Approach in Translation Teaching

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2005 年 6 月 中国英语教学 (双月刊) Jun.2005

第 28 卷 第 3 期 CELEA Journal(Bim onthly) Vol.28 No.3


Xiao Hong
Sichuan International Studies University

Abstract the develop m ent of students productive skills.

  Translating is an im portant productive skill ,the Translating ,as an im portant productive skill ,has
cultivation of w hich is therefore a co m m on concern been drawing an increasingly public and acade mic
in the field of translation teaching. The traditional interest , w hich foretells a pressing need for
qualified translators and interpreters. However ,
translation teaching approach attaches im portance to
the traditional translation teaching approach ,
the final product of translating ,w hich has exposed
w hich is teacher- centered ,lays e m phasis on the
various disadvantages.In view of this situation , this
final product of translating — the students
paper suggests Translation Workshop Approach as an version. Usually ,the teacher first de m onstrates
effective teaching method to im prove the quality of translation techniques with the help of a few
translation teaching. In the actual w orkshop ,the exa m ple sentences or m akes a co m parative study
teacher mainly plays the roles of a mediator ,an of tw o or m ore versions ,and then assigns so m e
organizer , a creator ,a facilitator ,a supervisor and a ho m ew ork. Next ,the teacher corrects student s
guide. As the mediator and organizer ,the teacher assign m ents , with e m phasis on correcting
helps to establish cooperative connection between mistakes. Finally , the teacher m akes so m e
students and pro m ote their interest in translation.As co m m ent on students translation w ork , his
the guide and facilitator , he helps students to e m phasis still on students mistakes ,occasionally
co m prehend fully the original text and solve their co m m enting on one or tw o good versions.In this
way , the w hole process of translation teaching has
proble ms in translating. As the creator and
co m e to an end.
supervisor ,he creates opportunities and a relaxed
atm osphere for students active participation in Obviously ,this approach has the following
translation teaching activity. Students are the real disadvantages.( 1 ) As it belongs to product-
center of this w orkshop activity.They w ork jointly oriented approach ,w hich is teacher- centered ,it
to seek unified solutions to translation proble ms , cannot ensure that students will bring their m ajor
generalizing rules or principles w hich help produce role into full play.The teacher plays the role of a
nurse , thus generating students heavy dependence
better version in their later translation activity.
on the teacher and their half- heartedness about
Key w ords learning translation.( 2 ) In correcting and
translation teaching ; translation w orkshop ; co m m enting on students assign m ents ,the teacher
translation w orkshop approach always lays e m phasis on students mistakes ,w hich
is liable to da m pen students enthusiasm for
translating , causing the m to psychologically
1. Introduction
generate the fear of and disgust for the translation
In the field of college English teaching in course. (3) This product- oriented approach
China ,m ore and m ore e m phasis has been laid on deviates fro m the aim of quality- oriented
Translation Workshop :An Effective Approach in Translation Teaching   Xiao Hong

