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Posse Chapter Six: The Marshal's

Salt Lake Environs ..... ..47
Territory ............... 3 Chapter Seven:
Handbook .......... 81
Mad Scientists ... ..56
Hellslromme ..... .56
Smith & Robards .................... 61
Other Mad Scientisls ....... 64

Chapter Two:
Chapter One: The Rules ......................................... 67 Chapter Four:
The Tombstone Playing Skullchucker ......... 69 Dirty Little
Epitaph's Guide Secrets ............... 83
Archetypes ........... 71
to the City 0' The Powers That Be ........... 8.3
Brigham young ........................ 83
Gloom .................... 3 No Man's Darius Hellstromme ........... 84
Showdown at Land .................... 75 Smith & Robards .................. 85
Black Mesa! ............................... 5 The Mountain Meadows
Introduction ........ 6 Massacre .................................. 86
The City 0' Gloom .................... 6 The Civil War ...............................87
Chapter One: The Nauvoo Legion ............ 87
The Story of The Danites .................................. 89
the Mormons .............. 7 Sail Lake City....... ................. 91
The Missouri Years... ....... 8 Places of Nole...... ....... 91
Nauvoo ..................................... ,.......... 9 Hazards of
The Utah Years .............. ..... 10 Sail Lake City .... 96
The Civil War ................................ 14 jUnkyard. ................... ...100
The Coming of Hell- Places of Note....... ... 103
stromme ..................................... 14
The Present ................................... 15
Chapter Three: Hazards of Junkyard ......... 109
Current Events ............................ l!!
Chapter Two: Relics of Sail Lake Environs ..... 111
The State of Deseret ..... 16 Deseret ............... 77 Mad Scienlists ............................ 121
The Church ... . ........ 16 He\Islromme's
The Law .............................................. 17 Compound................. ....... 121
Law Dogs ....................................... 18 The Smith & Robards
Relations ......................................... 20 Compound ............................ 124
Chapter Three: Other Mad Scientists ...... 125
Sail Lake City ...................... 21
Lay of the Land ........................ 21
Power.. .................. .... 21
Places of Note ........................... 23
Hazards of
Salt Lake City ...................... 31
Chapter Four: Junkyard ... 33
Places of Note ............................ 35
Hazards of Junkyard ........... 42
Chapter Five:
Current Events ................... 44
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The Bright Light

of Truth Shines on
Salt Lake Ci~!
Get the REAL story on.. ,
The MarmoDs .:. Brigham Young .:. Dr. Hellstromme
The State 'f Deseret .:. Juukyard .:. WI" Whaling
Mad Science -:. The SI"I Sky .:. Skullchucker
1'876 Edil io n l
, " , , ," " II 111111111"1""""""""""""""" "
" "

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only I O~

Nevada Smith and hiS men <;Iefend th('msel~s <tgaln.t the ,;erl'uors Of Ba)'Ju Verm,llion ..... hile SixUundr~ Pound SilIIy ]O''''cn; a Gilt1ing gun to them.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ a' Gloom j

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 1O¢

It was a warm night in Ok lahoma. The night
wind whipped over Black Mesa like the fetid
at In minutes, lhe Galling gun inside was up and
raking the leering, slavering ranks of the

zephyrs of Perdition.
Five weary spies checked their ammunition.
Less than 10 rounds each. The agents nodded to
damned. The gun reaped a harvest of walking
corpses as the mindless abominations pressed
each other grimly, vowing they would save the
last rounds for themse lves.
Then tragedy struck. The undead horde's
masters, walching coldly from their rear, cast
Below them, a horde of groaning undead some evil enchantment. causing the gun to jam.
scrambled up the rocky slope. They were the Another wave of fresh dead pressed the hill. 1
unholy fool soldiers of Bayou Vermillion.
The leader of Ihe
band, the famous Nevada
The brave agents were doomed. Smith turned to
the pilot of the whirligJg.
"Can this contraption get
Smith, took aim and us off this mesa?'· he
fired tile first shot. His asked desperately. 1
heavy bullel smashed
through the head of one
Sally looked him
straight in the eye. "The
walkin' dead and max load is 500 pounds.
dropped it in its bloody load all you on board,
tracks. Nine rounds lefl. and we']! crash into the
and over 40 minions of desert floor fasler'n a 1
Baron Simone LaCroix's
most hideous,
blasphemous, undead
Smith looked at his
tired, beaten agents. "Get
army. on, lhe lot of you." The 1
There was only one
hope for the weary
agents of Union Bluc. As
four climbed abOard, and
Smith pointed to the
ground a hundred feel
each man and woman below. "Land 'em safe,
counted their last bullets, pilot,'· he said as he 1
they heard a whooping lurned to fight the army
sound f rom above. of dead.
Devil ba ts they Sally sized up the
conject ured? Some new
horrible abominaLion
stubborn Pinkerton and
knew he wouldn't board
created by LaCroix or his even if" she decided to
lackeys? push I he I imits of her
No, friends-sa l vation. whirligig. So she picked
The whirligig bore a The au lhur. Six Hundred Pound Sa lly, m"!l8Lng (o r tI, e ~'mw"•. up the dangling cable 1
heavy crate. On its side that had carried the crate
were burned the words "Sm ilh & Robards: Rush in and quietly latched it to his belt. 1,
Delivery!" The airma n Nevada Smith had wired
yesterday had made it! And just in the nick of
"Hang on." she grunted as she quickly climbed
into the whirligig, fired up the ghost-rock boiler

time. to an unbelievable howl and pulled up on the
The airman- who turned out to be a woman
named Sally Manners- landed low and slow on
LaCroix's gruesome soldiers closed the top of
the sloping mesa lOp. the mesa just as the whirligig plunged off the
Nevada and a female agent continued sniping cliff. If Nevada protested Sally's suicidal 1
into the approaching horde as the other three maneuver, she didn't hear it over the roar of her 1
spies unhooked the craIe from its harness
and broke it open.
ghost-rock engine, the whir of the hlades,
and the rush of lhe wind as her amazing ,,

I machine plunged to its doom.

.1I!! , 1
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" On ly 10<!

Over a thousand new citizens move here each

Introduction month Some are Mormons moving 10 Ihe '"City Of
the Salllts"from Back East or Europe. Mosl are
That's how tile Epitaph laId the slory of Black Gentile miners who have struck out in the Maze
Mesa. Most folks didn't (and don't) believe it. Or or the Rockies and come to salt Lake City to
even that LaCroix has figured out how to recoup their stakes by working in the factories.
conscript dead men into his rai l gang. You can Other Gentiles come directly Jrom Back East to
believe it or not. Makes no difference to me. see the marvels oJ Hellstromme and Smith &I
What I do want you to remember is that this Robards' incredible genius. A few are inventors
is tile story that gave me my nicknamc- "Six- themselves, hoping that by being at the center Of
Hundred Pound Sally." I don't want you thinking the moelstrom they will be inspired 10 create Iheir
I'm that big, see, so I thought I'd just let YOll read own incredible gizmos.
the story Mr. Lacy O'Malley published a few The city they It:avelthousands Of miles to see is
years ago. A gal's got to protect her image, you a place shrouded III smoke Gnd SOOI. The interior
understand. is elegant enough wilh the Mormon Temple
As you can probably, guess, I'm Sally Manners, dom!~alir:g the stone homes and businesses of
and me and those crazy Pinkertons all made it the JOlthJ ul who founded the place. But direclly 10
to the ground in one piece. Mister Smith, my ~he north, sl?r~w1ing out Of the City Creek canyon
boss at Smith & Robards. chewed me out right IS a maze oJ pIpes, smokestacks, and frameworks
good about risking the whirl igig, but he wasn't that tumble down from the Wasatch Mountains
about 10 fire me. I'm no showgir!, and I'm not a like some mad, metallic octopus.
lightning-fast gunslinger like all those folks you The smoke and soot from the endless
read about in the dime novels-but I am one Hell mantjacturing J"oll from tile dark clouds above like
of a pi lot. Just comes natural ly to me, I guess. dil"ly snow. Most folks in the city wear masks.
. And being a pi lot, Mr. O'Maney thought 1 might Others rely in their faith to protect them from the
gIve the readers of the Tombstone Epitaph a fumes. The laller are generally more successful,
"bird's eye view" or my home, Sail Lake City, but the sanitoriums (Ire filled with those wnose
Utah. I know a fair piece about it. though my lungs finally gave up the fight.
writing might not be as eloquent as Mr. The jaciDlY workers make their living in Illis
O'Malley ·s. He says he'll doctor it up, so any steaming, fuming scrapyard. They work IS-houl'
errors you see are my mistakes and his fault. days under atrocious conditions, toiling their lives
That's enough hovering over the landing pad, away fo r masters such as 0 1: /ie/fstromme and
so to speak. It's time to land and do what Mr. Smith & Robards, to name but a few.
O'Malley's paid me for. So without further The workers are damned indiViduals striving
gabbing, welcome, friends, to the 7()mbstone fruitlessly in this dark metropolis. They live ill a
Epitaph's Guide to the City 0' Gloom. as wriLLen city Of dread, Of hopelessll ess. a city oJ gloom.
by me, Six-hundred Pound Sa lly. Pretty heavy, huh? That was written by Lacy
O'Malley's younger sister, Stacey. She's fairly

The Ci~ 0' Gloom active in lhe labor movement out here, so take
everything she says with a grain of salt. Hell,
with the Sa ll Lake so close, you can take
You're probably wondering why most folks call everything w ith a grain of sa lt.
Salt Lake City the "City of Gloom." The answer Oh, yeah. My language. Sorry abou t that.
is <111 the manufacturing. Things are a little rougher out here on Lhe
See, there's so many factories and refineries frontier than they are Back East. so I'll just write
burning ghost rock that there's a constant pall
the way I talk and let Mr. O'Malley edit me the
of smoke hanging over the city. The soot covers
way Ile wants. (Editor's Note: Dear Constant
everything. It's so dark and, well, gloomy that the Reade]; please do nol be Offended, but we, the
name just came kind of natural. steadfast reporters Of tile truth at the Tombstone
I think the Epitaph was the firs t to use it. If Epilaph, find it our dUly to allow our
not, they were certainly the ones who correspol1denlto speak ill the manner Of those
popularized it. You know, it's strange how no one who live in this savage finntieJ: - EdJ
ever admits to reading the Epitaph, but everyone You can bet the Mormons don't call this place
sure knows what was in it last week! I quote: the City 0' Gloom, but most everyone else does.
Salt Lake City, Utah. What began as a 011 yeah, and it is City "0'" Gloom. Say "of" and
theological community has become arguably everyone will know you're a tinllorn. It's a
the most technologically advanced city in the loca l thing. Try to understand.
world. And one Of Ihe fastest growing.
!~ II~ ,, '
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!"

no one need suppose me guilty Of any great or

Only IO¢
Chapter One: malignant sins. A disposition to commit such was
never in my nalUre."
Joseph went Lo pray for forgiveness for those
three years of fun, and he received a visitation. 1
The Story of the Mormons Smith says a person clothed in a pure white
robe with "a countenance truly like lightning," I,
To really understand Salt Lake City, you have
to understand the Mormons. And La understand
the Mormons, you have La know how they came
told him there was a book hidden nearby.
Again, Smith's own words: "He said there was a I,
book deposited, written upon golden plates,
to Descrct. The story begms in Palmyra, New
York, around 1820. Like a lot of whal I'll Lell you,
exactly how it begins depends on who you ask.
giving an account oJ the Jormer inhabitants o{
this continent and the source from whence tney ~
" You sec, Joseph Smith, the founder of lhe
Mormon Church, used to be a gold
"He a/so said the Jullness Of the Everlasting I
rinder. He claimed lhere were
buried treasures allover the
Gospel was conlained in it. as delivered
by the Savior to the ancient
inhabitants. Also, there were two
northeastern United States
and that he could rind 'em.
I've been told he used
stones in silver bowls (and these
stones, fastened to a breastplate,
COllstlluted what is called the
something called a "peek Umim and Thummim) 1
stone." It was a white deposited with the plates,
rock about the size and and the possession and use 1,
shape of a child's foo t. Of these stones was what
T his artifact has since consliluled seers in ancient !
been lost, but if you
find it, the church
would pay well to
or former times, and thal
God had prepared them I
have o ne of the
for the pu rpose oJ
translating the book."
"Prophet's" relics back.

The messenger also
told Smith that he woul d
The Golden Plates be shown the plates a
year from that day, and
Joseph 's life as a
prophet began when he that if Smith ever showed
was 14 years old. He them to anyone else, both
wasn 't much of a
churchgoer in those
days, and one day, he
he and the viewer would
be destroyed. The plates
were secured on a l1ill near
Manchester, New York.
remembered a passage
from the Bible that said "If Smith tried to dig the
pla t es up right away, but
any of you lack wisdom, let
him ask God." evidently his timing was off, j
So Joseph wenl into lhe because the messenger "'informed
woods and prayed. While he was Th e Pmphel. Joseph Sm l!h. (him) that the time for bringmg
there, a divine light shone upon them out had nOl yet arrived, 1
him and Lold him the rest of the world's religions neither would 1I11JouryearsJrom tlwt time."
were false. He passed out and spent the next
three years sowing a few wild oats. 1 reckon he
Smith himself was to come back in a year to
obtain the plates and begin the translation.
had an idea what wa s coming and figured he'd IL was now 1827. Joe visited the hi l l for the !
final time and was given the plates, the umim
best get some sinning out of his system before
he became a holy man . In his own words, he and Thummim, and a golden breastplate.
Joe spent the next .3 years translating the
'Jrequently {ell into many foolish errors, and
displayed tl1e weakness Of youth and the plates, in lhe middle of which he moved to
corruption oJ human nature, which, f am sorry to Pennsylvania, where his wife Emma was from. 1,
say, fed me into diverse temptations, to the
gratification Of mallY appeli/es ojJensive /0 in
Along with Emma, a local farmer and Joe's first
follower, Martin Harris, assisted Joe in this I
the sight oj God. tn making this confeSSiOn, tedious process.
II '
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO~

A curious incident occurred at this time. open to their new ideas and lifestyle. The Church
Harris' wife didn't believe in what was going on, doubled in size, then tripled. then whatever
and after reading a portion of Smith's first comes after three Limes something, and so on.
translation, she hid it from her husband. The They had about 1,000 members by the en d of the
"lost record" has never been recovered. year.
The re-Lranslation was a trying process, but Some of the more charismatic converts were
eventually was completed, and the Book OJ sent out around the country (and overseas) as
Mormoll was published in 1830. About 5,000 "missionaries" to convert more Gentiles. It
copies were printed and sold. worked, and the Church grew even larger.
Such a huge congregation required a Temple.
Wbat's a Marmon? The cornerstone for the Kirtland Temple of
Now I'm not going to tell you the whole story Latter Day Saints was laid in 1833. Unfortunately,
of the Mormon Bible-buy a copy and read it it was expensive, and neither Joe nor his friends
yourself. But it does help explain the mindset of Ilad much luck with business while Lhey were in
the Mormons- and thu s their city-if you Ohio, The worst of it was the Bank of Kirtland.
understand a bit of their rcligious history. which they established to assist their faithful.
"Mormon" was a descendant of Israelites The owners never had enough money to fully
forced to rlee Jerusalem bcfore the coming of capitalize the notes they issued, and things got
Christ. He was the caretaker of the sacred plates, so bad that the bank closed in 1837. A few of
and he battled the "wicked Lamanites" for their those notes are still around, by the way. If
safety. Indians- I don't know which tribe but 1 someone tries to give you one, you'd best pass.
guess al1 of them-are the descendants of the They're not worth a red cent regardless of what's
Lamanites who defeated Mormon's armies "with printed on them.
great slaughter." While all this was going on, Smith had sent a
Shortly before Mormon was slain. he passed party of Elders (prominent male followers)
the plates on to his son Moroni. He completed westward to setup a new colony. They
the record and hid the plates in the hill where established it in Independence. Missouri.
Smith would find them a thousand years later. This is where things really got interesting.
By the way, Mormons don't usually call
themselves Mormons They call themselves
"Saints." In 1834, Reverend Sidney Rigdon. an
early convert and friend of Smith, came up with
The Missouri Years
Smith remained in OhIO from '33 to '37. During
the designation "The Church of Jesus Christ and this time, the faithful in Missouri were having a
Latter-Day Saints," hard time wi th their neighbors. Among the most
violent issues was that of Slavery. The Mormons,
Revelations & Millenniums by and large New Englanders. were against it.
Smith, Harris, and Smith's family spent the Missourians were for it. Things got bad, and the
next few years proselytizing and growing the Mormons found themselves forced from town
church. During this time, Joseph started having after town. They were ejected by a mob in
"revelations" directly from the Lord. By the time Independence. then fought an all-out civil war
he passed on, they were collected in his Doctrine for the next few years. It's not hard to imagine
and Covenanls. how this started, since the mess was just a
One of Smith's revelations was that Judgment prevIew of what happened to us all in '60.
Day was coming soon. There was some Both sides armed huge mobs to fight the war.
confusion at first. and the date was variously Most important to those of us who now live
given as 1847, then 1870 and 1890, but the with the Mormons was the birth of the Danites
Mormons today claim the day of reckoning will and the Army of Zion. The Army was essentially
come around 2081. Critics claim they've just given the militia. while the Danites were and still are a
themselves lots of room to be wrong again. The kind of "secret police." I'll tell you more about
faithful claim the signs have never been more them later on.

Tbe Move to DhiD Haun's Mill

In one of the many fights between the
1·laving reaped all the devout followers they Mormons and the Missouri mobs, the Mormons.
could in New York and Pennsylvania, Smith and under the Danite Captain "Fear Not" Patton,
company moved to Kirtland, Ohio, in 1831. routed a larger militia mob, though Fear Not
There they found a community far more ~ himself was slain.

;\ 8:'I
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom !!

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 1O¢




A 8 ro~P of Mormon,; on the ",""'f toward al1 Ul1n:l ta li\ dC5tlny, The oilly Ihing that walted for them in illinois was lrouble.
The mob's revenge occurred on October 30,
1838. A mounted force of Missourians cornered a
band of between 18 and 30 Mormons in a log
cabin. The Missourians rired their weapons in
every door and window or the cabin and killed
most everyone inside. Those Ihat got ou t met
The prophet himself finally disentangled
himselr from the Kirtland Bank fiasco in Ohio
and joined his flock. He had missed all the
worse fates.

fighting in Missouri.
This was the greatest single horror inflicted At this point in their history, most or the
on the Mormons while in Missouri. and it would country was sympathetic to the Mormons' plight.
play an important role in their ruture over 20 if not their actual beliefs. Many felt that
years later. I'll leave it at that for now, but just Governor Boggs was directly responsible for the
remember that Mormons hate Missourians. [f violence and lawlessness of the mobs and that
you're from the "Show Me" slate and you come
to Salt Lake City, I suggest you keep it to

The Extermination Order

the Saints had no other recourse but to outfit
armies to protect themselves.
The people of l11inois initially welcomed the
Saints with open arms. In 1841. Smith and the
The end or the righting came when Governor
Mormons purchased a huge tract or land along
the Mississippi River. Smith himself named the
Boggs issued a now-infamous order to General place Nauvoo, which he said means ·'beautiful
Joh n B. Clark or the Missouri Militia on October p[ace" in Hebrew, though other Bible-thumpers

27, 1838. The pan the Mormons quote most often claim it's a mistranslation.
is: "The Mormons must be treated as enemies, The Church built up lIle town in no time at
and must be exlerminated or driven from the all. Foreign missionaries did an especially
State if necessary for the public peace-their impressive job of proselytizing people rrom ,
Qulraoes are beyond al l description." England, Scotland, and Wales, Almost 4,000
Th~ Mormons hastily packed their things foreigners moved into Nauvoo between '40 !
and fled Missouri, Boggs' mobs halon their and '46.
. \ I

, '9'
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, " ,.
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 10<

Maybe the most impressive accomplishment in Missouri. He ask.ed Joe Smith to surrender
was the creation of an aUlOnomous governmcnL himself to tria l and thus avoid the impending
I think they managed this because the bloodshed. Joe reluctanlly agreed and was jailed
politi cians of the state needed the numerous along with his brother Hyrum and two other
Mormon votes. (There were only 467,183 people in men in nearby Carthage
illinois in 1840-Ed)
The City Council of Nauvoo was granted the
ability to pass any ordinance necessary for lhe
Death of the Propbet
peace, enforce the law with civil or military In jaiL the Prophet was under the protection
force, and create a Municipal Court to interpret of the militia, specifically the Illinoi s Carthage
the laws they created. The only caveat was that Grays. This wasn't such a hot idea, as the
they could not challenge any Illinois state laws. Carthage company soldiers were a bunch of
The Council called their military lhe "Nauvoo hotheads out for Joe's blood. They got it.
Legion," IL was real militia, complete with light On June 27,1844, the mob busted into tile lWO-
artillery, infantry, and cavalry. Slory stone jail. The prisoners were housed In a
large bedroom and tried to hold the mob back
Smith for President Just like at Haun's Mill. the mob fired through
There was a movement at this lime for Joe the door, this time killing Hyrum. One of the
Smith to run for President. As [ said, the rcst of other two men was wounded and lay bleeding
the country was sympathetic to the Mormons' under a bed; the second was unharmed.
experience in Missouri, and since the fighting Joe tried desperately to hold the door, but it
had ended whcn Smith jOined the Mormons, it was a losing battle. He turned and ran for the
looked like he was a peacemaker. Smith realized window but was shot as he crashed through it.
his position and sent out several agents, one of It's said the mob outside finished the mortally-
whom was Brigham Yo~mg, to canvas the nation wounded Prophet as he lay on the ground below.
and see what his chances were.

NauvoD TrDubles
The Evacuation of Nauvoo
Brigham Young returned shortly thereafter
The young town had no infrastructure and One might think another war would have broken
few resources. It didn't spring lip because of a out after such a horrible incident, but it didn't
strike, a shipping poinlo or any other reason. It Instead, the Mormons decided to sell what
had lew ways for the citizens to make a living. they could and move again, this lime to a place
A few bad apples resorted to thievery, and the so remote they could establish their own society
Mormons' neighbors in the surrounding counties without fear of fighting their neighbors.
didn't appreciate it. What really fueled the fires It look the Mormons until '47 to completely
was when the Mormon Municipal Court ruled in evacuate Nauvoo. This they did only after the
favor of Saints over Gentiles time and time again, last families had to use makeshift artillery
even when the evidence of the accused's guilt against the cannons of the stale mili tia.
was overwhelming. These last Mormons, forced to leave Illinois
This is about the time Smith had a new without proper provision s, wagons, or
revelation concerning the taking of "spiritua l preparation, had as hard a time as most settlers
wives." Yup, ["m talking about polygamy. who cross the not-so-fruited plains.
Regardless of what you think of it, the people of
Illinois saw it as a blasphemous practice that
confirmed their suspicions about the Mormons.
Finally, a paper called the Exposilor rose up at
The Utah Years
this time and decried polygamy as mere adultery On July 24, 1847, the Saints first gazed upon
licensed by "revelation." Smith ordered the paper the glistening waters of tile Great Salt Lake.
connseated and the printing press destroyed. The Again, their settlement was based upon no
owners altempted Lo sue, but needless to say the resources. Worse than even Nauvoo, there was
MuniCipal Court was less than helpful. little natural timber, and what crops they planled
The Gentiles in Illinois had had enough. They had to be irrigated from tile nearby Wasatch
began to arm for a war with the Nauvoo Legion , Mountains.
importing hundreds of muskets and even a The first years were hard. Folks starved, some
number of cannons. had no sheller, and only the luckiest had more
Governor Ford wasn't about to let things than a board and tattered quilt for a bed. By

get out of control in his state like they had the summer of '48, lhe Mormons had
secured enough limber ror homes, and a

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 1O(,c

few meager crops were growing. but neither crickets have become dangerous. You'll sec
coul d suppon a city o f lOa, let alone thousands. flocks of gu!!s hurl themselves into an
wagon trains from Nauvoo and other places approaching swarm and fight batlles as bloody 1
arrived weekly. The immigrants were near-
destitute themselves, and so only added more
and furi ous as anything humanity's ever
participated in.
stress to tile town's already strained resources. The survivors fly otT a short distance and
crush the ones they've got in their beaks in sight 1
The Crickets of the swarm- almost like they're taunting them.

Those first years. millions of crickets Sometimes I wonder if Angels and Devils fight
descended every fall La devour the Mormon's like thal.
pitiful crops. Th ousands of farmers stood guard
with boards trying to beat them off, or dug The Gald Rush
shallow moats in hopes of diverting them. but Maybe God smiled upon the Mormons,
al l their efforts were in vain. The relentless black because '49 and the Gold Rush were just around
horde could not be stopped by man alone. the corner. Thi s is wha t really made the city
Then a mi r acle happen ed. Hundred s of viable. All the prospectors heading for California
thousands of gulls came to nest on the islands found Utah a natural restocking poinl. They were
of the Great Salt Lake. Every morning as the sun eager to purchase certain types of supplies, and
broke, they rose from the island and began to even more eager to sell off those they didn't
feast on the plague or cricket s. The Mormons think th ey'd need in California, cheap!
cheered the birds and rejoiced in their salvation . Eventually, Salt Lake Ci ty was ready for a
This cycle repeated itself every year until J867. whole new wave of immigrants.
That year, the crickets got a little meaner. Ever
since, though their numbers are nowhere near as The Handcart Tragedy
great as in the past, the swarms that do venture The Mormon missionaries, especially those
from the moun tains are filled with larger oversea s, described Salt Lak e City as a paradise.
crick ets with mean streaks as wide as the Bear
River. The gu!!s sti!! feed on them, but the
That was a bit of an exaggeration, though I'm
sure they believed it themselves.




Brother I)righ ~m YOung and his totlQ'.wrs arriv,:: on the :;hOTCS or the G[\!i1\ Sa il "-<, ke I I {'J ~ they t5labhsl1l'd whm l'I.uu ld bt:\:oml' sail LlIke CIty 1
' 1111 /1111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1/1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11111
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ a' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 1O¢

Thousands of immigrants took the

missionaries literally and converted to The Mormon 4lpbabet
Mormonism. The Church booked them passage Brigham was a big proponent of the 32-
to Iowa in '55 by railroad, then organized wagon character "Mormon Alphabet." A primer and two
teams across the plains to Salt Lake City. books of the Mormon Bible were printed in it,
This was expensive, however, and eventually but they never caught on. I'm told the Danites
the Church was forced to substitute handcarts still use the alphabet to pass coded messages,
for wagons from '55 to 1860. If you're headed this however
way, this story should tell you what not to do.
Many of the immigrants cou ldnllravcl quickly
with the handcarts and gal caught on the High
The Mormon War
Plains with no protection in winter. Some of the WOI"d about Brigham's iron rule blazed across
families didn'L even have grown men to haul the prairie like wildfire. when his term as
their carts, but had to rely on young women, governor ran ouL. President Fillmore appointed a
children, or even grandmothers. Sand wore out ne\<\' governor, LL Colonel Steptoe. This didn't
the handcarLs' axles and caused them to break. make Brigham happy, as he fell that he was the
Snow buried the unsheltered travelers. Midway "governor of the people," and Steptoe was very
through most all of these trips, rood ran ou t. I've quickly convinced to write a letter to President
heard tell the desperate sou ls resorted to eating Fillmore asking that Young be reinstated.
buffalo-hide door mats, leather straps on their Fillmore caved to Young's demands, but things
got even worse from there. In 1857, President
handcarts. and God knows what else.
Many immigrants made the trip with no more James Buchanan decided he would not be made
suffering than most, but far too many met with a fool of like Millard Fillmore had. Buchanan
tragedy. sent 2,500 soldiers to Utah to replace Young and
reinstate Federal authority. The Mormons armed
Governor Young themselves once again, set up barricades across
the val\ey, and watched the approaching troops
Utah wasn't even a territory when the Saints
rirst arrived there. So Young established the with eager eyes.
State of Deseret until such lime as the u.s. The Mormons, most likely the Danites, raided
government stepped in. It eventually did, and by the troops' supply trains and set them to the
1851, President Millard Fillmore had appointed torch on more than one occasion. The Army
Brigham Young as the governor of the Utah mismanaged its affairs horribly and, between its
Territory. own incompetence and lack of supplies, felt it
As in Nauvoo, Young managed to get Salt couldn 't penetrate the blockaded canyons that
Lake City a degree of autonomy. The laws of were Salt Lake City'S defenses.
Deserel were preserved as long as they did not
contradict the laws of the United Slates.
The Mountain Meadows Massacre
This is why it was a natural and easy step for This is a tough one for me to write about. I
Brigham to declare Deserel's independence in '66. can't think of anything more horrible that's
More on that in a lillie bit. muchacho. happened out here. It's also an open wound
that no one in the City 0' Gloom wants to
talk about. They have no choice, however,
Brigham's Rule because we just had the trial out here, and 86
It was in this period that Brigham Young there's some weird stuff going on as a result.
made most of his enemies. There were and are I'll tell you about that later on, but su(fice it to
ta les that those who spoke oul against him or say there's always some kind of justice in the
the Church, or tried La leave the valley of the Weird West-even if it's sometimes from beyond
Saints without permission, were executed by the the grave.
Danites. To understand the recen t events I'll tell you
I can't tell you whether or not there's any about later on, you need to know what the
truth to this. I've seen Brigham give his last piece Mountain Meadows Massacre was al l about.
of bread to a starving neighbor. I've also seen a Brace yourself. This one's a tear-jerker.
lot of "heretics" and unbelievers wind up in the It seems there were a number of settlers
bone orchard. passing through the region in 1857. Most of them
My advice is to keep your mouth shut and were From Arkansas, but a lew were from
don't take any chances. Whether Young has Missouri. Remember 1 told you Mormons hale
anything to do with it or not. his opponents Missourians? It didn't help that rumors got
don't tend to live long. out that a few of the Missourians had been
~, \.
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom !l

1876 Edition "Seileve IL or Else!"

part of the murderous mobs that had clashed so

Only IO¢
bloodily with the Saints 20 years earlier in
Independence. !,
The Mormons still had the canyons blocked
against the US Army and decided to close their ,j
seUlements to outsiders until the situation was
resolved. The Arkansans were refused supplies
and so eventually made their way south . There
they were attacked by Paiute Indians, JIl
collusion with at least a rew Mormons secretly
watching from the hillsides.
The Indians found their match in the
Arkansans, who chained their wagons together
and fought them off for over three days. Finally,
one of the Mormons came down from tile hills
waving a white flag.
This fellow claimed he was a Mormon and 1
th at his men were fighting the Indians off. He
could lead the women and children to safety if
the men would join the Mormons in fighting the
The settlers reluctantly agreed, and the men
were escorted otT by Mormons wllile the women
and children were taken over a nearby hillside.
. When the .two groups were out of sight. a
sIgnal was gIven, and botll parties were slain on
September 11, 1857. The men were shot by the
Mormon "escorts" watking by their sides. The
women and children were butchered in their The Mou m,lIn Meadows Massacre Old Brigham young I<.now~
wagons. Ta les of the carnage are sickening, so I
won't repeaL them here. Go to lhe library if you ordered it. You'll have to decide for yourself
whether or not you believe him. I don't know
want the gory details.
The only survivors were the youngest children, what to think, myself.
who were taken and given to Mormon families
End of the Mormon War 1
to raise as their own. Some of these chi ldren
remembered the murder of their parents all too Right after Mountain Meadows, Brigham grew
well and just last year testified at the long- mysteriously quicl. He met with representatives
awaited trial. Their testimony was absolutely of Buchanan's government and agreed to step
down as governor and acknowledge the

authority of the United Stales.
The Trial of John D.Lee Few Gentiles moved lhrough Salt Lake City for
the next few years. Who can blame them? This is
Unfortunately, the Mormon officials, who were
never proved to be involved in the massacre, when Brigham, according to his critics, turned
weren't exactly helpful in bringing the killers to his heavy hands upon his own people. Those
justice. In fact, it took almost 20 years before the who seemed disloyal or tried to leave Deseret
were publicly ruined and oHen murdered. Again,
case came to trial.
A few months ago, the non -Mormons of
Deseret put enough pressure on Young to hold
I'm not saying the Church had its dissenters
murdered-I'm just saying a lot of them got
murdered. The records are clear about that. and
an official investigation. I guess he figured it
would give his government legitimacy if he did. the Church doesn't deny it. 1
In 1876, John D. Lee, a Mormon who allegedly There are only three possibilities. There's a
led the deceitful massacre, was found guilty by a secret band of "enforcers" acting on their own to
mixed jury of Saints and Gentiles. He was punish those they believe have betrayed the
sentenced to death and executed by firing squad Church, Brother Brigham Young is a murderous 1
at the site of the massacre a few days later. tyrant who'll stop at nothing to build the . ~
While in jail. Lee claimed that not only did settlement envisioned by the Prophet, or it's I
Brigham and the Church know about the sheer coincidence.
massacre, but that they had actually Your call, partner.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ a' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only tOC

City in an amazing steam wagon. At first he was

The Civil War trea ted as a curiosity Three weeks later, w hen
he converLed to Mormonism, he became a
respected member of the commun it y and an
Things calmed down between the Mormons
and the rest of the country when the War example of the "cream of the crop immigrating
Between the States broke out. The Mormons Lo the Saints' idyllic communiLy."
stayed out of it. even when it came West ward. When Ilellstromme showed the Mormons how
ThiS was both good and bad, dependmg on his steam wagon could outrun the local rattlers,
you r view. You see, the Mormons have wanted his slatus became second only 10 Brigham
87 their mdependence since the Missouri days- Young and the late Prophet themselves!
maybe before. Now that the nation looked like it
may stay split. the Saints didn'l feel obliga ted to
join either side. Instead, they wanted Lo crea te
Taming the Rattlers
It may not sound like such a big deal now
their own nalion. So they did. when steam wagons are fairly common, but
back III '70, the Mormons were having a difficult
The State of Desere! time evading tile gIant worms we have out here.
The locals called them "salt raulers" after
In 1866, Brigham declared thaL the Mormon
government would I unction as an autonomous hearing about similar crillers in the Mojave The
entity until the war had been settled To the ones here are smaller than elsewhere, but they're
papers, he claimed the ··State of DesereL"s" more numerous and a whole lot meaner.
loyalties remained with the Ulllon The first ratller attacks came along about '64
Locally, his sermons hInt that the trespasses or so. The rattlers proved a major problem
of the United States, the lack of action on the because the Mormons needed timber from Lhe
part of its leaders to protect them from "mob surrounding mOllllta11lS, and had to trade and
ru le" (remember the Extermination Order?), and travel to Lheir other communities in Ogden.
the accusations over Mountain Meadows are Bountiful. and elsewhere.
cause to consider Deseret's future allegiance. Around 1870, the worms were getting so bad
For now, Young's playing it safe and declaring that Salt Lake City was virtually cut off.
Deseret an "independent bastion of civilization Compames of the Nauvoo Legion hunted the
in the desert. awaiting such time as the Great things, but all too often they became the prey
War shaH end." The really crazy part is that themselves. There was even one company that
Deseret at first encompassed al1 of Utah, some supposedly found a rattler "lair." They sent a
of Nevada, and even a strip of California out to runner back to tell Brigham they were going in
the coast! You can bet thaL the USA and CSA after the monster, but they never returned. If you
di~n' t cotton to th is idea. Il was such a sticking ever hear about the "Lost Company," it's these
pomL thaL the Church eventually "gif ted " the unfortunates. Most rigure the worms got some
lands ou tside Uta h back to their respective and cave-ins trapped the rest. Losi ng that
owners. Deseret's borders are now those of the company just about broke tile Mormons' backs.
former Utah Territory. Then Dr. Darius Hellstromme came to town.
As for Oeseret's independence, both the North His steam wagons allowed the Saints to
and the South oppose it However, the outrun the rattlers and reestabl ish stable
g~vernment offi~ials who visit Salt Lake City communication with their other settlemen ts.
WIsely keep thei r traps shut about it and hint When some folks started hunting the worms a
that it wilt be resolved "after the war." short lime later. their population took a serious
beating. They're still out there, but there are
millft of Hel1stromme
The Co"""6
AfLer the gold rush was over and the Civil
nowhere near as many as there used to be. Of
course, Lhe ones LhaL arc left arc Lhe snea kiest.
most cun ning predaLors you've ever see n.
War slowed down immigration to the West. Salt
Lake City's phenomenal growth slowed down. '*'6
Dpe.i.d the Mm'es
In 1868, a fellow by the name of Benjamin IL didn't take long for Dr. Hetlstromme to
Strand found ghost rock in the wasatch persuade Bngham that m11l11lg ghost rock would
Mountains. A.t ~irs\' Young was reluctant to make the cIty a fortune Young agreed, but he
e~courage mmlng..In fact. It was the start or a dIscouraged Mormons from becommg mIners.
!TIlllor argument withIn the ChUfCh. In 1870, It's not illegal. but It'S ill -advised for lhe
however, Dr HellsLromme came Lo SaiL Lake ~ devouL to handLe ghosL rock Those who

I I I I J I I I I I 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I J I J I I I I I 1 I I1111 J I I I I I I I J J I I J I I I 1 J I J I I I I I I 1 1 11 J I 1 I I J i l l J I I .

," 1
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom ,I
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!"

know Brigham says he won't touch it at all - that

Only 101
become thick and tarry from the ghost rock, but
he finds it "repulsive." I wonder if he knows
something we don't?
one of He1!stromme's amazing invention s. a
"water -cleansing dam." makes it safe to irrigate ,I
So who was going to mine all that ofe? with and drink once it spills out the other side.
Gentiles, of course. There wefe already boatloads J
running around the Wasa tch Mountains looking
for gold and ghost rock anyway. The Mormon
The PDwer Plant j
patrols ejected a score a day. but they just kept One of the nicest things about the City 0'
Gloom is that it has electric power! Everyone 1
coming back So He!1stromme suggested giving
them gainful employment as miners, Brigham who can afford to pay his bill can get service. ,,I

agreed. The Genliles poured in by the thousands. How's this possible? Hellstromme, of course.
He's got some kind of super-turbine that runs

Junkyard off ghost rock and produces electricity. No, I

don 't know how-it just does. 1
! don't think Hellstromme or Young had any You'll find electric lights in every decent
idea '"vhat was going to happen next.
Within two years. no tess than 15 different
home, and hot-water heaters, and you can install
"tap lines" if you have some other device that
factories sprang up, all within the "Factory
District" over City Creek Canyon. Thousands of
uses electricity, This is why the papers ca ll SaIL
Lake City the "most technologically advanced I
Gentiles were needed to man the factories and
mine ghost rock. Trouble is, reaJ estate in
city in the world."
downtown Salt Lake City is more than most
folks can afford. Cheap houses and apartments
were built between the factories and Sa lt Lake
The Present 1
Now you have a decent idea about who the
City proper. We call the mess "Junkyard."

Mormons are and where lhey came from. This
Junkyard started near the old Empire Mill at isn't supposed to substitute for a good history
the head of the City Creek Canyon and spread book, but I can't really tell you about the City 0'
down toward the city. along the canyon walls.
The creek running through the valley has
Gloom if you don't know about the Mormons.
Consider yourself partially educated




A trllvcld~ ~tcanl I,'agon ~aslly oUlpac"5 a pack. of hungry salt r~lll"rs. Without these amo.7 mg devices. 54 11 Lake Ctty might not c~bt today
11\111 IIIIIIII I 1111'1 II III I I " \\111 1\ II

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 10C

Teenage girls also have an organization to

Chapter Two: The State of Deseret parallel the Aaron!c priesthood, and the children
have "primary", whICh is like Sunday school.
Moving up to the slake level. you have a Stake
As you can guess, the Church of Latter Day
Saints runs things out here. They control President and his cou nselors, a Relief Society
Deseret's hearts and minds through the Church, President and her counselors, and various
the law, the Nauvoo Legion, and most leaders to help with running the Church.
importantly- electricity] The stake level is the first place you run into
You'd best know this before 1get into the "Patriarchs." There is one patriarch per stake.
devilish details of Salt Lake City itself. Learn The main function of a patriarch is to give
well, partner, because, as myoid school marm "pa triarchal blessings." These are blessings of
said, there's a good chance you will be quizzed. comfort and prophecy given to members who
request it. It's like the blessings Israel gave to his

The Church sons before his death, if you've ever read that
story in the Bible.
Mormon men are of ten addressed as "cIder"
In 1866, Brigham and the Church declared that (even when they're high priest s), and the
the state of Deseret was an independent president of the church and the stake president
territory awaiting the reunification of the united are addressed as "President so-and -so." "Brother"
States. Brigham is the PreSident, and prominent and "sister" are also common su rnames. Bishops
Saints occupy all the major governmental are an exception, and are called "bishops:'
positions. Got all [hat? Me neither. Just be polite, call all
Officially, Deseret is a "theocracy." There is no Mormons "Mr. So-and-so:' and you 'll do finc.
separation of church and state. Mormon law is By and large, you won't hear much from the
Deseret law, though there are some excepLions, higher ups. such as the Apostles or the Bishop.
as you'll see later on. They all do important work, I'm sure. but lhe
The lOp rung of the Church ladder is held by most outspoken voice in the Church is far and
the President He's watched over-at least in
away its President. Brigham Young.
theory- by a 12-man COllncil of Apostles. They
make all of Deseret's policies and laws.
Below them are two Quorums of Seventy and Brother Brigham
a Presiding Bishopric. These folks represent Brigham Young joined the Mormons back in
oliler Mormon settlements, as well as sit on their Kirtland, Ohio, days. He was so quiet at
specia l councils. first, many thought he was slow of mind. He
Geographically, the Church is organized into even misspelled his own name on some
stakes and wards (increasingly smaller groups). documents he signed back then
A ward consists of some 200-800 members. a Eventually. Joseph Smith and the other early
stake has 4- 10 wards. These numbers are all leaders in the ClllIrch realized that while 87
variable. but they give you a rough idea. Brigham wasn't educated, he wasn't ignorant.
The leader of each ward (thmk of it as a either. In fact. he was quiet because he pondered
"congregation" or "parish") is a Bishop. He is a long and hard about mailers he thought were
lay minister. as are all Mormon leaders until you important. And once he made up his mind, he
get up to the highest echelons, where they work rarely changed it. They say no man is an island.
full-time for the Church. He has two counselors. Brigham may be an exception to that rule.
The men are organized into the Melchizedek
priesthood (higher priesthood) which is For men President Yaung
19 and older. The younger men are "elders," and There were many possible candidates for the
the older men are "high priests." Each group is new President of [he Church after Joe Smith was
called a quorum and has a president and 1wo martyred. To his credit, Brigham didn't
counselors. The boys 12- 19 are in the Aaronic manipulate his way to the top- he told [he
priesthood, and their quorums are "deacons" ([2- congregation he was the man for the job and
13), "teachers" 04 -!5), and "priests" 06-19}. then started doing ill
The women's organization is called the Relief It was Brigham who organized the trek to Sail
Society. It was originally founded to help the Lake City and picked the spot for their new
men working on the Nauvoo temple. Now it does home. Neither the migration nor the first years
charity work, but has expanded to be a more in Utah were perfect. but the Saints survived
general organization for women. Again you in a place that scouts of the area called
have a president and two counselors. "hospitable to neither man nor beast."

/111 I I I I 1 J J 1 1 J I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 J 1 1 I 1 J 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I i I I 1 I II I I 1 I III I I I II J I 1 I 1 I If 1 I II I I II I I II I I I I I I J I I II f II I III

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1
1876 Edition "Believe 1L or Else!" Only 1Oq:
SaviDr Dr Tyrant?
By Brigham's own admission, his rule is
merciless. He considers the Saints "God's
cllOsen," and it his is duty to protect them "in ,
the manner of the Old Testament" In one of his
sermons, he likened himself to a shepherd who

~: ~
,0. '.
has "discarded the cane for the shotgun." His
flock appreciates his strong leadership-unti l
they wander from the herd. He also says that
true enemies of the Church perish if 11e "but
crooks his little finger."
Whether Brigham and his Danites quietly
practice "blood atonement" or not is a matter of
great debate. Brigham's actions may be harsh
because he lives in a harsh place. If he was bac k 1
in the gentle woods of Ohio, he might not call
for such fire and brimstone. But he's not And
right or wrong, Br igham and his fol lowers are
guarding the flock with a vengeance,
The Law 1
The basic laws of Oeseret are prelly simple to
remember, and they apply to bo th Mormons and
Gentiles alike, Follow the Ten Commandments,
and you'll get along just fine. Break one, and I
yOU'll face a punishment suited to the cr ime.
Capital offenses are murder and (like most
everywhere else) horse thieving. Steam wagons
fall under the "horse thieving" rule out here.
Ilmtnet Ilngham Young, I'resi<knt (,If

There are no appeals and no "loopholes:'

th~ State of rx",,,r(t
Here's where the law gets a lilLIe fuuy. Minor Every judge has the authority to hear a case on
its own merits and decide lhe verdict and
offenses are generally ignored in areas filled
with predominantly Genti les, lik e Junkyard. punishment he thinks best fit the situation.
Local judges can hold their trials in Salt Lake

Minor offenses are vio lations of simple laws, like
City if they fee! they can't get an impartial jury
carrying a hogleg in a no-firearms zone (all of
Salt Lake City), lewd or lascivious behavior, or in their settlement, but around here "impartial
jury" is kind of a contradiction in terms anyway.
petty theft. Again, the punishment suits the ~
You've probably heard rumors t hat Mormon
crime, and Mormon judges can be preLly creative.
One last note. Mormons don't drink alcohol,
tea, or coffee, and they don't smoke. It's not a
courts aren't exactly fair. There's some truth to
that. If you're a Genlile and have a case against a
law or commandment just "advice" from th e
Church. Dr inking or smoking among Mormons
Mormon, you will lose. J won't even say the
Mormon judges are corrupt. They just usually
see things the way their brethren do, and that
won't win you any friends , Keep that in mind.
makes some unknown Gentile generally the

The Court System loser.

Every Lawn has a number of judges appointed The Tithe
by the state. Salt Lake City ha6 about 15, near as One of the Church's central tenets is the idea
! can tell. Smaller settlements might have only of the "ti the," Mormons contribute 10% of their
one, and sometimes this is the sheriff himself. income to the authorities. Since the creation of
The Mormons don't mind tying all that power to Oeseret, so do the rest of the residents. 1
one man because they appoin t him anyway. Yup. That includes every penny you make.
There are no "circui t" judges out here, since Strike ghost rock? One out of 10 chunks is going 1,
every settlement Ilas their own. Lawyers can to Brigham. Bring in a bandit? 10%. Write a guide
represent clients, but tlley must be careful, book for tile Epitaph? Yep. Ten percent of my ,I

~ I
"False counsel" can get a fellow a rope fee goes to the government That's a penny
party sure as stealing a steam wagon. .~
"I " I
, I'm sure they'l l appreciate (wink).

j, ]
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Beli eve IL or Else!" Only 10¢

A sleam w~gon full <lr StlerifT Ell Wate, 'S dc rmk~ In hOt pH ~ull 01 S<l1l\~ 'ather hefti ly M me<l bil nlc ro bbe,s

Law Dogs The Nauvoo Legion

Local lawmen are great for breaking up a
What good is the law without someone to brawl or arresUng drunks, but they're no
enforce it? No t much, of course. Th e Saints are match for bandit gangs or some of the
big on enforcemenl, so there's no shortage of critters loyal readers of the Epitaph know
armed law dogs running around Deseret. give the Weird West its name. That's where
the Nauvoo Legion (omes in,
Local Lawmen Once Deseret was declared independent.
the Mormons found themselves obligated to

In DesereL sheriffs watch over "stakes"

instead of counlies, though they're about the defend it. They reinstated the old "Nauvoo
same in concept. Only large towns like Ogden Legion" for this purpose, in honor of their old
have their own lawn marsha ls. Smaller seltlement at Nauvoo, Illinois.
settlements rely on their stake's sheriff and hi s The Legion consists of 400 men under
deputies to take care of them. The largest town command of General Alexander Young (one of
of the bunch usually serves as his home. Brigham's son s), There afe four companies of lOa
Salt Lake City doesn't fit either of those men ea ch, commanded by a major. Each
categori es. The City o· Gloom is so big, it's a company is further broken down into five
stake all on its own. That mean s we have a platoons of 20 led by a lieutenant, a master
sheriff instead of a town marshal. sergeant, two sergeants. and four corporals, The
Confused? I was too when 1 first came out rest of the men are privates.
here. But afLer a while I realized it doesn't really The Legion has an enUre company in Salt
matter what you call the fellow wearing the Lake City (for reasons I'll discuss later), another
badge. Just be polite to him, answer all his down south at Cedar City, and the rest scattered
quesLions, and stay out of his way. Your life in 20-man platoons at "Mormon forts" across
stays more quiet and peacerul tl1at way. the state of Deserel.

ii,lS '
11 1 1 111111111/111 f //1 j f I I f f I f I I f i l i i f I I f f f f J f ; I f f J I f I f 111 1 1I11II1I1 1 111 j 1I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 J J I J 1 1 111 I I I It
, 1\ III 11 11 \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ " \ \ \ \ \ 'I 111\ IIII II' ~

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide tothe Ci~ 0' Gloom j
1876 Edition

Essentially. the Legion is the "a rmy" of

"Believe It or Else!"

