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S. No. Content Titration – I Titration – II

1. Burette solution HCl (link solution) HCl (link solution)

2. Pipette solution 20 ml of Na2CO3 (Standard) 20 ml of mixture of Na2CO3 + NaOH


3. Additional reagent No additional reagent No additional reagent

4. Indicator Methyl Orange 2 to 3 drops Phenolphthalein & Methyl Orange

5. End point Yellow to Orange Pink to Colourless & Yellow to Orange

6. Equivalent weight of Na2CO3 = 53

Equivalent weight of NaOH = 40


S. No. Content Titration – I (Pilot Titration) Titration – II (Fair Titration)

1. Burette solution NaOH NaOH

2. Pipette solution 10 ml of made up sample of HCl 10 ml of made up sample of HCl

3. Additional reagent 90 ml of distilled water 90 ml of distilled water

4. Indicator No indicator, Conductivity cell No indicator, Conductivity cell

immersed in the solution immersed in the solution

5. End point Conductance reaches a minimum Conductance reaches a minimum

and starts increasing and starts increasing

6. Equivalent weight of HCl = 36.46


S. Content Titration – I Titration – II Titration – III


1. Burette solution EDTA EDTA EDTA

2. Pipette solution 20 ml of Std. Hard 20 ml of Sample 20 ml Boiled Hard

water Hard water water

3. Additional reagent 5 ml ammoniacal 5 ml ammoniacal 5 ml ammoniacal

buffer buffer buffer

4. Indicator Eriochrome Black T Eriochrome Black T Eriochrome Black T

5. End point Wine red to steel Wine red to steel Wine red to steel
blue blue blue



S. No. Content Titration – I (Pilot Titration) Titration – II (Fair Titration)

1. Burette solution Standard K2Cr2O7 Standard K2Cr2O7

2. Pipette solution 10 ml of made up sample of FAS 10 ml of made up sample of FAS

3. Additional reagent 10 ml of dil. H2SO4 and 80 ml of 10 ml of dil. H2SO4 and 80 ml of

distilled water distilled water

4. Indicator Reference electrode (Calomel Reference electrode (Calomel

electrode) and Indicator electrode) and Indicator electrode
electrode (Platinum electrode) (Platinum electrode) immersed in
immersed in the solution the solution

5. End point Drastic change in the electrode Drastic change in the electrode
potential (EMF) difference potential (EMF) difference

6. Equivalent weight of Iron = 55.85


S. No. Content Titration – I Titration – II

1. Burette solution AgNO3 AgNO3

2. Pipette solution 20 ml of Standard NaCl 20 ml of made up sample NaCl

3. Additional reagent No additional reagent No additional reagent

4. Indicator 2 or 3 drops of 2% K2CrO4 2 or 3 drops of 2% K2CrO4

5. End point reddish-brown precipitate reddish-brown precipitate

6. Equivalent weight of Chlorine = 35.46



Short Procedure:
Given polymer (Poly Vinyl Alcohol/Poly Vinyl Acetate) is considered 1% solution. Prepare 0.1 to 0.5%

Take 2.5 ml given polymer makeup into 25 ml gives 0.1 % solution.

Take 5 ml given polymer makeup into 25 ml gives 0.2 % solution.

Take 7.5 ml given polymer makeup into 25 ml gives 0.3 % solution.

Take 10 ml given polymer makeup into 25 ml gives 0.4 % solution.

Take 12.5 ml given polymer makeup into 25 ml gives 0.5 % solution.

Set up the Oswald viscometer and measure the flow time (t0) of a fixed volume (12 ml) of the pure
solvent (distilled water). Take an average of three readings. Rinse the viscometer thoroughly with
the most dilute solution, measure the flow time (t1) keeping the flow-volume the same. Repeat until
concordant values.

S. No. Content Titration – I

1. Burette solution NaOH

2. Pipette solution 20 ml of made up sample of mixture of acids (HCl + CH3COOH)

3. Additional reagent 80 ml of distilled water

4. Indicator No indicator, Conductivity cell immersed in the solution

5. End point Conductance reaches a minimum and starts increasing with low and
high difference. First intersection point corresponds to strong acid and
second intersection point corresponds to weak acid.

6. Equivalent weight of HCl = 36.46

Equivalent weight of CH3COOH = 60


S. No. Content Titration – I (Pilot Titration) Titration – II (Fair Titration)

1. Burette solution Standard NaOH Standard NaOH

2. Pipette solution 10 ml of made up sample of HCl 10 ml of made up sample of HCl

3. Additional reagent 90 ml of distilled water 90 ml of distilled water

4. Indicator Reference electrode Reference electrode

(nonconductive glass or plastic (nonconductive glass or plastic
electrode) and Indicator electrode) and Indicator electrode
electrode (glass sensor (glass sensor electrode) immersed
electrode) immersed in the in the solution
5. End point Drastic change in the pH Drastic change in the pH
During the titration of mixture of NaOH,Na2CO3 and an inert substance against hydrochloric acid __________ is used
to detect the final end point. thymol blue. Methyl Orange litmus. Methyl Red
In standardisation of hydrochloric acid , Hcl is added dropwise into sodium carbonate till the yellow colour turns
_______ Red Dark yellow Orange green
When a known volume of mixture of NaOH and Na2CO3 is titrated with HCl in the presence of phenolphthalein the Half of hydroxide + all
acid reacts with carbonate All hydroxide + All carbonate Half of carbonate + all hydroxide only carbonate
_____is a non-hygroscopic primary standard reagent in Standardisation of Hydrochloric acid (HCl). Na2CO3 Sodium Hydroxide Pure sodium carbonate NaCl
When Na2CO3 reacts with HCl the pH of the solution changes form 11.5 to 8.3 11.3 to 8.5 8.3 to 3.8 8.8 to 3.3

