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J. Environ. Res. Develop.

Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013


Kumar Anil, Prakash Om*1, Kaviti Ajay and Tomar Abhishek2
1. Department of Energy, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (INDIA)
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sagar Institute of Science and Technology,
Bhopal (INDIA)

Received December 08, 2012 Accepted March 10, 2013

The use of solar energy in recent years had reached a remarkable edge. The continuous research
for an alternative power source due to the perceived scarcity of fuel fossils is its driving force. It
had become even more popular as the cost of fossil fuel continues to rise. Among all the
renewable sources of energy available, solar energy is the most abundant one and is available in
both direct as well as indirect forms. In this paper, the performance of active and passive
greenhouse dryer is evaluated under no-load in monsoon season. The hourly data for the ambient
temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, radiation intensity were taken inside and outside
the greenhouse dryers. These data are used for the determination of the performance of both
type of greenhouse dryer. From the experimental results, it can be concluded that drying
conditions in passive mode of greenhouse drying are not favorable as relative humidity inside
the dyer is high. However, drying in active mode is more encouraging as relative humidity can
be maintained through exhaust fan. Monsoon seasons were more unpredictable and resulted in
poorer drying conditions.
Key Words : Solar energy, Solar dryer, Efficiency, Seasonal performance, Monsoon

INTRODUCTION toxin development. This process has several

disadvantages like spoilage of product due to
According to investigations around 15% of the
adverse climatic condition like rain, wind,
world population today is undernourished. The
moist and dust, loss of material due to birds
increase in world population will strengthen
and animals, deterioration of the material by
the yet existing population–food imbalance.
decomposition, insect infestation and fungal
Besides increasing food supply and limiting
growth. Also the process is highly labor
population growth, drastically reducing the
intensive, time consuming and requires large
food losses which occur throughout food
area. With cultural and industrial development,
production, harvest, post-harvest and
artificial mechanical drying came into practice.
marketing seems to be a viable option. The
This process is highly energy intensive and
reduction of food losses is particularly a
expensive, which ultimately increases product
problem for small farmers in developing
cost. Thus solar drying is the best alternative as
countries who produce more than 80% of the
a solution of all the drawbacks of natural
food. Solar drying is in practice since time
drying and artificial mechanical drying.
immemorial for preservation of food and
Greenhouse solar dryers use regular
agriculture crops. This was done particularly
greenhouse structure where the product is
by open sun drying under the open sky. Since
placed in the trays receiving the solar radiation
traditional sun drying is a relatively slow
through the plastic cover while the moisture is
process, considerable losses can occur. In
removed by natural convection or forced air
addition, a reduction in the product quality
flow. Placing a plastic covering over the crop
takes place due to insect infestation, enzymatic
produces a greenhouse effect to trap the solar
reactions, microorganism growth and myco-
energy in the form of thermal heat radiation
*Author for correspondence and prevents conduction heat loss. The rate of
J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013
drying (moisture evaporation) depends on a The experimental analysis on indirect solar
number of external parameters (solar radiation, dryer under unloading conditions during non-
ambient temperature, wind velocity and summer months has been carried out.9 An
relative humidity) and internal parameters Auto-CAD analysis used for writing energy
(initial moisture contents, type of crops, crop balance equations on green house dryer was
absorptivity, mass of product per unit exposed implemented.10-12
area etc.). Recently many researchers have
performed both experimental and modeling on
the performance of solar dryer under open sun From the above literature, it was noted that
conditions. It has been reported 1 during their there was dearth in the research done under
studies that the energy efficiency and energy unloading conditions. The present study
utilization have considerable dependence on discusses in detail the effect of various
drying conditions especially time and operating parameters on the performance of
temperature. An extensive review has been green house dryer under unloading conditions
done on solar dryers.2,3 It was reported from by considering the variations of ambient
their review that it could be highly cost- conditions (temperature and solar radiation),
effective approach to apply solar drying for velocity of air and relative humidity both in
drying agricultural and marine products. In the natural and forced modes of drying.
review done4,5, they have presented that the
selection of solar dryers depends upon the MATERIAL AND METHODS
particular application and agricultural needs. Experimental Setup
Based on these there are basically two types of A roof type even span greenhouse with 1.50×
dryers, active and passive. A study of review 1.01 m2 effective floor covering area was made
has been by6 to improve the cost effectiveness of PVC pipe and covered with polycarbonate
in order to qualitatively dry the products by sheet of thickness 3 mm. The central height of
using solar assistance. In the recent past, an
this single chamber dryer was 0.73 m. Two
experimental analysis and modeling on green
vents of 0.01m diameter were drilled in the
house solar dryer has been carried out.7 The
bottom of the dryer for inlet air which is being
researchers used polycarbonate cover to
minimize the UV radiations and it has been heated and sent out. An air vent was provided
reported that it is an effective means to get for the purpose of moisture removal at the roof
good quality dried products. It was reported for natural convection. Experimental setup for
that both the mathematical modeling is in good greenhouse drying in the natural mode is
agreement with their experimental results. A shown in Fig. 1(a). For forced convection a
detailed review on especially experimental fan was provided on the sidewall of the
techniques on solar dryer was been presented.8 greenhouse during the experiments Fig. 1(b).