The Church has a different point of view. They

Only 1011'
Descret. All but the Salt Lake City company are
mounted, and all have at least a few cannons
claim the Danites don't even exist. Evidently no
one's told Brigham this, however, because he i
and Gatling guns to round out their forces. refers to them in his sermons all the Lime. In one
Armed forces from the USA or CSA cannot of his discourses in the Deserel News he said "If
cross Deseret's borders without prior approval men come here and do not behave themselves,
until the war is over. Until negotiations over they will not only find the Danites, whom they
Deseret's rights are concluded, that is. talk so much about, biting the horses' heels, but
You'd think President Grant would quietly the scoundrels will find something biting their
acquiesce, given the state of the nation, but he heels. In my plain remarks f merely call things by
can't. Admitling that Deseret even exists gives their own names." ,I
the CSA legitimacy. If you believe they exist, then they were
Grant hasn't declared war or anything, but started back in Missouri in '38 as the "Daughters
he's let Brigham know that once US forces are of Zion." Some of the men didn't care much for 1
free, the issue will be settled on his terms.

The Black Chaplains

this. so the name was changed to "Flying
Angels," then "Destroying Angels," then the "Big
Fan." then "Brothers of Gideon," then finally

There are four chaplains that sometimes "Sons of Dan." When the identity crisis was over,
accompany the Nauvoo Legion on its everyone call ed them Danites.
expeditions. I know from personal experience If you believe Young orders his enemies slain,
that their job isn't to bless the men's meals and then the Danites are the ones who do the dirty 1
remind them that coffee profanes the body.
These four fellows are unofficially called the
"Black Chaplains" by the Legionnaires. because

Orrin PDrter RDckwell


it's their job to combat the "forces of Satan." If If the Danites do exist. then their leader must
you read the Epitaph regu lar ly. you know the
horrors these grim preachers might face.
I met these dreaded servants of the Lord back
be Orrin Porter Rockwell . O.P. to his friends, if
he actually has any.
O.P. is a local exception that proves no rule I
in '72. They had me deliver a flamethrower ouL to
a cave in Devil's Canyon late one stormy night.
can think of. He's a Mormon, I hear, but he
smokes, drinks, and commits just about every
When I landed, there were six dead Legionnaires other sin I can think of, yet he's never been
lying in a line near the cave, their heads neatly
severed. The rest of the platoon hunkered down
nearby and watched quietly. The men who took
delivery were a lieutenant and four very bloody,
very angry chaplains.
He's a gunfighter of sorts, though he's not
particularly fast on the draw. Even stranger,
everyone's afraid of him. but no one can tell you
who he's killed. If you're buying the whole
The chaplains emptied out the fuel in the
flamethrower and filled it full or water from the
Danite story, it's because the Danites work in
secret, so O.P.'s reputation is one of those things 1
Legionnaires' canteens. Then they started that's scary as Hell. though no one knows what
praying, and the lieutenant asked me to leave. I for.
saw the rest from the air. One of the "Black
Chaplains" strapped on the flamethrower and
went into the cave. Even over the eng in e of my
whirligig. I could hear what sounded like the
There are rumors, though, of who has met an
untimely demise at o.p.'s hands. Governor Boggs,
who issued the infamous "Extermination Order."
was shot by an unknown assailant in '42 (though
screaming of the dam ned the mselves coming out he lived). Lieutenant Worrel of the Carthage 1
of that God-forsaken hole. Gives me goosebumps Grays who was in command of the jail where
just thinking about it. , the Prophet was murdered, and members of the
Aiken party in '57, a band of selliers passing
The Danites through to California, are also alleged to have
died by his hand.
The last way the Mormons enforce their
laws is through the Danites. Count this as
O.P. serves as a deputy sheriff from time to
time but otl1erwise has no official power of !
"touchy subject #3,000."
According to anti-Mormons, the purpose of
the DaniLes is to carry ?u~ all the uns~vory
position with the Church. He hangs out in
]unkyard a lot, gambling and "dancing." If you
run across him. keep your mouth shut. He won't

work of the Church. ThIS lIlcludes mUlder,
arson, robbery, or any other means
necessary to enforce Brigham's tyranny.
l shoot you in public, but if you cross him,
your next sleep might be your last.

,19 ' 1!

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, I I I
," ", IIIII 11\111\1 1\1 1 1111111' ,

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else~" Only IOq:

The church has forbidden military troops of

any nalion from entering Desercl. Civilians are
welcome as long as they don't trespass against
any of the Mormon laws.
The Union's attitude toward the Mormons is a
bit stronger. Grant is one of those who firmly
believes YOlmg is a despot. Ile's made it no
secret that the US Army will pay Utah a call
when the war is over.
The Confederacy courts the Mormons a little
more civilly than the Union. For now, it seems
the CSA is wi!1ing LO let Deseret chart its own
course. If the Mormons aren't friends of the
Union, at least Lhey aren't enemies of the South.

Relations with Gentiles

So how are Gentiles treated in Deseret? well.
there are betler places to live. Tangle with a
Mormon, whether with fists, guns, or in court,
and you fight the whole Slate. If there's anything
these peopl e are it's unified. At least against
outSiders. Even if Mormons are tearing into each
other over some theological difference, they put
all that aside when a Gentile starts trouble.
If you keep your nose clean, however, they're
good people. They help the poor, feed the
starving, and take care of orphans and widows.
In other words, if the Mormons don't have a
UP Rockw<'l l pn'lliIlll~ 1~3<kr 01 lilt.> Church~ St.'I:Il1 cntorcc~ Ihe DaMN. rcason to be against you, they're some of the
best neighbors on the frontier.
Mormons like having Mormon neighbors. That
Bill Hickman means if you're thinking of settling here, you'll
Back in 72, a fellow named Bill Hickman be living in an area with other Gentiles. That's
claimed he was the "Danite Captain." Who did he good in a way, as it keeps you oUl of trouble. It's
tell? The whole world. He even wrote a book, bad because the Mormons got here fi rst and got
called Brigham'S DestroYlllg Angel. Hickman then most of the best land.
fled to Washington, DC to tell everything he Real estate in SaIL Lake Cily is especially
knew. expensive. Mormons often make deals with their
See, I-Eckman claims that he carried out brothers for lower prices, but Genti les rarely get
murders for the Mormons since the Missouri such offers. If you can afford LO get in, however,
days, and lhat Lhey not only were aware of his you're treated as well here as anywhere.
heinous crimes, but actually ordered them. Angry Gentiles claim Mormons live in Salt
Of course I don't know the truth, so you'll Lake City, where the water is clean, the streets
have to read his book and decide for yourself. are wide open, and crime is rare. Gentiles, they
claim, are forced to live in Junkyard, where water
~lations flows like oil. they're surrounded by a maze of
steam pipes, and crime is rampant.
Deseret is publicly cordial 10 the United States, The comparisons are true, but there's no rule
though it won't accept their rule until the war is that says the Gentiles can't live in the good part
over. ll's a complex relationship_ Imagine a son of town. They just usually can't afford it.
who lives in his father'S house and is willing La
live by most of his rules, but he won't let his Can't We all Just Get Along?
father enter his room to see what he's doing. Unsurprisingly, conversion is fairly frequent.
The Mormons mostly ignore the Confederates, Once you're in, you must live by the Mormon
mainly because Missouri's on their side. Young code, contribute to the Church, and proselytize. It
receives ambassadors from the South, bUI usually takes an earnest sou! a year to
he pays little attention to them. become a member of the Mormon family.
t .
, I
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" I

The Tombstone Epitaph's Duide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom i


1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!"

If you live in junkyard, it's a luxury about half

Only 10¢
Chapter Three: Salt Lake Ci~ the homes and apartments can pay for.

{ \ "\

, r
[n case you hadn't noticed, this chapter's
about Salt Lake City. That's where you're
going to live. right?
wrong. unless you're rich, you're living in
The effects of available electricity arc
amazing. Even the gas lights at every corner
have been hooked up to power. but we cai l lhem
"street lights:' since they don 't use gas anymore.
Which brings me to my earlier cynicism. See,
Junkyard. which is physically part of SaIL
Lake City, but might as well be a whole
power is more than just a status symbol around
here. When it gets cold at night or in the winter,
'ncther world. If you manage to buy a plot there's not a lot of wood to burn. Those without I

of land in the city, you'll be told all you need to power must travel to the Wasatch Moun tains. cut
wood, and thcn haul it back and most of them
know by your neighbors. The rest of you poor
sods have to rely on me. don't have horses or mules anymore. If you ask
Even "J unkers" have to go into the city on me, this is the greatest weapon in the Mormon's 1
occasion, so I'm going to tell you everything J "recruitment" arsena l. It seems Mormons are
can. Bear with me if I don't know about the more wealthy and prosperous than Gentiles. It's 1
inner secrets of the Temple or what's kept in the
armory- they just don't tell that kind of stuff to
an imagc Lhey don't mind, because it insinuates
that similar glad tidings befall anyone who joins
us heathens-but I can tel! you where to register, their fold. Who knows. it might even be true.
One last note. It's amazing to look down on
get a marriage certificate, and so on.
the city from up in the mountains and see all
Lay of the Land the lights. The big ones shining up the sides of
the Tabernacle are really impressive. To Gentiles,
the lights rub their faces in the Mormons'

The first thing you'll notice about Salt Lake
prosperity. To the Saints, t he "jewel of Deseret" IS
City is how orderly the streets are. Tak e a gander a mOdern-day Canaan.
at the map and you'll be amazed. That's the
beauty of planning a city out before every
sod buster starts building a house willy-nilly. SDDt
When the Sain ts came here in '47, Brigham Junkers eaL breathe, and sleep In the grimy, ~
and his crew staked out equal sized plots and oily smoke that seeps oul of the factories. It gelS
divvied them up among the faithful. New in their hair, eyes, ears, and (most of all). lungs. j
sections annexed by the city follow this patlern. You should see the spil. junkers spit up so much
The streets on either side of the temple are gunk thal factories have "spit pots." The really
ca l led East and West Temple Street. The first cheap owners sin the ghost -rock dust back au I!
street east of East Temple is First East, then wearing a mask might not save your life, but
Second East, and so on. The same is true in the
opposite direction, as weJl as north and south.
Finding an address is damned easy. That can be
it can prolong it The down side is that all those
folks wearing masks makes Junkers even more
impersonal than lhey already are. See, junkers

a bad thing for nosy Gentiles. If you stray from arc little wary of each other. Their very nature
the "busy" areas it's hard to claim you were lost. makes them tough and independent, and it 1
Compare the streets of Salt Lake City to the doesn't help that folk s move in and out of the
alleys of Junkyard. In the city, you can sec from
one end of the street to the other. In junkyard,
city like miners at a two-dollar brothel. 1
Things are a liLLie different in Salt Lake City
you're lucky to see the end of the block. • itself. The city gets just as much of tile stuff as
The orderly feel of the city also helps remind Junkyard, but it never quite seems to elmg to the
you who's in charge. It's almost l ike the Church buildings and people like it does in junkya rd.
orficials are watching you. Devout Mormons claim God protects them
from the 5001. It's hard to believe God would let
Power one man suffer while another lives on, just
because they're of di fferent faiths. but I've seen it
The whole city- including junkyard - is about even in the converts. Some poor sod works for a
power in one form or another. whether it's year in junkyard sucking sool. The day he
electrical or the kind that makes one fellow give converts he shines up like a new penny. It's the
his life to another. damnedest thing J ever saw. And It makes
In pract ical terms, anyone who can pay junkers mad. Watch your fellow worker's eyes I
for it gets power right in HIS horne. If you narrow when a prim and proper Saint works
live in Salt Lake City, you can afford power. beside him with no mask.

111"1 J 1I11I1I1 J I l l J 11111I J 1I1I1I J I I J I I i J J i I J III1 J I I I I I J I J 1111I1II11 j I1II1 J J I I J I l l J I f I J J I , / 1 1 1 11 111 J J ,I
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 1O¢



Editor's Nate: 11) make the map more useful, much of (he Stee l Sky and pl~'o$ and walkways O>'I!I' Sludge Cn!o!); h~\<e tXicn omitted

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''' Tb~ 'TD~b~~~e Epita~h~S h~e"~'th~ 'Ci~'~; D~~~ " ," "'' I
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only JOlt 1
reserves left unmined in lhe Wasatch Mountains. I
Places of Note No one is permitted to extract the ore, and
armed guards watch over the various claims.
Only a team of bank-appointed assayers are
Here are most of the important or at least
allowed to enter the mines and evaluate the ~
interesting places to know about in Sail
Lake City proper. worth of the ghosHock veins inside. !
~ Aaron's Arms California Corral
They used to sell horses here, but these days
The Saints have never shied away from
91 picking up a six-shooter or scattergun in there are no horses and not a durn thing from I'
defense of their religion. Mr. Henry Aaron, a one- California as far as I can tell. J

armed veteran of just about every battle the The owner, CA "California" Carrol (how's that !
Mormons have foughL now makes sure his for confusing?), now sells steam wagons. There j
brothers are well-armed. are always at least three of the contraptions on I'
I'm friends with old Henry, and he told me he the lot. The price is usuaJ!y about 10% less than
originally started his business by selling the Lhe ones we custom make here at Smith & )
guns he'd taken off his enemies. That's why he's Robards thanks to a special deal he's arranged ~
a lillie wary of selling ar ms to Gentiles. He does,
but his listed prices are 50% higher than most
with his Mormon brothers at Zion's Cooperative
Carriage Factory. I

everywhere else. Saints in good standing {those

who haven't been blacklisted by the Deserel
News in a while} get a 25% discount. That still
Carrol doesn't sell weapons or armor with his
steam wagons. He's not expressly forbidden by
law, but the Mormons don't want to sell that
makes Henry'S prices high. but you can hardly kind of trouble to anyone, even their own. )
"Upgrading" a steam wagon with Gallings or ~
blame him for not wanting to "arm the natives."
Don't look for many arms made in the USA or other weapons requires a private contractor. You
Can order parts from a company such as Smith
CSA here. Th e big weapons factories are Back
East in the us, and they 've been forbidden to sell & Robards and have it installed by our factory "
arms to the Mormons by President Grant. The technicians. You can also find private tinkerers ~
Confederacy doesn't specifically emba rgo arms, to do the work, but let the buyer beware- some i~
but their small factories claim they can barely
keep up with the army's demand. Truthfully,
can't tell their belts from a timing chain.
Davis has probably forbidden arms sales to the
Saints but doesn't want to say anything publicly.
The Cemetery
If you're <l regular reader of the Epitaph. you

Harry has some secondhand "imports" for know to stay away from places of the dead. Ever
sale, but most of his weapons come from Jon read a story about a graveyard where something
Browning's factory in Ogden or Granny Smith 's weird wasn't going on? Didn't think so.
place over in Junkyard. The Mormon Cemetery must be the exception
that proves the rule. There's absolutely no
The Bank of Demet weirdness to report here. None. Really. It may
have something to do wilh the fact lhal the
When Young declared Deseret's ind ependence,
Mormons consecraled Lhe ground.

the tempora ry government had no way of
minting new currency. So a few Mormons who Only Saints are buried in this cemelery.
knew something about banking got together and Genti[es are shipped home if they have money,
chartered the new Bank of Desere! in [867. or buried in the Gentile Cemetery up in the hills
The Sai n ts were leery of their own bank, since ir Lhey don·t.
their first attempt back in Ohio had failed so ,
miserably. This bank is run lighter than a Ci~ Hall j
Madam's corset to make sure they don't make All the administrative work of the city is
the same mistakes. No one loans a buffalo

carried out here. There are courtrooms, offices
nickel w ithout the manager's say-so. Gentiles full of bureaucrats, and everything else you don't
have a better chance of becoming president than really want to know about.

00 ,
they do of getting a loan, and even Mormons What you do want to know is that you must
have to offer sufficient collateral to borrow come here to get any kind of license or permit.
money from the bank.
The real security of the bank li es out in
the hills. Its notes are based on ghost-rock
If you're a Mormon planning on settling in
Lhe ciLy, Lhis is • good place Lo go first. i
I, ' ,j
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only lQ¢

For those of you "mad scientists" heading our Danwoody's factory is one of only two that
way, let me tell you a few things you need yea rly remain outside of JUnkyard. The other is Zion's
licenses [or. Flying anywhere in the slate o[ Cooperative Carriage Factory.
Deseret ($10), driving a steam wagon ($10),
building a weapon ($IS), or "tampering wilh the Fire Sale
laws of God and man" ($\00--1.000). Pardon the joke. Last year, several prominent
Normal folks also need a "Statement of families suffered terrible house fires. All had
Citizenship" to settle ($I), a marriage license (SI), recently purchased furniture from Danwoody.
and birth certificates {SO~:J. There's a joke that When the story hit the Deserel News, business
says the Mormons would make you get a death at the furniture factory hit rock bottom. Howard
cerlificate if so many folks wouldn·t cheat. asked Brother Brigham Young himself to come
to his factory and purge it of whatever demons
Ci~ Jail had beset him. Young did so, and business
slowly returned. Since then, there have been no
The Mormons aren't big on keeping more strange fires. At least not enough all at
lawbreakers locked up for long stretches. Their once to atlracl anyone's attention. No one ever
justice is usually swifl and efficient. Steal from did figure out why it happened, though.
someone, and you wind up working off twice
your debt to that person. Murder someone, and
you face a firing squad, the preferred method of Denver-Pacific Depot
execution 10 these parts. If there's a thorn in Hellstromme's side, this is
Even drunks don't stay long. The lawmen it. I mean, here's this city Ilellstromme's gOI
throw Gentiles back into their own districts, and bamboozled into thinking he's candy-on-a-stick,
they let errant Saints sleep it off before sending he owns his own railroad, and he can't get rid of
them to their minister. If the problem persists, the only competition in town.
the drunkard is excommunicated and thrown out Hellstromme's been granted a rig Ill-of -way for
of the city. There are many former Mormons in his own Wasatch Railroad, but it's a long way
Junkyard who couldn't live up to this rule. from reaching Salt Lake City. What he'd like to
Sheriff Eli Waters keeps at least three do is buyout the Denver-Pacific and link its line
deputies on duty at all times. Another two are with his. This would give him a huge lead In the
always on patrol in the city. They ride steam Great Rail Wars.
wagons and carry quite an arsenal to deal with The only problem is, the owners of the DP are
particularly dangerous troublemakers. Smith & Robards- and they ain't selling. As a
matter of fact, the DP is their lrump card.
Sheriff Eli Waters The depot services Black River, Wasatch, and
Sal t Lake City'S top law dog is Sheriff Eli Union Blue. On the surface, they're all friends or
Waters. He's a cross between Bat Masterson and at least partners in business. The three are
WyalL Earp. He's got Masterson's style and savvy, allowed to sh ip via the Denver Pacific, including
with Earp'S stubbornness and mien. transferring cargo and passengers at other
Waters and his deputies keep things ve,o;.y depots further east. They're also allowed to use
quiet in Salt Lake City. Drunken workers from certain portions of the DP linc. Only Union Blue,
Junkyard who stray into the city wake up the however, is allowed to run their own lrains
next day hurting from more than just hangovers. anywhere on the line wilhout inspection. That's
because the DP has an exclusive contract to
Danwoody's Furniture Factory supply some of their forts in Nevada.
Howard Oanwoody's family was one of the
first in the valley. He figured everyone needs Deseret Cafe
something to sit on, so he started making The Mormons don'l drin k coffee, tea, or
furniture. What he makes is expensive, but high- whiskey, so don't get too excited, What they do
quality. His cabinets, sideboards, and armoires serve is "Brigham tea," sarsaparilla, flavored
are in great demand among the Mormon upper waters, and other local "gee, [ wish we were
crust. Even Brigham owns a few choice pieces. allowed to drink coffee" type drinks.
For cheaper furnIture, try one of the many [ menlion Ihe Deseret Cafe only because in
secondhand shops in Junkyard. The high I.M. Hymme's dime novels, Nevada Smith orten
turnover in residents means the used-goods meets his contacts here. If he ever did, he
stores always have plenty of merchandise certainly doesn't now that Hymme writes
to go around. ~ about it, or he'd be a lillle more cautious,

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IQ¢


A scne~ of my.! omou~ tu",~ plagul-d purchaSCH 0( f urnIture rrom tl.InYoftX>dy'$ furrllLut\' Factory WlI5l1 just a CQlncKlcn<:e. 0.- _re sinisler forct$ al work'
Every week, in the back right column of the 1,
Demel News last page, there is a large black box with a list
of Mormon names printed in white. Next to each
The oflicial newspaper of Salt Lake City is name is an offense of some kind. This is the
the Oeserel News. You won't find a more self- Saints' version of the "scarlet letter." Those
righteou s. opi ntonated, voci ferous rag in all the whose nam es appear in the "blacklist" are
Weird West. Thal's not to say what's in there is shunned by the rest of the community until the
wrong, just that the News has no' c!aim to following edition. Get caught drunk and you'll
objectivity- it's purely an organ of the church see your name and your crime printed for all
and the state of Dcsercl. your neighbors to sec. It works far better than
The editor, Hymus Crum, is a stern Mormon you might think.
from the old days of Joseph Smith. His editorials
preach fire and brimstone to those who would
dare trespass agamst hiS faith. Demel Tithing Office
The source of Hymus' rage is the loss of his
father, also a newspaperman, who was killed in
the Haun's Mill massacre back in Missouri. After
that, Crum picked up a rifle and tossed lead at
10% of everything a citizen of Deserel makes
is paid to the church as a tith e. That money is
collected here, at the Deserel Tithing Office.
Bank robbers beware. The tithing office has all
the Gentiles every time they gave him an the usual safeguards-thick bars, armed guards,
excuse-which admitledly, was often enough in and a safe thick enough to SLOp a cannon
the old days to keep Crum poor from buying round but it's also got a good case of Holy
lead. protection.
Two years ago, a band of thieves staged a
The Blacklist daring daylight robbery They somehow got ,
Besides being a fantastic tool for inducing the inside (the rumors on how they did it are hard to
masses to follow tile Mormon's collective
wishes, the Oeseret News is also used by
the Elders to punish the wicked.
swallow even for a reader of the Epitaph),
and as lhey were about LO vamoose, their
~ blood sta rt ed boilmg in their veins.
/III J J J I J J II11 J 1II1 J 1/11 J I l l J I J I I J I I J I J I J I I } 111111 11111111III111 J I I J 111111111111111111/ J I11I1 J I J J I J I I J
11111\1 1 \ III \\1111 III 1\ \ I , \ \ I \ I I \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I. \

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edillon "Believe It or Else!" Only 10¢

Witnesses claim the Almighty "smale" them The on ly reason anyone knows much aboul
from above for trespassing against His people. It the Council is because a few years ago, one of
must be true because I saw the bodies lying in the professors, Dr. Leonitus P. Gash, started
open coffins the next day. I guess the bank messing around with sticking mechanical
wanted folks to see so the next band of robbers devices in flesh. The Council decided this wa s a
would think twice about messing with them. blasphemous practice and booted him out.
Dr. Gash didn 't go qu ietly, and it was quite a
Deseret Universi~ scandal at the ti me. He disappeared soon
afterward. Many people assumed that he wa s
The university tcaches all that smart stuff - dead, but Dr. Gash had just gone underground
mathematics, languages, engineering, and so for a whi le. No one knows where he got the
forth. I was never much for book-learning, so I money to keep up his research.
don't know exactly what all they do there, but A year later, his work showed up again. A
you can bet there's a lot of talk about science, factory worker had lost an arm in Hcllstromme's
manufacturing, and a healthy dose of theology. automaton factory. After his recovery, he
I can tell you that while anyone- Mormon or returned to work wi th a mechanical ann. He said
Gentile-is admitted to the schooL the required he'd been "augmented" by the long-lost Dr. Gash.
courses to gel a degree are set by the Church. So He and his kind became known as scrappers.
you can bet your last tuition dollar thaI history I'll tell you more about this fellow in Cha p ter
lessons have more to do with the Book of Seven : M ad Scientist s. It's interesting to note
Mormon than when Napoleon lost at Waterloo. here because the Council essentially made Gash
Brother Young is a frequent lecturer at the what he is today-an underground hero to some
college. I went once, and though I have no idea and the dark side of the new science to others.
what Brigham was talking about, j can tell you I
was damned convinced. ! just don't know what
of. He's a powerful orator with a voice that Edna's Eats
sounds like the wrath of God itself. It's no Mrs. Edna Jacobs cooks the best pastries in all
wonder he's got an enUre nation wrapped Deseret. I'll admit to a bil of sweet-loath, so I go
around his litlle finger. here a lot. If the gloom ever get.s you down, I
recommend stopping into Edna's bake shop and
The College of Engineering treating yourself to some of her goods.
One course I know they leach at Oeseret is You might also find the famous writer, I.M.
Engi n eering. They got a whole program on Hymme hangi ng out here. He and Edna mig ht be
working with mecha nical devices, scientific a lit tl e "sweet" on each other.
theories on ghost rock and its uses, and all l hal. Unlike most of the folks who run businesses
I haven't heard the students being particularly in the city, Edna is a Gentile. Even the austere
successful as yet. but the professors that head Sa ints like a nice sweetro!1 once in a while.
up the department arc all respected scientists
and inventors from around the world.'
I think the students don't do so well because
Empire Mill
the professors mostly use their income to help When the Saints rirst came to the area, one of
fund their own experiments. They might hire a their big tas ks was finding timber. Their solution
student assistant or two, but they can't let whole was La hau l it down from the moun tains and cu t
classes in on their work for fear their designs it into planks at the Empire Mill.
could be stolen and sold to a certain mai l-order These days, the slow-moving sludge won't
company in the nearby hills. power the mill's saw, so it's closed down. The
Hellstromme is the Dean of the College, but ruins are rat-infested and unstable, so stay clear.
he only serves wilen the mood hits him, I'm told. A new Empire Mill was built south of the city
He never lea ches, but wiLhout his influence, ! along the Jorda n River. That's whe re most all our
doubt that Brigham would permit the university usable l umber comes from these days.
to teach co urses concerning ghost rock.
Remember, the Saints donllike it. Faust's Livery Stable
I may have given you the impression that
The Council everyone au ! here owns a steam wagon. Tha.t's
In addition to tea ching, these nutty professors certainly no! the case. Most folks ca.n't afford
head up something called lhe "Council." They them. Those that can do, but the rest of us
serve as a "'think tank" for the state of

stick to the old four-legged transports;
Oeserel. Hel1stromme is the chair. ';'26 horses and mules. Even I have a horse- Me.

,L I

/111111 I I I I I I J J I I J J I I J I I J 11II J I111111 J 11111 J I J J J I J I I J J J J I I J I I J f J f i l l J J f I J I J f I J I J I J I J f f I I f J f J I J f f f I I I f I

," \ \' \ " ;1\ II \11 11\1\1\\"'\1\\ 1, , 1 \ \ \ \ \ IIIII I I I I I III\\ I \ \ }

The Tombstone Epitaph's Duide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1

1876 Edition "Believe lL or Else!" Only IO(,\:

Robards doesn't let me take out the flying

machines just to go buy groceries.
This is the only place in the city you can still
buy horses. As you can guess, prices are a little
higher than elsewhere. Expect to pay $200 or
more for a horse, $75 for a mule.
The Faust fami ly has gotten so rich off the
sale of horses that some say they've made a
deal with Old Scratch himself. 1
Fort Smith
just on the outskirts of SaIL Lake City lies
Fort Smith, named after the prophet himsel f.
Military agents often wonder why the Nauvoo
Legion company stationed inside even has a fon.
The loca! Indians aren't numerous or aggressi ve
enough La attack the city, and such a sma ll fort
couldn't withsta nd a siege by a real army.
What they don't understand is that the fort
guards aga inst the enemy with in- ornery
Genti les. The Mormons have fought with their
neighbors enough to know war can come I
quickly and over seemingly minor incidents. The
fort provides the Legion ample protection i
against mobs of poorly-armed factory workers.
There are a little over 100 soldiers of the
Legion stationed in Fort Smith. They have
Gatling guns on the wa ll s and even a couple of
A Nauvoo Leg ionnaire ~ ccQSts ~ loi teref outSide of Fort Smi th

Hostile Neighbors
Unfortunately, the very troops designed to
protect against the Gentiles may be the very
ones who start some kind of fight.
Most full-Lime Nauvoo Legion naires were
Golding's Tannery
He re's the place to buy furs. Mr. Harvey
Golding has a very strict conservation policy. He
maps out all the pri me game locations an d
soldiers or f rontiersmen before bearing arms for
the Mormon s. Their old habits of dri nking,
gambling, and visiti ng the local brothel d ie hard.
Living so close to Junkyard often proves too
grea t a temptation for the reformed converts.
cha rts the number of pelts coming from each.
Exceed what he thinks an area can handle, and
he refuses to buy your catch.
His prices are higher than over at Jennings'
Tannery. but if you've got a brain in your head,
The fort's officers, primarily Major Andrew shop here instead. We've already seen what
McCart hy, is as by -the-book a soldier as you've overllunting can do to the buffalo.
even seen. He doesn't tolerate violations of the
rules- military or Mormon. When he catches his
soldiers drinking liquor or gambling their lithes The Green Room
away, he punishes them brutally. The most excl usive club in all Deseret. maybe
The soldiers tak e out their frustrations on the even the West. is the Green Room. I don't know
Gentiles, usually while o ut on patrol away from who owns it. though he or she must be a
Major McCarthy's prying eyes. I'm not saying the prominent and wealthy Mormon. Only the upper
crust of the Saints are allowed inside- members

Legion hates non-Mormon s- !'m just saying there
are certain individuals within this compa ny that of the PreSidency. the Twelve, and a few special
drink. smoke, and gamble, and then beat up friends to whom they've given the golden nod.
anyone who might get them blacklisted in the
Oeserel News.
D.P. Rockwell is defin itely one such friend.
I'd imagine the Green Room Jets these high
The co nstant fri ction is going to start a
fire one of these days. We'll see if
muckety-mucks relax in a place where they
don't have to worry abou t who overhears
McCarthy's got the spit to put it out. their conversations. Nevada Smith's last
11 1 111 1 11 1 / / 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 / / / / / 1 / / 1 1 J / 1 / / 1 J J 11//; J J / J J / J J I J / J J / J J I J / J J / J J J I I J / / J J J / 1 J J II J J I J I J J / J J ' J I I / I J I J ,I
\\11111111\\\\1\11\ ,, 111\1 1 1\ 1\1
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢

dime novel claimed he broke into the Green

Room and overheard a secret Mormon plot to ...
Well, I donl want to steal Hymme's thunder.
Like all prices in the city proper, the fees at

Jel1llings' Tannery the Restful Arms Inn are high: $4 per night.
Unless you're loaded, you'd best make your stay
Walter Jennings runs this establishment. short or move on over to one of the "fine"
don't like this man . He does a good business, but establishments in Junkyard.
I don 't like his policies. He buys pelts of any The Restful Arms is run by Mr. Jebed iah
kind, no questions asked. It doesn't matler if Wilkinson, a recent convert to the Church of
everyone says the woods arc almost empty of Latter Day Saints. He charges Mormons only $2
minkS- Jennings still buys tlleir furs. A lillie per night. plus an extra dollar for meals. They're
forethought might keep the critters around here worth it, J'm told.
plentifuL but Jennings' greed is going 10 kill off
every muskrat. fox, and beaver in the terri tory.
Shop there if you want. sell there if you have
The Salt Lake Ci~ Hotel
to, but think a little. A few extra dollars in pelts The Restful Arms wants to be this place, but
today mei;lns no pelts for anyone nexL year. it isn'L The Salt Lake HOlel is the finest I've seen
this side of the Mississippi. You won't f ind a
EXDtic Pelts place any nicer, even in Denver.
A group of MormOns owns the place, but the
Jennings has more than just beaver and
ermine coats for sale. He's got furs from ca retaker is Monsieur Louis Montague. He's a
creatures I've never heard of. He claims most of snooty Frenchman that lives up to everything
his "exotic pells" are just '"simple rabbit furs" he's you've ever heard about them. He's got more
dyed and dressed up, or callIe-hides he's tanned ways to insult you than Jesse James has notches
with his "special processes." on his pistol. What's worse is he expec ts you to
Maybe. I advise you to take a good long look tip him for it too.
at any of the more expensive furs and strange StilL you won't find a rat or bedbug in the
leathers he keeps in the back room. They give whole joint. The food is included in the hefly $12
me a downright creepy feeling. per night charge, and it's about the best thing
that ever squirted past teeth. There's not much
Orphanage of it - the French are funny that way- but what
you gel is incredible.
A lot of folks die in Salt Lake City. Whether A gambler friend of mine, Velvet Van Helter of
they choke on soot. get mangled in some giant New Orleans , stays here whenever he passes
cog, or are murdered by something horrible, through. He claims lhat whi le he wouldn't Slay
some of them leave behind little ones who can't anywhere else, he has the strangest nightmares
take care of themselves. at the Salt Lake Holel. And he says a gunslinge r
That's where the orphanage come~ in. It's run friend of his had an even wi lder experience.
by Widow Grist, a German woman who came Another friend of mine, a traveling tinkerer who
here in '58 with the handcarts. Her own husband sometimes works for Sm ith & Robards, tells me
died during that journey, and when she arrived th e same story. Maybe it's the rich food.
in Salt Lake City, she was given the job of
watching after some of the olher orphans. Her
role grew, and eventually the Church moved her
The Tabernacle
and her growing family into a new orphanage. The Tabernacle was Ihe first assembly
The children work for the Church, picking up building consl ru cted by the Saints. They laid the
trash from the streets of Salt Lake City (not first stones in '51 and finished up just after
Junkyant). It's actually a pathetic sight. and many Hellstromme arrived in 70.
Mormons donate a little money t.o the waifs. Genliles are allowed in here to witness the
If you have a little extra money in your glory of the Latter Day Saints, but not dur ing
pockeL the kids could sure use it. A lot of them any kind of actual ceremony or sermon. Few can
are pale and anemic, as if they don't get enough remain unaffected in the face of this impressive
to eat. You can imagine what feeding over 200 building built out here on the frontier.
kids in the overcrowded orphanage must cost. The main ha l l is just that. a hug e room with a
Grist's helpers are the first girls she raised broad elevated gaJ!ery circling the interior until
for the Mormon s. Now they're al l in their it meets the organ loft and pulpit. Counting

. the gallery and pews in the center of t he
early teens and work under her care.
'll ~ hall, it can sea t about 9,000 believers.
• iI
J~ J J J J J I J J J J J J i l l J II11111I11111I1 J /11111 J I I J I i 1I11I11 J 1/11 J I I f J I J J J I J i l l J J J I I J I I J J J I j I l l J I J J I I J I l l J I J I
"'' ' ' '" '" Th~' Tombstone Ep'it~Ph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' c~om""""""l
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢: ~

The Lost Elder oUL Worse. every time someone reports hearing
the scratching noise, some relatively impOrlant
I guess every impressive building has La have member of the church goes La the Great Beyond )
an equa!1y impressive history. I'm lold over a the very next day. Creepy, huh? j
hundred died pulling up the Cathedral at Notre
Dame. The Tabernacle's luck didn't run that bad,
but there were enough accidents during Lhe
TheTemple 'I
building La make even the faithful wonder if the Well. it's mighty big and impress ive. That's all I ~I
Almighty wanted red curtains instead of blue. can lell you, as Gentiles aren't allowed inside,
The most famous of the tales is that of the Maybe 1 can lell you a little morc. Like it was ;
"LOst Elder." At some point in the Tabernacle's begu~ in 1853 an~ hasn't been finished yet. The I
design, one of the interior wa lls was built 12" rock IS granite n1111ed out of the Wasatch. Crews )
closer than it was suppo!:ied to be. Tearing it
down would have caused some structural
drag it out of lhe mountains within sight of the
Smith & Robards' Compound every day. Sleam-
weaknesses elsewhere, so the workers just pu t powered vehicles can't bear the weight of the j'
up a new wall, leaving a space between them. stone blocks when going downhill. so horses
Somehow, during the confUSion, one fellow and buggies are used instead. )
who was working inside the walls got sealed in. My Mormon friends lell me lhe purpose o f ~
Don't ask me how-you 'd think he'd notice the the Temple is to shield the most holy rites from )
sudden lack of light and no space to water the the eyes of the uncleansed. There are a number j
lilies, if you catch my meaning. of rooms dedicated to secret ceremonies and ~
The Elder wasn't missed for several days, and
whe n he was, it was too late to tear the wall
other rituals- like the taking of spiritual wives.
If you want to know more, become a Mor mon
down. They took out a few stones, of course, and get .hit.chcd or something. Then they might )
and yelled for the man, hut there was no answer. let you II1slde. You heller be sincere in your ~l
. t: few years later, about '63 or so, late night beliefs, though, because the church doesn't take
VISitorS to the Tabernacle claimed they cou ld kindly to "spies." Believe me, some folks have
hear him scratching on the walls, trying to get :~:~ ~~: ;~~n';I~~~ters always seem to ferret j


The Mormon Templ~. a IM>rk In progress. NO Gentiles are ~lIowed Inside th iS mos] holy of buil dings !!
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 111I1 I 111I11111 i I I 11111 I I I I I I I J I I I I I J I J I l l J I / J I I I I J / J / I J I J I I I I J I I J / / I I I / I / ,!
\ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \1 \ , , \ \' I \ I \ \ I I \ I , ,, I I II '\\ \ \ \ I I", \

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 104:

The Warwicks are Gentiles, but maintain

The Missing GargDyles favorable relations with the Samts_ They have to;
You're reading a book put out by the remember, the university is the store's bread and
lbmbstone Epitaph so I'm assuming you want to bUller, and the Saints run the university.
hear about all the weIrd sluff out here too. So Consequently, Mormons shopping here receive a
here's a ghost story for you. 10% discount.
Seems that when the Temple was first built, As a sideline to the main business, Sidney
Brother Young commissioned a pair of imposing Warwick deals in rare and valuable books_ You
stone gargoyles La sit atop it The gargoyles were know, the kind that rich folks buy and put in
carved, delivered, approved, then returned to the display cases for their friends to Doh and ahh at.
sculptor to await the completion of the Temple He has contacts Back East lhal help him get a
so they could be set high atop its foremost wall. hold of these items, and I've heard that he
There they would guard the lemple against evil handles some books the Church would be less
forces, supposedly. than happy to hear about. Personally, I think
Problem is, someone stole the gargoyles and they're just rumors.
tore the sculptor to shreds. Young has offered a
bounty of $2,000 for the two slalUes, and an
extra $500 for the thieves who look them.
Warm Springs Sulphur Baths
Seeing as the murdered sculptor's body had If you ever want a truly relaxing experience, I
deep claw marks, gossipy types claim the recommend a viSIt to the sulphur baths. Built
gargoyles came to lire and slew their maker. right on top of a natural spring, lhe water here
It makes for a good story. 1 won't tell you if is brimming with minerals. The caretaker. Ms.
it's true or not. but I will tell you that one time 1 Cordelia Hawkins, claims the waters heal most
was fly ing home from a delivery and saw a any ailment. I'd take that with a grain of saIL
single, dark shape flying along behind me. I sped but the hot spring is incredibly relaxing. The cost
up- I've been chased by enough devil bats not to is high, $5 a head, but it's worth it once in a
let anything get too close- but I'll be damned if I while. Luxuries are hard to come by out here,
didn't see what looked like an ugly gargoyle face and $5 sometimes seems a small price.
on the thing just before it dove over the Wasatch A lot of the high muckety-mucks in the
Mountains and out of sight. Church come here to discuss bUSiness, by the
way. One of the famous tales of Nevada Smith
Warwick's Books & Manuscripts has him hiding in the hol mud baths breathing
through one reed while listening to a secret
I'll just be blunt about this one. If you go meeting of the Chu rch Elders through another.
anywhere else in lown to buy books, then you It's a neat tale, though I doubt it ever
haven't got the sense God gave a goose. I may hap pened. Still. I hear Mormon officials have
not be a very bookish person, but even I was ... started probing the baths with a stick before
impressed the first time 1 walked into Warwick's. conducting their business there now.
Warwick's revenue comes mainly from selling
books to the students at Deserel Universi ty, but
the owner prides himself on the diversity of his
Zion's Cooperative Carriage Factory
stock, and his customers, Folks from every walk The Saints are bIg on the idea of "co-ops,"
of Salt Lake City life, from Mormons to Junkers, businesses owned by the community. The wagon
shop here at Warwick's. factory is their most successful.
Need a lext on Mormon theology? Warwick's One of only two factories still outside of
has it. Looking for an obscure book on Junkyard, Zion's did fairly well even before
engineering? Warwick's got it. Want the newest Hellstromme and his steam wagons came along.
Nevada Smith dime novel? Warwick's stocks it. These days it's the leading manufacturer of self-
Need the new issue of New Science? Warwick's powered vehicles in Deseret. Smith & Robards
gets it hot off the presses the day it's prin ted. outsells them tenfold nationwide, but here, Zion's
The store is run by Sidney Warwick, his wife, Horseless Carriages are king.
and their three young daughters. The Warwicks Zion's doesn't sell directly to the public.
are originally from New York City, and it shows. Instead, they license dealers to maintain "lots"
They came to Salt Lake about 10 years ago and around the state. Customers buy steam wagons
set up shop. Taken as a whole, the family from one of these dealers and can drive their
members are probably the best educated contraption home right off the lot. Only one lot
folks in Deseret. and the daughters (all is allowed in each Mormon settlement. In
unmarried) are beautiful to bool. ~ Sail Lake City il'S Ihe California Corral.

• ~
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\,\ I I \ \ \ I II' 1\11\11 \ ", \\ \ \ I I I '''' I , \ \ I \

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition

Hazards of Salt Lake Ci~

"Believe It or Else!" Only \O~

Any city of this size is going to have its
fair share of trouble. Here's a handful of the ,j
L,. .(.J most dangerous bits. I
t"J Black Hands
96 [f anything has ever threatened to break
the uneasy peace between the Saints and
the Gcntiles in Junkyard, it's our resident serial 1
killer, Black Hands.
Black Hands kills only Mormons and, so far,
only well Mto· do Mormons at that. His victims are
horribly mutilated and always missing some part
of their body.
The killer has been called Black Hands
bccause of a sOlitary witness. Mrs. Etna Gruber,
a Danish immigrant. saw a man dressed in a
long black coat standing over one of the victims.
She could not see his face, but said his hands
were stained black as ghost rock. 1
Black Hands showed up around September. He
killed Mr. Jack Harding on September 17, Mr.
Harmon Ellis on the 18111, and Mr. Gregory Board
on the 19'h. All were prominent Mormons.
The paper and the local law dogs caught on
to the pattern after Board's death, but nothing
else happened until October. About the middle
E~ll stalks the Clly slreecs In the fOrm of lhe myslel"lou~ Black Harlds
Dissenters within the church have started
of the month, three more Mormons were killed.
In every case, pieces of the victims were missing uglier rumors, They claim that the spirits have l
from the crime scene. come to show their disgust with the current
Because of Mrs, Gruber's statement. the direction or the Church and Brigham's rule.
Dcscrel News is pointing the finger at a' The most cynical anLi-Monnons say the
prospector or factory worker who works with ghosts are the shad es of people stain by Young
ghost rock (wl1ich, for those of you from Back over the years, including the families of th e
East. is known to sta in a person's hands black) Mountain Meadows Massacre.
who bears a grUdge against the Mormons. Me? J think there's a still on Third Street.

The People of Nephi Baby Rattlers

According to the Book of Mormon, the people Big salt rattlers stay out on the Salt Flats. I
who fled Jerusalem and came to America were Their babies are a little more rambunctious.
Every spring, four -foot-Iong baby ranlers start

the Nephites. Most supposedly died in an epic
batlle with the Lamaniles a thousand years ago. popping up around the city. Their tactics are a
Now It seems some of those fine folks are lillie less soph isticated than their mommas'. Five
back and checking out their descendants' new or six of them pop up from underfoot or drop
city. Residents between Fourth South Street and down from a height and lake down lone

Third West Street claim they've seen a ghostly travelers. A grown man can usually handle one
mob of people late at night. The people are of these suckers, but a passel of these 200-
wearing ancient clothing and marveling at the pound monsters with teeth is another story.
modern buildings. One fellow attempted to talk Pay particular attention after a spring rain.
to them, and another even tried to touch them, The ~round is nice and sofL making it easy for
but each time tl1ey vanished. the lillie suckers to get underneatll you. Sheriff
Brigham Young postulates they are the Waters usually has a few deputies in a steam
spirits of the people of Nephi come home to wagon patrolling th e city for the worms, but 1
Canaan. they can't be everywhere. Watch your step.
111" "" I" II J ""'1"1" II I I III" J' 11'1 J), I I J I J' J J I I J' I I I 1 " " I J' " " I""" '11'" J J' J I J I I I I I J 1" JI ,!
IIIIIII III 11'1 1 1,\ IIII \1\1 II I I II II II \\\ \11 II

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edilion "Believe It or Else!" Only I()¢

Union spies occasionally try to subvert

Mormon rule as well. They agitate dissent.
encourage "reformation" movements within the
church, and generally try to make Young regret
declaring Desercl's independence. The most
famous spy around here is a Pinkerton agent
named Nevada Smilh.

