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1.2 Background to the study
Surveying has traditionally been defined as the science, art and technology of determining the
relative position of points above, on, or beneath the earth’s surface, or of establishing such point
(Ghilani and wolf, 2008). In a broad sense, surveying can be regarded as that discipline which
encompasses all methods for measuring and collecting information about the physical earth and
our environment, processing that information, and disseminating a variety of resulting products
to a wide range of clients.
Route surveying is an aspect operation that is required to established the horizontal and vertical
component of the road. It is the survey conducted along a route or alignment or center line of any
long construction to determine the best route between the terminal points and to fix alignment
and other details of the selected route of the engineering project.
Route surveys are used by various professional among whom are geologists, civil engineering
surveyors, town planners, military and architects to mention but few. The term “ route
surveying” refers to a survey of the earth” surface along a particular route in the compilation and
updating of topographical, geological, soil, and the other maps and the correlation of selected
contours and objects with geodetic reference points or landmark during the linear surveys, and
also in the study of dynamic of natural and socio economical phenomena in a narrow strip of
terrain. DIX, (1983)
Topography can be defined as the shape or configuration or relief or roughness or three-
dimensional quality of the earth surface the object of topographical surveying is to produce a
map showing elevations, natural and artificial feature and forms of the earth’s surface. It is
drawn from field survey data or aerial photography’s. Modish, (2021)
Topography is a field of geosciences and planetary science comprising the study of surface shape
and features of the earth and other observable astronomical objects including planets, moons and
asteroids, it is also the description of such surface shapes and features (especially their depiction
in maps).the topography of an area could also mean the surface shape and features themselves In
general, topography is concerned with local details in general, including not only relief but also
natural and artificial features and even local history and culture. The term topography originated
in ancient Greece and continued in ancient Rome, as the detailed description of a place the word

comes from the Greek words to one (Topos “place”) in the 20th century the term topography
started to be used to describe surface description in other fields where mapping in a broader
sense is used, particularly in medical fields such as neurology.( Modish, 2021)
Topography is generally known as the study of earth surface, and its features and shape. It also
gives the description of the features (such as surface, shapes, vegetation cover & elevations),
depicted in maps. In essence, topography mainly concerned with local details such as vegetative
and man-made features including local history and culture. More specifically, topographic
surveying involves the gathering information on terrain, three dimensional details of the surface
including recognizing the specific landforms. In modern terms, it is the generation of data
digitally or electronically. The outcome of topographic survey is the graphic representation of a
given land parcel on a map using several techniques such as contour lines, Hypsometric tints and
relief shading (i.e. topographic maps). There are varieties of methods used in topographic
surveying. For example, direct surveying, remote sensing, aerial and satellite imagery,
photogrammetry, radar and sonar. The most appropriate method to be used depends on the scale,
size (extent of the area of interest), purpose and complexity of the subject to be study. Also, it
depends on the accessibility and the quality of existing survey information (Olaniyi , 2013).
Features typically shown on a topographic survey include trees, slopes and changes in elevation,
streams and rivers, streets and walkways, buildings, fences and walls, manholes, utility poles,
and more. The elevation changes are indicated on the topographic map as contour lines, which
are used by construction contractors, engineers, and architects to design and plan improvements
to the land.
Route survey is a type of engineering surveying that provides height along a proposed of location
design and construction of the route networks, surveyors plays an essential roles in the each
stages involved in engineering surveying. It is the surveyor who will provide information
relevant to the design and construction part of the project.
The stages are classified into three:
i. Project planning and design Stage: the work of the surveyor here is to follow the other
committee to the site in order to ascertain the actual location, then marking out area of
interest, thereafter, produce the detailed large scale plan which serves as the bases plan, the
role of the surveyor here to guide the architects and as well engineers on the interpretation
of the best plan produced.

ii. Monitoring the performance and health conditions of completed structure and facilities.
Route survey provides information necessary for vertical and horizontal alignment of the design
and construction of the route.
There are some reasons behind carrying out route surveying and they are listed below:
i. To have good transportation network in the city.
ii. To boost the economy of a particular community.
iii. For easy communication network in the city.
iv. To know the level of cut and fills that will be applied on commencement of the
Although, the route being an existing one, is untarred and it has been damaged by erosion due to
lack of drainage which shows the need for re-construction. This necessitated the need for
topographic survey and re-design of the route to enhance proper planning which can be used by
corporate bodies and government agencies for re-construction purpose.
1.4 AIM
The main aims of this project is to carry out topographic survey and re-design of Tongo –
Maitani Road in Tongo LGA Area of Adamawa State.
The aim of the study would be achieved through the following objectives:
i. To re-design alignment along the route
ii. To calculate the volume for the cut and fill along the route
The scope of the project covers:

 Reconnaissance survey.
 Station and chainage establishment documentation.
 Traverse connection to established controls.
 Route traversing
 Spot heighting
 Detailing of features along the route.
 Filed sheet reduction.

 Computation of bearing, coordinate and elevations of points and pillars.
 Volume computation
 Plotting of contour map, profile plan, cross-section plan of the project area.
 Report writing
The project site is from Tongo to Maitani Road in Tongo Local Government Area of Adamawa
State. It covers a distance of about 4km. The project site lie within latitude range 7° 25’ 00’’N to
8° 25’ 00’’N and longitude range 10° 50’ 00’’E to 12° 55’ 00’’E.
1.8.2 Soil
Soil is the product of interaction of various natural processes known as factors of soil formation.
It is directly influenced by the parent materials, climate physiography, hydrology and biological
activity. The geological formation soils of Tongo includes alluvium, basement complex,
sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks. The basement complex forms the parent of the soil in the
state. The oldest cretaceous sediments are continental in character and consist of coarse- grained
false- bedded feilspathic sand stones of which Bima sand stone is the most important and most
expensive. Tongo and environs consist of three types of soils. They are Lithosols, Luvisols and
Gleyic Combisoils. The study area lies within the lithosols. This physiographic characteristic is
also an important constituent for understanding loadbearing capacity, and possibilities of
erosion and gulley (Usman, 2005)
1.8.3 Vegetation
Adamawa state is within three of the vegetation zones in Nigeria. The south is covered by the
Southern Guinea Savannah within a mean annual rainfall of 1100 mm to 1600 mm and last for 6
to 7 months. Adamawa central is in the Northern Guinea Savannah., which has a mean rainfall of
900 mm to 1100mm. the Northern zone has the Sudan Savannah with a mean annual rainfall of
700 mm to 900mm to 1050 m. Climate changes and inappropriate land management have largely
depleted the vegetation cover of the state, particularly in the Sudan and Guinea Savannah zones.
This is most evident in Adamawa state and environs where the clearing of large tracks of land for
agriculture and felling of natural trees for fuel/ firewood have devastated the vegetation. (Wahedi
et al. 2020)

1.8.4 Climate
The climate of the study area is characterized by rainy and dry seasons. The rainy period last for
(seven) months beginning from April to November, with rain fall peak in august. The main
annual rainfall is 900 to 1100mm per annum; the dry season is however accompanied by dust as
a result of the north –east trade winds blowing from the Sahara desert. These winds are
commonly known as the harmattan winds, this harmattan wind has dehydrating effects on human
skin. The temperature is relatively high throughout the year with the yearly maximum
temperature of 39.6 degree Celsius and the minimum of 27v degree Celsius, while the average
daily hours of sunshine are between 6 and 8 hours. (
1.8.5 Geology
The basement complex rocks form the dominant parent material of soils the region of Toungo of
Adamawa State. The rocks are a mixture of Bima and Pre- pan Africa organic rocks. (migmatite
gneiss) or pan African granitoids (older granites), Two distinct physiographic regions are
prevalent in the state made up of lowland plains and the highlands. The floodplains are
surrounded by hills ranges. The geological structures in particular, affect the availability of both
shallow and deep underground water and its nearness to aquifer. (Tukur, 2014)


