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Who Are the 50 Top Women in Wealth?

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Who Are the 50 Top Women in Wealth?

Wealth Manager Web | May 3, 2010 | By Kathleen McBride, AdvisorOne

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What do Nancy Pelosi, Mary L. Schapiro, Elizabeth Warren, and Denise Voigt Crawford have in common
with Maria Elena Lagomasino, Deborah McWhinney, Mary Erdoes and Sally Krawcheck? These women
are collectively responsible for the financial well being of millions of Americans.

They are eight of the 50 leaders that have been selected as the 50 Top Women in Wealth for 2010 by . We selected the most influential, powerful and inspiring women for our list,
from the national stage to the practitioners managing the financial assets and of their clients, to the
academics who inform our thinking. These leaders are the ones we look to for guidance, and we salute

The exceptional leaders on this list are responsible for hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth, for
investors and for the nation. Every American is affected by the decisions some of these women make;
the bills they shepherd through Congress and the regulations that affect all investors.'s 50 Top Women in Wealth are:

z Catherine Ayers-Rigsby, Managing Director, Ceros Financial Services, Inc.

z Jessica M. Bibliowicz, Chairman, President and CEO, National Financial Partners Corp.
z Phyllis C. Borzi, Assistant Secretary of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration
z Patricia C. Brennan, President, Key Financial
z Patricia C. Bresser, Managing Director, Senior Wealth Advisor, U.S. Trust, Bank of America
z Marilyn B. Capelli Dimitroff, President, Capelli Financial Services, Inc.
z Carrie Coghill-Kuntz, President, D. B. Root & Company
z Gail Cohen, Vice Chairman and General Trust Counsel; Director, Fiduciary Trust Company
z Denise Voigt Crawford, Securities Commissioner, Texas State Securities Board
z Sheila Dorman, SVP, Chief Operating Officer, Northern Trust Securities Inc.
z Coventry Edwards-Pitt, Managing Director, Sr. Client Advisor, Ballentine Partners
z Mary Erdoes, CEO Asset Management, JP Morgan
z Linda J. Fitz, Principal, Co-Founder, Aspiriant
z Tamar Frankel, Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
z Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO, FOX Family Office Exchange
z Carla Harris, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Investment Management
z Mellody Hobson, President, Ariel Investment Management
z Paula H. Hogan, Founder, Financial Advisor, Hogan Financial Management
z Kim Ip, Chief Operating Officer, Luminous Capital
z Elizabeth Jetton, Partner, RTD Financial Advisors, Inc.
z Sallie Krawcheck, President, Global Wealth and Investment Management, Bank of America
z Barbara Krumsiek, President and CEO, Calvert Group, Ltd. 3/26/2011
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z Kristi Kuechler, President, Institute for Private Investors

z Maria Elena Lagomasino, CEO, GenSpring Family Offices
z Diahann Lassus, Co-founder, President, Lassus Wherley & Associates
z Dianne F. Lob, Chairman, Private Client Investment Policy Group; Head, Wealth Management
Group, AllianceBernstein
z Deborah D. McWhinney, President, Personal Banking and Wealth Management, Citi
z Doris Meister, President, New York Tri-State Region, BNY Mellon Wealth Management
z Olivia S. Mitchell, Department Chair and Professor, Dept of Insurance and Risk Management, The
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
z Kyra Morris, Founder, Morris Financial Concepts
z Sharmin Mossavar-Rahmani, Chief Investment Officer, Private Wealth Management Group,
Goldman Sachs
z Susan Mucciarone, EVP; Senior Managing Director, Eastern Markets, Wells Fargo Family Wealth
z Kathleen A. Murphy, President, Personal Investing, Fidelity Investments
z Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Representative (D-California), U.S. House of Representatives
z Rebecca Pomering, CEO, Moss Adams Wealth Advisors
z Carmen M. Reinhart, Professor of Economics; Director of the Center for International Economics,
University of Maryland
z Rosanne Rog?, Managing Director, Client Services, R. W. Rog? & Co., Inc.
z Mary Schapiro, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
z Suzanne F Shank, President and CEO, Partner, Siebert, Brandford, Shank
z Eileen Sharkey, President, Sharkey, Howes & Javer, Inc.
z Muriel Siebert, CEO, Muriel Siebert & Co., Inc.
z Cathy Simmons, Director, Client Services; Chief Compliance Officer, Legacy Wealth Management
z Michelle Smith, Co-founder; Managing Director, Alexandra and James Co., LLC
z Liz Ann Sonders, SVP; Chief Investment Strategist, Charles Schwab
z Margaret Starner, Senior Vice President, Financial Planning, Raymond James & Associates
z Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; Chair, Congressional
Oversight Panel, TARP
z Amy Webber, President & CEO, Cambridge Investment Research, Inc.
z Debra Wetherby, Principal, Asset Manager and CEO, Wetherby Asset Management
z Jane Williams, CEO, Sand Hill Global Advisors
z Mary Zimmer, Head, Primary Advisor Services, RBC Wealth Management

This year, a distinguished advisory board--including two women who were honored in 2009--selected
from the cream of the crop for the 2010 list. Every board member would certainly be a candidate for the
list. It was a great privilege to get to know the members of the board as we selected the 2010 honorees.
In a series of roundtable conference calls and emails, we discussed hundreds of nominees, and whittling
the list down to 50 was a tough job. We all felt that we had a terrific group of candidates and it was great
to see so many high caliber women.

The Top Women in Wealth Advisory Board includes:

From the partner community

o Gail Graham, executive vice president, Fidelity Institutional.

o Ranji Nagaswami, former chief investment officer, AllianceBernstein.
o Kim Wright-Violich, president of Schwab Charitable. 3/26/2011
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From the wealth management and RIA community:

o Sheryl Garrett, founder, The Garrett Planning Network, Inc., a network of 300 registered investment
o Deena Katz, associate professor, Personal Financial Planning Division at Texas Tech University, and
partner in Evensky & Katz, a registered investment advisor.

From the financial services community:

o Jennifer Connelly, CEO of JCPR, Inc., a financial services public relations firm.
o Mindy Diamond, CEO and president, Diamond Consultants, a financial services recruiting firm.

And editors:
o Janet Levaux, managing and Web editor at Research magazine.
o Melanie Waddell, Washington bureau chief at Investment Advisor magazine.
o Kate McBride, editor-in-chief of .

In addition to naming the Top 50, Wealth conducted the second annual Top Women
in Wealth Management Survey, a mini census of the most seasoned women in wealth management,
gauging attitudes, demographic information, firm structure and ownership and other factors.

Women have a great deal to offer as wealth managers, and clients realize and appreciate this.

It's very exciting to watch more and more women take on senior roles in the industry, making important
contributions, both in advisory and executive roles; in academia and in Washington.--Kathleen M.

Write to Editor in Chief Kate McBride at

About the Author

Kathleen McBride, AdvisorOne

Editor-in-Chief, Wealth Channel, AdvisorOne
Kathleen M. McBride, AIF ® is the Wealth Editor in Chief at and
was Editor in Chief at Wealth Manager, and Wealth, (now part of She was Senior Editor at Investment Advisor. She has worked in
journalism on-air, in print, and on the Web. She is a founder of The Committee for the
Fiduciary Standard, working to ensure that investors have access to financial advice
that is in their best interests.

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