Nevada Smith
Yep, there really is a Nevada Smith. I've
actually worked with him (or. at least sO':lleon
who said he was Nevada SmLth), and while he7 s
not quite as lucky or as fast with his tra?emark
Gatling pistol as the dime novels make !l,m out
to be, he's twice as heroic.
The author of the dime novels is a fellow by
the name of Ignatious Marlin Hymme, or l.M. to
his friends and fans. I.M. lives in Junkyard and
occasionally even figures into the famous
Pinkerton's adventures. He's "doc umented" such
thrilling tales as Nevada Smith and the
Locomotive 0' Doom, Nevada Smith and tile Lost
Treasure Of the Paiutes, Nevada Smith and the
Automaton Enigma, Nevada Smith alld the Secret
or FaC10/Y #/9, alld of course, Nevada Smith and
tl1c Black Mesa Showdown (I'm in tha t one).
According to I.M.'s tales, Nevada was sent here
by President Grant to spy on Brigham. Before
long, however, he was caught up in "plots both
The 1)0;,51 (and only) oastlog pholo 01 Nc\'ilda Smllh. man <.II my!>let')'
supernatural and devious." involv~ng not only
Brigham Young. but ghosts, vampires,
Spies were\oVOlves, and salt rattlers.
Nevada'S constant nemesis, however, is Dr.
All the major cities in the Disputed Lands are Hell st romme. According to I.M.'s tales, Nevada
crawling with Union a~d Confederate spies. S~h believes Hellstromme has set out Lo destroy lhe
Lake City is no excepuon. In fact because of Its world. and iI's his job to stop him. Smith isn't on
value in ghost rock and technology, there are friendly terms w ith the Oaniles despite their
even more spies here than there. are in . common goal. This is probably because he was
washington, DC. We've got a veritable meillng sent here to stop folks from getting killed, not
pot of espionage with union,.confede~ate, help out the Mormon's sec ret police.
French, Prussian, and even railroad spies.
By and large, most agents are "industrial
spies," interested only in stealing technology.
Who is Nevada Smith?
Remember that all of this is purely conjecture.
Part of this is because neither the USA nor CSA No one. except maybe I.M., knows who Nevada is
have a significant presence in the area. It's no or what he looks like. He's truly a man of a
use them spying on each other when there's thousand faces. Many think it's even possible
nothing to spy on. that there is no single Nevada Smith, but that
On the other hand, Hellslromme's blueprints many of the deeds done by Oanites and <:,ther
are priceless to any nation. I'm lold Jeff Davis is saboteurs are collectively attributed to ttus
particularly interested in the Dr. G.ash's human phantom of Hyrnme's overactive imagination. .
augmentations. Smith & Robards IS also StilL there are an awful lot of folks who claim
sometimes the target of espionage, but the they were about to fall prey to some nefarious
gizmos we make are a litlle less useful for creature or bandit late one night when a man
fighting than Hellstromme Industnes products. with a Gatling pistol emerged from the shadows
That doesn't bother us a bit. by the way. and saved them. The man is never described the
Hellstromme deals with espionage in a same way twice, so if he exists. the rumors
pretty Draconian fashion. We'll talk about of his being a master of disguise are

{gj ':'32
the Steam Pipe Incident later.
certainly true.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom I

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 104

these fast-built homes had to be constructed

Cha~er Four: Junkyard under and around all the hissing steam pipes.
sparking electrical conduits. and spewing !,
"It's a nice place to live." Thal's the speech
you'll gel from the companies hiring folks
gaslines. We call this the "Steel Sky." Many spots
in junkyard you can't see the sun because of it I
who haven't been here yet. Here's a piece of
advice; don't believe them. The Sewers j
If you can land one of the belter jobs
around here, say that of a factory foreman,
your home might not be so bad. The town
itself is downright deadly no matter where you
Over your head squats the Steel Sky and all
the dangers it hIdes. l3elow you is worse, 'cause
that's where the sewers are.
live though. You've got choking soot. desperate
You see, most of the denizens of junkyard
were either cowhi1nds or miners before Lhey
neighbors who'd kill you for your cash. and
things I could only tell you about here in the
EpilOph. There's so much to walch out for in
came here. Let's just say Lhey did their personal
business where they pleased. During the first
boom in '70, it didn't Lake tong for the streets of
Junkyard ttlal I don't know where to begin. 1
guess I'll start by telling you what Junkyard
Junkya rd to smell like-well. you can guess. 1
looks like.
So city work crews dug sewer tunnels right
under Junkyard, They're rough-cut like caverns,
The Steel Sky not paved halls like you see Back East, but they
do the job. Every apartment and shack in
junkyard was built among Hellstromme's maze
of pipelines, conduits, and God knows what else.
That's why the streets here are so SCl'ewy-
junkyard is connected Lo the sewer (in fact. the
Mormons passed a law making the landlords
especially compared to the orderly streets of Salt Don't think this makes junkyard smell like a I
Lake City.
When \vorkcrs started migrating in by the
hundreds. a lot of people got rich quick building
rose. There's nothing you can do about the
fumes, the soot. and the sweat of several
thousand factory vrorkcrs but at lcast it doesn't
cheap apartments for them. The problem was all smell like the back door of a corpse's longjohns.


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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 10¢

Salt Lake City,

State of Deseret

Editors Note As with the previouS map. the IllilJO!1ty of the skel sky has been omitted to make the map more u~lul

When the factories first started turning the

Sludge Creek creek black and some folks turned up sick,
Hellstromme spent a few weeks cooking up a
The creek that runs down through City Creek "water purifier." The sludge oozes into the
Canyon used to be clean, but the runoff from interior and comes out the other side clean.
the factories turned it into a thick sludge. It used How does it work? Not a clue. Like most of
to be called something pretty, though J can't for He1!stromme's inventions, he doesn't share its
the life of me remember what. Everyone just secrets. Most of us probably couldn't understand
calls it the Sludge now. it even if we had the blueprint.
Workers have fallen into the Sludge and I would tell you not to drink out of the
drowned. Some of them were even supposed to Sludge, but there's really no danger in that. You'll
be good swimmers. A few limes, "heroes" have know what J mean when you see it. Drinking out
jumped in after them and drowned too.. of it will be the last thing on your mind.
When this happens, volunteers are paId to
dredge for the body. The river is fairly acidic,
though. A body in there for more than a few
They say that no maller how low you sink in
hours is liUle more than bones. life, you can always go lower. Siudgelown is
proof of that axiom. Even poor Junkers say "at
BeUstrom's Water Purifier least we don't have to llve in Siudgetown."
junkyard gets its water from small streams sludgetown is a wretched liltle shantytown of
running down off the northern hills. [n summer, about 30 tents and lean-tos pitched on the
there's usually a shortage. That's why most folks narrow banks of Sludge Creek. Only the most
there can't afford baths and stay dirty 366 days desperate and destitute live down here by the
out of the year (lhey're so dirty we had to add a waters, scrounging up whatever they can.
day to the calendar). Mormon missionaries occasionally bring food
Salt Lake City gets its water from Sludge to the poor wretches here, but most people
Creek. Sound Iik.e the Junkers got a better just try to ignore them
deal for a change? Oon'l bet on it.

'L84 '
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1
1876 Edition "Bclieve It or Else!" Only lOe
Places of Note 1
The Asylum
The first place on the list mig ht be the 1
last place you ever see. Working in an
assembly line day after day, in a city
perpetually covered in soot for wages barely
above your cost of living, can be a liltle less
than mentally stimulating. Not everyone can 1
hack it. Those lhat can't wind up in the insane
asylum. 1
Dr Emil I!\bbcrt and a learn 01 nurses~a l 1
widows-staff the Asylum. Dr. Hibbert is an odd, 1,
obseSSIve bird who believes he can cure his
patients of their various maladies w ith what he
calls "coni rontational therapy" lie has wild,
while hair, a nose like a beak, and thick

spectacles that make his eyes look big as
!>Jucers. You'll know him if you see him.
The widows are all women whose husbands
were either killed In Junkyard or have been
adnlllled as palients to the Asylum. Most of
these women had nowhere else to go when their

husbands died (or were no longer competent), so
Hibbert lets them work at the sanitarium in
exchange for room and boa rd.
By the way, according to the laws of Deseret.
a husband or wife round insane is legally "dead."
They cannot vote, work, receive income, etc.
Cat's Used Goods
Smce this is a new Mormon law, anli~Mormons
claim the Saints use it to confiscate the property I mentioned before that there's a high turnover
or wife of someone Ihey don't like by having rate in the ractones. With all those folks coming
them declared "insane." You can believe what and gomg. there's a huge market in used goods. 1
you want. Furniture, clothes, you name it. Cat's got it
If an insane person is ever cured, he is "Cat" is Katherine waShington, a black 1
"reborn" as a new person. If he had a spouse, woman. There aren't too many black women out
they are no longer married, though the two can here, and J can't think of too many anywhere
remarry if they wish. Property, job, and most that actually run a business. I think she's greal. 1
everything else is still forfeited, however. If you don't like that idea, [ suggest you steer
clear. Cat's got a temper on her. 1
Some Disturbing Tales Cat is known in )unkyard as something of a
Some folks claim thaI while there are about heroine. She's saved rolks' lives more times than I
200 patients at the Asylum, there have been can counl Once a pack of young rattlers chased
almost twice as many admilled in the last two
years and nowhere near enough deaths to
a man inlo a blind alley in Junkyard He would
have been worm food if Cal hadn't happened to
account for them. I've heard similar stories about be strolling by. Fortunately ror him, she carries a
every hosp!lal or sanitarium mentioned in the Gatling pistol for emergencies, and she blasted

Epitaph so take such tales with a grain of sail. those critters to Kingdom Comc.
Dr. Hibbert and the widow nurses are fine She's also a bit of a humanitarian. Folks who
rolks. so t!lal rules out mass murder So unless need a Jew basic pieces of furniture have been
the insane are slipping down a drain somewhere,
I think t!lese stories are more wild exaggerations
able to buy from her on credit. cal ra rely gets
her money back, but it doesn't seem to bother
spread by folks who are scared of ending up her. I
t!lere themselves. Oh, and did J mention she'S my best
J I I I I I I I I I I I I I " " ' 1 1 J J J I I I I J I 1 I 1 I I J J I I 1 1 I 1 I J J I I I 11I11I11I I I11 J 11 1 1 1 J I l " III J II J II J 1III1 1 1 II J J 1II1II

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edilion "Believe It or Else!" Only loe::

Granny had a "revelation," however, which

DDC Yates decreed she would be allowed to establish her
own business. Young agreed after a long debate
Doctor Victor Yates was a prominent wiLl1 the rest of the Twelve, and Granny was
Philadelphia doctor a decade ago. Then h~s son given land and a loan to build her factory.
Cal decided to head West and stake a claIm. Those Mormon rifles kept the United StaLes
Cal panned for gold and later ghost rock., but army at bay until '68 or so. By then, most folks
he never quite made it. Poor and starving, he carried Winchesters, which could fIre faster and
eventually headed for Salt Lake City and found were more reliable than Granny's Mormon rifle.
work in the factories. Like most every other S.,) Granny turned her attentions to more
worker. he figured he'd work here just long conventional arms. She used her fortune to move
enough to save some money, then buy some her shop to Junkyard and establish a real arms
supplies and head back into the hills in search "factory:' Now she continues to tmker with
of ore. Also like most everyone out here, Cal unusual weapons, but her worke rs crank out
found he could never really get ahead. traditional repeaters, double*action pistols, and
In 71. Cal went missing. By spring of 72, his shotguns. She suppl ies the Nauvoo Legion with a
father was out here looking for him. Victor even ,good chunk of their weaponry:
hired out a band of adventurers to find his son, I'm told you can see her "private" collection if
but they went missing too. A second posse was you prove yourself a friend to the Mormon cause
sent after the first, and-you guessed it - they and have a good reason .
vanished without a trace as well.
Victor can't call on the Pinkerlons or the
Rangers since Deseret is "independe nt." so he HellstrDlDIDe Industries, Limited
remains out here, hiring good*hearted or money * Dr. Hellstromme owns most of the factories in
hungry adventurers wilen he can to find his son. Junkyard. This is where he t urns.out the
So far, at least two score of these have incredible machi nes he uses Lo flgtlt the GreaL
disappeared down whatever hole Cal vanished Rail Wars. Automatons, vehicles, and other
into. gizmos are run through the assembly lines daily.
Doc Yales' fortune is dwindling, but he keeps
afloat by being the best sawbones out here. He's Plant #1
a little more expensive than most. but he also This is the one that started it aiL Plant J;I was
wonl hack off your leg and sell it to the constructed in 70 to build steam wagons. By
aug mentors for no good reason. 1872, Young asked Hellstromme to stop
Oh, and if you're interested m gelling killed, production at his plant and join in as a partner
the standing reward on Cal is $2,500 alive, $500 at Zion's. Hellstromme agreed and started
if you locate his remains. making rolling stock at his old factory, a task it
continues today.
Granny Smith's Arms Factory The trains he manufactures here are truly
incredible. Some are fasler than you would
Granny was one of the Prophet's last wives believe, others are heavily armed and armored,
back in Nauvoo. The story goes that she was a and some simply offer the most luxurious
crack shot and would even repair Joseph's guns accommodations money can buy:
for him when they got fouled After Joe's death,
Widow Smith moved on '0 Sal' Lake Ci'y with The Automaton Factory
the rest of the Mormon Pioneers. The besL*paying jobs are in Plant #3, the
Evidently, minding house wasn·t enough for "automaton factory:' They're also the toughest
Granny Smith, so she started tinke~ing around jobs to get. Only trusted employees who have
with Joe's guns. By 1864 or so, she Invented a proven themselves are "promoted" here.
rifle with a rotating barreL Its rate of fire was flow come? Because this is where
much higher Lhan the other guns of the times. Hellstromme's incredible "mechanical men" arc
The "Mormon ririe" was an overnight success. assembled. From what I'm told, automaton head s
Granny Smith became the first female Mormon are made at Hellstromme's compound and then
to set up her own business. In her interviews, brought here to be attached Lo their bodies and
she claims she went from being a lonely old outfitted with various weapons.
widow to the most desirable woman in Salt Why all the secrecy? Because as of this
Lake-if the number of sullors who called on writing, no one has been able to figure out
her was any indication. Brigham Young ~ the "secret of the automatons." I'll leI I you
himself was one of these suitors. more about this later on.

i! I

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" " \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only lO():

Plant #9
Hellslromrne's mechan ical spiders, scorpions,
and other clock work minions are made at this
large factory. The second - highest- paying jobs are
fOllnd here, beat only by jobs in Plant #3, the
automalon factory.
The creatures assembled here hold the same
secrets as the automatons. Something in their 1
heads gives them the ability to think and receive
orders. And just like automatons. they blow up if
you get too close.
Plant #13 •
Label this a "bad place" to work. Maybe it's
the number 13, but this place is unlucky as 1·lelL
Officially, Hcllstromme manufactures "bul let -
proof vests" and other wacky devices ror his
"experimental squads" here. UnoffiCially, he
might as well manufacture body pa rts for al l the
cor pses that come out plant #13'5 doors.
I don'l know why, but they have more
fatalilies and manglings here t han any other
plant in Junkyard. And it's always different. One
week, a fellow gelS his hand caught in t he
industrial sewing machine. The next week, a
worker falls into the smeller where they make
the metal inserts. Another week, some poor sod
in the testing department fi res a gun at a vest Workers 1011 .....'ay In one of Hclistrommc lndUSI" ~S' manutactunns pl ants.
only LO have his weapon backfi re and blow his
hand off.
Don't work here. Rea lly. No matter what they
offer you.
Inns & Hotels
Wilen you first get to Junkyard (and you don 't
Plant m have enough money to stay in the ciLy), you're
going to need a cheap place to bed down for the
Hellslromllle makes miscellaneous parts for
his armored vehicles in this plant. Nuts, bolts, night. Here arc a couplc of the least o f f e n s i v e jI
radiators, stea m boilers, and the like are dives. There are others. but unless you want to
produced here, then shipped out to Plant #47 out
on the Salt Flats.
share a bed, sleep on a rooL or shack up with a
family trying to pay their power bill by renting
out the floor, I suggest you stick with these.
This is a great place to work. There are few

accidents, and nottling here's secret. so Dani tes
or spies shouldn't be blowing anything up. GDnzalez'sHDuse
Manuel Gonzalez used La be a courier (or the
The Power Plant Mexican Army. He was an excellent horseman
Plant #"24 is commonly called the "power and a fast runner (his nickname is "Speedy") He I'
plant." though its real name is the SaIL Lake was transferred from the garrison at Mexico City
Valley Electrical Plant. This is where the City 0' to Santa Anna's staff in the southern Maze, and ~
Gloom gets all that electricity from. Il's never he couldn't believe what he witnessed. !
closed. and besides a couple of Hellstromme's
automatons, it's patrolled by a full-time squad of
his toughest X-Squad goons. No one wants their
Speedy won't say what he saw there, but it
was bad enough to convince this loyal and
honest fellow to desert. Santa Anna gave him the

power cut by some shifty saboteur. chance. He sent him into Texas disguised as a
Every now and then, however, the plant gets a peasant to buy a wagon load of whiskey-
glitch. If you're here and l he power goes out, Speedy won't say what it was for. He look the )
don't bust your chaps. J-Iellstromme's work money and just kept going. He stopped when
crews will get it back on in a few hours. As he hit Salt Lake City, and soon after, he
soon as they can chase the gremlins out. bought a crumbling apartment bui lding.

J I / I I / I J I l l J I J J J I J I J J J I J J I J J 1/ J J J J J / / J 1/11) I J I I J J 11I11 J I I J 1111111111) I111 J J I J I J I J J J J I I J 11I1 J J J 11111 J I ,I


The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only toe

------ , , ..
. .'


Speedy fixed up the place himself and now

rents out the rooms at SOC a night with a 50%
discount for a week's stllY. paid up front He
Madam Marie's Dance Hall
doesn't serve food There's nothing special about If you've been to many dance halls on the
the rooms here, but they're clean and keep the frontier. you won't have much trouble figuring
soot off your helld. out that the dancers here often "fall down" on
the job, and the "horizontal tango" is a popular
Salt Lake Ci~ Grand jig. Dances are a nickel a song. "Dances" cost
quite a bit more, I hear. r wouldn't know for sure.
Pure delusions of grandeur. Jim Willis sure
knows how to name a place. but it's nowhere The Mormons prohibit brothels in Deseret, but
near as nice as it might sound. lie charges 75¢ a for some reason they leave Madam Marie alone. [
night with a 66% discount per week (25¢ a night). don't know why_ Everyone here knows what goes
The Grand is solid enough, however. You won't on mSI~e the upstairs rooms I figure she's got
fall through the floorboards like you might in somethmg on someone that keeps her safe.
lesser hOlels, and the bugs won't eat you alive. Marie doesn't gel off scot-free, however. The
Like Gonzalez. Willis doesn't serve food. SaIL Lake Valley Moral Society is a group of do-
One nice feature is the Grand's piano. In the gooders led by Reverend Robert Hungate. Most
hotel saloon is a huge grand piano. Don't make of the group are Junker-converts hoping their
the "Grand grand piano joke," it was old the day actions might get them admitted to "Mormon
the place opened. society" a little earlier. It hasn't happened yet.
A woman named Mimi has a permanent room Hungate, on the other hand, is a Baptist and
upstairs. She earns her keep by singing and fire and brimstone is his slack and trade. You
playing the piano in the saloon most weekends. can find him on Marie's street corner. tirelessly
~he's g~t a lot of fans· menfolk say she sings
preachmg morality to the masses. Sometimes he
like a bird and is as beautiful as Venus. I don't talks about other things as well such as
mean to be cruel, but she didn·t seem very Judgment Day (he cal ls it the "Reckoning")

pretty to me. And her singing made my and the "perseculion of free speech" by both
ears ring. To each his own, I reckon 1. the United States and Confederate

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'\\\\ "'f
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom I
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 10~
governments. It seems Reverend Hungate is in
Deseret because he's wanted. I don't know what
for, and neither do the lawdogs, or they would
have arrested and extradited him
The oreways were created by- you guessed it -
Dr. Hellslromme. Miners in the wasatch
Lenore's House of Fine Arts Mountains dig ghost rock all day, then sell it to
assayers at the top of the oreways. The are then
Miss Catherine Lenore collects "fine" an. travels down several miles of conveyor belts to
while hers is a private home, she opens her
doors to the public every Saturday from noon to
crushers at the bottom. There I he rock is sold to
various factories or individuals. Some factories
sundown She takes donation s for the have their share dropped from the crushers
collection's upkeep, but she never seems that directly onto another conveyor that runs into 1
concerned that the Junkers don't contribute. their plants. Others buy it by the wagonload to
Most of the art was created by the [oSl souls
or Junkyard, so it's not particularly artistic, and
power their own factories' needs.
From dawn to noon, Hellstromme makes a few
neither is it particularly fine. Bul it is interesting.
The paintings and sculptures are usually of
flowers, fields, and things Junkers haven't seen in
extra bucks by running the conveyors in reverse.
Miners can pay IOq; to ride the belt up into the
hills- a much-needed break for those who don't
a long time. Kind of sad, really But there's this have their own mule. After noon, the conveyors

one room of the house where Marie keeps only go downhill. It's easy to climb off before
Adelade Pick el'S paintings. you get dumped in the crusher, but be careful.
Adelade PickeL is from, well. somewhere else. More than one miner has fallen asleep during
lie hard ly speaks a word of English, works 12- the long ride down. I'm told their blood sizzles
hour days at the power plant, and spends his
even ings painting. Hi s paintings are dark,
when it hit s the ghost rock.
If you're thinking the oreways sound like easy j
brooding '.vorks of pipes, steam, and steel. Look targets for robbery, you're wrong. Besides being
ca refully, though, and you can see other shapes elevated 20 feet off the ground, they're patrolled
in the paintings. Horned humanoids, glowing by a squad of Hcllstromme's mounted thugs. 1
eyes, "scaly" serpentine cables and other J
weirdnesscs hide in the his eerie masterpieces.
Catherine is fascinated with Picket's work,
The Rathole
though she doesn't seem to care much for Picket Okay, the real name of this huge apartment
himself. I also don't think Cathy has lots of complex is really something like "A Warren's
money-I mean, Junkers aren't known as "patrons Apartments." If someone calls It that, you're
of lhe arts." I wonder sometimes just how she probably talking to A. Warren himself.

pays Picket for hi s work. The Rathole is the largest of the apartment
buildings in Junkyard. There arc 200 apartments,
Nicho~' Chost Rock Refinery but probably three times as many tenants. Most
tenants are single men, a few are women, and ~
The "Nichol Plant " refines ghost rock. Inside, most all are factory workers. No families stay at
the workers take raw ore, crush it, sift out the the Rathole, for reasons I'll tell you about below.
impurities, melt it, then pour the molten rock If you get a job here, you can rent rooms at
into various size molds. the Rathole for $5 a month. There's always
The ghost-rock "cylinders" that come oul in room-no one stays here long.
the end arc sold to folks who rely on ghost-rock
"ru e! cores" to power their vchicles. All of our in Rats the Walls
ghost-rock powered inventions here at Smith & As soon as someone started calling the
Robards can use fuel cores. apartments the "Rat hole," real rats started
This is usually a great place to work. The showing up everywhere. It was almost like the
owner, Jason Nichols, is a good Mormon who
doesn't take any unnecessary chances with his
local rat population heard the name and decided
the building was built for them.
investment. That means he's careful with his Most every place out here has rats, but the
ghost rock. He only had three explosions in '76.
The only problem, of course, is the risk of
catchmg "ghost -roc k fever." Wear your patented
Smith & Robards mask even if the rest of the
vermin here are big as cats. Some of the tenants
claim they've seen rats as big as dogs.
That's why families with smal[ children avoid
this place. Though it's never happened to my
tinhorns don'!. This may sound like a plug knowledge, folks are afraid rats that big
for my company, but it' could save your life. ~ would make off with their lillie ones.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 10<:
on the ledge for some not so fresh air Still. it's
Saloons beLLer air up here than down below thanks to a
stiff wind that can't get down to the streets.
Zonino laws prohibit real saloons in Salt Lake Patrons get in by cl imbing a meta l staircase
City. Tha'h okay, because )un~yard makes up for Clarence built outside. There's another entrance
iL in spades. Here are a few of the most notable. for staff and regulars inside the building.
The Ledge gets a little wild. The serio~s
The Ledge bloodsportcrs hang out there and sometImes
Clarence "the Shark" Venturino was a popular challenge each other to wild stunts. I'm a regular
Swing star for a bit until a nasty falJ into t.he myself, and I can ·t tell you how many times I've
Sludge just about killed him. He's l! hOrribly seen two crazy cowpokes jump off the ca~walk
scarred. but in the City 0' Gloom hiS wounds arc or tightrope walk across a nearby steam pIpe.
badges of honor. Swing is one of our local blood Tinhorns take their chances when commg La
spons thal I'll tell you about a bit latcr. the Ledge. Thcy"re the first ones to get goaded or
Clarence retired from Swing and used the last bullied into performing some dangerous stunt.
of his v.!innings to open a saloon . Trouble was, Don't visit here if you don't think you can
there were no cheap places to buy or renL. $0 he handle yourself.
hit on Lhe idea of pULting in the saloon high up
on one of Junkyard 's many bui ldings.
The one he setlled on was once an apartment
The Monkeywrench
Most people think that the scienLislS?f .
building, but something happened, .and it slarted Hellstromme Industries, Ltd., DesereL UniversIty
falling aparl. The owner started uSIng the bottom and Smith & Robards spend every waking
rloor as a warehouse, but the top five rloors moment in solitary contemplation of the
stood unused until Clarence came along. mysteries of the universe. While it is true that
Now, the "Ledge" sits atop the sixth rloor of most of the "mad ·· scientists I've known arc
the building. The front of the sa loon is actually obsessed with their particular field of study,
the sixth floor wall It's called the "Ledge" they aren't always that antisocial. The
because there's a wide catwalk all around the Monkeywrench is proof of this.
outside. Customers can drink inside or hang out

1\ rough night at the L~-dS~ watch what )-<>1.1 ,;ay If you decide to hailS OUI here. SWlIlg plili~rs lend to he volatIle sons

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" " "
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom J
1876 EdItIon

Dr Anthony Spunzo opened this saloon about

"Believe It or Else!"

The owner of the Rustbucket is "Dirty Mally"

Only \O¢

three years ago after being ejected from Deserel
University, It seems that Spunzo was a supporter
Meeker. She's a big woman who can outdrink,
outfight, and outcuss any of her customers. !,
of Dr. Gash, and tile work enviro nment gOL a Consid ering her usual clientele, that's saying j
little hostile after the good doctor disappeared. something.
Spunzo, who had received an inheritance from a "I
rich relative Back East. bought a tenement in The Steamer
Junkyard. rented out the above-ground floors and Edgar Maybrick turned the basement of this
converted the basement into a hangout for Salt
Lake CitY'5 "brilliant minds,"
apartment building into a saloon. Business
wasn't so great, but then the steam pipes ,1.
It caught on pretty quickly. Most sci enlists and
inventors welcomed the chance to be around
running through the roof sprung a slow leak,
turning the "Junkyard Saloon" into the "Steamer." ,J
people that "understood" them and their \vork. It's holler than Hell in there, but for some
The Monkeywrench is regarded as neutral reason, Junkers love it. Why? For one reason the ,J '
ground by the scientific communi ty of tile City
o' Gloom, with Smith & Robards researchers
steam keeps the soot down. tt's hard to breathe,
but at least irs relatively clean air. The biggest
talking freely wiLM Hcilstromme's. reason the Steamer became a hot spot. however, "I '
There is a gentlemen's ag reement among lhc is because it's so danged hard to see in there.
patrons that no one talks about their projects That makes it the perfect place for people to
that they're working on for lheir employers. All hold a quiet meeting away from prying eyes. I
SCientists are mud more interested in their own
ret projects anyway.
Most normal folks don't go to the
Monkeywrench, but I've been there many limes
Worker's Hospital
You'll hear as many dark stories about the

Worker's Hospital as the Asylum if you live in i

baby-sitting one or more of our eggheads. On
Junkyard. This time, you can believe them. It's
any given night you can find about 30 or 40
scientists lounging around the 'Wrench, along not tha t the quacks that work here are some 1'
kind of sick butchers. They're just second-rate
with about half that many baby-sitters.
The eggheads drink from Spunzo's excellent hacks who couldn't find decent work elsewhere.
Most all the good doclors in Salt Lake City
selection of beers, ma niacally scrawl formulas
and diagrams on the blackboards provided along live in the city where it's a thousand times ""
the walls, and throw around enough scientific cleaner, they make much better money. and treat J
lingo to drive a body crazy. The custome rs could colds instead of mutilated hands and arms. Who
politely be described as "colorful." I'm not all unfortunately, thal leaves us with all lhe quacks.
The Worker's Hospital was started by some of
that paille, so I call them "raving lunatics."
We chaperones usua!1y stake out a corner of the major factory ow ners a few years ago. The
the room, nurse ollr drinks, talk skullc hucker, workers were rumbling about some kind of mass )

read or play poker It's actually relaxing once you strike, and this was one of their demands. The I
learn to screen out all the talk in the room. factory owners quickly agreed, but as you can "
You might think this would be a pretty quiet
place, and most nights it is. But mad scientists
guess, they didn't pony up lhe funds for good
doctors. And a few months later, they started f
being the passionate creatures that they are (and taking "medical dues" out of everyone's wages to
cover the quacks they did hire. If you really need
trust me, they are) it's not unusual for an

intelledual discussion to degenerate into a decent saw bones, see Doc Yates.
!f YOLl have to go lo the Worker's Hospital.
fisticuffs_ I had to drag one of our best
don't eat first. In the recovery rooms, you'll see ,,'
engineers out the back entrance one night after
he found a fault in some other scientist's pet
design. Dr. Spunzo does have a couple of
folks who lost their limbs in the factories.
victims of "exploratory" surgery, and other
horrors. The floor above that holds the Black
bouncers who keep things roughly in line, so J
most fights are brief events.

The Rustbucket
Lungers. These poor folks have so much soot in
their lungs that Death practically sits in the
waiting room. well, he would if there was one.
One of our seedier saloons is the Rustbucket.
It might sound "quaint" to an Easterner, but once
Stay away from the surgical rooms altogether,
whether as a patient or a curious wanderer The l'
you realize they actually save leftover beer in
ru sty buckets to serve later, you might
change your opinion_
screams you hear from inside can curdle your
blood. And if they're your screams, pray to
tile Almighty for forgiveness, 'cause you're
!~1 1
going to meet Him real soon.
i, Ji
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edilion "Bclieve It or Else!" Only IO~

Hazards of Junkyard D~appearances

We have lots of reported "disappearances" in
First ofr, friends. Junkyard is a hazard. Junkyard. A fellow will start a new job, work for.
/"'''' just living here under a constant rain of a week, and then just disappear. Usually, It'S theIr
soot and ashes can kill you if slick arOllnd

boss or neighbor who reports it to the officials.
. ,. long enough You might get mangled by But think about this. There are more than
, some chunk of mach inery in the factory 30,000 lost souls Jiving in junkyard, with several
you work in. Or you might catch ghost-rock hundred morc coming in monthly. Another 50,000
109 fever and go out in a blaze of glory. or so live in or around Salt Lake City.
But unfortunately, there are worse things. such With that many people, there's going La be a
as bandits. ladies of the night. and strange lot of disappearances. Especially in junkyard
crilters that lurk in the Steel Sky. where transien ts come work for a while and
II lot of what I'm going La lell you Illay sound then try their best to get out again. When they
fantastic. It is. There might be perfectly do, lhey don't always tel l the boss they're
reasonable explanations (or some of the stufr leaving. ['ve heard of Lhe same sort of
that goes on , or there might not. I'll just tell you "disappearances" going on out in the City of
what popular superstition is. and you can come Lost Angels, in a place called Ghost Town.
up with your own half-baked answers. So lake all the weird stories you heal' out here
about missing persons with a gra in of sail
AIIeycats There's plenty of real weirdness witllOut
concocting any more.
Let's start w ith one of the rcally weird ones.
You see, there was a craze here in 72. Everybody
who was anybody had a "mechanical cat." The East End Massacre
Sounds silly, doesn't it? [ guess you had to be About two years ago, junkyard played host to
here. one of the bloodiest cr imes in Salt lake City'S
Anyway, an mventor named Dr. Erwin Gotlleib history: the East End Massacre.
was trying (\ike many others) to discover the . , One of the strangest things about the East
secret of Dr. Hcllstromme's automatons. He dldnt End Massacre is that it happened in broad
want to start with a fu l l- blown automaton, so he daylight out in public, but to this day, no one is
made a mechanical cat. The damn things could rea l ly sure what happened or who .did it. .
walk, make clicking noises, and, welL that waS tt happened around five o'clock.m the eve~JI1g
about it. They were absolute fa ilures as scientific on Tuesday, july 15, t874. That's shllt - ch~nge LIme
advances. As toys, however, t hey were an in the factory district. and the streets 01
overnigh t success. junkyard's eastern end were flooded with
At first. when GoUleib just wanted them out workers going to and from work. 11 was a ctear
of his sight he sold them cheaply enough that day, but it's always dim under the Steel Sky, and
workers' families could afford them. Later, when the electric street lights had not yet been turned
Mormon children decided they wanted them too, on for the evening.
the price got higher. This is where things gets fuzzy- According to
Someone must not have liked Gottleib's var ious accounts, ei ther one man . several men, a
inflation, because he was found torn La shreds wild animal or animals, an automaton gone
in 74. The superstitious claim his body was berserk, or some combination of the above, burst
mutilated by his toy cats] More rational minds from a side alleyway into Iron Street. The only
believe a jealolls factory worker who cou ldn't thing that witnesses could agree on was that \l
alTord the toys took out his frustrations on Dr. was shaped roughly lIke a man.
Gotlleib. Things like that happen in Junkyard. Reports say the being (known popu larly as
At any rate, something weird happened the East End Madman) em itted a hideous scream,
afterward. Those damn mechanica l cats are still but with in a matter of seconds any noise that it
around. And t hey're smart now. No more just was making was drowned out by the yells and
walking in a straight line making clicking noises. screams of the victims. 15 innocen t people died
Now they hide in trash piles and teap out for m five minutes of mayhem Some had theIr

your throat! skulls cracked in as If by a massIve club, and
The workers say the "alleycats" are haunted other wele lIterally torn 11mb from limb The
by Gottlcib's spirit, looking for vengea.nce on gutters literal!y ran Icd WIth the blood of the
his killer. Maybe. I've seen stranger Ihmgs. m_a_d_m
_ a_n_'S_V_ic_t_im_s_._ __________

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom j
1876 Edilion "Believe lL or Else!" Only \O~

And then it was gone. No one S(lW it leave, but

hysteria had taken over by then It took the Salt
Lake City constabulary over three hours to calm
everyone down enough to starl laking
statements and figure oul what happened.
I know what you're thinking: One of those
strange. augmented men, a scrapper, wenl
berserk on Iron Street. Simple.
wrong. You have to realize that the first
product of Dr. Gash's work didn't make an
appearance until almost six months after the
East End Massacre took place! So. who is the
East End Madman? There's a passel of people in
the City 0' Gloom that would love to know,

There's a weird gang of masked bandits that
operate out here. They hang out up in the Steel
Sky somewhere and jump down on lone
travelers late at night They use tethers, much !
like the swing players (sec below), so some folks
think they're ex-swingers who have put their
athletic ability to more profitable use.
The Lurkers usua!1y just surround some slob
and take his money, bu t lately they 've become
murderous. Several victims have been found
hanging in the Steel Sky, horribly mulilated. 1
A lot of folks are trying to gel "Slicer"
Muldoon, the currem swing champion, to get up
there after them, but so far no one's offered
Slicer enough money to make it ..·vorlh his while.
What's wrong Slicer? Va chicken?
Something lives on the rooftops of Junkyard.
At first everyone thought maybe they were just
cats or rats, then someone got killed and a
witness saw a small creature scuttling up a
steam pipe onto the Junkyard rooftops. Everyone
assumed it was the alJeycats.
Then some woman saw another murder~and
she swears a human head with two long arms
sewn onto it jumped orf the corpse and bounded
up onto the roof.
Since then, a few others have reported seeing
the strange creature, but they described it as a
head with two feeL a head with a leg and an
arm, and so forth. Only the head is common to
all descriptions.
Sheriff Waters claims the "roofers" are a form
of mass hysteria. I'm inclined to believe him, as
there's been no more murders and not a shred of
proof It's likely the first two murders were just
another of Junkyard's lragedies and the
unfortunates who stumbled upon the bodies
suffered some kind of delusion. I hope.
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, " "
, " .
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢:.

Gash replace it with a mechanical one. Purdue

Chapter Five: Current Events beat the life out of his opponent-literally.
Though I'm ashamed to admit it. the crowd
went wild, and the game of "pit" was born.
That's some of tile people and places of
r~ our lillIe city. Now let's talk about some of Normal boxers didn't stand a chance anymore.
Pit became a gladiatorial event in which the
~3 il~~;~~Oing on around h6e today. augmented fought each other, bears, mountain
lions, and even poor imitations of Hellstromme's
automatons made by some crackpot scientist
III You heard me: bloods ports. It's like rhe with nothing better to do.
days of ancient Rome around here sometimes. The most recent champion, Phineas Young
what with the popularity of pit. sku\!chucker (one of Brigham's children who doesn't embrace
and swing. All three sports are potentia l ly quile his father's religion), was slain by a particu larly
deadly, as YOu']] see in a moment. mean. ugly. and vicious bull. The bull has since
vanished. though word has it President Young's
WhyBloodsports? been eating a lot of steak lalely,
Why have these brutal sports caught on?
Think about it. Life can be preuy stale lor a Skullchucker
factory worker She gets up al dawn, trudges King has a head for games. He likes watching
toward the factory, works on a hol assembly line an augm ented wrestler fight a Kodiak as much
or some such al l day, then goes home to a dirty as the next guy. but there just isn't enough
apartment for a few hours sleep before doing it strategy in it for him. 50 he devised a new game
allover again . Watching someone put everyt hing ca l led "skullchucker."
on the line for fame and glory is exciting. I guess He built the arena tor this new game in a
it gives workers hope in some morbid way. rectangle nearby the old pit. A four foot - high
It also offers the chance to get rich quick. and plaLlbrm stands at the center of either end. Each
that always appeals to the destitute. Wageri ng one has a barrel. and a third barrel sits in a six-
on the games is all part of the experience, and foo t-deep pit in the center of the arena.
large sums of money change hands in the wake Each team gets a sku!1 painted up in their
of a major pit fight or skullchucker game. A few tea m colors. They try to get it in the central
lucky folks have actually made their fortunes barrel (] point) or the other team's barrel (3
through the bloodsports. Of course, even more poin ts). They can also steal the other team's
have lost their already rather threadbare shirts. skull and place it in their own barrel (5 points).
The Mormons preach against bloodsports but Half the team gets to carry clubs or staves·
haven't done anything about them yet. I thin k they're cal led "skullcrackers." The rest wear only
Brother Young Sees these deadly games as a way armor and <:Ire simply called skullchuckers
of letting the Gentiles work out their violent bec<:luse a common strategy is to throw the skull
tendencies on each other rather than on the around and caLch the other team where its
Saints_Or maybe he's a fan. Who knows? defenses are weak.
The SpOrl is growing so big LhaL leams from
Pit other cities have tormed. The Morgan Maulers
Two years ago, there was an huge explosion are odds-on favorites of late, but the Bountiful
in west Junkyard that left a pit nine feel deep Bashers are pretty good too.
and about 50 feet across. No one knew what to
do with it, until some fel lows jumped in and The Tourney
started beating the living (okay, we can't print King has proposed a major skullchucker
evelything Sally says/-Ed) out of each other. tournament for August of '77. The eight best
Soon afler, disorganized boxing ma tches teams are to participate in a week- long "round-
sprang up in the pit. drawing hundreds of robin" event. The winner gets $5,OOO!
gamblers. Il didn't take long for someone to )unkyard is all abuzz about this upcoming
realize there was money to be made. 1\ large spectacle; its the talk of nearly every saloon in
Scollish fellow named Bill King bought the pit town, even though the event is many months
and turned it into a boxing arena. It was away. "5kul!chucker fever " haS even begun to
profitable, but King wasn 't gelling rich. spi l lover into the Mormon community. Of
Then, one day a boxer came in with an course, Brigham has suggested that all good and
augmented arm. His name was Easton proper Mormons should steer clear of the
Purdue, a big bruiser who had lost his ar m event, and the Desert/ News has run
in the factories and had the infamous Dr.

1II1I J I I " J " l l " I J' II" , I J I 'I" I

: ~!

columns condemning it.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1

1876 Edition "Bel ieve It or Else!" Only IOq:



"K iller" Ca rl 8'VC1l5 <In d U,.zy "'Tile

Our newest sport is something called "swing."

P~"dul um" PlliS cngJge in J healed game of l ul"\~yanj's

The current champion is "Slicer" Muldoon. His

cla im to fame happened just a few months ago.
nC\\o'CSI bl oodspon .

Instead of cutting the other player'S tethers, he


It started in Junkyard. See, hundreds of pipes and gutted all the other players and left them
girders stretch high over the Sludge. Someti m es, hanging unconscious in their harnesses without
repair crews use ropes and harnesses in their bothering to cut them loose. Two died. The other
work to make sure they don't fall into the toxic three were fixed up by Doc Ya tes and have
waLer below. Some of these workers get prelly sworn off swing for life as a result.
good at climbing and swinging around like You can find "Slicer". along with a whole lot
pirates. One day. two workers decided to see of other swingers and their adm irers, at the
who was best. and thus another bloodsport was Ledge bragging about his last fight every
born Saturday night. He's a cocky son-of-a (Again, we
apologize Jor Ms. Manners' language, -Ed') Last!

In swing, one to four swingers per side latch
onto the girders at different points, and then heard, odds wefe 4-1 against anyone beating him.
swing out over the Sludge on 40-foot tethers.
The object is to cut everyone else's cord and be King's Challenge
the last player 5winging~or alive. Swing's growing popularity has scared Bill 1,
Players use whatever kind of blade they want King a bit. Skullchucker is big business, donl get
to accomplish this task - knives, sabers, even me wrong, but I guess he worries the violence in
sw ing will eventually gather bigger crowds than
polearms. Needless to say, most folks wind up
CUlling up the other players before they even sk ullchucker.
think about slicing their tethers. Since lhere's no
"ow ner" here to keep things at least a little
True or not, he's been ta l king about amending
the rules to allow one player per side to become
under control, murder and mayhem are allowed. a "skullsplittcr," letting him use a bladed
The only rules are no guns and no gizmos. The weapon. He's also talked about Jelling scrappers
crowd is tl,c only referee. The winner of play. ! hope not. The last thing we need
each game gets 25% of whatever the around here is more ways for more folks 10

bookies bring in. '~S get kil led.
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢

The Labor Movement

I showed you an excerpt from one of Stacey
O'Malley's articles earlier, the one where she
caHed this place the "City 0' Gloom." She and a
whole bunch of others have started to organize
against tile factory owners, claiming folks can't
live in the polluted conditions t hat exist.
The movement started in 73 and has been
gaining steam ever since. Like most movements,
it was touched off by a single traumatic event:
the death of Mary Catherine Gallagher.
Gallagher was the daughter of an Irish fami ly
who moved here in '64. They fell on hard times
in 70 or so and eventually went to work in
)unkyard. By 73, the fa ther died in an accident.
and the mother lay on her deathbed with Black
Lung. Little Mary Catherine Gallagher, 12 yea rs
old, went to work at Nichols' Ghost Rock
Refinery to pay for her moLher's food and
medicine. She contracted "ghosHock fever" the
best anyone can tell, and she perished in a
spectacular and incredibly sad flash.
The Deseret News blasted Jason Nichols for
hiring such a young child, but Stacey O'Ma l ley of
tile Epitaph really laid into him. In his defense,
Nichols said he was doing the girl a favor by
giving her work to support her mother.
The result of the debate was that children 15
and younger can no longer work in the factor ies
or do any other hard labor. The event also made
The Great Rail W
ars older workers realize how bad things were. They
didn't really want to work under such atrocious
Hellslromme has the Mormons in his pocket. conditions either. They form ed an unorficial
so there was liltle doubt he'd geL an exclusive
alliance and started making demands on Nichols,
right ~of~way to Sail Lake City. And then Brother
!lellstromme, and all Lhe other factory owners.
Young was quoted differently in llle Deseret The movement even spread up here to the Smith
News. Brigham said thaI lhe first railroad to
& Robards factory.
reach Salt Lake City without linking up to tile So far the "Worker's Alliance" has only
Denver Pacific would get the right~of~way. managed to curb the worst of the fac tory
Confused? So is everyone else, especially owners' practices. Fumes and soot are pumped
HeJisLromme, I'd imagine. Young's explanation is out of t he ractories instead of backflowing into
that Smith & Robards' aren't reporting their work areas. Smelters and other dangers must
entire income, and are thus cheating on their
have safety rails and other safeguards.
tithes, so the move was designed to punish them The factory ownerS didn't put up a fight on
and ruin Robards' plans of selling to the highest these issues. Now the Worker's Alliance is
bidder. The Church doesn't wanl to see lhe DP talking about striking for more pay. If they do,
prosper until Smith &. Robards pay the million the factory owners may respond with hired
dollars in back·uthes Brigham thinks they owe. thugs. I can 't imagine w hat tactics Hellstromrne
Sound fishy? It does to me too. Now all lhe would use to put his wage slaves back to work.
Rail Barons arc racing for Sail Lake City. Stacey O'Malley is in town again and she says
1!e!lstromme must be fuming. but so far I haven't she plans to stay here a whi le and support the
hea rd what hi s reaction is. We here at S&R think Worker's Alliance. No one has made any attempL
it's all some weird plan to get Hellstromme what to silence her-yet. She's cute and char ismatic,
he wants anyway. Tile anti-Morm ons in o ur and that means the workers love her. If she
mid st say it's nothing short of blackmail. were to meet an untimely end, the workers
Time will tell, 1 suppose.
!,~ mighL burn Lhe facLories Lo Lhe ground.