Fig 1 Map Showing Location of the study
Surveying generally is considered to be the bedrock of socio-economic development in the
world. It plays a role in every aspect of human development because all the activities of their
professionals are based on the laid down foundation by surveyor. In all part of socio-economic
development, surveyor is usually the beginner and the final man in the development. (Leydens,
and Lucena 2017) Surveying is indispensable to the engineer when planning, designing and
constructing a project, so all engineers should have a thorough understanding of the limits of
accuracy possible in the construction processes. This knowledge, combined with an equal
understanding of the limits and capabilities of surveying instrumentation and techniques, will
enable the engineer to complete the project successfully in the most economical manner and in
the shortest possible time.
The science of surveying is very wide and it across many disciplines. It basically involves
precise measurements and computations using sophisticated tools and equipment’s. This field of
science plays an important role in the planning, design, and layout and construction of our
physical environment.
Surveying is the measurement of distances and angles; the practice of surveying is an art because
it is dependent upon the skill, judgment, and experience of the surveyor (Nathanson et al, 2006).
From the above, it means that surveying involves measuring distances and angles by the
surveyor using sophisticated instruments to determine the location of points and objects on the
earth surface using his technical skills and abilities. These measurements are done with precision
to achieve maximum accuracy
Ramsey (1997) defined surveying as taking general view by observation and measurement to
determine the boundaries, size, position quantity, condition value of land, state, building, miners,
etc. All these cannot be easily attained without network of controls established through any
survey method like traversing, triangulation, trilateration and so on.
According to Kavanagh (2007), 'Surveying is the art and science of taking field measurements on
or near the surface of the earth. In this definition, he was also of the opinion that apart from the
fact that surveying involves field measurements which includes measuring horizontal and
vertical angles and distances, it also involves precise positioning to define and determine

locations on the earth surface using various techniques. These positioning exercises are carried
out in line with establishing various developmental structure and facilities in view of making life
more convenient and productive to the human population. One of such area where surveying
techniques are applicable is in the development of effective transportation system.
Transportation, which is the movement of persons and goods from one location to another plays
an important role in the political, economic and social development of any country or society
whether in rural or urban societies. Transportation constitutes the main avenue through which
different parts of the society are linked together. In order words, as a society grows in terms of
population and functions, the need for interaction among its various components also grows
thereby requiring quality and effective transportation systems.
Transportation is classified based on the medium of its achievement. It could be through air
ways, water ways or land transport systems. Land transportation is the most important and most
useful medium of movement in most country. Due to its importance in the developmental agenda
of any nation, the responsibility of developing an effective land transport system cuts across all
government cadre; from role played by the local government, state government, to that played at
the federal level in every Nation.
Engineering surveying was defined by (Secdat, 2012) as the type of survey which is associated
with the engineering design (topographic, layout and as built) often requiring geodetic
computations beyond normal civil engineering practice. It is required in planning and execution
of nearly every form of construction. The equipment's commonly used for this are theodolites,
GNSS (GPS) and leveling instrument.
Route survey also covered all the framework and requisite calculations together with maps and
other calculations. Route surveying is a survey along a comparatively narrow strip of territory for
the location, design and construction of any route of transportation.
The above types of transportation bring about Route Survey Operation. According to (Michael,
2006) Route Surveying includes the field and office work required to plan, design, lay out any
"long and narrow" transportation facilities. Also, it deals with earthwork which covers the
movement of soil or rock from one location to the other for construction purposes, that is, a
volume of excavated earth, and as well as embankment.
Route surveying is attributed to a surveying known as differential surveying which is very useful
in the determination and establishment of different in elevation between two or more points.

Differential surveys are to establish a new benchmark reverence to an existing benchmark this is
in turn used in comprising the elevations of several points.(Field, 2008) route surveying are done
with two mainly aims, namely;
1. Determining the best general route between the terminals and
2. Fixing the alignment grades and other details on the selected routes
Engineering principles require that the route should be chosen in such a way that the project may
be constructed and operated with the aim of attaining greater economic buoyant and utility.
A comprehensive route surveying consists of the following sequence of surveys:-
i. Reconnaissance of the terrain between the termin
ii. Preliminary surveys over one more locations along the general route recommended in the
reconnaissance report.
iii. Location survey
iv. Construction survey
According to Anderson et al, (1985), route survey referred to the topographical and construction
surveys necessary for locations and construction of transportation lines or communication such
as highways, canal, transmission lines and pipeline. It is a reality that the surveyors are the major
professionals when it comes to working on any engineering project, for examples, Building
project. They provide special information such as the site location, size of the parcel, the
dimension and total area. The finished product (plan) forms the basis upon which further
development depends.
Route survey according to Anderson et al, (1985) refers to those controls and construction
surveys necessary for the location and construction of line transportation and communication
which may include highways, railways, canals, transmission lines, pipelines. They explained
further that the expression route surveying used in a general topographical could be applied to
survey required to establish the horizontal and vertical alignment. For the transportation facilities
in the general case. The contribution of Anderson et al, (1985) to the study of route surveying
made it known that in order to plan and to perform the survey needed to acquire the data of route
survey, the surveyor must be familiar with the following:

1. The geometry of horizontal and vertical curves and how they are used in the route
alignment procedure.

2. The method of acquiring terrain data utilize in route design

3. The procedure followed in processing terrain data to obtain to earth work volumes

4. Establishment on the ground, a system of staves on marker both in plane and elevation
from which the construction force can take measurement of earthwork and structure

5. Giving line and grade as needed either to replace stakes disturbed by construction or

to reach additional point on the structure itself.

6. Making measurements necessary to verify the location of completed part of the structure
(As-built survey).

Construction is one of the largest industries in the world. Surveying plays in extremely important
role in any construction project. Surveying can take many forms. It is used to establish the
location and alignment of highways, buildings, pipes and other manmade or cultural projects.
After the project is completed, As-Built survey performed to indicate any modification carried
out on the original design of the road. The end result is a smooth alignment with smooth
transition from straight to curved sections, allowing tor safe public transportation.

The major reason for carrying our route surveying is to facilitate movement of the people
yielding to socio-economic benefits.

When manmade structures are erected in a certain area, it is necessary to plan, design and
construct an adequate drainage system. Generally, an underground drainage system which is the
most desirable way to remove surface water effectively from operating areas. Flooding caused by
an inadequate drainage system is the most prevailing cause leading to a rapid deterioration of
road. The construction and installation of drainage helps a lot

The line projected by the preliminary surveys, after it has been carefully studied and compared
with regards to the cost and operating expenses, solution would be made of the scheme to be

The final location may be performed entirely on the field whereby the surveyors use the
gradients shown in the profile as a guide seeking for improvement in the alignment. The detailed

work would be performed by traversing (David 1968) the sequences of surveys are herein stated

1. Reconnaissance Survey: This is the examination of all or part of an accomplished insufficient

detail to make generalizations about the type and distribution of historic properties present
within a given project area. A reconnaissance survey provide data that enables design
engineers to study the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of routes and then to
determine which routes are feasible.
2. Preliminary Survey:- A preliminary survey is a more detailed study of one or more routes
tentatively selected on the basis of a reconnaissance survey report. It concise essentially of
surveying and mapping of a strip of land along the centre of a tentatively selected route. It is
detailed survey of a strip of territory though which he propose line is expected to run. The
preliminary survey is made of the bet of the several lines directions investigated previously
on the reconnaissance survey. The purpose is to prepare an accurate topographic map of the
belt of country along the selected route, and thus arrive at a fairly close estimate of the cost
of the line/direction surveyed.
3. Location Survey:- This is the establishment of points on the ground and lines in positions
which have been determined previously by computation or by graphic methods, or by a
description obtained from data supplied by documents of record, such as maps, deeds, or
other sources. The location survey is the ground location of the proposed line marked on the
map. The main purpose of location survey is to make minor improvements on the line as
many appear desirable on the ground, and to fix up the final run over the centreline,
benchmark is established, and profile made with shows the quantity of earth work filling or
cutting may be computed. The notes at every full station and at intermediate points along the
line where the ground slope change abruptly should not be overlooked.
4. Construction Survey:-This is to stake out reference points that will guide the construction of
new structures such as roads or buildings. The purpose of construction survey is to re-
establish points, lines and grades on the ground during construction. It is also consists of
staking out various details culverts and bridges and in carrying out such other surveying as
may be needed for the purpose of construction.

El-Shemy et al, (2000) explained and best way of capturing data and information during survey
for the purpose of re-construction of highway route. It was explained that his could be done
using mobile mapping system.
At the concept and design stage, large scale topographical surveys are priced and other
measurements on which projects are designed, since this data forms basis to a great extent on the
precision and thoroughness with which the original Site survey is carried out. In most cases, the
initial survey will be in digital form and computerized equipment will be used to collect and
process data.
Profile levelling (longitudinal levelling) is the operation to determine the elevation points spaced
apart at known distances along given line in order to obtain the accurate outline of the surface of
the ground along the line. It is very useful for projects 1ike construction and design of sewer,
pipelines, etc., and to determine the cut and fill. It is frequently essential to run a longitudinal
section along various proposed centrelines and to compare their costs to select a suitable one
(Duggal, 2006).
Cross sectioning according to (Duggal, 2006) is the operation of the levelling to determine the
elevation of points to right angles on either side of the centreline of the proposed road and
radially on the curves. This is done to find out the vertical sections of the surface of the earth on
the ground. The detailed information regarding the levels of the ground on either side of the
longitudinal section helps in computing the quantity of the earth work. The cross sections are
plotted in the same manner as longitudinal sections.
Flying levelling (checking levelling) should be done to connect the bench mark (BM) to the
starting point of the work. The records pertaining to profile levelling are entered accordingly
along with the cross sectional levelling while the levelling work is in progress. The cross sections
are taken perpendicular to the centreline of the alignment at some regular intervals (say, 15m
etc.) the purpose of cross section is to know the undulation of the ground surface.
Finally, Route survey involves the determination of ground configuration and location of
physical features both natural and artificial along the proposed route establishing the line on the
ground and computing volumes of earthwork involved where applicable. This kind of survey
operation is very important on all road networks and in construction of new road in order to
increase the durability and carrying capacity of our road networks in this country.

