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Talent Planning and Acquisition- 2020-2021

MBA HR, Trim 3, Academic Year 2020-2021

Rubric for Group Project

CLO 1 – 10 Marks

Parameter Excellent (4-5) Average (2-3) Poor (0-1)

PESTLE analysis Detailed PESTLE and PESTLE analysis is PESTLE analysis is
linked to Manpower have used the same to not detailed and hence weak. The variables
Planning (MPP) identify all important have identified fewer identified have lesser
(5 Marks) variables impacting important variables impact on MPP in the
MPP for the impacting MPP for the organisation
organisation organisation
Skill Segmentation Complete and Segmentation is Inaccurate and weak
linked to business accurate segmentation detailed and accurate segmentation across
strategy (5 Marks) across all four in some categories, all categories.
categories providing a while in others it is not. Rationale provided are
detailed rationale. Rationale provided is weak. Segmentation
Segmentation has a not strong. done has a weak co-
strong co-relation to Segmentation has an relation to business
business strategy average co-relation to strategy
business strategy

CLO 3 – Total 20 Marks

Parameter Marks Distribution

Excellent (4-5) Average (2-3) Poor (0-1)
Alignment of the All the designed tools Only some of the Very few or only one
Tool Competency will help the designed tools will tool will help the
Matrix for candidate organisation to select help the organisation organisation to select
Selection (5 marks) the best-fit candidates to select the best-fit the best-fit candidates
for the given role. candidates for the for the given role.
Complete alignment of given role. Partial Weak or no alignment
TCM alignment of TCM of TCM
Parameter Excellent (12-15) Average (7-11) Poor (0-6)
Detailing and All tools have been Some tools have been No or only one tool/s
development of fully developed. fully developed OR all has been fully
selection Tools (15 Complete details of tools are partially developed. Very little
Marks) how all tools will be developed. Inadequate details of how all tools
used in selection details of how all tools will be used in
process is provided. will be used in selection process is
Tool design is strong selection process is provided. Tool design
and complete provided. is weak

Rubric for TA Dashboard

CLO 2 -10 Marks

Parameter Excellent (4-5) Average (2-3) Poor (0-1)

Quality, coverage Provided indepth Provided limited Provided barely any
and detailing of detailing with rationale. amount of detailing. amount of detailing.
Metrics chosen in Have defined the Metrics identified are Metrics identified are
the model (5 marks) metrics correctly and limited in proper poor in proper
provided a clear definition and rationale definition and rationale
rationale for using the
User Experience wrt All features of the Some features of the Very few features of
presentation and dashboard model dashboard model the dashboard model
simplicity of the enable the user to enable the user to enable the user to
model (5marks) seamlessly use its seamlessly use it. seamlessly use it.
features. The overall Other features don’t Most features are not
look and presentation impact user user friendly. The
of the same is experience. The overall look and
excellent overall look and presentation of the
presentation of the same is poor
same is Average

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