SBA Hook's Law

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Title: Forces
Aim: TO investigate the stretching of a rubber band under various loads
Apparatus/ Material: Weights, retort stand, rubber band, metre rule
1. A rubber bad was attached to a retort stand
2. The length of the rubber band was measured using a metre rule
3. A 50g mass was attached to the rubber band and the length of the
rubber band was again measured
4. Steps 3 was repeated until the rubber band stretched about one and
a half the times its original length
5. The extension of the rubber band was determined in each case and
a graph of extension against load was plotted

Table of Result
Mass (g) Mass (kg) Load (N) Stretched Extension
Length (cm) (cm)
1. Define the term Hooke’s law
2. Define elastic limit
3. State the elastic limit of the graph
4. Explain what happens to the rubber band as more load was added
5. Explain the shape of the graph
6. Why was there a deflection in the graph
7. Two Source of error
8. ONE limitation
9. ONE precaution

A statement related to the aim of the experiment

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