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Clinical Field Experience E:

Strategic Leadership and Management Functions in Practice

Mia Darden

Department of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 536

Dr. Anderson

July 21, 2021

Presence in Community

The administration and school remain present in the community through various

community events and crossover activities. For example, the school site the

administrator works at hosts a yearly Relay for Life that brings community members on

campus for the night to honor those who have been impacted by cancer and to raise

money for cancer awareness and cure research. This is a meaningful activity that fosters

positive relationships between the community and school, especially with the

coordinating administrator.

The community helps shape the administrator’s view of the schools strengths and

needs by through use of the school’s new indoor gymnasium and field. As outside

community members come on campus to participate in sports and events using the school

facilities, it becomes obvious what areas the school property is achieving highly in, and

what areas need to be addressed. For example, the administrator is complimented often

on the beauty of the campus and the indoor gym.

The principal holds meetings that are available for the community to view and

take part in. These meetings are part of the charter board representation, which involves

not only parents and staff, but also community members. During these meetings, the

administrator and other charter members are able to communicate and discuss community

occurrences, among other school related issues. They are also able to respond to any

community concerns and take action.

Ethical Stewarding of Resources

The job of the administrator is not to benefit himself or herself. Rather, it is to

serve the parents, students, staff, and community. For this reason, resources should be

allocated in a way that directly or indirectly benefits one of these stakeholder groups.

The charter board holds the school accountable for appropriate spending by approving the

yearly and 3 year projected budgets.

School resources should be acquired and utilized with transparency. Rather than

hiring a friend to complete a school improvement project, it is the job of the administrator

to shop around and find the best company to complete the task. Additionally, the

administrator should have teams that are tasked with discussing school issues that require

resources so there is transparency and discussions before big expenditures are made. For

example, when the administrator was running a project to create a new science building

and gym, the administrator had the science teachers take part in designing classes so they

were assured the resources they needed to succeed.

Implications for Application

This fieldwork relates to PSEL standard 2. A, which states that effective school

leaders, “Act ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others,

decision-making, stewardship of the school’s resources, and all aspects of school

leadership,” (NPBEA, 2015). As an administrator, it is my goal to not only be a strong

leader, but to be an ethical leader. There are countless examples of individuals who have

a gift for leading others but who aren’t driven by correct motives. While they may get

work done, it is not work that is in the best interest of stakeholders. As administrators

gain power, they also gain the ability to make unethical choices that benefit themselves
financially or influentially, but harm other stakeholders at the school. As my principal

mentor states, “the priority is always to do what’s best for students.”

This fieldwork also aligns with PSEL standard 8. B, which states that effective

school leaders, “Create and sustain positive, collaborative, and productive relationships

with families and the community for the benefit of students,” (NPBEA, 2015). As stated

above, my principal mentor has done a great job of gathering input from the community

through offering resources for sports and events. She has also shown collaboration

through the charter board meetings. As I work to become an effective school leader, I

will meet with a variety of stakeholders, including community members, to ensure the

practices and decisions taking place at the school benefit not only those on campus, but

around the campus as well.


National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders 2015. Reston, VA: Author.

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