Methodology involves all techniques and procedures adopted in the course of this project work
in order to ensure its successful completion of project. Methodology that will be adopted will
include digital land surveyıng method using GPS and Total station equipment for data
3.1 Planning
Planning is one of the pre-requisite operations that must be carried out before the successful
execution of any survey job. The success or failure of any project is dependent on properly
checked of controls and test of instrument that give reliability or creditability to the surveyor's
final product in form of plans.
Reconnaissance will help us to have overall assessment of the project, thereby knowing the type
of equipment, accuracy, materials, resources and personnel that will be needed for the job.
Therefore, for the purpose of this project, careful planning and strategies will be embarked upon
in carrying out the reconnaissance which involved two stages:
1. Office Planning
2. Field Reconnaissance
3.1.1 Office Planning
This will involved a proper planning on how to execute the project. The information about
control pillars around the project area will be collected from the ministry of survey and the
instruments that will be used will be decided upon, selected and itemised.
3.1.2 Field Reconnaissance
This is a visited to the project Site in order to get information about the project area. The site will
be visited not only to have an overview of the project site but also to locate the positions of the
control pillars to be used. While carried out the reconnaissance, instrument stations will be
selected and the whole length of the route would be walked through in order to know how best to
carry out the staking of the chainage points. A sketched diagram of the route (Recce Diagram)
will also drawn while carrying out the reconnaissance. This operation will be done for the
following purposes:
1. To ascertain the natural terrain configuration of the route.
2. To search for possible controls along or near the route.

3. To select starting point for the project.
4. To select stations and pegging of those stations
5. To select the survey station to ensure inter-visibility between traverse stations.
6. To ascertain the possibility of picking details according to the specification from the field
7. The sketching of the recce diagram of the route will be shown.
Field preparation will involved all operations carried out prior to the execution of the project. It
will involved the determination of the center line, marking of chainages at the required
specification (25 meters interval) with cross section marked at each chainage (15m both left and
right) of the Centre line of the rod, It will also included the selection of stations that are
intervisible along the route for traversing.
The pillars that will be used in the course of this project work will be appropriately established
on the ground. The beacons will be made up of concrete are mixed in proportion of five parts of
sand/ rubble to one cement of dimension 18cm x 18cmx 75cm buried with length of 67cm below
the ground surface and 8cm above the ground, having an iron pin at the center. A set of three
controls will be established for the job to close on. Also, materials such as bottle crock and nails
would be used for pegging the center line at an interval of 25m.

18cm 8cm


Figure 3.2 Typical third order Concrete pillar.


Some specific equipment’s that will enhanced the execution of the project. Such equipment will
be listed below which includes both hardware and software.
The under listed components Will be used in the execution of this project
1. set of Hi-Target Total station and its accessories.
2. Tripod Stands (1).
3. 50m Steel Tapes (1)
4. 5m Pocket Tapes(1)
5. Cutlasses (2)
6. Sledge Hammer (2)
7. Nails with crown corks
8. Shovel (2)
9. Hand trowel (1)
10. Writing Materials
11. An HP laptop and its accessories (8GB RAM, 2.5GHz Processor, ITB Hard Drive)
12. An HP LaserJet 1320 printer (A4 Printer).
the software components that will be used for this project includes:
i. Trimble Data transfer
ii. GNSS Solution
iii. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016
iv. Microsoft office 2010 (Word and Excel)
v. Notepad
vi. HP Printer Drivers
Instrument test is of critical importance for the success of any survey operation. This will
involved testing of the instrument to ascertain the reliability of such an instrument to meet the
requirement to meet the required accuracy of the job


A total station equipment will be used for this project is Total Station, instrument test will be
carryout on this equipment to ensure that the instrument is in good working condition and also to
determine if the instruments can meet the required accuracy. The total station will be tested for
both vertical and horizontal collimation error. This will be done by setting the instrument over a
fairly-level ground and temporary adjustment (centering, leveling and focusing) will be carried
1. The instrument will be powered on;
2. The reflector will be placed on another station.
3. From the instrument, menu will be pressed.
4. FI will be pressed to selected adjustment.
5. Then the horizontal collimination will be selected by pressed F1 again
6. Follow the instructions given, the tangent will be sighted and "ALL" will be pressed to
measure and recorded the measurement.
7. The telescope will be transited and the same reflector will be bisected on another face, the
enter key will then pressed again.
8. Therefore, the old and the new horizontal value will be displayed on the liquid crystal
display of the instrument.
9. The same procedures would be done to vertical index error and results would be shown.
3.6 Data Acquisition
This included all the activities involved in gathering of data for the successful execution of the
project. This will be carried out sequentially such that; the established Bench Marks will be
coordinated using Geographic Positioning System (GPS) to obtain Eastings, Northings and
Elevation (E,N and H) of these points. The coordinates of the center line at 25m interval and
cross section at 7.5m twice on either sides of the center line would also determined. Furthermore,
both man-made and natural features would be properly fixed. All the data acquired would be
fully automated.
The observational procedures were as follows:

 The Total Station will be put on and MENU will be selected from menu.

 The SET JOB will be selected and job would be created as PROJECT1.

 Then KNOWN DATA would be selected and KNOWN COORDINATES (E,N,H) would be


 The STATION ORIENTATION, would be selected the pillar no (and it coordinates (E, N,

H) would be recall from the read.

 The Instrument height (HI), measures from the top of the pillar to the trunion axis of the

Total Station, will also be inputed.

 Then ENTER Key would be pressed and the STATION SET would be displayed.

 The SET ORIENTATION will selected, the pillar no of the Back station and its coordinate

(E,N,H) would be inputted

 The target height (ht) for observation will also be inputted

 The ENTER key would be pressed and instrument displayed the bearing and distance

computed from the input coordinates

 The target on pillar Back Station would be bisected, the ENTER key would be pressed and

the ORIENTATION COMPLETED will displayed.

 The START was selected for observation proper, the reflector was held on PL1and the

measurement was made and recorded in the internal memory of the instrument.

The instrument would be shifted to PL1 the same process will repeated, the occupied station

would be sighted as Back station and the PL2 would be coordinated as forward station.

The same process above would be repeated at every occupied station until the traverse

closed back on control pillar no starting control.

3.6.1 Isitu Check


Figure: 2.4 Control Check.

To ascertain the stability of Controls that will be used, the control check operation will be carried
out. The Total Station will be set-up on survey beacon and all the temporary adjustments will be
carried out. The Coordinates will be fed into the Instrument for SET Station and Set Orientation
operations respectively. The orientation will be completed by bisecting the Target station.
Having done this, the Reflector will be held on occupied station will be sighted as back Station,
the measurement will be done and the data will be recorded. Also, Reflector on Fore Station will
be sighted and measured data will be recorded. The deduced angle and distance from the Control
Coordinates collected during the data search will be compared with the observed angle and


Observations were made with the instrument on coordinate mode. In this mode, the total station
was used to carry out the following field operations:
1. Traversing
2. Longitudinal Profiling and Cross Sectioning and
3. Detailing
The centre line of the route will be marked out at 25m intervals. And at coordinate and height the
selected points along the centre line. These traverses will be run in loops starting from a set of

controls and closing on controls within to avoid swings and all data automatically captured in the
electronic data loggers of the Total station instruments used for the Survey.
Longitudinal Profiling of the re-design road will be undertaken at 25m interval and at noticeable
terrain changes. Chainages will be heighted and coordinated horizontally as well using the total
station with all instruments and targets heights precisely measured.
Cross sections on the other hand will be taken at right angle, a baseline at specific station. The
geometric data (E,N and H) will be taken at 7.5m and 7.5m to the left and right of each center
line at every 25m interval.
Instrument will be set over a station and all the necessary temporary adjustments would be
carried out. The target will be set on another selected station for orientation. All features such as
roads, building, electric poles, and well etc. will be located geometrically by coordinating their
edges from subsidiary traverse points stations created within the project area. Two or three edges
of the buildings would be coordinated while one edge of features such as trees, electric poles etc.
would be coordinated. And the results would be stored in the internal memory of the instrument.
The data acquired through total station would be downloaded. The below procedures would be
followed for the downloading process.
1. The instrument would be connected to the personal computer via downloading cable, the
corresponding software will be launched and the instrument port will be selected.
2. The instrument will be powered on and transfer protocols such as parity, baud rate, and stop
bit will be set to be the same on both instruments and the computer.
3. All the folders on the instrument will be displayed. The folder containing the data for the
group will then be copied and pasted on another folder that will be created on the local drive
of the personal computer.
4. The folder will be launched and the file containing the data will be opened with notepad
5. The results will be in the format, Point ID, Easting, Northings and Height. The downloaded
data will be edited in Notepad, Microsoft Excel and a script will be prepared in Notepad in
order to be plotted in Auto CAD.

The downloaded data would be imported into Microsoft excel for further processing.

