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471e Neuropsychiatric Illnesses in The overlapping and multisystem health concerns reported by war-
riors from every generation have been given different labels and have

Chapter 471e Neuropsychiatric Illnesses in War Veterans

War Veterans led to debates among medical professionals as to whether these are
Charles W. Hoge mediated primarily by physical or psychological causes. For example,
World War I produced extensive debate about whether “shell shock,”
diagnosed in more than 80,000 British soldiers, was neurologic (“com-
Neuropsychiatric sequelae are common in combat veterans. Advances motional” from the brain being shaken in the skull by concussive
in personal protective body armor, armored vehicles, battlefield resus- blasts) or psychological (“emotional” or “neurasthenia”) in origin.
citation, and the speed of evacuation to tertiary care have consider- World War II veterans were said to suffer from “battle fatigue,” Korean
ably improved the survivability of battlefield injuries, resulting in a War veterans developed “combat stress reactions,” and Vietnam veter-
greater awareness of the “silent wounds” associated with service in ans developed the “post-Vietnam syndrome.” The role of environmen-
a combat zone. Although psychiatric and neurologic problems have tal exposure (e.g., Agent Orange) and psychological causes (e.g., PTSD,
been well documented in veterans of prior wars, the conflicts in Iraq depression, substance use disorders) continue to be debated.
and Afghanistan that began after September 11, 2001, were unique in Gulf War I (Operation Desert Storm), following the Iraqi invasion
terms of the level of commitment by the U.S. Department of Defense of Kuwait in 1990, led to extensive debates as to whether Gulf War
(DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health syndrome, also known as multisystem illness, was best explained by
Administration (VHA) to support research as the wars unfolded and environmental exposures (e.g., oil fires, depleted uranium, nerve gas,
to use that knowledge to guide population-level screening, evaluation, pesticides, multiple vaccinations) or the psychological stress of deploy-
and treatment initiatives. ment to a war zone where there was anticipation of high casualty
The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts produced over 2.5 million rates from chemical and biologic weapons, repeated stressful alerts,
combat veterans, many of whom have received or will need care and training exercises involving the use of impermeable full-body
in government and civilian medical facilities in the future. Studies protective uniforms (made from rubber, vinyl, charcoal-impregnated
clearly showed that service in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters was polyurethane, and other materials) in desert conditions under extreme
associated with significantly elevated rates of mental disorders. Two temperatures. Although no clinical syndrome was ever definitively
conditions in particular have been labeled the signature injuries confirmed among the nearly 1 million service members who deployed
related to these wars: posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild in 1990–1991, studies consistently found that military personnel who
traumatic brain injury (mTBI)—also known as concussion. Although served in the Gulf experienced elevations in generalized symptoms
particular emphasis will be given in this chapter to PTSD and concus- across all health domains (e.g., physical, cognitive, neurologic, psy-
sion/mTBI, it is important to understand that the neuropsychiatric chological) compared with service members who deployed elsewhere
sequelae of war are much broader than these two conditions. Wartime or did not deploy. In addition, there is good evidence that deploy-
service is associated with a number of health concerns that coexist and ment to the Persian Gulf region during this period was associated
overlap, and a multidisciplinary patient-centered approach to care is with subsequent development of PTSD; other psychiatric disorders
necessary. including generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and substance use
disorders (Chap. 467); functional gastrointestinal symptoms such as
irritable bowel syndrome (Chap. 352); and chronic fatigue syndrome
NEUROLOGIC CONDITIONS The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan led to similar debates as to
Service members involved in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars faced mul- whether postwar symptoms such as headaches, irritability, sleep dis-
tiple deployments to two very different high-intensity combat theaters, turbance, dizziness, and concentration problems are best attributed to
and for many veterans, the cumulative strain negatively impacted health, concussion/mTBI or to PTSD. Numerous studies showed that either
marriages, parenting, educational goals, and civilian occupations. The PTSD or depression explained the majority of the postdeployment
stresses of service in these conflicts also led to a significant increase in “postconcussive” symptoms attributed to concussion/mTBI, a finding
rates of suicide in personnel from the two branches of service involved not well received by many experts in traumatic brain injury (TBI) but
in the greatest level of ground combat (U.S. Army, Marines). consistent with civilian studies on risk factors for developing persistent
Service in a war zone can involve extreme physical stress in austere symptoms after concussion. As in past wars, the polarized nature of
environments, prolonged sleep deprivation, physical injury, expo- the debate largely focused on only the two conditions of PTSD and
sure to highly life-threatening events, and hazards such as explosive concussion/mTBI, which has interfered with full appreciation of how
devices, sniper fire, ambushes, indirect fire from rockets and mortars, the large spectrum of deployment-related health concerns interrelate
and chemical pollutants. Certain events, such as loss of a close friend and of the clinical implications for designing effective evaluation and
in combat, leave indelible scars. All of these experiences have additive treatment strategies.
effects on health, likely mediated through physiologic mechanisms Veterans understandably may become angry at the suggestion that
involving dysregulation of neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous their postwar health concerns could be “stress-related” or psychologi-
system (ANS) functions. cal, and thus it is necessary for primary care professionals to be able
Veterans of virtually all wars have reported elevated rates of gener- to discuss the physical toll that war-zone service has on the body,
alized and multisystem physical, cognitive, and psychological health the generalized nature of war-related health concerns, and the likely
concerns that often become the focus of treatment months or years underlying physiologic neuroendocrine and ANS contributors. Mental
after returning home. These multisystem health concerns include sleep health specialists also need to be able to reinforce this message and
disturbance, memory and concentration problems, headaches, muscu- understand the important role they have in promoting physical health
loskeletal pain, gastrointestinal symptoms (including gastroesophageal through addressing comorbid health concerns.
reflux), residual effects of wartime injuries, fatigue, anger, hyper-
arousal symptoms, high blood pressure, rapid heart rate (sometimes PTSD
associated with panic symptoms), sexual problems, and symptoms PTSD (Chap. 466) is the most common mental disorder documented
associated with PTSD and depression. In order to provide optimal care following war-zone service. Studies from the conflicts in Iraq and
to veterans with these symptoms, it is important to understand how Afghanistan found PTSD prevalence rates of 2–6% before deploy-
the symptoms interrelate and to consider the possibility that there may ment (comparable to civilian general population samples) and rates of
be underlying combat-related physiologic effects. 6–20% after deployment, depending primarily on the level of combat