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" ",
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe [t or Else!" Only 10<;:
The toll canyons ma ke a little money for lhe
Chapter Six: Salt Lake Environs Saints who own them (and the Church through
Lhe lithe system), but t hey're also a great way of 1
The City 0' Gloom is the dirty filling in defending Sail Lake City. The US Army found ou t
the Utah pic. So let's ta l k about the crust. how narrow they were dur ing lhe Mormon War. 1
al! the interesting and weird things outside A couple of canno ns or GaUings and a few rifles I
of town that yo u might want La see or that can hold off an army in these narrow passes. ~
you shoul d avoid. With that in mind. the owne rs of the canyons
have invested heavily in their defense. Al l the
Browning Arms Factory canyons have some kind of thick wa l l or 1
barricade across them now. Guns and guards are
Jonathan Browning and his two sons operate in towers or bunkers along the canyons' rim.
the largest arms factory in Deseret, located up in Most of Deseret is wide open and so must rely
Ogden. The Brownings fOCllS on subcontracted on the Nauvoo Legion to defend its borders. Salt 1
Peacemakers and Wincheslers.
I understand both Colt and Winchester got in
Lake City, however, has little to fear from
anything but a full-scale invasion.
trouble for sharing thei r design with the These canyons are all passable, bu t there are
Brownings and "arming the Mormons." Whatever also a number of box canyons hereabouts, and I
the ir punishment by the governments Back East.
it hasn't Slopped them yet.
some of these hide strange secrets. l'lere's a little
more information on some of the most infamous
canyons you're likely to wander into.
Copper Quarries Devil's Canyon I"
I know ghost rock is hot, but don't lorget
When tile Mormons first got to Utah, they

there's other are in the hills. The Wasatch range
were told Devil's Ca nyon was home to lost AZlec
is fu l l of copper There are several quarries
gold. The story goes lha t the Aztecs fleeing
employing a coup le of hundred workers.
Spanish conquista dors fled into this area and hid
their treasures from them.
Gentile Cemetery A cave somewhere in Devil's Canyon was one
Fol ks stay buried at the Mormon Cemetery, of these. When the Aztecs found it. according to
but good luck getting a corpse La stay put here. Paiute legends, they sacrificed one of their own 1
Gentiles with a few bucks in their pockets to serve as a guardian. That fell ow lurned into a
when they die usually get shipped to their hideous monster of some ki nd and supposedly
families Back East. Those with no families get still dwells there today. I'd discount this as just 1
real headstones if they left their funds to a
rriend with some smattering of morals. The rest
another wild laIc except that my run-in with the
Black Chaplains a few years ago was one of the j
of the unfortunates get wooden crosses and creepiest things I've ever seen in my life- and I've
two-foot graves. Which may be the reason they been around. Give this place a wide berth. i
get dug up so easy.
You see, every couple of times they take a
new corpse up to the cemetery, lhe last ones are
Long Drop Canyon
Ever notice how most places arc named
dug up, cut up, and laid out in the sun. Sure, "'Devi\'s this" or "Skull thal"? I think everyone
someone could stop it if they wan ted, but it's who discovers some landmark wants his to 1
not really worth the effort. No one's paying to sound creepier than the last one to make
find out what's going on, so no one does. himself look more important.
J imagine it wou ld win points with the Lord if
someone could fix things so the dead could rest
Long Drop Canyon isn't quite so menac ing to
the ear, but it's definitely as deadly as most
in peace instead of in pieces. other "evW ravines around here. See, the Long

The Canyons
Drop IS a deep, jagged crack in the earth, near ly
200 feet deep in the moun tains east of the ciLy. 1
There's gold in the botlom. Panners sift iL rrom
All around Salt Lake City are dozens of
canyons. The Mormons charge tolls of all those
who pass through them, Mormons and Genti les
the stream that runs through it. and others dig it
out of the side walls just like those crazy folks
in the Maze. The trouble is the ledges leading
alike. The current toll is 254 a head, plus an down into Long Drop are so narrow and so
additional dollar for every axle if you're prone to collapse that there arc almost as ,I
driving (! guess they f igure if you have a

I many bones down there as there are gold
steam wagon YOll can afford more in tolls). e
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 10<::

Skull Canyon
Skull Canyon gets its name from the skull -like
The Great Salt Lake
Picture a bowl full of salt. Now picture
wall at its end. lLs eyes and nose are only deep, yourself pouring a canteen full of water into it
shadowy niches, but the mouth is a cave tha L That's the Great Salt Lake, Except your bow!
leads far under the Wasatch Mountains, probably won't have lake Hellions and a giant
A famous prospector, Coot Jenkins, ventured sea monster.
far down in the tunnels many years ago. He There arc a few weird fish swimming around
claims there are strange, rounded tunnels leading Sail Lake, but none big enough to cal. There are
on seemingly forever, but no ore, Coot's word is plenty of liny brine shrimp, though, and while
taken as law, so few others have ventured into they're hard ly fit for humans, there's a few
Skull Cave. or those wllo have, some returned thousand birds and pelicans that eat them
with no problems. Others vanished forever. The water is about two-thirds sall-sallier
than the oceans . Even folks who can't swim have
Corrine an easy time dog-paddling because lhe water's
so buoyant. The Mormons harvest saIL from the
Corrine is a wild Gentile town on the northern
edge of the Great Sail Lake. Il'S everything you've lake and sell it to other lawns out West or Back
ever read about in dime novels. There's noth ing East.
there but dancing, drinking, and carousing. The saIL farmers use weird stea m-powered
Both Mormons and Gentiles often sneak up to trawlers to drag giant metal nels througll the
Corrine to join the fun. The Mormons have yet to waler. The metal nets are charged by an on-
crack down on this den of rowdies and boa rd generator, and the electricity makes sail
troublemakers, I reckon they think it's beller to particles stick 10 them. Then they haul the nets
keep all the trouble in one place where they can to shore and scrape off the salt La be refined.
watch it than to force it "underground."
Lake Hellions
Fort Bridger About those brine shrimp I mentioned earlier.
According to the locals, the polluti on from the
Jim Bridger is a near- legendary mounta in man City 0' Gloom has mutaled some of thelll. There
who explored more of the desert lhan any man are bri ne shrimp in there as long as your hand,
known. When he (irst told folks of the geysers Worse, they bite. Worse than that, they're smart.
and other wonders at Yellowstone, they often We call them lake Hellions, They reed mostly
called the wild tales "Bridger's Lies." Only after on the lake's birds, and they way they do is
other explorers told of Yel1owstone's wonders did downright creepy. A few Hellions let themselves
folks start believing Bridger's incredible stories, float to the top and look dead or wounded (or
Jim eventually put up a fort in southern maybe they really are- which is really scary).
Wyoming, near enough to Salt Lake City to spit When a bird swoops down to catch it. a couple
at with a strong wind. In fact. wilen Brigham and hundred shrimp launch themselves rrom the
the rest of the Mormons first ventured here, he depths and catch the bird in mid-flighl. Each one
discouraged them from settling in the va lley, has a mouth and scores of liny but sharp lillIe
saying that vegetables wouldn't grow there for teeth. When the thrashing's over, there's nOlhing
lack of water. I guess he didn't cOllnt on left but bird bones.
persistent irrigation. I've also hea rd that lake Hellions attack
Over the years, "Fort Bridger" has become a people. They can't jump high enough to gel
famOlls waystation for settlers crossing the inside the salt trawlers, but any roo! who on the
deserts, It has also served as a military outpost. lake in a rowboat is asking for trouble.
During the Mormon War in '59, the Union force I read an article in the De5erel NeW5 once that
used the fort as their staging and supply point. makes me even more wary of these things.
Needless to say, this didn't endear Jim to the According to some scientist named Dr. Sheldon
Mormons. He's llad a love-hate relationship with Lysinger, he came across the aftermath of a lake
the Saints ever since. He's harbored those who Hellion attack on people. The bodies were
have opposed Brigham, then turned around and floating in the lake, and the doctor would have
helped the Mormons out in times of need. tried to retrieve them if his boatman hadn't
In short, Jim Bridger is an invaluable friend if stopped him. As they left lhe scene, the Hellions
you plan on exploring northern Deseret. You swarmed over the floating corpses and
can obtain supplies, water, and even devoured them, Could these critters really be
medical assistance at reasonable prices. smart enough to use hllmans as bait?

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom 1

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢

The State
of Deseret
Scale: 1"=35 miles
® •

The Salt Flats

Great Salt
Lake Desert overlook
• Hotel

• S)<tlll

Long E>JOp
• canyo.n

.0' Hell

DevAI's .



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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 EdiliOll "Beli eve It or Else!" Only JO¢

never lost a ship, while Lhe other companies

have lost at least four trawlers to her slimy
tentacles. That's why everyone thinks there's
something'S a little fishy about the whole story.
Briny hersel f seems to be some kind of giant
squid . She·s got 10 tentacles, each one lined with
razor-sharp ridges that can cut through a
wooden boat. That's why the trawlers have metal

There are several local tribes of Indians, but
the ones you're most likely to run into if you go
traipsing au! of the city are Paiutes (sometimes
just called Utes) and Shoshoni.
Both are friendly-most of the time-but about
once a year it seems something happens to rile
the Shoshoni. Then they raid outlying farms and
settlements and scalp and lorture every white
man, woman, and child they catch. When this
happens, the Mormons respond with
overwhelming forcc. The Nauvoo Legion and
bands of experienced scouts and Indian fighters
ruthlessly tear into the Indian villages and
retaliate in kind .
The Legion can get away with such heavy-
handed revenge because thei rs is a society based
on ultimate authori ty. If Brother Brigham says
P31uto;: traders convcrse wit h a Mormon at a trad ing poSt In Ogden
the Lamanites must be slain, then it must be so.
Okay, that's the scary stu ff. The good news is
Briny Lhat the citizens of Deserel are almost always at
Regular readers of the Epitaph have no doubt peace with the Indians. They get along better
heard of Nessie, Champ, and Jericho. We've got than the Confederates and the Coyotes.
our own monster out here, and we call llel" Briny. 1 don't have the space to tell you a whole lot
Whether or not she exists is of little debate. about the local tribes in te rms of their culture
Lots of folks have seen her purplish tentacles and history. For lhat sorl of in formation, r
rise from the depths and drag men from the recommend picking up a copy of Indian Coull try:
decks of their boats to a salty doom. What no A His/ory and Guide. It's written by a fellow
one's really sure about is whether Briny really named Charley Bul l and published by Infinity
wrecks entire ships or not. Press, a local operation run by an ex -Smith &
See, the Great Salt Lake Salt Harvesting Robards scientist. Its a fine book, and it tells you
Company owns most of the salt-harvesting all you want to know about that sluff.
trawlers. Two well-funded companies and What 1 can tell you is how the Mormons deal
numerous independents have tried to start up with the local tribes. Here's a little more abou t
their own salt-harvesting operations, but their both of them.
crews inevitably turn up dead or missing. Several
of the independents may have been killed by Paiutes
lake Hellions. The larger trawlers either blew up Pronounced "pie-yoots," these Indians roam
when their generators or steam boilers throughout territory in northern Deseret and
malfun ctioned, or they were wrecked by "Briny." into Nevada. They are not a huge tr ibe by any
Many folks wonder if the Great Sail Lake means, but their development of the Ghost
Harvesting Company doesn't cause some of Dance spiritual movement has given them a bit
these accidents. They've got several unsavory more power then one might expect.
types working for them, and all their boats have What is the Ghost Dance you ask? Well, for a
at least one big gun on them (presumably to full and complete explanation, see Charley

lao Bu!1's book that J mentioned earlier, but

ward off Briny). Strangely, though the
GSLHC has lost crewmen to Briny, they-ve i here's the short version.
i, I

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The Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom I

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢
The Ghost Dance is a spiritual movement that
was s,tarted in 1870 by a Paiute prophet named
WOdZlwob, who had a vision of the natives'
Mouth o' Hell
return to spiritual power, and the removal of the A prospector named Pete Fenner found this
white man from their land if certain ceremonies huge cavern back in 71. He never explored it all.
were performed and practices followed, because he found millions of dol lars worth of
Here's where the interpretations of the Ghost ghost rock in the cent ral chamber!
Dance get a little fuzzy. In some visions, the He staked his claim and started mining it in
secret, selling liule chunks here and there, but
white man's presence is forcibly removed from
the land, while in other visions, the whi te man eventually folks caught on. "Pete's Cave," as it ,
and the Indians come to respect each other's was called, became known as the richest strike
territory. in all Utah. J
About that time, Dr. Hellstromme perfected
Still. the majority of the Indians thal follow
the Ghost Dance seem to bring a message of "ghost steel." steel smelted in rires fueled by j
peace and brotherhood between men-albeit with ghost rock and tempered under other processes!
the while man elsewhere than on Indian land. lLs don'l understand. Hellstromme didn't invent the
sturf~t'm not sure anyone knows who did~but
not terribly unusual for trading parties of
Paiutes to be seen visiling Salt Lake City. Of he did streamline and refine the creation
course, no one asks them to stay for the night.
The Nauvoo Legion is under orders to let the
process. The professor makes use of it in his
trains, wagons, weapons, and automatons, and j
Paiutes move freely throughout Deserel. Part of we use it up here at Smith & Robards as well.
In '72, the professor struck a deal with Pete.
this is because of the long-standing tie between
the Samts and Paiutes, but Brigham also seems Hellstromme built a giant smelter in the central 1.'
sympathetic to the Ghost Dance movement. chamber of Pete's Cave and signed a contract
Why? Maybe he sees elements or similarity agreeing to buy every last ounce of ghost rock
in the vein at only a liltle less than the ma rket
between Christianity and the Ghost Dance. Or
value. Things went well for almost a year. A crew
maybe he figures that any spiritual movement
t~a~ preaches a.gainst needlessly raiding and
of 50 men and women worked the smelter day 1
and night, churning out ghost steel for

klllmg folks IS m the Saint s' best interest.
Al l in alL I don't really understand it. since Hellstromme's various inventions,
Brigham has no trouble characterizing tile Then disaster struck. The gigantic "smelting
IndIans as the "hideous Lamanites" whenever it pot" at the center of the cavern gave way!
suits his purposes. Cha l k up yet another mystery Molten metal filled the chamber and ran into the
to tI,le inscrutable President Young. lower tunnels. Hellstromme had prepared for
Smce the Ghost Dance began, the relationship such an emergency, A giant waler tower sa t on
wooden timbers. The metal incinerated the
between the Mormons and the Paiutes has faded
a bit. The Paiutes· greatest shame is their tower's legs and the water spilled out, cooling
participation in the Mountain Meadows and hardening the molten metal minutes later,
But it was too late for the workers. Only a
Massacre. As a people, they feel ashamed or the
whole incident and are a bit touchy about it. A handful who had been off the cavern floor
survived . Those that weren't instantly killed by
Paiute brave won't kill you for mentioning it, but
you might end up nursing a black eye, the hot metal were swept inlo the lower caves by
the deluge and drowned.
Shoshoni Now Pete's Cave is called the "Mouth 0' Hell."
It remains flooded to this day ~ the water can't
The Shoshoni are a bit more of a thorn in the
Mormons' side. They are also a nomadic tribe,
and their travels take them through Deseret.
seep through the metal floor and remains
trapped. Grotesque corpses rise from the floor,
forever encased in steel forged by the 110ttest fire
While they arc ardent subscribers to the Ghost
Dance, this doesn't seem to keep groups of known Lo humanity.
Shosholl.i braves from raiding settlements every There were rumors that Pete's Cave was
year. WhIle the Nauvoo Legion deals with these almost played out prior to the accident. tf it
rai.ds with a heavy hand, its worth noting that wasn't, someone would have gone back in there
Brigham hasn't dispatched troops to drive the by now. Most folks don't go looking for scraps
Shoshoni out of DesereL. either. A few have, but I've heard that tired old
The Shoshoni often act as protectors for their cliche, "they never return," Tired it may be, but it
seems true this time. There's something
spiritual mentors, the Paiutes, especially for
the travelling Ghost Dance missionaries. down there in the Mouth 0' Hell. Something 1
in the waler that lies in wait for the greedy.
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only to<!".

The Rangers rode in and put the entire town

to the torch. Every man, woman, and child who
looked loa thin ror their own good caught a
bullet. The Legion showed up when it was all
over. Several of them had family among the
Since that day, the unofficial policy among the
southern patrol s is to shoot any Texas Rangers
on sight. Young and the Church have yet to
rep:"imand them for doing so.

The UaDgin' Tree

There's a dirty rumor spreading around down
south that the Legion doesn't shOal every
Ranger they see. Those that survive get carted
off to something called the Hangin ' Tree.
But the Legionnaires don't hang the Rangers
by their necks. They bind tlleir hands and hang
them from their chests, leaving them to dangle
in the hOl Utah sun until they bake.
Stories or the giant tree and its two score
bodies, covered with buzzards plucking oul
eyeballs, has not endeared southern Mormons to
the Rzmgers. It's said they sometimes turn a deaf
ear to their pleas for help when things beyond
the understanding of the Legion rear their heads.

Does the Nauvt)(! Lesion res<!IW a spt'C~1 f~le IDr Te~~s R~ngers> As you might guess, there are plenty of folks
who come to Oeseret and become enemies of
Nauvoo Legion Patrols the state. Some are workers cast out of society
for consistently violating Mormon law, some are
I told you earlier thal Deserel's borders are bandits on the run from US Marshals or Texas
patrolled by the Nauvoo Legion. Staying out in Rangers, and some arc self-proclaimed
the blasted deserts ail year fighting bandits and revolutionaries standing up to "Mormon tyranny."
such doesn't make them great company. They're Most outcasts head Back East or to the Maze.
hard-bitten veterans who don't fool around. A few, however, have gathered together to form
There's a joke out here that goes "How do you an oullaw band known as the "Outcasts." Their
tell a Texas Ranger from a Nauvoo Legionnaire? hideout is somewhere in the twisting caverns of
The dead one is the Ranger." 1 didn't say it was a las escapedas, or the "Staircase," a weird and
good joke, but it's fairly accurate. beautiful canyon in southern Desere!.
Remember Deseret officially ignores the The Outcasts are rarely here, however. Tiley
Confederacy and treats the Union like a spend most of their time in the saddle or the
redheaded stepchild. That's true among most of seat of a steam wagon roaming the deserts of
the Legion stationed in northern Utah or the Deseret. They're raiders, pirates, and thieves.
cHies. Down south, though, the Legion patrols They don't have the strength to assault large
hate Texas Rangers worse than Nevada Smith. settlements like Ogden, but they've been known
How come? Because a few years ago, a weird to take over a town the size of Kanab until the
disease started spreading up from Texas. People Legion shows up.
were withering away to skin and bones, but not The Outcasts donl commit murder as a rule,
before they went blood -si mple and started but they do shoot those who try to fight back,
attacking their neighbors. The Rangers claimed so it's about the same thing.
there was no cure and ruthlessly hunted down The most unusual thing about the outlaws is
anyone who showed the symptoms. Some of the their love for speed. Most of the band have
afflicted must have fled to Deseret and trademark red steam wagons they've stolen
spread it to the folks in Mexican Hat. a from Mormons traveling across Deseret. The
town in southeastern Utah. rest have fast horses.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom I

1876 Edition

What restraint they do show to their victims

is thanks LO the efforts of their leader. Bonita
"Believe It or Else!"

Lastly, there's the kids-lillie Wilhelm and

Marguerite. Both of them have greasy black hair
Only 1(K.
Rose (probably not her real name). She considers that hangs down over their eyes. and I've never 1
herself a "lady" of some sort and forbids her
bandits to kill without cause. Mind yOll, I'm not
seen them wear anything bu t black. Marguerite
has a dolly with slitches all over it and the !
defending the Outcasts. They've killed scores of ugliest patches of ratty hair you ever saw.

folks. I'm just telling you, keep your pistol in Wilhelm likes to play with animals. Or at least
your pants if you run across them, and you'll their parts. The one time I stayed there, I found
live through it. You'll be broke. but you'll live.
The Church has offered a bounty of $500 on
bits and pieces of small ammals all over the
maze of trails leading into the woods behind the ,
Rose's head. I have to think that's enough money hotel. There's a healthy hobby for a youngster.
to make some of the scalawags who run with These folks arc just wrong. Slay away, and
her think about turning her in. $0 far it hasn't pray for a mudslide to carry them all down the
happened, but I just can't imagine her grubby mountain. 1
thieves not scheming after that bounty.
There's already been some dissent among the The Salt Flats 1,
Outcasts. A fellow known as "Utah" Starr broke
off with the gang and formed another gang Flat and white. That's what you think when
you see the Bonneville Salt Flats. Don't try to
called the Scorpions. More about them later.
cross it on fool. Besides being hot and dry
Overlook Hotel enough to cook a whale omelet, the Salt Flats
are chock f ull of rattlers.
High in the Wasatch Mountains, where irs said The starkness of the flats is really what
Brigham Young first looked out over the Valley makes them so dangerous. A traveler riding
of the Saints, is the Overlook Hotel. The owner, across them thinks he can see trouble a mile
Samuel Whateley. is a st range man. and his away. Then a pack of salt ralliers comes out of
family is even stranger. There were a whole nowhere and takes him from behind.
bunch of them up there. but one group of the That's right. I said "pack." The ones we got
Whateley's headed to some place called Gomorra around here are different than most. For one
In the Maze. We got stuck with the rest. thing, they're blood-red in color, with occasional
The Whateleys' weirdness might not be 50 bad dark black stripes. They're smaller than the ones
if their hotel wasn't such a nice place to stay. It's I've read about in Montana or the Mojave, unless
beautiful. the view is incredible, and the price is
only a $1 a night and half that for meals. The
problem is it gets snowed in a lot. and then
the folks there are just exaggerating.
Salt rattlers travel in packs of two to four. One
really nasty trick they like to pull is to send one
you're stuck with the Whateleys.
I've got to tell you about these folks. First.
rattler up where its prey can see it. th en the
critlcr steers the victim right int o the mouths of
there's Samuel Whateley. He's always looking its buddies. If you're bcing chased by a singlc
somewhere else when he talks to you, and he rattler. you can bet there's at least one more
always looks frightened. It's like thcre's some wail ing for you somewhere ahead.
monster that only he can see nearby, and if he 1
doesn't keep his eye on it. It'S going to eat him.
Then there's Edwina Whateley. I think she's a
Salt Flats Worming Company
mute-no one I know has ever heard her speak. I've told you about how bad the rattlers can
YOU'll see her carrying around an axe. She uses get out here. Lately the worms have been getting
it to kill chickens and other game to cook the
meal s, so it's not that strange, except she's
always got the axe in her Iland, I once saw her
bad end of il. A year ago, Harold Towers
up the Sal t Flats Worming Company. Like
whalers, tlley hunt down rattlers in giant I
come from the kitchen in l1er nightgown with
that damn axe in hand. There aren't enough
"landboats." Then they strip their hides and sell
the fat as oil to the factories. The meat is greasy,
but ed ible if cooked by someone who knows
chickens in all of Deseret to keep her thar busy.
Let's move on to Grandpa. He SLtS in a rocker what he's doing.
The only part thai gocs to waste are the
on the front porch in the summer, and just
inside the huge bay windows in the winter. tentacles and the hides. The tentacles are just
That's all he does: rock. And cackle, he does a too disgusting to eat. You don't eat the hide
lot of that. too. Oh, and he must chew because you just don'l. You don't eat the skin
tobacco. because I've seen red juice off a beeve, do you? Besides, rattler hides
dribbling out his jowls on occasion. ~ make incredibly tough leather.

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only 1Oq:
Towers didn't start this business ou t of some steam boilcrs on and stecr a different course.
ingenious entrepreneurial spirit He started it out Eventually the worm gets tired, and they hoi st it
of hatred. He lost his daughler to a rattler in 74 up out of the earth.
and wanted to find a way to exterminate the Here's the truly interesting part for Epitaph
things. He knew he wouldn't find many takers readers. If the worm dies underground. they ca n'l
unless there was a profit involved, so he starled get it up. It 's just a big hunk of greasy meat
the salt Flats Worming Company. Six months buried hundreds of feet underground. They have
later, he had his (irst "Iandship" oUl on the SaIL to haul the critter up while it's still alive, but too
Flats hunting them down. Now he has a fleet of tired to put up much of a fighl. Speculation is
four landships, each with a crew of 20. that the worms secrete some kind of gunk that
The flagship is the Esmeralda, named after his helps them dissolve and slide through the earth,
lost daughter. The other three are named after so it's got to be alive or it SLOpS secreting. Maybe
loca l cities. the Providence, Ogden, and Morgan. that's why they slink .
Towers' landships look just like those old Once the thing is close to tile surface. th e
pirate galleons, except they have steel hulls and ship pul l s it up, and the sai lors finish it off with
mammoth wheels. They're powered by sails and buffalo guns. Then t he CU l ling crews jump down
steam. They use the sails to creep across the and start carving. The good part s are hoisted
flats. then run the boilers once they've got a back up on the ship. As a quick plug for my
harpoon or two in a rattler. employers, the Esmeralda's crews just ordered
They attract the rattlers by hoisting a sLeer or five chainsaws from Smith & Robards to help
sheep overboard. Then when the worm pops up. t hem in their work (stock number CS[OO). [f it
they spear it with a harpoon gun. The harpoon works out. they plan to order some for the rest
itsel f is designed to expand in the worm's body of the ships as well.
to hold tighter than a normal whaling harpoon. The da nger is that rattlers are clever.
This was another of Towers' inventions. Sometimes they play dead to lure the cutlers
Once hooked. the worm inevitably runs down off the landship. Other times, their buddies
underground and starts pulling the landship lurk nearby. sacrificing one of their number for
behind it. That's when the wormers throw the an easy meal.

An artl~ I 's Ta,h", fancifu l pictur"..,f Ih" Sail I"lat s Mll1l1\g Company ~t work NOle the rail Ie 011 the lai1 . a common mlS<:il,,,cpliort

I J 111111 J I l l J J J J I I II J I J I J I J I I J I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J j I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J I J J J J J J I J I J J J I J J J i l l J I1I11 J J J I I J Ill!

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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom j
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢:

Besides the worms, which ['m told seem to be outlaws who use steam wagons to rob trains, it's
getting smarter every day, Towers' crews have
gollen into a war with the independent worm
the Scorpions. They operate along the rail line
from SaIL lake City to Virglllia City, Nevada, !,
hunters. I'J! tell you about them in a bit.
More interesting is that Towers ha s lately been
where the flat desert gives their rigs an
advantage. !
chasing a great red sail rattler he calls the If you happen to get caught on one of these

"blood worm." He swears this is the one that ate trains during an attack, fight back with
his daughter years ago. The similarity with everything you've got. They don't kill every
Melville's Moby Dick isn't lost on me friends. passenger on board, but they'll kill plenty. So
just report the facts to you as I see them. stand up for yourself and everyone else on board
by pulling your hogleg.
Salt Stalkers If you see a stra nge flying machine up in the 1
A party of trappers was silting out in the Salt
FlatS one night They were eating dinner, when
sky dropping bombs, don't shoot at it. That'll be
me or one of my friends from Smith & Robards_
We escort trains whenever the company lets us.
suddenly they noticed another fellow silting
Worm Hunters
among them. The stranger was wearing bleached
rags wrapped around his entire body. No one
had seen him approach. It was like the stranger I told you about Harold Towers and his Salt !
had just appeared out of the earth itself. A wind
made the trappers' fire dim for a second, during
Flats Worming Company. His company brings in
the most. but it wasn't the first. Worm hunters !
which the creature vanished. A minute later, the
trappers noticed one of their party wasn't
moving. They nudged him and were shocked to
see him fall over, a dried·out husk.
have been out here since the worms appeared.
At rirst. small groups hunted them like
buffaloes. They'd stake down a beeve, wait for a
worm, and then plug it full of lead. That never
I heard this tale at the ledge one night I've worked very well. Those worms are mighty
heard similar tales from other folks as well. tough. Then some genius had the idea of loading
Taken together, it seems there's too much the cow up with dynamite. That worked real well 1
whiskey floating around the desert. The against the worms, but the hunters gave up after
alternative is just too freaky-t hat there's some
strange "race" of near-human creatures stalking
a couple of unfortunate exploding cow incidents.
Then Smith & Robards invented the
tile wastes. We've taken to calling them "sall ornithopter. A lei low named Crazy Pete copied .1
stalkers" because the first stories took place I!l part of the design and created an ornithopter
the Flats, but later tales place them elsewhere in without the power. He ca lls it a "glider." It's really 1
the deser ts and even the mountains. just a big wing fixed to Pete by a leather

The Scorpions
harness. To take off. Pete stands in a wheeled
cart and his wife Edda tows him behind their
steam wagon. He can sail around on nothing bllt
unless you're skipping around this book like air for up to an hour if the wind's strong.
some kind of durned fool, you should already Once in the air, Edda stakes a cow out on the
know who the Outcasts are. If not. go read about flats. Pete circles overhead like a buzzard, then
them and come back here. drops dynamite on the worm when it lakes the
The Scorpions were part of the Outcasts, but bait. Then Edda returns, and they get Lo cutti ng.
word has it they got tired of Bonita Rose's "no That was back in '71. Since then, probably 30
needless killing" rule. So the worst mounted up or more olhers have copied Pete's design. They
their steam wagons, rustled some horses, and work in teams of five or SiX Their gliders are
shot their way out of the Outcast's hideout. less than reliable, and accidents are common.
The Scorpions are a true bandit gang in every Recently, the worm hunters have gotten into a
sense of the word . They'l! kill you for your gold kind of war with Harold Towers' worming fleet.
teeth and crack open your skull to get them.
Their leader is "Utah" Starr. He's a known
Both groups claim there aren't as many worms 1
hardened killer with 18 notches on his pistol and
a $400 dead -or·alive bounty. They say he's a
out here as there used to be, and they blame the
other side for "overhunting." The worm hunters i
handsome devil who always has some lovely
senorita on his arm, but if that's true, his wanted
made the first dumb mistake. One of them
dropped dynamite on Towers' flagship, the
Esmeralda and killed one of his crew. Now the
posters don't do him justice because he looks landships mount Gatlings to pick the hunters

like every other rat·bastard killer to me. out of the sky. In the meant ime, the worm
If you've ever heard about a gang of populalion seems La be recovering a bit.

/1111 J I J J I J J J I I J J J J J I J J I I I I I J J I J J I I J I I J I l l i I J J I I J I I J /1 J J I11111I11I J J i l l / I I J I I J ' I I I J I J I l l J I111I J I I J J J J II
" " " ""\\"'\"""" IIIII 11\1"'11\1 II IIIIIII II 1\ IIIII """11'11"\1' " " " 1111'" \

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢

OH : 1 was born in London England, in 1824. My

Chapter Seven: Mad Scientists parents were laborers. They were simple and
uneducated people. My uncle, however. had risen
to some wealth with texlife mills I eventually
There are a number of well -known
inventors living in isolated homes around went 10 work for him and there discovered my
Salt Lake City. I know many of you are "knack"for improving the performance of our
coming here to learn something of lhe new machmery. . . .
science yourselves, so I've separated these ON : Where did you receIve your traltllng?
cantankerous geniuses mto their own OH: Sand/Hlrs/ Military Academy My uncle
\2\ purchased for me a commission in Her Majesty's
chapter. I'll tell you about Hellstromme first.
then my bosses, SmiLh & Robards, and finally all Royal Engineers. I quickly sholto the lOp of my
the other "mad" scientists of interest. class and, after graduation, was posted 10. vanous
spots arollnd the world /0 build a new bndge,
dam, or road in the mosl inhospitable places
Hel1strDmme imaginable.
In my spare lime, I designed new wea/J?ns /0
Doctor Darills Hellstromme. What have you employ against the many savages Her. Majesty
read abouL him? Depends on '..vhich rag you chose to (rample in Her colonies. My Ideas ~re
read, I reckon. The Epilaph paints him as Jar too advanced for the time, howeve/; and It was
some sort of scheming mastermind. The 1863 beJore I experienced any realsucces.s. .
locals, Mormons and Gentiles alike, Most Of nry inventions have been copIed since
practically worship the ground he ~rives over, thell The Jlamethrower was mine. As was the
'4 if they don't hate his iron guts. ~mllh & steam -powered allack vellicle, or "tank" as you .
Robards, union Blue, and several 01 the other Americans have labeled it. The Rebels took credll
railroads claim he'S the anti-Christ That's for both oJ those, though they really only added
probably laying it on a little thick. I'd vote f~r the tracks 10 the tank - a wonderful improvement {
"scheming mastermind" bil myself. though Irs might add. They claimed the misguided captIves at
anyone's guess what his lIltenlions are. Roswell. (he "secret" base everyone knows about,
The Deseret News, the local Mormon discovered these devices on their own. Poppycock.
newspaper, did an interview with him a couple They were both ideas / had created to deal with
or years ago. Here's most of i t . . lhe numerous and bloodthirsty Sikhs oJ India.
Doctor Darius Hellstromme, sometJmes ON: When and why did you come to America?
misnamed as "Damien" by lesser newspapers, is OH : When I heard oJ the discovery o( great
one oJ Ihe greatest men alive today The people oJ quantities oJ ghost rock in the Maze. I had already
Salt Lake City hold him ill the utmost esteem. discovered a small supply Of tllis miraculous
Doctor Hel/stromme moved to our Jail' city in substance in the Hindu Kush and had been
1870, long after 5011 Lake had proven itself a experimenting with it fo r some time. That's why {
shining oasis ill a literal alld Jigurative ~ese/"t. At had such a /lead start on you Colonials when 1
Jirst, 1ll00ry o( ~s were ~istrustjul oJ .thls European arrived in Cali(ornia,
inventor ana IllS SomelJmes Jnghtenll1g machmes, ON : What brought you to 5011 Lake City? .
but cfter his conversion 10 Mormonislll, both OH: My rivals claim many things. That I saw JIl
pamcs realized that our match had (ruly been the Mormons all easily-led flock to serve my
made in Heaven. whims. Or that I knew Ihe Wasatch Mountains
This reporter recently had the distinct honor Of were brimming with priceless ghost ro::k. .
interviewing the doctor at Hellstromme Mallor; h,s The truth is, /simply couldn't establIsh the kind
compound outside of town. What Jollo,:"s IS a oJ mallufacturingJaci1ili~s / required in the Maze.
direct unedited transcript oj that meetmg. Reverend Grimme and IllS Janallcs, the shortage oJ
ON: Good evemng, Dr. Hellstrommc. Nasty Jood, and the Jighllllg between the "covert"
storm we're /Javing, isn 't it? operatives to the North and South are jar too
OH: Hmm? Yes. But I Jind the li$hlning usejul destructive. saIl Lake City seemed a perfect
Jor my experiments. I'm conductmg one even as location. The people werefrielldly. ghost rock had
we speak, In tile attic laboratory. Should you hear just been discovered, the government was stable,
anythJ/Jg . strange, you'll have to excuse me. and there were great, open spaces where I could
ON: 01
course, DocIOr. (The Doctor's . lest my marry devices without causing harm 10
mecIJamcal servant bnngs me a cup oJ sleanllng the local populace. The nearby Bonneville Sa/~
tea. It spills only a. few drops!) T~allk you. Dr. Flats were particularly usejul in field-testmg
HeJlstromme, I'd ltke lO begl~ With your early ~ sevemf ne~ high-speed c,onveyancesl am
year£ When and where wele you born' :SG
sti/llinkenn8 with to thiS day

I \ f

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, , ,,
\ \ \ \ III \ IIII \ \ \ \ II' \\\\\\ III \\
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom I

1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IOC
ON: Tell us about your COil version to
Mor monism.
OH: I wasn't immediately accepted by my
brat/Jers and sisters h ere in Utah. But a single
invention oJ mine helped cement our relationship. 1
As you know, our brothers were CuI Offlor a
while due /0 the incredible creatures you 1
Americans-Jor some unfathomable reason - cafl
"raetlers," They are indigenous to the local desert
and are quick 10 seize those who venture outside
the cily propel: I merely showed the locals how j
my own steam -powered wagon could outrun the I

worms, and aJterwold5 showed them how to

build their own. Shortly tl1ereajlel; President
Young invited me to dinner. We ... st ru ck up a
relationship. { became a Mormon the next day.
ON: Some say you converted to subvert the
Mormons to your own causeS. 1
OH: Rubbish.
ON : There are also rumors that some oJ your
most vocal critics have died horrible deaths.
OH: They're not rumors.
ON : Pardon me? 1
OH: The dealhs occu rred. But I had nothing to
do with it. Il's these damnable DOllites.
ON: . But the Daniles dOIl't exist. A Ild even if
(hey did, llle Danites would be servants Of the 1
Mormon Church. Why would they oppose you?
OH: I've no idea. Why dOIl 'l you ask them? Of DariUS lleiJslromme IS he g<'nlUS. a mad man or 3 bit 0( boIh~
ON: Er, perhaps we should move OIl..
And that's really all the good sturr. I
lIellstrommc starts talking about his electrical Hellstromme's Operations
doflotchils and steam thingamabobs aner that.
I've heard some more since lhen, though. You lIellstromme's power comes from hiS
incredible devices and the industry that has
see, my employer Sir Clirton Robards is also
from England. It's a small coun try, and I reckon
he knows more about I-Iell stromme than what
appeared in the Deseret News.
According to Mr. Robards, while Hellstromme
grown up around them. They provide him with
wea l th, but it is the services he provides which
make him a man to be reckoned wit h in DesereL
The first of these critical enterprises is the

was an ofrieer in India. his devices were 100

erfectlve. The carnage he caused was so great
the Mghans started to join the Sikhs. His
Sa lt Lake Valley Electrical Planl. Power is
generated through contraptions called "turbines"
that run off ghost rock. I hear this is his most
profitable enterprise. The Danites don·t sabotage
commanding officer in India sent him to Mrica
to avoid a real war! All rumors. or course.
Hellstromme also didn't tell the Deseret News
it (they like hot water and electric lights too), the
contract with the city is lucrative, and the I
why he got out of the army. The rumor is he amount of ghost rock burned dec reases each
didn't. He's technically a deserter. I wouldn't put year as Hellstromme improves the turbines.
Hellstromrne's other source of influence
money on this. The Jimeys tak e deserlion
seriously, and I haven't seen any redcoats in Salt comes from the water·purification device. It j
Lake City looking La bring him in. turns the black waters of the Sludge into
One story 1 know for a fact is thal something folks can drink or water their crops
Hellstromme was married before he left ror India.
while he was away, his wife was butchered by
some deranged doctor. Maybe that's where
Hellstromme gets his mean streak. Or maybe
with. As you can imagine, there is very little
water out here. And remember, Deserel is cut off
from the USA and CSA, so the Saints must be
self · sufficient.
The really funny part is that Lt'S mostly

he's really just a big 01' misunderstood puppy

Hellstromme's factories that dirly the Sludge
d?g. Whose enemies get stuffed into drain
pipes. , '! up in the first place. Now there's a rackel!

, , .' y~
I '
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The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only IO~

~."", BaUstramme's CompDUDd The Bangar

Inside the hangar are the various nying
._(, J Dr. Hellstromme has a compound 10 miles devices Hellstromme experiments with. He's got
::.;; west of the city on the edge of the Salt Flats. an auto~gyro in there he uses to get to the city
It's a big place with several buildings and sometimes, I've waggled my wings at him on
121 hangars.
occasion. He's something of a sky-hog,
I've nown over the compound many times, and There are other nying machines in the hangar.
I'd love to see what alJ Hellstromme's got I'm fairly certain there's a deflated air carriage
cooking in there, but he doesn't encoura~e
inside, as well as a black ornithopter. At least
visitors. Here's what I've seen from the aIr, or that's what I hope [ saw late one night while
what folks who've been inside the place have whizzing over the Salt fla ts, .
told me. A staff of five or six men and women work In
the hangar. Hellstromme doesn't usually
Bellstromml Manor construcl vehicles himself. He blueprints them,
The good doctor himself lives in this large then turns them over to his various crews.
Victorian manor. It looks almost like it could
have been brought over from England, piece by
Tbe Worksbop
Hellslromme keeps his ground-based vehicles
There are no other people in the manor house, in here. He has some kind of new velocipede
but Hellslromme is far from alone. Inside are he's been driving around lhe Salt Flats lately, It's
creations similar to automatons, designed to at least twice as fast as the best steam wagons,
serve Dr, Hellstromme's every need. The The rattlers are going crazy trying to catch him.
interview you just read mentioned them. They
make his meals for him, clean his clothes, keep
the house in order, and do anything else that a
The Missing Worksbop
Most of Hellslromme's work goes on in his
butler or maid does. I'd bel they're trained to factories in Salt Lake City, so it makes sense his
defend the professor in an emergency as well, compound isn't that elaborate, But there's
though they aren't visibly armed. something missing.

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Scale: 1"=40'

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~e Tombstone Epita~h's ~~"~'~~ ' ~~'~;'a~~~"'''''''''''l
" "

'87~h::~i:~ us who are interested In auto:::I,i::: It or :::~inion is 'hat the Danites know Only 10¢ ;
know their heads are manufactured here. But Hellstrommc ha s a secret agenda Young and the ~
where? I haven't been in the hangar or the rcst of the Mormons don't know aboul. If so, the I
workshop. but plenty of other folks have. and Danites likely tell Young they have nothing to do ~
there's nothing more sec ret in there than what with the acts they're accused of, but they •
I've al ready laId you about. sec retly impede Hellstromme's progress until J
So where does he crea te the heads? There ha s Lhey can prove he's up to no good. Then they'l l II
to be another workshop somewhere. My guess is '(ess up to Brigham and let God decide if thei r
that there's a false wall in the hangar or the end justified the means.
workshop. But who makes them? Something like It's also possible Young and Hellstromme J
thal must take a staff of at least a dozen people. aren't as close as they'd lik.e everyone to believe. ~
The folks who work in the hangars say every If not and Brigham is really as tyrannical as a
month or so there's a wagonload of automaton lot of Gentil es claim, maybe he's afraid to kill J
heads waiting on them when they get to work. He!\stromme directly. Mountain Meadows and ~
lI ellstromm e doesn't say where th ey come f rom, several other prominent assass inations have only I
and they don't ask. They just deliver them to the ju st begun to fade from the public memory. )
automaton factory in Junkyard and pray no one Young doesn't need the death of an "enlightened 1
tri es to steal them (they blow up, remember?) martyr" on hIS hands. ~

TheStaff's iii"uarters Another option is that the Danites really aren't

involved. Maybe Hellstrom me's saboteurs are

Hcllstromme's foreman and groundskeepers agents of rival powers in the Great Rail Wa rs, or J
live on tile estate in these nice apartments with perhaps eve n a loca l factory, and the Danil es are ~
their families. convenient scapegoats. ~
The foreman is actually a forewoman: Ms. One thing [ ca n tell you for sure is that the j
Mary Jones. She was shipped here from Boston saboteu rs don't \vork for Smith & Robards. We
as a "mail-order brtde," but her groom got don't do that kind of thing. And if we did, ,II
scalped by the local Paiutes before she got here. Hellstromme would be swimming back to !
She wound up in the factories· usually a road to London with his tail between hi s legs by now.
oblivion for an unmarried, penni less woman. Denver Pacifj'c
Mary proved her worth though, and her hard II
work and head for construction landed her a job You probably know that the Denver Pacific is
in the automaton factory. Eventually, lhe only railroad in Sail Lake City. You might 1
Hell stromme gave her the pOSition at his estate. also know it's ow ned by Smith & Robards.
It's thought there'S a growing romantic This causes lIelistromme no end of grief. He
relationship between them. Probably just rumors. wants the DP so he can hook it up with hi s own 1
Wasatch lin e and be the first to complete the •
Enemies of Hellstromme transcontin ental railroad. Unfort unately for him,
Mr. Robard s ain't se lling. At least that's w hat he
A man as powerful as Hellstromme canl do says. Dr. Smith could care less.
his thing without making a few enemies along Officially, Wasatch and the DP are the best of
the way. There are lots of folk.s who think he's friends. Goods and passengers are transported
up to no good, and a ton more who think he's between them with no hassle. Unofficially, the ~
the greatest thing since ghost rock. I've told you
why the Mormons love him. Now it's time to tell
two companies engage in a very quiet war I'
whenever their interests col lide.
you why some oth er folks hate him. Since I work for one of th e panics involved, I'll
The Danites just keep my trap shut. f
A popular subject of discussion about
Hellstrommc is why the Daniles are always
Smith & Robards '
picking on him. If you believe the rumors, the
Perhaps one of lhe rea sons Hellstromme
doesn't push the Denver Pacific issue too hard is
Danites blow up lIellstrommc's ex peri ment s, that he orders from Smilh & Robards too!
sabotage his businesses, and even assassinate He doesn't order anyth ing he can't eas ily bu il d
his most capable assista nts. him self. but any time we come out wit h
What doesn't make sense is that Hellstromme somet hing new and he hasn't already lhough t it 1
is a Mormon and a personal friend of Brigham
Young. The Damtes are supposedly Brigham's
"hand of God." So why would they attack . up, he puts in an order. [ suppose he then
dissects it and learns all our nifty sec rets,
but there's not much we can do about that.
the President's most influential f riend?

' ,

1111 J I J J J J J I J I I I J I I I J J I I I I J I J I I I I I I I I I I J I I } I I I J I I I I J I I J J I J I J I I J I I I J I I J I I I I J J J I I I J I I J J I J J I J I J I I I I I J J II1 I
1\11111" IIII 111\ II ,, 11111111\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \'1

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ a' Gloom

1876 Edition "Believe Il or Else!" Only 1O¢

them loose, and lIley all ran home, but during

the night. something caught up with them. The
next morning, all three spies were found st uffed
into six-inch-diameter steam pipes. There have
been ot her spies killed in different ways, but
everyone al ways tal ks about t hat steam pipe
The city government has yet to find any
"proof" linking Hellstromme to the crime. Some
Gentiles feel the Mormons are just protecting
their own. Those who work in the factory don't
care because the saboteurs often wind up killing
tots of employees as well.

The Secret of the Automatons

There afe plenty of folks in the city who can
make a "clockwork man." They can even make it
fire a gun or fetch tea. But no one can figure out
how the automatons think!
Au tomatons are giant mechanical men
Hellstromme uses to fight the Rail Wa rs, guard
hi s properly, or sluff people into steam pipes.
Most have Gatlings, flameth rowers, or other
massive weapons bu ilt into o ne ar m and a claw
for picking things up in tlle second. They also
have arm or thick enough to lurn a ri fle ro und.
That would be spectacular enough, but these
things can think and take orders! No one knows
The POpUI~f V;<ll" o( the aut omaton The reali ty ]s l~$s sCf\s attonJ i
how. There's a dark visor in the "head," so most
folks believe there's some sort of "eyes" in there.
There's really no competition between us and You can't tell for sure, even when one of them is
HeJlstrammc. There's only a lew items both kil led out in the Rail Wars or by a Danite here in
companies sel l anyway. Most of Hellstromme's the city, because the head blows to smithereens
production gocs to fighling the Great Rail Wars when the automaton goes down.
or making morc practical devices than we sell. Once, the Danites managed to knock the
Galling off an automaton with a careful shot
The Wrath of He1lstromme from a buffalo gun . They planned to dissect the
thing to learn Hellstromme's secret. Th e momen t
So what does Hellstromme do to his enemies the automaton realized it was beaten , it blew up.
that's given him such a dangerous reputation? See, lots of ti nkerers can figure out how to
Whenever someone causes him grief. the make a mechanical man walk and even fire a
doctor's goons work them over. Permanently. weapon, but how on eart h do you get it to
Danites suffer the worst. Hellslromme has "think?" How does it sec? More amazing, how
caught a few, according to sources I can't name, does it distinguish bet ween f riend and foe?
and submitted lhem to horrible tortures and The secret lies in the head- that's for sure-but
strange a lchemical truth serums. But the captive no one knows what's inside. They're rigged to
agents refused to reveal any more than their explode if the automaton goes down or is
own involvement. That's amazing considering the captured. The heads come in lots of different
methods Hellstromme likely used on them. shapes. Some are sculpted to look like scary
The Steampipe Incident faces. and all of them have that dark. quartz
visor across where the eyes should be.
Back in 73, an Iron Dragon Railroad spy My bosses, Smith & Robards, have offered a
attempting to steal an automaton head off the reward for the secret or the automatons. Of
assembly line triggered a particularly disastrous
ch~in reacti?n. I-l~llstromme rO,un~ed up all the
Chinese WOt kers III L1le plant, subjected th em
to some kind of truth serum, and ferreted
alit three other spies, H<llstromme turned
00 180 '
course we're not encouraging you to steal from
Dr. Hcllstromme, but if you can duplica te the
technOlogy, we'll pay you $1,500 on the spot.
(The Epita ph takes no responsibility for any
,he/ls which result from this offer-Ed)

. I' f •

1111111II11 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111II1 I I I I I I I I J I J I JIJ IJ J I I J I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I
11 1 1 1 1 \ ' 1 1111'11 \ \ I I \

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom !
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only I",

The funny thing IS, S&R goods don't sell well

What's the scuttlebutt on the secret? Most
in Deseret. People in Jlmkyard can't afford the
exotic items Smith & Robards sells, and the ,I
scient ists think there's a complex array of
clockwork gears inside the head. That doeSn't
Mormons buy the eqUipment they need from
Hellstrom me or other enterprising Mormons. I
really make sense because gears still can't think.
Dr. Gottleib, the fellow that made those
mechanical cats, claimed some sort of "electrical
The real money comes from around the West.
You'd be surprised how many immigrant convoys
thmk they need a Gatling gun. Or how many
abacus" was responsible for the automatons' salvagers in the Maze need divlIlg suits.
ability to think. He theorized the abacus could
make thousands of calculations a second to
We get orders from Alaska to New York.
Lately, we've started shipping to the Far East and
determine things like how to walk up steps, lead Europe. That means we make a IOl of money,
a target, or when to blow itself up. Only problem which means the Church gets a lot in lithes.

was, GOltleib said the abacus would be as big as Actually, 1110st of the evil eyes cast at us are
a house, and the sensors would be bigger than a from the Gentiles who don't work for us. They
man. Still, if Hellstromme somehow had a way to know we've got it made. That means they're
miniaturize the components, ! guess it makes either your best friend - because they think you
some kind of weird sense. At least as much might be able to get them a job- or they hate
sense as the mechanical auto-gyro I fly around. you because they're jealous. Of course every
Here's another wild theory for you. Union Blue individual you meet is different, but there's

(former Col. Joshua Chamberlain's railroad) enough truth to what 1 say to make us
claims there are human operators mside the "hi1ltoppers" wary-
automatons, and that the whole "head" business
is just a diversion. Hellstrommc says this is just The Compound
a ploy on Chamberlain's part to get the
government to make Hellstrommc reveal his
secret. At any rate, there's some credibility to
OUT compound is prclty amazing. You can visiL
us if you want- most buildings are open La
this theory, but it \,vouldn't explain how the the public as long as you have an escorL-bul /'\,\
"pilots" could fit inside clockwork spiders or you have to leave your shooting iron aL the (
other, smaller devices, unless they were dwarfs gale. My bosses are wary of rowdy Lypes. !'1c:
or ch ildren. And that's just too scary to consider A few basics. The mountain is called Mount
The latest theory is that the automaton's Necessity because, in Mr. Robards' words, it is
"brain" is actually a human brain. The the "mother of invention." A single, wide spur 124 1
augmented have shown it's possible to make leads up to the mountain and accommodates
metal and flesh work together, but this seems a both a train track and a road. Each day, over 200
bit mu ch to swallow. I mean, how would a living workers ride from Salt Lake City to the
brain survive without blood and oxygen or compound in very basic passenger ca rs hauled
whatever else it needs? by an older locomot1ve for just this purpose. A
For a while, at least, the secret of the very few workers own steam wagons or carts
automatons will remain just that. and occasionally drive those in to work.
Workers are checked by the wagon drivers
when they pick them up. If they don't know you,
Smith & Robards they still take you up to the compound but they
turn you over to the guards on arrival. The
Those of us who work up on the guards then accommodate you as best they can.
mountain-for Smith & Robards- think our Prospective employees are taken to the business
bosses have the rest of the town by the short offices, and sightseers are escorted around on a
and hairies. They just don't know it yet. shan tour. Buyers don't come Lo the mountain
You see, the business is profitable enough (the showroom is in Salt Lake City) un less they
that a worker who hangs around a year or have a very special request cleared by one of our
85 so can make a good wage. Then he can design foremen.
afford to live in a good apartment in Junkyard, or If you're thinking about sneaking up here and
maybe even a home outside the city limits. If he stealing our expensive goodies, don't. There are
gets a management position, he can even move only a few places where the mountain can be
up on the mountain. In any case, he certainly climbed, and these are guarded. Trespassers
has enough money to buy power and a horse, aren'l shot unless they seem dangerous, but
~ .

or maybe even a steam wagon, to get our guards escort mountain climbers off the
him self around. , premises after they get all the way up here.