For third order jobs, the linear accuracy is 1:5,000. The accuracy of this survey activity will be
computed. The accuracy for this survey activity will be computed using the formula below:
Linear Accuracy = √ ( ∆ N ¿¿¿ 2 ) +¿ ¿ ¿
Total Distance
Where ΔE = misclosure in Easting coordinates
ΔN = misclosure in Northing coordinates
The design of the route will be done after the creation of the longitudinal profile. The
longitudinal profile will be created using Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Metric.
Basic requirements for Profile creations are:
i. Alignment
ii. Surface
i. The Centrelines of the entire data will be first extracted and arranged in Notepad and saved
with the extension txt.
ii. Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3d 2018 Metric will be lunched.
iii. All units, label style, point style, and all other settings would preset in the drawing template
(dwt) file selected. And it will be reviewed by clicking on the Tool space Settings tab, right-
click the drawing name and click Edit Drawing Settings. The Drawing Settings dialog box
includes five tabs and many settings. These are: The Units and Zones tab, The
Transformation tab, The Object Layers tab, The Abbreviations, The Ambient Settings tab.
iv. To add point file, Click on tool space Prospector Tab, Right Click on Points, click on create,
From Point Create tool box, Click on Import Point, Add Point File and Format, then click


v. After the point had been successfully imported, polyline will be selected and it will be drawn
to define the center line of the road.
vi. Click Home tab >Create Design panel >Alignment>Create Alignment from Object.
vii. Select the Polyline Drawn. Press Enter Twice,
viii. In the Create Alignment- Layout dialog box, for Name, enter First Street.
ix. On the General tab, select the following settings:
Site: <None>
Alignment Style: Existing
Alignment Layer: C-ROAD
Alignment Label Set: Major and Minor only
x. Click OK.
i. Click Modify tab Ground Data panel Surface.
ii. Click Surface tab Modify panel to Add Data Point Files.
iii. In the Add Point File dialog box, under Format, PENZD (Space Delimited) will be selected.
iv. Under Source File, click.

v. In the Add Point File dialog box, click OK.
vi. At the command line, enter ZE.
The surface, which contains the imported point data, will be displayed in the drawing


i. Click Home tab Create Design panel Profile drop-down>Create Surface Profile.
ii. In the Create Profile from Surface dialog box, under Alignment, select Alignment.
iii. Click Add.
iv. In the Profile List, in the Description column, enter the following descriptions:

v. Click OK.
A message that indicates profiles have been created is displayed in the Event viewer Display the surface profiles in a profile view

i. Click Home tab >Profile & Section Views panel>Profile View drop-down> Create Profile
ii. The Create Profile View wizard will be displayed, where you can configure the display of the
profile. The wizard contains the many controls for displaying profiles in a profile view. You
can use either the Back or Next buttons at the bottom or the inks along the left side to
navigate through the pages. You can click Create Profile View at any time to accept the
settings and create the profile view in the drawing.
iii. In the Create Profile View wizard, on the General page, under Select Alignment, we will
select Road Alignment.
iv. 3 Click Profile Display Options. The table on the Profile Display Options page
v. Shows the existing profiles for the Alignment. By default, they will be checked in the Draw
column, indicating that they will appear in the profile view.

vi. In the Specify Profile Draw Options table, in the Style column, double-click the cell for the
Left Offset.
vii. In the Pick Profile Style dialog box, change the style to Existing Ground.
viii. Click OK.
ix. In the Pick Profile Label we will Set dialog box, change the style to <None>.
x. Click OK.


Click Home tab Profile & Section Views panel >Section Views drop-down
i. Create Multiple Views.
ii. In the Create Multiple Section Views wizard, on the General page, we will specify the
following parameters:
 Select Alignment: Centerline (1)
 Sample Line Group Name: SLG-I
 Station Range: User Specified
 Start: O+000.00
 End: 7+076.00
 Section View Style: Road Section
iii. Click Next.

iv. Under Template for Cross Section Sheet, click.
v. In the Select Layout As Sheet Template dialog box, click.
vi. In the Select Layout As Sheet Template dialog box, under Select A Layout to Create New
Sheets, select ARCH D Section 40 Scale.
vii. Click OK
viii. On the Create Multiple Section Views wizard, under Group Plot Style, select
ix. Click Next.
3.10.1 Specify the section view offsets
1. On the Offset Range page, under Offset Range, select Automatic.
2. Click Next.
Specify the sampled sections and labels
The Section Display Options page specifies the object and label styles for the sample objects. In
this exercise, you will suppress the labels.
1. On the Section Display Options page, in the Clip Grid column, click the Corridor- (1)
Top row.
2. In the EG row, click the value in the Change Labels column.
3. In the Select Style Set dialog box, select No Labels. Click OK
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to apply the No Labels style to the Corridor (1) Top and Corridor
(1) Datum surfaces.
5. Click Next.
Specify the data band settings
1. On the Data Bands page, under Select Band Set, select Major Station.
2. In the Set Band Properties area, specify the following parameters:
 Surfacel:
 Surface 2:
Create and examine the section views
1. Click Create Section Views.
2. At the Identify Section View Origin prompt, select a point in the top
3. Viewport.
4. Zoom in to one of the sheets.

5. Groups of section views will be arranged inside two rectangles. You specified
6. the colour of the rectangles at the beginning of this exercise:
 The blue rectangle represents the extents of the sheet.

Create an assembly baseline

Home >tab Palettes panel>Tool Palettes.
Drag out assembly under common Assembly to the drawing sheet
i. Click Analyse tab Volumes and Materials panel >>Volume Report.
ii. In the Report Quantities dialog box, specify the following parameters:
 Select Alignment: Centerline (1)
 Select Sample Line Group: SLG-1
 Select A Material List: Material List - (1)
 Select A Style Sheet: Earthwork.xs
 Display XML Report: Selected
iii. Click OK.
iv. The report is displayed. The Cut Volume is the area of material in cut, multiplied by
v. The Cut Factor defined in the quantity take off criteria. The Fill Volume is the area of fill
material multiplied by the Fill Factor. The areas for each material will be averaged between

stations and multiplied by the station difference to produce the incremental volumes. These
volumes will be added from station to station to produce the cumulative volumes. CROSS SECTION GENERATION

On the Cross Section icon, Existing ground will be selected and the sections will be sampled
from surface. The Tangents, Curve and the Spirals values will be edited appropriately. The
created surface will be made current by clicking on surfaces and set current surface. Template
will be designed for the section and also editing it under design control. Then the cross section
will be created by clicking on section plot, All is selected; from this all section will be created. CUT AND FILL ANALYSIS

This is an important aspect in route survey data analysis. The volume of earthwork needed will
be calculated to a high degree of accuracy. It will help in the area of project costing to determine
earthwork and materials quantity. The total cut will be estimated while the total fill will be
estimated. Having subtract the total fill from the total cut, therefore, the volume of material
needed to be cut were determined.




This chapter discussed the analysis of the results obtained to achieve the desired aim of the

project, the data acquired on site were processed and plans were produced for visual presentation

using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016. The visual display of graphical information were produced both

in hard and soft copy. The analysis were carried out based on the relevant layer of composite

plan shown in fig 4.1

i. Volume of Earthwork Determination

ii. Alignment creation

iii. Longitudinal Profile

Analyses One

Volumes of Earthwork Determination

When creating a roadway design, it is important to consider earthwork volume known as Cuts

and Fills. It is good to calculate earthwork volume because moving earth is expensive. It is

important to ensure that the project can be carried out without having to bring earth to the site or

take a bunch of earth far away. When comparing Cut and Fill volumes, the result must be very

close to zero as possible. This means that there must be a balanced site. Sample lines were used

to calculate the earthwork quantities for this roadway project.

The cut volume is the area of material in cut, multiplied by the cut factor defined in the quantity

takeoff criteria. The fill volume is the area of fill material multiplied by the fill factor. The area

for each material are average between stations and multiplied by the station difference to produce

the incremental volumes are added from station to station to produce the cumulative volumes.

The result obtained was processed as follows:

Step 1: Click Analyze tab Volume and Materials panel Volume Report

In the report Quantities dialog box, specify the following parameters

Step2: Select Alignment: Centerline (1)

Step 3 : Select Sample line Group : SLG-1

Step 4: Select A material List: Material List –(1)

Step 5: Select A style Sheet: Earthwork.xsl

Step 6 : Display XML Report : Selected

Step 7: Click OK

Station Cum. Cut Vol.(Cu. Cum. Fill Vol. (Cu. Cum. Net Vol. (Cu.

M.) M.) M.)