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471e-2 frequency and intensity. Many other veterans experience subclinical at the time of injury in order to remain with their unit. However,
PTSD symptoms after war-zone service, sometimes termed posttrau- these legitimate concerns were also counterbalanced and challenged
matic stress (PTS) or combat stress. These subclinical symptoms can by high prevalence estimates of deployment-related TBI that did not
contribute to distress and affect health, even if overall functioning is distinguish concussion/mTBI from moderate or severe TBI; data from

not as impaired as in the full disorder. animal models of blast exposure that did not necessarily extrapolate
The definition of PTSD was modified in the fifth edition of the to human experiences on the battlefield; neuroimaging studies (e.g.,
American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual diffusion tensor imaging) that attributed putative abnormalities to
of Mental Disorders (2013), although most individuals who had PTSD blast exposure but lacked adequate control comparisons; and fear-
diagnosed according to the previous criteria also meet the definition provoking speculation that repetitive blast exposure may lead to future
under the new criteria. PTSD is defined as persistent (>1 month) dementia, based largely on case series of professional athletes (e.g.,
symptoms occurring after a traumatic event (involving exposure to boxers, football players) exposed to highly repetitive injuries linked to
Neurologic Disorders

actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual assault). The chronic traumatic encephalopathy (previously termed dementia pugilistica)
symptoms must be associated with significant distress or impairment (Chap. 444e).
in social or occupational functioning. Symptoms are grouped into TBI includes closed and penetrating head injuries; closed head inju-
four categories: (1) intrusion/reexperiencing symptoms in which the ries are categorized as mild (mTBI or concussion), moderate, or severe
person has nightmares, flashbacks, or intrusive (often involuntary) based on the duration of loss of consciousness, duration of posttrau-
memories connected with the traumatic event; (2) avoidance symp- matic amnesia, and the Glasgow coma score (GCS) (see Table 457e-2).
toms where the person avoids distressing memories or people, places, Several studies have estimated that 10–20% of all military personnel
situations, or other stimuli that serve as reminders of the traumatic deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan sustained one or more concussion/
event (for example, a crowded mall that triggers heightened alertness mTBI events during deployment, most commonly from exposure to
to threat); (3) negative alterations of cognitions or mood (for example, blasts; however, concussion injuries are also common in nondeployed
feeling detached or losing interest in things that previously brought environments from sports, training (e.g., hand-to-hand combatives),
enjoyment); and (4) hyperarousal symptoms in which the person is and accidents.
physiologically revved up, hyperalert, startles easily, and experiences Although there is a neurophysiologic continuum of injury, there
sleep disturbance, anger, and/or concentration problems. Although are stark clinical and epidemiologic distinctions between concussion/
PTSD is a clinical symptom-based case definition, it is best to think of mTBI and moderate or severe TBI (Table 471e-1). Concussion/mTBI
PTSD not as an emotional or psychological/psychiatric condition, but is defined as a blow or jolt to the head that results in brief loss of con-
rather as a physiologically-based response to life-threatening trauma sciousness (LOC) for <30 min (most commonly, only a few seconds
that is associated with physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychologi- to minutes), posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) of <24 h (most commonly
cal symptoms. <1 h), or transient alteration in consciousness (AOC) without LOC.
PTSD has strong biologic correlates, based in fear-conditioning The majority of concussions in Iraq or Afghanistan involved AOC
