly ran to catch it. Instead of
catching the ball, the ball hit Tony’s head. Tony fell
to the ground. “My head really hurts,” he told his
teacher. Tony’s teacher walked him to the school
nurse. She gave Tony an ice pack for his head.
Soon, his head began to feel better.

1. What did Tony play during his recess time?

2. Was he having fun playing kickball?

3. What happened to Tony as he was trying to catch the ball?

4. Who did Tony go to when he hurt himself?

5. What did the nurse do to make him feel better?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|26

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 26

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.


If you walk into Suzy’s room, you wouldn’t
find a thing out of place. Suzy loves to clean.
She always makes sure that her room is nice
and neat. At school, her desk is always the
cleanest one in her class! She has a spot for
each one of her books. When Suzy needs
something, she always knows where to find it.

1. The story is about who?

2. What does Suzy loves to do?

3. Is it true that Suzy always make sure that her room is nice and

4. Is Suzy the cleanest person in her class?

5. Do you want to be like Suzy?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|27

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 27

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Emily is nervous about her big science test tomorrow.
There are a few topics that she still doesn’t understand.
When she gets home from school, she asks her older
sister to help her study. The two girls make flash cards
on the topics Emily is having trouble with. Emily reads
over the cards and her sister asks her questions. By
the end of the night, Emily feels so much better. “I
think I am going to get an A!” she says.

1. Who is the story about?

2. What test is Emily going to have tomorrow?

3. Who helped Emily to study at home?

4. What did Emily and her sister made at home to revise the topic
that Emily have trouble with?

5. By the end of the night, how did Emily feels?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|28

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 28

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.


Wally is a big blue whale. Wally lives in
the ocean. He swims with his whale friends.
Sometimes Wally dives deep then he jumps
high into the air. When he lands in the
water, Wally makes a big splash!

1. What kind of animal is Wally?

2. What colour is Wally?

3. Who does Wally swims with?

4. What does Wally do after he dives deep?

5. What happens when Wally lands in the water?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|29

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 29

Read the passage below. Then answer the questions that follow.


There is a new water park in town. We go there on the first day of
summer. It has pools and water slides. There are sprinklers too.
The slides are scary at first. After the first ride, we love the water
slides. The sprinklers are cool on hot days. One of the pools makes
its own waves. All the kids try to surf the waves. It is really fun.

The water park can be over crowded. There are many kids and
adults, but they do not allow pets. We really like the ice cream at the
snack bar. They sell pop and donuts.
We all love the new water park.

1. What is new in town?

2. What is scary at first?

3. What is cool on a hot day?

4. What did all the kids try?

5. What do they love at the snack bar?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|30

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 30

Read the recipe below. Then answer the questions that follow.


You will need / ingredients:

 Strawberries, kiwi fruit, green grapes, a banana and a watermelon

 A tub of strawberry yoghurt
 A cutting board
 A blunt knife
 A small bowl
 A teaspoon
 Paper towels
 Wooden skewers with the sharp ends removed


1) Wash the fruit and pat dry with the paper towels.
2) Peel and cut the kiwi fruit, banana and watermelon into chunks.
3) Carefully thread one piece of each fruit onto a skewer.
4) Keep going until the fruit is used up.
5) Put some yoghurt in a small bowl.
6) Add a teaspoon of yoghurt onto a skewer and eat!

1. Which fruit does not need to be cut into chunks?

2. What should you do after you have washed the fruit?

3. In the recipe, what two things do you use the knife for?

4. What kind of knife is used in this recipe?

5. Do you think this will be a good snack for you? Why?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|31

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 31

Read the poster below. Then answer the questions that follow.

1. How many days is the book fair?

2. What time does the book fair start?

3. When does the book fair start?

4. Who will receive a free gift?

5. How many times a year does this book fair take place?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|32

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 32

Read the poster below. Then answer the questions that follow.

1. Who would be able to take part in the Soundcastle Building


2. Where is the Sandcastle Building Competition taking place?

3. Who are the organisers of the Sandcastle Building Competition?

4. What does the winner of the competition receive?

5. Who will receive a free goodie bag?

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|33

English Comprehension Year 1 | 2019

Comprehension 33

Read the poster below. Then answer the questions that follow.

1. What is Mr David’s lost pet?

2. Since when has Mr David’s pet been missing?

3. What colour is Mr David’s pet?

4. What disability does Mr David’s pet have?

5. What reward will be given in return if someone’s found the

Reference Book – Comprehension Skills Level 1 & Step Up Comprehension Skill 1 & Kaitlynn
Albani & K5 Learning & Ultimate Guide for Vocabs, Grammar and Comprehension Primary 1

Compiled by Nurul Hazirah Mahmud|34

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