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VOLUMB 1, Issml 2
Editor-in-Chief: John Goff
Graphic Design: Zeke Sparkes, Chris Libey, John Hopler, Chuck Croft
Pinnacle Staff: Mario Lee Bansen llt Michelle Hensley, Dave Wilson, Allen Seyberth

The Big Picture (page 2)
The Medicine Bag (page 32)
Written by: John Goff & John Hopler
Written by: John Hopler
Biodome 2 (page 7)
A Little Knowledge ... (page 35)
Written By: Jay Kyle; Illustrated by: Michael
Colasante Written by: John Goff

The Armory: Guns 0' the South Varmints!: Spirits & Ships (44)
(page 26) Written by: Brian Leybourne & John Goff
Written by: John Goff
Hellhole (49)
According to Hoyle (page 30) Written by: Clay & Susan Griffith; Illustration
Written by: John Hopler & John Goff by: Richard Pollard
Lettering by: Chris Libey; Coloring by: Chuck
Croft and Zeke Sparkes
Howdy and welcome back to the second This month's Armory piece, named The
issue of the Epitaph' Guns 0 ' the South. gives your Confederate
If you're unfamiliar with our Hell on Earth gunslingers a few choices for hoglegs besides
setting, check out the full-color comic in the those confounded Yankee-made
back, by veteran writing team Clay and Susan smokewagons. This article is just the thing to
Griffith and drawn by one of our most flesh out your favorite Texas Ranger.
popular arti~ts, Richard Pollard. It features Varmints! contains an abomination that's
Gabriel Roth, his twin pistols, a whole passel traveled half-way around the globe to make it
of targets, and an old friend- or maybe foe' into this issue, the spirit 'glom, a submission
We've also included another bit of prime by our favorite Kiwi, Brian Leybourne. Backing
salvage for our Wasted West fans-a Hell on up the new horror is an old one that snuck
Earth adventure by jay Kyle, who's life's out of the pages of Rascals, Varmints, &
ambition is to become a post-Apocalyptic Critters ll: The Book Of Curses.
warlord. It spotlights the abominations dearest We've got a few mistakes and misprints to
to our hearts here at Pinnacle: good, old correct and clarify in our Gremlins section.
walkin' dead. But lest you experienced We'll be posting these to our website as well,
wasters scoff. the zombies are liable to get a but since not everybody has access to high-
little payback in Biodome 2! falutin' stuff like the Internet we thought we
Our latest piece of fiction by Deadlands trail should put them in here too!
boss john Goff tells the tale of Ronan Lynch And that's not all that's hiding in this issue
and proves that a little knowledge isn't always either, but it should get your mouth watering'
such a good thing. join him as he begins to But first, it's time to catch our compadres
uncover the true secrets of the Weird West' up on what's been happening out there in the
You'll also find the first installments of Weird and Wasted West. Kicking off this
several regular columns, including The shindig are setting updates for both Deadlands
Armory, Varmints!, and several others. and Hell on Earth by the respective brand
mangers: john Goff and john Hopler.
If you remember, we reported last issue on
Since last issue, a w hole stampede of the possible dire straits of the Bayou
trouble has broke loose in the Weird West. As Vermillion Railroad's financia l status. Our
usual. the best place to get the story is from sources across the West have since noticed
Lacey O'Malley down Tombstone way, even if agents of the BV maki ng appeara nces in
the viewpoint is a little slanted' regions outside the rai lroad's usual area of
opera tions.
TIDl CAillORNJA ERllll STA'i1l? LaCroix's envoys have been spotted from
eastern Kentucky all the way to cen tral
For the better part o f 15 yea rs, the Union Californ ia. There are reports of BV
and Confederacy have been fighting over representatives in Mississippi as well, certainly
California, with Mexcio occasionally sl ipping in closer to the railroad's home of New Orleans,
a sucker-punch or two. That doesn't even but nonetheless outside its normal rout es-
include the recen t declaration of sovereignty unless w hi spers about a buyout or
by Reverend Grimme's Lost Angels or the partnership with the Kansas City & Littl e
numerous petty "warlords" w ho've staked out Rock rail company are tru e.
a claim in the ruins of the Maze. Well. it looks Even those regions aren't truly that
like the leveler heads out on the coast have surprising, however, given the Bayou
finally had enough! Vermillion's ambitions of securing a trans-
Over the past few months, politically-minded continental contract w ith the Confederate
folks in the Maze have been promoting a government. What is un expected are
democratic solution to the Golden State's unconfirmed visits by LaCroi x's agents near
dilemma. To resolve the issue, a referendum is Sa lt Lake City and Provo in Deseret and even
being held soon in Sacramento, the state's crossing the border into the Yankee
capital. Northeast'
Although the Confederacy has its supporters Exactly w hat purpose these far-flung
in the upcoming vote, the safe money is excursions serve is unclear, although most
between the Union, w hich claims the lion's foks in the know fi gure they tie in with
share of the state, or complete independence "Baron" LaCroix's un substantiated monetary
of the sort practiced by Utah, a.k.a. Deseret. problems. This reporter has a nagging
While many settled folks are partial to suspicion that there's more to the fi eld trips
Union-leanings, observers shouldn't than meets the eye- or accountant.
underestimate the number of free-spirits As al ways, you can count on the Epitaph to
drawn to the Maze by the lure of easy money. keep you infomed'
It's possible these saddletramps may throw
their weight behind a free Ca lifornia. RUMBLINGS FROM TIlli SOlJTI1
Insiders report that the Independence
Movement, as it's calling itself. seems to have If Bayou Vermillion's shenanigans weren't
at least one powerful financia l backer w ho's enough to keep eyes on the Southwest in fear
not yet revealed himself. According to the of a renewed flare-up of the "Rail Wars," it
local rumor milL this shadow behind the looks like our one-legged friend from south
throne may be anyone from the northern rail of the border may be getting fiesty again.
baron Kang to the eccentri c Emperor Norton If you'll remember last year, the "good"
to Reverend Grimme to Santa Anna him self. Reverend Grimme issued hi s Edict of 1877.
This reporter find s all of those choices ironic, declaring the City of Lost Angels and an area
as they are the very reason for the push for a 75 miles around it to be an independent
settlement' That news may darkly foreshadow sovereign state. The Confederate government
the Maze's fate should Independence win the not needing another target at w hich to point
day. its guns, has steered clear of the area-so far.
With the absence of a strong military MORGAN CA'ITLIJ COMPANY!
presence and the rich veins of ghost rock
tempting both Emperor Maximillian and his The Morgan Cattle Company of Ghost
French puppet masters, it really was only a Creek, California has recently gained some
matter of time before Mexico made more notoriety among finer dining establishments
aggressive "offers" on Californian real estate. Il back East. Their hybrid Angus beef is being
looks like time is quickly running out for the lauded as the top choice among many of the
Maze, if nol other areas of the Southwest. poshest restaurants on both sides of the
Numerou s reports have filtered inlo the Mason-Dixon.
offices here in Tombstone indicating the Scientists at the nearby Distinguished
massing of forces on the Mexican border. Collegium of Interspacial Physics in Gomorra
Santa Anna may have been hoping for a have taken an interest in the apparently new
surprise rush across the border, because breed of cattle- and they're not the only ones
word has it that much of the troop look ing toward Ghost Creek. It seems the
movements are taking place at night. town is well named, as a massive ghost rock
Who knows what this means for the strike has just been discovered under the
upcoming Californian elections' Reverend water table in the region . This new lode has
Grimme may find himself in need of caught the attention of a few other Gomorra
mending fences with the Confederacy. He residents as well. namely the Sweetrock
and his "church" may talk tough, but thi s Mining Company.
reporter doubts they're a match for a What this means for Morgan Cattle
seasoned plunderer like Santa Anna! Company, long used to free range grazing,
has yet to be seen ...
It appea rs that U.S. Secretary of State, HrGI1 TArnS OF lim ON
William Seward, wasn't as foolish as most
citizens of the Union thought in purchasing
the Alaska Territory from Russia. Rumors
have filtered down from the Washington
Territory that prospectors are claiming to have Let's take a look at some of the
found massive gold strikes there. happenings throughout the Wasted West.
Already, the Union's northwestern ports of
Tacoma and Seattle are feeling an increase as MYsruRY l1xPLOSIONS
miners begin filtering to the Great White
North in sea rch of fortune. It wouldn't surprise The survivors of a scattered Combine
this reporter to learn no small number of tribute caravan have been spreading stories
former Confederates are filtering north to grab about some mysterious exp losions that
a few claims of their own. No doubt. profiteers destroyed a Black Hat outpost in
will soon be gouging prices in the distant southwestern Colorado.
territory. According to the caravan members, their
As an interesting complication, some of our convoy was approaching the small fort the
sources are of the opinion that the strikes Combine had established to collect tribute
were actually found on Canadian soil. Given when it was suddenly rocked by a number of
the current state of affairs betweeen the large explosions followed by a series of small
Union and Canada, this should make for some blasts that sounded like a string of
interesting times up there if nothing else' firecrackers going ofr. "There was a bunch of
sparkling explosions like fireworks," said one
"UNUSUAL" CA'ITLIJ SPIlI1S SUCCIlSS fOR dazed survivor, "then the whole thing
disappeared in a cloud of dust and smoke."
Most of the fort's garri son were killed or
wounded by the explosions; the survi vors
were finished off by the members of the
caravan, who then fled west. Some of the
convoy members reported a loud wailing Next issues brings you a brand new 14
noise just before the explosions, suggesting page comic and a brand new adventure. Of
that they may have been the result of some course, that's nowhere near all! We'll have
sort of art illery attack. more of our regular monthly installments
(like the Armory and Varmints.1, some inside
DI'lATIt IN TRANSYLVANIA info on Lost Colony, and- just because it fits
the theme of the Epitaph-the scoop on
The undead have come to Transylvania- journalists in the Weird West!
Transylvania, Louisiana, that is. This small
survivor community on the west bank of the
Mississippi was overrun by a horde of walkin'
dead that emerged from the river. The
dripping dead tore through the sma ll town in As we mentioned last issue, the Epitaph is
a matter of minutes, leaving few survivors. a great place to get your ideas, stories, or
Once the killer corpses had ravaged the adventures for the Deadlands settings
town, they disappeared back beneath the published by us. Our sourcebooks are kept
waters of the 01' Muddy. pretty close to our vest. but the Eptiaph gives
This attack has prompted the River Watch us the opportunity to let our fans show off
to step up its patrols in the area, but no their own talent. And w ho knows' An article
evidence of the undead horde or reasons for in this quarterly might be the stepping stone
the attack have surfaced (like the walkin' to even more opportunities down the trail'
dead need a reason). Since we're trying to pack this book with as
much material for our games as we possibly
CROAKllR ATTACKS ON THIl RrsIl can, we're going to be partial to shorter
articles- say lQoo to 3000 words. Adventures
Something seems to have put a bee in the probably need to go a bit above that count.
croaker's coll ective bonnet. Miners and into the 80oo to lQooO word range. More than
traders throughout the central Maze have that. though, and the piece is taking a sizeable
reported an increasing number of attacks by chunk of the Epitaph. lfit is the coolest thing
croakers. One of the local Law Dogs, Angus since the Clockwork De-Moler, we might can
McPherson reports that he has come across be convinced to accept a longer piece, but
at least five derelict craft on his patrols in don't mortgage the ranch on it'
the area. All of these boats were found adrift We prefer paper submissions mailed to our
without any crew aboard. There were no address below. Don't forget to include a signed
bodies, but plenty of signs of a struggle: copy of the evaluation waiver on our website;
bloodstains, empty shell casings, broken we can't even glance at your piece without it.
equipment. etc.
Croakers have always been a hazard in the Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
area, but no one can remember this many P.O. Box 10908
attacks in such a short period of time. Blacksburg, VA 24062-0908
McPherson has taken up a collection from
many of the local survivor communities and Webpage (for waiver);
is using the trade goods to hire a posse. He
plans to step up patrols in the area, and if he Email questions/ comments to:
can recruit enough bodies, he hopes to
provide escorts to traders.
BfO~ 2
~ ,A--DJENllRE FOr(
~DLA-N~: II £1 I ON EAKri+-

So, Marshal. you say you're posse is statistics of this living laboratory-
too tough for good, old-fashioned, measuring temperature, light. humidity,
walkin' dead. Well. have we got an carbon dioxide and other qualities of
adventure for you! the air and soil. In response to these
readings, operators could, for example,