responses to threat and responses to extreme stress involving neu- without LOC or PTA (which soldiers may refer to as getting their “bell
roendocrine dysregulation and ANS reactivity. Numerous studies rung”). GCSs in concussion/mTBI are usually normal (15 out of 15).
have shown that PTSD is highly correlated with generalized physical Concussion is treated with rest to allow the brain time to heal, and
and cognitive symptoms—including hypertension, chronic pain, and
cardiovascular disease—as well as cell-mediated immune dysfunction   TABLE 471e-1    Comparison Between Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain
and shortened life expectancy. PTSD is frequently comorbid with Injury (TBI) and Moderate/Severe TBI
other mental disorders such as major depressive disorder, generalized Mild TBI Moderate/Severe
anxiety, substance use disorders, and risky behaviors (e.g., aggres- (concussion) TBI
sion, accidents); it has been estimated that up to 80% of patients with Clinical case definition
PTSD exhibit one or more comorbid conditions. Misuse of alcohol or
  Loss of consciousness <30 min (usually a few ≥30 min to
substances is most prevalent, often reflecting self-medication. PTSD seconds to minutes) indefinite
is also associated with tolerance and withdrawal symptoms related to
  Altered consciousness <24 h (usually <30 min) ≥24 h to indefinite
prescription pain and sleep medications, as well as nicotine depen-
dence (Chap. 470).   Posttraumatic amnesia <24 h (usually <30 min) ≥24 h to indefinite
Clinicians should understand how to provide meaningful psy-   Glasgow coma score 13–15 (usually 15) As low as 3
chological education in a way that resonates with veterans who may Focal neurologic signs None or transient Frequently present
have PTSD symptoms as a result of their military service. There is an Traditional neuroimaging Usually negative Diagnostic
important occupational context to consider, which is also applicable (CT/MRI)
to trauma exposures that occur in other first responder professions, Clinical usefulness of neu- Usually inconclusive Essential and
such as law enforcement officers and firefighters. Service members rocognitive testing after valuable
and other first responders are trained to respond to traumatic events acute injury period
and effectively learn to override automatic fight-or-flight reflexes in Neuronal cell damage Metabolic/ionic processes Direct injury effects
order to carry out their duties. Reactions that are labeled as symptoms associated with axonal plus metabolic/ionic
of PTSD are based on adaptive survival responses that are beneficial swelling, which can lead effects
to disconnection
in a combat environment. For example, physiologic hyperarousal, use
of anger, and being able to shut down other emotions are very useful Sequelae, natural history, Full recovery expected Based directly on
and recovery in majority of individuals; injury characteristics;
skills in combat and can be present even prior to traumatic events dur- no consensus on natural may be severely
ing tough realistic training. It is natural for these responses to persist history; the percentage disabling
after returning home, and the label of a “disorder” only gets applied who develop persistent
when the responses that persist significantly impair functioning. symptoms is debated
Predictors of ­persistent Intensely debated; risk Not debated; pre-
CONCUSSION/mTBI postconcussive factors found to be most dictors are directly
­symptoms or disability predictive include psy- related to injury
TBI (Chap. 457e) gained increased recognition during the conflicts in chiatric conditions (e.g., severity and clinical
Iraq and Afghanistan because of the widespread exposure of troops to depression, PTSD) and progress with reha-
improvised explosive devices. Many veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan negative expectations bilitation treatment
reported experiencing multiple concussions during deployments, and Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PTSD, post-
many also reported ignoring concussions and not seeking treatment traumatic stress disorder.

