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Bulacan State University

College of Social Sciences & Philosophy

Public Administration Department

Chapter 10 Leadership

Name: Josep, Anngeline S.

Year/Section: BPA-3A

1. As a public administration student, What are the most important values you
demonstrate as a leader based in your discussion in this module. (50 points)

 As A Public administration student and A leader it's critical to identify and

enhance your basic leadership ideals if you want to improve as a leader.
Understanding what leadership values are and which fundamental leadership
principles you wish to include into your leadership style will help you strengthen
your team's relationship and connection, making you a more effective leader.
Leadership values are significant because they assist you in determining how you
want to attain your objectives and what kind of leader you want to be. Your basic
leadership principles play a significant influence in determining how you make
decisions and take actions on a regular basis. Leadership values also assist you in
personal and professional development. As a leader, having a strong set of
fundamental beliefs can help you gain respect and trust from your team. This
lays the groundwork for you to have a good influence on your team, encouraging
high-performance and excellence.

2. How you describe your leadership style? Give me an example to support your claim.
(50 points
 My leadership style is straightforward, and I lead by example. I prefer
distributing jobs and leading projects, but I also like to stay active and motivate
my team by demonstrating that I am willing to support them. In my previous job,
for example, we encountered an emergency circumstance when a client's
website went down. I promptly distributed duties to my four-person team, but I
then called the client to obtain additional information for my team and to advise
the client on interim steps they could take to reduce the expense of the problem
while we worked out a permanent solution. When my team witnessed me
working tirelessly to resolve the problem, it helped them recognize the gravity of
the situation and the value of their efforts.

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