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RELIGION AND CULTURAL MEMORY Jan Assmann rated by Radney Lvingrone “ene REVIZE 2010 Send User Pe Stale Calin aeons by he Be ree he Said ai ey Al ihr ere dC! Mery ciel ela Gen i020 tose ee eon nd bb Gin © Nag HB oH. Ausf anda pointe Nan Napanee mpm oi any Bem any tment deta ot media nd pig lvoe ‘Somos wort ee ue wir de poe permiin of iain he ne Se of ion aise i gu ape eof Congres Ceg in fubiioe Ds ell Gadi Eg) Reon ancl yen ssn Aman ed ty Rong gre soca tah op) Sse ee 1 Menery—Reipone rp: evils. Regn pores Price Insrogecon: What Ie "Carl Memon”? 1. levsble Religion and Caltaral Memory 2 Monorheim, Memesy and Tia: ReBetone ‘on Fru Book on Move 5, Fv Sages un the Read othe Canon: “Tadson and Ween Cole in Ancient sa apd Ely Jas 4 Remembering in Order o Belong: Wing, Memory and Ienty 5. Cultural Tes Suspended Rerween Writing and Spec (6, Tex and Rta: The Meaning ofthe Mei fo the Hisory of Religion 17. Ofciam Memories Rie the Madr of Thoughe 8, A ifein Quotation: Thomas Mannan the Phenomenology of Call Merry 9. Egyptin Western Memory Nes 6 o 5 v8 mtd Introduction: ‘Whar Is “Cultural Memory"? 1. The Secally Conditioned Nazur of Memory: ‘Commusicaive Memory (Our memory hat sofol bai ner and sci, Without its new rl bare memory no posible injury tots ntl fans can da sage the memory ad even destroy i As lng a sere yes a0, Maurie Hllwachs chimed something of te wrt fo it soil bass his boks about the soci famework of memory znd eallesve memory the proposed the thesis thar our memory only develop through one amuse wi oer peopl. I wo ket make thi soil Bs ayaa Jing pone andthe alone farther tp and poste 2 clare a srl sine only hen can we comprehend che at depts of ime xen Ing to chouande of ear, in which man ascii nse bing, th memory According o Halas, memory is social phenomenon Ie grows exo us fom outside. ls ner foundation can be though of eo “hava: igcan be mote or less stony develope ae we can perce individually though wining. But is cmtets andthe use we make of e ane determined by ourimereurse wih thes, by langue, ction, con ‘munication nd by our emotional ts the configurations ou soil ‘sence Like consiouseey language and peaoraliy, memory i 0 ‘al pheomenen sth ac of emembering we do not je descend ino ‘he depths of or wn most inmate ine i, but we incre a ander 2 Iredaction anda acute ino tha nema i eae ate scaly convoned and that Tinks to the soil wodd. Every ac of consciousness social mediated ‘onl in or dream do we Sd athe soil word relates is sructaring “psporourineehte “Anong the pects oF memory aac enter ue and pada accu lace, we can dings wo ferent modes of remembering pisndic memory and semantic memoey, or whit sgh be termed meas de ved fom experience and esning Episodic memory fee ou expe ences, semantic memory to everything we hve leaned and memorized Ie ised "semantic because isconnectedo mening apd ference is Aca tomemasize eases daa, such ak pagent depne det: ty Irene dane ani by people endowed witha ‘phoogsaphie’ memory, And this in tu ioenacampanied by problems of seazaon, such ‘ar. This point he clo inks beween meaning and sei Semantic meory is preeminent social, “photgrphi” memory incom ‘tas isa special ese, uncoule rom is soi foundation. Ae ist lance, «ised memory seems no les independent fife in acer. We can re lee experienc that donot invlve anyone ele and that we hase spoken about ro anyone. These are experiences with which we ae “quite alone” Bur even episodic memovis posse mexsngl seactare much fhe ime Arto ther sracur, wean perhaps make «Farther dine tion feraeen visual ognized scenic memory ena neative memory thas organized ingusially Scene memory tendo be ncaberen ard remote from meting while marae meron tends o have & mesaing- fal and coherent srctie And estes connecting links chat ate socal ly mediaed, scoring wo Maurie Hallbahss theory. Thee disinctions cas be read to he dillerence beeen voluntary and invotiry mem ‘ory ntodced by Mrel Prous, Seni mercy ie cost to invluntty neon and i penerars oye of pesonaliy ha ae deeper and fr ‘er removed fom cnsciouines tha is he cate with native memo (OF cour, hes dtincions ar not hard and ft. Or de caey, dhe Is alway lively rotamer wali wihia che prac: Te proce 6 of arelationensze that rocks of see ivolaary memories ‘eanfrmed ino nara, voluntary ons and that ches of forgeting and rpreion fre conscious memos into the dep ofthe con ‘cious ine ie Habwachs undoledly xggerite when besser that = human bing eho grew upin elation would have no memories Whar is “Cala Mama"? 