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Individual Reporting

Grades and Insights

by Rose Ann H. Zimara

Name of Topic/Lesson Observation/Recommendation Grade

Shirley Multimedia • She presented the topic well. 1.25
Berondo Technology and • She has a good communication skill.
21st Century • She can answer all the queries.
May 15, Skills under
2021 Future Patterns
in Education


Every day, we are confronted with changes, whether it be a simple change in the weather
or a disruption in our routine. We are all affected by change, and we all deal with it in different
ways as this is the only constant in life, the only thing which we can be sure of. In early days,
students used to go to the library to conduct a research for their assignments and projects, but today
with just one click, they may access a variety of information. Without a doubt, technology has
significantly changed and improved our lives.
In education, the majority of today's students are digital natives as they come from
Generation Z. They can learn independently in the digital environment since answers to their
inquiries are available at any moment. This situation sometimes leads learners to know more than
their teachers. As a result, the role of 21st century teachers is crucial for the success of our current
educational system. However, some teachers, particularly those who have taught for a long time
or we called it “seasoned teachers”, are resisting to incorporate technology in their classes because
they firmly believe that the traditional method of instruction is the best as they taught that way and
maybe they are afraid of the unknown. They have no idea where technology will take them or
whether it will help them improve their performance or the other way around. If there is one good
thing that Pandemic has brought about, it creates opportunity for teachers to innovate teaching
ideas and methodologies to meet the demands of the “New Normal Education”. For an instance,
during the first three weeks of conducting online classes, our Master Teacher asked me to assist
her in teaching her students because she didn’t know how to operate the computer. We were also
having our one-on-one session after our class just to explain to her the different features of the
Google Meet and other online platforms. Eventually, one day, she told me that she already grasped
the entire process, and she had the confidence to do it alone. Now, she is enjoying teaching her
students online. With this experience, I realize that in all spheres of human endeavor, when people
are motivated, they tend to do more than originally intend to do. A passionate teacher can turn “I
can’t” into “I can” we only give them the assistance that they need and the purpose why they must
do it. Teachers must accept the fact that they will be left behind if they do not adapt to these
Nevertheless, as we adapt to the changes brought on by technology, we must never lose
sight of our primary goal: to educate our learners for life in the real world. We, as teachers, should
use real-life situations to inculcate them the skills and values they will need to survive the
challenges of life which technology cannot do.

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