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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

This Particular “How Stans Stuff Works Document” was started by Max Miller,
There are several Fine Documents on Stan Meyer on the Web,

GOAL of Creating this Document is to add the Latest July 2018 Supporting Knowledge to
Maxes Work from RWG Forum .

This one is mean to be kept and made as Simple as possible not long paragraphs just most simple
as possible. Points andknowledge. “ It is VERY Hard work to keep it simple”

I have left Max’s Marking on parts he did And Since the Base Knowledge From Andrija Puharich
is Now Becoming clearer I invite you to add to this document Nav Matt

PLEASE edit out long talking type paragraphs before adding to it please.
just put simple direct notes That allow people to learn and build very straight simple.
Click this press that on scope type stuff
So we present a Firm and Cleaner under standing for people uptake
Stans Logo above so we remember why we are here thanks Stanley Meyer

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Stan Meyer's work with that of Andrija Puharich

Researching Puharich's work from 1970 onward and read some interesting patents from 1970 and 1971.
It seems that the electrolysis work was discovered accidentally after Puharich was working on electrical impulse systems for removing blood clots in
the heart of humans.

He seems to have discovered the electrolysis phenomenon as a sideline of that research.

See here on patent listings:

1. 3,563,246 Feb., 1971 ~ Puharich 331/47.

2. 3,726,762 Apr., 1973 ~ Puharich 128/422.
3. 4,107,008 Aug., 1978 ~ Horvath 204/129.

Puharich used audio equipment which he amplified into a VIC (voltage intensifier circuit ) to perform the work.

Stanley Meyer was not particularly educated in the field of audio frequency carriers and modulations but Stanley and Stephen were educated in the
field of am RF carriers and modulations having been in the military and involved with their communications systems.

Puharich never refers to the cell as a resonant cavity which Stanley does and this term is taken from microwave radar systems.

Puharich calls the cell a thermodynamic device.

See here:

Rather than using audio, Stanley took Puharich's research onto another level and removed the need for audio drivers and amplifiers, instead applying
the work into variacs and car alternators as signal providers but one thing remains certain;

Stanley could not get around the water nuclear spin relaxation constant, tau =3.0 secs though and he knew it because this will not work without it.

Puharich states in two separate patents that that without tau @ 3.0 secs, though extensive research over years he concluded the phenomena ceases
to exist.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Drive signals.
Because Stanley isn't using audio drive circuits and cannot vary the voltage from zero to 100% and back to zero over 3 secs he has to apply tau in a
different way.

He starts off at zero voltage with his carrier, pulses that carrier though a gate for a number of pulses defined by his own modulation phase and ends at
zero voltage after 3 seconds of modulated carrier frequency.

Re the H Bridge use gate off time might only need to be a millisecond, but as long as there is a defined zero voltage start and zero voltage end with
a gap between pulses then that will define tau via a gate.

This phenomena cannot and will not work unless you read exactly word for word what Puharich is saying.

Petkov in his video's is very close to replicating the work but he's got the tau at the wrong frequency on his pulsing amps video using a solid state
relay. He's got the wrong frequency and the wrong duty cycle.

The positive voltage pulse train should be as follows :-

A) 0 to 1.3 volt pulsing amplitude modulation with .tau. at 3.0 seconds.

B) You can use 5khz carrier or you can use 4khz carrier, either way you'll end up with 3.980khz carrier
C) and four resonant harmonic signals each pulsing 0-1.3v rms.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Drive signals Continues

Puharich released patents in the early 70's concerning high efficiency techniques for the electrolysis of water.
Stan copied Puharich's work and it's basic operation in the splitting of the water molecule.

Firstly you can't just restrict current and throw voltage at this thing, Even with high voltage at resonance it still will not work. The reason it will not work
is because the water molecule at its natural Electron state will not accept change to it's structure. It will only accept change when the angle of the
Electron changes from its natural state of 104 degrees to an angle of 109.28 degrees and the RC relaxation time constant of water in the cell is 3
seconds, that applies to Stan's designs too. How do you achieve this?

