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Hey Everyone welcome to the official first day of the 5 day challenge!

I’m so excited to be here with you and can’t wait to get tis show on the road!

Let’s get this challenge started off on the right foot. Let me know in the comments if you are
watching live. If you are on team replay let me know in the comments as well.

Don’t forget to let me know where in the world you are checking in from.

This is going to be a BIG day for a lot of affiliates. In fact if you pay attention, this one video can
seriously change the course of your life.

It will literally pinpoint exactly why you haven’t been able to make serious money with affiliate
marketing till now.

We have all heard of what’s possible with affiliate marketing - sweet stories of passive income,
people travelling around the world.

But no one ever talks about a real practical plan to make it happen. You know like they say - "A
goal without a plan is just a dream.

It’s very difficult to imagine making $10,000 a month by selling $27 products. It is always gonna
be a far away dream.

But, when you promote a product which pays $1000+ in commissions, it’s a whole nother story.
You can count the number of sales you need to make to earn a full time income on your fingers.

More than anything, today I want to show you a realistic way for a beginner who doesn’t have
any added advantages to make some serious income.

We all know that most affiliates that get success have some advantage on their side - most of
them have been doing it for years, or they have a list or inside connections. But most of us don’t
have any of that.

I started out as a 9-to-5 construction worker, I was just forced to quit my job. I didn’t even know
what internet marketing was. I wasn’t any good with computers. I was shy to get on a video
camera....and yet after starting with High Ticket Affiliate marketing I was able to make my first
$1000+ day in 16 short days.

In my very first year I was able to make over $100,000 by promoting a single High Ticket affiliate

Let me tell you how I got started...

I can remember back in the day when I was beginning affiliate marketing, I was confused and
overwhelmed with so many choices that were there in the market.

You know, there's like hundreds...not hundreds… but thousands of products out there which you
can promote.

There's so many different options you can look at.

There's so many choices out there, right?

But I think we all have one goal in the beginning. We want to see some money coming as
quickly as possible, right?

That’s how it was with me.

When I started out I was promoting low ticket products. Products that paid, you know, anywhere
between like $5 and 50 bucks per sale.

I thought that was the easy and right thing to do...promoting a cheap $30 product was the best
way to start.

That was probably because I believed that there is some kind of a ladder that exists in the
affiliate marketing world just like in the job world, where you start as an assistant and move up
to being a manager, and further up the ranks.

I thought it worked the same way here - In the beginning you had to master selling $1, $2
products, and then you work your way up to 50 bucks, and then you work your way up to a few
hundred dollars.

And then finally, when you get really good, you can sell something for like a thousand dollars.

And although I wanted to make $10,000 a month I wasn't asking myself what's the easiest way
to get there.

I was focused on something different - what's the easiest product for me to promote that I can
make a little bit of money quickly. I felt very comfortable with promoting a $30 product.

On to of that, I had no clue how to promote anything else.

It was not easy. I remember struggling for a few months. I ended up spending a lot of money on
solo ads. I’m talking $3,000. And you know the worst part ofit all? I only made a couple of sales.

I remember that day like it was yesterday -

I made like four or five sales which were around 40 bucks and I was over the moon with

I ran in and told my girlfriend - “I made my first affiliate”. This internet marketing thing works.

She asked me - how much money did you make? I said “$40 bucks”

She said she was really happy that I had made my first sale online, but at the same time I could
see that she was a little upset.

We needed a significant amount of money at that time. The corona crisis had depleted all of our
money and things were starting to get really stressful

And - $40 bucks was nothing. It wouldn’t even pay for us to eat out once night.

I remember thinking - Right now if I made like a thousand dollars. Things would have been
completely different. She would have been thrilled. We could have paid our bills for the month. I
could have taken her out for a nice dinner.

That moment changed me. All of a sudden, I had a new mission. I wanted to make $1000 in a

So I’ve got a quick questions for you gurs…

Who here had made their first sale online before?

Also let me know if anybody in this live or replay has had their first $1,000 day online before?

It’s an amazing feeling.

