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Symbolism in "Ghosts" by Ibsen

‘Symbolism’ is an effective figure of speech used in plays to convey more than a single
meaning or a theme. Henrik Ibsen's play "Ghosts" does not include literal ghosts. Instead,
the play is riddled with the figurative ghosts of the past. Ibsen forces the reader to think
about his own ideas and believes, as well as those of society and past ages. Symbolism is
one technique repeatedly used to portray the author s ideas through rain, light, fire, the
orphanage, Oswald, and through Engstrand himself. Ghosts and other symbols are used
throughout the play to enhance the characterizations and add another layer of meaning to
the text.

The play includes multiple symbolic ghosts. The ghost of Mr. Alving is ever present, as his
wife continues to try to protect her family from his lecherous legacy. Oswald also tries to
overcome Mr. Alving's ghost, but he finally lets the ghost embody him as he also becomes
an alcoholic and a philanderer. Ghosts in the play also include outdated social mores and
ideals, such as the idea that men and women can't live together outside of marriage.

There are many other symbols present throughout the play. The weather is dismal
throughout the majority of the play. The clouds and rain create a darkness that is symbolic
of the darkness that the family has lived in by being shrouded in secrets. All the characters
are afraid to face reality, especially Mrs. Alving, represented by the light. Oswald appears
the most affected, and he pleads for sunlight, which he calls "the joy of life." This is symbolic
of Oswald's need to know the truth about his father, whose mistakes are repeating
themselves in Oswald's life. When Mrs. Alving finally tells him the full story, the sun comes
out, cutting through the darkness. In the same way, the truth frees them of the burden of
their secrets.

Fire is yet another symbol Ibsen uses. Mrs. Alving is helping to open an orphanage in her
husband's honor. Doing so would compound her lie since the orphanage is associated with
innocence, while her husband was a drunk and a philanderer who died of syphilis. By
trying to link his memory to this charitable place, Mrs. Alving is seeking to perpetuate the
lie of his honor and protect the family's reputation. When the fire destroys the orphanage,
it also symbolically destroys the illusions that the family has created. The fire is a purifying
symbol. When Mrs. Alving tells the truth, she cleanses the family of its deceit.

The characters in the play bear symbolic purpose. Both Engstrand and Oswald are symbols
in the play. Engstrand may be a crippled man, but he has a strong ethical foundation. He is a
symbol of society, which includes some unscrupulous elements -- such as people like Mr.
Alving. Meanwhile, Oswald is a symbol of what can happen when society does not adjust its
strict moral codes to changing times. The pastor chastises Oswald for living out of wedlock,
but Mrs. Alving reflects that allowing such arrangements could prevent men like her
husband from falling from grace. Eventually, Oswald succumbs to the same disease as his
father. Thus, Henrik Ibsen in his much debated play “Ghosts” has used effective symbols to
convey his ideas.

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