5 all Bur we can agrcthat hs marae memory would be underdeveloped land chasuch person would ind ihard eo ditinguih baween cent he fad experienced aed ons he had only dreamed or halite. On the eather hardware geet our soc fe with ts norms a val- ‘esis deinions of meaning and importance sable wo ge mang ad "Hrte sour enpeince in way tht goto the hear of even our moe. ete epee. ‘This is why cis diel, or even imposible to dings berwer “individ” and “soca” memo Indiv memory aly soca ‘0 bigh degre, js ik ang and consciousness in gene A sity individual memory would bevomething lie private language ha ison lundersod by one pesonin aher wordy speciale, ection Tor thireuon Aled Assmann and Ihave roped the ecm commanice- fie memory 0 describe the vc spt of individual merry dened ly Halbwschs. The memary Belongr in the inser re bere ‘nid i grows ut of ntecoue Bemcenpeople, andthe ons lay the crucial role in is pros. Lve incest, sympathy fing of tachment the wit w blog, but ali bse emi, mist, Pa, flr and shime—all of thee hep co define our memos and provide hem witha horton. Wrthou ch definition they would no pent fhemseies on our minds wichou «harbom they would lc levance snd mening within specif calsel cones, Fo functioning cs ‘monicatve memory forgeig is just vied remembering Ti ewy itis nor ‘phoworaphic” Remembering means png other tings nm the ackgroun, making diction obiering many things oder ‘she ight on ocr, This what brings horzan and pespective ino in vidual menor sacs snd shes perepctiver re emtioaly media Enosinalemptinr in conti, point obras of content, Only ‘emotionally cuhected forms of communication bring truce, pepe tive relevance definiion, and horizon int memory. This ol good or rartve mena, bu apis 0 seni memory een more wong I {ges and scenes imprint hems onthe mind exch trough tir emotional force, whereas ia the ce of mative memory interpretative ‘ctor ae added eo he emotional one, ike the pearl bass of memory he communica ican besub- jece odode and pathologies, The bat-ksowa iseancer of hie 1 cea jens have been the cnr of ise memories for example, when in the 4 roducion coune of prchoanalyilrentment memaris of eaumatc erpeencesin ‘ey clildod (such as senul abuse) comet ight that on lose isp tion nam oto be she "snabalations ofthe analyst and hsclen. The more sperciar eof nck contain was recorded i he oso rina remot of Biogamin Wilma Brano Deseer, chat Ive bosneaatd into many nguages, he researches of Daniel Gan find hve reveled tae Deer was bor oui mariage in 94 and ves subsequently adoped bythe Desc fry. He belies that his ‘hry childhood wa spen ia Majdank and Auschwite His book, which tes published with the ide Frapmens, depicted sete of unimaginable “ru wl ogy dispensing with aratvecobeence. This meas hat his reminiscent tained the semble of authentic en hough hey fled 10 abide by de alr of communicative plas. Doser memos hae no hixorl eat, but hiebook nevenhdes 20 “org since he evidently regard thee remembered” tener the only 2 ‘itn elogy ofthe pict ea hse wih ll hs inconsistencies tn contadctions* Tei evident that Wikis is «pacar grave inane of cmory dione one dae—and tis is where is inceres lie—explity| puns tothe socl and affsve dimension of memory. Irie te eat ‘memories grow wihia usa exermal fective bonds, flows har much Will gow sp within us ha influences clleive if. The Holos aed therarors fhe pasate naples chi. Hence i pou for someone ‘to ele inl ner dat he ae experienced something wich in l= ity he has only read ore about and sorbed in the course of colle