'!, ,
1'1 11111 ""1",\\ " \""", \" \,,,,,1,',",11\'1 I I' I , \ I

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom

1876 Edition "Beli eve It or Else!" On ly IO¢

kept it rrom exploding in the oven. As he pic ked

4. Assembly Area & Factory up the brick, an invisible force closed the door
If you've ever bought anything besides a before he cou ld put it in. He thought it was the
vehicle from us, it was assembled here. wind, set down the brick, and opened the oven
Everything our creati ve staff at the design studio door. but wh en he picked up the brick again, it
cooks up and gets approved is built to order slammed close once more. The baker realized his
here. There are three floors where people do near-fata l mistake once he gathered hi s wits.
nothing but make the gizmos our inventors Whether we have a ghostly guardian or not.
create and our customers order. we certainly have the physical variety since the
The top floor is divided into two areas. In one, sabotage. The factory is guarded by a number of
clothing and leather are worked in to things like workers armed with some of our best
diving sui ts or bulletproof vests. Th e olher half inventions. You can only get in with a visitor's
of the floor is filled with balding men wearing pass. We give them out to the public, but only
jeweler's lenses (don't ask me why they're al l small groups arc allowed to enter at a lime.
balding men-they just are, every last one of
them). They put together the ti ny parts that go The Staff
into things like electrostatic guns or small The tinkerers themselves are the best and
clockwork devices. brightest the West has to offcr, Irs not easy to
The second floor is the "finishing area." This get work here, friend. It's easier to get on staff at
is where tinkerers take all the parts for small or the power plant or the depot and move here
medium size devices and put them together. once you've earned a littl e trust and seniority.
They're boxed up and shi pped over to the depo t. Those who really shine might be given a job
The ground floor is a series of garages where as an assistant in the design studio. Besides a
the tinkerers can weld metal, cut glass, or raise (a nd occasiona l "danger pay"), an assistant
perform other heavy work. The workers call this can learn to be a full-fledged inventor.
floor "Independence Hall" because all the sparks
make it look like the Fourth of July. B. Business Office
This building is also where we make steel. This is where all the business is handled,
ghost steel, and whatever oth er metals we need. There are over 50 accountants, delivery
I don't und erstand how it works-I'm just a managers, and catalog staff inside. All ou r
pilot-but I know we refine are, melt it down, personnel managers and other administrative
and then recast it into slabs for our metalsmiths. types work here too. We've also got our own
The metal smiths lake the slabs and mold it telegraph and a staff of three operators, They're
into whatever shapes they need. They ca n make on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to
things as big as a train car or as tiny as a pin. take orders.
Large gizmos, such as steam wagons and Mr. Robards keeps the top floor to himself.
velocipedes, are assembled here as well. When He's got an office that would make a rail baron
they're done, they're driven right oul the huge jealous.
doors and onto a flatbed trai n car [or delivery.
C. DP Depot
The Ghost Smith & Robards ran a spur off the Denve r
The basemen t floor of this building is 11 0me Pacific smack in to the compou nd. It comes up
to the refinery and smelters. Ghost rock and the mountain into the loading yard, then moves
• other are is dumped in from the oreway right
into our bins, then shoveled as needed for fuel.
on through a long tunnel out a trestle on the
other side. Heavy cargo is rolled up onLo the
This is where our famous saboteur struck a cars or lifted by cra ne. Rolling stock is towed
few years ago. The chute used to lead directly to out of the factOl-y's assembly area and hooked
the central blast furnace (it doesn't anymore), up right on the line.
You ca n stil l see the scorch marks on some of When they blasted the train tunnel through
the beams. The workers claim the ghost of Dr. the mountain, they found it was ridd led with
Dowdy, a dose friend of Mr. Smi th and a holes, as if there had been hundreds of pa ssages
survivor of his Roswell days, hangs arou nd here i nsid e. Some of them are big enough for a man
as well. bu t if he does, he's harmless. In fact. the to crawl through. A few of the workers who have
workers cla im he helps them. tried say the holes connect up and lead deeper
Supposedly, a fellow was about to bake a in to our mountain. That 's made Mr. Robards a
brick of explosives in one of the kilns and tittle nervous. One day he·s vowed to send a
he forgot to mix in some chemica l that team dow n into the tunne ls to see what 's
down there,

\ \\ \A\V.. , \ \ \ \ \ "

The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ a' a~om

1876 Edilion "Believe It or Else!" Only IO¢

Smith &Robards
S c ale: )"=75'

We've got a guy who wears dresses, one who

D. The Tramway snacks on live goldfish, and another who claims
When my bosses need to travel to and from he's from the future. Mr, Robards keeps a close
Salt lake City, they almost always do it by way eye on them alL making sure their dementias
of the tramway, A small but luxuriously don't create dangerous situa tions (yeah, right),
appointed car travels along a set of ghost-steel
cables from the slation on very top of Mount F. Guard Towers
Necessity to a similar one at Ninth East and There's only one road that leads up to the
South Temple St reets in Salt Lake, Visiting VIPs mountain, and il's guarded by three lowers built
are usually conveyed up to the factory via this atop an unassuming stone pilings, The entire
car as well. compound is heavily defended. That's about all 1
I've ridden on the tram a couple of times and can say on the matter, but just assume the
let me tell you, the view can't be beat. Ou tcasts or the Scorpions would be in for a
surprise if they ever rode up here to hurrah us,
E. Design Bouse The guard station below the center tower is
There's a small museum of sorts in the lobby home to our small security force. There are
of this office. That's the only pla~e the public is about 25 guards total. though only half are
allowed. The rest of the space is divided into usual!y on duty at once. You'll see two of them
private laboratories and workshops where our on each tower. another couple Slay at the guard
top scientists can research and develop new station to help in emergencies, and the rest
ideas, [l's connected to the Power Pla nt so the guard sensitive areas like Prosperity Manor and
researchers can get all the power they need. the power plant. They act as police and guards,
You wouldn't really want to visit these offices but so far they haven't had 1O do more than help
anyway. There's always some k ind of explosion, a few drunken foremen to their homes after a
gas leak, or worse going on. Those of us who flight carousing in ]unkyard.
work here call this the "asylum." You can In case of real trouble, the workers are to be
imagine what a building loaded with 20+ called out and armed with every weapons

'83 '
"mad" scientists must be like. Got an image ' f rom our cache and any weird gizmos we've
in your head? Okay, it's worse than that. gOl in development.
I ! I '
111 1 1 111 IVJ J 1 I J J J I I J I I J I J J 1 , 'fv I , "'v, I , I -J ' , oJ "'oJ b / v h i l oJ , /lJ , oJ , I / ';'1 I I JoJ" I '''''v 1<1" , '<J" l oJ J""".) h I , oJ I " I ",:l>tJ
The Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to the Ci~ 0' Gloom
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" On ly IO¢

Maybe. It's also the most secure place on the

G.Homes mountain. Only an Apache could climb that cliff.
OUf upper level foremen or managers and I've been inside a few times. It's amazing. You
their families get their own houses up here on can tel! Mr. Robards has money. He's also done a
the mountain. These arc the cleanliest. most lot of t raveling. In his "big game" room-which
modern houses in the West. he doesn't show La many people-are some
Probably the neatest thing is that the bollom critters you won' t find in an encyclopedia.
floor of each three Slory home is a "garage." In contrast. Mr. Sm ith lives in a sma!! cottage
That 's where folks keep their steam buggies. on the back side of Mount Necessity. [t's a nice
Every foreman has one, but don't ask them for a house, but Mr. Smith doesn't keep it up very
ride. They hale getting soot on their upholstery. wel l. and he rarely sleeps here. He keeps a coL in
It hasn't been missed that living up here lets his of fice in the design studio,
Mr. Robards keep a close eye on his most trusted I am hap py to note that Mr. Robards recently
employees. ! don'! want to read too much into announced his engagement to Miss Erma
this. but the guards that watch over lhe homes Pridemore, a Mormon of good family from Sal t
don't have to worry too much about people Lake City. The two arc scheduled to be wed as
breaking ill due to the cliffs on three sides of soon as she turns 18, later this year. You can bel
the homes. Tha t means they're worried about we'll have one wild celebration up on the
who might come oul. No one is forbidden to mountain when that happens.
leave the compound, but a foreman who goes
out in the middle of the night is likely to be
followed. Industrial espionage is a growing
problem here in the City 0' Gloom.
Other Mad Scientists
All the people who work the Rush Delivery
System also get a house, lOcated a bit further Leonitus P. Gash
down the mountain. So I get a few perks. Once, Leonitus P. Gash was a respected
scientisL Now he's a wanted man. It was he
H. JunkRavine who concocted the idea of "augmentation,"
We throw all our scrap and garbage into th is melding flesh with working metal parts. After
huge ravine. Irs a nasty sight. what with the a few early experiments, he was eventually 12 5
smeller runoff, scrap metal, and garbage. The fired from his post at Deseret University for
rats afe getting a little out of hand, and many of his "blas phe my:' but went underground and
them seem to have some sort of skin disease. contin ued his practices among the Junkers.
Unfortunately, one of Ollr resident "mad" At first, Gash performed his augmentations on
scientists wonl let us kill them. He claims they t hose who had lost their limbs in accidents,
talk to him, and bring him spare parts from the including himself; Dr. Gash has an augmented
junk piles when he needs them. Dr. Eberhardt's ar m, reportedly. The experiments worked, and
pleas won't last long. As soon as one of the soon t here were quite a few folks with
foremen's children gets bitten by a rat. Robards mecha nical arms, legs, and weirder stuff. Since
will probably burn everything in the ravi ne. most of those who got them were from
Ju nkyard, folks started calling them scrappers.
I. Power Plant Augmentation was tolerated by the aut horities
We have our own power up on the mountain. at first because Gash's patients were replacing
My employers don't want to be dependent on something t hey had lost accidentally. After some
HellsLromme's plant for obvious reasons. of the scrappers starLed winning pit fights and
A wire fence runs around the plant and the making a bundle, folks were getti ng the doctor
design house. Don't touch it, because it's fu ll of to repl ace good limbs with metal ones.
juice. i once saw a worker who couldn't read the Deliberately lopping off arms and legs the
warning signs touch the fence. The current Good Lord had given a fellow was loa mudl for
knocked him 30 feel. He lived, but he was a t he Mor mons. They haven"! made augmentation
tough man. You might not be so lucky. illegaL but it is looked down on by the Saints.
Gash, on the other hand, was decla red an
J. Prosperity Manor outlaw, and a boun ty of $1.000 was offered for
Mr. Robards ' manor sits on the back side of him al ive, or $100 dead. The trouble is, no one
the mountain, overlooking the beautiful Rockies. knows where to find him. Even those who get
He claims that when he goes home at night augmented must inha le ether before they're
he wants to see the beauty of nature. hau led in for surgery. When (if) they wake

Illl llJIIJlll I IJlllJlllIIIllJll l l llllllllllllilllllll11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i llllllllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIII

~e Tomb~~e Epitaph's Guide ~' ~~' ~~ ~; D~~~"""""'''l
1876 Edition "Believe It or Else!" Only I()¢

up, they're in their own home with their new

limb. Those few scrappers who have seen it say
there are no windows in Gash's hideout. so most
folks figure it's underground somewhere.
Huntington Ruins 1
Professor Thomas Huntington was working on
something he called a "trans-dimensional
displacement device" when his lab exploded. 1
No one knows what happened, but his large
ranch home was reduced to little more than 1
charred rtoorboards and a single door frame. Dr.
Huntington vanished, though I'm lold there's a
shadow of him burnt onto one of the floors. j
Madam Rasmussen
Madam Gretchin Rasmussen was a German
nurse. She married an inventor and followed him
to Salt Lake City in 72. Her husband, Claus, was
killed by the notorious Utah Starr, now leader of
the Scorpions, the day they got to Deserel.
Afterward, Gretchin used Claus' money to
build her ranch house and set up shop. She
specializes in treating folks burned by fire.
stearn, or chemicals. She's a tough old lady who
doesn't take any guff. If she says to stick your 1
longue ouL it had better touch the wall.
ProfCUQr Cregory Treman~ master at that $lrange force called d..:tril;uy'
R. Percy Sitgreaves worried about the same problem but from a
R. percy Sitgreaves quit his job at Smith &
Robards a while back under mysteriOUS
circumstances, bu t he still seems to be on
friendly terms with the owners. He started up
Infinity Press, and now he prints ou r catalog.
different source. Is all the soot and smoke from
the City 0' Gloom killing orf all om game? I'd
like to know before it's too late.

Professor Gregory Tremane

When 1,e was here, Sitgreaves was al ways
Dr. Gregory Tremane is a "mad scientist" who

talking about something called "thaumat urgical
diffusion." I tllink it has something to do with specializes in electricity. His home sits high atop
an isolated peak in the Wasatch Mountains. You
magic. Sound crazy to you? Maybe, but that's
nothing compared to some of the things those can see for miles from his front porch,
who deal with the "new science" believe. They I wouldn't actually stand on his front porch
are called "mad" scientists, after all. though- Doc Tremane has leI his home go to
Hell. That's bad, because it's not on a ledge. It's
Dr. Manfred Stark
Dr. Manfred Stark earned his degree in Biology
at Oxford, Engla nd. You'll know, because if you
ever meet him, he'll telt you that himself.
Anyway, his home is up in the mountains
built smack on the side of the mountain,
supported by stills. Walk carefully if you ever
visit. or you'll drop right through a floorboard for
a few hundred feel before landing hard enough
Lo make your own grave. Evident ly, Tremane
knows where all the weak spots are.
ncar the Gentile Cemetery, He studies the effects As for his experimen ts, he'S a whiz. My bosses
of all the pollution on the trees, grass, animals, often hire him to devise some electrical 1
and people, Lots of folks call him a crackpot, component for one of our own inventions. He
but I'll admit to a certain admiration for him.
Like Harvey Golding, who runs a tannery in
Sail Lake City, Stark seems a litlle more
farsighted than the rest of us. You've already
heard me whine about overhunting. Stark is
00 ISS
invented the "electrostatic gun" we sell.
Tremane's own house has electricity, though it
isn't connected to the Salt Lake City plant.
Instead, he stores lightning in giant batteries
hidden in his labyrinthine home.
i I ..
Jl l1 1 11111 1 11 1 11 11 11111111 1 11 1 1111 1 1111111111111111 11 1 I I 1111 I1II1 I 1111111 1 1I1111 I 11 I 111111111111111I1
C++-A-? IER: Two:
~1 C~/

So you want to play skullchucker, huh? You Parr.'?

sure? It's deadly, and the pay ain't all that great The object of the game is to be the first team
unless you work out something on the side. to score 21 points. Points are scored by getting
That's the way even the great Morgan Maulers your team's skull into the middle goa! or the
do it. after all. other team's goal.
Okay. Here are the rules you need to know if You can also get points by stealing the other
your posse is desperate enough La get involved team's skull and getting it into your own goal.
in this brutal bloodsport. No points are scored for pUlling the enemy
team's skull in the middle goal. or for putting
T f1-£ ~UL£S. your own skull in your own goal. Here's a quick
Here are the rules as the owner, Mr. Bill King.
wrote them. His referee. Jim Hodges, enforces the • •
rules and sounds the gun. <Sc()R).,.Sw,~,1J<:1 :----
The playing field is a long rectangle. At each
end is a 4' high platform called the "base." A ,~-Scoring
Move Points
sculpted goal sits in each player'S home base. [n
Your skull in middle goal 1
the middle of the field is a 4' deep circular pit
Your skull in enemy goal 3
with another goal in the middle.
Enemy sk ull in your goal 5
There are two learns of five players each.
Teams can have more or less players if their
After each score, the game comes to a halt.
opponents accepl. Teams have to be even in the
and the players are sent back to their home base
end, so the opponents must add members or sit
to start again. After one minute, the referee fires
a few aside as substitutes if they accept an odd-
his pistol and the game starts again. It continues
sized match. like this until someone scores 21 paints.
Half the team (rounded down) becomes
sku llcrackers, the other haIr becomes
skullch uckers. One of the skullchuckers is the T+I-E G-P>lE
team captain. A gunshot starts the game. The captain starts
The captain starts at home base. The rest of with his team's skull. and can run with it,
the team members start within reach of their attempt to score, or throw it to any other
home. skullchucker.

The most common strategy is for the captain skins. The outermost layer of the rattlers is
to stay at home with the skul!. The peeled off and boiled to make flexible but tough
skull crackers then move out and try to make an armor. Most players wear helmets made of
opening. The captain watches and barks rattler hide, too. A good suit of skullchucker
commands until he decides to get involved armor costs $25.
himself. If another skul1chucker has an opening, Skullchucker is a brutal game, but it isn't
the captain throws her the skull so she can go usually deadly. Mr. King doesn'l al!ow killing or
for the score, excessive violence. Hitting an unconscious player
5kullcrackers can never pick up their team's results in ejection. Knocking someone
skull (though they can bat it to a friendly player unconscious when they're still on their feel is
if it's dropped). They can pick up enemy skulls, just fine- and usually draws big hurrahs from
however. This is the only way skull crackers can the crowd.
score. If an opponent is killed, the guard who killed
5kullchuckers can pick up either team's skull him is instantly ejected from the game and
and score with them. The only catch is that no cannot play in Junkyard for a month. Jim Hodges,
player may ever carry two skulls at once. If a the referee, has four other men under him who
skullchucker gets the enemy's skull and has his help enforce this rule when needed. Jim's
own in hand as wei\, he has to chuck one to a "sta r ting pistol" is a .45 Colt Peacemaker, and it's
teammate. been known to enforce the rules a few times as
wel l.
There's a reason they call this a bloodsport. X.1i;A-PPEI\::S &. :SKvLLCH VC-"E~
Fighting is part of the game. 5kullcrackers use So far, few scrappers have ended up on
any type of lighl. blunt weapon- hence the name. skullchucker teams, maybe because Pit is so
Most use poles or clubs, 5kullchuckers can't use much more glamourous (yeah, right). Of course
any weapons. sc rappers' enhanced attributes make them ideal
AI! players wear light armor made from rattler skullcrackers, so there should be more coming
soon. King likes to plan ahead, and to that end
he's come up with the following simple rules:
I. No more than half of any skullchllcker
learn may be augmented. Period.
2. As with normal sku]lcrackers, no blade or
spikes. Scrappers with pointy or sharp things on
their augmentations have to remove them.
3. Scrap pers with more than two augmented
limbs are not permitted to play.
Other than those three stipulations, King has
no problem with scrappers playing, and is in fact
a bit anxious to see what an augmented player
or two might do for at tendance.
In the back of his head, King has dreams of
an all-augmented skullchucker league, should
Gash's work become widespread enough. His
greedy little heart skips a beat every lime he
thinks about it.

F,I-ME & t=c:Krv1E

So what does your posse get for all this risk?
Fame and fortune, friends.
To even lry to get into a real match, a team
has to pay a $\,000 entry fee to Mr. Bill King-
that makes sure every clown in Junkyard doesn't
try to break in just hoping to get lucky. Once the
fee is paid, the team is put into the "challenger's
Team 8's

Team A's
Goa l

Central Goal

The challengers playa game a week ror an to participate in the challenge stage. As
entire month, Arter the rourth week. the rive mentioned in Tile Tombstone Epitaph's Guide to
teams with the best records become the teams the City o' Gloom, King intends to hold a huge
for the new "season." If there are more than five tournament in August of 77 with a $5.000 purse
teams tied ror first place. they play orr over the up for grabs.
next week until five remain.
These five now join the winner of the last ~BIl T EI-"'I$
season to form a six· team league. Arter a two· The current champions from last season are
week break to recuperate from the challenges. the Morgan Maulers. led by Jesse "the Pummeler"
two of the teams play each Saturday afternoon Moran. The Maulers lost only twice all last
at 6 P.M. After every team has played every other season, and they look good for this next one as
team three times 05 weeks). King sponsors a well. The team has just added a top notch
"championship" match between the two teams skullcracker. a hulkin g Swede named Torvald
with the best records. The winners get a $2,000 Sigmundsson.
bonus on top of anything else they manage to Th ey won't have an easy time of it. though.
make on the sideline. The Junkyard Dawgs are looking good this
There are no "salaries" for skullchuckers. season, as are some of the out of town teams
Players win as much as they can bet on the like the Bountiful Bashers and the Ogden
sidelines. Few people take bets on teams during Outlaws. The tastelessly named East End
the challenge period. Once the real season is Madmen made a name for them selves with their
started. however, there's no shortage of folks reckless tactics last challenge period. and the
willing to risk their money on a wager. Iron Dukes. and the Factory =12 Falcons also
Once the enUre 16 weeks is over, King takes a seem to be in good shape for the tourney.
month off and then starts the process all over And these are just the best known teams.
again. The previous season 's champion always There will be host of others contending for
gets a slot in the next season and does not have King's $5.000 next August.
Plt\-\1t{('i- ~LLC+HJCl(ffi A player who wants to conduct an action that
has a Speed higher tha n I must "save" his aclion
That's how the game work s as far as your each turn until it is time to act. See what we
hero is concerned . As a player, you need to know mean about time going faster?
how to hand le detailed maneuvers and such in As long as the skullchucker game is in
the game. We're going to change the way the rounds, charact ers act ing outside of the arena
basic Deadlonds combat mechanics work a bit to use these rules as well. Say a sniper wants to
make skullchucker easier to handle. fire a rifle in to the pit (hey, it happens). Rifles
have a Speed of 2, so t he shooter must either
.SPEED fire from the hip (a - 2 penalty) or prepare t he
gun on one action and fire on t he second.
Once the pistol fire and the games starts,
skullchucker is played out in rounds, just like .:'SwJLLCtl va:./{'
combal. The Oeadlands combat system is
designed around shooting and fighting. For Skulls weren't made for throw ing, so they have
skullchucker, movement is much more important a Range Increment of 2. Getting one inside a
and must be simplified, so we suggest you use goal has a modifier of - 6. Of course a character
the following system. stand ing right beside a goa l doesn't have to
Every player rolls Quickness as usual, and throw it. If she's adjacent to a goaL the sk ul l
draws a card for every success. All players on a automatically goes in unless someone opposes
learn (both heroes and any extras) use the same her.
Action Deck, but each team uses its own deck. If another character can get to the to the goal
Here's where things get different. Rather t han or the player wit h the skull and manage to
keeping all the cards like normal. every player interrupt his opponent. the two make opposed
keeps his highest card and discards all the Strength rolls If the character with the skull
others. Th is is when your character acts. Faster wins, it goes in. Otherwise the character is
characters don't get more actions, but they do blocked and cannot try again un til her next
have more chances of gett ing a high card. The act ion.
Marshal does the same for all skullchuckers or
splitters not controlled by a player. D AJ'¥4E ~ ~LLC+HJC"-ER:
The Marshal cou n ts down from Ace to Deuce When you play skul lchucker, someone is
as usual. with the red Joker being the highest going to get hurt. It's part of the nature of the
card and the black Joker the slowest. When your game. Most of the time, the skullcrackers choose
character's Action card is called, your character to do non lethal damage with their clubs, as
can act or he can put it up his sleeve. beating someone to death in the arena is
Using a cheat card works just like in the main grounds for ejection. However, some 'crackers
game. The character can go whenever he wants, have been k now to take a cheap shot from time
but if he wants to interrupt an action, he has to to Lime, doing lethal damage. People don't die
beat whoever's going already in a Quickness often in skullchucker games, but it ca n happen.
contest. The wor m- hide uni forms that the players wear
aren't thick enough to provide any real Armor.
MoiEMBn but they can cushion a hit f rom a sku llcracker's
Time moves a lillie faster when playing club. The worm- hide suit subtracts Id6 from
skullchucker. Your character can walk up to half nonlethal damage only, wh ile t he helmet
his Pace (usually Nimblelless) in tiles, straight or subtracts 2d6 from nonlet hal damage, and Id6
diagonally. Anything over half Pace is funning. from lethal damage.
When running, a character can pick up his
Pace to gain an extra d4 tiles of movement at a P\<ORLE (TYF1Cf-L .:'SwJLLC-t+1JC.KER:)
cost of 1 Wind. Corporeal : D:3d6, N:3d8, S:2d8, Q:2d8, V:2d8
Fightin': brawlin' (sku l lchuckersl or club
(skull crackers) 3d8, throwin': skulls 4d6
A--c,IOb Me ntal: C:2d6, K:ld6, M:2d8, Sm:ld6, Sp:2d6
On a character's turn, he can move and Area knowledge: )unkyard 2d6, leadership
perform anyone other action. If he runs during (captain only) 2d8, overawe 2d8
his turn, he must subtract - 4 from any physical Gear: Skullchucker armor, skullcrackers have
action rolls (such as throwin? wooden staves (STR+ld4, Defensive Bonus +2).
T f?,A.ITS [, ,A--vrl~ ~-Ul'l
Deftness 3d6 1 used to work on the railroads, but I got fired
Shootin'; shotgun I for gellin' in a fight. A palo' mine- he's dead
Shoatin': pistol 3 now-said I could make money in the factories
Nimbleness 4 dlO here. That's a lie.
Climbin'l But I found my calling. I'm a skullcracker. I
Dodge 3 made a bundle in my first match before I got my
Fightin': brawl in ' 5 own head split. That's when [ realized what I
Sneak I needed was a little more strength. That Gash
Quickness 3d8 fellow~he's creepy, but his stuff works. Watch
Strength 4d12+4 me crush this brick!
Vigor 2 dlO
Cognition 2d6 Quote: "It's clobberin' time!"
Search 1
Knowledge Id 6
Area knowledge 2
Mien IdS
Overawe 3
Smarts 2 d6
Spirit 4d6
Faith I
Guts 3
Wind: 16
Edge s:
Brawny (Size 7) "
Be longin's (piston
arm) 3
Thick-skinned 3
Hindran ce s:
Big britches - 3
Illiterate - 3
Miser - 3 (You're
saving up for
Ugly as sin - \
Gear: Piston arm. $250.

-, - -
T R;Ml,s, f,. .A-v1IlUD2S
Deftness IdS Science? P'shaw. What you call science is
Shootin': pistol 2
Sleight 0' hand 3
• .'
. t".;·~, " really a form of madness. 1 happen to know
that your inspiration comes from dark
Throwin' 3
Nimbleness 2d6
". 'l,~it~~/
•• , . ' . sources.
Oh, certainly the seed of the idea
Climbin'l .&. :\~.,: ... . ,f,~",.:; began in your noggin. but it was
Sneak 2 .:........ ~ ..~ ./ . . . . . ~' . fC: demons that nurtured il. Mad? Of
Quickness 3d8 'e?,.ia::. 1,.\ : ', ~1'!i... course I'm mad- l consort with the
Strength 3d6 .~~. . . '.~. sam e dev ils as you. Who would n't
Vigor 4d6 . • • • go insa ne dealing wi th such horrors.
Cognition 4dlO The di fference is that 1 unde rstand
Scrutinize 2 lhe origin of my abilities- and r can
Search 2 tap into their inc redible power
Knowledge 2dlO in several ways.
Academia: occult 4
Area knowledge 2 Quote: "A hex
Science: engineering 2 "-...:;: or an infernal
Mienld6 ~ device? They
Smarts 2d12 ~
.' both lead to
Bluff 3 ~ :' madness."
Gamblin' 2 ' .' ....
Scroungin' 2 ' ,.- :--
s~rcct":,,ise 2
Tmkertn' 3 A
• ~
i /"
~ ><

J{' 't
Spirit 2d6 y -
Guts 2
Wind: 12 1-

background: :
huckster 3 , ,:
Arcane .,
background: <a)
mad scientist 3 T
Bclongin's (steam
wagon) 4
Bad luck -5

'0 "

Curious -3
Yearnin' -2 (To
combine science
and sorcery.)
Oevil's workshop 2
Haywire 2
Infernal machine 2
Gear: Double-action Colt
Peacemaker, deck of cards,
box of bullets, steam wagon,
TR:,MTS tf, ~~ PER5o\I-Ul'I
Deftness IdS [ was with the Saints in Missouri, during the
Shoolin': pistol 3 bad times. Had an uncle killed at Haun's Mill. [
Nimbleness 2d6 learned a devout man must sometimes become a
Climbin' I vessel for the Lord's fury.
Sneak I Now I protect my flock here in the Valley of
Quickness 3d6 the Saints. There's trouble enough for a
Strength 4d6 legion of Elders. Salt ratt lers, murders,
Vigor Id6 mayhem, debauchery, and the pollulion
Cognition 2dlO of Junkyard. It's enough to test anyone's
Scrutinize 3 faith.
Search I Between th is Peacemaker and the
Knowledge 3d8 Book of Mormon, I don't reckon
Academia: occult 1 there's anything I can't handle.
Area knowledge 2
Medicine: general 3 Quote: "Thill remi\"\ds me of
Professional: theology 3 something that happened
Mien 4dl0 to the Prophet once in
Overawe 3 Nauvoo.'"
Persuasion 2
Tale-te!1in' 2
Smarts 2d6
Spirit 2dl2
Mormonism 5
Guts 3
Wind: 18
blessed 3
Fr iends in high
places (the
Ch urch) 3
All Thumbs -2
Loya l (to Church) - 3
Poverty - 3
Intolerance (Missourians) -2
Cloak, consecrate armamenl.
devil's play thing, protection.
Gifts: Hardy. refuge 0' faith.
Gear: Double-action
Peacemaker, box of shells,
Book of Mormon, $232.

l(;,: I II FR -II tJfl E~
T,\J..HS. & A -PlllUDE5> 1="£r( ,,-O,,-LnY
Deftness 2dl2 Worms. I hate 'em. They've killed so many of
Shootin'; pistol 3 my mates [ don't like to make friends anymore. [
Th rowin': har poon 5 can't even sleep without dreamin' of the
Nimbleness 4dlO damnable things.
Climbin'l You think they're dumb brutes, heh? Aye, that's
Fightin': brawl in' 3 what they want you to think. I'm tellin' you,
Sneak I they're smarter'n we are. I've seen 'em lay traps.
Quickness 3dS I've watched 'em play dead. I've even seen the
Strength 2dlO great Bloodworm that Old Man Towers
Vigor IdS hunts.
Cognition Now I'm taking a break
4d6 from hunting the worms
Artillery 3 for a while. I hear
Search 2 there's other prey
Knowledg e out here in the
ld6 deserl. Something I can sink
Area a harpoon into besides a nasty,
knowledge 2 slinking, worm.
Trade: worm
whalin' 3 Quote: 'Thar she
Mien 3d6 crawls f "
Smarts 2d6
Survival: desert 3
Spirit 2d6
Faith I
Guts 3
wind 14
Eagle eyes 1
Light sleeper 1
Sense 0' direction I
Death wis h - 5
Night terrors - 5
Gear: Double-action
Peacemaker, box of
shells, harpoon
(STR+2d8), Bowie
knife, $218.

C +I-,A-P IE~ T ~FF:

Joseph Smi th left a number of artifacts in his Power: When on his person. a character may
wake. From his days as a gol d-digger through add +2 to his Jaith: Mormonism rolls.
the translation of the Mormon Bible and hi s Taint: None. except that there are a lot of
days at Nauvoo, most every "holy" object he Mormons out there who'd like to have such a
made use of is now a relic. When the manlle of valuable artifact.
leadership passed on to Brigham Young. he
became a sou rce for the creation of new relics.
Between these two men, Hellstromme, and the
often bloody history of the Mormons, many The Expositor wa s the first major internal
strange relics have emerged. opposition to the Mormon way. Smith responded
Though so me of these relics were active with a heavy hand and had the pa pers
before the Reckoning, theY've become doubly confiscated and the presses burned.
powerful sin ce. Maybe the Powers-that-be Since the Reckoning, the surviving copies of
decided the Mormons-a nd the rest of the world this paper have been imbued with a power marc
- needed a little extra assistance these days. sinister than it might at first seem.
The Marshal shoul d let a player read only Power: When a copy of the Expositor is read
about a relic he's found, and then only afLer he's and then carried by a person, it makes him
learned most of its powers th e hard way. totally immune to any miracle cast by a
AfLerward, he can read the fin e print to help the Mormon. It is also the only proof against certain
Marshal handle the details. other artifacts, such as Joe's pistol.
In these cases, any "normal " funct ion of an
T+lF~OF artifact works normally, but any magical effects
are negated. Thus Joe's pistol would stil l hurt
fl.'Ql<;VOI, 1--' ~~ like the Dickens, but even a non-Mormon might
live through being shot by it.
The first printing of the Book oJ Mormon is a
Taint: After reading the Expositor. a character
hard read_ It's full of grammatical mistakes and
instantly knows carrying it makes hi m immune
misspellings. The Prophet never claimed to be a
to Mormon divine powers. If he was al ready a
great writer, only a translator of a holy scripture.
Mormon, he can do what he pleases w it h it. If
Five thousand of these were printed. Most
he wa s not a Mormon, he can never become one,
have survived until 1876, A Mormon preacher
and gains a 3-point intolerance Hindrance of all
with one of these is a force to be reckoned with. Saints.

Power: Any mad scientist constructing a .
"FE,I-R: NOT'.s." :Sf-BE< gizmo using one of the Hellstromme's bluepnnts
Captain "Fear Not" Patlon shone early in the may add +6 to his linkerin' roll. All these
history of the Daniles. He was killed in Missouri blueprints have a base Reliability of 16. (Note
while routing a more-numerous mob of that using a bl ueprint allows a mad scientist to
"exterminators." The Missourians were so skip the first two steps in the crealion process.)
humiliated they, responded with the massacre at Taint: There is no actual taint to
Haun's Mill. Hellstromme's blueprints, but the professor cares
Fea r Not's saber was preserved by his men. lit tle for social mores when devising his gizmos.
and these days it's carried by the de facto leader The components are oflen illegal if not
of the Danites, Jeb Morgan. downright disgusting. People parts figure inlo
Power: Patton's saber causes STR+2ctIO several of his devices, as well as human blood, a
damage. . person's Willpower, live jackal opes, and the like.
Taint: Non-Mormons who see the saber 1Il
batlle are enraged and always direct their JOE':;' PEEP .STOlE
atlacks to its wielder. Before the discovery of the Golden Plates,
Joseph Smith used a "peep stone" to find buried
Tt+-E -I+-f-IU:X::~.s. treasure and locale water. It looks like a white
The "handcart tragedy" described in Chapter rock about the size and shape of baby's foot.
One was one of the Mormons' most hard- Brigham got hold of the peep st~ne afte.r Joe's
learned lessons. Hundreds of trusting death. He uses it to keep tabs on hIS enemIes
immigrants pushed these miserable barrows and find them when they must be dealt with.
across the High Plains. Many starved or froze to That's why so few escape his wrath.
death during the trek. Power: Once per day, if the user makes a
Most of the handcarts sat unused until the Hard (9) faith roll, he receives a vision of any
ghost rock mines were opened in 70. Afterward, person, place, or thing he concentrates on. This
they were sold to miners by survivors. They use doesn't give the wielder any special knowledge
them in the hills to haul ghost rock from the of the location unless he's familiar with the area
mines to the oreways, not suspecting that their seen in the vision.
very lives are being drained away. Taint: None.
Power: None. This is one of those "bad" relics.
Taint: Whoever uses one of these handcarts, J O E'.s. PbTOL
even once, begins to slowly starve and freeze to When Governor Boggs issued his
death. Treat this as a fatal ailin' Hindrance. exter minati on order, Joe Smith purchased a
Getting rid of the carl is easy. If a blessed brand new Colt Paterson Belt Model .31 revolver.
makes a Fair (5) exorcism roll (there is no He swore that his firearm would kill any Gentile
opposed spirit), or it is simply abandoned, the who tried to hurt him or his flock. He would
owner quickly recovers. The problem is there's no never miss, and his victims would never survive.
real way to tell the car t is the cause of the Power: Any character may use this weapon,
sickness. Most of the miners who use them but only a character with at least I point of
mistakenly think they have ghost rock fever. faith: Mormonism can tap into its awesome
A character who makes a theology roll might power. When fired by a Mormon, the shooter and
realize a cart was of the old type used in the his target have a faith contest. tf the shoo~er
"handcart tragedy" of '55 through '60. The wins, his target is shot in the heart and dIes
character might then realize the problem instantly. Otherwise she takes normal damage.
himself, or she can make a Fair (5) academia: The Belt Model's power does not work on
occult roll to realize it is now cursed. objects, animals, creatures, or undead (or other
creatures that don't have functioning hearts). It
-i+£LL.s.T'i:()'\\\I£'.s. B UJEPIilNl.s. does work on "human" abominations (like
Professor Darius Hell stromme always looks to Reverend Ezekiah Grimme). Curiously, it also
the future. His past designs are usual ly discarded works against other Mormons.
and later burned to hide his often sinister For complete statistics on the Colt Paterson
experimen ts. A few, however, have been salvaged Belt Model and a whole host of other new
from the incinerator and sold on the black weapons. see the Law Dogs sourcebook.
market of the City 0' Gloom. Taint: None.


c~:;! Q'·~1 ~-=~=-.:.:.~:::.=.~C_2#:..r:. "':::;'"'.:;:,J :.


\<J~ Bfr'IK NoTES

For whatever reason, the Mormon's first
attempt at business failed horribly. Their bank in
Kirtland, Ohio, cost several men their fortunes,
ruined the Saints' reputations, and generally
proved the second greatest mess in their history
(Mountain Meadows being the biggest mess).
unfortunately. a few unscrupulous individuals
are stilI trying to get rid of their Kirtland Bank
notes. They're worth less than zero if that's
possible, and every Mormon and most every
Gentile knows thal. A newcomer to the city
might not. Unfortunately, the notes arc worse
than worthless. They're cursed as well.
Powe r: They're literally not worth the paper
they're printed on.
Tai nt: Anyone who accepts a Kirtland Bank
NOle as payment gains the poverty Hindrance.
Whatever they do is doomed to failure, and any
money they get is squandered, lost, or stolen.
Like any good cursed relic, a character can't
get rid of a Kirtland Bank Note. It can't burn, and
if thrown or given away, it turns up in her
wallet, pocket. or whatever the next time she
goes to pay for something.
There are only two ways to get rid of the
notes. The first is to "buy" something from
someone else. Anyone who's been in Deserel
knows better to take the note on a Foolproof (3) seem guilty. Its most common trick is to wait
Smarts rolL Assuming a cursed note is accepted until its owner is found in some suspicious
by some poor sod buster, he isn't going to be circumstance, such as with a dead companion.
happy when he finds out he's been sw indled. Then, though it hasn't been used in days. its
Alternately, an In credible OJ) exorcism roll blade is covered in fresh human blood.
(with no opposed Spirit) allows a body to get rid
of tile notes, b~Jt not destroy them. The hero can
hide them. bury them. sink them in the SaIL
I~ I-E Lo?l R:EC~
Lake. whatever they want to do, but the notes Martin Harris, one of the first Mormon
cannot be actually destroyed. converts and the man who funded the first
printing of the Book Of Mormon, never got along
with his wife. In fact. she was so disgusted with
LEE'? \<JlFE Joe Smith that she hid a portion of his first
John D. Lee was executed for his part in the translation of the Golden Plates. These pages
Mountain Meadows Massacre, He claimed to the were never recovered, and have since become
minute he died thal many other Mormons were known as the "Lost Record,"
involved- including the President himself. What few know, includ ing Martin Harris
True or not. the knife he used to betray the himself. is that Mrs. Harris hid the Lost Record
settlers' trust at Mountain Meadows continues under a panel in his traveling trunk. She [eft him
its dirty work to this day. before ever deciding what to do with it, and
Power: When used on an unsuspecting Harris wound up ca rrying it with him across the
opponent, the knife causes STR+3d6 damage. United States to Utah.
Taint: Whoever wields the knife seems Last year, he sold his old trunk to Mr.
trustworthy enough to strangers. but not to Danwoody at the furniture factory, The almost
those close to him. Whenever anything strange empty trunk now sits wailing for someone to
happens, they suspect him first. The knife can buy it and discover an incredibly valuable-and
even create subtle illusions to make its owner dangerous- find.
Powers: A Mormon who reads the Lost u,'j,", f-~DTj f1JYMM,
Record instantly gains a point of faith Once The Umim and Thummim stones were what
revealed, the Lost Record is worth a minimum of allowed Joseph to translate the "Golden plates"
$10,000 to the Church. Any more would be into the Book of Mormon. They stayed in
considered extortion, and Brigham wouldn't possession of his family for a long while after
hesitate to turn the Danites loose. his death, but Brigham recently acquired them
Tai n t: What to do with this near-priceless after learning how usefu l Joe's "peep stone" was.
artifact (to the Mormons) is taint enough. The Umim and Thummim no longer allow
translating. Tha t function was already fulfilled.
~or1V01 T '<EES These days, the stones grant the faithful the
Scaltered throughout Deseret are trees with ability to see through lies of any sort.
bell-shaped fruit. Mormons claim the fruits are Powers: When holding the Umim and
sweet and have a healing power. Gentiles say Thummim, the user can see through illusions
they taste like guano and wonl heal a fleabite. and lies of any sort. Magical effects as well as
Power : By eating a fruit from a Mormon tree natural disguises are all transparent to whoever
and making a Fair (5) faith: Mormonism rolL a wields the Umim and Thummim. and the holder
character can automatically heal 1 wound level automatical ly knows when someone is lying to
and all Wind. The faithful can eal as many fruits him. No roll is required, but a character must
as they want. but only one grants a healing have fai/h; Mormonism at level 3 or greater
effect in a day. If the first roll is failed, the before the stones grant their power.
Mormon does not gain any benefits that day Ta int: None.
other than a full stomach.
Non-Mormons get nothing from Mormon fruit.
In fact. it tastes like buffalo chips.
T+I-E w'i>1~ KEi
Ta in t: None, except how they taste to This small rusted clockwork key is the master
Gentiles. winding key that Dr. Erwin Gottleib used to wind
his clockwork cats. His horrific death has
charged the key with a strange power.
Power : The holder of the key can control the
actions of up to his their Smarts die type in
clockwork cats simply by concentrating on what
he wants the ca t s to do. The cats obey without
question and carry out the key holder'S
commands to the best of their abilities. The cats
refuse to ven ture more than about a mile from
their Junkyard home. The holder also gelS level 3
in the tinkerin' Aptitude as long as he holds the
key, and cannot be directly attacked by the cats.
Tai nt: The taint of this item depends largely
on how the key holder treats the clockwork cats.
If he treats the cats as mere machines,
repeatedly placing them in danger, the cats will
eventually turn on their master. While they can't
attack the key holder directly, the cats follow
their master secretly, waiting for a chance to
cause an accident or for him to drop the key.
If the key holder treats the cats nicely, they
have problems of a different source. The cats
have never really known any sort of affection
before, and they become totally devoted to the
hero. The key holder finds himself beset by
attention-starved clockwork cats at the most
inconvenient moments, emitting metallic mewing
and purring noises. Of course, no matter how
cute the cats seem, they continue to kill other
folks just like normal.
T++-E I
l-.A--F($/I f-.L $
C++-A-P 1EF( 1 OR:
~ UTII F ~C~E 15

It's time for the good stufr. You know the drill. Brigham'S a preuy big player in the Weird
Marshal. The badges in Posse Territory point you West, and we're going to leave his profile a
to all the goodies tucked away back here. my stery for now. We don't want your posse
killing the leader of a major religion now, do we?
We can tell you a little about Br igham, should
T -i+E P ONER:$ l +I-,A.-T B E the heroes ever encounter him personally. As the
Most of the major events in Deseret are head of the Church of LaUer Day saints,
influenced or directly caused by just a few Brigham Young is of cou rse, blessed. He has
powerful forces. Here's some of the dirt on the access to any mi racle you feel necessary, but
Mormon slate's most powerful men, Brigham like any true believer, Brigham knows to call on
Young, Dr. Hellstromme, and Smith & Robards. Divine aid only in dire emergencies.
He carries a copy of the Book or Mormon, lS \
BKJ~I-,A.-M y~ printing (see Chapter Three), wi th him at all
limes, and has Joe's peep stone and the Umim &
Brigham is very complex. He sincerely believes Thummim in his possession. Brigham does not
in all he does, and he does a lot of good. He can usually travel armed. He relies in his fai th to
also be merciless toward s his opponents. ward off his enemies.
The Danites are very rea], and Brigham does
use them frequently. He considers Mormons who ~1""'1 ,5. i-I--:Eu5lJ<'o.":v£
lose their faith t raitors, and in the most extreme Brother Brigham know s Hellstromme is
cases (where Brigham feels there's some very reckless, dangerous, and murderous. He also
real danger to his people), he's been known to knows Hellstromme converted only to live in
turn the Danites loose on them. peace in Salt Lake City. He has no true faith and,
Physically, Brigham is fit and trim, but the in fact, is an atheist.
stress of lead ing the Church has taken it s toll. So why does a holy man maintain such a
Recenlly, he suffered a major heart attack. He close relationship with the devious doctor? For
lived, but he wondered if his lime on earth was one thing, Young watched the Mormons founder
at an end. One of the Apostles, Orson Pratt, at Nauvoo when they had no industry to support
visited Brigham as he recovered and laid on their society. Hellstromme provides Salt Lake
hands, praying to the Lord to keep him alive. City with the means to survive. He employs
God must have listened, for Br igham's condition hundred s, and has caused thousands more to be
passed, and he has felt fine ever since. employed by other inventors mimicking his
processes or manufacturing his inventions. It is take a tragedy or two before Hellstromme slows
also Hellstromme who provides the city with down long enough to understand the forces he's
drinking water, power, and a reputation as the unleashing.
most technologica !ly advanced city on earth. Hellstromme is important enough to the
But even all those things would not let Church tha t he knows positively of the existence
Brigham turn a blind eye to Hellstromme's of the Oanites. He's been told that the Danites
misguided evil if he didn't think a greater good who operates against him have gone rogue, and
was served. The real reason he continues his that the rest of the group is trying to hunt them
relationship with the Weird West's foremost mad down. That's not exactly true, as you'll see below.
scientist is because of the one revelation
Brigham received in his life. Young foresaw that Br1~'1 &.SNmc & R:OJ!.f.J(J>S
Dr. Darius Hellstromme would one day bring Brigham sees Smith & Robards as another
about a Hell on Earth. Young also foresaw that if check on Hellstromme. Should the Doctor ever
he fought Hellstromme, he would lose, and there come close to fulfilling Brigham's apocalyptic
would be no one len to carryon the fight. His vision, he knows he may have to rely on
only chance to change the future is to bring weapons or machinery from these ingenious
Hellstromme into the fold. Gentiles. The wily Saint knows that it always
Brigham has since learned that Hellstromme pays to plan for the future.
is not truly evi l-he just has an incredible lust Occasionally, Brigham causes Smith &
for knowledge and will do anything to acquire Robards some minor inconvenience to prove to
more. He does not kill his opponents out of Hellstromme that "the Church is on his side." If
hatred. The victims of the famous "drainpipe they're late with their tithes, for instance,
incident" were meant merely as an unmistakable Brigham sees that they're charged an exorbi tant
warning not to interrupt his work. late fee, plus interest, plus reimbursement for
Brigham believes he can change Hellstromme, making the tithe-collectors come out to the
but he cannot expect to make the mad scientist compound, and so forth. Other than financial
see the cost of his experiments overnight. It may harassment. he leaves them alone.

