Joe The Middle Way Compress

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The Middle Way

the two extreme
majjhimā paṭipadā
Not connected

Ven Kusalasami @ Uncle Joe’s

Dana - Mar 26 2011

What are the two extremes? the realisation of Nibbana. This Middle Way
distinguishes the Buddha’s teachings from other
“You should not pursue sensual pleasure: it is low,
vulgar, coarse, ignoble, not beneficial.! And you should
not pursue self-mortification: it is painful, ignoble, not Observing the Five Precepts is following
beneficial. Without turning to either of these extremes, the Middle Way
there is the middle way awakened to by the Tathagata
Buddha taught Sila, Samadhi and Panna. This is the
[the One Thus Come], that gives rise to vision, to
Middle Way. Sila comprising of Noble Speech, Action
knowledge, to peace,to direct knowledge, to
and Livelihood; Samadhi comprising of Noble Effort,
awakening, to Nirvana.” - Aranavibhanga Sutta
Mindfulness and Concentration and Panna comprising
Middle Way is not the middle or of Noble View and Thought. Each of these Noble Eight
somewhere between the two extremes. Fold Paths supports one another and does not
function separately. For example when we practise
Often mistaken as half wholesome and half
Mindfulness meditation, all the eight factors are there.
unwholesome. Middle Way does not mean “a little bit
Similarly when we observe sila (precepts), all the eight
of this and a little bit of that.” For example if you drink
factors are there. When we choose to abstain from
4 glasses of alcohol per day and now you drink 2
killing, there is Noble thought and wisdom, there is
glasses, you cannot say that you are following the
right effort, mindfulness and concentration, etc. Sila
Middle Way since it is a “middle” position between
supports Samadhi and Samdhi supports Panna. They are
addiction and abstention. Likewise, there is no such
like the three legs of a tripod. Without one leg, the
basis as moderate killing or stealing.
tripod will not stand.
So what is the Middle Way? This is an important fact. We need to develop all the
It is the Noble Eight Fold Path. Without turning to eight factors to completely follow the Buddha’s Middle
either of the two extremes, there is the Middle Way. It Way but when we are practising one factor, it must be
is not connected to the two extremes. The Middle Way supported by the other seven factors. Example - If we
produces spiritual insight and wisdom to see things as abstain from drinking alcohol because of health
they truly are. The Middle Way leads to the subjugation reasons, while this is a good motivation it is may not
of passions and the arising of wisdom. It leads to the be supported by wisdom (to avoid heedlessness) and
four supramundane paths of the Noble Ones, to the the other factors (to overcome unwholesome act). We
understanding of the Four Noble Truths and finally to need to cultivate all the eight factors in all our actions.


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