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Confrontation should be the ideal way of going because Shailja has been working with the
firm for 8 years, and quitting over an issue without trying to resolve it might be an incorrect,
impulsive decision. She should frame a mail expressing her grievances and the problems she
has been facing, because it might just be the case that Vijaya is unaware of the fact that
Shailja might be facing issues because of the extra work she’s been doing. The tone of the
message should be polite and formal so that her job is not at risk and at the same time she is
able to communicate her expectations from the job. A healthy communication between the
employee and superior, discussing their expectations from one another, can effectively
resolve areas of conflict.

2. Dear Vijaya,

It has been a great learning experience to be a part of this prestigious organization for 8 years.
Having invested a lot of time and energy in a business that I really like, I have reached the
position that I had always coveted as a part of my corporate journey. Working under your
supervision has helped me assimilate the learnings efficiently. Hence, I have been able to
climb the corporate ladder managing my personal life and delivering consistently on the
professional side.

However, I wanted to bring to your attention the problems that I have been facing lately. I am
ready to put in all the hard work and extra efforts required for the job at hand but currently, I
am overburdened by some extra tasks not concerning my job-specific areas, which is posing
some problems for me. I know that your tight schedule leaves you with no spare time to
schedule your sessions but I also understand that it is imperative to have your day planned. I
believe that a dedicated individual could really help with that.

For me to streamline my energy and time in order to achieve the standards that the company
has set for itself and for me, I would request you to take cognizance of the current situation.
This would not only help me to be more productive at work but also help me to ensure that I
can make some time outside of work to rejuvenate and stay motivated.

Yours truly


Submitted by:
Group 9
Prakshi Goyal (2111275)
Nischal Mathur (2111260)
Piyush Trivedi (2111290)

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