Participation Information Sheet Final - Edited

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Participant’s Information Sheet

Section A: Research project

Title of project: A study on the Impact of Innovation Management on Small Business

Companies in the UK

Current Degree Program:

Supervisor Name:

Most small and big size businesses are upgrading their technology in this present era of
digitalization to improve their business performance. Innovation management aids in the
generation of new and creative ideas that can aid in the organization's success. In this sense,
"innovation management" refers to dealing with all of the fresh ideas needed to "bring something
new," which in practice entails things like getting up with a clear brain, creating, prioritizing, and
implementing ideas. This study aims to look into the influence of innovation management on
SMEs in the United Kingdom. It first primarily refers to the individuals who work for the
institution's capabilities, fascinating pieces of knowledge, know-how, and practical talents.
Individuals are the focus of the capabilities viewpoint, as growth is highly reliant on the talents
of both individuals and communities as a whole. Implementing innovation management may
improve overall business development and future growth and consumer involvement in SMEs.
As a consequence, SMEs may gain a competitive advantage and achieve commercial success in
the UK market. By performing research, this study provides light on assessing the influence of
"innovation management" on the productivity rate of SMEs in the United Kingdom.

Research philosophy: It is a set of ideas about gathering, analysing, and evaluating facts about a
phenomenon or a topic. So, the research philosophy is an important part of the research
technique, as it concerns the source and growth of knowledge. Interpretivism is one of the
research philosophies employed in this study, and it comprises a naturalistic method to data
collecting, such as interviews and observations.
Research approach: It refers to the researcher's strategies and processes for gathering sufficient
data for the research project. The research strategy enables the researcher to effectively and
logically attain the study objectives and aims. Because it aligned with the interpretivism
ideology, the current study used an inductive research technique. Furthermore, it is a flexible
research method that is based on pre-existing hypotheses.
Data collection: The study will use primary data collecting to obtain first-hand information from
the participants. The semi-structured interview was used as a research instrument for this study,
and it is a commonly used approach in qualitative research. It allows interviewees to freely
express their ideas, and the interviewer is allowed to ask open-ended questions. Furthermore, the
semi-structured interview is appropriate for qualitative research projects since it prioritizes
respondents' convenience over the interviewer's convenience. The interview would be done with
eight interviewees from Small Business Companies in the UK.

On the other hand, interviewing employees is a good idea for the present study to get the greatest
results. Data will be collected and recorded during the employee interviews, and most
importantly, it will be transcribed using the transcript. This allows for a thorough and frequent
assessment of employee reactions on the Impact of Innovation Management on Small Business
Companies in the UK.
When the data is obtained, it will be analyzed using thematic analysis, which is an effective
approach for finding the study's key topics. The interview will be performed in accordance with
all ethical research standards; that is, personal information and other information will not be
shared with anyone other than the institution, and it will be kept secret under the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Section B: Your participation in the research report

Thank you for reading the above section of the research and for devoting your important time to
the study. Since the research must be completed, the study will be done for academic purposes
and as part of my degree programme. In addition, the research will look at the Impact of
Innovation Management on Small Business Companies in the UK.
A total of eight employees were chosen as the sample size for the study to evaluate the Impact of
Innovation Management on Small Business Companies in the UK.
The information you supplied in the interview part has a significant effect and impact on the
study's credibility; therefore, your valuable contribution to the research is extremely important. It
is to inform you that your personal information and any other information you provide will not
be shared with anybody without your consent. In addition, I guarantee that your answers to
interview questions will be kept private and anonymous.
The information you supplied will be treated as private under the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR). Furthermore, if you do not choose to participate in the study, you have the
right to withdraw from the interview at any time and without giving any reason. If you are unable
to participate in the research project, please contact the phone listed below.

Email and contact number:

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