So anyway, My mindset shifted and I started wondering - what do I have to do to get $1000 in a

I started browsing through Facebook, And I remember reading one of the posts from this guy
who was a seven figure marketer that I had been following

He said - if you want to make $10,000 with affiliate marketing, and you're selling something that
was worth like 27 bucks - do the math, like how many sales do you think you need to make to
make $10,000 and ask yourself if that is realistic

He did the math - I remember it was around 300 sales. You needed 300 sales a month to make

Think about it for a second - 300 sales. That’s a lot of sales.

I remember feeling like there's no way I could do it. Like 300 sales is a lot of sales to make for
anyone to reach $10,000.

The math just doesn't work out.

So then as I kept reading the post, he made a very important point.

He said what if instead of 300 sales you could make like $10,000 in just 10 sales?

That made me very curious.

Only 10 sales. How is that really possible? I mean, it'd be incredible. Like how do people do

So I just kept reading further and he said, `` What if instead of selling something that gave you a
commission of $27, what if you promoted something which gave you a commission of a
thousand bucks?

“Promoting a product which paid a commission of a thousand dollars” - I was thrilled.

I remember at that moment thinking that's exactly what I wanted to do.

I wanted to make $1000 in a day. It’s funny how the universe works.

I pictured earning a commission of $1000 bucks, and showing it to my girlfriend. I knew she
would be so happy for me. We could forget about all the worries and problems. And go for a big
romantic dinner.

At that moment, I knew one thing - I had to stop promoting low ticket products - it just wasn’t
practical. I realized that it's just not practical to sell 300 products for a complete beginner.

But selling just 10 products is not impossible. In fact it seemed very practical.

I remember thinking - “Heck even if I made, just do two to three sales a month and I got like a
thousand dollars a commission worth of it, it would be totally worth it. Just three sales and I
would make $3000. That would allow us to keep the roof over our heads and the lights on.

And that's what got me thinking like exactly how hard can it be to make three sales?”

I remember when I was working with the solo ads. I was working for like 8 hour a day. I had to
do a ton of research. Write emails. Test a bunch of stuff. Plus, there was so much financial risk.

I got completely burnt out. Not to mention the amount of headaches and tech issues I had.
I had sleepless nights. We were running low on cash. I was risking everything.

It was pretty hard.

I thought to myself - what if I invested the same amount of time in promoting a high-end
product? Could I not just make $3000 a month? If I just made $3000 a month, my life would be
completely different, you know?

I just kept thinking like - how hard could it be? It's just three damn sales for $3,000 a month.

That's what originally got me into high ticket affiliate marketing.

I was so excited, and I wanted to learn everything I could.

How do you pull this off?

I started Googling it - how do you sell high ticket products?

I discovered most people that sold high ticket products, they used paid ads.

I found this post by a very savvy internet marketer on Google.

And he was talking about how it was getting crazy expensive to sell High ticket products with
paid ads. He said that it doesn't matter what niche you are in, the cost is increasing.

He did all the math - I don't remember it, but he said that on average, it takes you somewhere
around 1000 - $2000 with paid ads to get a single customer.

And he demonstrated in the post you can make a profit with paid ads.

I wasn’t prepared to spend that much money -

I didn’t have $1200 to spend on ads. Not to mention it can take around $7000 to test your ads
and find the winner.

I was frustrated again. And I remember saying, well - there's no way for me to make like a
thousand dollars in a day with affiliate marketing without spending $1000 a day on these damn

I was really psyched about this idea with high ticket products, but I just didn't have the money. .

I was disappointed and at my wits end. I thought I hit a dead end. This was it!
But luckily that wasn’t the end for me.

Later that day by a complete stroke of luck, I came across another incredible Facebook post
that changed my life…

It was a breakthrough concept…

Let me quickly summarize it for you -

Most marketers spend thousand dollars (plus) on Facebook ads to get a single sale of high

Now imagine if there was a way you could just get that lead on Facebook for free with organic

I was like… Wait...what?

It completely blew my mind.

Was that even possible? Is it really possible for you to just start with FREE Facebook traffic and
promote high ticket products?

at that moment when it struck me, My hope was renewed. I was determined to makew this work.

I just didn't know if there was a real way to do it, that was actually working for people

The guy that wrote the post...he had made seven figures just by doing this.

I realized that This is very real and this was happening.

I wanted to show my girlfriend that this internet marketing thing was not just something small
that could be a little side hustle. This is something serious. It's something that you can actually
make a lot of money with.