rhe story So Far... turn on blowers for cooling and heating

or create a miniature rainstorm to
change the humidity. 62's own nuclear,
In the final years of the twentieth and later ghost-rock, reactor provided
century, an ambitious ecological project the power.
called 6iosphere2 was undertaken in
the desert near the small tow n of
Oracle, Arizona. 62, as it was commonly
Allis "(It Well
known, was a 7.2 million cubic-foot, The first crew- four women and four
sea led glass and spaceframe structure, men-entered 6iosphere2 on September
and was touted by the Confederate 26, 1991. The claimed objective of the
government as a way of testing the experiment was to assess the
feasibility of long-term human operations of the technical and
habitation within a sealed environment. biological systems. The crew remained
Construction began in 1988, and cost inside for two years despite the
over $150 million to build the 3.15 acre mysterious deaths of three members.
apparatus. Inside the facility were seven They fi nally emerged on September
wilderness ecosystems, including a 26, 1993.
rainforest and a 900,000-ga llon ocean After a six-month transition
and a human habitat. period, a second crew of seven (this
The system had an unprecedented time five men and two women)
capacity for senSing and controlling its entered 62. They
internal environ ment. Seven hundred remained inside
fifty sensors monitored the vital for six and
a half months before four more deaths move. The company increased security
The survLvors were around the site, leveling Oracle in the
immediately released on September 17, process. Within the next five years, the
1994. town was little but a memory.
Of these fortunate escapees, two Tourists who still flocked to see the
were admitted to a private psychiatric B2 "massacre" site were turned away,
institute for readjustment to a normal and as the years passed, even the die-
life. The other survivor disappeared only hard conspiracy nuts found other
to show up six months later at the places to go. For the next 35 years, the
offices of the Tombstone Epitaph complex sat in the hills of Arizona in
where she claimed that B2 was a huge secrecy and relative security. Whatever
cover story for a sinister project went on behind its tall fences and
designed to experiment on human sealed doors was unknown to the
guinea pigs. An investigation by the pu blic at large.
Texas Rangers was inconclusive. Shortly During the Last War, LatAm forces
thereafter, a fire at the hospital- bypassed the area in their drive for the
institute where the other two Pinal Pass to the north and subsequent
crew members were recovering claimed retreat back to the border. The GAIA
36 lives, including the two survivors. Project was spared the onSlaught of the
The project seemed cursed and was ghost rock bombs, as Oracle wasn't
abandoned. close to any military targets. By
Biosphere2 was turned over to the Judgment Day the only people who
University of Arizona, which used it as even remembered it existed were a
a research and educational center for handful of locals and a few conspiracy
advanced research in the fields of theorists and/ or nuts.
ecology and agricultural advancement. When things started to quiet down
The center became a popular tourist after the war, the GAIA Project made
attraction for those who heard stories itself known again. Dr. Hans Aubrecht
of the "insane astronauts" and Gersholm. founder of the project. began
"murderous isolationists", as well as to carefully and quietly trade with
conspiracy nuts who believed that the nearby survivor communities. What
Texas Rangers didn't release all of their they had to offer was nothing short of
findings. The small town of Oracle amaZing: fruits, vegetables, and grains
prospered from the increased tourism of incredible quality and size.
well into the next century.
Billfearf r llll
rhe GAIA Prllject The truth about Biosphere2 is as
Around 2040, the Biosphere2 center sinister as the theorists claimed.
was purchased from the University of Its original purpose was an arena
Arizona by an agricultural research where hapless victims could be
corporation called Gersholm Industries psychologically tortured without outside
and was renamed the GAIA project at interference to generate concentrated
Oracle (Gersholm Agricultural Industrial terror. Hidden among the various
Advancement). While rumors abounded atmospheric, soil, and temperature
that Gersholm Industries was somehow sensors were highly sophisticated
connected to Hellstromme, the claims empathic detectors that allowed the
were never proven. team's emotional responses to be
Gersholm Industries bought out monitored and evaluated. In effect. it
Oracle's residents and businesses for was an attempt to understand how the
an exorbitant sum and forced them to events of the Reckoning fed on fear.
However, it proved too much for the
government researchers to handle.
None of the crew members were told of
the true nature of the experiment. so
Biodome2 when the emotional pressure reached
the breaking point. the situation got
out of control. After the second crew's
early and catastrophic failure, backing
for the project wavered. The public
exposure- even in a questionable rag
like the Epitaph-was the final nail in
the coffin; the government pulled the
plug and eliminated all witnesses it
could lay its hands on.
Gersholm Agricultural Industrial
Advancement. a subsidiary of
Hellstromme Industries, got wind of the
rhe Setup
true nature of B2, and leapt at the The posse is passing through
opportunities it presented. The GAIA Arizona when they wander into the
project used the tremendous array of sma ll town of Globe. The village is
sensors to turn B2 into a sort of sea led suffering from an affliction all too
fear "super-conductor" along the lines common in the Wasted West- famine. A
of Hellstromme's first ghost-steel rail mutant strain of weevils has wiped out
line/ roundhouse experiments (as the entire scraggly crop of foodstuffs
detailed in The Marshal's Handbook and the survivors had managed to eek out
the City 0 ' Gloom for Deadlands: the of the harsh Southwestern soil.
Weird West). The leader of the community, a
This unique environment also middle-aged woman named Rebecca
provided fertile ground for Gersholm's Bradford, approaches the posse and
experiments in the applications of asks for its help- particularly if it
manitou harnessing. The good doctor includes any obvious do-gooders like
developed a variety of ways to use heretic Doomsayers or Law Dogs. She's
modified spirit fetters, and fired up a heard tell of the GAIA project from
large antenna, the Manitou Capacitor passing traders and wants to establish
Array, which is designed to draw even trade with it if at all possible. To that
more spiritual energy into B2. This end, they recently sent a trade caravan
spritua l energy is then used in another out with the majority of the town's
of the good Doctor's creations: the valuables in the hope of securing food.
Tethered OrganiC Fertilization Unit That was nearly two weeks ago.
(TOFU). This is a modified spirit fetter
that provides a sort of "super-fertilizer"
to the gardens of B2.
This latter function continues today,
and has become even more effective
Chapter One:
since the end of the world.
Hitting the Road
rhe MeA Now, she's worried something terrible
The Manitou CapaCitor Array has befallen the townsfolk that went; if
functions as a huge spirit magnet, so, not only are they in danger, but the
attracting manitous from the whole town may starve' She asks the
surrounding area to B2 like flies to a heroes to head toward GALA to find out
corpse. Once draw n, the MCA can trap what happened, and, if possible, arrange
and store up to six manitous at a time for foodstuffs as well. Globe's short on
in a special shielded containment unit. food, but near enough to Phoenix (and
Gersholm then hooks a TOFU hungry enough) to chance a few raids
implanted host body up to the MCA and into the battlefields for valuable salvage,
forcibly inters a manitou into it. After if that's what it takes.
removing the head, Gersholm has a Bradford doesn't have a lot to offer
rather grotesque "spirit battery" with the posse for their help besides the
which to fertilize his crops. warm-and-fuzzy feeling of a job well
The MCA cannot pull a manitou from done, but the townsfolk can scrounge a
a host body, but the attraction effect few odds and ends. Feel free to make
nonetheless draws a manitou (and its the offer suit your campaign, Marshal.
host. if there is one) towards the array.
Assuming the posse accepts try to climb up to their perch. On a
Bradford's offer (and they must have, Hard (9) Cognition roll, the posse might
else- you wouldn 't be reading this, also notice that the spoiling veggies are
Marsha!), she gi ves them directions to much larger than usual.
the GAIA project. It lies about four days Now it's time to play hero. There are
drive or eight days foot-march from 3 zombies for every character in the
Globe. Cutting due south through the group, plus a few more if you feel the
mountains is slow going. since the need to make 'em waste some ammo.
highway department just isn't what it Use the slats for regular walkin' dead
used to be. from the Hell on Earth ruiebook. None
The route skirts the edges of the of these brain ·ealers have weapons
Phoenix battlefield and, although the (other than bones or crowbars). If your
way is risky, she suspects her traders posse is particularly tough, Marshal, you
took that one as time is of the essence. can use veteran walkin' dead instead
She asks the heroes to follow the same and give them a few firearms.
route and provides them with a rough A smart posse doesn't have to fight
map. Bradford ends by advising them them all - it could lead them away with
to steer clear of actually entering the a clever distraction as well .
battlefield, though, because brain- After the fight (or rescue), allow the
hungry walkin' dead toting assault heroes to introduce themselves and
rines are the least of the dangers there. their mission. The survivors then tell
Less than a day's drive (two days' the heroes their tale of woe.
walk> from Globe, the posse finds what's "My name's Jose. Me and my
left of the trade caravan. We're jumping crew \l\lere supposed to drive this
right into lhe action here, so gel things truck down to Oracle Ever heard
moving as fast as possible. The party oJ the GAIA Project? Some
must deal with a literal legion of scientist has been growing
undead later on, so play this encounter produce there Jar a Jew years
tough and hard. Make them respect the now These super-vegetables are
power of the zombies so that when new.{Jose picks up a 5 pound
they're confronted by hundreds of them. tomato Gnd takes a bite out Of iV.
they'll know to run instead of trying to Doc GelSho/m- that's the
fight every Single one. SCientist- says these'/J Jeed the
whole West. " "Shou/da figured it
The last (Yegetable) Stand was too good to be true "
"We see chings on this highway
The action starts as the heroes are 01/ the time, but I ain't never run
whizzing down the highway (or into SO many stinkin' deaders. We
trekking across the wastes). They see a tried to plow through but they
small band of humans atop an just got stuck in the wheels and
overturned tractor-trailer surrounded by caused me to wreck. J told the
a few other smoking wrecks and a rest oJ the caravan to leave us but
small horde of undead. A waist -high they wouldn't hear oJ it So they
pile of vegetables has spilled from the got wiped out as well."
back of the trailer and is quickly rotting "We'da died up there if it hadn't
in the hot Arizona sun. been for you."
As the heroes get closer, they see After the heroes ask whatever other
scores of zombies have already been questions they have, Jose throws them
put down. The three survivors atop the one last curveball.
rig seem low on ammo, and are saving "Look J know I ain't got no
their shots only for the few horrors that right to ask you this, but all these
zombies- they weren't the only
ones we saw We passed two
other swarmS- big ones- heading
south. Right up toward Oracle
Bi"d"me2 "/ got a bad feeling they don 't
\!VOn! this produce geWn' out lO
Jolks. Like Rebecca told you,
we're real short on food and are
going to have to work for weeks
to scrounge enough to get
another load of veggies like this- '-"
-BiodoIDe 2
if GAIA even survives."
"Somebody needs to go up -
there, take a look, and maybe pull
those folks'jat out of the fire. A casual search shows most of the
We're about out of ammo- and vehicles to be stripped, but a Hard (9)
we're sure out of folks to shoot it scroungin ' roll turn s up an SA SAW
after this mess. We can't offer (reliability 15) with 20 rounds some 15
you anything beyond what yards into the minefield. An Incredible
Rebecca already ponied up, but if (IJ) scroungin' roll finds an AT-80 (an SA
there is trouble, Doc Gersholm's version of the North's M-95 LGAT) deep
gonna be a rich man soon I'm (30 yards) in the battlefield.
sure he'd pay well to have people The lucky finder of the AT-80
like yourselves on his team. " disturbs a cloud of rust mites that has
been happily eating their way through

Off t(l Oraf;le the battlefi eld debris. Angered at being

disturbed, they "attack" the scav who
disturbed them.
Outskirts of Phoenix Battlefields, AZ, Any loud Shouting, like posse
Fear Level 4 members being attacked by ru st mites,
The posse's trip south of Globe down may also awaken a 'glom that has
old Arizona Route 77 is scenic and form ed from the bodies of LatAm
uneventful. The highway is in poor soldiers w ho were unceremoniously
condition, but many of the wrecks have dumped into a mass grave.
been pushed off onto the shoulder. As
the posse climbs into Pinal Pass,
however, they find the remains of a
major battlefield. The burned-out. rusted
hulks of Conquistador Main Battle Tanks
and Matador APCs lie alongside M-IO Lee
MBTs and Stuart APCs.
The wrecks been picked clean over
the years, but an Incredible (II)
scroungin' roll turns up one useful
weapon in an overturned Matador: a M-
200 Man Portable Support Weapon
(detailed in The Wasted West
sourcebook). The weapon ha s only the
normal heavy bipod. It also has a partial
belt of 26 rounds of 20mm ammunition.
Artillery strikes have turned the
landscape into a bizarre imitation of a
moonscape. Aircraft and helicopter
wreckage attests to the ferocity of the
combat. but no bodies are found.
Anyone venturing off either side of
the road runs into a density 5 field of
FASCAM (artillery scatterable min es).
For every 5 yards crossed, a waster has
a 5 in 20 chance of stepping on a mine
(damage 3d20 to one leg if walking,
Burst Radiu s 3, TN 5 to detect on
mines weeping Aptitude). The only good
news is that these mines are old and
rusty and have a Reliability of 13.
Rust Mites another in the gizzards of a
different body. These wounds are
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2dIO, Q:3d8, S:ld4, not cumulative' To use a shortcut
V:ld8 method to track this, you can give
Fightin': brawlin' 3dlO the 'glom hit s for each component
Mental: C:ld4, K:ld4, M:ld4, Sm:ld4, Sp:ld4 body. Component bodies take
Search 3d10, overawe 4d6 damage as if they were Size 6; use
Pace: 12 Size 12 for massive attacks.
Size: IO (IO' diameter cloud) Undead: Focus- core brain. One of
Wind: NA the bodies is the original core of
Terror: 3 the 'glom. If the heroes can
Special Abilities: somehow figure out which head
Flight: Pace 12 holds the core brain and destroy it,
Metallophagic: After a successful they can drop the abomination
attack against a metal object, each without resorting to weapons of
action following exposu re reduces mass destruction. In order to use
Durability by Id6. any mind-affecting power, a syker
weakness-Magnets: Magnets mu st know which is the core brain
disorient and repel mites. Small and target it specifically. Trial and
magnets repel for 6". Larger ones error is an acceptable method of
up to 2 feet. finding the core brain, by the way.
Only harmed by area effect weapons: The glom is well armed,
weapons: Each wound inflicted wielding two NA Commando SMGs
reduces the diameter of the dust- (IS rounds each), one pump shotgun
mite cloud by one foot. (3 rounds), and a NA officer's
Description: These bugs appear as a sidearm (5 rounds). It can fire each
red haze that move towards the weapon on every action. In addition,
posse, devouring any metal carried by it's three other bodies are armed
the scavengers. with crowba rs, broken entrenching
tools, and other instruments of
'Glom head-bashing (STR+ld6).
Description: This horror looks like a
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d6, Q:3d8, S:2dI2+6, conglomeration of bodies melded
v :2dI2+6 into a single mass of putrid flesh.
Fightin': brawlin' 6d6, shootin': pistoL Arms, legs, and heads stick out at all
rifle, smg 3d6 different angles around the
Mental: C:2dIO, K:ld6, M:ldI2+4, Sm:ld6, abomination, and the heads mutter
Sp:ld8 and gibber constantly producing a
Overawe: 5d12+4 mixed cacophony of voices.
Pace: 6
Size: 18 rhis Just Keeps Gettil\g 8etter. ..
Wind: 26
Terror: II As the posse moves south they begin
Special Abilities: to encounter bands of Id20 walkin'
Damage Resistance: Any time the dead shambling south. They attack any
'glom is wounded, not only must living creatures dumb enough to mess
the location of the hit be resolved, with them. Use the standard walkin'
but the exact body that's hit must dead stats from the Hell on Earth
be determined as well. For rulebook for these speed bumps. How
example, one shot might land in many of these bands they run into is
the gizzards of the first body, and up to you, MarshaL but we recommend
at least a couple; don't use too many,
though, or the players are liable to get
bored with zombie stomping!
More importantly, tell any Harrowed
8i(ld(lme--2 in the posse that he feels a strange
sensation on a Hard (9) Cognition roll. It
seems to be a gentle tug to the south.
Any Harrowed sleeping in Globe
suffers from night terrors as the
manitou array at B2 pulls at him (if
they already have night terrors their
Vigor roll is at -2). Describe the dream
as being in the ocean as an undertow
pulls them out to sea to a gleaming
white temple.
As they draw nearer to GAIA, any
Harrowed in the posse feels almost as
"c)W, rhaf s a [C)tta
if he is a fish slowly being reeled in on
a line. The deader's manitou seems to ZC)mbies!
whisper louder, and the flutter in his
chest struggles harder than normal to Biosphere2, AZ: Fear LevelS
escape its cage of bone. However, The posse heads up the road toward
Marshal, be careful to say the GAIA for 5 miles along a fairly well
sensations intensify as the hero heads maintained stretch of highway. Nestled
south and not towards GAIA; you don't in the foothills of the Santa Catalina
want to tip your hand too soon' Mountains, untouched by the Last War,
the spectacular view may take the
Zombie Oracle posse's breath away-if the horde of
zombies surrounding the security fence
Oracle, AZ: Fear Level 3 doesn't take it first.
Oracle, AZ is only a place name on a As the posse tops a rise, the B2
map after GAIA got done with it in the campus is spread out below them. This
late 2040's. The "town" consists of a is a good time to give the heroes a map
crossroads with an old battered sign on of the site. The Biosphere itself sits in
the northward road reading: the center, surrounded by support and
outbuildings, the whole of which is
Gersholm Agricultural Industrial surrounded by an electrified 10' tall
Advancement security fence. Around this is the
Oracle, Arizona Facility biggest horde of walkin' dead the posse
No Trespassing- violators will be has ever seen-unless they have been
Prosecuted across the Mississippi to Necropolis'
(But then, no one has been there and
A Fair (5) trackin ' roll reveals recent returned, so that's impossible.)
vehicular traffic has gone up the north Several hundred walkin' dead, from
road (the Globe traders), along with zombie receptionist to reanimated tank
more shod and bare human feet than drivers, ring the fence, and their
the tracker can count. An Onerous (7) combined moans and screams of
result on the same roll reveals that frustration can be heard from the
some of the feet were missing toes or posse's vantage point. Don't forget the
were otherwise dragged- as if the Fear Level 5 here, Marshal'
owners were lame (these are the tracks The scene is awe inspiring-
of zombies). Incredible OIl TN guts checks are
Harrowed who reach this point must appropriate even if the posse has dealt
make a Dominion check at +2 for the with walkin' dead before and are jaded
manitou and adjust their Dominion toward the living-impaired.
points appropriately as if this was a The groaning mass presses toward
beginning of session. From this point the fence, and though most are smart
on, as long as the Harrowed is within 5 enough not to electrocute themselves,
miles of B2, any Fate Chips spent by some eventually give in to the station's
the Marshal for Dominion should count siren-like emissions and attempt to
as one color higher, with blue chips jump the barrier. The smell of scorched
giving the manitou control for 2 hours. flesh fills the air as these zombies
The manitou's Dominion checks twist and jerk from the high voltage.
continue to be at +2 for any attempts it More just keep shambling in from the
makes to control its host. surrounding desert.
not waste time trying to score
headshots, but are simply trying to slow
the converging horde down long
enough for the heroes to clear the gate.
Unless the heroes have access to
flight, teleportation, or other method to
bypass the intervening zombies, they
have to fight their way in- the zombies
encircle the entire compound. They
should make it. but the difficulty is up
to you, Marshal. At the very least. the
heroes should face fi ve or more
zombies for every member of the group
before they ca n clear the mass, even
w ith the assistance from inside the
Another option is to run this as a
"narrative" combat. Describe the fight
quickly but make it costly in terms of
ammo and strain. Even barreling
through w ith vehicl es can be a
problem- there are enough deaders
here to gum up the w heels of tracked
vehicles, let alone civilia n cars.
Make the posse sweat. Marshal. but
get 'em inside eventually.