(a) (b)
Fig. 1 : (a) Natural convection mode (b) Forced convection mode
Instrumentation 2000 W/m2, 634BTU / (ft2xh). Anemometer
The instruments used were solar power meter cum thermometer used to measure wind
used to measure solar insolation with range of velocity and temperature having range of
J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013
temperature from -120 to 1370 oC and wind dryer with respect to the ambient temperature
speed of 0.2 to 60 m/s. Infrared thermometer and time. The results are depicted below in
used to measure ground temperature inside and graph which show that maximum inside
ground greenhouse having range -18 to 275oC temperature for natural dryer was 38.7oC at
was used. Relative humidity meter with a 1:00PM respectively whereas for forced dryer
range of 10 to 95% was used. it was 41.3oC which shows that the at the same
Experimentation time there is high temperature in forced dryer.
Experimental tests were undertaken at MANIT So more efficient drying can be done in forced
Bhopal in India situated on latitude 23026' N, dryer.
longitude 770 40' E and at an altitude of 498 m Fig. 5 shows the variation of ground
above standard sea level. The experiment is temperature with the ambient temperature and
performed on green house dryer under no load time. It shows that the maximum ground
condition during the monsoon season between temperature was found to be 49.8oC at 12:00
May and August. The effects of ambient PM.
radiation and temperature conditions with Fig. 6 shows the variation of the relative
relative humidity on the dryer performance are humidity inside dryer with ambient condition
studied in both active and passive conditions. during the time of the day. It can be depicted
that the maximum relative humidity was found
to be 59.6 % for natural and forced convection
After construction of the solar drier, it was mode.
tested empty or at the unload condition. The Fig. 7 shows the variation of the wind velocity
analysis was carried out such as solar radiation with duration of the day. The results are as
intensity, relative humidity, wind velocity, shown below. The maximum wind velocity for
ground temperature at ambient as well as the day was incurred at 2:00PM which was
inside green house dryer. The diurnal 0.18m/sec.
variations in weather conditions and the Fig. 8 to Fig.13 shows the variation of the
performance of the dryer for two tests typical parameter with the time for day 2. Fig. 8
of the wet season’s results are shown in Fig. 2 shows the variation of solar radiation with
to Fig. 13 for illustration and are reasonably time. It can be depicted that the maximum
representative of the general trend during radiation intensity is 985w/m2 at 12:00PM
season. These results have been presented for whereas the maximum diffused radiation
the relevant practical duration of the tests. Fig. intensity was 200w/m2. Fig. 9 shows the
2 to Fig. 7 below shows the variation of the variation of solar radiation inside the dryer
various parameter with respect to time for with time. It can be seen that the maximum
day1. global radiation is 827w/m2 whereas the
Fig. 2 depicts the variation of solar radiation minimum was 336w/m2.
(global, diffuse) with respect to time. It shows Fig.10 depicts the variation of temperature
that the maximum solar intensity was 999 inside the dryers with ambient temperature and
w/m2 during which the time was 12:00 PM time. The variation is as shown below.
whereas the maximum solar radiation in the Similarly Fig. 11 shows the variation of the
diffused form was 190w/m2 at 12:00 PM. ground temperature inside the dryer with
Fig. 3 shows the variation of solar radiation ambient temperature and time. The results are
inside the dryer for both natural as well forced plotted below. Similarly Fig. 12 shows the
convection mode. It depicts that the maximum variation of the relative humidity inside the
solar radiation in global form was 830w/m2 dryer with ambient relative humidity and time.
whereas the minimum was 46w/m2 at 3:00 The results are plotted below. Similarly Fig. 13
PM. Variation is as shown below. shows the variation of the air velocity inside
Fig. 4 shows the variation of temperature the dryer with time. The results are plotted
inside the forced as well as natural type solar below.
J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013

Global radiation
Radiation Diffuse radiation

Radiation (W/m2) 1000

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 2 : Variation of solar radiation

(inside) Diffuse radiation (inside)

Radiation (W/m2)

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 3 : Variation of inside solar radiation

Ambient temperature Temperature inside (natural) Temperature inside (forced)

Temperature (0C)

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 4 : Variation of inside temperature

J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013

Ground temperature (forced) Ground temperature (natural) Ambient temperature

Temperature (0C) 50
10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 5 : Variation of ground temperature

Relative humidity ambient Relative humidity forced Relative humidity (natural)

Relative humidity (%)

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 6 : Variation of relative humidity

Wind velocity
Wind velocity (m/sec)





10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 7 : Variation of wind velocity

J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013

Global radiation Diffuse radiation

Solar radiation (w/m2)
10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 8 : Variation of solar radiation for day 2

Diffuse radiation inside Global radiation inside

Solar radiation (w/m2)

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 9 : Variation of inside solar radiation for day 2

Temperature ambient temperatureinside

Temperature insidenatural
natural Temperature inside forced

Temperature (0C)

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 10 : Variation of temperature

J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013

Ambient temperature Ground temperature natural Ground

Groundtemperature forced
Temperature forced

Temperature( 0C)




10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM

Time (hr)

Fig. 11 : Variation of ground temperature

Ambient relative humidity Relative humidity forced Relative humidity natural

Relative humidity (%)

10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 12 : Variation of relative humidity

Wind velocity

Wind velocity (m/sec)


10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Time (hr)

Fig. 13 : Variation of wind velocity

J. Environ. Res. Develop.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 7 No. 4, April-June 2013
CONCLUSION 5. Lalit M. Bal, Santosh Satya and Naik S.N.
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disadvantages of traditional open sun drying
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6. Fadhel M.I., Sopian K., Daud W.R.W. and
model for the natural and forced solar green
Alghoul M.A., Review on advanced of solar
house dryer was developed. It has been
assisted chemical heat pump dryer for
observed that the maximum inside temperature
agriculture produce, Renew. Sustain. Ene.
in natural convection was found to be 40.60C
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and maximum inside temperature for forced
convection was found to be 41.40C. Thus it is 7. Serm Janjai, Poolsak Intawee, Jinda
observed that by forced convection efficiency Kaewkiew, Chanoke Sritus and Vathsana
increased by 2%. It has been also observed that Khamvongsa, A large-scale solar greenhouse
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overcast, frequent rain and high relative Kruthika Eswaran and Pushpito K. Ghosh,
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