3 + 125.05 13389.48 21773.40 8383.92

Table above shows the summary of the cumulative Cut and cummlative fill and cumulative Net

volume of earthwork material needed, below are the full details volume report of earthwork


Volume Report

Alignment:  Toungo – Maitani Road Re alignment

Sample Line Group:  SL Collection - 1
Start Sta:  0+00.000
End Sta:  3+125.048

Cut Fill
Cut Reusabl Fill Cum. Cum. Cum.
Volum Volum Cum.
Area e Area Cut Reusabl Net
Station e e Fill Vol.
(Sq.m. Volume (Sq.m. Vol. e Vol. Vol.
(Cu.m. (Cu.m. (Cu.m.)
) (Cu.m.) ) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.)
) )

1.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4.47 68.82 68.82 0.00 0.00 68.82 68.82 0.00 68.82
12.10 207.18 207.18 0.00 0.00 275.99 275.99 0.00 275.99
15.12 340.41 340.41 0.00 0.00 616.40 616.40 0.00 616.40
19.04 427.10 427.10 0.00 0.00 1043.50 1043.50 0.00 1043.50
20.37 492.71 492.71 0.00 0.00 1536.21 1536.21 0.00 1536.21
23.63 550.07 550.07 0.00 0.00 2086.28 2086.28 0.00 2086.28
29.76 667.34 667.34 0.00 0.00 2753.62 2753.62 0.00 2753.62
0+225.00 20.01 622.15 622.15 0.00 0.00 3375.77 3375.77 0.00 3375.77

10.13 376.75 376.75 0.00 0.00 3752.52 3752.52 0.00 3752.52
0.00 126.61 126.61 6.76 84.54 3879.13 3879.13 84.54 3794.59
0.00 0.00 0.00 6.18 161.85 3879.13 3879.13 246.38 3632.74
0.02 0.25 0.25 0.82 87.52 3879.38 3879.38 333.90 3545.48
3.68 46.25 46.25 0.00 10.24 3925.63 3925.63 344.14 3581.48
7.58 140.69 140.69 0.00 0.00 4066.32 4066.32 344.14 3722.17
12.83 255.06 255.06 0.00 0.00 4321.38 4321.38 344.14 3977.23
19.29 401.46 401.46 0.00 0.00 4722.84 4722.84 344.14 4378.70
23.04 529.09 529.09 0.00 0.00 5251.94 5251.94 344.14 4907.79
23.77 585.13 585.13 0.00 0.00 5837.07 5837.07 344.14 5492.92
14.11 473.52 473.52 0.00 0.00 6310.58 6310.58 344.14 5966.44
3.26 217.05 217.05 0.00 0.00 6527.64 6527.64 344.14 6183.49
0.00 40.74 40.74 7.55 94.38 6568.37 6568.37 438.53 6129.85
0.00 0.00 0.00 12.03 244.74 6568.37 6568.37 683.27 5885.10
0.00 0.00 0.00 15.60 345.33 6568.37 6568.37 1028.60 5539.77
0.00 0.00 0.00 16.19 397.22 6568.37 6568.37 1425.83 5142.55
0.00 0.00 0.00 12.48 358.36 6568.37 6568.37 1784.18 4784.19
0.00 0.00 0.00 9.70 277.20 6568.37 6568.37 2061.38 4506.99
0.00 0.00 0.00 6.79 206.06 6568.37 6568.37 2267.44 4300.94
0.00 0.00 0.00 5.57 154.48 6568.37 6568.37 2421.92 4146.46
0.00 0.00 0.00 4.58 126.90 6568.37 6568.37 2548.82 4019.56

0.00 0.00 0.00 3.96 106.82 6568.37 6568.37 2655.64 3912.73
0.38 4.73 4.73 0.08 50.53 6573.11 6573.11 2706.17 3866.94
8.47 110.55 110.55 0.00 0.98 6683.66 6683.66 2707.15 3976.51
8.89 216.98 216.98 0.00 0.00 6900.64 6900.64 2707.15 4193.49
5.74 182.89 182.89 0.00 0.00 7083.53 7083.53 2707.15 4376.38
0.08 72.72 72.72 0.66 8.22 7156.25 7156.25 2715.37 4440.88
0.00 1.00 1.00 3.35 50.00 7157.25 7157.25 2765.37 4391.87
0.00 0.03 0.03 1.36 58.87 7157.27 7157.27 2824.24 4333.03
7.75 96.91 96.91 0.00 16.99 7254.18 7254.18 2841.23 4412.95
9.66 217.64 217.64 0.00 0.00 7471.83 7471.83 2841.23 4630.60
3.47 164.07 164.07 0.31 3.86 7635.90 7635.90 2845.09 4790.81
0.00 43.36 43.36 14.71 187.69 7679.26 7679.26 3032.78 4646.48
0.00 0.00 0.00 26.39 513.66 7679.26 7679.26 3546.44 4132.82
0.00 0.00 0.00 32.04 730.31 7679.26 7679.26 4276.75 3402.51
0.00 0.00 0.00 22.45 681.11 7679.26 7679.26 4957.86 2721.40
0.00 0.00 0.00 13.28 446.65 7679.26 7679.26 5404.51 2274.75
0.00 0.00 0.00 6.44 246.49 7679.26 7679.26 5651.00 2028.26
0.00 0.00 0.00 6.81 165.57 7679.26 7679.26 5816.56 1862.69
0.00 0.00 0.00 9.89 208.77 7679.26 7679.26 6025.33 1653.93
0.00 0.00 0.00 15.22 313.77 7679.26 7679.26 6339.10 1340.16

Cut Cut Reusabl Fill Fill Cum. Cum. Cum. Cum.

Area Volum e Area Volum Cut Reusabl Fill Vol. Net

e e
(Sq.m. Volume (Sq.m. Vol. e Vol. Vol.
(Cu.m. (Cu.m. (Cu.m.)
) (Cu.m.) ) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.)
) )

0.00 0.00 0.00 5.79 221.18 7679.26 7679.26 7263.01 416.25
1.78 22.26 22.26 0.00 72.44 7701.52 7701.52 7335.44 366.07
3.60 67.28 67.28 0.00 0.00 7768.80 7768.80 7335.44 433.36
0.00 45.02 45.02 2.29 28.67 7813.82 7813.82 7364.11 449.71
0.00 0.00 0.00 10.40 158.71 7813.82 7813.82 7522.82 291.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 16.02 330.12 7813.82 7813.82 7852.94 -39.12
0.00 0.00 0.00 13.46 368.36 7813.82 7813.82 8221.30 -407.48
0.00 0.00 0.00 8.87 279.11 7813.82 7813.82 8500.41 -686.58
0.00 0.00 0.00 2.58 143.16 7813.82 7813.82 8643.56 -829.74
0.00 0.00 0.00 4.99 94.68 7813.82 7813.82 8738.24 -924.42
1+575.00 -
0.00 0.00 0.00 8.01 162.52 7813.82 7813.82 8900.76
0 1086.94
1+600.00 -
0.00 0.00 0.00 9.03 213.00 7813.82 7813.82 9113.77
0 1299.95
1+625.00 -
0.00 0.00 0.00 3.16 152.40 7813.82 7813.82 9266.17
0 1452.35
1+650.00 -
2.89 36.18 36.18 0.00 39.49 7850.00 7850.00 9305.66
0 1455.66
1+675.00 -
4.44 91.50 91.50 0.00 0.00 7941.50 7941.50 9305.66
0 1364.16
1+700.00 -
1.48 74.01 74.01 0.00 0.00 8015.50 8015.50 9305.66
0 1290.16
1+725.00 -
0.00 18.61 18.61 3.97 49.54 8034.11 8034.11 9355.20
0 1321.09
1+750.00 -
0.00 0.07 0.07 1.42 67.34 8034.18 8034.18 9422.54
0 1388.36
1+775.00 -
7.82 97.80 97.80 0.00 17.75 8131.97 8131.97 9440.29
0 1308.31
1+800.00 18.64 330.70 330.70 0.00 0.00 8462.67 8462.67 9440.29 -977.62

26.01 558.23 558.23 0.00 0.00 9020.90 9020.90 9440.29 -419.38
32.65 733.29 733.29 0.00 0.00 9754.19 9754.19 9440.29 313.90
1+875.00 10648.4 10648.4
38.88 894.20 894.20 0.00 0.00 9440.29 1208.11
0 0 0
1+900.00 1001.4 11649.8 11649.8
41.24 1001.49 0.00 0.00 9440.29 2209.60
0 9 8 8
1+925.00 1001.1 12651.0 12651.0
38.85 1001.15 0.00 0.00 9440.29 3210.75
0 5 3 3
1+950.00 13543.5 13543.5
32.54 892.49 892.49 0.00 0.00 9440.29 4103.24
0 2 2
1+975.00 14233.6 14233.6
22.66 690.08 690.08 0.00 0.00 9440.29 4793.31
0 0 0
2+000.00 14673.0 14673.0
12.49 439.40 439.40 0.00 0.00 9440.29 5232.71
0 0 0
2+025.00 14882.5 14882.5
4.27 209.54 209.54 0.00 0.00 9440.29 5442.25
0 4 4
2+050.00 14948.0 14948.0
0.98 65.55 65.55 0.00 0.00 9440.29 5507.80
0 9 9
2+075.00 14964.3 14964.3
0.32 16.27 16.27 0.34 4.28 9444.57 5519.79
0 6 6
2+100.00 14975.1 14975.1
0.55 10.82 10.82 0.05 4.97 9449.55 5525.64
0 9 9
2+125.00 15039.6 15039.6
4.60 64.47 64.47 0.00 0.66 9450.21 5589.44
0 5 5
2+150.00 15214.7 15214.7
9.41 175.08 175.08 0.00 0.00 9450.21 5764.53
0 4 4
2+175.00 15500.0 15500.0
13.41 285.28 285.28 0.00 0.00 9450.21 6049.81
0 1 1