We'll rah Our Chances Here,

ThcQs. ..
The posse can see at least a couple Should the posse decide that
dozen uniformed security guards discretion is the better part of living
patrolling the fence's inner perimeter and not attempt to enter the
watching for breaches. The guards compound, you may have to provide a
appear to be well armed, but are not little "push," Marshal. Perhaps in the
firing on the masses of undead just time they've been observing the mass,
yards away. a pack of wa lkin' dead has cut them
off f rom escape. Or maybe a 'glom or
You've Got ro Be Kidding! two, drawn by the MCA is moving up
behind them.
The guards notice the posse after a A firefight outside the fence w ith
few minutes (especially if they arrive in either of those opponents momentarily
vehicles), and begin waving to them. overwhelms the lure of the MCA for a
ObviouSly, the li ving folks inside the number of the deaders below. There's
compl ex are tryi ng to get the heroes to nothing like fresh brains, after all '
make a run for the complex. Soon, the posse finds itsel f with only
If the posse attempts to enter the one safe haven in a storm of
complex the guards begin shooting at reanimated eating machines- the
the zombies outside the gate to clear a Biosphere 2.
path. The guards are savvy enough to
GAIA Security Guards (30)
These troops are mostly the original
staff from before Judgment Day,
persuaded to stay here through the
promise of security, stability, and a
• constant source of food. The guards
wear black uniform s w ith the logo of
GAIA on the shoulder, and seem well-
armed with HI weapons. They are all
loyal to Gersholm, although the press
of zombies has many of them on the
edge of sanity.

Profile: GAIA Security Guard Sharp-eyed wasters might recog nize

the HI weapons the guards are using as
Corporeal: D:3d8 N:2d8 Q:2d10 S:ld8 similar to those employed by the
V:2d6 Combine. Hartsoe explains the firearm s
Dodge 2d8, fightin': brawlin' 2d8, predate the Last War and reassures the
shootin': pistol. rifl e, shotgun 3d8, heroes that neither he nor anyone else
sneak 2d8, in the compou nd is associated w ith
Mental: C:2d6 K:ld6 M:2d6 Sm:ld6 Sp:2d8 Throckmorton.
Guts 2d8, overawe 3d6 After the heroes have had ample
Wind: 14 time to talk to Hartsoe, he receives a
Pace: 10 call on his walkie-talkie from Gersholm,
Edges: None and asks the posse to foll ow him.
Hindrances: Obliga tion: GAIA
Gear: HI Thunderer, HI Blazer or HI
Damnation or HI Devastator
Dr. Gersh(llm l I Presume"!
02gauage caseless autoshotgun), 2 Hartsoe takes the heroes to the
full clips each, walkie-ta lkie. entrance of B2 w here Dr. Gersholm is
waiting for them. He thanks the posse
for coming and seem s unperturbed by
the horde of zombies surrounding his
"Barony." He offers his hospitality, taking
Accepting Bradford's request: the crew to the Human Habitat module
white chip apiece. of B2 and prov iding them an
Saving the traders: I w hite chip opportunity to get cl ea ned up and
apiece. change clothes if they desire. He then
Making it into the B2 Compound: invites the posse for a tour of the
I red chip apiece. Biosphere and then dinner.
Baron Gersholm is accompanied at all
times by two bodyguards. Use the

Chapter rwo: pro fil e for the GAIA securi ty guards

found in the last chapter.
Dr. Hans Aubrecht Gersholm- or the

Out of the Fryillg Baron as he prefers to be call ed now- is

the driving force behind the GAIA
project. Or iginally a disciple of the

I·"11 III
infamous Darious Hell stromme,
Gersholm was a key part of the long-
term HI project to harness the power of
Once the posse makes it inside the fear that has fl ooded the globe for the
B2 compound, they are met by a man last 200 years, although even now he
who introduces himself as Corey doesn't revea l this fact.
Hartsoe, head of security at the GAIA Gersholm's area of expertise is in the
project. He thanks the posse for coming, fi eld of spirit fetters used to power
and asks if they are a relief force from cy borgs and the like. He is also an
Globe alerted by the recent trade expert in botany, and before the Last
convoy. War had studied several of the pl ant-
If questioned about all the walkin' like creatures created by the Reckoners.
dead, Corey says they started showing Finding himself w ith a well-stocked
up in numbers w ithin the last week or agricul tural facility after the Big Bang,
so, about the time the Globe trade Gersholm has become a power to be
convoy left. reckoned w ith. He uses his foodstuffs
to secure high-tech sal vage items from than cyborgs. Gersholm had perfected
nearby communities so his experiments the building of spirit fetters as a
to continue. method of promoting plant growth.
Plants cultivated in thi s fashion reach
Profile: Dr. Hans Gersholm incredible size in an unbelievably short
period of time. The yield per plant is
Cor poreal: D:2d6 N:3d6 Q:2dS S:4d4 also prodigious.
V:2d10 Unfortunately, the procedure exposes
Dodge 3dlO, shootin': pistol 3d6 the plants to energy from the Hunting
Mental: C:4dS K:2d12 M:2d6 Sm:3d12 Grounds that makes the plants carriers
Sp:2d10 of the faminite disease. The amount per
Academia: occul t 4d12, guts 2d10, search plant is small, so the effect is insidious,
2dS, science: occult engineering 5d12, slowly building up in the victim's system.
science: botany 3d12, science: biology The more tainted veggies a person eats
3d12, scrutinize 5dS, the quicker they become a faminite.
Wind: 20 Gersholm is as yet unaware of the side
Pace: 6 effect. but that doesn't make him an
Size: 6 innocent in the affair.
Edges: Arcane background: junker 3 Gersholm continues to create Tethered
(ex-mad scientist) OrganiC Fertilization Units to help his
Hindr ances: Bad eyes 3, geezer 5 (S7 garden grow. Since the TOFUs use spirit
years old), loco 4 fetters to harness the manitous, they
Gear: Experimental HI plasma pistol (as also require a host cadaver as well. Now,
the junker weapon but with a folks aren't considerate enough to die at
Stability 20) convenient times for the good doctor, so
Descr iption: Dr. Gersholm appears as he has to "hurry" the process along by
a fragile, older man with thinning killing any wanderer unfortunate
white hair and thick glasses perched enough to stumble onto GAIA. And,
on his nose. His speech has a slight because reanimated victims might be a
German accent. He's always dressed bit of a hassle, he pares the bodies
in a voluminous, spotless, white lab down to the bare essentials- the head.
coat- which nicely conceals his
plasma pistol.
Biosphere2 rour
How Does Your Cardell Baron Gersholm escorts the posse to
the second floor of the Human Habitat.
Crow'! offering suites for them to settle in and
get cleaned up. He offers a tour and
dinner in an hour, after the heroes are
Left to his devices, Doctor- now refreshed. A guard is left in the center
Baron-Gersholm likely will edge slow ly stairwell to see to any needs of the
down the road toward being a servitor posse.
of Famine. How does this happen to a As promised, the Baron returns in an
man who is providing food to half the hour and gives the posse a tour of the
survivor communities in Arizona and B2 complex. During the tour, the Baron
New Mexico? gives them a little history of B2-minus
Prior to the Last War, Gersholm was the urban legends and horrible truth
involved in spirit fetter research and behind the complex, of course!
saw the potential for a variety of Here's a quick summary of what is
applications for powering things other in each section of B2.

lung (I)
The lung of B2 provides a way for
Bi.,d.,m~ the air volume within the structure to
expand and contract without causing
~e facility to explode from the
changing air pressure. In addition, the
ability to control the height of each
lung allows the stimulation of airflow
within the Biosphere.
Each lung consists of a huge domed
structure with a tough, rubber-like
membrane stretched across the
bottom. Under the membrane is a also movies, vid shows, books, and
tunnel that leads to the basement of other entertainment relics of the world
the main B2 complex, allowing for air long-gone.
exchange between the two structures. The control room has readouts for
Baron Gersholm does not take the 750 sensors that monitor the vital
posse to the lung, but describes its use statistics of this living laboratory. The
to them if asked. sensors measure temperature, light.
The lung may provide a way out of humidity, carbon dioxide and other
B2 when the horde of zombies makes qualities of the air and soil. In response
it inside later. Come on, you knew it to these readings, operators can, for
was coming' example, turn on blowers for cooling
and heating or create a miniature
Human Habitat (2) rainstorm to change the humidity. B2's
own ghost-rock reactor provides
The entrance to B2 is located in this heati ng and cooling and is controll ed
section through an airlock-type door. from here.
This three-story area houses the Second floor. There are severa l
living area and workshop for the Baron suites of rooms arranged around the
and his closest henchmen. A ttached to central stairwell. The Baron offers
the top of the Human Habitat is a huge rooms here to the heroes for their stay.
antennae array, w hich looks to be of Each suite has a bathroom with
post-war manufacture. Currently, the running hot water, towels, clean sheets,
Baron and his two bodyguards are the and all the amenities of pre-War 21"
only inhabitants. century life.
First Floor. This level contains a Third floor. This is the Baron's
dining hall. kitchen, living room, control workshop. Huge humming machines fill
room, and library containing hundreds the room, their low buzz making the
of slugs of not only scientific data but posse's ears ache (Harrowed have a

Upper Desert


splitting headache in this room). These Outside the enclosure, chained to the
are the capacitors for the spirit array on wall. is a single walkin' dead that the
the rooL which draws in manitous for Baron has had limited success in
later fettering in his Tethered Organic "taming." It is the body of Gersholm's
Fertil ization Units. original Security Chief and one of the
A side effect of this intense spiritual Baron's only friends. He calls the
field is that sykers' meridians are abomination by its original name (Bud),
disrupted, causing all their powers to and has even taught it to speak again,
cost double normal Strain. The Glow although it is rudimentary at best.
and toxic favors are unaffected. Anyone getting a look at Bud's
Scattered across the tables are a restraints notices that Gersholm is
variety of devices in various stages of dangerously negligent in his
assembly. Anyone who makes an Hard precautions; all it takes is a Hard (9)
(9) science: occult engineering realizes Strength roll to brea k them I
that these appear to be spirit fetters. If A corridor leads to the Rainforest
questioned about them, Gersholm says biome. Next to this door is a diagram of
he met a cyborg a few months ago and the basement level. Heroes who make a
was intrigued at the possibility of the Fair (5) Cognition roll notice the route
devices. These are merely an academic from here to the Rainforest and the
exercise to pass the time. tunnel from the Savannah to the Lungs.
The basement access door is locked, The last room on this level is the old
and only Gersholm knows the cold storage room, originally used for
combination, although a persistent storage of the crew's perishable
posse with an electronic lockpick could food stuffs. Now it is used to store not
get the door open with a Hard (9) only food but also the bodies of those
lockpicking roll. The Baron does not whose heads have been used to make
take them into this section. Tethered Organic Fertilization Units.
Basement. This level is divided into There are currently three bodies
three section s. awaiting grinding into plant food, along
The first is the Baron's main with three tubs of hamburger awaiting
workshop. This is the old infirmary, delivery to the biome fields.
now converted to act as an assembly
line for the Baron's Tethered Organic
Fertilization Units. The walls are
covered in cabinets, and several The Intensive Agricultural Biome
gurneys (a number equal to the posse) provides much of the food planned to be
fill the room. A wide variety of surgical sent to Globe and beyond by the Baron.
instruments are present, along with a Here his greatest technological triumph's
number of completed spirit fetters. Also success can be seen. The fields are
along the walls are a number of covered with a variety of crops, all of
cabinets that hum with the sound of tremendous size. The noise of muffled,
high voltage. Any stray shots have a 1 in unidentifiabl e sounds may be heard here
6 chance of hitting these capacitors, on a Fair (5) Cognition roll. The sounds
ca using an arc of electricity to shoot are made by the TOFU heads attempting
out 3 yards for 3d8 pOints of damage. to scream; since the severed heads have
An old storage/ maintenance room no lungs and tongues make lousy
has been divided in half with chain diaphragms, glottal smacks and clicks
link fencing. Inside the chain-link are about all they can accomplish.
enclosure are 7 walkin' dead the Baron Another Fair (5) Cognition roll spots
has collected for study (see the end of several I' diameter plastic or styrofoam
this adventure for the profile). domes planted in the ground
throughout the area. The Baron
Gersholm explains that these are
speakers that provide music and noise
to the plants, helping them grow to
such prodigious size. Several workers
move through the fi elds tending the
Gersholm doesn't let the posse
inspect the "speakers." He waxes poetic
about his advances in the fields of
plant growth and TOFU use, but quickly
bores most wasters. Should the posse
ask what "TOFU" means, he explains -
it's a highly technical acronym that
would be meaningless to anyone but will be able to grow in the wasteland
another botanist of his background. and alleviate the famine faCing the
survivors of the Last War.
Rainforest (4) The heroes may hear muffled sounds
here similar to those in the lAB on an
The tropical rainforest biome of B2 is Onerous (?) Cognition roll. If questioned,
2000 sq. meters in area, and 28 meters Gersholm says he has the speaker
high at its highest point. A simulated system in stall ed throughout the
equatorial climate supports plant Savannah to help the wheat grow.
species from the humid tropical regions Gersholm also points to several sacks
of the world. of seed wheat that he proudly points to
This was designed to simulate a as the future of ag ricul ture in Arizona.
highland cloud forest. Lowland These are a new plant (pentatriticale)
rainforest includes most of the eastern that is basically a five-lobed hybrid of
part of the biome. Large trees with a wheat and rye, possessing a rapid
ground layer of fern s and other tropical growth and high yield.
low-lying plants dominate the area. This Actually, Gersholm has seeded this
biome is very hot and humid, and mist area with more of the TOFUs. They are
makes it hard to see further than 5 deep in the grasses, so Gersholm does
feet. Banana trees, plantains, and coffee not allow the posse to leave the path.
trees can be glimpsed through breaks
in the mist.
Gersholm does not allow the posse to
stray from the path in thi s biome
during the tour. The heroes may notice
there are no "speakers" hidden among
the foliag e here. Thi s requires an
Onerous (?) Cognition roll unless a
player specifically asks.

Ocean (5)
The Biosphere2 ocean is a 900,000
gallon Caribbean reef -model ecosystem
complete w ith a wide variety of aquatic
creatures, from microscopic organi sms
to top-level predators, including severa l
small sharks. Should the posse decide
to go for a swim, they might run into
these eating machines if they venture
into the deeper water.

