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aii2020 Online spplcation for Admissions to Frst Year of Three Year Degree Gaurse in Law leading to LL.B. (3¥rs) (Redular-Full Timo-Coarse) 2... GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA State Common Entrance Test Cell 20 Online application for Admissions to First Year of Three Year Degree Course in Law leading to LL.B. (3Yrs.) (Regular-Full Time-Course) 2020-2021 aeaeecianiee eben Sl Category Have you complated your Graduation Degroe Examination from the stale of Maharashira ? OR Are you Appearing for Graduation Examination trom the State of Maharashtra ? Have you completed your Post Graduation Degree Examination fromthe state at Maharashira ? OR Ara you Appearing for Post-Greduation Examination from the State: of Maharashira 7 Have you completed Post Graduation Degres ‘Examination from the University which is Out ‘Sido Maharashira State? OR ‘Are you Appearing for Past-Graduation ‘Degree Examination from the University which is Out Side Maharashtra State? ‘Are you a domicile of Maharashira ? ‘Are you bom In Maharashtra? Is your Father or Mother is domiciled in the ‘Stato of Mahoraahies ? ts your Father or Moither is an employee of the Governmant of India or Government of India Undertaking whois posted and reported to duty in Maharashtra State before the tact date for submitting the Application Form for CAP? [s your Father or Mothar fs an employee of the Government of Maharashtra or Government of Maharashira Undertaking :? Have you passed Graduation & or Post Graduation Examination qualifying ‘Examination from 2 reengnized institution from a disputed Maharashtre-Kamaioka naps:2ibpennine ibpe nvcotityamar2o/registrston_print php2q=MGOZOT wT MyCWISY WiM2hicNik0 VidniiEw'YWY'ZNGUEODnwMYe MAB + 6902680 + KASHIFA FIROOUS ANSARI Bc yes NO yes yes 2 YES 44 snr000 “Have you Completed Graduation Degree Examination through Regular Mode! Distance ModelCorrespondence Mode 7 OR Are you ‘Appearing for Graduabon Degree Examination through Regular Mode! Distance Mode/Corraspondence Node 7" Have you Completed Past-Graduation Dagree Examination through Regular Madet Distance ModelCorrasnondence Mode 7 OR Are you Appesring for Past-Graduatioa Degree Examination through Regular Mode! Distance Mode/Corrasnondence Mode ? Gitizen af (Country) Centre of Examination Preference 1 (Centre of Examination Preference 2 (Centre of Examination Preference & Regular Mode India. Nagpur (Chandrapur Wardha Application Fee / intimation charges Payment in Amount Payment Status Reference ID ‘Transaction Date Personal Details (Date of Birth ‘Age completed as on 01.07.2020 Gonder ‘Martal Status Father's Name (Mother's Name ‘Spouse's Name ‘Address for Conespondence Addrose 1 Disict State Procode Permanent adress Address 1 District State Pincade Contact Details ‘ONLINE 600.00 PAID ‘suR28640120008 20-03-2020 3-12-1998 a FEMALE Unmarried RZWAN AKHTAR ANSARI ‘SHABNAM TABASSUM WECLColony Umired Gno 18 40 Nagpur Maharashtra Nagpur MAHARASHTRA aay204 WCLColony Umred Qno 18 40 Nagpur Maharashtra Nagpur MAHARASHTRA 491204 Innis‘cotibamar20iregiststion_print phi;29=MAGQz0T ¥wZTM yOWISY WAKZNikzNRG ZiminiEMY WY ZMG JBOD kore ‘Onne application for Admissions fo Fist Year of Three Year Degree Course inlLaw inaging to'LL.B. (3Yrs.) (Reguin-Ful Tme-Course) 2... Er -ru2020 (Onin application for Admissions ta First Yas of Three Yaar Degree Course in Lawteading to LLB. (vrs) (Regulae-F ul Time-Couree) 2 Mobile No $491 argorsage2 Alternative Number + +01 geau920529 (Mobile Na/Landiine No) Email ID + Educational Qualification(as on 01.07.2020) Exam Degres/SubjectiStreamvDiseipline Appearing! Dsteof Aggregate Maximum %of Class / Passed = Passing marks = marks = Marks Grade obtained iohissc + - 2805 63 83 100.00 Pass 201s Class 42h) HSC ARTS - 2805 59 58 100.00 Pass 2017 Class Graduation Adis Appearing — = - ae Deolaration: | KASHIFA FIRDOUS ANSARI have read all the rules of admission and on understanding these rules. | havi ited this On Line Application form for admission to First Year of Three Year Degrae Course in Law loading to LLB. (3YFs.) (Regular-Full Time-Course) 2020-2021. The information given by mein this Application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. at lator stage, iis found that | have furnished wrong information and for submited false contests (s). lam aware that my admission stands canceled and fues paid by me wil be forleited. Further Iwill be subjected to legal ‘and /'or penal action as per the provision of the law, Further deciare that f wil bring wih me my valid Original Photo 1D (Asdhar Card, Pan Card, Driving Licance, Latest College Identity Card (2020-7021)) and Ghange af Name Documentin ‘original in cass of MarriediAdopted candidates atthe time of CET Examination. | have downloaded and reed the Information Brochure and understand that | full he eligiility crteria including dete of Category, Canddature Type. Educational qualification details mentioned in the Brochure and I have filed in the Information for which | have the proper documentation. it proved to be olherwise at any stage, my sdmission willbe cancelled by the authorty admiting me. Date: 20-03-2020 ‘Sgnoture of Candidate ‘nspsRepeonineJops.iveatleomer20Ieqieraan_ pert phyy =MGO2OT YarZTM yOWSYWM2N KADY zim EWYWYZMGJSODKwA YEN Amt ae

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