D~.s +l-£.u5iR:0\IME
Right now, Dr. Darius Hellstromme is just as
evil as the Epitaph paints him. His armies of
automatons, clockwork spiders, and ruthless
enforcers carry out his instructions with ruthless
efficiency. Hellstromme never takes part in the
violence himself. If he did, it might cause him to
dwell on the destruction and misery he's
causing- a subject he keeps carefully supp ressed
deep in his subconscious.
Hellstromme is a Freudian dream. His mind
operates at a thousand miles an hour. He
literally does not allow himself to dwell on
emotions or think about the human
consequences of his actions. He considers only
causes and effects. It doesn't bother him that the
destitu te are sacrificed to make the zombie
brains he uses in his automatons. He merely
concentrates on the scientific process of
creating the melding of flesh and metal.
His mania was triggered when his post in
India was overrun by Sikhs and his wife Vanessa
was slain. It's an old story, but that doesn't make
it any less real ror Hellstromme. That's why he
keeps his mind racing, to escape the ever-
approaching pain. It's a race he's destined to
lose, for one day his actions will catch up with

him. Then perhaps he'll see the error of his
ways. Brigham Young believes so. The real
danger is wha t kind of tragedy Hell stromme
must cause before he understands the
consequences of his actions.
As for Hell strom me's profile, we're going to
leave it blank. That way there's a lilli e less
chance your posse ca n kill him. Hell stromme
has a big part to play in the future of the weird
West, so you don't want him getting planted in
Boot Hill. Use Hellstromme as a pi al device, not
a monster with a bou nty stam ped on its head.

f-I--ELL5l1i;O'WE & BRJ<i+lj.-M

Darius sees th e Mormons as a convenient
family. Mormonism itself he gives littl e thought.
His rationa l mind finds it hard to believe there
are such things as "golden plates" or even God,
but he's seen Brigham's umim and Thummim, so
he knows there's at least some truth to the
or igin of this growing religion.

f-I--ELL5lli;O'\\\E & .St-nH- & ~O~DS

Darius' relationship with S&R is an interesting
one. Though they do fight on occas ion, they are
not true enemies. Neither are they allies, and it
is doubtful they ever could be. Eventually,
Hellstromme believes he may need to bomb their
hilltop compound but for now, Hell stromme is
content to st udy their gizmos and use their rail s. Neither Smith nor Robards are fans of
Brigham Young, however. Smith sees him as a
tyrannical. murderous cultist. Robards agrees,
.SNIT+I- &- ~O~ but also knows the security of thei r company
Smi th & Robards' story was laid in the book rests in Brigham's hands, so he's publicly
of the same name. What we didn't tell you much supportive of the President.
about was their relationship with Young and
Hell stromme ~/T-H- & ~Of1\JU:;>S. & +I-£LLSlli;OV,~F
The world pi ctures Hellslromme seething in
~rr-H- & ~OBt\-l<:DS & YOJl<i- his desert fortress, glaring balefully at Smith &
Smit h & Robards, both the company and the Robards. That's true on occasion, but what few
men, are ra rely thought about by the Mormon know is that he's one of their biggest customers.
public. They have very little impact on Salt Lake It's not exactly a secret-every employee at S&R
City, and they employ only a few hundred of the knows it, but Hellstromme doesn't advertise the
quietest and least troublesom e folks in Junkyard. fact. He prefers to quietly dissect their
Most Mormons don't have a lot of use for "amateuri sh inventions" and steal the best ideas
Smith & Robards' goods. Hellstromme Indust ri es to use in his ow n infernal devices.
or any number of other factories can make their The real thorn in Hellstromme's side is the
more utilitarian gizmos, and the Nauvoo Legion Denver Pacific Railroad. Its a tantalizing morsel
provides all the firepower the citizens need. dangling before him; if he cou ld purchase it, he'd
Unless Young tells them otherwise, they see win the race to the City of Lost Angels for sure.
Smit h & Robards as a strange but harmless But of course Robards isn't willing to sell, so
fixture of the Ge ntile community. Hellstromme ha s se t his mind to ensuring their
Smith & Robards see the Mor mons in the stubbornness can't affect his plans. See page III
sa me light. They aren't great customers, but they for more information on the doctor's secret rail
provide a secure env iron men t for their factory. line.
T+I-E Mo.mtl~ ME;,-DO';~ ~OJrrfN ~="'" ~HO'",'"
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d6, S:2d6, Q:2d6, V:2d6
Fightin': brawlin' 3d6
M-I-~~l(E Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:2d6, Sm:2d6, Sp:3d10
The ghosts of Mountain Meadows were "" Jack in human form: Persuasion 4d6, scrutinize
before the Reckoning. Like most spooks dunng 4d6, track in' 3<16
that time, they appeared only rarely and c~uld Size : 6
affect the physical world only under certain Terror: II
conditions. Today, they have a little more power. Special Abilities:
Unforlunately, the Reckoning twisted their Incorporeal: The ghosts are immune to most
justifiable vengeance into something far darker. attacks, even though they're tangible once
On the anniversary of their deaths, septe.mber .11, they materialize. Bullets go right through
they slay one of those who participated In theLr them, flames burn but don't actually hurt
betrayal and massacre. IF that was the extent of them, etc. Magical weapons and abU,iUes are
the ghosts' vengeance, it would likely be the only way to harm them, but seemg as
overlooked by even the most pious souls. But the there's over \40 of the ghosts, even a soul
ghosts' anger has spread from only those blast hardly makes a dent in the hor?e. The
responsible for their murder to all Mormons. The ghosts' weakness is Jack. If he is slam, the
ghosts now appear en masse each moonless rest fade away for the night. Jack and the
night in the City 0' Gloom to slay a Sa1n~. rest return the next moonless night to kill
Their methods are particularly disturbmg. again, and this time they avoid any heroes
Every night there's no moon visible in the sky, who defeated them previously,
their leader, "Jack," materializes in the flesh. He Grapple: Escaping the packed crowd is
wanders the streets of Salt Lake City and difficult The victim can only break free by
mingles among any group of the living he can rolling a Fair (5) Strength check and beating
find- bloodsport crowds are common prey. He the ghosts' roB by 2 raises. The ghosts' roB
speaks to a group of onlookers as if he is a is their Strength plus an additional Id20 (for
friend, and he eventually finds one who all the ex tra hands attempting to hold the
proclaims himself a Mormon. Later, Jack prie~ victim down). A blessed character may
the victim away from any others and leads hIm substitute faith for Strength, unless he is a
into the darkness. There the rest of the Mormon. In that case, subtract his faith
Mountain Meadows' ghosts materialize as bloody from the escape roll.
corpses with long, jagged nalls. Jack also Rend: The ghosts attack as a frenzied group.
changes his form, and the group tears the poor Roll Id4+3 jightin ' attacks per round. Each
soul to pieces with their bare hands. hit does STR+2 damage.
When Jack first reveals himself, he has a Coup: All the ghosts must be laid to rest at
Terror score of 13. The victim's guts check is once- they cannot be exorcised, and if they are
usually bad enough to keep him from putting up "slain" singly they rise again the next
much of a fight. The ghost are all immune to moonless night as explained above. If t.he
any sort of ha rm, sucking up even the worst. spirits are laid to rest and a Harrowed IS near
damage without even blinking. As we!! as bemg their bones, he gains the ghost power, or a
their leader, Jack is the ghost's only weakness, free level in the ghost power if he haS it
See the profile below for details. already,
There is only one way to permanently SLOp
the ghosts. Someone has to find all their bones J Of' ~ D. LEE''" ~iWJE
and properly bury them in san~tiJied grou~d, If A particularly creepy footnote to the Mountain
this isn't done, the ghosts contmue on theIr Meadows incident is that John D. Lee, the only
murderous rampage unlil all the murderers who fellow who waS convicted of the murder, was
participated in their massacre are dead. A~ou,t 20 tried and executed on the site of the Mountain
remain, so many innocent Mormons wIll dIe In Meadows Massacre in 1876.
the meantime if the ghosts aren't laid to rest. The entire area for about a mile around,
Just a few of those who must die to satisfy the centered on his grave, has become a deadland
ghosts' lust for revenge are Q,P. Rockwell. Jeb (Fear Level 6), Anyone kneeling by Lee's grave
Morgan, and Bill Hickman (see Danites), As may be shocked to see that the earth there
Hickman is currently in Washington, DC, the oozes blood.
ghosts may be around a while.
T +t£ GAL v/:A-R Itl-£ t>L,-I-CK C1' frPL,-I1>{:'>
The Black Chaplains are very real. General
Both the North and the South eye Deseret Young or his father. Brigham, only calion them
carefully. Grant considers it another state in under the most dire of circumstances, usua l ly
rebellion- and filled with dangerous religious when a supernatural evil has been discovered
lunatics as well (his view, friends.) If he can get that the Legion is not equipped to deal with.
the South whipped, he plans to put the Army to There are four Black Chaplains (and several
use bringing Deseret back in line. other lay clergymen who are being watched and
The doppleganger that is President Jefferson groomed to join their ranks). The four are known
Davis sees Deseret as a pawn in its evi l game. only by their first names. Their last names have
Davis has sent several agents to Deseret to stir been dropped as a symbol of their sacrifice.
up anti-Union sentiments. Some of these will The chaplains all carry Colt Walkers with
simply foment rebellion. but others have been blessed silver bullets. On their horses are
told to murder Mormons in outlying seLLlemenls Winchesters and shotguns with similar
whi le wearing stolen Union uniforms. When this ammunition. They are authorized to purchase or
happens, cooler heads aren't likely to prevail. appropriate any other equipment they need for
The agents are waiting to see who wins the their holy work.
November Offensives. Then they'll strike while
the Union is too busy to pay altention. P,wL
Paul is the oldest of the Black Chaplains. He
T +t£ ~(X) LFilOi worked under the Prophet in the old days. before
the Reckoning. He is a no-nonsense fellow who
General Alexander Young is 35 years old and
wise beyond his years. He does an exce!t~nt job is as merciless as the creatures he slays. He has
of keeping his Legionnaires tough but fan, black" hair with a wide white streak along each
compassionate yet brutal when the time is righl. side of his head - reminders of his encounters
General Young is a "hands-on" commander. He with the creatures of the night.
remains in Salt Lake City but tours the scaltered
"Mormon Forts" at least twice a year. His
subordinates are expected to follow his
commands to the letter. and if complaints are
lodged by the locals the Legion protects, he
enforces the strictest military discipline.
The Legionnaires themselves are a hard lol.
Most of them were soldiers in the Civil War
before converting to Mormonism Many found
they had no useful skills in Deseret and didn't
want to work in the factories, so they returned
to their old trades as soldiers. The best of the
lot are honorable and equal to any other soldiers
on earth. The worst are liars, and thieves hiding
behi nd the uniform of the Nauvoo Legion.

T yP1c,A-L LEc>JOI~J;:E
Corporeal: D:2dB, N:2dB, S:3ds' Q:2dB. V:4dB
Climbin' 2d8, dodge 3dB, drivin ': steam wagon
2d8, fightin' 3d8, horse ridin ' 5dB, shootin':
pistol 3dB, shooUn': rifle 3dB. sneak 3d8,
teamster 4d8
Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:2d8, Sm:2d6, Sp:3d6
Area knowledge: local area 4d6, faith:
Mormonism 3d6, guts 4d6, leadership (officers
only) 3dB. overawe 2d8, scrutinize 2d6. search
3d6, survival: desert 3d6, trackin' 3d6
Gear: Horse, double-action Colt ,45 Peacemaker,
Winchester '73, Bowie knife.
Corpore al: D:3d8. N:3d8. S:3d8, Q:4d8, V:3dlO Luke is the joker, though even he is grim
Dodge 3d8. drivin': steam wagon 4dB, fannin' 3dS. compared to mosl. His jok es are gener ally
fight in': brawl in' Sd8, horse ridin' Sd8, shootin': morbid and grotesque, something Paul does not
pistol 7dB, shoolin'; rifle 7dB, shoolin': shotgun appreciate but John and David find amu sing.
SdB, sneak Jd8, speed-load 3dB, teamster 4d8
Mental: C:4dlQ, K:3d8, M:4dlO, Sm:4d6. Sp:4d8 P\?Ot-lLE
Academia: occulL 6d8, academia: theology 4d8, Corporeal: D:3dlO, N:2dlO, S:2d6, Q:3d lO, V:3d6
area knowledge: Deserel 4dB, artillery 4dlO, Dodge SdlO, drivin': steam wagon 3dlO, fann in'
faith: Mormonism 6dS. guts SdS, language: 6d1Q, fight in': brawlin 2dlO, horse r id in' 4d10,
Paiute 2d8, leadership SdIO, overawe 5d10. shoot in': pistol 5d10, shoot in': rifle 2d10,
scrutinize 4dlO, search 3dlO, survival: desert shootin': shotgun 4d10, sneak 6dlO, speed-load
4d6, lrackin' 3dlO 3dlO, teamster 2dlO
Grit: 4 Mental: C:2d IQ, K:3d8, M:3d8. Sm:2d I2, Sp:2d8
Edges: Arcane background: blessed. brave, Academia: occult 6d8, academ ia: theology 3d8,
friends in high places 5 (the Mormon Church), area knowledge: Deseret 3d8, fait h:
kemosabe (Paul has friends among the local Mormonism 4d8, gamblin' 3d12, guts 4dS,
Paiutes and Shoshoni tribes) 2. level-headed, ridicule Sd12, scrutinize 5dlO, street wise 5d12,
rank 5, survival: desert 4d!2
Hindr ances: Cautious, gr im servant 0' death, Grit: 2
heroic, night terrors, obligation 5 Edges: Arcane background: blessed, f riends in
Miracles: Benediction, censure, devil's plaything, high places 5 (the Churc h), rank 5, sand 2
exorcism, lay on hands, protection, wrath Hindrances: Curious, heroic, obligation 5
Gifts: Divine providence Miracles: Cloak, mercy, protection, sen ti nel
Gear: As above. Gifts: Magic resistent, wisdom
Gear: As above.
John is the biggest of the four. He prefers to D ,. ',ID
whack things with his holy hickory stick. He's a David is the most mysterious of t he four. He
burly sou1. bald on top with brown hair clinging was a famous gunslinger before joini ng the
stubbornly to the sides of his pate. Chaplains, t hough on ly his th ree bro th er
chaplains know w hat his name at that lime was.
Pi<:OFILE He has sandy blond hair, chiseled fea t ures, and
Corporeal: D:3d6, N:2d8, S:4dI2, Q:3d6, V:3dIO dark eyes that look as if they've seen far more
Cli mbin' 3d8, dodge 3d8, drivin': steam wagon horror than a normal man could handle.
2d8, fight in': club 5d8, horse ridin' 4dS,
shoot in': pistol 4d6, shoot in': rifle 4d6, shoolin': Pi<:01-ILE
shotgun 4d6, sneak 3d8, speed-load 2d6, Corporeal: D:4dlO, N:2dS. S:2d8, Q:5dI2, V:3d6
teamster 5d8 Dodge 2d8, fannin' 8d IO, fight in' 4dS, horse rid in'
Mental: C:2d8, K:2d6, M:3dIO, Sm:2d6, SpAd8 3d8, quick draw 7d12, shoal in': pistol 8d10,
Academia: occult 6d6, academia: theology 3d6, shoot in': r irie 4dlQ, shooUn': Shotgu n JdlO.
area knowledge: Deseret 3d6, faith: sneak 3d8, speed-load Sd IO,
Mormonism 4d8, guts 4d8, overawe 4dlO, Mental: C:2d8, K:2d8. M:3d6, Sm:2d8, Sp:2d6
scrutinize 3d8, search 2dB, survival: desert 4d6, Academia: occult 7d8, academia: theology 5d8,
trackin' 3d8 area knowledge: Deseret 3dS. faith:
Grit: 2 Mormonism 4d6, guts 4d6, overawe 4d6,
Edges: Arcane background: blessed, brawny, scrutinize Jd8, searc h 2dS. su r vival: desert 4dB.
brave, friends in high places 5 (the Church), trackin' 3ds
rank 5 Grit: 2
Hindrances: Curious, big 'un \, obligation 5 Edges: Arcane background: blessed, friends in
Miracles: Battle hymn, endure, protection, high places 5 (the Church), rank 5, two-fisted
retribution, smite Hindrances: Grim ser va n t 0' death, obl igat ion 5
Gifts: Spi r itual giant Miracles: DispeL hinder, lions den, protection
Gear: As above, plus a hickory stick (treat as a Gifts: Refuge 0' faith, zeal
club) Gear: David carries 2 Call Walkers.
Tfl-E D ,A-iITES I \'PIq-L D pn E
Corporea l : D:3d6, N:2d8, S:3d6, Q3dS, ~:3d6 ,
The Danites are indeed Brigham Young's Dodge 2dS, drivin': steam wagon 2dS, flghtm 3dS,
"Destroying Angels," though Orrin Porter horse ridin' 4dS, quick draw 2dS, shootin':
Rockwell is thei r leader in name only. o. P.'s pistol 4d6, shootin': rifle 4d6, shootin'· shotgun
second · in-command, Jeb Morgan. actually 4d6, sneak 4dS, speed-load 2d6, teamster 3dS
recruits Danites and plots out their missions. Menta l : C:2dS, K:2d6, M:3d6, Sm:2d6, SpAdS
The Daniles number about 30 men and Acade mia: occull ld6, area knowledge: Deseret
women. By day. they're normal fo lk s. When they 3d6, faith: Mormonism 3dS, guts 4d8, overawe
are called into duly. they don black suits and 4d6, scrutinize 3dS, sea rch 2dS, street wise 4d6,
masks and leave their compa ssion at home. track in' 3dS
Their missions are many. The first and Gear : Sidearms and knives, black clothing and
foremost is to smash any opposition to the masks thaL add +2 to sneak atlempts at night.
Mormons before it gel s a head of steam. That
may sound ruthless, and it is, but the West is a
dangerous and lawless place filled with
J JOB ~"'f-'I
jeb Morgan is the second in command of the
desperat e souls. Remember, loa, that the
Danites, alt hough more and more he's actually
Mormons have already faced murderous mobs in
running the day-to-day operations of the group.
Missouri and Illinois. They have no intention of
Morgan is frustrated of la te because a.p.
being run out of Deseret. If that means
refuses to ta ke charge and doesn't ever listen to
preemptively striking at the worst of the
Jeb. Even worse is the recent defection of Bill
troublemakers, so be iL
Hickman (see the next pagel.
The Danites don't always ta ke a direct hand in
Morgan runs a tight ship. If he suspects a~y
actions if they can avoid it. They are not above
of his men are betraying him, he puts them In
hiring thugs from junkyard to take care of jobs the cold ground and attempts to find out the
that don't require finesse as much as force,
truth later.
Pli:ORLE Hindra n ces: Bloodthirsty, ugly as sin (O.P. wears
Corporeal: D:3d8, N:3d6, S:3dS. Q:2d8. V:3dlO a huge, dirty beard- Brigham once told him it
Dodge 3d6, drivin': steam wagon 4d6, fightin' 4d6, protected him like Sampson's hair.)
horse ridin' 4d6, shoatin': pistol 5d8, shoat in': Ge ar: Two single-action Colt Walkers, Bowie
rifle 6d8, shootin': shotgun 3dS. sneak 4d6. knife, shotgun on his horse.
teamster Sd6
Mental: C:2d8. K:3d6, M:2dlO, Sm:3d6, Sp:3d8 T J+E DJ.-'n ES & +l-i=LLsT1<OV.'!£
Area knowledge: Salt Lake Yalley 4d6. faith: Young is trying to slowly bring Hellstromme
Mormonism 3dS. guts 4d8. leadership 2d10, out of his mania. He believes one day the mad
overawe 4d1Q, scrutinize 3d8, search 2d8, scientist will realize his mistakes. truly convert
survival: desert 4d6, trackin' 3d8 to Mormonism. and use his incredible mind for
Grit: 3 good.
Edges: Big ears. friends in high places 5 (the But there's no need taking any chances. He's
Church), rank 5 (Danites) told the Danil es not to kill HeHstromrne. but
Hindrances: Loyal (to Danites), obligation 5 they should sabotage and disrupt his plans on
Gear: Colt Peacemaker, scattergun. occasion. Young believes that could lessen the
chances that Hellstromme may bring about the
o.p, R:=·,aL end of the world by slowing him down and
D.P. Rockwell is something of a loose cannon. perhaps even destroying some particularly
He takes orders on ly when it suiLs him, and he dangerous invention.
of len assassinates targets long before the
Danites have even realized there was a problem V914 Tfj-£ DJ.-~lES
to be dealt with. He never takes charge of the Jeb Morgan is very careful about exposing his
Danites, though he is their appointed leader. He people to danger. It's easy enough to ignore a
prefers to do his dirty work himselr. masked body should one of his soldiers be
Hellstromme hates Rockwell and believes he killed. Should one be captured alive, however. it
is part of the "rogue Danites" working against cou ld be devastating to the Danites and the
him. Brigham defends O.P. and has warned entire nation of Deserel.
HeIIstromme that killing him would result in the For that reason, Morgan often employs
"Church's full retaliation." That doesn't mean outsiders for raids against Hellstromme. His
Brigham approves of Rockwell. In fact. Brigham agents might think they're actually working for a
distances himself from this "dark angel." but he rival factory, a railroad involved in the Great Rail
can't deny O.P.'s usefulness. Wars, or even Smith & Robards. The gunmen
For his part, O.P. thinks Brigham's "circus act" they sometimes hire could easily be your posse
is amusing. He doesn't understand why the of heroes. As the Marshal. this is a great way to
President sends the Danites after Hellstromme disrupt He!1stromme's plans and involve your
with one hand and protects him with the Olher. group in a lillI e Church intrigue.
But as long as he get enough money to keep
him in rotgut whiskey and gets to kill folks on ~LL -I+tcrNy.-~
occasion, he's happy. Hickman was the secret leader of the Danites
for many years. He started killing back in the
Pli:OFlLE Missouri days and has made murder his stock in
Corporeal: D:.3dI2. N:2d6, S:2dIO, Q:3d8, V:.3dlO trade ever since. He's been in on most every
Fannin' .3d12, fight in'; brawl in' 5d6, horse ridin' devious, underhanded murder in Mormon
5d6, shoot in': pistol 6d12, shoot in'; rifle 4d12. history-and a whole lot of killings that history
shooUn': shotgun 4d12, sneak 5d6, speed-load knows nothing of.
2d12, teamster 5d6, lhrowin': knife 4d12 It's never been proven the Church ordered,
Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:.3d6, Sm:2d6, Sp:2d6 condoned, or even knew of Hickman's activities.
Area knowledge: Deseret 8d6 (he wanders a lot), Brigham says Hickman killed what he thought
gamblin' 7d6, guts 7d6, scrulinize .3d6. search were foes of the Mormons. th en tried to blame it
2d6, survival: desert 6d6, trackin' Sd6 on the Church when he was about to get caught.
Grit: .3 In any case, Hickman fled Deseret in '72 to
Edges: Keen, kemosabe (Paiutes). level -headed, turn state's evidence. President Grant has
friends in high places 5 (the Church), rank 5 welcomed the former Danite with open arms.
(Danites) giving credence to his otherwise wild claims.
has an address, since they have to license here
~..\-LT l.,A-rr ern to live in Salt Lake City. That's why there are so
Fear Level 3 many licenses.
As for the "tampering with the laws of God
::SOOl and man" license, that was cooked up when the
late Dr. Tom Huntington built a "trans~
There's a reason they ca11 this place the City dimenSional displacement device." When he
0' Gloom. The sool does morc than just make explained how it worked to some of his Mormon
the place dark and dirty-i t kills. friends, they feared it might open up the doors
The soot gets into a person's lungs and slowly of Hell itself. Check out Huntington'S Ruins later
chokes them to death. Every month a person in this chapter, and you'll find out that it did!
lives in the City 0' Gloom, he must make a
Foolproof (3) Vigor check, or Fair (5) if he hasn't
worn a soot mask most of the lime he's ou t and CmJf~L
about the city. If he fails, he loses 1 point of Sheriff Waters isn't a Danite, though one of
Wind forever. If Wind is ever reduced to half the his deputies is. They are told when the Danites
character's starting tolal, the TN of the Vigor roll will be striking, however, and are forbidden to
is increased to Fair (5), At this pOint. the poor intervene.
fellow is hacking up black gunk and blood every That's a bit of a problem for Waters. He was a
now and then, much like a consumptive. When lawman long before he became a Mormon. He
Wind hits 0, he dies in a long, slow, agonizing believes in lhe Church, but he's one of those
week. who believes Brigham uses force far more orlen
The Mormon faithful use the better of their than is called for.
faith or Vigor to resist the effects of the soot. He occasionally "makes a mistake" and
Those who make it avoid "black lung," and their intercepts the Danites activities (except when
clothes and homes stay clean as well! they have lo do with Hellstromme- he's never
told about those missions).
The bank is heavily guarded, but the rumor of
the curse is nothing more than that-a rumor.
The Bank President staged the incident a few
years back to ward off real robbers.
The two men who supposedly robbed the
bank allegedly got in by walking through the
very walls. They also "died" aflerward and were
put on display for a few hours at the City Jail.
Truth is, both Buck McManus and Ralph
Sliger are alive and well. They can be found
running with the scorpions these days (see page
(20). They were each paid $500 a piece to keep
quiel. It takes twice that to get them to talk-
they're as afraid of the Oanites as the next man.

As Sally said, there's nothing going on here,
but it is sanctified ground.

Cm +l-j.-LL
There's nothing particularly exciting to report
here except that the clerk of City Hall is a
oanite. That gives him a list of every citizen that
Young is furious with Waters, but the sherin's T#£CoJICJL
loved by the Gentiles. That makes Young both The Council is led by Hellstromme when he
very angry and reluctant to dismiss him for fear ca res to get invol ved, which is rarely. Most of the
of causing a riot in )unkyard. time the Council Cha irman is Dr. Ben Matheson.
He's an old-fashioned nuts-and-bolts engineer
5; ~ffi'Fl'-' Eu Wf-TER£> who doesn't care for those who deviate from the
Corporeal: D:3d8, N:3d6, S:3d8, QAdIO, V;3dlO "standard and proper path of science."
Dodge 3d6, drivin': steam wagon Sd6, fighlin': what's on the path is unclear even to
brawl in' 3d6, horse ridin' Sd6, lockpickin' 2d8, Matheson, but it definitely doesn't include
shoolilr: pistol 6d8, shooUn': rifle 3d8, sneak Leonitus Gash's so-called "augmentation."
Sd6, teamster 4d6 Matheson is the Dean of the University and thus
Mental: C:.3dIO, K:.3d8, M:2dI2, Sm:3d8, Sp:.3d6 controls the tenure of every other member of
Academia: law 3d8, area knowledge: Salt Lake the Council. When he decided augmentation was
City Sd8, faith: Mormonism 4d6, guts 4d6, blasphemy, the rest had litLle choice but to go
leadership 4d12, overawe 6d12. professional; law along. Most agree anyway (especia[ly in the
3d8, scrutinize SdlO, search 4d10, trackin' .3dlO wake of the East End Massacre), but on ly
Edges: Level-headed, law man .3 because they are jealous of Gash's genius.
Hindrances: Cautious, heroic, law 0' the West. Matheson speaks to Brigham every chance he
loyaL obligation 5 gets, and he urges him to send the Danites after
Gear: Steam wagon, double-action Colt .45 Gash. Brigham nods quielly in Matheson's
Peacemaker. Winchester 73, Bowie knife, club. company and publicly tells the Mormons
augmentation is profanation of the body. In
TYPlq.-L DEWIY truth, however, Brigham is in terested in seeing
Corporeal : O:3d8, N:3d6, S:3d8, Q:2d8, VAd6 what becomes of this new technology. He won't
Dodge 2d6, drivin': steam wagon .3d6, fightin' .3d6, send the Danites to find Gash - a task he's sure
horse rid in' 2d6, shootin'; pistol 4d8, shoolin'; they ca n accomplish - until he's made up his
rifle 3d8, shootin': shotgun Id8 mind for sure.
Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:2d8, Sm:2d6, Sp:3d6
Area knowledge: Salt Lake City 3d6, faith: D,I-'!ilOODl'~
Mormonism 3d6, overawe 2d8, scrutinize 2d6,
search .3d6 ~l1RE F,I-CTQ!\"I
Gear: Double-action Coil .45 Peacemaker. Howard Danwoody's men get their wood from
the mountains. Once they ventured into an
~ERElNEw~ ancient and haunted grove. Living in the gnarled
A blacklisted character subtracts -6 from his but sturdy trees were evil nature spirits. The
persuasion rolls with Mormons for one week Paiutes knew not to eat the fruit and nuts of
after the printing of the list. The shame of being these trees, nor to disturb them, but Oanwoody's
blacklisted causes his faith to suffer a -2 woodcutters did not.
modifier as well. They only cut one trec. The gray, crooked
wood was only good as trim on larger pieces of
T+I-E CoLLEctt. OF ~ furniture anyway. But that was enough. The
spirit was present in eac h of its splintered
Whoever thought your heroes would go to pieces, and it was dying. The tree-thing decided
school during their adventures? If a mad it wou ld wreak revenge on anyone who
scientist attends a semester's \,vorth of classes purchased a piece of furniture containing one of
here, she gains a free level in any science its pieces. The spirit caused its dying slivers to
Aptitude. While it would be tough to work this animate, light themselves wit h matches, and
into a campaign, it is possible. The character then run about the home to set it on fire as well.
need only spend one hour every morning at the What no one knows is thaI the last piece of
college for three months (60 classes), and at the the tree, its hearl, became a manlle-piece in a
end of that time (fina[s week!) make a Hard (9) young bachelor'S home. Just before it died, the
Smarts 1'0[1. tree-thing emerged from the manlle as an
Atlendance is important in higher education. animated, grotesque "tree-man." It atlacked its
Every missed class adds +[ to the TN. The school owner in his own living room and left liWe but
expels anyone who misses to classes blood, bark, and twigs for the sheriff to find_
Danwoody never realized what had happened.
It's on ly a matter of time before his woodcutters
T tl-E cS-REB R:(X)\\
hack down another of the cursed trees. The Mormon leaders discuss their private
affairs here just as Sally imagined. What they
EAL T"IT .:SPi1'H don't know is the wa l ls have ears.
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2dS, S:3d12, Q:3d6, V:4dl0 Nevada Smith hasn't been able to find a way
Fightin': braw!in' 5d8 in here- yet. He wrote in his last dime novel that
Mental: C:2dl0, K:ld4, M2d12, Sm:2d6, Sp:2dlO he broke in, but only to convince the "Greeners"
Overawe Sd l2 to hold their private conversations elsewhere,
Size: 7 (S' tal\) maybe someplace that wasn 't quite so hard for
Terror: 9 him Lo get into-like the sulfur baths.
Special Abilities:
Claws: STR+3d6 J BN'(ci-,s..' T,I-'I1ERI
Armor: I
Weakness: The tree spir it takes double v/f-L1 E": J ffil,,"-,s.
damage f rom fire. Walter Jennings is a monster hunter. He once
Splinters: The tree-thing can shake its great came across a rare Ranger's Bible and learned all
limbs to hurl wooden splinters at a target they knew of the Reckoning and the many
up to 10 feet away. Everyone with in a cone deadly denizens of the Weird West.
starting at the spirit and ending 10 feet He shared a small part of that knowledge
away and 10 feel wide is hit by Id4 splinters with his fellow hunters and sent them out after
causing ld6 points of damage each. rattlers, wall craw lers, and worse. The "normal"
pelts are his bread and butter, and he does
~1E":,s. encourage overhunting of these normal anima ls,
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d8, S:ld4, Q:3d8, V:ld6 but it's his exotic pelts that really bring in the
Fightin': brawl in' 3ds dinero,
Mental: C:2dlQ, K: td4, M:2d6, Sm:2d6, Sp:2d6
Guts 3d6, ridicule 3d6, sneak 6diO
Size: 1 (6" ta l ll
Terror: 7
Special Abilities:
Claws: STR
Weakness: The slivers lake double damage
from fire, but unlike the tree spirit they do
not fear it.

There's nothing specia l about the store, except
that the pastries truly are out of this world, and
Edna is a Confedera te spy. See Spies, page 98.

See Sludge Creek in the Junkyard section.
Make sure you do. This secret's a doozy!

F ,I-tbT',s.. LNEKY .ST,l--RE

The Fausts made a dea l with the local Paiutes.
Where the Paiu tes get them f rom they don't ask,
but there are a lot of horses with USA and CSA
brands on them. The Faus\s burn over any
brands with their own, That's why it's easy to
see who has a "Faust horse" and w ho doesn't.
This is a great place to buy exceptional horses.
Some say the stock here is the Faustest around.

P<Ol1LF Of course, the blood she uses is thal of the
Corporeal: D:2d8. N:4d8, S:3dB, Q:3dIO, V:4d8 children under her care. When she needs fresh
Bow 3dg. climbin' 3<18, dodge 2dB, drivin': steam blood, she simply puts a few drops of sleeping
wagon .3d8, horse ridin' 4d8, shootin': rifle 4dg, potion into a child's porridge and waits until
speed load: rifle 4dB, sneak 4d8, swim min' 4d8 night. Then she and a few of the older girls who
Mental: C:2d8, K:3d6, M:2d8, Sm:ld8. Sp:2d6 Grist raised spiri t the victim away in the middle
Area knowledge: Salt Lake City 4d8, demolition of the night and drain him or her of blood.
2d6, guts 6d6, language: Paiute 2d6, overawe Grist's older girls are feared throughout the
4dB. scrutinize 2dB, search 3d8, survival: desert school. Children who make enemies of them
4d8, trackin' Sd8, trade: tanning 5d6 may find themselves anemic and pale in the
Edges: Eagle eyes, keen near future.
Hindrances: Greedy, mean as a ralller
Gear: Sharps Big 50, steam wagon, fast horse 'IIIDO, (j'1S-r
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d6, S:3dIO, Q:2d6. V:3d8
"Bv1-l- flO" TO\', Climbin' 1d6, drivin': steam wagon 2d6, rightin':
Besides himself. Jennings' best hunter is brawlin' 3d6, sneak Id6
"Buffalo" Tom McGee, a former slave and Mental: C:2d10, K:3d8, M:3d10, Sm:3d8, 5p:2d6
hardened veteran of the Weird West Tom got La Academia: occult 3d8, gu t s 4d6, language: English
be enough of a problem that a los diablos 3d8, language: German 4dB, leadership 3dlO,
eventually showed up. Tom killed it. then sold its medicine: general 3d8, overawe 3d10, science:
pelt to Mr. Jennings on commission. If they can alchemy 5dB, scrutinize 4dlO, search 2d10.
rind someone to pony up $6,000, Tom's ready to Edges: Arcane background: mad scientist
take his share (60%) and relire. Hindrances: Geezer
The los diablos' hide can be made into a thick Gear: Riding crop, selection of syringes.
and leather jacket that provides a point of
Armor. Better still, wearing such a jacket makes ~-o.l ' -0. CiI'<L-o.
the owner immune to the attack of a diablo- Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d6, 5:3d IO, Q:2d6, V:3d8
though it might still show up and give it a try Climbin' 2d6, fightin': brawlin' 4d6, sneak 1d6
until it learns otherwise. Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:3d8, Sm:3d8, Sp:2d6
Academia: occult 1d6, guts 2d6, medicine: general
~Ol1LE Id6, overawe 3d8, science: alchemy 1d6,
Corporeal: D:2dIO, N:4d8, S:3d8, Q:3dlO, V:4d8 scrutinize 2d6, search 3d6.
Bow 3d 10, climbin' 3ds, dodge SdS, drivin': steam Gear: None.
velocipede 3d8, fighlin'; knife 5dS, horse ridin'
4d8, shootin': rifl e 5d10, speed load: rifle 4d8, T,I--E .s,,-L1 L,,;-KE CrTY -H-oTEL
sneak 4d8, swimmin' 4d8, teamster 3d8 A wandering Shoshoni shaman once ventured
Mental: C:2d8, K:3d6, M:2da, Sm:2d8, Sp:2d8 into Salt Lake City. He politely asked where he
Area knowledge: Deseret 4d8, demolition 2d6, might stay in this city, and a speechless Mormon
guts ad8, language: Paiute 2d6, overawe 3d8, pointed to the nearest hotel.
scrulinize 2d8, search 3d8, survival: desert 6d8, The caretaker, Louis Montague, could not
trackin' 5d8 believe a savage had entered the Salt Lake City
Edges: Nerves 0' steel. sand 5 Hotel! He threw the shaman ou l.
Hindrances: Heroic, yearnin (to relire) 3 The sha man cursed the place, claim ing that
Knacks: Born under a blood red moon no one would ever sleep well here until he did.
Grit: 6 He had no real ability to enforce his curse, but
Geal": Sharps Big 50, Bowie knife, bow and the Reckoners did. They took notice, and now
arrows, steam velocipede, fast horse. anyone who sleeps here is plagued with the
night terrors Hindrance. II's not so bad for most
Ow+/i-J)I,-<tt folks. The TN of the Spirit roll is only Foolproof
Grist is a monster in the very human sense of (3), Folks who already have nigllt terrors. however,
the word. She's an alchemist who has learned to make their roll against an Incredible Oil TN.
make use of other people'S blood to make Here's where it gelS really interesting. When a
philosopher's stone (see the alchemy rules in the Harrowed fails his roll. whether he goes bust or
Smith & Robards sourcebookJ nOL he gives birth to a night stalker. See Book 0'
the Dead for more information.

T -I+E TJ,~E>ER>\+CL£
The Lost Elder is a rea l ghost. It's not ha r mful,
but it does foretell of the death of a powerfu l
Mormon. It can be freed by fi nding the corpse
and burying it in consecrated ground (li k e the
Mormon Cemetery), The spirit does no harm.

Don't expect to find out what rea l ly goes on
inside the Temple in a game book, friend! The
Mormons aren't telling, and neither are we (plus,
we don't know. so you can make it up yourself).
What we can tell you is all about the missing
gargoyles. These creatures were ca rved by a
Welsh immigrant whose name was forgotten, but
everyone re fers to as "the Welshman."
His gargoyles did indeed come to life and slay
him. Then they flew off into the Wasatch
Mountains where t hey lair in a high cave. They
eat flesh. but the two of them together on ly
need a man - sized amount once per month. The
rest of their diet consists of various stones.
The gargoyles f requently come to the city and
sit atop the highest part of the Temple, wailing
for it to be completed. When it is. they plan to
roost and become nothing but stalUes once
again. In the meantime, they're invulnerable
except to the miracles of the blessed. Other
magic, even black magic, can't hurt them.

~jS~ ~P<401LES
Corporea l: D:2d8, N:4dIO, S:3dI2 , Q:3dlO. V:4d8
Fightin' SdlO, flyin ' 4dlO
Mental: C:2dIO, K:ld4, M:2d6, Sm:2d6, Sp:2d6
Si ze: 7 (8' ta ll)
Terror: 9
Special Abilities:
Stone cl aws: STR+ld6
Armor: 2
Flying: Pace 24

WJ,J'it), ~> .::-vLPtl UK: B,+T ++->

There are two nifty items about the sulph ur
baths_First. Nevada Smith used to hide in the
baLhs. He hasn't done it in a while. because the
Mormons sLarted poki ng sabers in the mud
before they got in.
The second and morc ser ious event is the
ratllers have discovered the baLhs as well. They
occasionally wait below the springs and listen
for lone bathers. Then they suck them down and
carry them off to their lair to ma k e wor m-men.
See page 113 for the whole revolling story.
++-A-Z.f~J::%S. OF Powers: While transformed into the Butcher
(which happens only at night), the user climbs
SALl L,-'I-K.E C nv even sheer surfaces at a Pace of 6, walks at 12,
and runs at 24. He also gets 3 levels of sneak,
dodge, and Jightin': knife and adds +2 to each of
1$L,~ ~ -i+;J,J{[;>S his Trait die types. Plus, he can only be harmed
The Butcher is back. Did you feel a shiver? We by bladed weapons.
hope so. The scalpel can crea te and control up to 10
. If your group played the Independence Day walkin' heads (see below) at a lime. If the victim
Dlme Novel adventure. you have to decide if and loses the scalpel. it can control them on its ow n.
how the scalpel escaped their grip and wound Taint: Every time the user holds the blade's
up here. bare handle at night and the scalpel decides to
If you didn't run this adventure (shame on have so~e fun, he must make an opposed Spirit
you, and after all our hard work), then here's the ro ll agaLnst the scalpel's 4dl0 Spirit If he loses,
story. Hank Ketchum was laking the hated thing he gains all the powers of the scalpel and falls
back to Austin (Ranger Headquarters) when he under Its control. If he wins, nothing happens.
came across a town plagued by tumbJebleeds. If the scalpel is picked up by a Harrowed, it
During the right. Hank got tangled up, and the struggles for control with w hoever is in control
sea,lpel was lost. A fellow by the name of Dick of the Harrowed's body at the time: the human
Swmk, a ghost-rock miner who had been run soul or the manitou.
o~t of ~lah for constanlly disturbing the peace, Each time the wielder loses the struggle with
picked Lt up and used it as a trail knife. That the scalpel, he's at - I for any future attempts to
didn't last long. The knife took him over in a fend off the relic's attempts at controL up to a
week. Dick's hatred of the Mormons burned in maximum penalty of - 6.
his souL and the knife encouraged him to return The scalpel is dormant in the daytime, but not
to the City 0' Gloom. power less. Once picked up, it cannot be put
His life now goes something like this. He gets down volun tarily. If the scalpel is taken from its
up each morning and hits the bottle to drown owner, the former Butcher is free from its curse,
his misery. When night comes around, he returns The new owner has a major problem, however
to the Rathole. Once every couple of days, he
loses his battle with the scalpel and starts T H -E BvTCH-ER
killing again. Co rporeal: D:2d12, N:2dI2+2, S:2dI2, Q:3dlO, V:2d 10
Here's the information on the scalpel again for Climbin' IdI2+2, dodge 3dI2+2, fighlin': knife
t.hose of you too cheap to buy our Dime Novelsnl 3dI2+2, shootin': pistol 2d12, sneak 3d12+2,
(Just kidding, amigos), Those of you who do have swimmin' 2d12+2
fndependence Day should check this over as we ll. Mental: C:3dlO, K:4d12, M:2d8, Sm:4dlO, Sp:2d12
There are a few cla rifications to the relic's power. Language: Englis h 4d 12+2, la nguage: Latin 2dI2+2,
medicine: surgery 4dI2+2, search ldlQ,
T"t &rTC H-ER'$ 5c,J.-LPEL street wise 2dlQ, guts 3dl2
Terror: 7
This is a cursed relic of terrible power. It
transforms its wielder into a murderer capable Gear: Scalpel
of the most horrific deeds. Specia l Abilities:
When the scalpel is in control, it demands Scalpel: STR+ld8
mid. night killings for three days in a row before Immunity: Harmed only by edged weapons,
lettL~g the host resume control of his body. If
Control: Can create and control walkin'
possLble, the user is to make off with the heads.
victim's head and extremities to be fashioned Weakness: Jf the scalpel is lost. he
into walkin' heads. The Butcher usually leaves transforms into a grateful Dick Swink.
these creatures behind to cause all sorts of
trauma in his wake and help to cover his tracks. THE 'Nf-lJ-P( -i-I-f',I-r::>?
Once done with a killing spree, the scalpel These are a special kind of walkin' dead
often does not demand another for a month or created by the Butc her. He harvests the heads
mo re. It knows that it's not an invulnerable and limbs from his victims and stitches them
device. Its best protection is to keep moving and into strange configurations, each with a single,
not attract too much altenlion in one place. mostly intact cranium.

These things crawl along on their sewn on
hands and feet, attacking their victims with
[Oath and nail. The best way to kill them is to
place a bullet between their bloody eyes.

Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d8, S:3d8, Q:2d 10, V:2d8
Climbin' 4d8, dodge 2d8, fight in': brawl!n' 3d8,
sneak 4d8
Mental: C:2d8, K:ld6, M:ld6, Sm:ld6, Sp:ld4
Overawe 4d6
Size: 2
Terror: 7
Speci al Abiliti es:
Bite: 3d8
Scr atch: 3d8


No, the Nephites aren') making a ghostly
comeback. A Gentile huckster named Carson
Wells is developing a new illusionary hex and
testing it in the city. He's done some reading up
on Mormon history and theology and has
decided to playa liltle joke on the Saints. So far
its been working wonderfully.
What wells doesn't realize is that if he keeps
his lillIe prank up, Brigham might send the
Black Chaplains down to Third Street to The effects of the hex are limited to an area
investigate. They would no doubt discern the equal to 200 square feel per hex level. This is the
truth, and well's wouldn't be happy with the equivalent of a 20' x la' rectangle, although the
results. Even Luke, the joker of the bunch, huckster can modify this area into any shape, as
probably won't find Well's ruse very funny. long it does not exceed the limit. If needed, the
Should a huckster figure out what's going on huckster can move the illusion as appropriate
somehow and track Wells down (he has an within the range of the hex. Note, though, that
apartment in the Rathole in Junkyardl, Wells any illusionary objects created with this hex
quickly shares his arcane knowledge in return must be three dimensional. Your huckster can't
for a little silence. extend the size of his illusion by making a
For those of you that don't have Hucksters & locomotive which appears normal from the side
Hexes, here's the hex: but which is only I" wide.
The illusion produced by the hex is very
M~-4E realistic. So much so, in fact. that anyone
Trait: Smarts viewing it must first have a reason to doubt its
Hand: Pair existence- and then make a Hard (9) Cognition
Speed: 2 roll - to recognize it for false.
Duration: Concentration or I Wind/ round Anyone allempling to touch an illusion
Range : 5 yards/ hex level realizes it to be false without having to roll.
Many a cowpoke has been misled by a mirage. Also, since it is visual. it has absolutely no effect
Not all of these are natural occurrences- some on the blind or creatures that do not use vision
sprang from a hand of cards! as their primary sense.
This hex allows a huckster to create an The precision of the hex is limited by the
illusion of a place or inanimate object. For the hand the huckster draws. Initially, only simple
purposes of this hex, normal plants such as objects can be reproduced, but with higher
grass and trees are considered inanimate. hands he can produce very intricate illusions.
.., ~ BA-BY fQ,-Tll£R5-

Hand Comp lexity

. ' . Baby salt rattlers are simple. carefree
creatures. All they really want to do is eat and
Ace Single uniform object (blank play. It just so happens that their play usually
wall or mound of dirt) results in someone dying.
Pair Single simple object or area These smaller ra tt lers usually attack in
(door, empty room, muddy "packs" of three to five.
Jacks Single moderately diverse
object (wagon, rifle, single Corporeal: D:ld4, N:3d6. S:3d6, Q:3d6, V:3d6
dead tree) Fightin': brawlin' 3d6, sneak 7d6
Two Pairs Single complex object or Me n tal: C:2d8, K:ld4. M:2d8. Sm:2d6, Sp:ld6
mul tiple simple objects Overawe 5d8, ridicule 3d6
(Gatling gun, sparsely Pace: 20
furnished room, single live Size: 4
tree) Terror: 3
Three of a Kind Multiple mOderately diverse Spe cial Abiliti e s :
objects (furnished room, Bite: STR
garden, complete meal Bur rowing: Underground Pace is 22. It cannot
with the trimmings) be doubled by "running"
Straight MulLiple complex objects Surprise: Travelers who don't recognize the
(complete building or rumblings of a rattler beneath them
entire train) subtract -4 from their surprise checks.
Flush Extremely complex Objects
(gizmo interior)
There are two important spies and scores of
lesser-known agents in Salt Lake. The most
famous spy, of course, is Nevada Smith. His rival
is a CSA agent-Edna Jacobs of Edna's Eats.

