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Emcee Script
March 22, 2021

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are about to start our program so please find a
seat and make yourself comfortable. Thank you.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”
To our:
1. respected OIC of the Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent,
Atty. Nelyn B. Frinal,
2. very supportive Principal-in-Charge here in Esperanza District I, Sir Francisco B.
Bayaras Jr.,
3. dearest Principal-in-charge in Esperanza District II, Dr. Sambra Hadjie Esmael
4. dynamic District Supervisor of Esperanza District III, Sir Charlie P. Estrella,
5. beloved principal here in Esperanza Central School, Ma’am Zulaika T. Gandel,
15. fellow teachers,
16. applicants,

a pleasant and delightful morning to all of you! And Welcome to our TEACHING
DEMONSTRATION FOR TEACHER APPLICANTS S.Y. 2020-2021! This program is being
conducted every year, but it is somewhat unusual because we are in the middle of
the pandemic. Some of us may be doing this for the first time, and some of us may
not. But as they say, Victory comes to those who refuses to stop fighting.
To officially open our program, l would like to invite everyone to please stand up for
the singing of our National Anthem to be conducted by Sir Michael Jason F. Fontanilla, to
be followed by prayer to be led by Sir Joseph Villanueva. And please remain standing for
the singing of the Regional Hymn and Sultan Kudarat March.
Please be seated.
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of
Ladies and gentlemen, let us all listen to an opening remarks to be given by the
Principal-in-Charge of Esperanza District II, Dr. Sambra Hadjie Esmael Camsa.
Thank you, sir. Successful people are not gifted. They just work hard then succeed on
purpose. This time let us all lend our ears to our active Principal-in-Charge here in Esperanza
District I, Sir Francisco B. Bayaras Jr.
Thank you, Sir.
This program was created to showcase the skills and abilities of our incoming 21 st
century educators. This time, may we call on the School Heads of each district for the
Presentation of our Teacher Applicants. Let us start with:

So ladies and gentlemen, they are our teacher applicants for this year. Now, we will
be listening to a message from our OIC Office of the Assistant Schools Division
Superintendent, Atty. Nelyn B. Frinal.
Thank you so much, Atty. Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of
doing the hard work you already did.
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s proceed with the most significant part, the orientation
for this demonstration teaching. May we call on_____________________ to deliver us the
Thank you so much, Sir. Let us end this program with a Closing Remarks from our
dynamic District Supervisor from Esperanza District III, Sir Charlie B. Estrella.
Thank you so much, Sir.
That ends our program for this morning. As the saying goes, “The secret of success in
life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”
Good luck to everyone, and good morning!

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