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Tied to Technology Gia mmar C Circle the correct words. You sent an email to your fiend an hour SpE ago. He could/ shoud hove got the ema by now A. Read the sentences and underline the perfect model 2. Your friend is very late and you'e worried verbs. He may/ ought fo have had an accident. 1 Maria should have phoned by now. It's already 6 o'clock. 3. Why did you climb that high ladder? You could / should have fallen. 4 You couldn't / needn't have washed the car. Iwas going to take it to the car wash 5. Fred is brilliant at maths. He could / may have become a university professor. 6 Itwould / must have been an interesting You shouldn't have tried to fx the computer on your own! Jule is late, She may / might / could have missed the bus ‘She could have become a top athlete if she'd trained BON 5 John can't have cooked dinner. He's useless in the Hecben! lecture because everyone stayed till the 6 They must have been very happy when hey won a pees 7 Celis failed her exams. She can't / shouldn't 7 We would have bought pew cari we'd ad ehough oe enete ee 8 I might / would have told you the answer, SOY erect ere et seem reel ee a oe B. Match the sentences in A to an explanation (@-h). D Complete the zecond sentences so that a Itwas possible but hiici’thappen, Ci they have a similar meaning to the first b We were expecting something but it didn’t happen. [-] ietritehices. Une tpe:iords Wyble, | c WORDS oe ee | 1m sure twas excing 0 be the est human d- We're not sure but it's a possibility, (—] inepece boar | i: We wartad too something bt vn possi: [1 ‘ahem des teheppaceriby tipesitreresty | 2 Perhaps they were too late for the bus. @. We're sure tha isnoftrue ebout the past. [1] ted Th Wa dor hrk Rivas a good idea to hve dant bs | something. (] tho bus 3. You didn’t know how to use the device and you didn't ask me. would 1 you how to-use the device, but you didn't ask me. 4 They didn’t update their anti-virus software and that was a mistake. to a their antivirus sohware, 5. don't believe it was easy for grandma to learn to use a computer. can't fh eaty for grandma to learn to use a computer 6 He's got loads of computer games and you gave him anather! given You ‘another computer game 7 ttwasn't necessary for you to get anew smart phone. have You __ = new smart phone. 8 She started the experiment hours ago; surely she has finished, should She 7 the ‘experiment by now. Panne a CERO) im

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