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Cost-Effective Recruitment Method

Post: Assistant Manager, Customer Service and Sales

1. Online Networking Sites:

Detailed Description of the Method Selected:

In an online recruiting, online networking sites plays an important role while

organization wants to hire a at middle or senior position level. Online networking
sites include LinkedIn, Gadball, Indeed and Jobcase. On those sites many
professionals have made their profile. If a company wants to hire a person in a
particular field like IT, engineering, HR, marketing, customer service and sales
and accounting, then hiring through this method is ideal. All these sites not only
give option to employer to find the right candidate but also give them freedom to
conduct search talent by providing various filter options. Social media play
prominent role now a days. Through this method employer can even post job
openings on Facebook market place as well as on Twitter. This method is cost-
effective and effective for finding right candidate, at the right time and for the right
place. In an online networking sites, chances are very high that employer can get
best talent.

Rationale for Selecting Online Networking Sites:

As has a modest budget to hire an Assistant Manager,

Customer Service and Sales, going through these sites would be cost-effective
for a company. wants someone with college or university
degree in a business as well as required knowledge of Computer based training
material with these company also wants minimum one-year experience in a
particular field. So, hiring through this method would be beneficial for a company
as those sites provide many filter options to search for a particular talent. Those
sites are widely used by persons with experience and knowledge in a particular

2. Executive Search Firms:

Detailed Description of the Method Selected:

In an agency recruiter, recruiting through Executive Search Firm is best idea.

Through this method an employer can fill the critical position like middle level,
senior level and managerial level in an organization and it is also budget-friendly.
Executive search firms are often specialized in specific type of talent like,
executives, sales, marketing, customer service representative. Such firms have
immense knowledge and clear idea of market place and have so many contacts
through which they are able to find right candidate for the company. This kind of
firms generally known as head-hunters. They are actively looking for the job
seeker who can fit in a specific criterion. By recruiting through this method
company can hire best talent with very short span of time. This type of method is
highly effective when company is expanding in a new business as the company
has very low competition.

Rationale for Selecting Executive Search Firms:

Executive search firms are highly professional in finding particular type of

employee. As wants to hire a specific type of talent as the
company is looking for someone at the senior level position with specific degree
and experience in a specific field as well as person who can also train others in
the said field. So, executive search firms are the best option for finding particular
type of person as they are highly professional in their field. In addition to this, this
method is economical as well. But though this method we have to be very careful
to give them information what we required for specific position as false
information leads to hiring a wrong candidate for the job. As is
planning to expand its business in an educational sector, so employment through
this method is highly effective for a company.

3. Employee Referrals:

Detailed Description of the Method Selected:

In traditional networking, employee referrals mean recruiting done through the

friends or relatives of existing employees working in the company. Though this
kind of campaign, organization are announcing job openings on their intranet or
newsletter. Usually cash prize or rewards are given to the employee with whose
referral new hire has been done. As no private agency is involved in between,
cash or reward to the said employee would be cost effective.

Rationale for Selecting Employee Referrals:

First of all, this is the cost-effective method of recruiting as there is no

involvement of private recruitment agency. In addition to this company will get
best talent because the hiring has been done through one of the employees. As
no one know the organization better other than employee. This method is ideal
when the company wants to hire a person for the middle or senior level position.
As the is located in Burlington, Ontario, I have learned that In
Canada, reference is utmost important thing when it comes to hiring. Here in
Canada company always looks for reference when they want to recruit for some
specific position.


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