Puharich's work: From Puharich The reactance of your cell and VIC which is a LC tank Circuit must be neutral so that the capacitive and inductive
reactance cancel each other out at The reactance of your cell and VIC must be neutral so that the capacitive and inductive reactance cancel each
other out at 4khz, the actual input frequency for the drive circuit will be 2khz with a diode and 4khz without a diode. You will modulate the carrier
frequency so that the phases fit perfectly into a gate 'on' and the zero voltages correspond to TAU then you will introduce TAU or in Stan's case the
gate. The gate will be set as follows: 90% duty cycle pulse so that the signal is 'on' for 90% of the gate and 10% off, the total length of the gate pulse
on and pulse off is exactly 3 seconds.

What does this do? It equals the RC relaxation time constant of water in the cell and changes the Electron angle from 104 to 109.28 degrees and
makes the water easily split.

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

What happens next? The 4khz carrier wave produces 4 harmonics, the carrier wave drops 10hz and each harmonic follows suit mathematically, as
soon as this happens the carrier and harmonics convert immediately into one pulse and this pulse is half rectified unipolar whether you have a diode
present or not.

When this happens the gate time is naturally halved and 50% of the trailing edge of the carrier wave disappears but adds to the voltage amplitude of
the unipolar pulses accordingly.

This process chops the sine wave carrier in half so that each unipolar pulse's voltage become exponential with time and frequency.
The unipolar pulse splits the water but it is the TAU or gate and the four harmonics that totally destabilize it.

Note that on the illustration that voltage is zero at both ends of the carrier wave inside the 90% gate 'on' time.
This is to correspond with Puharich's zero to zero voltage of TAU.

You can use other frequencies for the carrier and modulation PROVIDING that the phases of the carrier fit into the modulation perfectly so they start
and end at zero voltage.

However, those frequencies must be sub harmonic or harmonic of the carrier and modulation and the TAU (gate).
This is why we have no gas.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Nav’s Notes on Stanley Meyer and Andrija Puharich

Stanley Meyer
Did you see the very last control box Stan designed on the estate pictures? Petlov pointed this out.

The SCR which was controlled by a optocoupler in previous designs was replaced with a solid state relay.
Stan did many designs to cover every angle of his patents but only actually used a couple of his designs.

The one's that I know he had working for sure had this in common:-
1. On his 9 cell alternator design, he has two signals, one from the alternator and one from a variac.
One signal is modulating the other then he gates it.

2. On his buggy set up he modulates the alternator signal with a 50% duty cycle pulse then gates it again.

Same pattern in both designs.

In Puharich's set up,

he modulates a carrier wave BUT he uses a TAU of 3 seconds to vary the entire signal voltage from zero to 100% voltage then back to zero.
Three distinct similarities but the TAU and gate differ in the fact that the gate does not offer a ranging voltage amplitude.

What conclusions can we take from this?

The conclusions
The spin state of water to which Puharich refers which is affected by the length of TAU does not require zero to 100% voltage amplitude across TAU,

It only requires that you DEFINE the length of TAU.

In other words the spin state of water is not responding to TAU voltage amplitude but responding to TIME differential.
Look at Stan's schematic next page , he places a T3 in his gate.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Look at Stan's schematic here he places a T3 in his gate.

Therefore is must be concluded that Stan's Meyers entire signal length including each pulse train and the following gate of zero voltage is three
seconds. It then replicates Puharich's TAU perfectly because it starts at zero voltage and ends in zero voltage, anything between is irrelevant.

Re H Bridge in the Gate Position

You can have 2.5 seconds of pulses and half a second of gate, you can have 1.7 seconds of pulse and 1.3 seconds of gate etc etc etc.

As long as it is 3 seconds exactly between the start of each positive pulse train and the voltage starts and ends at zero then you are at correct TAU.