education , failing to develop students teacher and his students alike. (4)It pro m otes the
co m prehensive ability — the ability to innovate interaction a m ong the participants ,w hich helps to
and the abilities to discover ,analyze and solve develop a tea m spirit since they assu m e shared
translation proble ms independently. ( 4 ) In responsibilities and w ork towards the sa m e
translating assign m ents after class ,students lack objective.(5 ) It e m phasizes the m ajor role of
their teacher s guidance ,and the teacher cannot students and creates a de m ocratic and co m petitive
m onitor his students translation activities ;nor atm osphere ,w hich is pleasant and suitable for
does he discover his students mistakes or guide students to bring into full play their creative
the m in proble m - solving during co m prehension thinking ,enthusiasm and initiative.In a w ord ,
and representation. Consequently ,students are translation w orkshop approach encourages
apt to skim p their w ork.If translation is co m pared students autono m y — independent or self- reliant
to an iceberg , the translated w ork is m erely a very learning by raising w orkshop participants
sm all part of the iceberg floating above the water ; consciousness as the center of learning translation
the m ajority of the iceberg deep under the water. skills instead of spoon- feeding students with a
The co m plex process of translating is not yet static body of knowledge.
discovered by the teacher. In short ,traditional
translation teaching approach has co m e to a dead 3. Procedures of Workshop Approach
end.The translation class based on it has beco m e a Translation w orkshop approach can be
one- way co m m unication ,generating little desired undertaken in the form of tea m w ork. After
effect. handing out assign m ents ,the teacher m ay allow
In view of this situation in translation students abouttwenty or thirty minutes(depending
teaching , this paper atte m pts to suggest a upon the length of the m aterialto be translated)to
Translation Workshop Approach ,w hich ,as an translate the m . During the process of
effective way to develop students ability of co m prehension ,students can discuss w hat they
translating ,the author of this paper has been cannot understand either with a partner or in
applying in his translation teaching practice for groups ,and then put pen to paper independently.
m any years. Next ,they correct each other s w ork ,read their
ow n versions within the group ,and select the best
2. Translation Workshop Approach version ,w hich is read to the w hole class. After
Translation Workshop is a foru m similar to a that , the w hole class m akes a judg m ent as to w hich
translation center w here tw o or m ore translators version is perfect.At this stage other students can
gather together to conduct translation activities also offer w hat they consider as better versions.
( Gentzler 1993 :7 ). When this practice is Finally , the teacher m akes a co m m ent on students
conducted in a classroo m ,it can be considered as a version ,leading students to draw conclusions for
way to teach translation. The nature of this translation fro m their ow n translation practice.
approach is to pro m ote students “ learning To be exact ,this approach involves the
translation by translating ” . As a teaching following three stages :before- translating ,w hile-
approach ,it is student- centered and process-
translating ,and after-
oriented. The teacher plays a leading role — a
guide ,an organizer ,a counselor ,a supervisor and Stage One :Before-Translating
a creator of opportunities , all rolled into one ;and
This stage consists m ainly of teacher s
the students ,a m ajor role in the process of
instruction.In the first class hour ,the teacher
translating — active participants ,learners and
spends about twenty minutes expounding
tea m -w orkers.
translation theory or de m onstrating translation
It has the following advantages.(1 ) The techniques as scheduled. According to the
teacher can m onitor the w hole process of students Syllabus ,English m ajors should be offered tw o
translating , w hich enables the teacher to get years translation course , with English- Chinese
pro m pt feedback of his students translation. translation and Chinese- English translation each
(2)This approach can arouse students interest in occupying one acade mic year. Tim e is limited ,
translation and involve all students active w hereas teaching m aterials are as vast as the open
participation in translating.(3 )It can pro m ote sea. Therefore teacher s explanation should be
the exchange and cooperation between the brief and explicit ,focusing on the key ite ms ,
students and their teacher ,w hich benefits the highlighting the difficult points ,and teaching only
CELEA Journal 61

the essential. For exa m ple , as to translation w orking on the guiding questions about the
theory ,e m phasis should be laid on translation assign m ent are significant approaches w hereby to
principles or criteria ,translation techniques and prepare for a full understanding of the original
translation of stylistic varieties ,with the focus on text. Take the following long sentence for
translation techniques. exa m ple.

The co m m only used translation techniques It is nothing else than im purities prenatally
should be explained clearly and concisely just in inherent in ore that seriously affect the
order to getto the crucial point ,w hereas so m e less quality of the latter ,w hich is form ed as a
co m m only used ones should be taught only for the result of geological vicissitudes including
sake of practicality and convenience. Take the diastrophic m ove m ent ,eruption of volcano ,
teaching of translating long sentences for sedim entation , glaciation and weathering
exa m ple.The teacher should focus on teaching his etc.,under the action of w hich pyrogenic
students the essentials of the techniques of rocks , volcanic co m plex , aqueous rocks ,
translating long sentences : sedim entary rocks etc.,co m e into being ,
so m e of w hich exist in a state of sy m biosis ,
(1)present the skeleton form of a long
sentence and find out the interrelation the m ain cause of the absence of pure rocksin
between sentence ele m ents nature ,w herein lies the reason for the need
(2)cut the long sentence into several sim ple of separation technology and apparatus ,
parts na m ely ,ore- dressing devices and equip m ent ,
(3)translate the sim ple parts into Chinese w hich has so far been im potent to m eet the
one by one require m ents of m etallurgical industry the
(4)rearrange the order according to Chinese scientists m ake every endeavor to elevate to a
idio m atic expression new high by laser separation.
(5)give finishing touches to the version After assigning students the above task ,the
Stage Two :While-Translating teacher m ay ask the following guiding questions.

