Project Summary:: Present Distribution Metering System

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Project Summary:

Electricity is the form of energy that can be harnessed to meet human needs for an
equilibrated and progressive civilization and is considered the most important blessing that
science has given to the mankind. Nowadays, electricity usage has become part of modern
life and one cannot think of living without it. The supply and demand of electrical energy
needs a balance. Hence, energy monitoring is indeed essential for both provider and
consumer point of view.

Present Distribution Metering System

Electric power consumption monitoring is achieved by energy meters using different

metering techniques. The present metering system in Pakistan is of conventional type that
requires the staff to visit the consumer at a regular interval to take readings which is
susceptible to human error, and unjust billing is the main concern showed by the consumers.
Moreover, the current metering system does not provide real-time monitoring of energy
consumption. In addition, present energy metering system only provide the aggregated
consumption information to the consumer and this information is not available to the provider
in real-time. Moreover, the appliance level consumption which is also very important in
efficient utilization of electrical energy is also not provided in real-time to the consumer that
prevents efficient utilization of electrical power.

This motivates us to develop an efficient smart load metering/monitoring system for both
consumer and provider perspectives. For consumer perspective, it will help residential,
commercial and industrial consumers to monitor power consumption and remotely control
different units using a smartphone. Moreover, using the smartphone, the provider can also
monitor the energy consumption in real time taking necessary action in time (cut-off the
supply in case of excess load consumption,

Project Objectives:

The main objective of this project is to design and implement an Android app with an
efficient smart load metering/monitoring system for both consumer and provider perspectives
that will:

 Consumer Justified Billing

 Protection of Transformers

 Dynamic Charges of tariffs

 Real-Time Monitoring of Electrical Power Consumption

 Pointing Electricity theft.

Consumer Justified Billing: Previously, most users are not aware of their electricity
consumption due to the fact that the utility bills are issued by the utility company only at the
end of each month, without giving any details or breakdown of the utilization. By relying on
information supplied in such utility bill, the users cannot determine which parts of their house
or building are consuming the most electricity. This is because most utility companies are
measuring the energy consumption of a particular house by employing a general meter, which
will just give general or overall electricity reading for the whole house.

Real-Time Monitoring, Protection and Control of Electrical Power Consumption: The

Provider can monitor the power consumption in real-time. This real-time information helps
provider in estimating real-time generation, charging the consumer differently for on Peak
and Off Peak consumption. The provider can cut-off the supply of specific home violating the
prescribed allotted load that protects the transformer form overload. A subsequent smart
meter will be placed at the feeder and at the area distribution transformer which will compare
the values from the home meters and transformer and highlights the irregularities and point’s
electricity theft in the area. The provider will be able to monitor the consumption in real time,
monitoring the electricity theft and estimation of generation in real time and to take measures
to improve power quality.

Project Implementation Method:

The implementation of efficient smart load metering/monitoring includes the following three stages:

• Data acquisition: The Data will be collected from the main meter that is installed at the consumer
permesis and from subsequent meter at the area distribution transformer and will be transferred to the
secured cloud through internet connectivity by the GSM module.
• Input processing: The system consists of one smart energy meter and an external circuit that
collects the meter reading and communicates with the server, along with an external hardware circuit.
A web portal and an android application developed in android studio. Meter readings are passed to the
server through the GSM module connected to the energy meter. The external circuit also provides an
option to cut the power supply to each consumer by the help of a relay control unit connected through
the energy meter section. It provides the useful functionality of remotely switching the power
ON/OFF to the user. It consists of a protective relay, breaker control circuit & line breaker. In another
side, a web application is provided for energy providers. In this portal the administrator can add
consumers with their related details, update the unit cost for energy, generate monthly bills, send
notifications to consumer for over usage of energy, bill payment details etc. The administrator can
filter the users who are not paid the bill after fixed time duration and cut their power supply from his
office, without visiting the user’s location.

• Android Application: An android application is also developed for consumers; consumers can
login in this application using a consumer id and password provided by the administrator. Depending
on the login basis the android app will display data as shown below.

• Action: The provider send message to the respective consumer meter by GSM that will
compare the message and will cut-off the consumer supply for the time.
Benefits of the Project:

“Due to inefficiency, poor recovery through electricity bills and transmission and dispatch
(T&D) losses, the country’s power distributing companies (DISCOs) caused a loss of
approximately Rs123 billion in the financial year 2018-19 whereas a Rs78 billion loss was
registered due to poor recovery through electricity bills”

 COMPUNSATION IN LOSSES: Loss that are registered due to poor recovery

through electricity bills will be compensated to most extent as provider can charge the
consumer on on-peak and off peak tariffs.