Sarallnah (6)
This biome contains a variety of
terrain and plant life, including a
savanna stream with mostly gum trees
and wet-land plants, a granite orchard,
fruit trees, and, of course, tall grasses,
which Baron Gersholm explains are
experimental wheat hybrids he hopes
rhorascrub (7) complex in a maze that would confu se
a minotaur. Most of these passages
Tbis biome has a variety of cacti and seem to be built for light-sensiti ve
other succul ents. formin g a thorny dwarves. being poorly lit (one 40 watt
barrier with tough grasses along the bulb every 30') and 4' high x 4' wide.
ground. The area next to the marsh is A tunnel leads from the basement lab
covered in a variety of vegetables. storage/ maintenance room of the
including some huge tomato and bea n Human Habitat to the Rainforest- exiting
plants. Once agai n. muffled noises ca n near the blood rose creepers. of course.
be heard from the foliage near som e I' An access way is also present in the
diameter domes planted in the ground. Lower Savannah. through the Scrubber.
As before. Baron Gersholm explains that The Scrubber consists of a series of
these are speakers that provide mu sic fans that blow air back and forth
and noise to the plants. helping them between the Lung and B2 in a tunnel
grow to such prodigious size. that is large enough for a person to
Besides the TOFUs. there is nothing of duck-walk through. Several electrostatic
interest to the posse in this biome. filters block the way. but these are
Anyone try ing to push through the spiky easily removed w ith an Onerous (7)
and prickly plants that line the area Strength check or a sharp knife. This is
must make an Incredible (II) Nimbleness the only way for a man-sized creature
roll or take Wind equal to the amount to get to the lung underground from B2.
she misses the TN from the thorns. Rumors and fears among the staff of
The upper area. next to the Savannah. something living in the basement have
provides access to the Scrubber below. brought a small (Size 8) Lurker to life.
The hatch can be seen from the Use the statistics from the Hell on Earth
pathway with a Hard (9) Cognition roll. rulebook. bu t with Strength 4d12. Armor
3. and no Coup.
Marsh (8)
Those wasters who come from
rhe Outside
Louisiana should feel right at home in The B2 complex is surrounded by
this section. The cypress trees and several buildings. including a two-story
enshrouding Spanish moss make this an guard barracks. a motor pool with two
eerie area even on the brightest day. The jeeps (each w ith one tank full of fu eD.
marsh provides the B2 inhabitants w ith the ghost -rock reactor building. and
a fishery stocked with catfish and other several storage buildings filled with
freshwater species. foodstuffs. spare parts. and assorted
junk. The armory is located in the
Desert (~) guard barracks and contains very littl e.
Thirty rounds can be found for each
The desert resembl es much of the weapon type (9mm caseless. 10mm
Southwest. with a hot climate and little caseless. and 12 gauge caseless). several
plant life. Several lizards can be seen spare batteries for the walkie-talkies.
basking in the sun. along with severa l and 3 tasers.
species of desert cacti.

rhe World Below (10) Dillller Is Served

Beneath Biosphere2 are acres of pipe. When they ret urn to the Human
wires. air handlers. and control Habitat. a fabulous meal has been
systems. crisscrossing the entire prepared. consisti ng of fresh fish.
vegetables of all types. and fruit pies
for desert. The posse is also introduced
to Greg Powell. a drifter who made his
way to B2 a couple of days ago. Powell
is a non-descript waster w ho stumbled
in from the east ahead of the larger
hordes of walkin' dead.
Unfortunately for the posse, all the
food has been heavily laced w ith a
slow-acting sedative drug. The posse
feels full and sleepy as the night
wears on, but not unduly so. Once
asleep, however, they have a hard time
waking up. Any posse member w ho
ate the food attempting to stay awake the laboratory. Exactly w hich doors he
must make an Incredible (II) Vigor or shuts depends on the posse's route of
doze off as well. escape, but use them and the guard
Truly suspicious posses may have patrols to force the heroes toward the
one or two members pass on the food final showdown in Chapter Three.
Gersholm offers. If so, that's fine; they're
just showing a healthy bit of para noia
in the post-Apocalyptic world! Bounty
Unjust Desserts Noting the odd noises from the
TOFU units: 1 w hite chip to each hero
Around 2 AM, a squad of fi ve guards w ho does.
burst into the heroes' rooms. Use the Defeating the guards sent to
profiles from Chapter One for these capture them: I red chip to each hero
goons. w ho participates.
Anyone asleep at this time must roll
Cognition against an Incredible (II) TN
or be surprised. Light sleeper and heavy
sleeper modify that roll normally.
Posse members w ho partook of
Gersholm's sedative-laced repast have a
Chapter rhree:
tougher time of it. Even once they make
the Cognition roll (assuming they were
asleep), they must then roll Vigor
rhis Isn't Fun
against an Incredible (ll) TN to shake off
the effects of the drug. Those who fail
are at -2 to all rolls during the fight.
The guards use tasers on anyone Coming into thi s chapter you're likely
who is awake. Once the target is in one of two situations, Marshal: either
stunned, the guards inject the hero the posse has succumbed to Gersholm's
with an anesthetic that renders him treachery, or they're running through
unconscious for the duration barring B2 playing the monkey-·in-the-w rench.
use of a power like purge. We'll address the latter situation first.
Should the heroes be canny enough as we hope the posse was tough or
to defeat this ambush, they've got a smart enough not to fall for a littl e bit
chance to explore B2 more thoroughly- of drugged zucchini.
and without adult superv ision' They
don't have all night, though, because
Gersholm is expecting the sedated
heroes to arri ve in his laboratory
Flies in the Ointment
shortly. After a 20-minute wait. he puts If the posse manages to short -circuit
the compl ex on alert and the remaining Gerhshom's plan, you've got a littl e
15 guards who aren't on perimeter duty maneuvering to do, Marshal. You might
begin combing the compl ex for the be lucky enough to have a nosy posse
heroes in groups of fi ve. This time, that runs right for the basement to find
they're shooting to kill. out w hat's really going on. On the other
To complicate the heroes' endeavors, hand, your wasters may decide to head
Hartsoe closes and locks off interior for the hill s.
doors f rom the control room in Should the heroes decide the second
response to reports f rom hi s patrols in option is their best bet. remind them of
an attempt to channel the posse toward the horde of undead just outside the ·
fences. If that approach fail s, you ca n fe tter. The doctor then hooks Povyell up
use a more heavy-handed method to to the mani tou capacitor array,
pu sh the heroes toward Gersholm's lab capturirig a manitou instantly. What
with the guard patrols and was once Greg Powell opens his eyes.
electroni cally locking doors. Gersholm then cut s off Powell's head
On the off-chance even that isn't and places it into a steel bucket. Whil e
enough, Hartsoe dumps pesticides into this is happening the guards, having
the ventilation system and rou tes it never seen th is done, are ri veted to the
in to the posse's location v ia the control spectacle and only notice any thing the
room. Without a method to cancel the posse does on a Hard (9) Cognition roll.
poisons, such as powers Ii ke purge or Unless your wasters have a thing for
immunity (Smog) or even gas masks, being made into decapitated-head
each hero must make an Onerous (?) fertili zer, odds are they 're going to put
Vigor roll each round. Everyone that up a fight at thi s point. If they do,
fail s suffers Id6 Wind, plus I Wind for Marshal. head on to FirefighU;
eac h point they missed the TN; even if otherwise, Gersholm has his guards
a waster succeeds, she suffers Id6 Wind disarm the heroes and strap them to
each round she's in the foul stuff. gurneys- landing them in the same
That should be incentive enough to place they'd have been had they not
hustl e them along' resisted the first ambush' See Snooze
and Lose, below
CClme intCl My ParlClr. ..
No matter w hat time they arri ve
after the fa iled ambu sh, the posse
Snooze and Lose
find s the door to the basement area If all goes according to the Baron's
not only unlocked, but open! In the plan, the heroes awake some time later
workshop, they find the Baron, hi s two in his basement lab, secured to gurneys
bodyguard s, and Greg Powell. The w ith IVs in their arms. Gersholm
guards are aiming their weapons at the demonstrates hi s plans for the posse
posse when they enter, thanks to on Powell. as in Com e i nto My Par lor .
warning from Hartsoe. Moments behind Presumably, the posse won't sit
the posse arri ve the remai ning guard around passi vely and wait their turn at
patrols to cut off escape. becoming plant lamps. An Incredible (II)
The Baron call s to the posse to Strength roll is required to brea k the
surrender, as the situation is hopeless. bonds on the gurneys, an Incredible (II)
If a fight breaks out at this point, Nimbleness lets the hero slip her
Marshal. assume hi s bodyguards have a restrai nts, whil e a similar Deftness roll
ca rd up their sleeves in the first round, all ow s the waster to work the release
but the rest of the guards don't. Head on the straps. No doubt the heroes may
on to the Firefight! section. have a number of useful arcane
At thi s point. the Baron is only too abilities here as well. However,
happy to demonstrate the care and use remember that sykers have their Strain
of the Tethered Organic Fertiliza tion costs doubled due to interference f rom
Units, and inform s the posse that it w ill the manitou capacitor array, w hil e the
be a great asset to the corn field in the Glow and toxic favors function normally.
lAB. He implants the first Tethered The posse's gear is simply pil ed in
Organic Fertili zation Unit into Greg the corner, should they get f ree. Head
Powell. killing him w ith a lethal on to the next section for the basement
injection then quickly opening the back battl e.
of his head and implanting a spirit
The guards use their tasers first. as
Gersholm needs the heroes alive to
Biodome2 conduct the TOFU implantation.
However, none of the GAIA inhabitants
has a death w ish, so the guards are
also armed w ith HI Thunderers and
Blazers, w hich they readily use should
things get nasty.
Don't forget every stray round has a '-"
chance of hitting a dangerous piece of
electrica l equipment. Marshal; the
Baron hasn't! Throughout the firefight.
Gersholm shouts "Stop' Stop' You'll 'glom or t wo. Trying to stand this horde
damage the machinery!" down is going to get them dead fast'
All thi s commotion upsets Bud in the On the other hand, it does give them
next room and he jerks himself free an opportunity to kill wa lkin' dead in
from the restraint s. He quickly frees the everyone of Earth's environments save
other walkin' dead and moves toward the artic in a single day ...
the sounds of fighting.
If no shot hits the equipment before
then, in the third round of combat, a
stray bullet or taser wire f rom a
guard's weapon smacks into one of the
capacitators, causing it to short out. As
soon as one of the ca pacitators shorts,
the feedback bl ows the power mains
for the entire complex-and that spell s
trouble for every body, since the electric
fences are no longer pro tecting the
About that time, Bud and the other
walkin' dead shamble into the
darkened room and begin attacking
everyone in smell.

lights Out
After the gunfire dies down, screams
can be heard from the bodyguards'
radios over the crackle of fire in the
electronics closet. It sounds like the
zombies are swarming the fence and
entering the compound now that the
electricity to the fence is off.
The sounds of dy ing guard s being
torn apart continu e for several minutes
until the last are ea ten by the zombie
horde. In the ensuing slaughter, one of
the perimeter guard s tries to enter by
hitting the airlock override, opening
both doors and allowing the zombies
entrance to the Biosphere.
The posse is now at Zombie Ground

stalld alld Fight

If the heroes are shoot-out minded,
they've got their hands more than full.
There are over 400 wal kin' dead and
veteran wa lkin' dead pouring toward
and into the complex, not to mention a
It's up to you how hard you want to Blast ing through the B2 dome is an
hit the heroes, Marshal. We recommend option. The dome is pretty tough,
going easy at first and quickly having been rein forced by Hell stromme
esca lating; maybe a zombie per hero at Industries, w hen it took over the
first, and then slowly doubling that project. The dome wa ll is AV 5, and
number over a coupl e of rounds. That takes 60 points of damage to blow a
way, they have a chance to figure out 2'x2' hole into the plex i-glass. As if that
how deep the corpse water is before isn't work enough, the posse still has
they drown in it' to hold off about 20 zombies inside
w hil e plugging away at the dome, and
Bug Out! another 30 outside once they get free.
Posses w ho go underground into the
There are too many possible options basement have the best chance by going
for escape f rom B2 to list here, but we've out through the lung, since it's removed
provided a couple of guidelines. enough to avoid the bul k of zombies.
Whatever route the heroes take, Maybe t wo or three zombies per hero
Marshal. make sure they understand just attack the posse total throughout the
how bad the situation is. This should be course of the escape, and these come in
a very tense run for their lives' small groups o( indi vidually.
A straight charge for the outside Any delays result in more and more
through the doors is the toughest. zombies converging on the heroes.
Before they can break out the heroes If the heroes haven't uncovered the
are probably going to face somewhere secret of GAI A yet you may wa nt to
in the neighborhood of 100 zombies. have a waster fl eeing through areas
Given the proximity of B2 to Phoenix, w ith TOFUs k ick one over, revealing the
no small number of these are armed shrieking head w ithin, planted in the
w ith military firearms (but not much ground (Onerous (7) Guts check).
ammunition ').

011 the Road Agaill

AS the sun comes up, the GAIA
facility is overru n w ith a sea of walkin'
dead. Hopefully, the posse is clea r of
the area. The compound is lost to the

dead w ithout a major expenditure of
ammu nition, and even then, the reactor
r - .- - - - - -- ...."
soon suffers a meltdown due to the
system overload and lack of
" Phoenix Salvage rafl'le
, Or ____ • ,__ ~ • • __ _~ ~
preventative measures (everyone w ho
knew how is now zombie food I). Roll IdiO. Add +2 to the total for each raise on
The journey back to Globe involves your hero's scroungin ' rolL The battlefield has
evading hordes of brain-hungry walkin' been picked over fairly welL so the base TN for
dead. The swarms are active in as-mile the scroungin ' roll is Hard (9).
radius around B2. Once clear of this
Roll Salvage
area, however, the trip should be
uneventful, although walkin' dead are Fatigues: A set of slightly moldy, but
drawn to Oracle for the next few days, serviceable fatigues. (Roll Id6: 1-3
and an evil Marshal may have the posse Mexican, 4-6 CSA)
encounter a few bands on the trip north. 2 Backpack: A military issue backpack
with quick-release straps.
Bad at Globe 3 Combat knife: Treat as a large knife.
There is a compass in the pommel
Globe is devastated by the news of and the handle holds Id20 strike-
the demise of GAIA, although if the anywhere matches, 50' of fishing
posse has brought a sack of the new line, and 2 fish hooks.
wonder wheat from the Savannah they 4 Fusil-20: The standard issue Mexican
might be able to salvage their town. rifle. (Ammo 5.45mm, Shots 30, Speed
If they didn't bring back any seed- I, ROF 9, Range 20, Damage 5(6).
and w ho can really blame them with a 5 SA Assault Rifle
zombie riot going on- Rebecca may ask 6 Helmet: A standard infantry helmet.
the heroes to help the town find 7 First aid kit: The kit has gauze,
another way to alleviate the famine. bandages, antiseptic, Id6 shots of
If the heroes decide to dig in the pain killer, and I course of antibiotics.
battlefields themselves, use the S Ammo Can: The can contains 0 to 90
Phoenix Salvage Table (created by rounds (IdIO-I x 10). Roll Id6 for type: I:
HOE Master John Hopler) at the end of 7.62mm, 2: 5,45mm, 3: .50 pistoL 4:
this adventure. 9mm, 5: 50 machine-gun, 6: .45 ACP.
9 Military Radio: Roll Id6 for type: 1\
rellin' rales Headset. 2-3: Walkie-ta lkie, 4:
Backpack Unit. 5:Vehicular radio, 6:
The posse must be careful w ith their Military Base Set.
story of what happened at the facility 10 SA M-SO
to avoid a panic with stories of a II Infantry Battlesuit
zombie army on the march' Earning a 12 Grenades: Id4 grenades. Roll Id6 for
Legend Ch ip for their tale of the defeat type: I: Frag, 2: Smoke, 3: 40mm f rag,
of the zombie horde at Oracle requires 4: 40mm HEDP, 5: 40mm Inferno, 5:
a careful spi n by the posse's tale-tell ers. 40mm Flechette, 6: 40mm Smoke.
Any attempts at tale-tellin ' are a level 13 Laser Designator: A working 'aser
higher than normaL thanks to the care designator (Speed 1, Range 50).
with which the teller has to weave his 14 Mk 40: CSA automatic grenade
story of victory over the forces of the launcher (Ammo 40mm, Shots 30,
supernaturaL Speed 1, ROF 3, Range 20, Damage by
grenade type).
IS M-82 RAW HEAT: CSA Single-shot,
BOURty disposable, antitank rocket. (Ammo
140mm rocket. Shots 1, Speed 2, ROF
Posse discovers the secret of the 1, Range 40, Damage 4d20 AP 4).
TOFUs: I white chip 16 M -SIO Hornet: CSA disposable
Posse defeats Gersholm: I red chip surface-to-air missile. (Ammo l54mm
Posse escapes B2: I blue chip missile, Shots 1, Speed 2, ROF 1,
Posse takes a bag(s) of seed wheat Range 70", Damage 4d l2 Burst 10,
from Savannah: I blue chip Sensor 3dS).
Everybody's heard of Winchester, Luckily for the Confederacy, Gorgas
Colt, and Remington, but all of those got a couple of early breaks. However,
comjJanies are Yankee gun makers. while Fate seemed to favor his
pure, goodly number of firearms endeavors,'s himself deserves
pro lice north of the Mason-Dixon much credit Of i )he South's nearly
creep itito the South by way of the miraculou at ms mobilization. The man
Disputea Territories, the Maze, or even proved a nf'
aSi'er in juggling resources
St. Louis. However, if the only guns the and motivating incredible results.
Confederacy could get its hands on
were Union-made, the War would have
ended a long time ago!
Major (long since rna e era!)
~ . ij P'1....,A-cE. Gorgas' first break carfl 'nithe form of
machinery seized from e Maryland
l , uth is, the Confederacy had a
toug!) go of 't at first. In a two-country
Harper's Ferry armory. He set up
factories in Fayetteville and Asheville
anfls.!ace, t ey were a distant second. North Carolina and Richmond, Virginia,
At t e beg nning of the War, around 60 to use the Harper's Ferry equipment
pri1iYte companies in the Union produced and dies. As the War progressed,
firearms; in the South: !h>5e were none Gorgas also set up major production /
of any size. Major Josiah. Gorgas, the facilities in Alabama and Texas.
head of the Confederate Bureau of
Ordinance, had a big job ahead of him'
Unfortunately, while Southern
armorers proved quite proficient at
? copying No them arms and L,
manufactu~ ng.l dies, thiy method
them alway 'cvStep beliind the U!"U~l.
Another drawback was tHe .
!:?hortage) of raw materials.
SlJIPplles'/ol steel we e/
existent, requiring Gorgas' armorers to
use iron or brass instead. Before long,
the Confederates were reduced to
cannibal izing cand lesticks and church
bells for brass'
Before this dire shortage could
paralyze the Confederate war machine, Some of the most famous foreign-
tbe British and French broke the Union made weapons are the unique LeMat
blockade and opened up the overseas pistols and carbines, the excellent
markets to the South. First cotton and Whitworth rifle, and the Martini-Henry
tobacco and later ghost rock purchased rifle. These weapons helped keep the
enough steel from Europe to keep Confederate soldier armed in the
Confederate armories rolling. middle years of the War.