This stage fallsinto tw o steps :co m prehension (1 ) What does the w ord “latter ”refer to ?
and representation. (ore)
(2) What affects the quality of ores ?
Step One :Co m prehension (im purities prenatally inherent in ore)
1 ) Predicting the Text. After his necessary (3) How does the ore co m e into being ? (as a
explanation ,the teacher gives out assign m ent result of geological vicissitudes including
relevant to his lecture.Students should first get a diastrophic m ove m ent , eruption of
global understanding of the original text by pre- volcano ,sedim entation ,glaciation and
reading it and then get an accurate co m prehension weathering etc. )
of it through close reading. Then students are (4) What do the above-m entioned geological
divided into groups to predict and discuss the vicissitudes produce ? (pyrogenic rocks ,
content of the text. Through discussion ,students volcanic co m plex , aqueous rocks ,
not only solve the linguistic proble ms and sedim entary rocks etc. )
overco m e the obstacles caused by different (5) Why is there no pure ore in nature and
disciplines but also bridge the cultural gaps w hy do we need separation technology
between English and Chinese.In this interactive and apparatus ?( because so m e of the
activity students interest and curiosity are above-m entioned rocks exist in a state of
aroused , and their potentials , creativity and sy m biosis , the m ain cause of the absence
wisdo m are also stim ulated to a greater extent. of pure rocks in nature)
Besides , students are also required to w ork fast on
(6) What do you think of the present
so m e guiding questions prepared by the teacher to separation technology and apparatus ?
extract significant facts and specific inform ation
(They have so far been im potent to m eet
fro m the text. Working on guiding questions not the require m ents of m etallurgical
only helps students get an overallim pression of the industry)
text ,but also gives students good foundation for
further understanding of it.Therefore , such task- With these questions in mind ,the students
based activities as anticipating the content of and should m ake a close- reading of the original to
Translation Workshop :An Effective Approach in Translation Teaching   Xiao Hong

further co m prehend the originalinform ation. of translation techniques. With the solution of the
co m prehension proble ms ,adequate representation
2 ) Textual Analysis. After close reading ,
should beco m e the fore m ost concern.Based on an
students are required to m ake a textual analysis ,
accurate co m prehension of the original ,students
w hich is an im portant m eans of understanding the
w ork independently on the production of a proper
original text accurately.The teacher should teach
version within the given tim e. At this stage ,the
his students the techniques of grasping the thread
teacher should not interfere with students
of thoughtin the m aterialto be translated ,m aking
independent w ork on their translation. Instead ,
sound judg m ent and inference , recognizing
he beco m es a supervisor , organizing and
denotation and connotation of w ords , and
m onitoring students translation activities. The
understanding figurative language.The analysis of
teacher should m ake sure that the students choice
the above long sentence is a typical exa m ple.The
of w ords and construction of sentences m ust
students w ork jointly on the original text with the
convey accurately the real m eaning of the original
help of the guiding questions asked by the teacher ,
and at the sa m e tim e conform to the usage of the
and grasp the spirit of the original text by target language ,so as to achieve the unity of an
analyzing its gra m m atical structure and inherent accurate co m prehension on the one hand and an
logical relation between sentence ele m ents , adequate representation on the other. To ensure
negotiating the following layers of m eaning : this , the teacher should enable his students to m eet
(1)The ore is form ed as a result of geological the following require m ents : (1 ) to be able to
vicissitudes including diastrophic flexibly apply literal and free translation and avoid
m ove m ent , eruption of volcano , w ord-for- w ord translation w hich will get the m
sedim entation , glaciation and now here ; (2 )to be able to m ake a contextual
weathering. analysis of difficult w ords.Students are required
(2)The afore-m entioned geological to bear in mind that w ords beco m e alive only w hen
vicissitudes produce pyrogenic rocks , they are used in the right context ,and that in a
volcanic co m plex , aqueous rocks , co m plex discourse the exact m eaning of m any
sedim entary rocks etc. w ords can be grasped only w hen itis studied in the
(3)So m e of the above-m entioned rocks exist light of the context ; (3 )to be fa miliar with the
in a state of sy m biosis , w hich is the subject m atter by reading extensively.The teacher
reason for the absence of pure ore in should give students in advance so m e m aterials
nature. concerning the subject m atter covered in the text
to be translated so as to enable students to
(4)Itisjustthe im purities prenatally inherent
in ore that seriously affect its quality. fa miliarize the mselves with the subject m atter ,
w hich is also an indispensable factor in achieving
(5)Therefore separation technology and
apparatus are needed. accuracy in translation.
(6)But so far separation technology and Stage Three :After- Translating
apparatus are far fro m m eeting the
require m ents of m etallurgicalindustry. This stage includes revision and evaluation.
During revision ,students w ork in pairs to revise
(7)The scientists are w orking very hard to
elevate it to a new high by laser each other s version by co m paring their versions
separation with the original text to see if there is anything
unintelligible or im proper. They are required to
Such tasks should be carried out in groups or underline w here there is good translation ,m ake a
in class. By analyzing the text ,students provide cross w here there is misunderstanding or
the mselves with a chance to im prove their ability mistranslation ,and m ake a wave w here there is
in understanding fully the original text. im proper translation.