Cut Fill
Cut Reusabl Fill Cum. Cum. Cum.
Volum Volum Cum.
Area e Area Cut Reusabl Net
Station e e Fill Vol.
(Sq.m. Volume (Sq.m. Vol. e Vol. Vol.
(Cu.m. (Cu.m. (Cu.m.)
) (Cu.m.) ) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.)
) )

2+250.00 16246.6 16246.6

2.89 147.02 147.02 0.00 0.00 9450.21 6796.44
0 4 4
2+275.00 16282.7 16282.7
0.00 36.12 36.12 1.18 14.74 9464.95 6817.82
0 7 7
2+300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 28.94 16282.7 16282.7 9493.89 6788.88

0 7 7
2+325.00 16292.1 16292.1
0.75 9.41 9.41 0.00 14.21 9508.10 6784.07
0 7 7
2+350.00 16302.4 16302.4
0.07 10.28 10.28 0.20 2.55 9510.65 6791.81
0 6 6
2+375.00 16304.9 16304.9
0.12 2.44 2.44 0.37 7.19 9517.84 6787.06
0 0 0
2+400.00 16353.2 16353.2
3.74 48.33 48.33 0.00 4.64 9522.48 6830.74
0 3 3
2+425.00 16556.8 16556.8
12.55 203.63 203.63 0.00 0.00 9522.48 7034.38
0 6 6
2+450.00 17023.1 17023.1
24.75 466.31 466.31 0.00 0.00 9522.48 7500.68
0 7 7
2+475.00 17726.3 17726.3
31.50 703.19 703.19 0.00 0.00 9522.48 8203.88
0 6 6
2+500.00 18522.5 18522.5
32.20 796.22 796.22 0.00 0.00 9522.48 9000.10
0 8 8
2+525.00 19228.3 19228.3
24.26 705.77 705.77 0.00 0.00 9522.48 9705.86
0 5 5
2+550.00 19751.5 19751.5 10229.0
17.59 523.22 523.22 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 7 7 9
2+575.00 20132.9 20132.9 10610.4
12.92 381.37 381.37 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 4 4 6
2+600.00 20450.4 20450.4 10928.0
12.51 317.54 317.54 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 8 8 0
2+625.00 20744.2 20744.2 11221.7
10.97 293.72 293.72 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 0 0 2
2+650.00 20946.3 20946.3 11423.9
5.22 202.18 202.18 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 9 9 0
2+675.00 21075.6 21075.6 11553.1
5.10 129.28 129.28 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 6 6 8
2+700.00 21216.6 21216.6 11694.1
6.18 140.98 140.98 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 4 4 6
2+725.00 21400.7 21400.7 11878.2
8.54 184.11 184.11 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 6 6 7
2+750.00 21591.3 21591.3 12068.8
6.72 190.58 190.58 0.00 0.00 9522.48
0 3 3 5
2+775.00 21681.7 21681.7 12155.7
0.51 90.37 90.37 0.28 3.46 9525.94
0 0 0 6
2+800.00 21688.0 21688.0 12021.8
0.00 6.32 6.32 10.94 140.27 9666.21
0 2 2 2
2+825.00 21688.0 21688.0 10106.7 11581.2
0.00 0.00 0.00 24.30 440.57
0 2 2 8 4

2+850.00 21688.0 21688.0 10763.5 10924.4
0.00 0.00 0.00 28.25 656.75
0 2 2 3 9
2+875.00 21688.0 21688.0 11473.3 10214.7
0.00 0.00 0.00 28.54 709.78
0 2 2 1 2
2+900.00 21688.0 21688.0 12115.1
0.00 0.00 0.00 22.81 641.88 9572.84
0 2 2 8
2+925.00 21688.0 21688.0 12625.7
0.00 0.00 0.00 18.04 510.55 9062.29
0 2 2 4
2+950.00 21688.0 21688.0 13003.1
0.00 0.00 0.00 12.15 377.37 8684.92
0 2 2 0
2+975.00 21688.0 21688.0 13225.2
0.00 0.00 0.00 5.63 222.12 8462.80
0 2 2 2
3+000.00 21688.6 21688.6 13314.1
0.05 0.64 0.64 1.49 88.96 8374.49
0 7 7 8

Cut Fill
Cut Reusabl Fill Cum. Cum. Cum.
Volum Volum Cum.
Area e Area Cut Reusabl Net
Station e e Fill Vol.
(Sq.m. Volume (Sq.m. Vol. e Vol. Vol.
(Cu.m. (Cu.m. (Cu.m.)
) (Cu.m.) ) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.) (Cu.m.)
) )

3+075.00 21711.0 21711.0 13385.4

1.23 18.48 18.48 0.00 6.01 8325.57
0 1 1 4
3+100.00 21745.4 21745.4 13385.4
1.51 34.40 34.40 0.00 0.00 8359.97
0 2 2 4
3+125.00 21773.3 21773.3 13389.4
0.74 27.95 27.95 0.32 4.02 8383.90
0 6 6 6
3+125.04 21773.4 21773.4 13389.4
0.74 0.04 0.04 0.32 0.02 8383.92
8 0 0 8

Earthwork operation involve the determination of volumes of material is to be excavated or
embanked in engineering project to bring the ground surface predetermined grade. Volumes can
be determined via cross-sections, spot levels or contours. It is convenient to determine the
volume from 'standard-type', provided that the original ground surface is reasonably uniform in
respect of the cross-fall, or gradient transverse to the longitudinal centerline. Having computed
the cross-sections at given intervals of chainage along the center line by standard expressions for
various cross-sections, volumes of cut in the case of excavation or volumes of fill in the case of
embankment, can be determined using end-area rule or prismoidal rule which are analogous to

the trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule, respectively. Where the total amount of cut is 21773.40
and the amount of fill is 21773.40m3 and the total amount of fill is 13389.48 and the cumulative
Net volume is 8383.92.

The results were analyzed so as to check the accuracy of the job by comparing the result
obtained with the allowable error acceptable for this order of survey job in accordance with
survey rules.


The alignment of a roadway should be designed to provide motorists with a facility for driving in
a safe and comfortable manner. Adequate stopping sight distance should be furnished. Also,
changes in direction should be accompanied using horizontal vertical curves when appropriate in
accordance with established guidelines


The Center line data of the entire road was first extracted and arranged in Notepad and saved
with the extension txt. Further processing are stated below:

Step 1: Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3d 2018 Metric was Lunched.

Step 2: AII units, label style, point style, and all other settings were preset in the drawing
template (.dwt) file selected. The settings can be reviewed by clicking on the Tool space Settings
tab, right-click the drawing name and click Edit Drawing Settings. The Drawing Settings dialog
box includes five tabs and many settings. These are: The Units and zones tab, The
Transformation tab, The Object Layers tab, The Abbreviations, The Ambient Settings tab.

Step 3: To add point file, click on Tool space Prospector Tab, Right Click on Points, click on
Create. From Point Creation Tools Box, Click on Import Point, Add Point File and Format then,
click ok.

Fig 4.2: Importing Points for Alignment

Step 4: After the points had been successfully imported, polyline was selected and was drawn to
define the center line of the road.

This was done by clicking Home Tab > Create Design Panel > Alignment > Create Alignment
from Object
Step 5: Select the Polyline Drawn. Press Enter Twice,
In the Creation of Alignment-Layout dialog box, for Name, enter First Street.
On General tab, select the following settings:
 Site: < None >

 Alignment Style: Existing

 Alignment Layer: C-ROAD

 Alignment Label Set: Major and Minor only

Step 6: Click OK.


Horizontal Alignment: Curve Report

Alignment: Toungo – Maitani road

Description: Report Date: 7/8/2021 11:00:06 AM

Tangent Data

Length: 23.239 Course: N 69° 30' 54.2313" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 00' 32.6886" Type: LEFT

Radius: 200.000

Length: 3.522 Tangent: 1.761

Mid-Ord: 0.008 External: 0.008

Chord: 3.522 Course: N 70° 01' 10.5756" W

Tangent Data

Length: 41.229 Course: N 70° 31' 26.9199" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 29' 11.1949" Type: LEFT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 13.930 Tangent: 6.971

Mid-Ord: 0.167 External: 0.167

Chord: 13.925 Course: N 73° 16' 02.5173" W

Tangent Data

Length: 114.610 Course: N 76° 00' 38.1148" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 21' 10.5359" Type: LEFT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 5.974 Tangent: 2.988

Mid-Ord: 0.031 External: 0.031

Chord: 5.974 Course: N 77° 11' 13.3827" W

Tangent Data

Length: 92.678 Course: N 78° 21' 48.6507" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 19' 40.5795" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 8.450 Tangent: 4.226

Mid-Ord: 0.061 External: 0.061

Chord: 8.449 Course: N 76° 41' 58.3609" W

Tangent Data

Length: 13.623 Course: N 75° 02' 08.0711" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 36' 44.5378" Type: LEFT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 14.250 Tangent: 7.131