~EI","N ~ ~IV.A-IE FI~

At the same time Major Gorgas was As in any capitalistic society,
struggling to get Confederate armories eventually free enterprise took over.
on their feet, Caleb Huse was Where no private arms manufacturers of
purchasing arms abroad for the South. any size existed prior to the onset of the
Al though the Union was (and sl111 IS) War, nearly 25 had sprung up in the
the leading arms manufacturer in the South by 1865. Not all were successful,
world, several foreign firms provided but many remain today.
top-quality firearms to the South.

Weapon Shots Caliber ROF Damage Range Increment Price

LeMat Carbine 9 .42 1 3d6 15 $35
& Shotgun 1 16-gauge 1 Special 5
Morse Carbine 1 .50 1 4d8 10 $18
"Richmond" Carbine 1 .52 1 4d8 15 $15
S & B Repeating Carbine 6 .44 2 3d8 10 $40
Pistols, Single-Action
Gunnison Independence 6 .45 1 3d6 10 $14
L & R Navy 6 .36 1 2d6 10 $12
LeMat Grapeshot Pistol 9 .40 1 2d6 10 $25
& Shotgun 1 16-gauge 1 Specia l 5
LeMat Navy Pistol 9 .35 1 2d6 10 $25
& Shotgun 1 28-gauge 1 Special 5
Tyler Alamo 6 .44 1 3d6 10 $19
Pistols, Double-Action
Adams & Deane Revol ver 5 .44 C&B 2 3d6 10 $18
Gunnison Rubicon 6 .45 2 3d6 10 $14
Kerr Revol ver Model 72 5 .44 2 3d6 10 $15
S & B Tornado 6 .36 2 2d6 10 $12
Cook Stars & Bars 1 ..45 4d8 25 $21
Mk 1 SniderI Enfield 1 .58 5d8 25 $25
Martini-Henry Rifle 1 .45 4d8 25 $25
Tyler Texan 16 .44 4d8 20 $29
Whitworth 1 .45 4d8 30 $120
Morse Lever-Action 5 12-gauge Special 10 $40
Most of the early Confederate arms Gunnison Independence. This is
makers patterned their designs after little more than a single-action Colt
successful Union firearms. Leech & Peacemaker with a different name.
Ridgon, Spiller & Burr, and Gunnison all Gunnison Rubicon. Like the
got their start producing Colt Army or Independence, the Rubicon is simply a
Navy revolver copies. Gunnison Colt rip-off. this time in double-action.
continues to follow the designs of the Kerr Revolver. This English import
Northern arms manufacturer- so is the standard sidearm issued to
elosely, in fact. that only an experienced Confederate Army officers.
gunsmith (or gunslinger) can tell the Leech & Rigdon Navy. A cartridge
difference at a glance. Spiller & Burr version of an earlier model (which was
has moved on to its own models, often a Southern version of the Colt Navy), I
with mixed results. the L&R is fairly sta ndard issueJ'or the
Cook & Brother, the most successfu l Confederate Navy sidearm.
Southern gun maker primarily pursues LeMat Carbine. This is a larger,
government contracts, leaving the longer-barrel. stocked version of the
private citizen to his ow n devices for LeMat pistol. Like it's sma ll er brother,
firearms. Cook rifles are among the the gun has a shotgun barrel under the
most common weapons on the carbine barrel. Only one or the other
Confederate front lines, outside of the may be fired at a time.
Martini-Henry imports. LeMat Grapeshot Pistol. This is the
A few of Gorgas original armories same pistol described in the Weird West
have privatized as well. Of these, the Player's Guide, page 78. It's popular
Tyler Ordnance Works has had the among Confederate cavalrymen thanks
most luck. It's Texan rifle and Alamo to its high capacity and shotgun round,
pistol are popu lar among the Rangers, and a personal favorite of General i.E.B.
thanks to high capacity and similar Stuart. Originally a cap-and-ball weapon,
cartridges- not to mention the names' its design has been refurbished to _
I handle cartridges for many years now.
I ~DIV IDJ,A-L \J/E:;,-Po~ LeMat Navy pistol. A lighter-
weight. smaller-caliber version of- the
Nol£5. LeMat Grapeshot designed to fit the
requirements of a CSA Navy request. Its
smaller shotgun does less damage than
Adams & Deane Revolver. This it.s larger cousins. Modify normal
finely crafted, English-made, cap-and- shotgun damage as follows: Contact
ball pistol was once the weapon of 5d6; 1-10 yards 4d6; 11-20 yards 3d6; 21-30
choice for discerning Confederate yards 2d6; 31+ yards Id6.
officers. With the advent of cartridge Mk I Snider/Enfield. This is
pistols, it would have been soon essentially an old 1853 Enfield Rifle
relegated to museums if not for its Musket converted to metallic cartridges.
spur less-hammer, which makes it No longer in front-line Confederate
much easier to fire from within a military service, it's still found in the
pocket. Many gunslingers keep the hands of veterans and garrison troops.
weapon as a holdout gun. Any attempts It uses a special ammunition ($5 for 50
to conceal the A&D receive a +2 bonus rounds), and is imcompatible with other
to the sneak roll. .. 58 caliber rounds. This rifle accepts a
Cook Stars & Bars. After the bayonet.
Martini-Henry from which it's modeled, Martini-Henry. A single-shot,
this is the most common weapon in breechloading rifle, the Martini-Henry is
Confederate service,. In time, it 'may the standard-issue rifle for both the
even replace the import rifle. British and Confederate armies. The
British believe soldiers armed with
repeaters would quickly waste
ammunition, whil e the Confederates
have yet to develop the industrial
capacity to support high-magazine
reapeaters like the Union. Cook &
~ -c>-----. ----

Brother has begun producing

ammunition for this weapon, which is
imcompatible with most .45 rounds. The
Martini-Henry (and its twin, the Stars &
Bars) can mount a bayonet.
Morse Carbine. Thi s is one of the
earliest original Confederate designs.
It's both cartridge-fed and breech-
loading, making it a favorite cavalry
weapon in the mid- to late 1860s:
Further advances have pushed the
Morse out of favor. but it can still be
found in the hands of private citizens.
Morse Lever-Action Shotgun.
Another innova tive design from Morse
Firearms. the Lever-Action Shotgun is
designed for use in the Eastern trenches.
It has a high magazine capacity and can
mount a bayonet as well. making it well-
suited for close-combat assaults.
However, the lever occasionally locks.
jamming the weapon. It has a Reliability
of 19; a failure indicates a jam requiring a
round and a Fair (5) tinkerin ' or trade:
gunsmith to fix.
Richmond Carbine. This weapon is
an example of weaponry produced at
Gorgas'. ear ly government armories. It is
very similar in design to the Sharps
carbine. but uses a sma ller rounds. Like
the Sharps. it was originally cap-and-
ball. but over time. most have been allowing faster reloads. Anyone can
converted to cartridge weapons. It's odd load three rounds in an action. while a
caliber shows a common problem with Fair (5) speed load loads all six. The
Confederate weapons: commonality of latch is recessed. unlike the S& W
ammunition- as in there is very little. Schofield. so there's no risk of looking
For all his talents, Gorgas had little like a greenhorn when slapping leather
luck standardizing a caliber for issue. with the Tornado!
S & B Revolving Carbine. This fast- Tyler Alamo. This is a standard six-
firing short rifle looks like a Colt pistol shooter w ith no frills. but nothing fancy
with big britches. It has a long barrel. to fall apart either It has a reputation as
stock. and foregrip. but uses a revolving very reliable and can share ammunition
cylinder to provide repeating fire. The with the Tyler Texan rifle.
odd design forces it to use special Tyler Texan. This high-capacity
ammunition ($5 for a box of 50). that is repeating rifle is especially popular
somewhat less powerful than most full - with Confederate cavalry in the West.
size rounds. Its breech breaks open to Texas Rangers. and most other
allow quicker reloads. A cowpoke can frontiersmen. It's one drawback is that
reload 3 bullets in a single action or. on its tubular magazine must be loaded
a Fair (5) speed load roll. reloads all six from the muzzle end. instead of the
bullets at once. The design isn't qUite action like a Winchester. This means it
perfect; the carbine has a Reliability of takes an additional two actions to
'19. On a failed check. the weapon jams. reload the Texa n in combat.
requiring a Fair (5) tinkerin ' or trade: Whitworth Rifle. This extremely
gunsmith roll to fi x. accurate British import is used by
Spiller & Burns Tornado. Similar Confederate snipers. It's often used in
:10 the Revloving Carbine. this little conjunction with a telescopic sight.
revolver has break-open breech.

Welcome to our first installment of Q: (Wasted West) The telekinesis

According to Hoyle. Here, our brand managers power says that a syker can lift an
will answer some of the most common amount as if his Knowledge were
questions we're asked about our games. Strength, getting a +2 to the die type for
Q: (Wasted West) It says in Spirit each raise on his blastin'roll. How do
Warrior s that a tox ic shaman needs to you figure S t.rength for a syker with a
dr aw a card each time he invokes a 5dl2 blastin' who gets a few raises?
favor. Does he draw from the central A: Each raise above a dl2 adds +2 to the
Action Deck used by all the other die type. When calculating the amount lifted,
players or does he need his own deck to just add the total bonus to 12. A syker who
draw from? got a result of d12+4 for instance, would have
A: The shaman shoul d have his own deck an effecti ve Strength of 16, and coul d lift 320
to draw from - otherwise he could wait until pounds according to the Load Table.
both Jokers have been drawn and invoke Q: (Generan Since we're talking about
favors without any risk whatsoever. weight, the maximum weights listed on
Q: (Wasted West) In the Major the Load Table seem sort of low. Can't a
Mutation Chart in Children 0 ' the A tom hero lift any more than that?
there is no mutation listed for the 10 of As far as the weights li sted on the Load
Clubs. What's up with that? Table being too low, the weights on the table
A: That was a mix up at our end. Just to were meant to be those that a hero could lift
make the chart complete, here's a new and move around with for an extended
mutation to fi ll in the hole: period of time. Maximum weights a hero can
10 of Clubs: Your brainer is attuned to li ft wou ld be closer to Strength X 35. While
dealers of death. By making a Fair (5) Spirit carrying such weights, the hero has a Pace
roll, your hero can see the auras of those who of 2 and takes Id4 Wind per rou nd.
have taken human life. This ability can be Q: (wasted West) My Doomsayer wants
used once per day and lasts for five minutes. to use EMP on some Black Hats. The
Someone who has never killed has no aura, Black Hats have chipped brain bombs,
while a person who killed a few people in chipped assa1llit rifles, and they are riding
self-defense might have a grayish glow. around in a chipped jeep. Does EMP work
A waster who has kill ed scores of people on them, wha t's the TN, and do their
has a dark black aura. Note that this doesn't br ains automatically explode?
necessarily imply an evil nature- a Templar EMP does work on Combine equipment. If
who has killed hordes of Black Hats would a Combine chi p is shorted out by EMP, the
glow just as darkly as a marauder who has attached charge detonates immed iately. That
slaughtered innocent townspeople. means a dead Black Hat, if .he's the target!

