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Program : PISMP Name :

Kod : EDUP3013 Semester / Tahun : Semester 1 / Year 1

Ambilan : Jun 2020
Nama Kursus:
Kumpulan : TESL 1, TESL 2, TESL3
Philosophy and Education in Malaysia

Task Commencing Date Submission Date

1. Quiz (10%) 02 Oct 2020 09 Oct 2020

2. Pressentation (10%) 09 Oct 2020 16 Oct 2020

3. Academic Writing (30%) 12 Oct 2020 06 Nov 2020

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

1. Clarify basic concepts of philosophy, philosophy of education and historical

development of the Malaysian Education System. (C2, LO1)
2. Explain the Islamic, Western and Eastern philosophers’ viewpoints on knowledge ,
education and branches of philosophy based on literature review. (C2,A2, LO1, LO6,
3. Evaluate elements in the National Philosophy of Education (FPK) and Philosophy of
Teacher Education (FPG) in the teaching profession. (C5, LO3, CTPS2)
4. Analyse curriculum models and implementation of curriculum in schools through
presentation activities. (C4, A4, LO3, LO4, CTPS3,CS4)
5. Analyse issues concerning education in Malaysia by refering to relevant
references.(C4, LO3, LO6,CTPS3, LL1)

This coursework assesses Learning outcomes 1, 2, 4 and 5

Course Objectives:

Students should be able to perform the following tasks:

1. Answer 20 objective questions in a 30 minutes quiz on basic concepts of philosophy

and philosophy of education, and view points of Islamic, Western and Eastern
2. Analyse curriculum model and present teaching and learning activity based on a
chosen curriculum model.
3. Analyze issues and challenges in education in Malaysia clearly and accurately.


Malaysia's national education mission is to develop a quality and world-class education

system in order to realize the holistic potential of individuals and achieve national
aspirations. In this regard, teachers not only need to be highly intellectual and innovative but
also disciplined, motivated and committed in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

Students are required to perform the following tasks:

Task 1 : Quiz (10%) (Individual)

Based on the topics below, you are required to answer 20 multiple choice questions within
30 minutes.

1. Basic concepts of philosophy, educational philosophy, importance of educational

philosophy and history of the development of education system in Malaysia.

2. The views of Islamic, Western and Eastern philosophers on knowledge and education as
well as branches of philosophy through literature review.

Task 2 : Presentation (10%) (Group)

Analyse the strength and weaknesses of a chosen curriculum model. Suggest an

appropriate teaching and learning activity to be implemented in an effort to create effective
learning in the classroom. You are encouraged to apply Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in the presentation.

 Objective Model (Tyler and Taba)

 Process Model (Stenhouse)

You will also be assesed on the ability to look for ideas and find alternative solutions
(CTPS3) and ICT skills (CS4).

Task 3 : Academic Writing (30%) (Individual)

In an effort to realize the goals of the Malaysian Education Blueprint (PPPM) 2013 - 2025,
various educational issues have been identified and become a challenge for teachers. This
needs to be addressed well by high intellectual teachers so that the aspirations and goals of
the Ministry of Education Malaysia in PPPM 2013-2025 to boost the quality of world-class
education is achieved.

Analyze and discuss clearly some issues in education that are a challenge for teachers to
boost the quality of world-class education by refering to relevant resourses.

Students are required to carry out the assignments based on The Big Idea (TBI) and the
following Essential Questions (EQ) to generate ideas in order to produce good and
meaningful assignments.

You will be assesed on the ability to look for ideas, find alternative solutions (CTPS3) and
source and organize relevant information (LL1).

The Big Idea (TBI): Facing current challenges intellectually.

Essentials Questions (EQ):

EQ1 How can a teacher as a profesional leader, improve the quality of national education
through teacher intellect?
EQ2. To what extent teacher intellectuality can enable a teacher to analyse issues in
educational challenges in Malaysia?
EQ3. How can teacher intellectuality help in overcoming current challenges in education?

Student writing should contain:

1. Teacher intellectuality in improving the quality of national education (EQ1)
2. Teacher intellectuality in analysing issues in facing educational challenges in Malaysia
3. Teacher intellectuality in overcoming current challenges in education (EQ3)

Course work Implementation Guide

1. Task should be completed within the given time period.

2. Task 1 and 3 should be performed individually.
3. Task 2 in groups and do not exceed more than 3 person (send your presentation slides
and video).
3. Task 3 (Essay) should not exceed 1000 words, should show authenticity, maturity and
scientific quality.
4. Format of writing assignments are as follows:

 The cover page shall be in accordance with the latest template.

 Arial font size 11
 Spacing 1.5 lines
 References in APA format (American Psychological Association)
 Plagiarism is not allowed at all

5. Front cover of the academic writing and presentation should include :

 Name of student
 Index number
 Identification card number
 Class/Group
 Code and Name of Course
 Lecturer’s name
 Date of submission
 Student’s acknowledgement of Lecturer’s Feedback

6. A good assignment should show the following criteria:

 Content of the assignment need to be comprehensive, consistent and detailed.

 Overall content coverage should show authenticity, maturity and scientific
 The format and organization of the essay and presentation slides need to be
clear and coherent.
 Reference should be from the most up-to-date and variety of sources and

meet the requirements of the assignment.

Prepared by : Checked by:

_________________________________ __________________________________
Course Coordinator EDUP3033i Subject matter Expert (SME) / Course
Education Department Coordinator/ Senior Lecturer
IPGK Tuanku Bainun
Date :

Confirmed by :

Head of Department
Education Department
IPGK Tuanku Bainun
Date :

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