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a) Origins of the disease

According to Wikipedia Aids is caused by HIV, which originated in Kinshasa in the Democratic
Republic of Congo around 1920. It is believed that HIV crossed species from chimpanzees to
humans, scientists suggest that this happened during the late 19th or early 20th century, a time
of rapid colonisation in Africa. Up until 1980’s, it is unknown how many people were infected
with HIV and developed AIDS. HIV was unknown and transmission was not accompanied by
noticeable signs or symptoms.
Sporadic cases of AIDS were discovered before 1970, but further investigation and data suggest
that the current epidemic started in the mid to late 1970’s. By 1980s it is believed that HIV may
already have spread to five continents. In this period, about 100000 to 300000 people could
have already been infected. Reseachers agree that HIV evolved from SIV, which means Simian
Immunodeficiency Virus. SIV affected wild ape population of West Central Africa forest.
Some scholars believe in the natural transfer theory also called the hunter theory or the
bushmeat theory. According to this theory SIV was transmitted from an ape or monkey to a
hunter or even a bushmeat vendor. It is believed either a human was either bitten or cut while
hunting or butchering the animal, it is unknown which is correct. Exposure to blood or other
bodily fluids of the animal resulted in the human being infected with the virus. Prior to world
war 2 some Sub Saharans Africans were forced out of the rural areas because of European
demand and search for resources. By that time Africans were not keen to practice agriculture in
the jungle, hence they turned to non domesticated animals as their source of meat. This
overexposure to bushmeat and malpractice of butchery increased chances of blood to blood
contact therefore increasing probability of the virus transmission. How the SIV virus would have
transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat vendor from the ape/monkey is
still a debate among scientists.
HIV started in Africa then spread to the whole world. It spread from Democratic Republic of
Congo to Haiti around 1967 by a individual who contracted it, while working in DRC. Another
unknown individual spread the HIV from Haiti to the United states. The vast majority cases
outside Sub Saharan Africa can be traced to that single patient. The HIV virus then spread
through out the world. Here in Zimbabwe the first case was recorded in the mid 1980s. First
cases generally resulted in patients seeking assistance for illments such as respiratory
infections, diarrhoea and weight loss. During this period some wealth,well fed ,children were
showing signs of malnutrition, but the cause of this malnutrition was not yet diagnosed.

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