fe communicative process. Wilkomink remembers s childhood that he never eseened in onder to external inner problems and wo sh the burden af them ont sy sabia bat undoubedly ab cae he withes to tlong tothe goup of icin and contemporary Wiese nn ca ey co thes acciges and thus find themselves a he comer (OF public stron and sympathy, Scnthing of hie lnging Fr aten- tion and the wish co Blong i atv in every memory. The sociation ‘procs eras us to emer, bu the ones al tro memo Fes hep a become weil. Sociation is no just «foundation, but alo function of memory. We ca go sf 2 Speak ofa "bond ing mena” Whar “Cala Momery? 5 2 Memory a a Socogenetic Fore: Collective or Boning Memory ~The teoeiin of boing meray is Babich Nitache Jo a Fallwachs has shown cha: people need bonds inorder to deve amen ‘ory and be able emer, Nitache has shown that people nes ‘memory i ode 0 be able form bonds, What Niche ha in ind, however, isnot the selFegulng, ifs, communictie memory that Fallwachs described, in which remembering and forging itera. La- stead, Nesuche posted diferent, special memory chat heel he “wl, memor whe a his words, "forges i apendd in ceein sss” namely a those instances whee 3 promise iso be made, Nictache ‘takes the example of promise a puadimai, as pres, fr teenie ream of social bonds. To be able a etbish nds presapporesrerpan- sti soundaes af mind, and wlabiliy Gide by she Taw of obi Sons." Neuache dewdops bis noon of che cued uth Bing, the "precraleindvidal” who wll cmember scars wha he prom Sed yey. The “wills meriae” Based onthe esate continue co wl oer and over agin what yo have once wile. This memory net Provided for in naar man has “el” it io biel 0a 0 bese 10 liven sociesy which has bac exkrally corte "Nitache sone siden recs concetation on the compl sive ven coercive aspect ofthe acclwation pos, he “breeding” of roan inca fellow human being, Like Halbwacs, Niwache en fom ‘he eames om the coor, neural, and emotion ico the putly _ybli. This Bose all.00 lari th rth developenne of is i sion, which we shallot nore cowl in Caper. The only rh bole ean acer are chose hat are capable of being ely inscribed i= the body though te emions—that spun All the examples he adde eters tnments, pled, eals—ate symbol and mb reons Bar they exerci shee power through cic andor through ay power ‘of convation inherent in them. Religions see qstans of eu for he Dower they exc ver the hua sol not wherwiseepliable ro Ni ‘icke “Only somthing thas contin to har remain inthe mein.” ‘iccasches assent of eligionreinds us of Feu, who regarded religion an obsessional neuras This obson ar in his view Fom 6 Irrouction repress ha ad been bused in dhe unconscious and which re ‘cgeiom the unconscious plague th conscious mind with al he vi lence of the tur of dhe repre Bot wht Freud hain ind was no Nisasche' bonding memo) He okie step ito she expo depths. ofthe dahon with the intention of expiing trodes scott ‘he gencratons ha ech ck into the prima history of mankind. Bt lke Halbwachs and Nieusche, Feud isiss on the ont ofthe body, ‘fixing ro cro icin the diction of elt with es symbolie fore at sicives. For him, 100, memory i corporeal inserpcon. What psi, the ewer eling wound for Nienache, aus fr Feud. Bah develop 2 ‘concep of eolecive memory, but hey anchor iin ery immediate wy inthe mind and body and ae eienly no minded 0 exend the once ‘of memory othe elm of mblie mediation, The memory function of ‘uu can only be explained, in thir view interme of sents phys ical “mseripions” Here, too, then, we me 3 recon ae work that ‘eck to liit the dynamics of llevan ull memory othe p= ‘al purumecsofthe body ofthe individual ‘Aner quali hat red shares wih Niezache i is pein view ofeltre, parla in his say Czarion and fs Dison ‘Conecved as. sytem of values and nos, eles and ua, elute ap pts a Lind of sajacer wove purport ain the individ, t0 Eno him ine shape and for him 9 adie ites andfnctone. ‘Wha exsine completly acu in dis proces wa the enabling sect “of ealuse, which docs nor ja mile peopled knoe into shape lforwhich the