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The researchers would like to express their sincerest appreciation and deepest gratitude to those

who have helped them and supported them in making their research a successful one.

Prof. Ryan Joseph Calinao, CHE, CHIA, CGSP, CAHTA, MG, AIH, MIHM, their

research adviser, for always supporting them and giving them the best advises wgich

contributed greatly in creating their paper. For sharing his knowledge and lending his time, for

his patience and helpful comments.

Dr. Juvy Tamondong, PhD, CHIA, CGSP, their research professor who supported them

from the start and being patient and understanding in explaining to them about the inner

working of a research paper.

Dr. Merlita Medallon, PhD, their statistician, for being patient when it comes to the

wuestions pf the researchers regarding their needed data for their research. For also giving notes

on how to make their data better.

To their Panelists, for giving their honest opnions, comments, and helpful suggestion on how

to make their paper better.

To their Industry Experts, for helping them in taking a look at their objectives and

questionnaires if it is good to go and still on topic with their paper.

To Community in Los Baños, their respondents for taling part on their research ang giving

their time in answering theri questionnaires which helped greatly in acquiring the data needed

by the researchers. For also spreading the word and for giving them the encouragement they

needed. And lastly, for their words of gratitude that the researchers are actually doing something

to better their community and hope for its success.

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