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it almost never resulted in air evacuation from Iraq or Afghanistan Management of postwar physical and cognitive health concerns 471e-3
unless there were other associated injuries. is largely symptom focused and ideally carried out within primary
In contrast, moderate, severe, or penetrating TBI, which is esti- care–based structures of care. Studies suggest that optimal strate-

Chapter 471e Neuropsychiatric Illnesses in War Veterans

mated to account for <1% of all battlefield head injuries in Iraq and gies for treatment of multisymptom health concerns include regu-
Afghanistan, is characterized by LOC ≥30 min (up to permanent larly scheduled primary care visits with brief physical exam at each
coma), PTA ≥24 h (also may be permanent), and GCSs as low as 3 (the visit, protecting patients from unnecessary diagnostic tests and non-
minimum value). These virtually always result in air evacuation from evidence-based interventions, judicious use of consultations that
the battlefield and carry a significant risk of severe long-term neuro- protects patients from unnecessary specialty referrals, care/case man-
logic impairment and requirement for rehabilitative care. agement, and communication that enhances positive expectations for
Symptoms following concussion/mTBI can include headache; recovery. Concussion research has shown that negative expectations
fatigue; concentration, memory, or attention problems; sleep dis- are one of the most important risk factors for persistent symptoms.
turbance; irritability; balance difficulties; and tinnitus, among other Although many questions remain regarding the long-term health
symptoms. Recovery is usually rapid, with symptoms usually resolving effects of concussions (particularly multiple concussions) sustained
in a few hours to days, but in a small percentage of patients, symptoms during deployment, these are important battlefield injuries that require
may persist for a longer period or become chronic (referred to as per- careful attention. However, they need to be addressed within the con-
sistent “postconcussive symptoms” [PCS]). text of a much broader approach to other war-related health concerns.
Establishing a clear causal connection between a deployment con-
cussion injury and persistent PCS months or years after return from STIGMA AND BARRIERS TO CARE
deployment has been difficult and often confounded by other postwar Stigma and other barriers to care add to the complexity of treating
conditions that are associated with the same symptoms, including inju- veterans. Despite extensive education efforts among military leaders
ries not involving the head, other medical disorders, sleep disorders, and service members, perceptions of stigma showed little change over
PTSD, depression, grief, substance use disorders, chronic pain, and the many years of war; warriors are often concerned that they will be
the generalized physiologic effects of wartime service. Contributing to perceived as weak by peers or leaders if they seek care. Studies have
the difficulty in establishing causation is the fact that the concussion/ shown that less than one-half of service members and veterans with
mTBI case definition refers only to the acute injury event and lacks serious mental health problems receive needed care, and upwards of
symptoms, time course, or impairment; case definitions for persistent half of those who begin treatment drop out before receiving an ade-
postconcussion syndrome have failed tests of validation. Numerous quate number of encounters. Many factors contribute to this, includ-
studies found that PTSD and depression were much stronger predic- ing the pervasive nature of stigma in society in general (particularly
tors of PCS and objective neuropsychological impairment after combat among men), the critical importance of group cohesiveness of military
deployment than concussions/mTBIs, and one study even found that teams, the nature of avoidance symptoms in PTSD, perceptions of self-
bereavement (particularly related to the death of a team member) was sufficiency (e.g., “I can handle problems on my own”), and sometimes
as strong a predictor of postdeployment symptoms and poor general negative perceptions of mental health care and skepticism that mental
health as were symptoms of depression or PTSD. These data do not health professionals will be able to help.
minimize the importance of concussion/mTBI per se, but highlight
the complex interrelationships of war-related health problems and the
relatively lower importance of concussion/mTBI in overall postde-
ployment health than is generally thought.
Studies of veterans who sustained concussions in Iraq or Afghanistan Evaluation of Veterans with Neuropsychiatric
have suggested that blast mechanisms produce similar clinical out- Health Concerns
comes as nonblast mechanisms, in contrast to expectations based on
