Construction and Demolition Waste

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Construction and demolition (C&D) waste consists of the debris

generated during the construction, renovation, and demolition of

buildings, roads, and bridges.
Basically these materials include concrete, asphalt, wood, metals,
gypsum, plastics and other building components.
India generates an estimated 150 million tonnes of C&D waste every
year, according to the Building Material Promotion Council. 
As per the study conducted by Centre for Science and Environment
of India , a new construction generates 40-60kg of C&D waste per
The waste produced per sqmt of demolition is 10 times that
generated during construction.
Why has C&D waste become an important issue
It is one of the heaviest and most voluminous waste streams
generated in the present scenario.
Environmental Issues
Dumping C&D waste in lakes for encroachment, a common practice
in large cities, also results in loss of wetlands, which are necessary for
water purification.
C&D waste has a bad impact on air quality.
It lowers soil quality, contaminated soils generally don't have the
natural self-purification ability, and it is difficult to reduce the
degree of pollution.
Health Hazard
It is a health hazard in urban areas for e.g: Construction debris leads
to water logging which eventually leads to rapid spread of numerous
water borne diseases.
What are the reasons for the demolition of buildings ?

When we do not ask questions before constructing any structure

about the time period for which they are required .So, the building
loses its importance and leads to demolition.

Also malls are losing their importance at some places , due to the
trend of online shopping so they are demolished.

When the design life of the building is over, the structure is not safe
for living and neighbouring buildings.  

Also illegal construction leads to demolision.

Demolitions should be stopped to lower carbon emissions.

But How do building demolitions impact carbon emissions?

Demolition waste leads to huge carbon impact in terms of embodied

carbon, so that’s the carbon emitted in creating new buildings, in
creating building materials and assembling them, we really need to
be much more considerate about when deciding to demolish a
building, when we are retrofitting it when we are refurbishing it and
when we are disassembling buildings for reusing the materials.

Part 2: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Upcycle philosophy is

highly useful in handling , C&D waste.


Project – The Canaan (House), Kerala, India

The 2-stroyed house uses recycled material like bricks, beer bottles,
salvaged doors, windows, and tiles from the previous building
demolished. The main aim was to build an eco-friendly and
sustainable way of keeping carbon footprint as low as possible.

 2.Upcycling Steel into Stunning Architecture (ye bolna

nahi hai sif likha hua ayega)

Steel is 100% recyclable, which makes it one of the most

ideal materials for upcycling. it can even increase in value
and be upgraded to a higher grade of steel with the same
amount of energy it would take to recycle it.  

2(a)Amsterdam’s Abandoned Shipyard Reborn as Cultural


The NDSM was once one of the largest shipbuilding

companies in the world. However, a shortage of shipbuilding
orders led to the company’s eventual closure in 1984. The
abandoned shipyard soon became the breeding grounds for
“city nomads” and local artists to take their place and
breathe new life into the empty buildings. Through their
efforts, the NDSM quarter was transformed into what is now
a cultural hotspot in Amsterdam.
2(b) Crane Hotel Faralda in the Sky of Amsterdam
At the center of the NDSM wharf stands a monumental, 50-
meter-high crane called Crane 13. It is painted in red, blue
and yellow, the signature colors of Dutch artist Mondrian.
Built in 1951., it was one of the largest cranes in the world
but slowly faded from the public’s memory with the closure
of the shipbuilding company. In the spirit of upcycling, the
60-year-old rusty crane was transformed into the Crane
Hotel Faralda in 2013 despite immense technical
Part 3-1.POP UP ARCHITECTURE (ye bhi bolna nahi hai)
So, as we have seen earlier in this video, when we do not
question before construction, what it leads to.
So, 2012 London Olympic Basketball Arena was constructed
instead of using concrete sub-structure, a light weight steel
frame was used with cladding that could be reused easily
after the temporary purpose of building is served, which
saves the resources from wastage.

Transformation is defined as “The principle that
`an architectural concept, structure, or organisation can be
altered through a series of discrete manipulations and
permutations in response to a specific context or set of
conditions without a loss of identity or concept.”
This is like a giant steel modular construction lego, stack
them together & in a couple of weeks you get a building.
So, in this basically in this building you take a Red six lego, as
a reference & it was
arranged according to the requirements , people used it
,then they took it apart , loaded it on trucks , moved it to
different place , and then assembled it again.
All of these raises a question do buildings need to pe
As we can see in this, due to demographic changes the
schools are not needed where they were needed a few years
ago, they can easily be relocated in modular construction.
This is how a city will look like , when bunch of its buildings
can move…when a giant company comes in, it needs a lot of
places to put people.. An office park emerges, in few months
a neighbourhood grows around it….but a decade later that
giant company leaves, and the people move to different parts
of the city. Those offices and that neighbourhood can scale
down without leaving urban blight and unused space.
Due to Modular construction we might lose the character
that comes from old structures evolving over time, but not
every building needs to be charming. Some things are more
about utility, some things are better as legos.

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