 PROTECTION: The Current metering system is of conventional type, in which there

is no real time monitoring these ads on the losses on the current distribution network.
Most of the consumers go beyond the prescribed allot load that in turn increases the
load on the area distribution transformer result in transform Blown resulting millions
of rupees spent on transformer repair. The current system as measure consumption in
real time will automatically shut down the specific home with the warning thus
protecting the transformer.

 REAL TIME MEASUEMENT: This real time monitoring of consumption of

provided system helps the provider to pinpoint the exact area where electricity theft is
carried out so that authorities take necessary action in time.

 This is an IOT based system and hence can be made automated.

 By using Raspberry Pi, the system becomes scalable and flexible.

 Consumer Assurance: The consumer will be justified for the charged bill as they can
monitor consumption themselves by the application.

This project is an efficient load metering/monitoring system that helps residential,

commercial and industrial consumers to monitor power consumption and remotely control
different units of home/industry using a smartphone. The consumers can record its
consumption behaviour and can make suitable changes in lowering its bill just with the help
of android application. The industrial consumer will be displayed an additional information
of P.F consumption on the same app proving him to take necessary action to reduce charging
rate.  Moreover, using the smartphone, the provider can also monitor the energy consumption
in real time. Real time monitoring helps the consumer to pin point the major concern of
electricity theft and can take necessary action to prevent the issue. The provider can charge
the consumer differently on on-peak and off-peak tariff separately. The need of staff visiting
the consumer premises to take readings will be finished.

Technical Details of Final Deliverable:

The final product will be an integrated system based on hardware and software.

 The Hardware will be installed at the present installed energy meters consisting of
Raspberry p, Wi-Fi modules, submeters cut-off circuits (Relays), Raspberry PI
SIM800 GSM GPRS Add-on V2.0 Module Shield And hardware of Meter installed at
area transformer mainly of ardino Uno circuit and a GSM GPRS Add-on V2.0
Module Shield.
 The Software is the android application (Electro Saver) that will be available at the
android playstore from where consumer and Provider can download the app for free.
The final deliverable will be:

1. Hardware and software integrated system

2. Project report

3. Publication in well reputed journal/conference

Project Key Milestones

Month Proposal and background Study of Made proposal and Studied the
1 Projects complete background of Project

Month Android App Structure creation Software Development of Android

2 App

Month Becoming Familiar with Raspberry pi Became Familiar with Raspberry and
3 and its Operating System. its operating system

Month Patching Hardware with Raspberry Hardware Creation with simulation

4 Module

Month Patching Hardware with the Android Software and hardware

5 Database in Cloud Storage. Communication

Month Installation in the field and Real-time implementation of Project

6 Documentation of the work

Month Writing Project report and Research we will write project report and
7 paper Research paper of our project.

Project Equipment Details

Item Name Type No. of Per Unit Total (in
Units Cost (in Rs) Rs)

Raspberry Pi 3 B Equipment 1 10000 10000

Raspberry Pi 7 Equipment 1 7000 7000

Ardino Uno Equipment 2 700 1400

PZEM-004T V3( Meter Sensor) Equipment 2 2500 5000

Energy Meter Equipment 1 6000 6000

Raspberry PI SIM800 GSM GPRS Equipment 2 3000 6000

Add-on V2.0 Module Shield

ESP01 ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module Equipment 5 270 1350

Power Supply Circuit Equipment 1 2000 2000

Current Sensor ACS712-5A Equipment 5 270 1350

ZMPT Single Phase AC Voltage Equipment 5 270 1350


Wires Equipment 20 10 200

Project Presentation on Display Equipment 1 500 500

Solder wire Equipment 1 200 200

Ardino 4 Channel Relay Module Equipment 2 250 500

Item Name Type No. of Per Unit Total (in
Units Cost (in Rs) Rs)

DC To Dc Buck Converter Step Equipment 5 100 500

Down Module Power Supply

ADS1115 16bit I2C ADC Equipment 2 500 1000

Travelling and shipment of Equipment 1 6000 6000


Reports printing and binding Miscellaneou 1 2000 2000


Stationary Miscellaneou 1 2000 2000


Total in (Rs) 54350

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