Mid-Ord: 0.174 External: 0.175

Chord: 14.244 Course: N 77° 50' 30.3400" W

Tangent Data

Length: 64.374 Course: N 80° 38' 52.6089" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 37' 05.0676" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 6.647 Tangent: 3.324

Mid-Ord: 0.038 External: 0.038

Chord: 6.647 Course: N 79° 20' 20.0751" W

Tangent Data

Length: 91.057 Course: N 78° 01' 47.5413" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 23' 17.1051" Type: LEFT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 11.142 Tangent: 5.574

Mid-Ord: 0.107 External: 0.107

Chord: 11.139 Course: N 80° 13' 26.0938" W

Tangent Data

Length: 15.304 Course: N 82° 25' 04.6464" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 10' 29.1733" Type: LEFT

Radius: 145.477

Length: 8.061 Tangent: 4.031

Mid-Ord: 0.056 External: 0.056

Chord: 8.060 Course: N 84° 00' 19.2331" W

Tangent Data

Length: 12.515 Course: N 85° 35' 33.8197" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 08° 05' 28.7029" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 16.738 Tangent: 8.383

Mid-Ord: 0.295 External: 0.296

Chord: 16.724 Course: N 81° 32' 49.4683" W

Tangent Data

Length: 63.966 Course: N 77° 30' 05.1168" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 31' 13.2915" Type: LEFT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 5.214 Tangent: 2.607

Mid-Ord: 0.029 External: 0.029

Chord: 5.213 Course: N 78° 45' 41.7626" W

Tangent Data

Length: 46.251 Course: N 80° 01' 18.4083" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 03' 32.3449" Type: LEFT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 2.191 Tangent: 1.095

Mid-Ord: 0.005 External: 0.005

Chord: 2.191 Course: N 80° 33' 04.5808" W

Tangent Data

Length: 243.733 Course: N 81° 04' 50.7532" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 30' 54.4447" Type: LEFT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 9.340 Tangent: 4.672

Mid-Ord: 0.092 External: 0.092

Chord: 9.338 Course: N 83° 20' 17.9756" W

Tangent Data

Length: 12.744 Course: N 85° 35' 45.1979" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 07° 16' 36.3878" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 15.053 Tangent: 7.537

Mid-Ord: 0.239 External: 0.239

Chord: 15.043 Course: N 81° 57' 27.0040" W

Tangent Data

Length: 38.936 Course: N 78° 19' 08.8100" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 21' 30.4472" Type: LEFT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 6.947 Tangent: 3.475

Mid-Ord: 0.051 External: 0.051

Chord: 6.946 Course: N 79° 59' 54.0336" W

Tangent Data

Length: 121.081 Course: N 81° 40' 39.2572" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 00° 07' 03.6850" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 0.243 Tangent: 0.122

Mid-Ord: 0.000 External: 0.000

Chord: 0.243 Course: N 81° 37' 07.4147" W

Tangent Data

Length: 96.657 Course: N 81° 33' 35.5722" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 58' 09.6567" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 6.143 Tangent: 3.072

Mid-Ord: 0.040 External: 0.040

Chord: 6.142 Course: N 80° 04' 30.7439" W

Tangent Data

Length: 43.880 Course: N 78° 35' 25.9155" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 54' 06.3048" Type: LEFT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 6.003 Tangent: 3.002

Mid-Ord: 0.038 External: 0.038

Chord: 6.002 Course: N 80° 02' 29.0679" W

Tangent Data

Length: 45.424 Course: N 81° 29' 32.2204" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 29' 18.8229" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 3.079 Tangent: 1.540

Mid-Ord: 0.010 External: 0.010

Chord: 3.079 Course: N 80° 44' 52.8089" W

Tangent Data

Length: 115.878 Course: N 80° 00' 13.3975" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 06° 20' 26.1382" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 13.116 Tangent: 6.565

Mid-Ord: 0.181 External: 0.182

Chord: 13.110 Course: N 76° 50' 00.3284" W

Tangent Data

Length: 163.093 Course: N 73° 39' 47.2593" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 00' 40.3785" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 10.366 Tangent: 5.186

Mid-Ord: 0.113 External: 0.113

Chord: 10.363 Course: N 71° 09' 27.0700" W

Tangent Data

Length: 11.659 Course: N 68° 39' 06.8808" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 07° 47' 19.9057" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 16.112 Tangent: 8.069

Mid-Ord: 0.274 External: 0.274

Chord: 16.100 Course: N 64° 45' 26.9280" W

Tangent Data

Length: 11.474 Course: N 60° 51' 46.9751" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 15' 50.0883" Type: LEFT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 10.889 Tangent: 5.448

Mid-Ord: 0.125 External: 0.125

Chord: 10.885 Course: N 63° 29' 42.0193" W

Tangent Data

Length: 37.241 Course: N 66° 07' 37.0634" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 07° 02' 00.6511" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 118.524

Length: 14.550 Tangent: 7.284

Mid-Ord: 0.223 External: 0.224

Chord: 14.541 Course: N 62° 36' 36.7379" W

Tangent Data

Length: 86.426 Course: N 59° 05' 36.4124" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 07° 45' 56.7064" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 10.926 Tangent: 5.471

Mid-Ord: 0.185 External: 0.185

Chord: 10.918 Course: N 62° 58' 34.7656" W

Tangent Data

Length: 18.209 Course: N 66° 51' 33.1188" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 52' 08.0029" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 2.629 Tangent: 1.315

Mid-Ord: 0.011 External: 0.011

Chord: 2.629 Course: N 67° 47' 37.1202" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.743 Course: N 68° 43' 41.1216" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 34' 58.7358" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.855 Tangent: 3.931

Mid-Ord: 0.096 External: 0.096

Chord: 7.852 Course: N 71° 31' 10.4895" W

Tangent Data

Length: 17.141 Course: N 74° 18' 39.8575" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 23' 06.4057" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.577 Tangent: 3.791

Mid-Ord: 0.089 External: 0.089

Chord: 7.574 Course: N 77° 00' 13.0603" W

Tangent Data

Length: 18.269 Course: N 79° 41' 46.2631" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 58' 48.6570" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.600 Tangent: 2.801

Mid-Ord: 0.049 External: 0.049

Chord: 5.599 Course: N 77° 42' 21.9347" W

Tangent Data

Length: 18.178 Course: N 75° 42' 57.6062" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 34' 27.7353" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.843 Tangent: 3.925

Mid-Ord: 0.095 External: 0.095

Chord: 7.840 Course: N 78° 30' 11.4738" W

Tangent Data

Length: 18.816 Course: N 81° 17' 25.3414" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 10' 51.4375" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 4.476 Tangent: 2.238

Mid-Ord: 0.031 External: 0.031

Chord: 4.475 Course: N 79° 41' 59.6227" W

Tangent Data

Length: 21.412 Course: N 78° 06' 33.9040" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 54' 54.0530" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 2.694 Tangent: 1.347

Mid-Ord: 0.011 External: 0.011

Chord: 2.694 Course: N 77° 09' 06.8775" W

Tangent Data

Length: 22.638 Course: N 76° 11' 39.8510" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 22' 10.7896" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 1.927 Tangent: 0.964

Mid-Ord: 0.006 External: 0.006

Chord: 1.927 Course: N 76° 52' 45.2458" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.045 Course: N 77° 33' 50.6406" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 33' 15.2820" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.815 Tangent: 3.910

Mid-Ord: 0.095 External: 0.095

Chord: 7.812 Course: N 80° 20' 28.2816" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.574 Course: N 83° 07' 05.9226" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 00' 35.9934" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 2.828 Tangent: 1.414

Mid-Ord: 0.012 External: 0.012

Chord: 2.828 Course: N 82° 06' 47.9258" W

Tangent Data

Length: 22.637 Course: N 81° 06' 29.9291" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 17' 42.1445" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 1.822 Tangent: 0.911

Mid-Ord: 0.005 External: 0.005

Chord: 1.822 Course: N 81° 45' 21.0014" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.270 Course: N 82° 24' 12.0736" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 06° 46' 34.6115" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 9.534 Tangent: 4.773

Mid-Ord: 0.141 External: 0.141

Chord: 9.528 Course: N 79° 00' 54.7678" W

Tangent Data

Length: 17.659 Course: N 75° 37' 37.4621" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 38' 18.1159" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.119 Tangent: 2.560

Mid-Ord: 0.041 External: 0.041

Chord: 5.118 Course: N 77° 26' 46.5200" W

Tangent Data

Length: 68.594 Course: N 79° 15' 55.5779" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 15' 57.4367" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.409 Tangent: 3.707

Mid-Ord: 0.085 External: 0.085

Chord: 7.406 Course: N 76° 37' 56.8596" W

Tangent Data

Length: 17.374 Course: N 73° 59' 58.1413" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 29' 10.6908" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.719 Tangent: 3.862

Mid-Ord: 0.092 External: 0.092

Chord: 7.716 Course: N 76° 44' 33.4867" W

Tangent Data

Length: 17.482 Course: N 79° 29' 08.8321" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 05° 05' 59.3462" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.175 Tangent: 3.590

