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Emcee Script
February 11, 2021

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are about to start our program so please find a
seat and make yourself comfortable. Thank you.
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
To our respected Principal in charge, Sir Francisco Bayaras, to our beloved principal,
Ma’am Zulaika T. Gandel, fellow teachers, a pleasant day to all of you and welcome to our
FACULTY MEETING! It is our main goal to build strong working relationship among the
faculty, in support of our school and of our pupils and stakeholders.
To officially open our program, l would like to invite everyone to please stand up for
our prayer to be led by Sir Joseph Villanueva.
Please be seated.
This time, let us lend our ears to Maam Edma M. Neri,our School guidance
counsellor for her opening remarks.
Thank you so much, Maam Ed. Now, let us all listen to Maam Fe G. Marquez to give
us the Statement of purpose.
Fellow teachers, this program will not be complete without the message of our
beloved principal. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome Ma’am
Zulaika T. Gandel for her message.
Now, let us all be inspired with the wisdom to be given by our respected Principal-in-
charge, Sir Francisco Bayaras.
Thank you, Maam Venus.
We will now proceed with the significant part, our meeting proper, to be presided by
Ma’am Fe G Marquez.

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