There is absolutely no doubt about it, Stan Meyer's gate and Puharich's TAU is the exact same thing. All you need to do to make Stan's designs work
is to set the gate as follows:-

The duty cycle of the gate needs to be at 90% in favour of 'on' and 10% in favour of 'off'.
the entire length of the gate time on and off must be three seconds exact. This is the error of our ways.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Navs Notes on Andrija Puharich

You have to make sure the carrier fits in the modulation perfectly then the modulations fit into your 3 second
burst perfectly.

Duty Cycle
Duty Cycle of the gate has significant impact on the phase of the carrier and modulation to the point of
destruction of the signal.

If you square wave modulate the carrier at the same frequency as the carrier then gate it, their appears
harmonics that show up in the spectrum analyzer as a resonant half rectified sine wave and all have the same
voltage amplitude on the center of the sine.

Exactly where Puharich says they are.

Square wave modulating the carrier with the same frequency?

When you square wave modulate the carrier with the same frequency without a gate it chops off the entire lower
180 degrees of the signal and half rectifies it.

Move around the gate for a while you can start to see Puharich's harmonics start modulating atop the carrier
frequency, Success in 3 of those harmonics riding the carrier.

The signals are complex but understandable if we read Puharich's patent, if we're only willing to listen to him.

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

NOTE Explained again

Puharich states that when the carrier frequency is set to 3980hz that four naturally occurring harmonics appear
as a modulation on that carrier wave, the four harmonics interfere with the tetrahedral 109.8 degree electron
angle of the water molecule effectively destabilizing it.

Stanley tells us the same thing but won't state which frequencies he uses.

In Puharich's patent he states that any frequency around 5khz will naturally form the 3980hz signal

Puharich says he sets the tau at 3 seconds which matches the spin state of water.
The tau is the time that the audio signal takes to get from 0-100% voltage then back down to zero voltage.
It is during the tau that all of the transitions take place in the different stages of the process.

This means you have to modulate for 3 seconds on the line input but the rectification process chops that time in
half to 1.5 seconds.

In this video I hit the 3980hz carrier with the first harmonic of 7960hz, you can imagine the ripple square wave
with all four harmonics on board and the effect on voltage amplitude of the step charge effect.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Navs Notes
ON showing the effect of the first harmonic on the 3980hz carrier wave.

Puharich comments that four harmonics appear on his carrier wave at the last stage of the process when the
109.8 degree angled tetrahedral water molecule is about to be destabilized.
This happens at resonance but only after the previous stages have taken place.

Stanley is cutting corners compared to Puharich and we want to know how he's cutting those corners.
One cut corner is the use of a diode and we know that for sure, this removes the need for Puharich's naturally
occurring half wave.

Stanley is also cutting corners regarding resonance and his system is not as resonant as you might think.
Stanley is bypassing three of Puharich's five stages of electrolysis.

Petlov shows us in his research that you can use an H-bridge and virtually scrap the whole of Puharich's am
carrier wave/modulation apparatus.

Nav showed how this is done also in his video comparing the two signals.

The main thing is that you modulate a sine wave carrier through a square wave and rectify it. But the most
important matter is the subject of the 3980hz carrier wave and it's four harmonics.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Nav’s my conclusions.
Stanley and Stephen in there infinite wisdom worked out these factors:-

1. Puharich's Audio signal can be replicated and simplified with an H-bridge and a gate.

2. Stanley cuts out the need for naturally occurring processes such as half wave rectification but still uses
the occurrence of the 3980hz carrier wave along with it's harmonics.

3. Stanley worked out that Puharich's tau of 3 seconds can be compromised by dividing the tau into gate
And that It still affects the dynamics of the water and conditions it, the vibratory nature needed to compromise
bubble lock will be done automatically by the cars engine vibrations and the fact he lets the outer tubes of his 9
tube cell vibrate at the tau frequency which was quite brilliant !!

So, how is Stan doing it?

Well, he's using the frequency of a carrier wave which he sets at 2.5khz sine wave,
he then modulates this with a 50% square wave set at an harmonic which produces step charge effect
(shown in Nav’s video).

