1. Ho: μ=.29 Ha: μ ≠.29 2. α=

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Activity #4

Write the 5 – step solutions for each of the following problems.

1. A manufacturer claims that the average nicotine content of a certain kind of cigarette is
.29 milligrams. Suspecting that this figure is too low, a government protection service
takes a random sample of 25 of these cigarettes from different production plants and
found that their nicotine content has a mean of 0.33 milligrams with a standard deviation
of 0.15 milligram. Use 0.05 level of significance and p-Value = 0.097470337 to test if the
nicotine content of the samples is higher than what the manufacturer’s claim.

n=25 x= 0.33 σ =0.15

1. Ho : μ=.29 Ha: μ ≠.29

2. α =¿ 0.05 ; p-value = 0.097470337 ; 2 tailed non-directional

( x−μ) √ n √ 25 = 0.2
= (0.33−0.29)
0.15 0.15
= 1.33

P-value = 0.09747033 / 2 = 0.0487

α= 0.05 / 2 = 0.025

3. Decision rule: Reject Ho if p-value (0.097470337) ≤ α(0.05)

4. Decision: Reject the alternative hypothesis
5. Conclusion: The P-value for the test statistic is P(Z > z) = P(Z > 0.09747033) =
0.0487. Since the P-value is less than 5% we reject the null hypothesis at 5%
significance level.

2. A computer teacher wants to find out if Gogo search engine is more efficient (faster)
than Yakoo in downloading heavy graphics materials. A sample of ten materials were
downloaded at the same time, the result is given in minutes and processed by Microsoft
Excel. Test at level.

Gogo Yakoo t-Test: Two-Sample

Assuming Equal Variances

10 12

8 15 Gogo Yakoo

15 20 Mean 7.5 11

16 25 Variance 28.72222222 49.77777778

5 8 Observations 10 10

11 9 Pooled Variance 39.25 39.25

3 6 Hypothesized Mean 0 0

1 5 df 18 18

4 3 t Stat -1.249203568 -1.2492

2 7 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.11379602 8 .113796

t Critical one-tail 1.734063062 1.7340

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.227592057 .227592

t Critical two-tail 2.100923666 2.10


N1: 10
df1 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M1: 7.5
SS1: 258.5
s21 = SS1/(N - 1) = 258.5/(10-1) = 28.72

N2: 10
df2 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M2: 11
SS2: 448
s22 = SS2/(N - 1) = 448/(10-1) = 49.78


s2p = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22) = ((9/18) * 28.72) + ((9/18) *
49.78) = 39.25

s2M1 = s2p/N1 = 39.25/10 = 3.92

s2M2 = s2p/N2 = 39.25/10 = 3.92

t = (M1 - M2)/√(s2M1 + s2M2) = -3.5/√7.85 = -1.25

One Tail: The t-value is -1.2492. The p-value is .113796. The result is not significant at p
< .05

Two tail: The t-value is -1.2492. The p-value is .227592. The result is not significant at p
< .05.

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