NEVA-D\4- SNn j+-

Smith is actually more dash ing and daring
than his Dime Novels make him out to be. He's
modest and doesn't want to brag too much since
he writes his own Dime Novels under the pen
name of l.M. Hymme. (HI am him," get it?)
The fellow that poses as LM. isn't Nevada,
however. He's actually a quiet little fellow named
Michael Mullwood. Folks around Salt Lake City
know Mike is his real name and think that LM. is
his pen name instead of Smith's. Got all that?
Welcome to the world of espionage.
Nevada started out trying to get evidence
against Brigham. He's under special orders not
only from "the Ghost" but from General Grant as
well. Since he gal to Sal t Lake City, however,
Nevada has found hi mself inevitably pitted
against Dr. Hellstromme.
The mad scientist has caused Union Blue
more trouble than any other railroad (though
Black River is close behind). Worse than that, the
incredible armaments he devises may we!! wind
up in Mormon hands if Grant decides to retake
On a personal leveL Nevada has won only a Secretly, Edna admires Nevada as if he were a
few more battles with Hellslromme than he's son. She knows the two of them are really on
lost, and that makes him mad. He's sworn to the same side against the forces of darkness.
bring Hellstromme down, and stea l the secret of The war bet ween their nations is a distant side-
the automatons for the North. effect. On a few occasions, Edna and Nevada
Unfortunately for the heroic spy, he winds up have met at cross-purposes. Edna has won as
spending most of his lime solving some deadly many limes as Nevada, but never when it might
and impenetrable mystery for the common folks. endanger his lifc.
It's hard for a hero to turn a blind eye when the
horrors of the Reckoning rear their ugly heads. ~OFlLE
Corporeal: D:!dS, N:ld6, S:ld6, Q:ldS, v:2d6
~01-1LE Drivin': steam wagon 3d6, lockpickin' 2d8, quick
Corporeal: D:4dIO, N:4dlO, S:3d8, Q:4dB, v:3d8 draw 2d8, shootin': pistols 3d8, sneak 5d8
Bow IdlO, climbin' 4dlO, dodge 8dlO, drivin': steam Mental: C:3d12, K:3dl0, M:2d8, Sm:3dB, Sp:4diO
wagons SdlO, fannin' ldlO, fight in': brawl in' Academia: occull 5dlO, area knowledge: Salt La ke
6dlO, filchin' 2d l0, drivin': jet pack 2dlO, drivin': City 2dlO. bluff 6dS, guts 3dlO, medicine:
ornithopter 2dtO, lockpickin' 4d lO, ho rse ridin' general 5diO, persuasion 3dS, ridicu le 3d8,
SdlO, quick draw 6d8, shooLin': automaLics scrutinize 6dl2, search 4dl2, street wise 5dS.
6dlO, sleight 0' hand 2dlO, sneak 6dlO, trade: baking 5diO
swimmin' 3dlO, teamster 3dl0, throwin · 3dlO Edges: Friends in high places (Texas Rangers) 3,
Menta l : C:4dlO, K:3d8, M:2d8, Sm:3dlO, SpAd8 gift of gab, nerves 0' steel
Academia: occul t 4d8. area knowledge: Deseret Hindrance s: Loyal
4d8, arlillery 4dlO, arts 2dlO, bluff Bdl0. Gear: Derringer .44.
demolilion 4d8, disguise IOd8, faith:
Christianity 3d8, gamblin' 7dlO, guts 6d8, Or+l-B< R;,IL"Of-DS
language: French 4d8, language: Indian sign All the railroads have a few spies in the City
language 4d8, lang uage: Mormon alphabet 0'Gloom. Most of them are watching Smith &
(written on ly) 3d8, language: Spanish 5d8, Robards and Hellstromme ror gizmos that may
leadership 3d8, medicine 3d8, professional: law help them win the Great Rail Wars. Few rail
4d8, overawe 3d8, perform in' 6d8, pers uasion barons care about Brigham and the Saints, as
4d8, ridicu le 5dlO. science: chemistry 2d8, long as they can lay tracks through Deseret.
science: engineering 2dS, scroungin' 5d lO,
scrutinize 6d10. search 4dlO, street wise 8dlO, 11<:0. J:::>;;\-GO!
survival: desert 4dlO, tale tellin' 3d8, tinkerin' Kang would love to get his hands on the
3dlO, trackin' 3dlO, trade: blacksmith tdS secret of the automatons, but he has had limited
Edges: Friends in high places (Nevada can success for infiltrating Wasatch opera Lions in
contact the Pinkertons for help on ra re Salt Lake. The Steam Pipe Incident took out
occasions. Usually he's on his own) 3, level - three of his best agents, and he's been trying to
headed. luc k 0' the Irish. rank 3 (Pinkerton), rebuild ever since.
Veteran 0' the Weird West
Hindrances: Enemy 5 (Hellstromme), Heroic, B ,A-YOJ VERI'IUO
Loyal The current bone of contention between
Gear: Excellen t disguise kit (+4 to disguise), Bayou Vermillion and Wasatch is HeJlstromme's
Gatling pistol, ot her weird gadgets. theft of a sizable quantity of LaCroix's zombie
juice. LaCroix's operatives are trying to locale
El::>\,,- J f,-COf,S Hellstromme's secret labs so they can either
Edna Jacobs (owner of Edna's Eats in Salt steal the serum back or neutralize it. They
Lake City) is a Confederate spy. Due to her age haven't had any success yet.
(she's 64) and grandmother-like temperament,
she isn't really a "field agent" like Nevada Smith. BLf,-CK ~/EI<:
Edna is more of an intelligence gatherer. When Mina Devlin keeps only a token covert
she needs to take action, she disguises herself presence in the City 0' Gloom, just to keep up to
as a man and covert ly hires unknown operatives date on Wasatch's movemen t s. She prefers to rely
(a great way to gel your posse involved in an on her black magic and pacts with hel lish
adventure. Marshal). crea tures rather than Hellstromme's machines.
point. the pipe creaks and breaks! The
character can hang on to one section,
Fear Level 4 swinging down to the next level by
making a Hard (9) Strength roll.
19 Beam: A Fair (5) Nimbleness roll to walk
Moving around the Steel Sky is dangerous. 20 Swing: A loose cable hangs down. The
Characters can't just walk from poi nt A to paint characters must swing to their next
B. They'll have to cross narrow pipes, jump from destination. This is an Onerous (7)
gantry to gantry, and maybe eve n swing hand-
Strength roll.
over-hand. Since we can't draw a map of the
place, you can use the table below to help you • .-,.,.....
figure out what obstacles your posse must cross.
Should a character suffer a wound in the Steel
Sky, he must make a Nimbleness roll against a '~'"---------------------------~~
Id6 Height
TN equal to the wound level (use th e Healing 1-2 1 story
Difficulties Table). Do this after the character 3-4 2 stories
rolls to see if he's stunned. Failure means he 3 stories
falls to the ground. When someone tumbles and
6 4 stories
you don 't know the height. you can use the
Height Table that follows.
T 1+£ $Bilffi.S
• •.,..... The sewers are filled with Sludge-lhe creature

- .,, that lives in City Creek Canyon {see Sludge

Creek, on the next pagel. It eats anyone foolish
Id20 Obstacle enough to venture down here. The only thing
1-2 "Room:" A cramped but safe "room" is Sludge lets live down here are some giant rats
formed by nearby walls or sheets of mutated by ghost-rock runoff and other
metal. There's no danger of falling pollutants. Sludge sees the rats as its pets and
from here. There's also a chance reacts violently when they are killed.
something else has already taken up The rats travel in packs of 2dlO creatures.
residence. They often swim beneath the surface of Sludge
3-8 Catwalk: The heroes can cross safely. and bite at the ankles of their prey. When the
9-13 Conduit: Several pipes are banded prey tries to run, Sludge hold s them in place and
together, making for a wide but clumsy the rats swarm over their victims for the kill.
walkway. A Foolproof (3) Nimbleness The rats are covered in slime and sludge, with
roll is required to get across. mangy patches of bubbling skin, so when first
14-15 Cold Pipe: The heroes must shimmy seen their Terror score is 9. Once the heroes
across, making a Fair (5) cJimbin' roll. know they're only rats (even though they're really
16 Hot Pipe: Th is one's full of steam. If it's mean and infectious mutated rats), the Terror
punctured, it spews steam that causes score for future encounters drops to 3.
2d4 damage per round to anyone near
il. Crossing it requires some ingenuity, /\\rTf-TED RfrT~
since it's too hot to hold. Walking over Corporeal: 0:1d4, N:3d6, S:ld6, Q:3dB. V:3d6
it works if the character has bools on FighLin': brawlin' 4d6, sneak 5d6
(an Onerous (7) Nimbleness rolO. A hero Mental: C:2d8, K:2d4, M:2d6, Sm:2d4, Sp:ld4
might also cross with a belt or rope Overawe Sd6
(Onerous (7) Strength/ cJimbin' rom. Pace: 16
17 Weak Pipe: A brawny character or a big Size: 3
'un can't cross this pipe. All others Terror: 9/3
must make a Hard (9) climbin' roll to Special Abilities:
gently crawl across the pipe without Bi te: STR+disease
snapping it. Disease: If a rat causes a wound, the hero
18 Tricky Pipe: This is like a weak pipe must make a Hard (9) Vigor check. If he
but it's not readily apparent until a fails, he's contracted ghost-rock fever." See
character gets halfway across. At that Quick & the Dead for the grisly details.
~ ,> ' 7. / C.R:EJ~§' . ~ h
: ",, 7-..-. . , r- or-


Corpor eal: D:2d6 (tendrils), N:1d6, S:3dlO+4, Q:3d6,
Sludge Creek is filled with Sludge. That's
right- "Sludge" is capital ized because it's alive.
Fightin': brawl in' 5d6
The contaminated goo is fil led with ghost- rock
Mental: C:2d8, K:ld4, M:ld4, Sm:!d6, Sp:3d8
d~st .and the screaming souls of those trapped
Pace: 6
wlthm. It look on a life of its own on December
Size: Specia l
6, 1873-s1udge's birlhday in its collective mind.
Terror: 13
The monster can think, hear. and feel, but it
Special Abilities:
cannol,see or smell. Sludge hates people, but it
Acidic Tendrils: Sludge can manifest and
knows If anyone ever discovers it's alive. it could
control two t endrils at once. These can
b~ ki!!ed. It would take a large group of men
with 1lamethrowers to do Sludge in, but the reach slap for, nonlethal damage.
creature's theory is "beller safe than barbecued," If Sludge h1ts w1th a ra1se, the tendril
covers the target and causes an additional
1l tries, to be subtle and take someone only
ld20 points of acid damage. Apply brawling
when, It. w~n't be too obvious it's more than just
an aCidi c nver' of goo-whicll is bad enough. and a,cid damage totals separately. The
lendnl covers the victim in sticky goo, so
. Somelimes Sludge oozes up through water
Armor does not apply unless it covers the
p1pes (~ost every place in Junkyard and Salt
Lake City has indoor running water). There's entire body. Breaking free of a tendril once
it's latched on requires a victim to beat
nothi ng worse than yanking lhe shower chain
Sludge in an opposed contest of Strength. A
and having flesh -eali ng goo pour on your head.
single success allows Sludge to hold on
The monster is a smaller amount of t he entire
and. co~tinue to inflict damage at the
creek, sewer, and underground streams that it
begmnmg of each round. A raise means the
fills. It makes up about half the total vol ume of
hero breaks free but continues to suffer
the water. but it leaves enough of itself
acid damage until he immerses himself in
throughout to know when someth ing enters it.
water. On t we or more raises, the hero ~OFlLE
breaks free so quickly that Sludge's tendril Corpo real: D:ld4 (no ringers), N:2d6, S:2d8, Q:2d4,
"snaps" back and pulls most of its deadly V,3dB
goo back with it- the hero suffers no Fightin': brawlin' 3d6
further Ill-effects. If other characters wish Mental: C:2d6, K:ld4, M:ldIO, Sm:ld4, Sp:ld6
to help pull a friend free, they can roll Pace: 6
Strength as welL Each helper who beats Size: 6
Sludge adds +1 to the victim's total for every Terror : 13
success and raise. Cutting a tendril is Special Abilities:
useless-blades and bullets go right Acidic Touch: OOzers do brawling damage
through. The only way to permanently kill with their soft, gooey anTIS. The acidic
Sludge is to find its heart (in the Empire touch causes Id20 damage on every hit.
Milt, see below) and destroy it. They do not "envelop" a character norma1!y.
Immunity: Sludge is completely immune to but an oozer who is about to die
bullets, blades, and other physical altacks- somelimes "throws" itself onto a character.
they just pass right through its viscous If it makes a Jlghlin': brawlin' roll and gets
body. Only fire, acid, energy or other a raise, it envelops th e hero for Id20 pOints
"matter-destroying" attacks cause it harm. of damage then and at the beginning of
Magic works only if it produces a similar each round. The victim can break free as
effect- thus soul blast would cause Sludge described in Sludge's tendril description,
damage, but grenade would not. Even these above.
kinds of attacks can only make Sludge Immunity: Oozers sha re the same immunity
withdraw from a fight. Once it has taken as Sludge. They can suffer only 30 points of
300 points of accumulated damage, Sludge "matter-destroying" damage before they
withdraws from any situation and [eaves its di ssolve into a puddle of steaming goo.
"dead" goo behind. That means the heroes Vuln er ability to Fire: Unlike Sludge, which
may not know Sludge has retreated until can swap water and mud for burning ghost
they realize it's no longer atlacking them. rock to extinguish rire, oozers can't. They
Dozers: Sludge can break off humanoid take double damage from fire, and once hit,
pieces of itself to explore the city and burn for Id20 points of damage at the
surrounding areas. See below for details. beginning of each round.
Vuln erability t o Fire: Being made partially
of ghost rock, Sludge takes double damage Ev.P1~EMLL
from fire and fire-based attacks, but it can The "heart" of Sludge lies in the flooded
extinguish itself so as not to catch fire. basement of the Empire Mill. Below the rotting
floorboards sits a dark chunk of ghost rock and
Cbz..m", the bones of those Sludge has consu med.
Sludge has recently learned to create The heart must be destroyed to truly kill
humanoid blobs of itself. These can separate Sludge. Doing so takes 200 points of damage by
from the rest of Sludge for up to three hours any means. It is considered an animate object. so
before dissolving into a "dead" puddle. even soul blast can destroy the heart.
The "oozers" can't truly change shape, but That might be easy enough if Sludge let it
they are liquid and so can ooze under doors, happen, but of course it won't. Anyone who
through drainpipes, and so on. They aren't as enters the mill is an instant enemy. Sludge tries
smart as Sludge- they have only a portion of its to pick off intruders one at a time. Usually, it
vast and growing mind. They are a little braver uses oozers to lead characters away from the
and fiercer however, perhaps since they only rest of the group and then yanks them through
have a short time to "live." the floorboards into its dark depths. If it
Sludge likes to explore the city when it's safe, becomes obvious a group is there to destroy it, it
so he often sends one to six oozers out to smashes through the floor, spins off several
wander the area late at night. Oozers act a bit oozers, and attacks with savage fury.
like you ng children, exploring, touching, even If Sludge is killed, the water in the creek
tasting everything they encounter. of course, clears to a black brine in a few weeks. It's never
anyone who happens to spy an oozer must be "clean" as long as the factories are here, but
killed and consumed, to preserve Sludge's secret. neither does it digest anyone who falls inside.

T +l-E;A-9tUJA
Dr. Hibbert is a good man, though hi s methods
are a bit crude. The widow nurses are also good
and helpful. Hibbert has created a few new and
useful methods for treating the many manias
that affect citizens of Salt Lake City. Depressed
workers, demented inventors, and those driven
mad by a brush with the unholy may find
comfort in his drastic but effective techniques.
There are a few good things a posse can find
here. If your group find s its way into the
Asylum. you might let a mad scien tist in your
group notice an ingenious blueprint w ritten in
chalk on a cell wall . Or perhaps an inmate
screams some ingenious alchemical formula.
Hibbert only accepts pa tients who are willing
to remain as full-time inmales. Once in, they
ma~ only be released on his say-so. Willing
patlents who agree must pay a oneti me $50 fee.
Truly insa ne patient s can be committed by
family members (or the state) without choice.
Once committed, he puts hi s pati ents through
"confron tational therapy." Hibber t straps her into
a chair and confront s her with stories and
pictu res of the things she hates or fears most.
At the end of each week, the patient makes a
+lIBBEKl'"" ,A-?~s1,,10 ~>
Smarts test. The TN depends on how deep the
patient's fea rs or manias run . As a guideline, Cor poreal: D:ld8, N:ld6, S:ld6, Q:2d6, V:2d6
heroes wit h manias acquired through the Scart Mental: C:3d6, K:3d8, M:ld8, Sm:3d8, Sp:2d8
Table or from being a mad scien ti st shou ld roll Area knowledge: Salt Lake City 2, guts 3d8,
against a TN of Hard (9). Raise the TN by +2 for medicine: general 2d8, science: psychology
eac h occu rrence of a particular phobia or mania 3d8, scrutinize 2d6, search 3d6
the cha racter has suffered. If the patient fails the Gear: The women that assist Hibbert in Ilis
roll. nothing happens. Treatment continues. If the work are never armed.
patient goes bust. the TN increases by +4.
If the patient makes the roll. the TN drops by f;BlEI--1 ~,- 1 H-E ~.>'IL1-'"
2 for the following week. When it reaches Q or Things would be great for Dr. Hibben and his
less, the patient is cured. If the problem was a patients if it weren't for one thing-Dr. Leonitus
Hind rance, the hero must buy it off as normal. P. Gash's secret lab lies beneath the Asylum.
As for the laboratory itself. Gash and his
EML fflBBEIi:'T assistants found an abandoned mine in the hi1Js
Corporeal : D:ld8, N:2d6, S:2d6, Q:2d6, V:2d6 above. They disguised themselves as miners and
Drivin': steam wagon 3d6, shooti n'· pi stol 2d8 began to carve out an underground laboratory.
Men tal : C:3dS, K:3dlQ, M:2dS, Sm:3dlQ, Sp:2d8 Their cavern s lead from the mines al l the way to
Academia: occult 3, area knowledge: Salt Lake certai n dwellings in town and the unused cellar
City 2dlO, guts 5d8, med icine: general SdlO, of the asy lum. This is where the mad doctors get
science: biology 3d10, science: psychology 5dlO, their experimen tal patients from. Gash's
scrutinize 3d8, search 3d8 assistants crawl through the hollow walls, duct s,
Edges: "The voice" dumbwaiters, and massive shower drains of the
Hindran ces: Geezer asylum to abduct their victims. Then they haul
Gea r : Dr. Hibbert carries a Colt One-Shot for them through the tunnels and down into the
personal protection. deep laboratory for experimentation.

- ....
I::>R:. LEoIl1JS P. C'i-A-SH- ~ ~ml-',s~ F,A-CTcY(!'
Corpore al: D:2dll, N:ld6, S:ld6, Q:2d6, V:2d6
Granny's arms are nothing special, though
Fightin': scalpel 2d6, sneak 2d6
they're invaluable to the embargoed Mormons.
Mental: C:3dI2. K:3dI2, M:2d8. Sm:3d12, Sp:4dlO
Only her and the Browning factory in Morgan
Academia: occult Sd12, area knowledge: Salt Lake
produce a stable supply of guns for Deseret.
City 2d12. disguise 3d12, guts 4dlO. medicine:
Without them, the Nauvoo Legion would be
surgery IOdI2. overawe 3d8, persuasion 2dB,
throwing rocks at the Union and Confederates.
science: chemistry 4d12, science: biology IOdI2.
Granny's "private" collection contains weird
science: engineering 10d12, scrutinize 6d12,
gizmos and even famous guns used by the
search 4d\2, slreelwise ldll
West's foremost gunslingers. Use this as a place
Edges: Arcane background: mad scientist, keen
to plant that new gizmo or magica l relic you've
Hi n drances: Ailin' 5 (leprosy), curious, enemy 5
come up with. Granny isn't too eager to part
(the Church), geezer, intolerance
wi t h any of her prized collection, but she can be
("unenlightened scientists"), scrawny, yearnin'
persuaded with the right amount of money.
(to be the father of augmentation)
Gear: Specially modified piston arm. Dr. Gash is
rarely heeled. He relies on his younger, more +4:.LLs~O\'ME MDJ,sl1<IE>
able assistants to defend him if needed. See the section on Hellstromme's compound
(page 121) for information on the "secret of the
~A~?H-'$ ;A-$:!dSTA ~T:S automatons." The rest of the factories here are
Corporeal: D:ld8, N:2d6, S:2d6, Q:2d6, V:2d6 more-or~less as Sally described them.
Drivin': steam wagon 3d6, shootin': shotgun 3d6, Outside, all are guarded by Hellstromme's
sneak 3d6 famed "X -Squads." gunmen (guinea pigs) given
Men t al: C:3d8, K:3d8. M:2d8, Sm:3d8. Sp:2d8 experimental equipment. These men are paid
Academia: occult 3dB, area knowledge: Salt Lake well enough to be fairly loyal, and fear of
City 2d8, guts 3dB. medicine: surgery Sd8, Hellstromme tends to make up for what the
science: biology SdB, science: engineering 4dB, money alone doesn't ensure.
scrutinize 3d8, search 3d8. street wise 2d8 Inside the more-valuable factories are the
Gear: When the assistants feel they're being infamous automatons. They stomp about the
followed or are in danger of some sort, they floor and intimidate intruders and workers alike.
tuck scatterguns under their coats.
~Y,A-TES Corporeal: D:3d6. N:2d6, S:3d6, Q:3d6. V:2d6
Dodge 2d6, fightin': any 3d6, horse ridin' 2d6,
Doc Yates is going to have a rough time
sneak 2d6. any skill necessary to use a device
locating his lost son. Like quite a few other
at 4.
unfortunates. Cal was ki!1ed by Hellslromme's
Mental: C:ld6, K:ld6, M:2d6, Sm:ld6. Sp:ld6
men. His brain eventua!1y wound up in an
Area knowledge: Salt Lake City 2d6, gamblin'
automaton. That automaton now patrols
2d6, guts 2d6, scrutinize 2d6. search 3d6.
Hellstromme's estate. The body was incinerated.
streetw ise 2d6, any other skill needed to use
The only way to discover Cal's whereabouts is
their gizmo at level 4
through divination of some sort. If the Doc is
Gear: Any single weird gizmo, such as a
told of Cal's fate. he snaps. He knows about Dr.
flamethrower, Gatling weapon, or a rocket
Stark's work and attempts to get Cal's brain and
pack. If the gizmo isn't a weapon. the X-
take it to Stark's Manor in hopes of bringing his
Squadder carries a pistol. rifle, or shotgun.
son back by putting his brain in a new body.
Heck, it might even work.
Of course, Cal won't go peacefully, and his
automaton head explodes unless the heroes Corporeal: D:2d6. N:2d4. S:2dlO. Q:2d6, V:2d12
come up with a really good way to zonk it Fightin" braw!in' 3d4, shootin': automatics 3d6
before it can detonate itself. Mental: C:2d6. K:ld4, M:2d6, Sm:2d4. Sp: ld4
And of course, Hellstromme would stop at Overawe 4d6, search 4d6
nothing to retrieve a stolen automaton. That Size: 7
means Cal's head might become the hottest Terror: 7
exploding metal potato in Utah. Special Abilities:
Armor: 2

Immuniti es: Automatons are unaffected by
Wind and physical stress, as well as
emotional stress (fea r and all social skills,
like overawe or persuasion).
Mec hanical Hands: Sentinels have a
grasping claw in one hand and a Gatling in
the ot her. If fu lly loaded, an automaton has
60 rounds for the Gatling.
Self-Destruct: If an automaton's armor is
breached badly (a mortal wound to the guts
or noggin ), the thing explodes immediately
with the force of a single stick of dynamite.
This is a mental command from the zombie
brain to a detonator in its head, backed up
by a gyroscopic detonator that triggers the
explosion if the automaton is knocked over
(though the zombie ca n hal t this command
if it is conscious), The only way to stop the
detonation is to somehow render the
zombie brain "unconscious." Walkin' dead
don't take Wind, so this is pretly difficult.
Magica l or weird-science effects might find
a way to short-ci rcu it the brain, however.
Vuln er ability : Since soul blast and the like
only work on animate objects, it affects an
automa ton only if it targets the noggin. In
that case, ignore the armor. Only spells that
affect objects can affect the body.

I>Ie;. f, +l-oTEl.5 though she usually only chooses one or

two victims a week. After the show, Mimi
mingles, eventually getting her victims
?,I-LT l.,.u.E G lY ~'D alone. Then she whispers in their ear some
Mimi is a siren, just like the ones in Greek minor favor she would appreciate. The
myth ology. Her songs drive men crazy with love. afflicted cowpoke carries out her
They do ju st about anything she asks. Mimi in stru ctions when th e time is right. and
doesn't order her victims to go commit some then retu rn s ror more of her attentions. The
blatant act of murder or mayhem. Instead, she tas ks always sta rt oul sma ll, lik e rilling
whi spers some mischievous command to her someone's drying laundry with mud or
suitors, lesser crimes that drive them to greater uncinching hi s saddle. Then she moves up
crimes and, eventually, the gallows. to poisoning someone's cat. plugging a gun
bar rel full or mud, and so forth. Eventually,
Mrvl T +1-£ ~R:EI{ her victims commit murder. If one of her
Corporeal : O:2dlO, N:2dB, S:3dI0, Q:3dB, V:3d6 paramou rs is ever caught. he instantly
Fil chin' 2dJO, dodge 3d6, fighlin': brawlin' 4d6, forgets why he did whatever he was caught
sneak 3d6 doing and w ho asked him to do it. He
Mental: C:2dI2, K:2d6, M:4dI2, Sm:2d6, Sp:3d6 doesn't lose his memories of Mimi. just
Area knowledge: Sail Lake City 2d6, arts: singin' anyt hing she asked him to do. The poor
IOd l2, overawe 6d12, perform in' 4d 12, persuasion cow poke ca n't even consider Mimi as part
Sd12, sc rutinize 4d12, search 2dl2 of his dilemma, Mimi's power is completely
Terror : - wasted on women. They hear her singing as
Spe cia l Abilities: high-pitched wails and see her as a rather
Siren Song: Mimi uses her arts: singin' ability homely woman instead of a beautiful
as persuasion. When she sings, every male young lady. She's not hideous or any thing-
in the room must make an opposed Spirit most gals just can't understand why their
roll. Those that fail are under Mimi's spell, male friends are stricken with her.

- --
<;;K:E~ ,-•
disguise skU]). Those who aren't looking for
~E'£'++CV£>E the creature have no chance of detecting it.
OF HlE.A-<rr£' Those who know something's up roll
normally. If the creature has already been
Lenore is no more than she seems~a patron
spotted, a character rolls his search at +4.
of art She sees it as her duty to preserve the
honest if naive works of the Junkers. T -/l-E7~ J:::::>a;OI
Adelade Picket is another story. He gives
Lenore the creeps, but she feels sorry for him Another of Pickel's creatures is a sentient
cloud of scalding steam. It's a cloud of billowing,
and so can't refuse his paintings. She's also
heavy steam with two sinister black eyes.
darkly fasci nat ed by them, though she doesn't
The steam demon only attacks a person once
admit thi s even to herself. Those who listen to
her describe them realize on a Fai r (5) scrutinize per night. Once it has, it wafts away to await
anot her night's work. It attacks by simply
roll that she's morbidly intrigued at the subtle
waftin g over some unfortunate individual. Roll
horrors hidden in his works.
3d6 damage once and apply the number of
What about those horrors? You guessed it:
wou nd s to 011 locations. Chips spent to negate
They come to life on occasion. Every full moon,
wounds negate them to all locations as well.
they climb o ut of their portraits and stalk the
city. When one is killed, which is rare (Nevada
got one once), it disappears from the painting. ~DtI-i'I f\\,I-"IE'£' D ,AJIC£ ++-tI-ll-
Picket knows his paintings are alive. In fact, at Marie doesn't have any "dirt" on any of the
the end of each night's revelry, eac h monster Mormon leaders. They abhor the place, but
pays Picket a visit and silently urges him to realize its importance in keeping the Gentiles
paint another portrait. Picket knows if he fails to peaceful. Nothing quiets a cowboy down more
deliver. he may become their next victim. than a "dance" with one of Madam Marie's girls.
The statistics for these monstrosities vary
greatly. as do th eir abili ties and weaknesses. ~END fflJ14,A-TE
Here are two you ca n start with, bu t you should Marie's real opposi tion, Reverend Robert
add your own abominable creat ions as well. Hungate, is another story. He knows a lot about
A Harrowed counting coup on one of these the Reckoning and doesn't mind sharing it with
monstrosities gains a free level of arts: painting. anyone who will listen.
up to a maximum of 3 free levels. Both the Pinkertons and the Rangers have
placed him on their wanted list ($100, dead or
T -1+E :PIPE iVoJ5.lE alive). Edna Jacobs isn't "that kind" of agent;
This hideous creature is tall and skinny with she's more of an intellige n ce~gatherer. Nevada
rusting, metallic ski n. It s face is a steam vent. Smith claims he ca n't rind him but, in truth, is a
and its arms, legs, and torso all look like steel friend and comrade-in-a rms of Rev. Hungate.
pipes. These are holl ow, and the creature makes Smi th has fought alongside the Rev on more
ee rie chiming sounds as it walks. than one heroic adventure.
He can be a powerful ally for your party as
~OFlLE well. He can share as much information about
Cor porea l : D:2d4, N:2d8, S:3dIO, Q:3d8, V:3d8 the Reckoning as you w ish- and he can even
Filchin' 4d4, dodge 3<18, fight in': brawlin' 4d8 heal them if he's able- and they've proven
Mental: C:2d8, K:ld4, M:ld6, Sm:ld6, Sp:2d6 themselves as allies in the fight against ev il.
Area knowledge: )unkyard 5d6, disguise 6d6,
search 2d8 ~OFILE
Te rror : II Corporea l: D:2d6, N:3<16, S:3d6, Q:3d6. v:3d8
Specia l Abiliti es: Climbin' 2d6, dodge 2d6, fightin': brawlin' 5d6,
Arm or : 1 horse rid in' 4d6, shooUn': pistol 2d6, sneak
Attack: The pipe monster attacks by bashing 2d6, swim min' 2d6, teamster 4d6
opponents with its long arms or stabbing Mental: C:3<i IO, K:3<i8, M:4dB, Sm:3d8, SpAdlO
them with its sha rp-edged, tubular fingers. Academia: occult Sd8, academia: theology 3<18,
Either one does STR+2d6 damage. area knowledge: Salt Lake City 4d8, faith:
Con cealment: In Junkyard. the pipe monster Baptist 6d1Q, guts SdlQ, language: Latin 2d8,
can stand stock still and easily pass for yet leadership 3d8, overawe Sd8, scrutinize 3d10.
another tangle of metal (hence the high search 3d lO

Grit: 2 O<:E'ilP. .S;i~LK£Ib
Edges: Arcane background (blessed) Corporeal: D:3d6, N:3d8, S:3dlO, Q:3d6, V:3dB
Hindrances: Enemy (Pinkertons and Rangers) 5, Dodge 3d8, fight in': brawlin' 4dB, sneak Sd8
heroic, poverty, self- righteous Mental: C:3d6, K:ld4, M:ld8, Sm:ld6, Sp:2d6
Miracles: Battle hymn, martyrdom, protection, Terror: II
reassurance, spiritual backhand, temperance, Special Abilities:
unfetter Climb: Oreway sku lkers can climb
Gifts: None underneath the oreways (upside down) at a
Gear: Colt Walker with only three rounds, iron Pace of 8 (a little faster than the oreway).
pipe (STR+!d6+1 damage). Club Fists: The skulkers' fists do STR+2dlO
damage. If altacking a vicUm unaware, it
T-H-E O<:Bilj,-Y5- can ·'aim" its attack for a +6 bonus, enough
La negate the called- shot-to-the-head
THE WES-TEC<N O<:Eilf-Y modifier.
Along the westernmost of the oreways, in the
dark of night. the ghosts of miners killed in the
ghost -rock crushers come to unholy life as
Ttl-E NarrtlF<N O<:E,f-Y
physical undead. Like spiders, they crawl along The northern oreway provides an easy path
the underside of the oreways and wait for for wall crawlers from the mountains. These
trespassers. nocturnal hunters are similar to those found on
When the skulkers find prey, they crawl out buttes and mesas in the deserts, but smaller and
from beneath the conveyor belt and attempt to more prone to roam. Every few days, a Wasatch
smash the victim's skull from behind with their wall crawler scuu!es down the oreway and
massive fists. There are many oreway skulkers, hunts for prey in Junkyard. The Steel Sky, tal]
though only one of them is ever called into smokestacks, and other high obstacles make
being in a single night. this a perfect hunting ground for the beasts.
V/f.$f-TCtI- \i/f~ CR:M'L.ER
Cor p ore al : D:ld4, N:2dlO, S:3dB, Q:2d12+2. V:2d8 •
Climbin' 8dlO, fighlin': brawlin' SdlO, sneak 4dlO
Mental: C:2dl0, K:ld4. M:ldlQ, sm:Ld4. Sp:ld6 Id6 Result "
Siz e: 10 I Death: Sorry, partner.
Ter ror : 7 2 Maimed: The docs accidentally took
s pecial Abilitie s: off an arm 0-3) or a leg (4-6). Hey,
Armor: I everybody makes mistakes. There's
Bite: STR+2d8 always Dr. Gash.
Tail Str ike: STR+3dl0 3 Where's My scalpel? One of the docs
Pace: 20 (when racing downhill, 10 otherwise) left a scalpel or other sharp object
inside you. Lt causes slow internal
T tI-E K:+T ti-OLE bleeding. You lose - \ Wind per day
until you die or someone cuts you
In addition to being a raul and disgusting open and makes an Incredible (It)
slum tenement the Rathole is actually fu l l of surgery roll to remove it.
rats, normal and giant. They're as big as feral 4 What's a "Spleen?" While poking
cats and twice as mean. They don't venture up around your innards, the docs found
into the living areas of lhe Ratho]e, but Lhey do some stra nge organ lhey'd never
lurk in lhe garbage outside of the building. seen before. You've got Id6 days to
The things live in lhe basement and live unless you find some magical
sometimes wander into the sewer system. Sludge healing that can regrow organs. A
usually adopts them, or eats them. "Frank enstein"- lype mad scientist
The rats don't altack singly. but they wait m ight also be able to fix the
until they can ambush some lone t raveler as a damage, if you can find a new
pack of 2dlO crilters. spleen, liver, kidney, or whatever.
5 "Ether" Here or T her e: The docs use
4\Vrr R:A-T:S- too much ether and drive your
Cor poreal: D:!d4, N:3d6, S:ld4, Q:3dB, v:3d6 character insane. He picks up a
Fighlin': brawlin' 3d6, sneak 5d6 doozy of a delusion (5~pointer) and
Mental: C:2dB, K:2d4, M:2d6, Sm:2d4, Sp:1d4 gets shipped over to the Asy lum.
Overawe 3d6 6 Hey, It Worked! You get off lucky.
Pace: 16 The docs don't kill you this time. or
Si ze: 3 course, t hey don't heal you either,
Terror: 3 but you can let them try again if
Speci a l Abilities: you're feeli ng lucky.
Bite: STR
I n f ec tion: If a rat causes a wound, the hero O HI-ER frJl.J\\BIT:S-
must make a Hard (9) Vigor check. If he As the Marshal, you have to determine what
fails, he contracts a minor disease. Treat happens La patients who enter the Worker's
t his as the aWn' Hindrance at level L IL goes Hospita l for other reasons, such as disease or to
away in 2- 3 weeks if treated by any kind of continue healing already-t reated wounds Keep in
doctor. mind that bleedings, leechings, and trepanning
(drilling holes in the head) are considered "state-
W~'~ i+o?AT,A.L of-the art" in this throwback house of horrors.
The Worker's Hospital isn't as bad as Sally Long- term patients can expect the same care
suggested; its worse. A character who visits the that crown heads of Europe go t ~in the 16005,
quackS and charlatans here risks life and limb. t hat is.
Assuming a hero goes to the worker's hospital Feel f ree to make a 3d6 medicine roll to help
for an unLreated wound, roll a 3d6 medicine lotal you decide. On a good roll, maybe the poor
for the quack on duty. If the roll beats the TN of fellow is actual1y aided in some way (but not too
the wound needing attention, it's healed \ leveL m uch). On a low roll. the quack s keep him
and all Wind is replenished as usual. around and tell him he's getting better, but he's
If the roll is failed, roll on the Surgical Mishap not. On a bust, things go bad. Real bad. YOLI have
Table below (isn't this fun?) to decide what that means, based on the case.

+l-frZ.,"~ OF ITtJ{Ky,M'D
The alley cats came La life and murdered their
inventor as the gossip suggests. Now they lurk in
the alleys, waiting for unsuspecting victims.
Their supernatural energy comes from
stealing breath. The cats atlack in groups of 5 to
15. They pounce on a victim and rake him with
their claws until he collapses (0 Wind), Then the
cats stand about his head and draw out his
breath. No matter how many cats there are, they
steal I Wind per second. The victim remains
conscious during this time, though he can do
liule morc than twitch a few fingers. Under no
circumstances can he speak, and he can't keep
his mouth closed either.
Eventually, drawing orf the vicUm's Wind kills
him (see the bleeding rules in the Dead/ands
rulebook if you don'l know how this works).

Corporeal: O:ld6, N:3d6, S:ld6, Q:3d8, V:3d4
Fightin': brawlin 2d6
Mental: C:2d8, K:2d4, M:2d6, Sm:2d6, Sp:3d4
Search 2d8, trackin' 6d4
Si ze: 3
Terror: 5
Special Abilities:
Claw: STR+ld4 The Lurkers are actually the Mullins kids, a
Teeth: STR+ld6 family of five orphans. Their mother died giving
Armor: 2 birth to Little Janie. Their father was a factory
Steal Breath: see above. worker until he found a brief but shining
moment of fame playing swing. Hi s tether was
Tjl-Eq...;;-l Em:>MA-;;-~~E cut by ··Slicer" Muldoon in early '76 during a
match, and he plunged into the Sludge. never to
The East End madman was none other than be seen again.
Dr. Leonitus P. Gash! To combat the leprosy that The kids were put into the orphanage. but the
infects his body, Dr. Gash had his assistants oldest, James. figured out what Widow Grist was
perform the first ever human augmentation on up to after she and her assistants drained his
the doctor himself. Maddened by the pain of his blood one night. When James recovered, he broke
new piston arm, Gash burst from hi s secret lab his brother and sisters out and escaped into
into Iron Street and killed 15 in a psychotic rage. Junkyard. They hid in the only place they were
He then fled into the alleys of )unkyard. sure Sheriff Waters couldn't find them- the Steel
Gash came to his senses in an alleyway about Sky. James had learned something of swing from
an hour later, covered in blood. Unable to accept his father, so he began training the rest of his
what he had done, Gash quick ly rationalized that siblings how to maneuver through the vertical
it was his own blood that he was covered in. He
labyrinth over Junkyard.
has no memory of the events of that afternoon Since then, the kids have learned the layout of
and refuses to even consider the possibility that Steel Sky like the backs of their hand, betler
he is the East End Madman. than anyone else in Junkyard. They've survived
His assistant Carl knows betler but is too by scrounging and common thievery. though
loyal to Gash to turn him in. Still. should Carl they all aspire to become swing players like
ever become disgruntled, he has much to tell. their father.

The oldest Lurker is James, 18. The next oldest Sooner or later. however, the lurkers'
is Billy, 16, Sarah, 15, Ferguson, 12, and Liltle Janie, population will grow so large the Lurkers will
9. By day, they roam the town buying food with have to ask for help. Sounds like a good
what little loot they manage to steal. They have adventure for a posse of do-gooders, doesnl it?
buill a hidden "treehouse" in a cramped section The lurkers are grotesque humanoids with
of the Steel Sky. This is where they eat. sleep, four spider-like arms ending in cruel hooks.
and hang out most of the time. They also have gray-furred bodies, horrendous
When funds run low, they rob Junkers by compound eyes, and the ability to shoot webs
dropping a lasso around them from the Steel from their wide-fanged mouths.
Sky. Then Sarah and Little Janie jump off a beam
high above and hold the victim in place six feet .p'\(OHLE
off the ground. Billy and Ferguson, both wearing corporeal: D:ld4, N:3d12, S:2d6, Q:3dlO, v:3d8
masks, swing down, relieve their prey of all his Climbin' IOd12, fightin': brawl in' 5dl2, sneak 7d12,
dinero. and retreat back into the steel overhead. webcasting 5d4
The kids wear masks when they attack, and Mental: C:2d8, K:ld4, M:2d6, Sm:2d4, Sp:2d6
the three who are actually seen are big enough Area knowledge: Steel Sky 4d4, overawe 3d6,
to pass for small adults, so few victims realize track in' 3d8
they've been robbed by kids. of those that have Pace: 8 on ground, 10 in Steel Sky
noticed the Lurkers' stature, all have so far been Size: 6
too embarrassed to say they were robbed by Terror: II
kids, but instead claim they were attacked by a Special Abilities:
dozen full -grown men. This can be quite Claws: STR+ld6 (lurkers can attack with each
misleading to a posse of heroes who overarm of their four arms once per round)
themselves to deal with the Lurkers. Web: A lurker can sacrifice its armed attack
to fire its web instead. Roll the creature's
.p'\(OFILE webcasting with a Range Increment of 1. If
Corporeal: D:2d8, N:3dl0, S:(2d8 for James, 2d6 it hils, a single man-sized target is
for the other kids, Id4 for Little Janie), Q:3d6, entangled. Breaking free requires a Hard (9)
v2d6 Strength roll with I raise. With a success
Fightin': brawl in' 4dlO, sneak 4dl0, swing 4d10, but no raise, a character can work a knife
throwin' 3d 10 or other sma ll blade free and start CUlling
Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:2d6, Sm:2d6, Sp:ld6 himself loose. It takes 20 points oC damage
Area knowledge: Salt Lake City 3d6 (Steel Sky to cut enough webbing strands loose to get
6d6), scroungin' 3d6, search 3d6 free.
Gear: Metal pipes (STR+ld6), lassos and swing Implantation: Once the survivors are
harnesses, masks. entangled, the lurkers descend on them and
inject their eggs into their bloodstreams.
T+1£ "OT+~" ~$ The victim falls into semiconsciousness at
Sally mentioned that the Lurkers' most recent this paint. T[len ld6 days later, the eggs
victims have been murdered horribly. That's not hatch into six new lurkers, who eat their
strictly true. What's really going on is a keen way out and kill the victim. The eggs can
insight into the nature of the Reckoning though. be removed up to the moment of death,
The public's fear of the Lurkers has given life whether by natural or magical means.
to horrible new creatures in the Steel Sky. The Natural means requires an Incredible Oil
"other" lurkers are horrid, spider-like beings that medicine: surgery roll and ld6 hours. Reduce
drop down on a victim, draw him up into the the TN to Hard (9) if the surgeon has done
Steel Sky, and fill him with their eggs. In a few this before. Failure means the victim
days, the eggs hatch, and the larvae eat their sustains a wound, but the doctor can try
way oul. The victims dies in horrible agony. again. Going bust means the victim dies
Ironically enough, the only people who know instantly.
about the lurkers is the Lurkers. They've been
killing the small ones and running from the
large ones for the last few months. They can't go
The roofers are simply the "walkin' heads" of
to the authorities for help for fear of being the Butcher. See Hazards of Salt Lake City, on
arrested for murder. page 96.