Mid-Ord: 0.080 External: 0.080

Chord: 7.173 Course: N 76° 56' 09.1590" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.749 Course: N 74° 23' 09.4859" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 18' 15.3968" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 3.242 Tangent: 1.621

Mid-Ord: 0.016 External: 0.016

Chord: 3.242 Course: N 73° 14' 01.7876" W

Tangent Data

Length: 72.480 Course: N 72° 04' 54.0892" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 06' 56.4176" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 1.570 Tangent: 0.785

Mid-Ord: 0.004 External: 0.004

Chord: 1.570 Course: N 71° 31' 25.8804" W

Tangent Data

Length: 22.793 Course: N 70° 57' 57.6716" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 59' 38.1134" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 2.805 Tangent: 1.403

Mid-Ord: 0.012 External: 0.012

Chord: 2.805 Course: N 69° 58' 08.6148" W

Tangent Data

Length: 23.378 Course: N 68° 58' 19.5581" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 00° 00' 09.4606" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 0.004 Tangent: 0.002

Mid-Ord: 0.000 External: 0.000

Chord: 0.004 Course: N 68° 58' 14.8313" W

Tangent Data

Length: 24.744 Course: N 68° 58' 10.0976" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 00° 14' 50.2446" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 0.348 Tangent: 0.174

Mid-Ord: 0.000 External: 0.000

Chord: 0.348 Course: N 68° 50' 44.9752" W

Tangent Data

Length: 47.465 Course: N 68° 43' 19.8529" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 19' 08.1032" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 4.670 Tangent: 2.335

Mid-Ord: 0.034 External: 0.034

Chord: 4.669 Course: N 67° 03' 45.8013" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.855 Course: N 65° 24' 11.7498" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 33' 14.8275" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 3.594 Tangent: 1.797

Mid-Ord: 0.020 External: 0.020

Chord: 3.593 Course: N 66° 40' 49.1635" W

Tangent Data

Length: 70.215 Course: N 67° 57' 26.5772" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 10' 54.0630" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.883 Tangent: 2.943

Mid-Ord: 0.054 External: 0.054

Chord: 5.882 Course: N 65° 51' 59.5457" W

Tangent Data

Length: 16.872 Course: N 63° 46' 32.5142" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 07° 13' 34.1804" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 10.167 Tangent: 5.090

Mid-Ord: 0.160 External: 0.161

Chord: 10.160 Course: N 67° 23' 19.6044" W

Tangent Data

Length: 17.046 Course: N 71° 00' 06.6946" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 02' 15.6249" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.681 Tangent: 2.842

Mid-Ord: 0.050 External: 0.050

Chord: 5.680 Course: N 68° 58' 58.8821" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.212 Course: N 66° 57' 51.0697" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 09' 34.0956" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.852 Tangent: 2.927

Mid-Ord: 0.053 External: 0.053

Chord: 5.851 Course: N 69° 02' 38.1175" W

Tangent Data

Length: 21.094 Course: N 71° 07' 25.1653" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 20' 09.4437" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 1.880 Tangent: 0.940

Mid-Ord: 0.005 External: 0.005

Chord: 1.880 Course: N 70° 27' 20.4434" W

Tangent Data

Length: 22.604 Course: N 69° 47' 15.7216" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 59' 00.7760" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 2.791 Tangent: 1.396

Mid-Ord: 0.012 External: 0.012

Chord: 2.791 Course: N 70° 46' 46.1096" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.601 Course: N 71° 46' 16.4975" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 15' 12.3803" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.984 Tangent: 2.994

Mid-Ord: 0.056 External: 0.056

Chord: 5.983 Course: N 69° 38' 40.3074" W

Tangent Data

Length: 68.836 Course: N 67° 31' 04.1173" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 25' 05.1335" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 6.216 Tangent: 3.110

Mid-Ord: 0.060 External: 0.060

Chord: 6.215 Course: N 65° 18' 31.5505" W

Tangent Data

Length: 18.308 Course: N 63° 05' 58.9838" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 59' 42.3741" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 7.028 Tangent: 3.516

Mid-Ord: 0.077 External: 0.077

Chord: 7.026 Course: N 65° 35' 50.1708" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.642 Course: N 68° 05' 41.3579" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 28' 56.0018" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 3.492 Tangent: 1.746

Mid-Ord: 0.019 External: 0.019

Chord: 3.492 Course: N 66° 51' 13.3570" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.511 Course: N 65° 36' 45.3561" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 53' 19.7556" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.471 Tangent: 2.737

Mid-Ord: 0.046 External: 0.046

Chord: 5.470 Course: N 67° 33' 25.2339" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.970 Course: N 69° 30' 05.1117" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 09' 12.8582" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 4.437 Tangent: 2.219

Mid-Ord: 0.031 External: 0.031

Chord: 4.436 Course: N 67° 55' 28.6826" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.825 Course: N 66° 20' 52.2535" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 02° 26' 35.7350" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 3.438 Tangent: 1.719

Mid-Ord: 0.018 External: 0.018

Chord: 3.437 Course: N 65° 07' 34.3860" W

Tangent Data

Length: 21.090 Course: N 63° 54' 16.5185" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 02' 37.2884" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 4.282 Tangent: 2.142

Mid-Ord: 0.028 External: 0.028

Chord: 4.282 Course: N 65° 25' 35.1627" W

Tangent Data

Length: 44.319 Course: N 66° 56' 53.8069" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 40' 19.5500" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 6.573 Tangent: 3.289

Mid-Ord: 0.067 External: 0.067

Chord: 6.572 Course: N 64° 36' 44.0319" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.276 Course: N 62° 16' 34.2569" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 01° 59' 47.2056" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 2.809 Tangent: 1.405

Mid-Ord: 0.012 External: 0.012

Chord: 2.809 Course: N 61° 16' 40.6541" W

Tangent Data

Length: 20.679 Course: N 60° 16' 47.0513" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 04° 06' 07.9820" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.772 Tangent: 2.887

Mid-Ord: 0.052 External: 0.052

Chord: 5.770 Course: N 62° 19' 51.0423" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.380 Course: N 64° 22' 55.0333" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 03° 50' 39.6955" Type: LEFT

Radius: 80.613

Length: 5.409 Tangent: 2.705

Mid-Ord: 0.045 External: 0.045

Chord: 5.408 Course: N 66° 18' 14.8810" W

Tangent Data

Length: 19.259 Course: N 68° 13' 34.7288" W

Circular Curve Data

Delta: 09° 23' 19.9556" Type: RIGHT

Radius: 36.306

Length: 5.949 Tangent: 2.981

Mid-Ord: 0.122 External: 0.122

Chord: 5.943 Course: N 63° 31' 54.7510" W

Tangent Data

Length: 4.472 Course: N 58° 50' 14.7732" W

Table 4.3: Showing Horizontal Curve Report





The need for Engineering Surveying is a perquisite for meaningful development of any nation.
This is so because it provides good distribution of facilities of which route surveying is a part.
Adequate route network plays important role in traffic decongestion, ease of movement in terms
of emergency, and ease in crime detection, easy flow of goods and service in and across the
country. The application of GIS in route surveying has enhanced the activities of this type of
survey in all ramifications.

The route survey and Re-design of Toungo to Maitani road in Toungo local govermment
areas,Adamawa state was carried out using CHC differential GPS receiver for the controls
extensions and Leica TSO2 and Hi-Target Total stations for geometric data acquisition. Data
collected were processed and plotted using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 to generate the cross
section, profile and the road alignment.

All information obtained in this survey was represented graphically in hard soft copy. With the
aim and objective of the project task achieved, this project provides an opportunity to have a
wide range of knowledge in route survey, data capture, processing information presentation,
volume calculation and route designing


1. Non availability of Project vehicle, radio communication gadget downloading cables

should be made available to students.

5.3 Conclusion

Route survey is very essential in the design of any road. The products of route survey serve as a
platform for the design of new roads. The accuracy of route survey goes a long way to determine
the success of the computations and design of the road. However, proper care has to be taken so
as to ensure the safety of vehicles that will ply the route.

There was full participation by the member assigned to carry out this project from the
reconnaissance stage to the completion of the project. The data acquired and plans produced will
serve as a platform for re-designing the route in future.

5.4 Recommendations

Though the project was successful executed, in spite of this, the following recommendations will
help in future projects:

1. More equipment should be should be made available to students on time so as to enable

them carryout practical tasks and projects on time.

2. The specification given should base on proposed Local Government Areas project so that
the information obtained will be use useful.

3. Student should be given adequate training on the use of the relevant software.

4. The project topic should be given to students earlier to enable the student carry out
research on related works.

5. Project vehicle, radio communication gadget downloading cables should be made
available to students.


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company limited.

Duggal, S. K. (2006). Surveying. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill publishing.

Field, H. L. (2006). Landscape Surveying, (5th ed.). CENGAGE.

Ghilani, C. D., & Wolf, P. R. (2008). Elementary Surveying, An Introduction to Geometrics

(12th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River.

Kavanagh, B. (2007). Surveying with Construction Applications, (Sixth Edition ed.). Upper
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