Inglés 32-33 777

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Educamos con suavidad y firmeza desde 1927

AÑO LECTIVO: 2020- 2021

Name: Emanuel Camalle Course: 3RD Accounting “A”

Date: 15-05-2021 Week: 31-32

-Look the picture and write about their abilities using can.

He can run very fast on his new bike and even win the race.

The best skier in the world Alexis Pinturault can go down the
mountains so fast and without any danger.

Volleyball players can score points by hitting the ball with their
hands towards the opposing team.

The lady can weave a hat with her hands without the help of a

She can climb the mountain with the help of a rope very
2.-Look at the pictures and write about your abilities when you were a child using could or

When I was a kid, I could build a little tower out of toy

blocks by myself.

When he was a kid, he couldn't walk very well, so he has

to crawl.

As a child I could play with the ball by pushing it with

my head against the wall

When I was little, I couldn't get up to play on the table so

my mom would hold me.

When I was little, I could swim in a small pool with my

3.- Read the next situations give them an advice or suggestion use should

-I have a headache

Seek medical help immediately

-I make many orthographic mistakes when I write an e-mail.

Calm down, think about the purpose of your email and then write.

-I eat too much and I have overweight problems.

Eat more healthy food and exercise

-Children don’t obey their parents.

Children should be calm and not do a lot of mischief so that their parents do not punish them.

4. Look at the signals write sentences expressing prohibition using mustn’t or obligation using

Danger must not pass restricted area.

Prohibited you must not smoke here.

You should not bring cameras to the bank.

You must see your temperature to pass.

You must keep the distance of 6 meters from other people.

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