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MADRAS Vourme XI. WEDNESDAY, Dzcews:e'2d. 1795. | Nunpin 540. T bos bee eth at SP Arvest, red aia ae OBad pave GAR of Sc Gara 7 oly a fed y Oroeaee ge we Srapeg seed ais lct Dugg neen eS ac Re Ming a bm ee craaaneeia ib a mn Ry tials Id ay Serve i Cn as 9 oe, ran Rite ewe afm i For fond ah ear = WHR LER Renter Race Stand. ‘be the Prefs, SALES BY,AUCTION..\ SALES BY AUCHION, EF Meeting oy i ts Davo ego a : eee T. Jee Rocr efor he TH, MILE CARY Sesisrer, Tobey Fol ee TAB fill Pit dai, Reoccedty aoe Reged a tie SoMa | FORTHE WEAR 1776, By Rabert Henderfon; By J. L. HEBCKE, Sian a wlaneae le oe 1 eee hl ee Tenia we fone Aiton, P| ACCURATE LISTS |, oy wspvechat, West Dinter] sore, THURSDAY, Be Lain, By Gre! ‘Tur gic aupConteanins poaces: Dn wet Wed Fear amif moe “ rah Baan al Winds Pa °F jumtawmoy, | | Spices a Sa | Oe A ater e toma | arin oka ~ igen sce, 5 | a Parnes rene PeaTALoouEss gobi | By Robert Henderfon, | twsiuge si Trithinopoly. Races. sachet 3 e pes ‘Tha Madday Cirtalatng’ Libra Mav raewantaen 641%, “npr tence ‘WITH CossiDexenie abortions | tamer sipahr A aiyoe \ SRERTSIAGIN 2 co amneces Be | THispay WEDNESDAY. wDUCy Boreonaseeig os en c= i Bel cane [OM WEDNERATHih jsrodres ng |) “Ciretlating Library, Meeacs vel hexarner i sEAIOT hag cae | aparece a : al HORSES, Com foto pshoek econ ‘ A taut Aten Hoes oot Ste tegen eaeP age he LIBRARY. B.remeyed oat Pirin fed 0 sca Gy Sebo dit a Cat a a f ‘Fer Private Sale, oie Baus es AREMPEEAELY go lean se HO Dicele, 10 edd rane | 74) je Richgshaves. ee Ti | he gy Lh gee eee Cmaps we ‘A Brown and Adhtor y a oe a de Aly Padi lis ~—S Anthony Gaudoin, ieee evens wabuat Padaaves * “Th tr WEDNESDAY, a oe? Mieeonascie'® | ue tomowae amuse Tico Mitten, K ABB ITT CO, gol WALL SHADES gly FOR ME ip, |e rebloecfx Yorcedot BARDWARE, Sh | price ate dito, tea | Bereta of «wy Spc acd FOR SALE a (Zetec ttt ea siataregth ert tie isco SATB PE HUCTDN Te we PREOEOT 0 | a mralse 5 niearneck, 7 eae Fe ran ry Sea atic oo : ‘i ny Wvdan ie, | EES oe SA Gewtentoie| Bean on ‘del ft, ate Bars Binks Sicha oe, Seti Rtn WiSAES Ti ae Serba tegument it ssh al ote ee aoe as v eae coon.) ® - Eide, rage © Weenesoat, Dees at, righ! His Maple ow been pleated to mabe the fo = SB Sindy Nese tn ee errors see senate cogent CO te Botle, Olb ant Vineet few the Ne ach - Dated er one eisai tei Bi ceuoeda| AE once hee Awe ie wate i ri ie Ach, Ollie, on an Retopean Semon, took. to a By Weghtand Hid, [Aa Soe Sts Sea ee ora ad seperate tated sh 80] oa Serene “Tm, THUD | fw be Wa ete te : tea ala fo A i sore ane sone eee ne | sreeree ec a A : fezihly Miat in : ia Sona “ina bint ht ee — a ce areas: By, Waighe snd Hutt, |e Se rice {On WEDNESDAY te oh fer ana ae The uleer parece oats Ear Smash ee Beene, ee grata LY Retin eibande ne soos remount Sg) peck ora seeth Sijtea cates Galo is “alti fie rs ial aire Pabs Aaity ober Bure Ariss stain | Pee SP | a ad “ Sigur ste = BILLS ONL oNDon, a Sas ete | Tee a 3 hare mes Bone ebel it tit | oy | See cuntteent ita | Rar cempeeyieuers,, | Rea On Sobre ss Finda ad rie a ema Bos ‘Tiesto ares Fee mg 2 Re Ar erect a io ee a Rc Tien eat net Song “te i ee et torre el ae Eeyow ee ae ere eee eae ee 22 fe Tendency cea aac wae ica ey i ed ina Ne altuna et a ea toa pcb ae | ee ic cells oes ranch te. eae ho clarence Pen ‘Semel rte ey be ao | Smauno Phi Se Bat | ge Ame, ponder, ve gee eee eer te ener

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