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1. I spend most of my time surfing the internet and interacting with other people
especially with my friends on social media. These platforms were the reason
why I was able to endure and enjoy the quarantine period. Through social
media, I am aware and updated on what is happening in our country.
However, despite the enjoyment that social media platforms bring, at some
point, it also affects my mental health, as it became the medium to say
negative things. But nonetheless, with proper usage of these platforms, it will
entertain you and let you interact with new people. With these platforms, it will
ease your longing for your family and friends that are not with you. 
2. I often use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I use different platforms
depending on what I want to do. When I am interacting with friends and want
to be entertained, I go for Facebook. If I want to be updated and educated
with the socials issues that are happening I open my Twitter account. If I want
to look for photo inspo I resort to my Instagram account. I use these platforms
daily since even with the on-going online classes we still use messenger and
Facebook to be updated. 
3. Memes are a way of communicating a concept that is culturally important. A
meme is a picture or video that reflects a particular audience's thoughts and
feelings. The majority of memes are captioned images designed to evoke
laughter. There are also several viral video jokes, though. Memes are a
common phenomenon worldwide and an increasingly significant aspect of
viral marketing and social interaction. Memes also refer to communities or
subcultures that exist. Sometimes, via social media, email, and message
boards, memes spread easily. 

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