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RC-I Assignment-I

1. A singly reinforced rectangular beam is to be designed, with effective depth approximately 1.5 times the
width, to carry a service live load of 22 KN/m in addition to its own weight, on 2.5m span cantilever beam.
With fyk = 300MPa, fck = 30MPa and class I work, determine the required dimensions b, d, and D, and steel
reinforcing bars. Include sketch of the designed cross section. Allow for 8 stirrups.

2. A two-span continuous concrete beam is to be supported by three masonry walls spaced 7.6m on centers. A
service live load of 22 KN/m is to be carried, in addition to the self weight of the beam. A constant
rectangular cross section is to be used, with D = 2b, but reinforcement is to be varied according to
requirements. Find the required concrete dimensions and reinforcement at all critical sections. Allow for 8
stirrups. Include sketches for critical sections. Use C 30, fyk = 400MPa and class I work.

3. A rectangular concrete beam measures 300mm wide and has an effective depth of 450mm compression steel
consisting of two 26 bars is located 60mm from the compression face of the beam. If fck = 30 MPa and fyk
= 400 MPa, what is the design moment capacity of the beam, for the following tensile steel areas: (a) As =
332 in one layer, (b) As = 432 in two layers, (c) As = 632 bars in two layers (Note: check for yielding of
compression steel in each case).

4. The beam shown in figure below supports the unfactored loads shown. The dead load includes the weight of
the beam. Design the beam for all Internal Actions using C-25, S-300 with class work I.

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