Josh a of ccumciton bv aways bee dhe mow con spicaois symbol andthe Bile ise speaks ofthe “cieuncsion of dhe ea), bu which so (nd we would ke oy above al) develops forms Fi, opens up ponies in which the india can inves and Fl himslé Thus Nieuche imply ignores the at chat sce cet in ‘abjeting the individual eo x puspone ie couneetlancrd on the side of the inva by the mania (adn Niche eyes, Banal desire ob Jong and w develop «social idencgy. However, the bonding memory kas its rot in mans dese to bloag nbs nature a3 soe politi This aici ne nace fle tan the comesonding normative ad or mative sets of econ ha "clu imposes onthe individ, ‘Alongside che individual bonding memory, hee is alo 2 cllecive rmcmory ian authentic and emphatic sense. The ak of this memory Whats "Cab Manor’? 7 how al sto teas olive esi. Soc isrbes itself in chit ‘memory wih alli orm and values and cree inthe individ he suchorigy hat Feud eal the superego and that has wadiionally been alla “tonscience“ I his accepts spcch forthe [998] of the Teac Piz ofthe German Book Tade, Marin Wer observed tht“ cyone i alone with his conuence” He eect eery exer interfer ace in hw he an thes chose a come to terms wth the Ger pst And yet conscience is preily the authority in which society coaltons im with ts demands and rernind bi abou unwelcome memos. ‘Coli memory is pari sserpbe wo polcina forms of remembering leds Assman point hi oa nthe contet of he de tee rigger by Man Walser spec isu was the us of istry mobilize support fr coro pli gol wit she nsinance oF erchy formulas sucha "Remember what All did unto the "Nasa ust rover fll agi.” “reufember 1690” he Bane of dhe Boyne bern Prcesunts and Cah ia Uber), "Auchwice never agin” "Koso (dhe Bade on Blackbid li in), These ae the isconcabls mt allyopposed memories ofthe winners an ler, the vis and perpen tor Memorials days of ramembrance wid the conesponding ceremonies td ss (ch 3 wre yng), gs songs, and slogans arte pie ‘media of his form of conimemoraton. "The pola cal of the dad plays 2 parc significa role here? Memories an be x shorelv the clive rae mks seo ‘them (vo stl remember the memoria ofthe Nazi psig), bu they an alobe very encious, we cn see rom the Bale of Kosovo in 389, the fll of Masada in 0.73 andthe vilanous aac of the Amaleies uring the exodus fom Epc! ‘ere memories te ade” as Neasche pus it They are nt bat sp gata sr wich commuicave memory and they do ae diuppeat pin within the cpl ofthe genrtons, Sometimes they ane Br fevehe yes someting they endure for howsande Tes noe a mater pyscl wound dha never tops ings ne isa mea ace in he “archaic inbariznes” ofthe sou e isa projection onthe pr ofthe a> lective that wishes co remember and of the individ wh remembers in corer wo belong. Bech the calles andthe individ rn othe achive ‘oF caleural trains the arsenal of symbolic forms, the “imaginary” of ‘myths and images, of he "get stove,” sagas ad legends, semen con- Induction sslixons hat Feo an be restated in hese stores oF people Thisezplains why we mus fe oud from dhe eduction ha woul ike win the pheramenon of memory ens othe body he neural base concn, and she iden of deep rune af hes that can be pused dova biology, Our memory ha alka has and nos just soil one Tis rng mew what Al Acmann aT ell full memory ‘With the concepc of curl memory we ate taking a major step be- Yoru the individual who alone posse emery in ete ens. NS- ther the group, nor even cule, “has a memory in at sense To elas if they di would be an iegiinate act of mystifcaon. As ys, mani thesole posesoe fs memay, What tine the xen co which hit unique memory ically and clearly determined Halbwchs cook he seep leading fom the neal world ofthe subj nto he wc and emer Yional rcoadions of memory but resem go fr a0 asp the ree fc syenboli ard clr frameworks. Bor hm, cat was a fons thar should not becrsed. Memory in is vew was ays dnote de, lve embodiod memory. Everything ling beyond tha ote heeled ‘eadiin” and cnet twnth memory. Bu cin tat dnction rely be susaina? snr edition to lays embedie in Something? "What