Throckmorton has taken steps to prevent The tree has two distinctive features that
this, of course, so the chips have some instantly reveal its true nature, First. the
degree of hardening aga inst electromagnetic plant's bark and limbs are covered with huge,
pulses, The chips in individual soldiers and sword -like thorns, Second, the blood oak's
small arms are considered military computers sap is a thick, viscous red fluid - okay, it's
(TN II), Combi ne vehicles and large, crew- really blood- apparen tly pumped from the
served weapons have more shielding, corpse from which its roots feed,
requiring a TN of 13 to short. Although they remain rooted to one spot.
Q: (Wasted West) My Doomsayer wants blood oaks are capable of moving thei r limbs
to target an enemy who is standing a few startlingly fast to snare prey- and not just for
feet away from a toxic shaman who has trees! A final word of warning: Blood oaks
invoked the immunity: radiation favor. normally grow in groves, Where there's one,
Can I hit my target with a nuke? there's likely to be a dozen of various ages
A: Yes, the immunity: radiation favor only and sizes'
blocks radiation miracles w hich are cast
directly on the shaman, It blocks things like
doom plague, atomic blast. and the
:p'k:OFILE t$LOOD O ,A--K
questioning hand- all of which require a Corporeal: D:ld4, N:2d6, Q:*, S:*, V:*
specific target- but not area effect miracles Fightin': brawlin' 4d6
li ke nuke, ICBM, and the like, Mental: C:ld4, K:ld4, M:2dS, Sm:l d6, Sp:*
Q: (General) I'm not clear on how
shotgun slugs work. Does the -2 for
Size: *
firing one replace the usual +2 for using Wind: -
a shotgun, or does it just cancel it out? Terror: 9 (once recognized)
The -2 for firing a slug replaces the normal Special Abilities:
+2 bonus for a shotgun, Instead of a +2 bonus Growth: A blood oak's power depends
to your hero's shootin ' roll. you get a -2 greatly on its age, Not only do its Coporeal
penalty when firing a slug, Traits vary, but its special abilities do as
Q: (General) The comic in Epitaph #1 well. Each special ability tell s you if it has
was great, but where can I find the different levels according to age, Blood
profile on the Blood Oak abomination? oaks grow very quickly. Saplings are any
A: Right here: growth up to 2 years; adolescents are
between 2 and S years of age; and Mature
blood oaks range from S years on,
Size: Saplings (Size 7-\2); Adolescent (Size
The Reckoning twisted not o nly animal 12-16); Mature (Size 17-20),
life, but plants as well. as the blood oak Traits: Certain Corporea l Traits (marked
proves all too well. Thi s abomination is a with an *) are age dependent as shown:
dense, hardwood tree that is found (for now) Sapling. Q:3dS, S:4dIO, V:4dS
in the forests of Wisconsin, Michigan, Adolescent: Q:3d6, S:5dI2+2, V:4d12
Minnesota, and Canada, Its seeds spread Mature: Q:3d4, S:7d I2+IO, V:6dI2+4
quickly, though, so soon i t may be found Armor: 2 Sapling; 3 Adolescent; 4 Mature,
across the continent. Damage: Branch swat. Sapling (STR+2d6);
The tree shares characteristics of oaks, Adolescent (STR+2dS); Mature (STR+2dIO),
maples",and vampires, Its bark and leaves Additionally, if the blood oak gets a raise
resemble those of an oak, but it spreads seeds on its j ig htin' roll, it has impaled the
with w hirligigs, not unlike a maple, Those victim on a thorn, doing double the
seeds can only take root in a dead (or aying) normal bonus dice to its Strength roll for
human being, making blood oaks most damage (ie" 4d6, 4dS, or 4dIO),
common around graveyard s and battlefields, Description: See above,

T'tle Medif1ine Bag:
Each installment of The Medicine Bag
will contain something new in the way rhe rlll~ille
of magic for Deadlands. This issue we've
The heart of the boat is its engine.
got a treat for Hell on Earth's junkers. Without it, it's just a fancy raft. Your
junker has a choice: props.or jet.
Float A propeller system requIres a
number of slots equal to 5% of the
Frame's total slots for each 5 mph of
Associated Spirit: Car Acceleration desired. The maximum
TN: 5 Acceleration rating for a boat is 20
Chemical: None mph .
putting a jet engine in your shIp
Electronic: 5% turns it i.nto a waterborne rocket sled-
Mechanical: 15% kind of dangerous in the Maze's
Structural: 10% twisting canyons, but, hey, it's your
Drain: Special/ round hero's funeral. A jet system takes up
Junkers with this power can zip 10% of the boat's slots for each 5 mph
around the Great Maze in style. The of Acceleration, but a maximum
float power allows techno-shamans to
Acceleration of 30 mph is possible.
build watercraft of all sorts. Top speed for a propeller-driven boat
is equal to twice its Frame sIze plus ItS
frame Size Acceleration rating. Top speed for a Jet
boat is equal to twice its Frame size
Just like most of the other vehicle. plus twice its Acceleration. In either
powers, you need to select a Frame sIze case, remember to always round to the
for your boat when you begIn. ThIS IS
nearest t; mph.
because many of its components are
calculated from the Frame's total slots.
Also like the other vehicle powers, you Draill
can add passengers, cargo space,
The Drain for your vessel varies with
weapons, and special equipment as
its drive type.
described in the locomotion power in
A prop-driven boat has a Drain equal
The }unkman Cometh.
to its Frame size divided by 3. A Jet
boat has a Drain equal to its Frame
size divided by 2.
If your craft uses ·spook juice for
fueL prop boats get (20 - Frame) x 3
miles to the gallon, w hile jet boats get
(20 - Frame) x 2 miles per gallon.
One thing a boat shouldn't be
without is a good set of pumps. (No, not
rhe Medi';mae Bag
black leather, the kind that pump
water.) Of course, pumps are optional.
but unless you plan on carrying a lot of
buckets to bail with, they're a good idea. each round (or every 30 minutes outside
Adding a basic set of pumps takes combat). If the roll is a 20, one of the
up 2% of the boat's slots and grants a hydrofoil struts has snapped under the
basic pump rating of Id4 and increases strain. The driver must make an
Drain by I. Each additional 2% of the immediate Incredible (II) !;ailin ' roll to
ship's slots devoted to pumps increases keep the craft under control.
the pumps' die rating by I level
(maximum of d8). Submersibles
It takes one action to turn the pumps
on or off. While on, roll the pumps' die Your junker can also build a yellow
each round and subtract this from any (or green, or whatever) submarine.
flooding damage suffered. Making a boat submersible takes up
30% of its slots right from the start.
Hydrf)ff)ils These slots include ballast tanks,
hatches, and a basic periscope.
If your junker wants to get fancy, Subs have one big drawback: They
she can add some hydrofoils to her can't be powered by spook juice while
creation. These are hydrodynamically submerged. This means that your
shaped lift surfaces mounted at the brainer needs to build in some large
end of long struts extending down into batteries or he needs to buddy up with
the water from the hull of the ship- a cyborg that owns a powerjack-
basically they're giant "water wings." otherwise, he's not going anywhere.
Once the ship reaches a certain Your techno-shaman can get around
speed, the foils generate enough lift to this by adding a snorkel for the engine
actually raise the hull of the ship up (5% of the Frame's slots), but this only
out of the water. This helps in two allows the engine to be used at
ways. First, raising the hull out of the periscope depth or less (it also leaves a
water reduces the drag on the boat and visible wake on the surface).
allows it to move much faster. It also The ship's Acceleration and Top
permits the vessel to move through Speed are halved while submerged
water that would otherwise be too beneath the water.
shallow for it to pass through without
running aground.
Adding a set of retractable hydrofoils
finishing rf)uches
to a boat takes up 10% of the ship's slots Let's figure out the remaining
and increases the structural component statistics of your personal yacht:
cost by +5%. It takes an action to activate Handling is found by subtracting the
the deployment or retraction of the foils, vehicle's Frame size from 8 and then
and it takes a full round for the foils to adding +1 for each 5 mph of
lock into place. Acceleration rating (maximum of +6,
Once the foils are deployed, the boat minimum of -4).
gains their benefits as long as it is Durability is figured as normal for
moving at least a quarter of its normal the vehicle's Frame Size.
Top Speed. While the foils are in use, The boat's Load Limit is equal to 20%
however, the boat's Top Speed is of the Frame's total slots.
increased by 50% and it gains a +1 Each raise on the construction roll
bonus to its Handling. can be used to increase Handling by +1.
Using hydrofoils in rough water can be increase the Load Limit by 25%, or
dangerous. Whenever the foils are increase the top speed by 5 mph.
deployed in Stormy or Hurricane You're on your own for paint and
conditions (see Shattered Coast), roll 1d20 interior options, though'
A- Lrrr~lF
Even as he moun ted up in front of Ronan was fairly certain the last bi t-
the dispatch office, Ronan was amazed the line about purpl e monkeys- was a
that he'd received the telegram at all. result of either human or mechanica l
The telegraph was a spotty mode of error on the part of the dis atch office.
communication at best. and the fact Still, from w hat he rem m ' red of
that not only had it gone through Thaddeus Washing 0P, h hance his
reasonably cl ear, but Washington had news somehow i of:2ct/a ack of
actually sent one to a settl ement brightly color ~boons ouldn't be
Ronan had visited was nothing sort of completely ruled out
miraculous. Those t wo occurrences The first and only time he'd met
were so rare nowadays that - if Ronan Washington was in a town in Ka nsas
were a religious man- he'd think there ca ll ed Varl ey Flats. He and Washington,
\~.•,-,~'.I' igher Power at work. along w ith Texas Ranger Hank
-I' g was, he wasn't. Ketchum, had run into a train full of
StilI, the wording seemed to indicate vampires. Washington, a scientist from
hi s old acquaintance had something of back East w ho gave new meaning to
substance to pass along. The telegram the term "greenhorn," insisted on
read: referring to them as "nosferatu."
Urgent Stop Meet me at the "Vampire" worked just fine for Ronan.
Lazy Horse Hotel in Buckskin The man had proved reliable
Junction Wyoming Territory Stop enough back in Ka nsas, and hi s
Will await your arrival f or two advice on the vampires had been
weeks Stop Life-or-death square. Ronan fi gured he owed the
discovery Stop Twelve purple man a littl e consideration for that.
monkeys Stop Thaddeus
WaShington StJ;1]

~ ~ ~.
so, when Washington said "life or Parked in front of it, half-mired in
death," Ronan figured he could spare a the Wyoming mud pit that passed for
few days to look in on the man. the town's only street, was
Washington's steam wagon, puffing out
••• steam like an adolescent locomotive.
Sitting on the driver's bench adjusti ng
Bu ckskin junction was another ghost controls and pulling levers was
town in-training. He guessed the little Thaddeus Washington.
community had hoped to be the next
Cheyenne-or even Fort Bridger-but, •••
odds were it was going to be nothing
but empty buildings before the end of "Mr. I.,Yllch, it certainly is a pleasure
the decade. to see your' Washington said as the
The railroads had passed it, and the men took a table in the Lazy Horse's
dreams of its citizens, by, missing the saloon. "I'd just about given up hope on
community by a dozen miles or more. you responding to my query"
ju st like a limb cut off from the blood "Well, you're lucky your telegram
supply, Buckskin junction would wither reached me at all," Ronan poured
and die. himself a whiskey from the bottle he'd
Still, Ronan found he was more secured at the bar. Washington had
comfortable in backwater towns of this declined to join him, so the gunslinger
sort lately. Less people to talk if he had figured he'd better get started early if
a... problem; less people to recognize him he was going to empty the whole thing
from other places. a shot glass at a time. "How'd you know
Even at a distance, he could tell where to find me, anyway'"
Buckskin junction fit the mold perfectly. "Oh, I didn't. I simply eliminated
Not counting a private home or two, where I knew you weren't, then, based
there were no more than half -a-dozen on your observed behaviors, I
buildings in town, and he'd wager at postulated areas you'd be likely to
least one or two of those were empty frequent, and further narrowed my
Ronan's guess was the town marshal search by eliminating those I couldn't
was a part-timer-if Buckskin junction reach via the telegraph."
even had one anymore. A circuit "And somehow from all that you
preacher served the spiritual needs of figured I'd be in Lake City, Colorado'"
the few left in town, and, in an ironic Even considering all the unsettling
twist on the old money lenders in the things Ronan had experienced over the
temple story, probably in the saloon on past couple of years, .he found
Sunday afternoons. Assuming the Washington's explanation a stretch.
founders had lured a newspaper here in "Not at all. I narrowed it down to
the first place, the editor had long approximately 328 localities close
packed up his hand press, leaving no enough to reach Buckskin Junction
one to write Buckskin Junction's within the established time frame. I
obituary when the time came. simply sent a telegram to each. Quite
While much of that was purely costly, but I suspect I'll be losing my
supposition, Ronan figured he was research grant soon anyway"
pretty close to the mark. You ride into At that moment, Ronan realized thaL
enough of these towns and you get an no matter how long the scientist spent
eye for them. He saw one thing was for in the West, Washington would likely
certain: finding the Lazy Horse Hotel always be a greenhorn.
wasn't going to be tough. It was the "So, what's this 'life-or-death'
only hotel in town. bu siness you mentioned'" As an
afterthought, he added, "And do purple
monkeys have anything to do with it'"
"Monkeys' No- I must say Mr. Lynch,
that's an odd question. As to the rest,
that's a bit of a long story, but til make
it as brief as possible; I fear time may
be short."
• ••

"As you may remember, I came West

to study emergent species and unique
specimens of zoology. Of particular
interest to me were the so"called me matters of shocking- import to not
'Mojave rattlers' found in and around only my research, but to the future of
the Great Salt Lake region of Deseret- mankind as a whole."
pardon me, Utah. I've spent over a year "You see, Mr. Sitgreaves is an
there and I'm afraid I've picked up inventor, not unlike myself. However, he
some of the vernacular." is also an occultist. Until recently, I
"Yeah," Ronan replied, "I remember believed such was nothing but the
you mentioning those worms. In fact, result of glib speech and nimble
had a run-in with them myself. Me and fingers. I know longer hold that
old One-Eye Ketchum. You remember hypothesis."
him?" "Mr. Sitgreaves has shown me
"Yes. And in light of recent events, convincing evidence that the origin of
perhaps none to fondly. You see I was the unusual advances in technology are
successful in much of my research. I related to the same strange evolution I
discovered a startling number of have been chronicling in the natural
creatures not cataloged during the world. And, in light of his supporting
course of my field work. Creatures that, documentation and demonstrations, the
given their proximity to mankind, ('mly conclusion I can logically deduce is
should very well have been. I attempted that humanity is being manipulated by
first to report these findings to my an otherworldly source."
former colleagues, but was mocked. Ronan remained silent. Another man
Next, I approached a European might have laughed out loud at the
organization calling itself the bespectacled scientist, but then again,
"Explorer's Society." that man probably didn't have to fight a
'They were quite receptive to my constant battle for control of his own
studies and expressed interest in body with a squirming demon hiding in
publishing my work," Thaddeus his head. The gunslinger had suspected
continued. "Unfortunately, Captain since he clawed his way out of his own
Ketchum- or one of his comrades-in- grave that something was rotten in the
arms- intercepted and confiscated my world.
packet of documents. I received notice 'Tve devoted the last year to collating
from Captain Ketchum himself that data and compiling documents to prove
such endeavors were considered likely Sitgreaves' theories. ']:he evidence is
to spread panic among the populace of incontrovertible: On or about July 3, 1863,
the Confederacy and therefore the laws of Nature as we understand
criminally negligent." them, changed in a subtle- and dare I
"Of course, his language was much say sinister- fashion. Mr. Lynch,
more colorful and ... picturesque." somewhere outside of our normal
''I'm sure it was," Ronan said. "So perceptions a dark force is apparently
what's the point? You've got your manipulating the future of humanity. To
dander up over One-Eye?" what end, I've yet to determine, but the
"While my 'dander' is indeed 'up: Mr. facts are undeniable."
Lynch, I've come to expect such short- "Okay, Washington," Lynch said.
Sighted behavior from the authorities, "What am I supposed to do? I'm a
academic or governmental. No, what I gunfighter, not a witch."
contacted you regarding is far more "So, you accept my statements as
serious." fact?" Thaddeus seemed truly
"During my visit to Salt Lake City, I surprised- even shocked- that Ronan
met a man by the name of R. percy hadn't laughed him out of the saloon.
Sitgreaves. A most enlightened "fa ~~? Maybe not, b~t for reasons of
individual, both in the sciences and my own, I'll give you the benefit of the
r more esoteric studies. He revealed to doubt-for now." -
"I must admit that's a relief. I "Logic never stopped a bullet.
suspected you might be recepti ve to my Washington."
theory in light of our experiences in "Nonetheless, I'm prepared to offer
the vici nity of Varney Flats, but one you $10 a day to safeguard me to
can never be certain ..." Tombstone. As I said, I can afford to be
"Okay, so you still haven't told me generous w ith w hat grant money
what you want f rom me. A testimonial? remains to me."
Somehow I doubt that'll carry much Ro nan didn't have to check his
weight." pockets to know he was down to his
"No, Mr. Lynch," Thaddeus answered last few dollar s. The scientist was
as he ro se from his chair. "What I need offering a generous sum for a baby-
from you is your talent w ith your Sitting job. Besides, figured old Ketchum
revolver. I've been around the West was probably just trying to put a scare
enough to realize that you're good- into Washington with rumors of
perhaps among the best. I'd like to hire shadowy organizatio ns- other than the
you as a bodyguard for the next few Rangers, any w ay.
week s." "What the Hell. When do I start?".
"Bodyguard?" Ronan squinted at
Thaddeus. "If you think my si x-gun is * * *
going to stop w hatever it is behind this
conspiracy of yours, then it ca n't be all Ronan tossed the last of Thaddeus'
that supernatural." baggage aboard the stea m w agon. He
"Not f rom the authors of humanity's could have sworn he'd signed on to
peril, Mr. Ly nch, but from those w ho pack a gun, not luggage. The scienti st
would k eep it secret. You see, in his fini shed twisting a few k nobs and
message, Capt. Ketchum al so warned checking a dial or two and then hopped
me of organi zations on both sides of down from the wagon.
the law that w ished to k eep a lid on "That appears be nearly all of my
certain occurrences. Out of respect for equipment. Mr. Lynch," he said. "If you
our former association, he cautioned could tie it down in the cargo
me against furth er investigation on compartment for me, I'll retrieve the
peril of my own life." documents f rom my room and we can
"Yeah, that old wolf's a real be off."
compassionate man- for a vicious Ronan grumbled none to quietly as
bastard." he climbed aboard to fini sh the loading. '-
"Events of the past couple of months It was already nearing dusk, but
have convinced me of the veracity of Thaddeus insisted they not spend any
his warning. I've been able to k eep longer in Buck skin Junction. ''I've been
ahead of my pursuers to date, but I here nearly two weeks already, and I
doubt I can for much longer. I need fear every night brings my pursuers
your skill with your 'si x-gun' to hold closer." Ronan had noted that the
them at bay long enough for me to scientist never pl aced a name to his
pass my documents along to someone 'pursuers: The gunman had heard tell
who can guarantee some measure of of in ventors who weren't quIte in touch
protection." with reality, and he was starting to
"Apd w ho would that be''' Ronan suspect hi s companion's paranoia might
ask ed. be the beginnings of full -blown
"Why the fifth estate, Mr. Ly nch- the madness.
press' To be specific, the Tombstone "Oh, and Mr. Ly nch- be careful to not
Epitaph. Once my findings are made engage that lever to your left,"
public, there is no logica l reason for any Thaddeus called f rom the hotel door
organization to seek my demi se." just a moment before Ronan was going
to push the very one forward. "That
w ill seal tbe stack to buil d up an
overpressurization; if the powertrain is
not engaged w ithin 30 seconds, the
pressure chamber w ill explode'"
Rohan just frowned and squinted at
the hotel door. Thaddeus had already
stepped inside. Ten dollars a day might
not be enough, he thought.