During the estimation of the mixture Na2Co3 and NaOH. When phenolpthalein is used, it changes to _____________ Methyl Orange colour Yellow colour Colourless Pink colour
How many drops of methyl orange indicator must be added during the titration of HCL 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5
In Determination of the amount of Na2Co3 aganist HCl the end point of the titration will be Yellow to colourless Yellow to orange Pink to colourless Pink to Yellow
According to the Burette Solution ( Mixture Of Na2CO3 and NaOH), When______________ is
used, it changes to colourless at the end of this stage as its colour range falls within the same
zone. Phenopthaline HCl Dil. H2SO4 NaOH
The pipetted out solution should be diluted with upto __ ml of distilled water 100ml 90ml 50ml 80ml
When sodium bi carbonate is added to hydrochloric acid which gas is evolved N2 CO2 O2 CO
Which is working principal of conductometry measurement of pH measurement of conductivity of solution
measurement of emf Ohm′s Law
After the neutralization point futher addition of NaOH introduces fast moving_____and_____increases OH- ions, coductance Cl- ions, conductance OH- ions, resistance Cl-, resistance

How much Hcl is pipetted out of the beaker in the pilot titration of Hcl vs NaoH conductometric titration? 5ml 10ml 20ml 2ml
The intersection point of the graph in conductometric titartion will give ___________ neutrilization point titration point variance point resistance point
The conductance of a solution depends upon? A)its dilution B)number of ions present in solution C)nature of solvent D)nature of solute
Equivalent weight of HCL is 34.48 36.46 38.72 40.06
The graph is drawn between conductance and volume of ____ in the titration of NaoH and HCl? NaOH NaCl HCl H20
Complexometric titrations are useful for the determination of ________ A.Basic drug B.Metal ions C.Non metal ions D.Organic acids
Molecular Formula of E.D.T.A is___? C10H16N2O8 C10H16N2O6 C10H14N2O8 C8H16N2O8
EDTA has the ability to form _________ with metal ions Stable complexes Unstable complexes Salts Acids
Due to the liberation of Eriochrome Black-T indicator, wine red colour changes to ____________. A.Colourless B.Yellow C.Steel Blue D.Piano Black
By what method sample water containing Bicarbonates can be removed? Filtration Sublimation Evaporation Condensation
What type of ligand is EDTA? a) Tridentate ligand b) Hexadentate ligand c) Octadentate ligand d) Pentadentate ligand
Which indicator is used to estimated the hardness using EDTA method? Phenolphthalein. Methyl Orange. Bromothymol Blue. Eriochrome Black-T
Which of the following compound is used to determine the total hardness,permanent hardness and temporary Disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic
Sodium Carbonate Ammonical Buffer solution Eriochrome Black-T
hardness of a given hard water? acid
Which of the following is example for temporary hardness causing substance? Bicarbonates of magnesium chlorides of magnesium chlorides of calcium calcium sulphate
What is the Molecular formula of the Potassium dichromate ? K2Cr2O7 KCrO3 K3CrO6 K2CrO4
Which indicator electrode used in the determination of Fe2+ ion in potentiometric titration? Nickel Electrode Graphite Electrode Calomel Electrode Platinum Electrode
Molecular formula of FAS is __? [(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O] [(NH4)2Fe(SO4)6.6H2O] [(NH4)2Fe(SO4)6.7H2O] [(NH4)2.Fe(SO4)2.5H2O]
Which solution should be added to carry out the pilot titration in the determination of ferrous ion in potentiometric
titration? Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate K2Cr2O7 dil.H2SO4 dil.CuSO4
What is the reference electrode used in the determination of Fe2+ ion in potentiometric titration _ _________? Calomel electrode. Platinum electrode Ag/Ag-cl electrode Clark Oxygen Electrode
The electrode potential difference of the reference electrode is ___ increasing decreasing constant First increases then decreases
For a ___ titration, an electrochemical cell has to be setup by taking a known quantity of an aqueous solution of the
reducing agent in a beaker provided with an indicator electrode - platinum electrode and reference electrode - calomel
electrode connected to potentiometer Acid base titration redox titration complexomatric titration Precipitation titration
________ is the additional reagent used in the determination of Fe2+ ions using potentiometric titration 20 ml dil HCL 10 ml dil H2SO4 20 ml dil HNO3 10 ml dil H3PO4
What is the method used for Measurement of EMF of a cell ? Poggendorff method Rundaul's Method Hunds Rule None
The reddish brown colour at the end of the Mohr's Method reaction is due to formation of which compound? AgNO₃ Ag₂CrO₄ K₂CrO₄ NaNO₃
which indicator is used in the titration ? litmus phenolphthalein methyl orange Bipotassium chromate
What is the equivalent weight of Chlorine? 35.46 32.45 36.05 34.26
What is the end point in Standardization of Silver Nitrate Solution ? Green Brown blue-green Reddish-Brown
Which method is used for the estimation of amount of chloride content of a water sample? Fajan's Method Mohr's method Volhard Method None of the above
What is the burette solution used in estimation of chloride content of a water sample AgNO3 std k2cr2o7 EDTA HCl
Argentometric titration - Argentometric titration -
What is the type of titration used to determine the chloride content in Mohr's method? Redox titration Complexometric titration Argentometric titration - Acid-Base titrations Argentometric titration - Precipitation titration
What would be the change in result in Mohr's method if excess of indicator is added to the sample Lower colour is observed No change is observed Stronger colour is observed brown colour
What happen if acidic solution is used in Mohr's method Chromates ion decreased Chromates ion increased Niether a nor b No change
What are the axes of the graph for determination of molecular weight of a polymer nsp/C Vs C nsp/C Vs alpha C/nsp Vs C C vs nsp/alpha
Which one of the following equations relates nsp with molecular weight M?( Staudiger-Mark-Houwink equation) nsp=K(M)^alpha nsp=M(K)^alpha M=K(nsp)/alpha nsp=(KM)^alpha/10
What is the range of shape parameter (alpha) in the Staudiger - Mark - Houwink equation ? 1 to 2 0 to 2 0.5 to 2 0.25 to 2
What is the unit of molecular weight? kg/mol mol/g g/mol mol/kg
If a polymer is soluble in a suitable solvent, measurement of solution ________ provides a simple and convenient method for molecular weight determination.
Viscosity Pressure Molarity Normality
The Viscosity Of the liquid Is proportional to? Time taken by known volume Fixed temperature Specified Hydrostatic pressure All Of the Above
What is the formula for relative viscosity? n / n₀ p / p₀ t / t₀ t / p₀