corimutiation fr communis memory raion i for cularal memory In her book Tine and Tadion, Alea Assan has ‘contre communication and tion: “Tiaion can be understood 15sec eas of commanicason in which information ent exchanged reciprocillyand horn bur istasmied vray though he gen ‘ras. In this wa, caltral memory canbe coasidered w be spl ‘eof communicate memory. I ha dfrent temporal srctare If ‘we thisk of te pial chee generation cpl of eomministive memory ssa synchronic memory-spce thea clea memory, with is wadiions reaching far back into he pet, fo the dado. “The imeracion of sbol and memory continwous proces be ing played outa every level. That appli in purcalar eo “memory of the wll” Whenever we disk aos omahing that we do no want 0 orga under any ccamstanes, we invent memory sds dit range fom ‘the Famous kor in our andkerchi wo our national monuments, Suc aldssmémoirs ae aso the le de mémoie, memory tn which the remot of ene nasionalo regis comments concetard, ma Whats "Cuba Memory? 9 uments, east days and customs a shor, he enite panoply of things tha goto makeup wa Halbwachs called wadvon and which he ‘ontasted wih mma ean be understood a sytem of memory sesame. mack cht cables the india wh ves in hi ra ‘ion oblong tht co eine is potential athe mabe ofa society inthe ene of: community where itt possible len emembet and eo ‘shareina ele: heat book he published Halbwacs himself crowed thefiomies beveen mdi dead radon communication and iin. This was the Tperphi ended anise Tr Sainte 941 (La Mémnin ellaso appeared posthumously in 932). ln his book he draws on pig inert wo deieribe she Chin ic de mimi in the Holy Land, and shows te extent which Byranine and Ween semory poles wer influenced by thelogial sumptions. He applic, the concept of memory to monuments and symbole ofall in and shes that memory and smbolim te inet inert. ‘Oar expansion of th concept of memory fom the sale ofthe psyche to the val ofthe soil sd of ell aos no more met phot Iti peal he mirndertanding ofthe oneeps of clive” 2nd “colera memory” cus has impeded comprehension of che dynamics of culate up to nom” Wha ate ee the Uepimat) ase oF concep derived from india! pycology to sacl and cal phe omens, but the intention beenen the payche, cowie, ose and culture 5, Rituals of Cllective and Connective Remembering 1 The Ne-Auyrion Serre Ritual ‘The Asian satearchive ia Nneeh contains text hat reat t02 suret dhe sound technicians oath of the microphones a son a ny ofthe negating paris hepa ro tl about the ate. Bese they = bing pad fine solos forthe pesca aad the atte This remark sheds light onthe dak side of banding memory. I atl fie confit such a those beween Leas and Pleninans, Catholic and Protein in Norsher rand, Sere and ethnic Alanine in Kosovo ply eve thsrineconelble motional fore fom the way the pst anchored in the gloup memory of he wasting paris Pll clothe ded play + parccully dstou oe uch cons In ine with the slogan "You ‘hall ochive ded inva,” bligaone iowa the ded arsed jst 2 duey of revenge and inansigence Tie 0 ial par ofthe phenom ‘xolgy ofthe Bonding memory. In such scons ite iss pod ides ‘ode lie under the pst fa beer fates be achive, However, ping people to forge nota cary a switching of microphones, The only slain sto acknowledge other people memories and to egos amon past in which ee suerings the the side ad a ow hae ofthe gilt have eee proper place In oer wor is neces to Bas ssunder the ll oo nate horizon of ones wn alscive meno Tn this comert we ae of course eminde ofthe problem fhe Ber lia Holocaust Memorial andthe base question of German memory pl 22 Iuvediction icy, namely how to comet ems wih the rms of he Nasi pas. This too, ia quesion not of extra, bu of ealecve boading memory, & ‘question of pli inc. Why sc a aight eo draw ine under the pi-thisintinetAninpanioned debate broke ou illowing the Spech tac Marin Walser gave on October 1998, on beng awarded the Peace Pie of the Geran Book Tide" Should not the memory of ‘Auscvits be consigned, as Wale propor che innermost onsience ‘ofthe