"And here I thought we were friends,"
Nearly half an hour later, Ronan Ronan said. Following the man's
decided he'd best check on the scientist. instructions, he slowly pulled his six-
As soon as he walked through the doors shooter and laid it on the table. "Now
to the hotel's first floor saloon, he knew that's out of the way, mind telling me
Thaddeus Washington hadn't been off why you're really here? Only a blind idiot
his rocker. would try to claim Washington was a
Three men, all dressed in long black Confederate agent. While I can't attest to
dusters and impeccably clean clothing the second part of that ,1 know you're
waited in ttle drinking establishment. not blind."
positioned strategically around the room. Trent's eyes narrowed but he didn't
Ronan had seen enough fights to know answer immediately. Instead, he
an ambush when he saw one. motioned to the man closest to the front
The· bartender's worried expression door, and the gunman slipped out the
said he was expecting all Hell to break front. Then, drawing a bulky, odd-
loose any minute. And, from the way the looking, multi-barreled pistol, he waved
men turned to face him as he entered, the barkeep out of the room. He took a
Ronan guessed he was holding the keys seat and indicated to Ronan to do the
to the infernal gates. same.
"Evenin'," he muttered as he moved to "This is downright cozy," Ronan
the bar. The men were spread out. commented. "If we had some candles
covering the front and back door to the and a nice meal, I'd think you was
room and the stairs leading up to the courtin' me, mister."
hotel's private rooms. Ronan walked "Cute- Lynch, is it'" the man
toward the stairs, trying his best to answered. From his accent. Ronan
appear nonthreatening. It wouldn't serve placed him back East. maybe New
his best interests to have guns clear England. "What has Washington told
leather in here. you'"
At least not until he was ready. "Let's see, I got a telegram talking
When he reached the bottom of the about purple apes or something like
stairs, the man positioned there rose that. I'd show it to you, but you've got me
from his chair and put an arm across so nervous I don't think my fingers
the bannister, blocking the gunslinger's would work right. Besides, I'd hate for
way. your friend over there see me stick my
"'Scuse me, friend," the man said. hand in my pocket and get antsy-
"Where you headed'" especially if he's totin' a Gatling pistol
"To my room," Ronan growled. "Who's . too."
asking'" Deliberately and slowly, the gunslinger
"Isaiah Trent." the man in the duster pulled the flap of his jacket open. Trent
replied. ''I'm here on behalf of the United reached across for the pocket. keeping
States Government to assist in the his gun pOint in Ronan's direction.
apprehension of Confederate spy At just that moment a staccato burst
Thaddeus Washington and his of gunfire sounded from outside,
accomplices, if any. You wouldn't happen followed immediately by two distinctly
to know the man would you' Don't different shots.
bother answering- we've been watching
you load his steam wagon for the past •••
half -hour."
"Why don't you draw your gun out Trent. momentarily distracted, turned
real careful like with two fingers on toward the sound of the gunshots.
your left hand and put it on the table Seizing the opportu\1ity, Ronan grabbed
over there'" Trent continued. his hand, leaned back in his chair, and
kicked the table toward the man's' legs. In moments, it was over. Both of his
His weight pulled his captor toward him opponents lay dead or at least out of
as the table t00k his feet out from under action. All things considereit, it could
him. have been much worse, h ~thought.
ROl,lan's chair reared bac and fell, Then he heard the deliberate and
dropping' both men to the ground. The hollow echo of boots on wood and the
gunSlinger made sure his "ne C<;lug!:tt
Trent solid in the gut when he landed,
creak of the saloon door behind him.

knocking the wind out of him and •••

sending (his fancy clockwork pistol
skitter,ing across the floor away from Framed in the- d00rway and I
both men's reach. The impact left rent silhouetted by the last light of the ~ying
momentarily stunned and Ronan rolled day t'ood a man jn a long coat. The coat
out of the tangle of limbs and chair legs. was old, so '9 Id, in fact. that Ronan -
Only to stand up into a hail of bullets couldn't be certain, but he thought it
as the other man opened up with his might' have.. once been part of a
Gatling pistol. Confederate sergeant's uniform. The
Diving across the table to retrieve his years had turned it a dark brown.
own weapon, Ronan was peppered with Light glinted of what appeared to be
wood splinters as the bullets ripped into medals or maybe badges on the lower
the table top. He let his momentum left corner of the coat's flaps and a
carry him across the table and back to single feather adorned the man's
the floor on the other side. tattered hat. In his right hand he held an
Ronan couldn't risk standing up to get old Army revolver, its barrel still smoking.
a good shot at the man and the Ronan could see the bulge of a second
intervening table and chairs prevented pistol under his worn coat.
him from taking the gunman out with a The man said nothing as he slowly
shot to the legs. Trent was groaning surveyed the room. It was then Ronan
behind him and starting to get his noticed his left hand was covered in
bearings back. If the gunslinger didn't blood so thick that it dripped onto the
act fast, he'd be caught between the saloon floor. He could almost hear the
two. splashes of each swollen drop.
Watching the man's legs move along Ronan's brow creased, but he only
the bgck wall, Ronan tracked him stared Silently at the man when the
through tne room. As he crossed under stranger's gaze reached him.
one of the saloon's wall lamps, Ronan "You must be Lynch," the dark man
fanned two rounds into the glass globe. said in a voice stolen from a dried·up
The oil splashed across the man's back desert gr§lve. "I wasn't looking for
and flared as the burning wick landed you ...yet. But now's as goog. ~time as any.
on him, setting his long duster ablaze. "Why?" Ronan grated. "You got your
While he thrashed and flailed to tombstone already picked out?"
remove his burning coat. the gunslinger "You got grit. Lynch- I'll give you that.
rose and spun to face Trent, also back But unless I missed my count. you've
on his feet. His Gatling pistol was a good only got two bullets left to t/;'lck it up.
six feet away, so Ronan just shook his And, I didn't miss my count."
head and motioned for him to step away. "Mister, the only bullet of mine you
Suddenly, Trent's hand flicked and a need to worry about is the one with
derringer sprung into his palm. Ronan your name on it. And, since I doubt
with supernatural qukkness put two either of us wants me to take the time
rounds solidly into the man's chest to pull it out and read it. why don't you
sending him stumbling backward into tell me who the Hell you are. And why I
anoth(lr table. should care."
'The name's Stone," the stranger
answered. "As, to why you should care•."
A series of three sharp gunshots
sounded from Ronan's right and he.. s,\w
the stranger's tattered coat pick up a
couple of newer holes.
, ('
r -.

Ronan turned to see the man he'd set

afire standing near the wall a little
singed, but otherwise none the worse
for wear. enough of Velvet Van Helter's tricks to
"That'll be enough, Lynch," he heard know Trent was Slinging a hex.
Trent's voice say. Glancing over his Deftly Trent flicked two cards into the
shoulder, he saw the man standing air and Ronan saw them jerk sharply
apparently uninjured, although he could and drop to the floor. When they hit. he
clearly see the holes in the man's coat noticed each had a deformed lump of
where his own bullets had struck home. lead stuck to it- bullets.
The man had retrieved his pistol and The stranger seemed unconcerned
had it levelep at the gunslinger. and strode over to the wounded agent
"Doesn't anyone stay dead anymore?" who was still stunned from his injury.
he growled The man holstered one of his pistols
"Unfortunately, no," Trent answered. and grabbed the agent by the throat.
"Now put your pistol back down and you pulling him up to eye level. Then he
may still walk out of here. Like the man opened his mouth unnaturally wide and
said, you've only got two bullets-one, if the gunslinger could have sworn he saw \
you're an old-timer that only loads five- the man's breath literally being drawn
and that's not enough to settle with us." from his body.
"You didn't kill him, Lynch," the In mere moments, the man was a
stranger's grating voice crawled from drawn and wasted shadow of his former
the doorway. "He and his partners are self. The stranger dropped the body and
wearing bulletproof vests. That's why it turned toward Ronan and Trent. In the
took me two shots to kill the first one." better light, Ronan could tell the man's
Trent seemed a little surprised to see skin was drawn and decaying. Like the
the man still standing, but not overly so. gunslinger, the stranger was no longer
"Okay, mister. You're interfering with U.s. living, but animated by an unholy force
Government affairs here. On behalf of within his body, although his physical
the u.s. Special Services Agency, I order body showed the signs of death that. as
you to drop your weapons or we'll put yet, Ronan's did not.
you in a pine box." Trent's hands produced another set of
"I figured you was Agency. There's too cards and a ghostly white stream
many of you to be Rangers," the man streaked from him toward the man. It
said. ''I'll make you fellows a deal. then. struck his chest with an audible thump,
You tell me where to find Washington but the man only huffed a little and then
and I'll make sure you die quick." smiled at the pair.
Damn, Ronan thought. If the Agency "You'll have to do much better than
and the goon in the door really were that." he said. "And I don't think you've
after him, maybe Thaddeus Washington got it in you, Agency-man."
had been right all along. Ronan began circling to the right.
"He's long gone, mister. We've already toward the rear of the saloon, hoping to
collected him," Trent answered, his eyes flank the stranger. The gunslinger
on the man in the door. "We were just sensed this man was possibly the most
finishing up with Lynch, so you ease dangerous adversary he'd ever faced. Or
those pistols onto the floor." ever would.
"Well, then, if he's gone, I reckon I got The man's gun roared at the agent,
no need of you folks, then do I?" With but he flicked another card into the air.
that. he hipshot the second agent in the This time, it failed to completely stop the
gun arm while drawing his second pistol stranger's bullet and Trent staggered
and firing twice at Trent before even back, blood leaking from a wound in his
Ronan could react. leg. He fanned his cards again, but this
Ronan caught a flash of light from time, iJ;lstead of energy streaking toward
Trent's hand and a fan of poker cards the stranger, it poured uI;l his arm and
appeared there. The gunslinger had seen coursed over his own body.
T(ent convulsed as faint white thing in his head wanted to stay alive as
streams surged over his body and then much as he thought it did.
fell motionless to the floor. "Oh, this is where you tell me you
"I got friends on the Other Side, could kill me, right'" the man said. "You
AgencY-(l1an and they look out for me. can't take me-we both know that- so
Shame you didn't know that before you don't waste your breath."
started playin' your parlor games." The "No, you can go to HelJl" Ronan said
man strode over to the fallen agent his and snapped off his last two' bullets.
gun drawn for the killing shot, blatantly They whizzed past the stranger's ear
ignoring Ronan. and passed, harmlessly through the
"Hey!" the gunslinger yelled. "I think saloon's front window in a tinkling rain
you forgot about me." of glass.
"I'm aJready on my way, but not today
** * and damn sure not by your hand, Lynch.
Honestly, I expected better from you
"Not at all, Lynch," the man said. "I after what I'd beard."
was just givin' you some time to think "Damn," Ronan said through gritted
about the future. See, you got two teeth. "You can't blame a man for tryin'.
choices." At least tell me your name. There's
"What do you mean'" Ronan asked. nothin' I hate worse than gettin' shot by
He doubted he could do much against strangers."
the stranger with just two bullets, but The man actually laughed a little,
maybe, if he could keep the man although it was one of the most
talking, maybe Trent would recover. The unpleasant sounds Ronan could recall.
agent seemed to have a number of cards "Fair enough, LynCh. The name's
up his sleeve; he might have an ace up Stone. When you get to Hell, you tell 'em
there as well. I sent you." With that, he pulled his big
"First choice you got is you can join up Army six-gun up and took aim at
with me. We ain't all that different you Ronan's head.
and me. Both of us know what the A whistle like a giant's tea kettle
inside of a grave looks like. Wouldn't it reaching a boil split the air. Stone
be easier to just stop fighin' the voice in whirled to see a valve rocket through
your head' After aiL it gave you a the shattered window and bounce off a
second chance at life.," wall. Ronan grinned like a wolf; at least
Ronan thought about the things the one of his bullets had hit its target- the
voice whispered to him, the nightmares overpressure lever on Washington's
those words caused. He thought about steam wagon.
what feeling his own flesh rot was like, "Tell 'em yourself," Ronan said as the
about how having an empty, numb shell engine erupted in white hot fury.
for a body felt. The thing that brought
him back was no friend; torturer was a ** *
better word. Sometimes, he thought,
dead was better.. He wasn't sure if it was hours or
"What's the other choice?" minutes later when he pulleq himself
"The second choice is I put you down from under the table he'd dived beneath
for good," the man said in a flat voice. as the steam wagon exploded. From the ,
"Not a threat, not a promise, just a fact. I looks of it, the gizmo had taken nearly
do that, though, I kill the thing that's half the front of the hotel with it.
keepin' you alive as well. I don't want to Ronan saw no evidence of Stone
do that, but if a thing's got to be done..." anywhere in the rubble. If God looked
"You forgot the third choice," Ronan out for drunkards, fools, and children,
said, a plan finally forming. He hoped the apparently the Devil had a few favorites
of his own as well. He did find Trent
pinned under the ruins of the bar.
Surprisingly, the agent was still
breathing, though Ronan guessed it
would be a while before he'd be
menacing anyone in his long coaLagain.
He slap'ped the man sharply in the face
a coupie of times. When that (ailed to
revive him, he dug around until he
found a mostly intact whiskey bottle and
poured it on him.
Coughing weakly, Trent sputtered
awake. vamoose (spend his highest action
"Trent," Ronan said, looming over the card). Wait until you see if the attack
trapped man, "I ain't one to kill a has hit. but before damage is rolled.
helpless man, but I can be real clumsy I Once you've decided to block an
might accidentally step on a broken attack, choose one of the cards from
bolie or two if I were to hang around too the five your character kept for his
lqng. The best way to get me to move final hand. Your huckster then flips the
along is to tell me where you had magical card into the air where it
Washington taken." intercepts the incoming missile- no roll
"won' any...good," he coughed. necessary'
. "You tell me and I'll be the judge of The card acts like light armor, and
that - or don't tell me and you can be the blocks a random amount of damage
judge of how much my boot heel hurts based on its suit and value. This
on your wrist." , amount is determined by a dice roll.
"Denver... but if you go there'll be The type of dice depends on the
getting more than you bargained for..." chosen card's value, just as it did when
With that. the agent passed back mto you created your character. Deuces are
unconsciousness. d4s, 3s through 8s are d6s, 9s through
"At ten dollars a day, I already got Jacks are d8s, Queens and Kings are
more than I bargained for," Ronan said dlOs, and Aces are d12s. Joke~s are equal
as he stumbled out of the collapsed to the value of the card they copy in
building. He looked around, hoping his the final hand.
horse had survived the explosion. The number of dice is based on the
Denver was a long walk. suit, again, as in character creation.
Clubs are one die, Diamonds two,
Hearts three, and Spades four.
So, a Nine of Spades, for example,
means you roll 4d8. Add up the dice
and subtract the total from the damage
from the missile. If the hit location is
Trait: Knowledge the noggin or gizzards, the bonus dice
Hand: Jacks are added to the damage roll before the
Speed: I hex's total is subtracted.
Duration: I round / hexslingin ' level Any damage left over hits your hero
Trick shots like to plug a hole in a . in the location indicated.
playing card to prove their skill. but no Once a card is used, it's gone; each
one ever plans to face down the Ace of card blocks a single attack. Against
Spade in a gunfight. This hex might attacks that generate multiple missiles
leave gunslingers wishing they'd on a single action, like fanning, shard,
learned how to miss the darn things! or Gatling guns, your huckster can
Hole card turns the cards conjured up throw one card for each missile.
by your huckster into one-shot bullet Hole card works against all forms of
(or arrow) stoppers. Just like when your missile attacks, whether physical
huckster slings the hex cardsharp, the (thrown knives, arrows, bullets, even
cards that appear in his hand when the cannon balls) or magical (soul blast,
hex is cast remain until used or the bolts 0 ' doom, etc.).
duration expires. Instead of deadly The hex is useless against hand-to-
missiles, the cards created by hole card
, are tiny shields your magician can flick
in the way of incoming attacks.
hand attacks., nor does it work against
area of effect weapons, such as
flamethrowers, soul burst, sliver spray,
.; To use a card to block a missile
attack, your cowpoke must make a
and other explosions.

