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Shot Description Edit Justification

Colour correction I used the colour correction to I used this to brighten up my

add the effects I wanted you had film as you don’t see the
to drag the Colour bored to get character as clearly so when
the effect you want then I did brightening it you able to see
the same for the rest after then that the character is going in the
using match colour to add to the scene
clips I wanted

Titles and actors names On Final Cut Pro I clicked on I think by adding the actors
video effects this gives you a names it matches the teen
variety of titles choices and conning of age genre and the
founts I chose the one that will use of the handwriting fount
match my film and dragged it to emphasises More of the genre
where I wanted like at then I added the title what
0.12,0.34,1.18 abs 2.02 being a about us at the end as the film is
fade And at 2.35 I used the fade called “what about us” so I
in fade out thought I’ll add it at the end
after I introduced both
characters as it will make sense
Spilt screen On final cup pro first I had to I think this matches the genre of
layer the clips to show what I my film and show what they are
want on screen I need to do this going this makes the film more
for both clips so one clip is above interesting to see as sometimes
another then you adjust both we are in a rush to get to school
clips to the same length then
you need to enable one on the
clips by using”v” on the
keyboard because we can’t see
the changes to the top clip then
you crop right to get the clip you
are working with and then
enable v to the clip that you
enabled earlier then crop left
you do this until you get your
Letter box On final cur pro you can add a I think this add a cool effect to
letter box first I had to select the my film and this also makes it
clip you want the letter box on look more professional also it
then you go to key frame crop looks like a film real this gives
on the top on the bottom I did the film more of an effect like it
120px this so it is even on both is on film

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