This is a life changing business.

If you can sell a low ticket product with FREE traffic then why would it be impossible to promote
a high ticket product with free traffic?

I realize looking back now that this was the reason that I was able to make $50k in 92 days.

And here is why I was able to make money so quick -

What’s the first thing Everybody that jumps in affiliate marketing tries to do. Can you guess?
It’s pretty simple. They sell low ticket products from Clickbank or Jvzoo.

And because everyone tries to do that...the competition is very extremely high.

It’s a very tough business to be in.

Actually less than 1% affiliate marketers promote High Ticket products.

And even fewer than 1% doing it with organic traffic.

There is such little competition in promoting high ticket products that it's so much easier to start
making money if you start there. And the crazy part is even if you fail miserably and you end up
making a few sales, you still make $3000+ a month - which can make a major difference in your

I remember I was talking to a friend of mine who had been doing internet marketing for over 8
years. He told me something that completely blew my mind -

He said...the reason why most people are able to make any profit these days in the world of
internet marketing is because they have a high ticket product to sell.

Most internet marketers - they sell low priced products on the front end, just because it reduces
their cost of acquiring a customer, but then they only make profit when they sell high ticket
products on the back end.

And that got me thinking,

I'm just doing all the dirty work for all these affiliate marketing companies. And they're just selling
something expensive to my customers on the backend via their email list and making all the
money. I felt like I was their infantry soldier, just putting myself on the front line every day

And they were enjoying all the sweet profits.

Now No one in the entire world is making a huge chunk of money just by promoting low ticket
products online.

But everyone in the affiliate marketing world is trying to make a living by selling low ticket

There is a reason why over 90% of affiliate marketers fail. It is because they fail to understand
this critical concept.
This little thing shifted my complete perception of how affiliate marketing works because, it feels
like a Mirage. It really feels that when you're trying to sell a cheap product, that it would be an
easy and quick way to make money.

But the reality is very different. It’s exactly opposite.

Most of the internet marketing companies, they're trying to get affiliates to do the hardest job for
them, which is to sell low ticket products. I mean, if it was a simple job, then wouldn't they just
do it themselves.

And that really opened up my eyes.

If this was easy...wouldn’t they just do it themselves and keep all the profits. I remember looking
at products on ClickBank and they were giving away like 75% of their commissions.

Now obviously you don't give away 75% of the commissions If it's an easy job, you know, like
why would anybody give away 75% of their money for an easy job?

It didn't make sense to me at all.

I remember my friend said to me - Low Ticket Affiliate marketing is the hardest, lowest paying
job on the entire internet.

So do you want to know what’s the Highest Paying Gig in the Affiliate marketing world? You
guessed it. It’s what we talked about today.

High ticket affiliate marketing.

Now there is one last thing I want you to pay attention to - just like in the low ticket affiliate
marketing world - there are good products and there are bad products in the high ticket world.

After browsing through 100s of products in the High Ticket world, I found that a select few
actually have all the right ingredients to get you results really fast.

Do you want to know my personal criteria for choosing High Ticket products? And exactly what
elements to look for? I’ll be revealing it on day 9. Stay tuned, it’s gonna be an exciting day.

But back to the main point - I know you might be wondering -

How does this work? What's the difference between promoting low end products and high end
products? What does the process look like?

I remember I was really excited, and I wanted to know everything, I’m sure you are the same.
That’s exactly what this training is about. Tomorrow we are going to cover exactly how I promote
High Ticket Products on my Facebook Profile. Plus, we are going to build a Facebook profile
funnel together. It’s going to happen in tomorrow’s video. It’s so much fun.

Now if you enjoyed today’s video, drop me a #fun in the comments. So, I know you are following
along & enjoying everything so far.

Let me know your thoughts about today’s training in the comments section too, I would love to
hear your biggest takeaways.

I personally read each and every comment. The more comments I get, the more it inspires me
to share even more value.

Also, something to keep in mind is that we are currently on Day 4 of 12 - in just 8 days this
group is going to shut down. So make sure that you ask me all the questions you can while the
group still exists.

I’m here to help everybody that I can!

That’s it for today everybody...I’ll see you tomorrow same time, same place.

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