Step Two :Representation After revision ,students w ork in groups to

evaluate their versions ,and then pick out the best
An accurate co m prehension of the original
one ,w hich will next be read to the w hole class
text does not necessarily ensure an adequate
involved.And then other classm ates point out the
representation. The quality of translated w ork
strengths and weaknesses and offer better versions
depends upon the w orkshop participant s accurate
if there are any.
co m prehension of the original ,his good m astery
of the target language ,and his flexible application To be m ore detailed ,the after-
CELEA Journal 61

stage includes three phases :pair w ork ,group

4. Suggestions for Workshop Approach
w ork ,and class w ork.They share the sa m e goal
that all students can benefit fro m their joint w ork This approach needs so m e preparatory w ork
and learn m uch fro m one another , so as to deepen on the part of both the teacher and his students.
their awareness of translation art and solve the To conduct this approach sm oothly and
proble ms in their translation activities ,ultim ately efficiently , the teacher should take into
im proving their ow n versions. consideration the following points and m ake a
careful teaching plan on the basis of students
1)Pair Work
specific circu mstances.
An English class usually has twenty students or
so ,w ho m ay be roughly divided into ten pairs , (1 ) Translation teaching should be based on
with each pair sitting at the sa m e desk.Either the the integration of translation theory with
students sitting in pairs revise each other s version translation practice. The w orkshop approach
or the students in the first pair revise the versions focuses on the techniques of proble m- solving and
of the second pair before selecting a better version the craft of translation ,but it does not overlook
to be read to the group in the following phase. the teaching of translation theories. According to
the Syllabus ,the contents of translation teaching
2)Group Work
include basic translation theory and translation
The ten pairs can be divided , in the
techniques ,and translation of stylistic varieties
neighborhood ,into three or four groups. All the
such as literary translation ,technical translation
better versions selected in different pairs are now
and culturaltranslation.The teacher should aim to
read to the w hole group.All the other students in
develop students theoretical attain m ent and
the sa m e group point out the strengths ,
m ean w hile cultivate their rigor in translating( Mu
misunderstandings or im proper renderings in the
1999 : 60 ) . Therefore the teacher should m ake a
versions ,and then select the best one to be read in
careful teaching plan and allocate tim e properly
the third phase.
for each ite m . Generally ,there are tw o class
3)Class Work hours of translation course every week. The
The three or four best versions selected fro m teacher spends approxim ately twenty minutes in
different groups are read to the w hole class.After introducing translation theory briefly or
that ,other classm ates point out their strengths , de m onstrating translation techniques in the first
misunderstandings and im proper renderings or se m ester ,and translation of various stylistic texts
offer w hat they consider as good versions.During in the second se m ester. After about twenty
this phase ,the teacher should m ake a tim ely minutes of explanation or de m onstration ,the
judg m ent of students discussion and evaluation , teacher then gives out relevant m aterials to be
leading students to draw conclusions and generalize translated.
rules for translation.
It is essential for students to do plenty of
This practice involves all students active translation exercises. However ,the view of“The
participation in revision and evaluation activities m ore exercises ,the better ” does not always
and arouses students sense of co m petition. produce an ideal effect.Choosing the quantity of
Besides ,it provides a pro m pt feedback ,w hich not exercises should serve the purpose of enabling
only m akes the group see their ow n proble ms but students to m aster essential translating skills.
also enables the other groups to beco m e aware of Therefore the difficulty of the m aterials to be
the proble ms so that they can avoid the m in future translated should be suitable for the students
translation activities. knowledge and the quantity of translation
m aterials should be m oderate.
The close reading of the original text ,joint
effort to solve proble ms ,first draft ,and finished (2)This approach aims to involve allstudents
translation , and revision and evaluation of active participation ,but so m e students m ay refrain
translation m ake w orkshop participants m ore fully fro m doing so as a result of lacking confidence or
aware of the dyna mic process of translating. By experiencing intense anxiety or nu m erous failures
the end of this course ,students shall certainly have in the process of translating. This kind of
had a richer understanding of translation and psychological interference tends to discourage
generated a strong interest in this course. students and act as an obstacle to successful
translation.Therefore the teacher should tolerate
Translation Workshop :An Effective Approach in Translation Teaching   Xiao Hong