some animal models. An explosion can produce serious injury from Evaluation should begin with a careful occupational history as
rapid atmospheric pressure changes (primary blast wave mecha- part of the routine medical evaluation; this includes the number
nism), as well as from munition fragments/flying debris (secondary of years served, military occupation, deployment locations and
blast mechanism) or being thrown into a hard object (tertiary blast dates, illnesses or injuries resulting from service, and significant
mechanism). Secondary and tertiary mechanisms are similar to other combat traumatic experiences that may be continuing to affect
mechanical mechanisms of concussions sustained during accidents. It the individual (Table 471e-2). The clinician should evaluate the
is likely that blast physics explains differences between human clinical degree to which the patient’s current difficulties reflect the normal
studies and experimental animal studies. Because the distribution of course of readjusting after the intense occupational experience of
munition fragments usually extends well beyond the distribution of combat. It is helpful to reinforce the many strengths associated
the primary blast wave in most explosions, the possibility of a unique with being a professional in the military: courage, honor, service to
head injury solely from the primary blast wave in otherwise uninjured country, resiliency in combat, leadership, ability to work in a cohe-
service members appears to be very low. sive workgroup with peers, and demonstrated skills in handling
Multisystem health problems that lack clear case definitions do extreme stress, as well as the fact that reactions that interfere with
not lend themselves well to uniform public health strategies such as functioning back home may have their roots in beneficial adaptive
screening. Nevertheless, mass population screening for concussion/ physiologic processes.
mTBI was mandated for all U.S. service members returning from Iraq One of the challenges with current medical practice is that there
or Afghanistan and all veterans presenting for care at VA health care may be multiple providers with different clinical perspectives. Care
facilities. These screening processes attempt to apply the acute concus- should be coordinated through the primary care clinician, with
sion case definition (lacking symptoms, time course, or impairment) the assistance of a care manager if needed. It is particularly impor-
months or years after injury, and often involve questions that encour- tant to continually evaluate all medications prescribed by other
age patients and clinicians to make a direct link between current symp- practitioners and assess each for possible long-term side effects,
toms and past head injuries that likely have very little to do with the dependency, or drug-drug interactions. Particular attention should
current symptoms. These screening approaches led to sharp criticism be given to the level of chronic pain and sleep disturbance, self-
that they were encouraging clinicians to misattribute common postwar medication with alcohol or substances, chronic use of nonsteroidal
symptoms to concussion/mTBI. Nevertheless, the screening processes anti-inflammatory agents (which can contribute to rebound head-
have persisted and are part of an extensive specialty structure of care aches or pain), chronic use of sedative-hypnotic agents, chronic use
erected in both the DoD and VA to address health concerns attributed of narcotic pain medications, and the impact of war-related health
to concussions/mTBIs. concerns on social and occupational functioning.

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471e-4   TABLE 471e-2    Specific Considerations in the Medical Evaluation of for referrals and to provide education and support to primary care
Veterans professionals prescribing treatment for depression or PTSD).
Occupational Deployment locations and dates, combat experiences or It is important not to implicitly or explicitly convey the message
context of health other deployment stressors, frequent moves, separations that physical or cognitive symptoms are psychological or due to

concerns from family, impact of deployment on civilian occupa- “stress.” Even if depression or anxiety plays a large role in the etiol-
tion (for reservists) ogy of physical health symptoms, the treatment approach should
Medical problems History of deployment-related injuries (including con- be designed within a patient-centered primary care structure,
during deploy- cussions), environmental exposures, sleep pattern dur- and referrals should be managed from within this framework. For
ment ing deployment, use of caffeine/energy drinks, use of example, it might help to explain that the primary goal of refer-
other substances
ral to a mental health professional is to improve sleep and reduce
Current medical Current symptoms, level of chronic pain, sleep problems, physiologic hyperarousal, which in turn will help with treatment of
Neurologic Disorders