>PtRtT.S f,.~~~
>11 tP.S

We've rustled up a couple of new powerful person slain at the site. This
abominations to plague your posse. The body houses the essence of all the
first is reported by a ferner from spirits in the spirit 'glom, preventing
someplace called "New Zealand," and, them from reaching their rightful place
trust us, irs sure to give the most in the afterlife. This even hinders their
hardened cowpokes a ride for their return as Harrowed. The more spirits
money. The other is horror straight fused into a spirit 'glom, the more
from the Davey Jones' Locker. powerful it is.
During the initial creation of a spirit
'glom, it only fuses the most powerful
spirits of the recently dead, so that even
in a battle where nearly 1000 men died,
perhaps only 10 or 20 spirits might be .
A spirit 'glom is a similar entity to a fused into the spirit 'glom. L ilter, w hen
'glom or a bone 'glom, but is a fusing the spirit 'glom adds spirits to itself. it
of the angry spirits of the dead, rather can take any spirit regardless of its ,
than their bodies or bones. Like other power.
'gloms, spirit 'glom's are only created in Generally, the entity is confined to the
areas where mass killings have taken area of the battle that formed it. At
place, such as old battlefields. night the spirit 'glom appears as rolling
The spirit 'glom needs a focus-a mist covering the battlefield where the
physical body. Usually, the focus body is massacre took place. The m.ore spirits
that of an officer, leader, or other fused in the spirit 'glom, the larger the
area of mist. The spirit 'glom has control
over the physical form of the mist, such
that it can form solid tendrils of
and use these to strike out at anyone
within or near the body of mist.

.. >
The spirit 'glom is capable of
animating the bodies of the- pirits
contained within it. and these may
travel up to two miles outside the mist.
These are under the full control of the
spirit 'glom, but should in all other
ways be treated as walkin ' dead with spirits it has fused into itself. but
the same statistics including their never more than one attack per
resistance to damage other than to the opponent in the mist. It uses its
head. Marshal. you may choose to make tendril lash Aptitude, which is
them . veteran walkin' dead; the victims based on Spirit, due to the nature
are most often soldiers, after all! of the tendril. to do so. This attack
Anyone killed inside the 'glom's mist ignores inanimate objects (like
itself. either by one of the zombies or armor), but it may be dodged. It
by the spirit; 'glom's tendrils, is added to does damage based on Spirit, not
the abomination, making it more Strength. The spirit 'glom may also
powerful. as well as providing another make a bite attack with its focus
body for it to animate. (physical) body on the same action.
This makes it unlikely the victim can Undead: Focus-Focus Body. The only
come back Harrowed. Marshal. make way to destroy a spirit 'glom is to
the normal Harrowed pull but with destroy its focus body, which is
three less cards than normal. If the generally difficult as the creature
character pulls no Joker, she's now part is likely to keep that body safely
of the spirit 'glom. hidden under the ground most of
If the spirit 'glom can raise the fear the time. To absorb the spirits of
level of an area to five or above, then freshly killed people, however, it is
any person killed by one of the necessary for the focus body of the
monster's walkin' dead rises as another spirit 'glom to be in the exact
zombie, even if she was not within the center of the mist. so the best
mist at the time. Generally, the spirit time to kill one is to catch it while
'glom will cause the bodies it has it is absorbing spirits. To add to the
animated to dig themselves into the fun, this body is extremely
ground during the day to remain hidden. resistant to damage from any
source that is not consecrated by
the consecrate armament miracle,
~OFILE ~IR:IT '41-01
making it difficult to kill without
(-Fcx::JJ$ BoJ:;;l() the aid of one of the Blessed.
Corporeal: D:2d8, N:2d8, Q: 2d12, S:ldIO, Consecrated weapons or bullets do
V:2d8 normal damage to the prime body
Dodge 2d8, fightin': brawlin' 3d8 of the spirit 'glom, but all damage
Mental: C:ldIO*, K:ld6, M:ldIO*, Sm:ld6, from other sources is divided by S
Sp:ldI2* before it is applied (this includes
Overawe SdIO, tendril lash: 3dl2 magical attacks like soul blast).
Pace: 8 (Focus Body only) Additionally, only a Maiming
Size: 6 (focus Body; Mist size may cover wound to the head can kill the
entire battlefield) focus body. Other wounds are
Wind: NA regenerated at a rate of one
Terror: II wound level per round (total. not
Special Abilities: per hit location).
Damage: Bite: (STR) Description: Spirit 'gloms are normally
Immunity: Physical and magical on ly encountered after dark. It
damage. The mist form of the appears as a large area of mist -
spirit 'glom is incorporeal and can't sometimes hundreds of yards across.
be harmed by any means. The focus body when above ground
Tendril Lash: Misty Tendrils. The appears as a normal walkin' dead,
spirit 'glom can make one tendril except the mist extrudes f rom its
attack per action for every three body- particularly the mouth and any
death wounds. I
Soon the vessel was beset by a
plague that claimed the lives of all
aboard except the captain and his cabin
boy. As The Flying Dutchman entered
the treacherous straits, a ferocious
Here's an abomination from the
storm whipped up. In a drunken rage,
legends of the sea that didn't make it
Vanderdecken dared the Almighty
into RVC If: The Book of Curses. Since we
him self to sink his vessel and fired his
can't keep an evil ship's captain down-
pistol toward Heaven.
and apparently, neither can the sear- we
Instead of being dashed against the
thought we'd throw him out for you to
rocks, Vanderdecken was cursed w ith a
haunt the shores of your campaign.
worse fate. He now sails the the world's
oceans forever, plaguing other sailors.
Only his cabin boy- now a demonic imp-
remains, although he can call forth the
dead of the sea to do his bidding.
During the 16th century, a sa iling Vanderdecken and his ghostly vessel
vessel by the name of The Flying may be encountered in lonely stretches
Dutchman was carry ing a fortune in of water along the lonely northeastern
gold and goods. Its captain, a man shores of the U.s., the Gulf Coast or in
named Vanderdecken, decided to kill the haunted channels of the Maze. He
the owner of the ca rgo, cast his body usually tries to chase or force vessels-
overboa rd, and claim the treasure for particularly those ca rry ing va luable
himself. Promising his crew a share of cargoes- into haza rdous waters.
the treasure, Vanderdecken set a On rare occasions, he may even pull •
course around the Cape of Good Hope. The Flying Dutchman alongside a ship
and board it with a crew of undead.

The Flying Dutchman is a fl oating

haunted house. It raises the Fear Level
on any vessel that sights it by 2 and
has a constant Fear Level 5 itself.
The ship can keep pace w ith the
fastest vessels on the water. Because it
is powered by its master's curse, it can
maintain its speed even in dead calm,
it's sa il s bill owing w ith ghostly winds.
The vessel is immun e to all normal
damage and any dea lt from a magical
source is repaired the next time the
ghost ship appears. ,
The vessel can change its appearance
to deceive other vessels. It's been
described as a four-master, a schooner,
or a brig. Sailors claim to have seen the
ship glow red w ith the blood of its
victims or even sail beneath the sea.
On occasions, Vanderdecken may
dispatch a rowboat from Th e flying
Dutchman. Although the boat is
apparently empty, it somehow
overtakes other vessels, as if to moor
with them. If it manages to pull
alongside, everyone on board is saddled
with the bad luck Hindrance until the
ship reaches its port.
~ r::>ffiDEC.KH
Corporeal: D:3d8, N:2d8, Q:3d6, S:4d8,
Clinibin' 3d8, fightin': brawlin', knife 4d8,
shootin': pistol 7d8 Description: Vanderdecken looks like
Mental: C:3dI2, K:2d6, M:2dIO, Sm:3d8, a 16th century sea captain in his early
Sp:ldlO '50s. He has a white beard and
Area knowledge: oceans 6d6, overawe moustache and always wears his
4d10, ridicul e 4d8, trade: seaman 7d6, pistol stuck in his belt. His features
search 5d12, scrutinize 3dl2 are sunken and pallid and his eyes are
Pace: 8 empty black orbs. His deep booming
Size: 6 voice has a gurgling quality, as if his
Wind: 20 throat is clogged with seawater.
Terror: 9
Special Abilities:
Coup: A Harrowed counting coup on ~OFllE: T tI-E 4r;1 ~ Bai
Vanderdecken becomes an Corporeal: D:3d8, N:3dIO, Q:4dIO, S:3d8,
uncanny shot with a pistol (and V:4d12
only a pistol). As long as he spends Climbin' 6d10, dodge 4d10, fightin':
at least one Action Card drawing a brawlin' 5d10, sneak 3dlO
bead, he cannot miss a target (or Mental: C:3dI2, K:2d6, M:3d6, Sm:3dIO,
hit location) as long as it is within Sp:2d l2
his pistol's first range increment. Overawe 4d6, ridicule 5dlO, search 6d12,
Damage: Pistol (3d8). Vanderdecken's trade: seaman 5d6
old flintlock pistol has a ROF I and Pace: 10
reloads after every shot. Size: 5
The Flying Dutchman: The Flying Wind: 24
Dutchman -can ignore any rules on Terror: 7
movement. It can stop in a single Special Abilities:
action and perform maneuvers Armor: -4 (light).
impossible to a normal vessel. It Damage: Bite (STR+ld4).
can also submerge itself - although Head Butt: If the cabin boy moves
this is likely to appear to onlookers his full Pace prior to an attack, he
as though it is sinking. The ship can butt an opponent with his
cannot be sunk until horns with a successful jightin ':
Vanderdecken is de.stroyed himself. ' braw/in ' attack. This does STR+ld6
Immunity-Normal Damage: brawling damage. With a raise, the
Normal weapons cannot harm attack knocks opponents with Size
Vanderdecken. Even magical 6 or less off their feet.
weapons, spells, and the like can Immunity: The cabin boy takes
only temporarily dispatch him. The damage from all attacks- normal
only ways to destroy the captain and magical- but cannot be
are to shoot him w ith his own destroyed as long as Vanderdecken
pistol or fire a bullet made of gold exists. He appears the next night
taken from a sunken treasure ship fully healed.
into his heart (-10 to shootin' rolls). Description: The cabin boy is a small ,
Ship's Master: The sea's full of demonic creature. He has a pair of
dead and Vanderdecken can call horns sprouting from his forehead
upon them to serve him. He can and his mouth is filled with over-
summon up to 30 skeletons, bloats, sized and unnaturally sharp teeth.
or plain old walkin' dead- His brownish skin is tough and
depending on what's available in abrasive to the touch , not unlike
the area (your call. Marshal). These that of a shark. Still. in spite of his
abominations follow his orders strange appearance, he retains a few
faithfully for one 24-hour period. He child-like features" which makes the
can use this power once per week. creature even more unsettling.
SKU Pric e Title 9000 4.95 Perdition's Daughter (OP)
1100 25 Player's Guide (hardback) 9001 4.95 Independence Day (OP)
1101 25 Marshal 's Guide (hardback) 9002 4.95 Night Train
1003 20 Book 0 ' the Dead 9003 4.95 Strange Bedfellows
1004 20 Smith & Robards 9004 4.95 Savage Passage
1005 20 Hucksters & Hexes 9005 4.95 Ground Zero
1006 20 Rascals, Varmints, & Critters 9006 4.95 Forbidden God
1007 4.95 Twisted Ta les 9007 4.95 Adios Amigos
1008 30 Great Maze (box) 9008 6.95 Skinners
1009 15 Marshal Law (Screen) 9009 695 Worms'
1010 20 Ghost Dancers
1011 20 Fire & Brimstone
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1015 20 Law Dogs 6000 30 Hell on Earth (hardback)
1016 995 Road to Hell 6001 15 Radiation Screen
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1028 20 Canyon 0 ' Doom (Jan) 6013 25 Iron Oasis (Jan)
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FRee CIiY!
an s
We're back with the second edition
of the Deadlands: Epitaph "" and we've got
even more twisted treats from the Weird
and Wasted West for you this time around!
This issue features a full-color comic
that picks up where last issue's fiction,
Story's End, left off. In Hell Hole, you'll get
a glimpse of why you never pin your hopes
on a Junkerl
You'll also find a new fiction piece,
A Little Knowledge..., in which Ronan Lynch
learns why folks claim it's such a
dangerous thing.
We've also got a number of first of
soon-to-be regular features, including
Varmints', The Armory, According to Hoyle,
and morel Each contains material suitable
for the Weird West, the Wasted West. or
both. Look for more installments of these
in future issues.
Finally, no issue of the Epitaph
would be complete without at least one
adventure to torment your ,posses with,
and this one is no exception! Jay
"Wasteland Warlord" Kyle brings us
Biodome 2-and it's no laughing matter for
anyone involved!
So saddle up your horse or hoverbike
and head on in for some of the wildest
fun west of the Pecos!

Deadlands, Hell on Earth, the Wasted West. the Weird West. Deadlands: Lost Colony.
the Way QuI West. the Epitaph. the Deadlands: Weird West logo.
the Deadlands: Hell on Earth logo, the Hell on Earth concrete logo,
the Deadlands: Lost Colony logo. the Epita ph logo. the Pinnacle starburst.
and the Pin nacle logo are Tradema rk.s or Pinnacle Entertain ment Group. Inc.
e 2000 Pin nacle Entertainment Group. Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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