He rectifies this into 5khz so that he's at Puharich's 4th stage of electrolysis.

Stanley’s cell and VIC are not resonant at this frequency, the only thing that happens in that respect is that the
capacitive reactance and inductive reactance are equal.

Once the gate is at tau, water opens itself up to the effect of 5khz capacitance and the magic happens which is
described in Puharich's 4th and 5th stages of Electrolysis involving 3980hz and it's four harmonics.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Stanley may even be using 1990hz carrier modulated with it's first harmonic straight into the VIC and using a full
tau of 3 seconds with the gate. This way you go straight to 3980hz through the diode and will automatically
stimulate the first harmonic, if you use greater voltages than Puharich did then the process will be much faster.

No tau - no 3980hz and first 4 harmonics - no gas.

The dynamics of water and the creation of the 109.8 electron angle and tetrahedral shape is stimulated by both
the tau and exact frequencies.

So three important basic factors.

1. Equal capacitive reactance and inductive reactance in the cell and VIC. The resonance is actually
associated with the water molecule itself and the cell and it's ability to destabilize it's own electrons, nothing to do
with linear resonance. The water actually creates a none linear condition itself.

2. The Unipolar pulses on the positive choke are not formed by the VIC but by harmonics created by the
resonance of the water itself at different stages. Stan Meyer may be bypassing natural processes of water and
artificially creating those frequencies and harmonics in his own time.

3. The tau that Puharich talks about (time taken for the audio amplitude to reach 100% and then back to zero
across the entire carrier) is the major factor in destabilizing the water molecule because the tau coincides with
the spin state of the water molecule. Stan has to artificially create his own tau since he is not using audio
signals from which voltage amplitude can be varied across time.
The tau is 3 seconds if Puharich's patent is to be trusted which seems like a long time to me.

Stanley uses the gate to simulate tau and what ever tau actually turns out to be then Stan is either at full tau
or he has worked out how to gate perfect denominations of tau. (an harmonic of tau) 3 seconds is 0.333hz BTW
and its tenth harmonic would be 3.33hz.

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Regarding the bubble lock:

Puharich established that during electrolysis using this resonant method that the cell walls have the tendency
to hold onto the bubbles and interfere with the entire process for the next batch of bubbles.

He found that tapping the cell physically released them but after a while it happened again and you are left with
a very slow process.

Stanley’s 9 tube cell array, the negative tubes are all bolted to the central plate solidly BUT the outer tubes are
pressed onto stainless steel legs and the legs are bolted to the bottom of the cell.

Those legs are made from thin stainless steel which allow the outer tubes to vibrate and they vibrate like a
tuning fork causing the bubbles to leave the tube wall.

Puharich has an whole section of his patent dedicated to this problem and how he resolves it with his own audio

Not a problem with a car engine because the vibration of the engine itself stops this problem.
Things beginning to fall into place for a few folks?

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Re Clarify again
You create a step charge effect, this is easy to do but not the be all and end all.

The step charge effect will be at 3980hz and it has the harmonics of :

1st Order Harmonic Modulation (OHM) = 7960 Hz.

2nd Order Harmonic Modulation (II OHM) = 15,920 Hz.

3rd Order Harmonic Modulation (III OHM) = 31,840 Hz.

4th Order Harmonic Modulation (IV OHM) = 63,690 Hz.

The voltage of these harmonics is 1.3v, even though the voltage amplitude is higher with each of these unipolar
pulses because of the step charge effect.

You must remember that they are divided by frequency and time, they don't set off towards infinity like Stan

Each unipolar pulse is in actual fact only 1.3v but it is not the amplitude of the voltage that it is important.

The four vectors of the tetrahedral water molecule which has been conditioned by the tau frequency and the
3980hz carrier are each affected individually by the four independent harmonics.

It won't pull the water apart unless you attack each vector with 1.3v at those four frequencies. Armed with this
knowledge, we are on our way. Stan failed to mention any of this, he just explained as the voltage increases, the
molecule is stretched, that is completely and utterly wrong.