indvideal end be excluded frm public discourse, which “inst- tence” efor acer purpose and must 2 "moral lb vo beat ‘others with” Or should we rater gnats Baba thers ble, Pspetuate ths memory in the mb forms ofall, publie memory, Pariculaty athe presen tne, when the generation of dre witness ying out Cao enough, Wier was supposed by any victims and thei descendant, among ater. Many Jems to ce cl of Being n= froned wih images that Waler canoe bx co Took at any tne Like him, shou for quite dren rearons they fo ie diminishes thee elf respec or they fear the dsr for vengeance tac may be kept alive bythe memory of ich acts, As we ave seen, one af the ental command tment of memory ia the Bile she injancsion oremerber the tchen ‘ey Amel In Pats thee ra monument rathe unknown Jewish mart ‘with insrpsons in brew and Freach. Th Pench iserption appeals tneesual fou np and spec "DSN LE MAREE UE NEON ONCE TON ESET Ta HETE POUR TOUS MARTYRS." The bree tex in conc, app othe coleive memory wih he evant quo tion: Zabler rather ae let dmaleh—"Remerber wit Arai did tum thee" (Det 2517-19. “Are we noe ae aback by these words! Whar good cin ome from kesping ones hated lve tay pie? There ae of our wits in ee to, tha al foam eno baed ai gree with Wale. Te ston in Germany, however, is quite difleem, Here we ar looking a the ms amutder of inooene people, There can be wo quenon of regaig 2 ‘common hisory of ing: he mfering allo theater ee Is ne ~umbenton us therefor incorpoce the sullerng we have aus ino thecallecve poll bonding memory of Germany, snd ha can only be one athe fam of pubic pronouncements and reengrition. ‘Ther ae no historical precedens fer such an expansion of bonding het is "Catal Memory”? 25 memory. Irs quite ue dha isory sal of onesie hire of su fering. weer, makin wasn vin fr them 0 be publi scknow ‘gal bythe perpetrate ight ha the Holocaust Memoria in Ber linshoukd tke the fisese, since mand as not ye wines hitory of sufering on suc 2 sale. Ia liner be dean anys, i souk not ke drawn under the memory bu unde viens nd that can only be achieved chrough memory: This tp wil be flowed by other. The «ay will come when memoria wl be erected by Amen forthe Ai ‘ane who were cid off and ened and fr the Indaba of ir Jandy sal for the alesis who were driven ot bythe Rosin and Chinese for the murdered opponent ofthe regimes by the Cathal ‘Church forthe itn ofthe Crusades and the Inguistin: by ee Tak foc the musered Armenians: bythe Japanese forthe Chine and Koreans they inved by the Aarne fr she Aborigines whos and eye by the United State for the Jpanese who di in ibis and Naga soki—thels unfrcnatly col goon freer. Beryone knows and fel how urge shi sop form of remembering inode. Such a emen [ering i parsdoia intervention in the history of vielen, jus, and oppresion that rach is hori lax ia the ewentic cen Asie al che deans of pores ofthe nnecenth century. sch 8 of recogptin of the aring cased ro ors hugh mo fa of the sre can dcr the outlines of univer form f booing memory tha Commit certain Fandametl norms of aman dig “Auschvirs the darkest chap of Geman hist has long since a sumed the dimension a “normative past that muss nor and cannot be alowed 1 fl ito oblivion under an circumstances bec impor tance goes well beyond the memori of viims an peperios i hat become an insance of unsealed bonding memory and se founding element of lal scl religion that concerned with democracy and human digi Ix commandment ie "aver gin, Auschwin” an thit reane ao jst ha there should eee agai be vise ofa cman fas am, bur dae wean his "we ices haan newer agin to be perperaos, fll raves, r decors of a egme char amples ‘or human dignpy [Fe wish o procure wodd-wide copii for these Principles, we would do wall not to pres wht we mean by “Amal” thats esay the cence ofall ar we mst ject Fe ae scureaBet- 24 Iroduction ter fare. mead, we mas publ ake responsibly or itn solidarity ‘with thot secon of mankind for whos Auschiiz has become the nor rmaive memory of guleincared onset dgreson on collie bonding memexy should make lear