students errors in their translation ,sy m pathize translate.

with their feelings of tension and anxiety ,and
The task- based activities in the w orkshop
create a relaxed and pleasant classroo m
m ake allstudents aware of w hether they have fully
atm osphere by establishing a friendly teacher-
understood the text ,w hat they have learned fro m
student relationship so as to encourage and
one another and w here their weaknesses are.
m otivate students active participation in
Students often w ork in pairs or in groups ,w hich
translating and generate the desired teaching
enables students to negotiate m eanings of so m e
cultural w ords and difficult w ords ,share ideas
(3 ) Attention should also be paid to the a m ong the mselves , get inspirations fro m one
develop m ent of students awareness of cultural another and co m bine wisdo m in proble m solving
differences between Chinese and English. tasks. In successful groups , the interaction
“Language is influenced and shaped by culture ” pro m oted by w orking together can produce active
( Deng & Liu 1995 : 3 ),and different languages m otivation and create a pleasant atm osphere of
reflect different cultures , w hich consequently co m m unication w hereby to provide students with a
generates cultural gaps. Translation should chance to im prove their reading co m prehension
overco m e such cultural gaps as well as linguistic ability through active reading and textual analysis.
obstacles.In fact , “translation m eans translating
This approach has also co m bined students
the culture ”( Chen 2000 :282 ) . Because of
independent w ork with their joint w ork. In
cultural differences ,misunderstandings m ay arise ,
w orking independently ,students learn how to
and the sa m e w ords or expressions m ay not m ean
apply their language skills in solving translation
the sa m e thing to different peoples.Therefore the
proble ms and develop the sense of co m petition.
teacher should help students clear away the
While w orking with others ,they learn how to
cultural obstacles before they set about their
draw on one another s m erits ,and m ost im portant
of all ,develop the spirit of tea m w ork.These skills
(4 ) Since “bilingualism ,biculturalism ,and are all necessary for language students , as listed in
adequate knowledge of the content of a text are the Syllabus Designs for College English Majors
insufficient without the ability to write issued by the Ministry of Education in 1999. To
effectively”(Nida 2001 : 136 ),the teacher should so m e degree ,these abilities are survival skills
develop the students co m petence in writing so as w hich enable students to adapt to an ever changing
to ensure an adequate representation on the part of w orld.

5. Conclusion References
Chen ,Ding an.2000. English- Chinese Comparative
The teacher used to be the central figure in Studies & Translation. Beijing : China
translation teaching ,serving as the knowledge Translation &Publishing Corporation.
transmitter and offering to his students w hat he Deng ,Yangchang & Liu ,Runqing. Language and
thought as im portant and w orth learning ;w hile Culture. Beijing :Foreign Language Teaching
the students passively took in knowledge by taking and Research Press.
notes. Now in the w orkshop ,after assigning the Gentzler , E. 1993. Contemporary Translation
translation task to his students , the teacher Theories.London :Routledge.
retreats to the backstage for the tim e being ,giving Mu ,Lei. 1999. Translation Teaching in China.
advice or help only w hen necessary and Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language
co m m enting in the end.The teacher is not m erely Education Press.
an instructor , a knowledge transmitter , but Nida , E . A . 2001. Language , Culture , and
rather ,a guide ,an organizer ,a facilitator and Translation. Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign
m ore im portant ,a creator of opportunities and Language Education Press.
environ m ent in w hich students learn how to


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