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

It should be noted that if you are square pulse modulating the carrier frequency with the same frequency then
your common denominator is 1. If a denominator is 1 then the duty cycle width's 00.1, 33.3, 66.6 and 99.9%
have special significance. Below is the half rectified signal at 33.3% duty cycle where relevant harmonics

Nav’s Notes

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Puharich step charge of harmonics through TAU

Cleaned up the signal, set the TAU at 6 seconds, you can see both the carrier and modulating harmonics step
charging from 61% to 100% in this very complex signal, basically you have a carrier, a modulation and TAU for
the voltage amplitude control across the 6 seconds. .

Navs Notes

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

On one of Stan's schematics that Petkov replicated , the three phases of an alternator are modulated separately
as apposed to the three phase signal going into Stan's 9 tube array.

That particular signal in the 9 tube array arrives at the switches as a complex 3 phase signal on two wires,
modulating such a signal with the variac can only be done as a denominator of three without distorting the signal
and the reactance of the cell has to be 3 sets of tubes per phase.

If the tau or gate is 3 seconds then it all ends in good tidy math.

If you modulate the carrier frequency with a square wave with both the carrier and modulation set at 3980.8hz,
four harmonic resonant signals appear and the carrier jumps to a half rectified signal. Now,

Short cuts
Puharich states in his patent that during his electrolysis process this rectification appears naturally at a certain
stage. Stan is bypassing this process by placing a diode between the secondary and the positive choke and
forcing the process rather than letting it appear naturally.

We know the means by which water splits using the frequency 3980.8hz and the four harmonics which each
attack the vectors of the 109.28 degree tetrahedral Electron. ( charging State)
Also note we can use DBD barrier) to accelerate and control constant charging state.

We can create Tau via a cleverly timed gate. That may well take any system capable of restricting current and
cut massive corners from the process Puharich talks about and go straight to the money shot.

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Petkov rather than combining the phases into a single modulated signal, he separates the three phases of the
car alternator and modulates them separately but gets the gate wrong.
In His Example he ends up with a 0.2 amp pulse and his voltage is swinging far too high to fit into this

If you have THREE phases, you have 9 tube sets which works out at THREE per phase and you have THREE
seconds of tau?

This means in the 9 tube array that each phase represents 3 tube sets and each phase is exactly one third of

What you've actually got in essence is an entire system working in conjunction with tau and absolute proof that
any system you build starts with how it all fits mathematically into tau.

From this you can apply rules:

1. Any tube set's reactance must be a denominator of tau.
2. If you have three phases then you can have 9 tube set arrays or 3 tube set arrays.
3. If you are working off a single phase then the reactance dictates that you must either have a single tube or
3 tubes.

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Matts Notes
Not long ago I would have laughed to see this circuit, but not anymore.
That hanging wire connected to nothing guarantees you have a neutral current condition. Only the modulated
signal makes it to the cell.

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

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Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

This One is Not Right But we look for the Final Version that is Replication Every Time

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL


1. Chokes are Wound and adjusted to match to inner and outer tube meaning each choke is slightly different,
2. Cathode is outer tube and is a bigger Surface area than anode center
3. And thus the Di electric is on outer tube and is large voltage potential build up
4. The Longer the tube the more gas you make
5. Plat cells do not work
6. Must use distilled water or double distilled for best results
7. Do not use bubbler and be sure to remove electrons and not let gas touch negative surface water or tubes so to no
ground back electrons. This way you have a powerful fuel gas, use + ground and inline flash arrestor or quench tubes.
8. 2000 per u core can be different thickness and shapes still work fine. Check Ferro Cube and others.
9. 9 for the novice stan had many versions from 10xa 8xa 9xb9xa please study them all and understand them all .
10.Once discussed here is higher end VIC version. There are simple ones that are cheap and can be implemented easy

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Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums
Rest In Peace Stanley Meyer WATER IS FUEL

Open Source Public Domain Document From Max Icarus RWG Dan Nav Matt and Members of Forums

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