the pia of the eancxpe Ony by dahing the Fnetion of chi fou of memory a ying bar it crabling Kiting pose, and neg ‘ve aipcs wl we be slew rsp what is meant By contasing ic with she concep of ral memory” 6, Calarsl Memory ‘With cular memory dhe depths oft open up. Weave aren thes pics, at point fr Bond he horaan af eommuricxtivemema- ‘pe The nature of his rian ha been minced by esearch nthe eld ‘For history, Tit has shown that wth the method of rl ierogaton| ic isnot possbleo progres ur dan ahrizon afighyr03 mma ‘on huni yas, That i te distance nie acid at bes pe tonal memory ingot un ata experiences bat alan onthe et ‘cwnanicatione of others. This the pas sha companies ws because it belongs tout and because cere i alin, communicative ned o Keep italv inte presents it sine ur and is stained by ue. We epember Ftbeeause we need it. Communicative metoey ia generational memory thar changes athe generations change Second we azive at «pint that ioe deel bend the horizon of enlsve and connective bonding Thomory. Ks hoon is deterne bythe mssry fem and cong ‘aon hi underpin ou sense of coramuny nd by dhe memory needs tf let defined "we" Within the famewor ofa bonding memory. he pst isalays “instrumental” “The pion wth cultural memory irene. Neds wo bers too, mach it emembetd, that sy. anded dow, eral, tughe reseached; inept, and pracie, becuse ie neoded,Baase ibe Tongs cow and sais and fr that reason has wo be susie and ‘eretted by a, But ici only in “oa” sci, soit wihout wt Ing ths the stock of what snd coincides with he etary fclear al memory In oinen cular, hended-down measng, eansaedinco “yb sm, sel ino vse archives of which ly nore or ess ini ‘Seal cotal pars are weal aceded inhabited a ended, wi all What is "Cal Memory? 25 around hoards of knowledge thar are no longer nec languish in tte thac a he maigias comes ease odiappeatace snd avin, For ths reason Alida Aton his proposed tat we shoud distinguish between funaional memory and stove memory” The concep of sored tnsnory move coward the clr forms ofthe unconscious Cle palm Ses and inthis rope resembles indivi memory. for which one of Sigmund Feud favocte metaphors was the cy of Rome, For Rome i ot jas vst open-ai museum in which the pate peeved and exi> itd, but an inariabe ange of old and ne of oberuced and buried ‘mati of des tut has heen easel eee this way tenons ts, eections,amagonsns, heeneen wha has been centred and nce Sore, the canoaical and the apocryphal the orthadox ad the sel, the ena and te magi, alof whic makes for acl yarn. ‘The faces beeen stored and Functional memory ie constant si ing. Aled Aman regards hi ihe preorditin ofthe ous of ‘change and renewal This is wy dhe caneape of adion, tual derstood, is completely inaegante a a dexrpion of thi phenemnenon, “Tian” ers to che busines of banding down and receiving, as well the contnoed existence of wha as been eee. The on dyna ‘onccvblein ems ofthisconcee are chow which arrested in clr ‘work ina cone an conscious hon vty interaction withthe dy ‘amis of idensy and memory eat off The concep of ration lave no space forthe unconsces, ‘Now, it earainly got too fir simply to suse sored memory with the cular conscious. Sora memay ie amorphous and with tut boundaries the saucturiag principle that crate fom aed heion because they grow out ofthe grog need for iden, matty and ‘orienation are abenc. This does noc mean tha he contents of sored memory are imecsble in pring, reprased, hinted, or otherwise unavailable. They may Beall any of hese hig Thin wy we mst Took to clara memory and pil the wore memory. fo analogies fee what Fred illo on te lee of nvidia meron. fe his theory of repression in parila, Freud yoked mi pyclogy and ind ideal pycology togeter in aay thas stil oly dba. The io sian Yosef Hayim Yerusalmi plac at he center of his analysis the prob Fem ofthe religious eran har Feud had inept che etn of ‘he epesed, Recut angment onthe dntin tween the bo- logical and genetic inhaiance onthe oe band andthe consis proces

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