history evidence of persistent physiologic hyperarousal (hyper-

tension, tachycardia, panic symptoms, concentration/
war-related chronic headaches, concentration problems, or chronic
memory problems, irritability/anger, sleep disturbance), fatigue. If, however, the primary care professional conveys the
chronic use of caffeine or energy drinks, chronic use of message that the cause of headaches or concentration problems
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, chronic use is anxiety or depression, and this conflicts with the patient’s own
of narcotic pain medications, chronic use of nonbenzo- viewpoint, then this could damage therapeutic rapport and in turn
diazepine sedative-hypnotic medications, chronic use of exacerbate the symptoms.
benzodiazepines for sleep or anxiety
Specific questions related to military service (Table 471e-2) com-
Mental health Screen for PTSD, major depressive disorder; ask about bined with screening for depression, PTSD, and alcohol use disor-
assessment suicidal or homicidal ideation, intent, or plans, as well as
access to firearms
ders (Table 471e-3) should be a routine part of care for all veterans.
A positive screen for depression or PTSD should prompt follow-up
Alcohol/substance Screen for alcohol and substance use disorders, quantity
use and frequency of use, and evidence of tolerance; inquire
questions related to these disorders (or use of a longer screening
about “self-medication” (e.g., use of alcohol to sleep, tool such as the nine-question Patient Health Questionnaire or
“calm down,” or “forget” war-zone experiences) National Center for PTSD Checklist), as well as risk assessment for
Functional impair- Impact of current symptoms on social and occupational suicide or homicide. It is important to assess the impact of depres-
ment functioning; high-risk behaviors (e.g., drinking and driv- sion or PTSD symptoms on occupational functioning and interper-
ing, reckless driving, aggression) sonal relationships.
Social support, Level of social support; readjustment stress on spouse, A positive screen for alcohol misuse should prompt a brief motiva-
impact of military children, or other family members tional intervention that includes bringing attention to the elevated
service on mar- level of drinking, informing the veteran about the effects of alcohol
riage and family on health, recommending limiting use or abstaining, exploring
Abbreviation: PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder. and setting goals related to drinking behavior, and follow-up and
referral to specialty care if needed. This type of brief primary care
intervention has been found to be effective and should be incor-
Screening for PTSD, depression, and alcohol misuse should be porated into routine practice. One way to facilitate dialogue about
performed routinely in all combat veterans. Three screening tools, this topic with veterans is to point out how hyperarousal associated
which are in the public domain, have been validated for use in with combat service can lead to increased craving for alcohol as the
primary care, and have been used frequently in veterans: the four- body searches for ways to modulate this. Veterans may consciously
question Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD), the two-question or unconsciously drink more to help with sleep, reduce arousal, or
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2), and the three-question avoid thinking about events that happened “downrange.” A key
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption module educational strategy is to help the veteran to learn that drinking to
(AUDIT-C) (Table 471e-3). get to sleep actually damages sleep architecture and makes sleep
Because the clinical definition of an acute concussion/mTBI worse (e.g., reduces rapid eye movement [REM] sleep initially fol-
does not include symptoms, time course, or impairment, there is lowed by rebound REM activity and early morning wakening).
currently no clinically validated screening process for use months
or years after injury. However, it is important to gather information SPECIFIC TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR PTSD AND COMORBID DEPRESSION
about all injuries sustained during deployment, including any that PTSD and depression are highly comorbid in combat veterans, and
resulted in loss or alteration of consciousness or loss of memory the evidence-based treatments are similar, involving antidepres-
around the time of the event. If concussion injuries have occurred, sant medications, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or both.
the clinician should assess the number of such injuries, the dura- Psychoeducation that assists veterans to understand that their
tion of time unconscious, and injury mechanisms. This should be symptoms of PTSD have a basis in adaptive survival mechanisms
followed by an assessment of any PCS immediately following the and skills they exhibited in combat can facilitate therapeutic rap-
injury event (e.g., headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, irritability,
port. Remaining hypervigilant to threat, being able to shut down
insomnia, and concentration or memory problems) and the severity emotions, being able to function on less sleep, and using anger to
and duration of such symptoms. help focus and control fear are all adaptive beneficial survival skills
in a combat environment. Therefore, PTSD for warriors is both a
medical disorder and a set of reactions that have their roots in the
TREATMENT N europsychiatric Illnesses in War physiologic adaptation and skills they successfully applied in combat.
Veterans It is important to know that combat is not the only important trauma
in a war-zone environment. Rape, assault, and accidents also occur.
Given the interrelationship of postwar health concerns, care needs Rape or assault by a fellow service member, which affects a greater
to be carefully coordinated. Specific techniques that have been number of women veterans, but also occurs in men, can be particularly
found to be helpful include scheduling regular primary care visits devastating because it destroys the vital feeling of safety that individu-
instead of as-needed visits, establishing care management, using als derive from their own unit peers in a war environment.
good risk-communication principles, establishing a consultative The treatments for PTSD considered by most consensus guideline
step care approach that draws on the expertise of specialists in a col- committees to have an A level of evidence include CBTs and medi-
laborative manner (instead of immediately referring the patient to a cations, specifically selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
specialist and relying on the specialist to provide care), and having and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), with the
behavioral health support directly within primary care clinics (both strongest evidence from double-blind, placebo-controlled studies
Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.
  TABLE 471e-3    Primary Care Mental Health Screening Tools 471e-5
PC-PTSD Screen