The method preferred for determining the molecular weight of a polymer is___________.

osmotic pressure gas density lowering of freezing point direct weighing of a single molecule
During decrease in conductivity as high mobilized ions are replaced by HCl vs NaOH? Hydrogen Ions sodium ions Calcium Ions cobalt ions
After both the acids are consumed, there is a steep increase in conductivity which
gives the end point and this increase in conductivity is due to the fastmoving ___________ ions
from the base. Sodium Ions Hydrogen Ions Hydroxyl Ions Chloride Ions
When the titration of strong acid and strong base are carried out, there is a decrease in conductivity as highly Hydrogen,Sodium
mobilized___ions are replaced by___ions Sodium, Hydrogen Oxygen, Sodium Sodium,Oxygen
Second Intersection point in the graph of conductance v/s volume of NaOH added corresponds to : Strong Acid Strong Base Weak Acid Weak Base

Which acid is neutralized first in the estimation of mixture of acids by conductometry Formic acid hydrofluoric acid acetic acid Hydrochloric acid
when the whole strong acid is consumed, base react with weak acid and conductivity increase as unionised weak acid becomes
ionised salt _____ non-ionised salt acidic salt basic salt

when the titration of strong acid and strong base are carried out there is a _____________in conductivity? increases first decreases and then increases increases rapidly no change
The equivalent weight of Acetic Acid is _________ 55 60 70 65
When a mixture of acids like a strong acid and weak acid is titrated against a strong base, _________ reacts first followed by aacid,
1.strong _________.
strong base 2.weak acid, strong acid 3.strong acid, weak acid 4.strong base, strong acid
1.difference in electron
When one metal is brought in contact with another, a voltage difference occurs due to their __________ mobility 2. difference in ionisation energy difference in electron mobility 4.difference in electron affinity

what is the indicator used in determination of strength of an acid using pH meter? NA2CO3 Nacl H2SO4 No indicator
Glass sensor electrode and Reference electrode and Platinum One is Glass sensor electrode and other is
What are the 2 electrodes of a pH meter? Platinum electrode electrode Reference electrode Calomel electrode and Platinum electrode
Which additional reagent is added in pilot titration of DETERMINATION OF STRENGTH OF AN ACID USING PH
METER? 90 ml of dil hcl No additional reagent 45 ml of buffer solution 90 ml of distilled water
When an alkali is added to an acid solution, the pH of the solution _________________. increases decreases no change decreases rapidly

What is the burette solution in fair titration of DETERMINATION OF STRENGTH OF AN ACID USING PH METER? Standard NaOH Standard HCl standard Nacl Standard EDTA
what is the end point i DETERMINATION OF STRENGTH OF AN ACID USING pH METER? no change pH Decrease in pH drastic change pH Increase in pH
Both electrodes are hollow bulbs containing a ------------- chloride solution with a
------------chloride wire suspended into it. potassium and silver potassium and gold potassium and sodium gold and sodium

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