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Lecture 17:

Basic Principles of Green Building

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Problems with Conventional Buildings
• Conventional building construction, use and demolition,
together with the manufacturing of building materials, has
multiple impacts on the local, regional, and global
environment (US Stats shows:)
- 65% of electricity consumption
- 30% of greenhouse gas emissions
- 30% of raw materials use
- 30% of landfill waste
- 12% of potable water consumption
• Poor indoor air quality relates to respiratory health
problems, leading to reduced productivity and increased

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

What is Green Building
• Also known as “sustainable building”
• A structure that is designed, built, renovated,
operated, or reused in an ecological and
resource-efficient manner
• A process where every element of the design is
first optimized and then the impact and
interrelationship of various different elements
and systems within the building and site are re-
evaluated, and integrated as part of a whole
building solution.
Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
What is Green Building
• Green building is a proactive way to address
issues of conventional design by creating
buildings that:
- Minimize the use of non-renewable
- Maximize the use of renewable resources
- Promote people’s health
- Reduce harm to the environment
Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Elements of Green Building
Site Design

Conservation Water Quality

of Materials and
and Resources Conservation


Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Sustainable Site Design
• Only select a new site when
• For new sites, avoid areas
where local ecosystem will
be damaged and harmed
• Orient the building to a
position that can utilize
natural elements like solar
energy, heat, ventilation,
shade and drainage
• Select a site that allows
access to mass transit
Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Water Quality and Conservation
• Set a water budget and
implement features that help
achieve the budget
• Improve water conservation
and quality by utilizing
indigenous trees and plants
that do not require irrigation,
fertilizers or pesticides
• Maximize the recycling and
reuse of water, including
harvested rainwater, storm
water, and gray water.
Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Water Quality and Conservation
• Design for dual plumbing to use recycled water
or rainwater for toilet flushing
• Minimize wastewater by using ultra low-flush
toilets, low-flow shower heads, waterless
urinals, and other water conserving fixtures
• Install point-of-use hot water heating systems
for more distant locations.
• Use state-of-the-art water use controllers, such
as self-closing nozzles on taps and hoses.
• Eliminate leaks; caulk around pipes and
plumbing fixtures; conduct annual checks of
hoses and pipes.
• Use biological waste treatment systems to treat
waste on-site

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Energy and Environment
• Employ renewable energy
sources such as daylighting,
passive solar heating,
photovoltaics, geothermal, and
groundwater cooling
• Maximize the use of shade
• Use natural ventilation
• Use energy efficient appliances
• Use new-age lighting products
and settings

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Environment and Energy
• Incorporate sensors and controls and design
circuits so that lighting along perimeter zones
and offices can be switched off
independently from other interior lights
when daylighting is sufficient in perimeter

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Indoor Environment Quality
• Use building materials, adhesives, sealants,
finishes and furnishings which do not contain,
harbor, generate or release any particulate or
gaseous contaminants including volatile organic
• Provide completely dedicated smoking areas that
are physically isolated
• Install new air filters and clean any contaminated
ductwork and ventilation equipment
• Use fresh outdoor air to naturally or mechanically
purge the building of any remaining airborne
gaseous or particulate contaminants
• Remove all trash and recyclables from the
building on a regular basis rather than storing
them within the building for prolonged periods of
time to minimize odor problems

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Indoor Environment Quality
• Maximize the use of operable windows and natural
ventilation; provide windows in all occupied spaces
• Minimize noise through the use of sound-absorbing
materials, high sound transmission loss walls, floors, and
ceilings, and equipment sound isolation
• Use light color on walls
• Optimize solar orientation and design the building to
maximize penetration of natural daylight into interior spaces

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Materials and Resources
• Recycle components of existing buildings or facilities, such
as windows or metal door frames, in any new construction
• Use reconditioned products and equipment, such as
furniture, whenever economically feasible and resource
• Optimize the use of engineered materials such as
engineered trusses, composite materials and structural
systems (high strength with less amount of materials)

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Materials and Resources
• Specify rapidly renewable materials that
regenerate in 10 years or less, such as bamboo,
cork, wool, and straw
• Limit construction debris, encourage the
separation of waste streams and recycling during
the construction process
• Use products where life-cycle can be analyzed to
fit waste reduction and recycling
• Avoid materials that pollute and not compatible
with reuse and recycling
Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
• Reduced capital costs
Financial • Reduced O/M costs
• Reduced risks and liabilities

• Less impact on the natural environment

Environmental • Healthy environment and improved

• Stronger social networks

Social • Increased environmental awareness

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

7 Steps to Green Building

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

• SITING (ecosystem, solar, water, wind)
• LOCATION (walkable, access to mass transport,
access to natural systems
• ENERGY EFFICIENCY (insulation, LED lights,
appliances, solar power, wind power)
• WATER EFFICIENCY (water budget, rainwater
harvesting, recycling wastewater, dual pipes)
• NATURAL SYSTEMS (light, ventilation, gravity)
• GREEN MATERIALS (non-toxic, reusable,
recyclable, renewable)

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

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