Chapter 471e Neuropsychiatric Illnesses in War Veterans

1.  Have you ever had any experience that was so frightening, horrible, or upsetting that, in the past month, you:
Have had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to? Yes No
Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that remind Yes No
you of it?
Were constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled? Yes No
Felt numb or detached from others, activities, or your surroundings? Yes No
Note: Two or more “yes” responses (three or more a more specific cutoff ) are considered a positive screen.

Source: A Prins et al: The Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD): Development and operating characteristics. Prim Care Psychiatr 9:9, 2004.
PHQ-2 Depression Screen
2. Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you Not at all (0) Few or several days (1) More than half the days (2) Nearly every day (3)
been bothered by any of the following
Little interest or pleasure in doing things. 0 1 2 3
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless. 0 1 2 3
Note: If either (or both) questions are marked 2 or 3 (more than half the days or higher), this is considered a positive screen for depression.

 Source: K Kroenke et al: The Patient Health Questionnaire-2: Validity of a two-item depression screener. Med Care 41:1284, 2003.
AUDIT-C Alcohol Screen
3a. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
Never (0) Monthly or less (1) Two or four times a month Two to three times per week Four or more times a week (4)
(2) (3)
3b. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
1 or 2 (0) 3 or 4 (1) 5 or 6 (2) 7 or 9 (3) 10 or more (4)
3c. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?
Never (0) Less than Monthly (1) Monthly (2) Two to three times per Four or more times a week (4)
week (3)
Note: A positive AUDIT-C screen is defined as a total score for men ≥4; for women ≥3. A report of drinking 6 or more drinks on one occasion should prompt an in-depth assessment of

Source: K Bush et al: The AUDIT Alcohol Consumption Questions (AUDIT-C): An effective brief screening test for problem drinking. Arch Intern Med 158:1789, 1998.

for sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, and venlafaxine (of which par- increased thereafter. Antidepressants also are likely to be useful in
oxetine and sertraline received U.S. Food and Drug Administration comorbid depression, which is common in veterans with PTSD. All
approval for PTSD). (See Table 466-3 for recommended dosages.) antidepressants have potential drug-drug interactions that must be
Prazosin has also gained very strong evidence recently through ran- considered.
domized placebo-controlled studies for its effectiveness in control- Many other medications have been used in PTSD, including
ling nightmares as well as global PTSD symptoms, through modula- tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, atypical antipsychot-
tion of the physiologic processes associated with PTSD. ics, and anticonvulsants. In general, these should be prescribed in
CBT interventions include narrative therapy (often called “imagi- conjunction with psychiatric consultation because of their greater
nal exposure”), in vivo exposure focused on retraining the body not side effects and risks. Benzodiazepines, in particular, should be
to react to stimuli related to traumatic reminders (e.g., a crowded avoided in the treatment of PTSD. Studies have shown that they
mall), and techniques to modulate physiologic hyperarousal (e.g., do not reduce core PTSD symptoms, are likely to exacerbate sub-
diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation). A num- stance use disorders that are common in veterans with PTSD, and
ber of complementary alternative medicine approaches including may produce significant rebound anxiety and anger. Individuals
acupuncture, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and massage are also with PTSD often report symptomatic relief upon initiation of a ben-
being used in PTSD. Although not evidence-based treatments per zodiazepine, but this is generally short lived and associated with a
se, if they facilitate a relaxation response and alleviation of hyper- high risk of tolerance and dependence that can worsen recovery.
arousal or sleep symptoms, they can be considered useful adjunc- Atypical antipsychotics, which have gained widespread popularity
tive modalities. as adjunctive treatment for depression, anxiety, or sleep problems,
There have been no head-to-head comparisons of medication have significant long-term side effects, including metabolic effects
compared with psychotherapy for treatment of PTSD. It is reason- (e.g., glucose dysregulation), weight gain, and cardiovascular risks.
able for primary care clinicians to consider initiating treatment for Sleep disturbance should be addressed initially with sleep
mild to moderate PTSD symptoms with an SSRI and to refer patients hygiene education, followed by consideration of an antihistamine,
to a mental health professional if there are more severe symptoms, trazodone, low-dose mirtazapine, or nonbenzodiazepine sedative-
significant comorbidity, safety concerns, or limited response to hypnotic such as zolpidem, eszopiclone, or zaleplon. However, the
initial treatment. All PTSD treatments are associated with a sizable nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics should be used with cau-
proportion of individuals who fail to respond adequately, and it is tion in veterans because they can lead to tolerance and rebound
often necessary to add modalities or switch treatment. SNRIs may sleep problems similar to those seen with benzodiazepine use.
be useful alternatives to SSRIs if there has been nonresponse or side
effects with SSRIs or if there is comorbid pain (duloxetine, in particu- TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR CONCUSSION/mTBI AND POSTDEPLOYMENT
lar, has indications for pain). Both SSRIs and SNRIs can increase anxi- POSTCONCUSSIVE SYMPTOMS
ety initially; patients should be warned about this possibility, and Concussion/mTBI is best treated at the time of injury with education
treatment should be initiated with the lowest recommended dose and rest to allow time for the brain to heal and protect against a
(or even one-half of the lowest dose for a few days) and g ­ radually second impact syndrome (a rare but life-threatening event ­involving
Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.
471e-6 brain swelling that can occur when a second concussion occurs symptom associated with concussion/mTBI, and the evaluation and
before the brain has adequately healed from an initial event). treatment of headache parallels that for other causes of headache
Randomized trials have shown that education regarding concus- (Chaps. 21 and 447). Stimulant medications for alleviating neu-
sion that informs the patient of what to expect and promotes the rocognitive effects attributed to concussion/mTBI are not recom-

expectation of recovery is the most effective treatment in prevent- mended. Clinicians should be aware of the potential for cognitive or
ing persistent symptoms. sedative side effects of certain medications that may be prescribed
Once service members return from deployment and seek care for for depression, anxiety, sleep, or chronic pain.
postwar health problems, treatment is largely symptom focused, Treatment of neuropsychiatric problems must be coordinated
following the principles of patient-centered and collaborative care with care for other war-related health concerns, with the goal of
models. Cognitive rehabilitation, which is very useful in moderate treatment to reduce the severity of symptoms, improve social
and severe TBI to improve memory, attention, and concentration, and occupational functioning, and prevent long-term disability.
Neurologic Disorders

has generally not been shown to be effective for mTBI in random- Understanding the occupational context of war-related health con-
ized clinical studies, although consensus groups have supported its cerns is important in communicating with veterans and developing
use. a comprehensive treatment strategy.
General recommendations for the clinical management of per-
sistent, chronic PCS include treating physical and cognitive health
problems based on symptom presentation, coexisting health prob- Disclosure
lems, and individual preferences; and addressing coexisting depres- The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the
sion, PTSD, substance use disorders, or other factors that may be con- author and are not to be construed as official, or as reflecting the views
tributing to symptom persistence. Headache is the most common of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

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