Unit 2 - Taste Speaking Part 1 - Fashion

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Unit 2 – Taste

Speaking Part 1 – Fashion

1) What type of clothes do you enjoy wearing?

2) Do you enjoy buying clothes?

3) What types of clothes do people in your local area enjoy wearing?

Speaking Part 1 – Music

1) What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

2) Do you play any kinds of musical instruments?

3) How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

Speaking Part 1 – Technology

1) Do you use any gadgets on a daily basis?

2) How much time do you spend using a computer at home?

3) Has the Internet made your job/studies easier?

4) Do you like studying online or at school?

Part 2 Speaking – Entertainment

Describe a place of entertainment (e.g. theatre, cinema, sports centre) that you would like to have where you
live. You should say

 what this place would be

 where it should be
 whom it would be for, or who would use it
 and why you think this place of entertainment is needed

Part 3 Speaking – Entertainment

Entertainment in Vietnam
1) What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country?

2) Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment?

3) Do you think children (or young people) can learn anything from entertainment?
Technology and entertainment

1) What forms of online entertainment have become popular these days?

2) What are the dangers of spending too much time on online entertainment?
3) Is entertainment these days better than in the past because of technology



- The place of entertainment that I wish we had close to where I live is a sports centre.
My ideal sports centre would have a gym, swimming pool, indoor and outdoor football
pitches, courts for tennis, badminton and squash, and an all-purpose area for things
like gymnastics and circuit training.
- I can think of the perfect place for this facility: There's a disused piece of land just
down the road from where I live, where an old warehouse was knocked down. It's near
to the main road and the train station, so it would be easy for people to get to. There
are plans to build houses on this plot of land, but I think a sports centre would be much
better for local residents.
- The good thing about a sports centre is that everyone can use it. There could be
sports lessons and clubs for children and teenagers - things like swimming lessons and
football team practice sessions. I'm sure many adults in my local area would join the
gym, use the pool, and book the courts for games of tennis or badminton. The centre
could even hold sports events, such as competitions, that would attract spectators as
well as participants.

- I think we need a good sports centre where I live because people currently have to
travel to the next town if they want to find some of the facilities, activities, lessons and
clubs that I've mentioned. I think a sports complex would give young people, in
particular, something fun and productive to do in the evening and at weekends.
Playing sport keeps people healthy and makes them feel happy, so I think a sports
centre would brighten up my local area and improve our quality of life

1. What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country?

All different kinds, TV, music, live events, computer games. It probably depends on
where you live, how old you are and what things you like to do in your free time.
When I was at school I used to play a lot of computer games and listen to music and
watch TV. Now I’m older I go out more and listen to live music and watch more
DVDs. I guess the most popular for the majority of peope would be TV, watching
movies, either at the cinema or on DVD, and going out to parties or to a restaurant
with friends.

2. Do you think men and women have different tastes in

Sometimes maybe, but not always. My girlfriends and I like different movies from
men and our idea of a good night out is probably less exciting than some of my male
friends would like, but then there are lots of things that men and women like doing for
entertainment that are the same. Comedy is a good example. Most comedians are
funny for both men and women. If you like eating out in a nice restaurant then usually
it’s the same for men and women also. But there are definitely some things like music
and books which are quite different for men and women.

3. What kinds of entertainment do young people like?

For example, my younger sister spends hours chatting to her frinds and even peope she
doen’t really know on the internet. She loves it. That’s something I never really did
much of – but she likes it more than watching TV or going out sometimes. In general
though I think most young people like watching TV, movies, listening to music and
chatting to their frinds.

4. What kinds of entertainment do children like?

It’s almost the same, they like watching TV, playing games on the computer and
listening to music. Some like reading a lot like my little brother, and they like going to
the movies to see a film.

5. Do you think children (or young people) can learn anything from
Yes, they can learn all sorts of things. They can learn what’s funny, they can learn
about life, people and places and many different things when they are watching TV, a
movie or listening to music. I think nowadays more than ever they can learn more
through entertainment because all the information related to it is on the internet. If
they want to find out about an actor or someone famous they can just Google them and
learn everything they want to about that person.

3) Is entertainment these days better than in the past because of

entertainment would be affected. Besides that technology itself is constantly changing.

Computer technology has an effect on entertainment, visual arts, music,

communication and much more. The most obvious effects are easily seen in the film
and television industries. Now there is almost no limitations on creativity in the film
industry. Anything which can be imagined can now be brought to the screen. This was
not always the case.

This is now the third reincarnation of cinematic 3-D as well. Better than ever before.
Now even in home entertainment for the first time in history.

2) What are the dangers of spending too much time on online

A new study shows that excessive time on the internet can increase a teenager's risk of
high blood pressure. Research has shown a link between heavy internet usage and
increased health risks such as internet addiction, anxiety, depression, obesity, and
social isolation. If your child spends too much time on the Internet, compulsive
behavior may develop. This can lead to an internet addiction, which just like any other
type of addiction, can destroy a healthy balance of interests and activities in your
teen's life.

1) what forms of online entertainment have become popular these

Things like online shopping, online dating and gaming have become very popular.
– These days new kinds of social games have become popular like Pokémon Go. –
Most people these days spend their time on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

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