--;;:!;i, '" be ,-~

.sA-LT lAll5MR:Ob
Fear Level 2
Ti ~E ~E.~-T ~L v/~"""
You already know about the relationship
between Brigham and Hel1strommc. Sally also You might call this place "corpses are us."
told you thal Brigham plans on giving the right- There are three mad scientists pilfering the
of-way to the first railroad to reach Salt Lake graves for body parts. One is Dr. Gash. He uses
City, without linking up to the Denver Pacific. the corpses to teach augmen tation surgery to
So why is he double-crossing Hellstromme? his disciples. The other two grave-robbers are Of.
He's not. Hell stromme is in on t his one. Both Stark and Madam Rasmussen. You'll find more
men want to see the other railroads kill information on each of them later, but boLh are
themselves racing each other to Salt Lake City. working on "Frankenstein"-type creatures.
This also makes the DP worth less, giving Occasionally, two or three groups hit the
Hel1stromme a chance to buy it at a cheap price. cemetery at the same time. All of them want the
Then, when it's clear who's going to win, freshest corpses, so when there's a major
Brigham can rind a reason to declare the contest accident at the factories or some other source of
invalid and forbid any railroad except Wasatch multiple casualties, there's a quick scramble to
from crossing Deseret. If they pull th is off. see who can get there first.
Wasatch should easily win th e Great Rail Wars. All the scientists' minions are fairly timid and
overarmed, which makes for comica l but rarely
H-£l.J....S11<O"NE",s A--c.E-tI-T1+E-+l-oLE deadly battles over the unearthed corpses.
Darius knows Brigham will do whatever is None of these groups are foolish enough to
best for the Saints once the railroad s reach steal from the Mormon Cemetery.
DesercL so he commissioned a secret line
through the Rockies. Actually, under the Rockies.
Hellstromme created an incredible
TtJ..E c,.,m0tS
In general. anyone can pass through the "toll
underground vehicle with a huge drill at the canyons" with no trouble. Even folks with no
front. He calls it, creatively enough, the "digging money are usually let through if they appeal to
machine." It's digging a tunnel through the the owners' softheartedness.
Rockies north of Utah. If he can get the line
Shou ld a conflict come, however, these
completed soon enough. he shouldn't need to barricaded canyons should prove incredibly hard
connect with the DP or lay line across Deseret. for an army to pass. In a war, Gatlings and
ca nnons can be added to the walls. In the la rger
L,~-~ MOIEMBfT passes, la-50 militia are set to guard them.
Stacey O'Malley 's as thick-headed as her
brother, Lacy. She's several years younger, I:::>BiL";:' C;,.;ii0i
though, and hasn't learned when to back down The legends about this cave are absolutely
and work a story from a morc subtle angle yet. true. The Aztec high priest who led the
Stacey has thrown her heart into the Worker's expedition sealed a hideous nosferatu inside. [t
Alliance. Her "poison pen" revea ls the horrors of eventually found a way out and infected a tribe
working in the factories, and she paints the of local Indians. Eventually there were over 40 of
owners as greedy monsters sacrificing common the hideous fiends lairing in this cave.
folk for the "Almighty Dollar." There's some truth A rew years ago, the nosferatu attacked a
La that, but the factory owners are trying. They're band of Mormons explorers. One of them
slower than they should be in meeting the escaped and informed the Nauvoo Legion. The
worker'S demands, but that's just because they're Legionnaires followed the trail and entered the
cautious. Hellstrornme just doesn't care. cave. of the 20 that went in, only three made it
So far. only Hellstromme has seriously back out. The Legionnaire commander set up
considered putting an end to Stacey's crusade in camp nearby and waited on the Black Chaplains.
the press. He's aware what her death would do, They arrived shortly before Sally and her
so he hasn't done anything yet, but if she flamethrower, then entered the nosferatu cave
persists and it looks like the workers will strike and hosed the monsters down with their rush-
anyway, Ilis automatons will pay her a visit. order weapon. Un fortunately, they didn't get the
original. ancient nosferatu, who cravenly hid in possible to immobilize one by severing its
the deeper caverns. spinal col umn. Co mplete decapitation is the
After the Black Chap lains left, the creature only wound that which ca n kill a vampire,
rampaged out of the cave and tore into a band Exposure to sunlight is also fatal to these
of Paiutes. Now it's replenishing its undead ranks undead. A stake through the heart can
and preparing for another fight with the paralyze one as long as the stake remain s
Mormons. It's smart, though, so it doesn't simply in place. Attempting to stake a nosferatu in
march on Salt Lake City. Instead, it spreads melee requires a ca ll ed (or lucky) shot to
vampirism among the Indians, local farmers, and the gizzards. Nosferatu ca n be momentarily
any other mortals it or its minions can catch stunned by physical attacks. A protection
alone. That way, the Black Chaplains have no miracle protects against nosferatu normally,
trail to follow back to the nosferatu lair in
Devil's Canyon. TH-E ,A-tlCJBrr (){£
Oh, and one more thing. If anyone ever did kill This loa thsome blood sucker was old when
the ancient nosferatu and exp lore the caves, white men first set foot on th e North America n
they'd likely find a treasure horde worth well continent, and despit e the best efforts of both
over a million dollars the Aztec priest that imprisoned it, and the
Black Chaplains, it still li ves, With the help of
No4t-"B'flU the nosferatu army that its creating, the Ancient
Looking rather like the unholy offspring of a One intends to have its revenge on the Mormons.
nearsighted, bald ferret and a w ingless, albino The regular nosferat u follow their "father's"
bat, nosferatu are unpleasant to behold, to say orders without question, so great is both their
the least Their eyes are solid blac k, with a respect for and fear of it.
small. red spark glowing at the center. Protruding With the shield of its "children," the Ancient
from the mouth are two overgrown, chisel-like One is a bold and fearsome predator, but it
incisors, resembling those of a six-foot-long rat. remain s a craven and cowardly creature at heart.
Nosferatu can speak, though most are so feral One of the reasons that its su rvived so long is
that they don't have very much to say, that it has a keen sense of when it's time to cut
Any person slain by a nosferatu's bite rises as and run. While it is a tough opponent if
a new vampire in Id6 hours, or at sunset. Just cornered, the creature will always chooses flight
being killed by a vampire is not enough - it must over fig ht if at all possible,
be the bite which does it. Nosferatu generally kill The Ancient One looks lik e a particularly fat
their victims before feasting, to prevent them and bloated member of its kind, dressed only in
from rising. a loincloth. The crea ture moves with frightening
agili ty and speed considering its great bulk, and
Pt(OFILE the charnel smell tha t it exudes is sickening !
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:3dIO, S:3dI2+2, Q:4d12, V:2dlO
Dodge 2d10, climbin' 4d10, fightin': brawlin' 4dlO, ~OFlLE
sneak SdlO Corporeal: D:2d8, N:3dI2, S:3dI 2+6, Q:4dI2, V:2d12
Mental: C:2dB, K:ld4, M:ldB, Sm:2d6, Sp:ld4 Dodge 3d12, climbin' 4d12, fightin': brawlin' 4d12,
Overawe 4d8 sneak 7dl2
Size: 6 Mental: e2d lO, K:ld8, M:ldlO, Sm:2d8, Sp: ld6
Terror: 9 Leadership 3dIO, Overawe 4dlO
Special Abili t ies: Size: 8
Claws: STR+ld4 Terror: 11
Bite: STR. Once a vampi re has successfully Special Abilities:
bitten a victim, it holds on and does STR A r mor: 2
damage eac h round. The only way to brea k Claws: STR+ld4
free is to win an opposed test of Strength. Bite: STR. See above.
The good news is that once the nosferatu's Immunity: See above.
bitten someone, it has to use its hands to Odor : The Ancient One smells so bad that all
hold the hapless victim and can't attack in a 3-yard radius of the creat ure mu st
with its claws any longer, make a Fair (5) guts check each round or
Immunity: Nosferatu are tough critters. They lose their first Action Ca rd of that round,
are immune to most for ms of attack. It is The nosferatu are immune to this.

---~"7 " ~r-

~LL~01 the juice out of their still- living victims. One day,
the ralller King hopes the queens can use
This is the only way a human can gel into the human essence to produce a "worm-man." So far,
most dangerous place in all Deserel-lhe lair of the queens have seen no change in their larvae.
the salt rattlers. What the fu ture holds is another matter entirely.
This is where the salt rattlers live. Over 50 of
the creatures lair in the deep recesses of this T+'£ Los.T LEc;lol
labyrinth. At t he center. in a tremendous cavern, Skull Canyon is in fact the final resting place
lies the father of the salt rattlers. lhe king, of that lost company of the Nauvoo Legion that
The rattlers are far smarter than people think. Sally mentioned.
They're also far older. In fact, they were he~e The Legionnaires stumbled upon this entrance
when the dinosaurs were, and they had a lIttle to the rattlers' lair by accident. They drastically
to do with hunting them La extinction. underestimated the strength of the creatures that
But the worms are in parl supernatural and lay inside and, rather than ,waiting ~or
cou ld not live when the Reckoners turned their reinforcements, headed on m to theIr doom.
atlentions from the Earth. Most died. A few of The salt rattlers dispatched the outnumbered
the strongest slumbered. Since the Reckoning, Legionnaires, then dragged all their bodies and
they've awakened. Some roam lhe surface" equipment down into the bow l ~ of t he earth to
inspiring terror for their masters. Others, lIke the conceal their fate. The rattler kmg then had hiS
sail rattler king, are plotting a new and dire fate minions collapse the tu nnel leading to the inner
to ensure their destiny. chambers. By the Lime the Mormons returned to
the canyon, t here was no evidence of the
T' ~E fIE, ~EED soldiers' fate. The worms redug the tunnel later.
The rattler king has ordered his younger The Black Chaplains would love to learn the
worms to capture live humans and bring them truth about this, but it would take solid evidence
back to the lairs of his many queens_The to get them to take the t ime to come and look_
queens use their spiked tentacles to slowly draw
~EA-T ?,A-LT W KE While th e lake Hellions usually feed on the
few fish that live in the lake, aLtacks upon
The sto ry of the Great Salt Lake is only humans are becoming more and more common.
beginning. As more and more people start. The creatures try to drive occupants of small
working and dying there, the Fear Level 01 the boats into the water, where the entire swarm
lake continues to rise. Some new terror comes ca n make short work of them.
to life there once every few months. That's bad. Incidentally. Briny (see below) eats these
The abominations in there now are bad enough. things up like ca ndy.
One nice t hing about the la ke is that anyon e
who fal ls in is more buoyant than normal. Pi;:OFlLE
Characters add +2 to their 5wimmin' rolls. Corporeal: D:ld6, N:3dlO, S:ld4, Q:2dlO, V:!d4
The salt does burn like the dickens. though. Fightin': swarm in' IdlO, swimmin' 3d lO
Wound modifiers from untreated cuts or other Mental: C:2d6, K:ld 4, M:2dlO, Sm:2d4, Sp:ld4
"open" wounds are doubled in the SaiL Lake. Size: I (6" long)
Terror: 5
L,.\-KE ti-fl..LJOes Special Abilities:
The soot and other pollUlanls from Salt Lake Bite: Id4
City has worked its way into the SaIL Lake. The Armor: 1
lake Hellion is a product of thi s ca relessness. In Swarm: Lake Hellion s live in schools of 50-
addition to increased size, a thick carapace, and 100 critters possessed of a primitive group
nasty mandibles, exposure to toxic residue has mind. This allows them to coordinate their
given th is mutated brine shrimp the strange attacks on targets without any dirficulty.
ability to suck life energy from other creatures. Any prey actually in the water with the
Lake Hellions gather in schools of 50- tOO swarm is attacked by Id20 of these nasty
animals and are usually found in the deeper things each round. Targets in small boats
areas of the Salt Lake, on ly occasionally are attacked by IdlO Hellions per round. as
venturing into sha ll ower waters. they launch themselves out of the water
with the hope of driving their prey
overboard. On anyone target, all attacks are
resolved at the same initiative (eight
Hellions would attack all at once as eight
1dl0 attacks). Damage from these attacks
are resisted separately.
Soul Sucker: No matter how much damage is
inflicted, any successful hit from a lak e
Hellion drain s I point of Wind in lieu of the
normal Id6 Wind loss from a wound. Since
this Wind is actually life energy, it is
recovered at a considerably slower rate than
normal Wind damage: I per hour rather
than I per minute. Nothing short of magi c
or weird science can speed up this process.
Harrowed are totally immune to this power.

Briny is a great ten tacled, kraken- like
monster that attacks salt trawlers on the great
Salt Lake. The Reckoners gave it life in early '64
after savoring the delicious tales of the sa ilors
who worked on the salt trawlers.
The Size given below is for Briny'S body. Each
tentacle has a Size of 10 and takes wounds as if
it were a separate entity. Briny pulls back any
tentacles that take serious wounds before they
can be severed (if possible).

Pl<OFlLE Sally described the place just right. There's a

Cor p o real: D:!d6, N:ld6, SAdI2+6, Q:2d6. V:4d12+10 large, flooded chamber wi t h a (loor of metal.
Fightin': brawl in' 6d6 Grotesque "statues" of those who died in a flash
Mental: C:2d6, K:ld4, M:2d6, Sm:2d4, Sp:ld4 of boiling steel rise from the salt water in
Size : 16 (Tentacles are Size 10; each one is 25' horrible poses. The lower chambers are also
long) flooded. Some are so flooded, spelunkers must
Terror: 9 swim underwater for a short distance to pass.
Special Abilities: Of course t he really fun part is what's moved
Armor: 1 in since the accident. The first group to return to
Rake: Briny attacks with 10 tentacles. Each the Mouth and try to claim its lost treasures was
one atlacks separately. causing STR+2d6 led by a young adventurer named Barry
damage. Whitescarver. Barry took one look at the statues
Wrap: If Briny hits with a raise, the victim is and imagined the worst. The Reckoners plucked
wrapped up in the tentacle. He has to win the image out of his mind and gave it life. The
an opposed contest of Strength with a raise things killed the entire party.
to break free. Each round he's wrapped up. So why would anyone want to go in here?
Briny automatical!y hils the poor slob and Pete Fenner, who founded the mine, says a
causes her normal raking damage (see fortune in ghost rock was left in the lower
above). passages. It was already mined and just waiting
for someone to haul it up to the surface in the
mine carts. The value of the rock is around
l'II:;;j,A-'{S $10,000.
For full details on the Paiutes and Shoshoni. If you can get the posse inside, draw up a
as well as the Ghost Dance movement in general, detailed map of the caves and come up with all
be sure to pick up a copy of Ghost Dancers. For sorts of climbing hazards, narrow squeezes, rail ~
Marshals who haven't gotlen their grubby lillie cart rides, and so on to keep them busy until the
hands on that particular book (and why not, we creatures make their attack.
might ask?), here are some statistics for some
typical Indians that your posse might encounter T J+E MEJ;4-L I\IO{,s1 ERS
in Deseret. The monsters that haunt Pete's Cave are truly
terrible. They are made of metal that can melt
Pf-IJTE T'V\-Dffi.$ (when they wish) into different shapes.
Corporeal: D2d6, N:3d8, S:3d6, Q:3d6, V:3d6 Sometimes they pose as statues. Other times
Fightin': knife 4dB, horse rid in' 4d6, shootin': rifle they meld themselves into are carts, metal
2d6, sneak 4d6 beams, or simply metal slabs hidden beneath the
Men t al: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:3d6, Sm:3d6, Sp:3dB water.
Area knowledge: Disputed Territories 3d6, faith: When they change form, they "melt," usually
Ghost Dance 3d8, guts 3dB, searc h 2d6, causing a hissing sound as they slide into the
survival: desert 3d6, tale-tellin 4d8, track in' water and make steam. The creatures cool off in
2d6 seconds and slither underneath the dark water
Gear: Winchester 73, knife, horse. to sneak up on their prey.
When the steel monsters are ready to attack,
~ O.?t+OI ~J::>El':,s they form into huge demon-like creatures made
Co rporeal: D:2d8. N:2dlO, S:3d6, Q:3d6, V:3d6 of black steel and rusting joints. They have
Fightin': tomahawk 3dJO, horse ridin' 3dlO, horrible spikes along their arms, heads, spines,
shootin': rifle 3dB, sneak 3dlO and tails, and their fingers are long and sharp
Mental: C:2d6. K:2d6. M:3d8, Sm:3d6, Sp:3d6 like picks.
Area knowledge: Disputed Territories. faith: Ghost There are curre n tly five of these creatures in
Dance 2d6, guts 3d6, overawe 2d8, ridicule 2d6, the Mouth 0' Hell. They are solitary beings.
sea rch 2d6, survival: desert 3d6, track in' 2d6 spending most of their time dormant in the
Gear: Remington Model 1871. tomahawk. horse. darkness, waiting for new playthings to arrive.
When mortals do enter the caves, the hunters
ivIan -H- 0' +i-ELL take their lime with them. usually luring them
deep into the caves with tricks and taunts before
Find a way to get your posse out here,
finishing them ofr.
Marshal. It's loads of sadistic fun.
P\?ORLE /iAINCO LE~I(){ Pj.--m0L5
Corporeal: D:ld6, N:2dI2, S:4dI2, Q:4d IO, VAd12+2 There's lillie more to be said about the patrols
Fightin': brawlin' 6dl2 except that they're very distrustful. If they catch
Mental : C:2d8, K:ld4, M:2diO, Sm:ld6, Sp:ld4
a .band of cowboys traipsing across Deseret
Size: 8 (in "demon" form)
wltho~t a good reason, they're likely to haul
Terror: 11
them !!lto the nearest town to see if they're
Special Abilities: wanted for anything. Settlers they leave alone,
Armor: 3 with a polile suggestion that they should
Immunity: These horrors are immune to resupply at the next Mormon town.
Wind dam,age, bleeding, and the like. They
do feel pam, however, so if harmed they I"t+£ -H-"",,,,~' I"'<EE
suffer the normal wound modifiers.
The platoon stationed around Mexican Hat is
Metal Morph: The steel monsters are made
as vengeful as Sally hinted at. and for the reason
of living ghost steel. They can take on the
form .of ,any large metal object, including she states. The third platoon of the fourth
the dIsfIgured statues of the original miners company hates Texas Rangers with a passion.
Unless there are witnesses about, the third
who died in the Mouth 0' Hell. The volume
platoon shoots Rangers on sight. They aren't
of metal in the~r bodies cannot change, but
f~nd of Pinkertons either, but they don't become
they can look like smaller objects if the
rest of their form lies hidden underwater. VIolent unless given a good reason.
Spiked Hands: The creatures can atlac k wi t h The business about the Hangin' Tree is also
true, sort of. The Legionnaires aren't dumb
both of their pick- like hands each aclion
enough to try and take a Ranger alive in perfect
for STR+2d8 damage. When they catch one, they shoot him. [f
Vulnera bility: The creatures are strangely
he lIves, they haul him out to the Hangin' Tree
vulnerable to ghost steel. Bullets or hand
and leave him for dead.
weapons made from it ignores their Armor.

c~:;! Q,'.-t:Zl
~-1{K McME,\->I There are 42 members of the Outcasts. They
At least one of these Rangers has become have seven velocipedes stolen from a train back
Harrowed. Ranger Frank McMean. once a good in 73. The rest ride in fou r steam wagons or
friend of the famous Hank Ketchum, returned horses they've rustled from the local seWers or
from the dead only a few months before Sally's Indians. All the steam wagons and one of the
book was published. Frank had a tough time velocipedes mount GaLlings.
with his manitou-i t has lata I Dominion. Now it's Rose's hideout is deep within the Escapetas, a
stalking the fron tier murdering isolated Mormon natural landmark in southern Utah, The Oulcasts
families to draw the Legion into an eventual winter there, then raid allover Deseret from
trap. It won't spring the trap until it's figured out spring through fall. See the Scorpions (page 120)
a way to kill every last man in the company. for more information about Utah Starr and the
Frank is a brawny man with weathered band that broke off from her.
features and a perpetua l sunburn. Being dead
doesn't really hurt his looks. He appears to be Bonf-R:O.5>E
about 40 years old. wi th dark-black hair and a Rose is a white woman trying her best to
full beard, look like a cross bet ween a gypsy and a Mexican
flamenco dancer. She wears colorrul dresses, and
Pli'Ol'ILE a scarf around her neck and the top of her head.
Corporeal: D:3dIO, N:3dB. S:4d8, Q:4d8. V:3d8 Once she leaves a lawn, she leaves a single rose
Climbin' 2dB, dodge 4d8, fannin' 7dlO. fightin': lying in the street.
knife 6dB, horse rid in' 6d8, shootin': pistol SdlO,
sneak 4dB, teamster 3<:18 Pli'ORLE
Me ntal: C:2dB, K:2d8, M:3dIO, Sm:3<:I6, Sp:4d8 Corporeal: D:2dIO, N:3dIO, S:2d8, QAd lO, V:3dB
Academia: occull Sd8, area knowledge: Southwest CIimbin' 2d10, dodge 4d10, drivin': steam wagon
5dB, artillery 3d8, bluff 5d6, gamblin' Sd6, guts 4d10, drivin': steam velocipede 7d10, fannin'
6d8, language: Paiute 4d8, language: English 2d10, filchin' 2d10, fight in': saber 3d10, horse
4dB, language: Spanish 4d8, leadership 4d lO, ridin' 4dlO, lockpickin' 3dlO, shoot in': pistol
overawe 4dlO, sc rutinize 4, search 4dB, survival: SdIO, sneak SdlO, teamster 3dl0
desert 3d6, track in' 2d8 Mental: C:2dB, K:2d6, M:3dI0, Sm:3<:I8, SpAd8
Edges: Brawny, law man 5 Area knowledge: southern Deserel Sd6, artillery
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, mean as a ratller 3dB, blurf 5dB, gamblin' 4dS, guts 4d8,
Special Abilitie s : language: English 3d6, language: Paiute 3d6,
Harrowed language: Spanish 3d6, leadership 4dlO,
Harrowed Powers: Eulogy 3, marked for overawe 4d10, persuasion 3dlO, ridicule 4dlO,
death 2 scrutinize 3dB, search 4d8, survival: desert 3d8,
Gea r : Single-action CoIL Walke r. trackin' 2d8
Edges: puny
Til-E OnCA-£-.T£> Hindrances: Law 0' the West, yearnin' (she loves
Bonita Rose considers herself a "freedom Gear: Rose usually carries a double-action Colt
fighter" again st the tyranny of Brigham Young Peacemaker,
and the Mormons. She feels no shame in riding
into a Mormon town and stealing their food,
rustling their livestock, and generally making a
TYP1Cf-L OJTc,I-.5>T
Corporeal: D:2d6, N:3d6, S:3d6, Q:3d6, V:3d6
nuisance of herself. She isn't violent unless her Climbin' 2d6, drivin': any 4d6, filchin' 3d6, fightin':
life or her followers' lives are in danger. of knife 4d6, horse ridin' 4d6, lockpickin' 2d6,
course, the only people getting hurt are the shoolin'; pistol 4d6, sneak 4d6
innocent Mormons outside the big cities, but Mental: C:2d6, K:2d6, M:3dB, Sm:3d6, Sp:3d6
Rose doesn't see it that way. Area knowledge: southern Deseret 3d6, artillery
Most of her followers are Gentiles w ho were 3d6, gamblin' 3d6, guts 3d6, overawe 2d8,
thrown out of town for some minor offense-at ridicule 2d6, search 2d6, survival: desert 3d6,
least to hear them tell it. They're really just trackin' 2d6
saddletramps whO've found a home and Gear: The Outcasts possess a variety of
something Lo believe in by riding with Rose. firearms, mostly standard ones like
While they're not particularly bloodthirsty, they Winchester 76s and Colt Walkers.
tend Lo be more violent when Rose isn't around.
O/ffiLC:X:)I(. i+oTEL
The Wha teleys are fun-for the Marshal.
They're creepy, weird. and just plain strange. The T +IE l,I-'lJ::>:S.i+IP$
family members (at least of this branch) don't Towers' incred ible landships are truly amazing
actually attack anyone that stays at their hotcL pieces of machinery. They were originally
but their bizarre activities are guaranteed to wooden -hulled ships built for the Confederate
weird oUl just about anyone. Navy in Texas. When the fight for the Maze
As a side note, the majority of the Whateley heated up, the Navy switched over to ironclads
clan lefl a few years back to set up shop in and sold off as many wooden boats as they
Gomorra, an isolated mining town somewhere in could. Towers bought four of their frigates and
the Maze. added light metal plates to the hull. The plates
won't stop cannon rounds, but they're tough
PlA-1/:<i- l +IE V/+I,,-lEJ'i$ enough to keep rattlers from ripping through- at
Portraying the Whatcleys' weirdness can be least long enough to plug them full of lead from
tough for you, Marshal. No matler how big a ham the Gatlings mounted above.
you are, you'll never come close to being as Common Weapons: The landships mount a
weird as these folks, Here's a few tips on playing single steam-powered harpoon gun on the bow
them to creep your party oul. and a Gatling on either side. The Esmeralda has
Play Samuel Whaleley like Sally describes. a Gatling on the rear as well.
Talk to one player, while you look at another.
Then suddenly look up at the ceiling and jump
• .,
like something's coming for you. l,I,DSt+lP 1----'
Edwina isn't a mute- she had her tongue
ripped out by the last cult she joined. When Durability Pass Pace Turn Travel
you're playing her. smack a ruler in your hand, 40/8 32 20 3 10 mph
tell the players it's her axe, and grin at them
wild ly. She nods or shakes her head or points at Fuel Re I Mod Price
things, but can't speak. 3 16 +6 $25,000
That juice dribbling out of Grandpa's mouth Id20 Roll Hit Location Armor Mod
isn 't tobacco- irs blood. He likes to chew on raw 1- 7 Sails 0 +2
chicken necks. He's crazy as a loon, in case you 8- 15 Hull 2 +5
hadn't guessed. Laugh and point a lot when you 16- 17 Wheels 1 -4
play him, but never answer a question. \8- 19 Passengers 0 0
Wilhelm is dumber than a rock, but he can at 20 Boiler 2 •
least answer simple questions. The disturbing
th ing is the kid might have a squirming, half~ ;0; The boiler is housed inside and can't be
dead rabbit in his hands while he speaks to the targeted
posse. A stuffed animal you can sling around a
little makes a good prop when playing him. v/~v/~
Marguerite is the really dangerous member of Towers' crew are rough adventurer, both
this family. Her heroine is Mina Devlin. [f Mormons and Gentiles. They fear and respect the
someone checks her room, they find a number worms, but hate them as well.
of books and dime novels. A Fair (5) scrutinize
roll realizes the common thread among these ~OFlLE
otherwise normal books is Mina. Marguerite Corporeal: D:2d8, N:3d8, S:2d8, Q:4d6, V:3d6
wants to be a witch, and she's got a good head Climbin' 4d8, drivin': landship 4d8, fightin': knife
start. She can already cast the puppet and spook 3d8, shoot in': automatics 4d8, sneak 3d8,
spells through her dolly. teamster 3d8
Mental: C:2d8, K:2d6, M:3dlO, Sm:3d8, Sp:4d8
Pi;:ORLE> Area knowledge: Salt Lake Valley 3d6, artillery
The Whateley's have normal human profiles 3d8, gamblin' 4d8, guts 4d8, overawe 2d10,
(2d6 in most statistics), but Samuel has a 2d8 ridicule 2d8, search 4d8, survival: desert 3ds
Strength. Edwina has 3d8. Marguerite has the Gear: Some carry pistols; some rifles. At least
following black magic spells: puppet 3, spook 2. five men on each ship carry Sharps Big 50s.
All carry large knives.
~ ~.- ,;;r:; - -!.ow. /'


The sLory about the "blood worm" is true.
Next La the king, it's the biggest, oldest, and most
cunning of the salt ra n ters. Think of it as the
sail rattler king's "Gala had." It k nows why
Towers is after it and it uses that knowledge to
torment him. Sometimes the blood worm leases
Towers by almost falling into his traps. Once it
sucked in a bai t-cow, then it spat the bloody
carcass back onto the deck of the Esmer alda.
The blood worm plans on tormenting Towers
for as long as it can. It's in no hurry to kill the
little humans when they're providing it with so
much fun. It doesn't even care if the \andships
haul in its little brother s and sisters-that jus t
means more food for this old monster.

Corporea l: D:ld4, N:3d6, S:6dI2+16, Q:2dlO,
Fightin': brawlin' 6d6, sneak 8d6 (underground)
Mental: C:3dlO, K:2d6, M:4d12, SmAdIO, Sp:3d8
Area k nowledge: Salt Lake Valley Sd6, leadersh ip
(other worms) Sd12, overawe 6dll, ridicule 5dl0,
scruti nize (humans) 2dlO
Size: 18 (80 yards long)
Terror: II
Special Abilities:
Armor: 2
Bite: 4d20 ~OFlLE
Burrowi n g: Underground Pace 24 (cannot be cor pore al: D:2d6, N:ldlO, S:2d8, Q:2dl0. v:2d8
doubled by ru nning). Dodge 5d10, fightin': brawlin' 6dlO, filchin' 4d6,
surpr i se: Travelers who don't recognize the sneak 5dlO (and see beloW), throwin': spear 4d6
rumblings of a rattler beneath them Mental: C:ld8, K:ld6, M:ld6, Sm:ld6, Sp:ld6
subtract -4 from their surprise checks. Area knowledge: home desert 4d6
Gear: Spear STR+2d6
Size: 6
~,A-LT ~T,A-LKffi7 Terror: 5 (9 if unwrapped)
Sa1L stalkers are a race of near-humans drawn spe cial Abili tie s:
from the fears of those crossing the endless Burrowing: Stalkers can move beneath loose
deserts. They are living creatures broken up into earLh as if it were water. They have a Pace
three tribes: salt stalkers, snow stalkers (found in of 6 while doing so.
the mountains), and sand stalkers (found in the D ehy drate: A salt stalker dehydrates its
desert). victims by simply gelting within a few feet
They can maneuver on ly through loose earth and concentrating on the intended prey.
like salt. snow, Of sand (hence the names, Then it slowly drains 1 Wind per round
amigo). Their tactic is to burrow beneath the from its victim. The stalker's power is very
earth and then quietly emerge within a few feet subtle. A character must win an opposed
of their victim. There they begin to dr ain the Cognition roll versus the stalker's sneak
prey of its water, dehydrating it to death. each round to figure out something's going
Stalkers wear loose-fitting wraps, something on. This Wind can on ly be replaced by
like Arabian nomads. Beneath their rags is drinking water. Each canteen-full of water
tough, brown skin cracked like the earth during drank replaces Id6 lost Wind. A character
a drought. Thei r eyes are black as coals, and may only drink three canteens of water in
their l ips are peeled back from yellow teeth. an hour.

~PlOI.S llTf-+1 ?TfJ<!':
The Outcasts were bad enough, but the Utah Starr is the band's leader. He's a lady's
Scorpions are cold-blooded killers. There are man and a cold-blooded kil ter. Even when a
only 18 of them (compared to the Ou tcasts' 42),
train's crew surrenders, anyone who gives him
gUff gets plugged.
~ut what they lack in numbers. they make up for
In meanness. He rides his own velocipede, outfitted with a
The Scorpions chase Denver Pacific t rains
sidecar and a steam Gatling. See Smith &
across the flat land bet ween Utah and Nevada. Robards for statistics.
Ut~h i~ a b~a~de- haired , blue-eyed, rough-cut
They don't care who they ki l l to get hold of
some gold. The Scorpions don't usually wreck bandit. HIS skm IS perpetually tan, and his eyes
the tracks or the trains- they know doing so will twinkle even after the sun goes down. He wears
force the Nauvoo Legion or Smith & Robards to black leather clothes, a matChing hat, and a Colt
.45 double-action.
establish more forts along the tracks. Th ey prefer
La chase them down, jump aboard, rob the
passengers or the cargo, and then let the train
gel on its way so the law doesn't actually come Corporeal: DAdI2, N:2d8, S:2dIO, Q:5dI2, V:3d8
out to the desert where it might be able to track Climbin' 3d8, dodge 5d8, drivin': steam wagon
the oullaws back to their camp. 4da, drivin': steam velocipede ad8, fightin':
The Scorpions have two steam wagons, four braw lin' 5d8, horse ridin' 5d8, shootin': pistol
velocipedes, and the rest ride horses. The steam 7d12, sneak 3d8, teamster 3d8
wagons are loaded for bear-one of them has a Mental: C:3d6, K:ld6, M:2d IO, Sm:2d8, Sp:2d6
flamethrower and the other a Gatling. Each of Area knowledge: southern Deseret 5d6, artillery
the velocipedes sports a Ga tling as well. 5d6, gamblin' 3d8, guts Sd6, language: Spanish
The rank-a nd-file Scorpions are roughly as 3d6, leadership 4dlO, overawe 5dl0, scr utinize
skilled and dangerous as the Outcasts. Use the 3d6, search 3d6, survival: desert 4d8
typical Outcast's pronJe for average Scorpions. Edges: The stare
Hindrances: Greedy
Gear: Double-action Colt Peacemaker, steam

\iI~ +I-vrrER$
There are just over 20 worm hunters who use
gliders to hunt rattlers in the salt flats. Towers'
crews have brought down 10 in recent months.
As for the other hunters, they're out for
Towers' blood. They might have given up hunting
worms- it's dangerous work after all-but not
after someone else laid them to give it up.
The worm hunters now fly as a single group.
Up to 20.get airborn 7 on a good day. Jf they see
a Jandshlp a.pproachmg. ha lf of them fly high to
drop dynamite down on the vessel while the rest
circle around to draw fire.

-P,MIL :Si5E1<!
The leader of the hunters is Paul Siber t. a
young hothead. Sibert's abiding personal hat red
for Harold Towers is in large part responsible for
the escalating conflict with tile worm whalers.
He's the best of the hunters and a hot-shot
with his glider. He loves "buzzing" the landships,
taunting their Galling gunners. So far he hasn't
been hit, but his admirers who tried the same
stunt were lUrned into Swiss cheese.

PlicOHLE tvy...D X1Brn.sT.s
Corpo real: D:3d6, N:3dlO, S:2d8, Q:3d8. V:3d8
Dodge SdlO, drivin': glider 7dlO, shoot in': rifle Sd6,
sneak 3ctlQ. throwin': dynamite 5d6
Mental: C:2d6, K:ld6, M:2d8, Sm:ld4, Sp:2d8
+-l--£u...5""TR:0\'1\\E'.s Ca.<POJ1D
We already laId you some of Hellstromme's
Area knowledge: Salt Flats Sd6. gamblin' 3d4, personal quirks, history, and secrets at the
guts 4dB, search 3d6, survival: desert 4d4,
beginning of tl1is chapter. This section talks
trackin' 4d6
about his compound.
Edges: Brave. Lu ck o' the Irish
Hindra nces: Big britches, enemy (Harold Towers)
Gear: Glider, 10 sticks of dynami te or a Sharps -f+:Et..l.51~0\')\,E ~
Big 50 as well and 5 rounds. As you might guess, Salt Lake City'S most
famous mad scientist lives in the amazingly
C<;.z:.y PETE modern manor he named after himself. His
Crazy Pete, the inventor who started it al1. stil l servants are simply automatons without any
hunts worms bu t doesn't gel involved in the war. weapons other than strong hands (Slrength+2
Like Towers, he just wants to gel the "blood damage) and flimsy armor (Armor I). Their
worm" and retire a legend. names are "Maid" and "Butler," though they don't
look a btl different. Hellstromme isn't big on cute
PlicOHLE names.
Corporeal: D:3dB, N:3d8, S:2d8. Q3dB. V:3d8 There are two areas of interest in the manor:
Dodge 4dB, drivin': glider SdB, shootin': rifle 3d8, the study and the library.
sneak 3<18, throwin': dynamite Sd8 The st udy contains a magnificent mahogany
Mental: C:2d6, K:2dIQ, M:2d8, Sm:ldIQ. Sp:2dB desk, with gold-gilded lamps and other such
Area knowledge: Salt Flats SdIQ, gamblin' 3d IO, niceties. Hellstromme never uses them for one
guts 4d8, science: engineering 3dlQ, search 3d8, simple reason. A huge picture of his late wife,
survival: desert 4dlO, trackin' 4d6 Vanessa, hangs above the fireplace staring down
Edges: Arcane background: mad scientist. at the desk. I-Iellstromme sat here once and
mechanically inclined, eagle eyes couldn't bear for her to look upon him. Now he
Hindrances: Geezer. yearnin' (the blood worm) avoids this room at all costs.
Gear: Glider, 10 sticks of dynamite. The library sees a little more use, though only
by I-Iellstromme's trusted associates-he's already
~DFIi'~~ read all the books. Other characters who get
Tile gliders used by the worm hunters are all their hands on these books can gain insightful
homemade affai rs. Not even tile crackpots at knowledge into certain arca ne matters. A
Smith & Robards are cra zy enough to test and number of books must be read, each one taking
ma rket these things. Glide rs ca nnot get into lhe a week to complete. Once four of tl1ese have
air on their own. The usual metl10d of getting been read, the hero automatically gains a level in
airborne is to be Lowed behind a speeding steam academ ia: OCCull and anyone science
wagon. Once in the air. using the thing requires concentration.
the drivin': glider Aptitude. Finally, every good manor must have a secret
Common Weapons: Pilot's own. door. l-IellSlromme's is located in a giant
grand father clock at tile end of the upstairs

,- ~DEIi' •.-.....
ha llway. When the glass door to the clock is
opened, lhe pendulum SLOpS swinging. Then
Hells1romme ca n step inside and pull down upon
Durability Pass Pace Climb Tum it. This triggers a hydraulic elevator that lowers
16/4 I 20 2 to I 5 him down to the underground train that takes
him to Level Two of his secret labs.
Travel Fuel Rei Mod Hand Olher than the areas mentioned above, there
10 mph 0 18 +2 Flush is very little of interest in Hellstromme's home.
Id20 Roll Hit Location Armor Mod The professor simply doesn't spend very much
1-16 Wings 0 +2 time there. Most of his waking hours are spent
17 Harness I -4 either in his secret laboratories or attending
19-20 Crew 0 0 business in Salt Lake City.

-- , :.:
.'~":T - ~i~'"

TI+E :STtI-F'F' S Q -'n ffiS

The Secret Labs The gardener and Ms. Mary Jones live here.
The other few tinkerers who work in lIle
hangars commute from Sail Lake CiLy.
The groundskeepers know nothing of the
Secret Elevato r secret laboratories (see below). They think
Hellslromme spends his time inside the manor.
Level One
Mary knows better. She knows he has a secret
The Hangar lab, and has even figured out where it is, but as
yet hasn't gone down there. Hellstromme knows
Mary wouldn't "understand" his more dist urbing
.. Normally, he wouldn't keep someone like this
around, but Mary has ca ptured his heart. t hough
I Inch " 40 feet
Hellstromme has yet to realize it. [t could be her

beauty or her brilliant mind that captivates him,
but most likely it is her striking resemblance to
Level Two Vanessa, his lost wife. Hellstromme hasn't
Staff Area consciously noticed t he resemblance yet. or he
would have dismissed her. What might happen
when he does is anyone's guess.

. ~.~.~
o.if"' . 'lQi
' ~~. -!+£u.sl1i:OVME'S i+-P""tI.R:S
" •• 0 " •
The smaller of the two hangars houses a few
',0. _
mundane vehicles such as steam wagons and
. ,. velocipedes. Hellstromme and his starf use these
Level Three ..... to get around , but there'S nothing particularly
Garage 0 , :. amazing about them.
The larger hangar is the real nerve center of
Hellstromme's operations. The ground level holds
a black ornithopter, an auto-gyro. barrels of oil,
• •0." :
.~ . ./ ,". ." ;. tools, and so forth .
" ...
[n the rear of the hangar. under an empty
barreL is concea led a large red button seemingly
set into the rloor. When stepped on, it opens a
secret door in the back wall of the hangar that
level Four
leads to the sec ret laborator ies below.
Hellstromme and the lab staff do not use thi s
entrance during the daytime when the "topside
starr" is around. but large items can be moved
:',: . " : ,. .:.".." .. ,:.",,' ~ 0' ,.6." .
th rough these large doors at night if needed.

Tii-E ~C~ET W -B<Y(j.-TOIilES

This is where the doctor's really secret work
goes on. There are 25 full-time staffers, 18
scien t ist s, and seven veteran X- Squadders, three
of wh ich patrol the hallways in the daytime, and
ZombIe t hree at night. The last guard is rotated in and
Corral o ut of the boLtom l evel~near the zombie corral.
" ..:.-,.~.8:'> . No one knows the secret staff works here
. :: '. '. Level Five because they go in and out through a secret
tunnel connected to the labs. An incredibly fast.
The Brain
two-car steam train takes them all the way from
the laboratory to a steam tunnel in Junkyard.
All of the workers have been sworn La Mad science is far from perfect. On at least
absolute secrecy over their work and the very one occasion so far, a zombie has managed to
existence of the lab. He\lstromme has promised go "rogue," It happened somewhere in Colorado
those who break the oath that their deaths will during a battle or the Great Rail Wars. Wasatch
be far less merciful than being slowly jammed forces were winning a fight for a right of way
into a 6" pipe. when one of the automa tons spotted a woman
As for what exactly goes on in the secret lab, running from the saloon. 1\ was the dead man's
it changes almost monthly. You can to tailor the mother. The automaton turned on its "brothers"
work there to whatever adventure seed has led and hosed them down with its Gatling gun. It
your posse to discover its existence. Level Two is destroyed three of them before it and one more
the staff break area, conference room, and were destroyed by the explosion of the third.
library. Level Three is a large garage where new
and experimental vehicles, weapons, and other I/E1B<,AJ1 X-.:S<:;v,4-DDffi,s
"heavy gear" are worked on. Half the starf is Only the most loyal and competent members
involved in this work. Level Four contains cages, of Hellstromme Industries' security forces are
biological equipment. and chemistry supplies. stationed at the compound. The doctor runs any
Five of the researchers study monsters of the potential recruits through a vigorous series of
Reckoning here. They also have several human loyalty test before they may work llere. These
patients hooked to machines that record and men and women are we ll paid and sworn to
even distill their fear. complete secrecy. They are intimately familiar
with the price of betraying Darius Hellstromme
ItlE Be:A~ FA-CT<Y<i and are eXlrernery loyal.
The lowest level has but one function~to
manufacture zombie brains for Hellstromme's Pi<OFILE
automatons and other "sentient" creations, The Corporeal: D:2d8, N:3d6, S:3d8, Q:3d8, V:2d8
poor, the destitute, and those who cross Dodge 4d6, drivin': steam wagon 4d6, drivin':
Hellstromme are injected with a special serum steam velocipede 4d6, figillin': brawlin' 5d6,
stolen from Ba ron Simone LaCroix of the Bayou fighlin': knife 4d6, shootin': any 5dS, sneak 3d6,
Vermillion railroad. The serum kil ls the victim any skill necessary to use a device al level 7
and then brings him back as wa lkin' dead. Ment al: C:2d8, K:2d6, M:2d8, Sm:2d6, Sp:2d6
The wa lkin' dead are allowed to wander in the Area knowledge: Salt Lake City 2d6, gamblin'
zombie corral until it's time to capture them. The 3d6, guts 2d6, scrutinize 4d8. search 4dS, any
crew gathers \0 a month~ that's as fast as the other skill needed to use a gizmo at levelS
au tomaton factory can crank out shells anyway. Gea r: Any single weird gizmo, such as a
When they're ready to "cull the herd," a!l seven riamethrower, Galling weapon, or a rocket
of Hellstromme's veteran X-Squadders don heavy pack. Ir the gizmo isn't a weapon, the X-
body armor and capture the undead wi th nets, Squadder carries a pistol. rifle, or shotgun ,
hooks, and shotguns. It doesn't malter if the
bodies are damaged~only the heads are R:~J<:C-HE"""
important. Once the zombies are down, lhe Hellstromme employs only the most brilliant
heads are sawed off and thrown in a giant vat and amoral researchers in the secret
filled with a glowing, green "preservative." laboratories. It takes a special kind of scientist
A week later, after the heads have pickled, the to turn folks inlo zombies, lop their heads off.
last four researchers, who do nothing but pickle them, and wire them into a metal shell.
manufacture and train zombies, retrieve the
heads. Finally, the heads are carefu!ly "wired" Pi<:OFlLE
into the metal shell of an automaton head. Corpo rea l : D:2d6, N:3d6. S:3d4, Q:2d6. V:2ds
Training occupies the researchers between Dodge 4d6, drivin': steam wagon 2d6, fighlin':
batches. They train the walkin' dead by electric brawlin' 2d6, sneak 3d6.
shock therapy. By the time they're done, the Mental: C:2dB, K:2dIO, M:2dB, Sm:2d8, Sp:2d6
zombies can't even think about disobeying an Academia: occult 3dlO, area knowledge: Salt Lake
order. Then the explosive charges are hooked to City 2d6, guts 4d6, science: (their specialty)
the brains, the heads are sealed up and f il led 3d 10, scrutinize 4d8, tinkerin' 3d8
with preservative, and the baLch is sent to the Gear : The researchers are rarely armed, relying
automaton factory via the secret tunnel. on the x-Squadders to provide security.

T+I-E 5NITtI-- f, T fI-E F,<-C.T~ 4-tI 0 $T
The ghost of Dr. Dowdy does indeed watch
R:o~ Cc.:x>\PCVID over the men and women who work in the
factory. Whenever someone is about to make a
Sally's descriplion of the various areas is serious mistake, the ghost warns her or
accurate. There are on ly a few that hide secrets otherwi se alerts the person to the situation. If a
we can reveal only to you, Marshal. gizmo is used in the factory and suffers a
Catastrophic Malfunction, roll on the
T,,-£ TlmEL Malfunct ion Table a second time. Only treat the
Th e mountain below the Smith & Robards result as a Catastrophic Malfunction if it is
Compou nd is home to a strange society of roll ed a second time. Otherwise use the second
gremlins. There are al least two lypes: green ~nd roll (either a Minor or Major Malfunction).
black. Green gremlins are the kind descnbed In
the Dead/allds rul eboo k. They occasionally "i~
venture forth from the caves La enter some new Smith & Robard s' guards are all impeccably
device as it passes through the tunnel bound for honest and loyal to the company. Robards'
some unforlunate customer. These days, about screening process, sees to thaL.
one in ten devices comes with a gremlin.
The black gremlins are ~ar more numerous: ~OFlLE
These are vicious rodent -li ke creatures that lLve Corporeal: D:3d6, N:2d6, S:3d6, 0:3<16, V:~d.6 ,
for more general mischief. The~ delight in . Dodge 2d6, fight in': brawli~' 3d6, horse. ndlll 2d6,
sneaking from the tunnels at m~ht and ca~Stng shoot in': ririe 4d6, shoot 111': automatIcs 3<16,
distractions for the gua rds, stea ling belongings sneak 3d6
from one worker and planting them in the Mental: C:ld6, K:ld6, M:2d6, Sm:ld6, Sp:ld6
locker of another, killing pets, and so forth. Area know ledge: Salt Lake City 2d6, area
The grem lin populatIon is small for now- knowledge: S& R Compound Sd6, gamblin' 3d6,
perhaps less tha n 100 creatu res. The paranormal guts 3d6, overawe 3d6, scrutinize 3d6,
energy emanating f rom the smith & Robards search 3d6
Com pound is helping them grow. One day, they Gear: Winchester '73, nightstick (STR+ld 4).
may become more dangerous, and perhaps even
new, more lethal breeds will ap pear. J lI1l'. ~->ME
Both types of gremlins have the sa":1.e ._ The junk thrown into this narrow but deep
stat istics, but the black ones have no JinX abIlity.
canyon radiat es the su pernatural energy of mad
science. It's littl e wonder the rats who feed off
TtlE D8SJ"~ i +OJSE the mundane ga rbage sometimes thrown in here
Sally knows this secret but isn't telling. Senior have mu tated inlo something far more horrible.
inventors and their assistants have offices in the "Junk rats" are hideou s rats that look as
upper levels of the design house, and this is though they've been fiLted with metallic)aws,
where most of the "blueprinting" is initially then rolled around in a sharp bed of nalls,
done. Once a theory calls for testing, however, jagged metal. or glass. The latter jut from their
the senior inventor and a few assistants move bloody fur painfully. Junk rats actually feed on
down to the underground testing labs. su pernat urally charged metal-such as s~rapped
All the scientists and assistants are gizmos. They absorb the energy, then painfully
con tractually obligated never to speak of the pass the "dead" metal out the!r .back and guts.
underground labs, but mad scientists being th~ Their sk in lears and bleeds, gIVing them a
lunatics they are, irs not the best-kept secret In constant coat of torn flesh covered in oily blood.
the state. That's okay w ith Mr. Robards-he feels
his securi ty is tight enough-he simply does~'t J~iK RfrT.s
wan t the sta ff telling any more people than IS
Corporeal: D:ld4, N:3d6, S:ld6, Q:3<18, V;3d6
necessary about the underground facilities.
Fightin': brawlin' 4d6, sneak Sd6
Unfortunately, the gremlins living in the tunnel
Mental: C:2d8, K:2d4, M:2d6, Sm:2d4, Sp:ld4
have found their way into the ventilation ducts.
Overawe Sd6
They sneak into the und ergrou nd. labs most
Pace: 16
every night to sabotage the experiments or
Si ze: 3
equipment left lying around there.
Terror: 11
Special Abilities:
Armor: 1
Bite: STR+ld4+infeclion
Infectio n: If a rat causes a wound, the
character must make a Hard (9) Vigor roll. If
he fails, he contracts a bizarre form of
tetanus. Within five minutes, the victim
develops severe "lockjaw" and ca nnot open
his mouth. Ten minut es later his joints
begin to seize up as if he were dead. The
infected joints continue to swell untiL one
hour later, they bursl. Then the poison
drains out. and the victim is left alive but
without a single working joint (that means
knees, elbows, jaws, fingers, hips, back, feet.
and neck). Unless the character has his
joints healed by magic or augmented by Dr.
Gash, he's permanently disabled.

PO,Eli: Pl;.IJf1
There's nothing unusual about the power
plant. but there are always two watchmen on
duty. Touching the fence is a bad idea. It causes
3d20 damage. A fellow who grabs the fence finds
his muscles seize up so that he can't let go. He
continues to take damage until someone shuts
down the fence and peels him off.

.S<-n jI-',s. FiA"CEE

Unfortunately, Miss Erma Pridemore is neither Hellstromme talked Brigham into making
a Mormon nor of a good family. In fact. she isn't Gash's "dead" bounty so low because he wants
even IS- she's 24. to learn his secrets. The low "dead·' price makes
Erma is the daughter of General Pridemore, bounty hun ters more likely to bring him in alive.
the commander at Roswell since it was moved
underground. The General knew he'd never get
Smith to return to Roswell. so he convinced his
i+oo/ll4-T01'S "R:lJItS
Dr. Tom Huntington was attempting to open a
daughter to spy on him for a few years by doorway into another dimension when his lab
marrying him. Fortunately, one of Pridemore's in- exploded. It worked, t hough the Huntington was
laws had become a Mormon, so he sent Erma to nothing more than a shadow afterwards. The
live with them. Erma's uncle knows only t hat her only remaining door frame in the house is a
father is stationed somewhere down sou th, that portal to the Hu nting Grounds. See Ghost
it is no place for a lady, and that he is happy to Dancers for more on that terrifying realm.
care for Erma until her father's duties are done. If the door frame is ever destroyed, so is the
portal. One good storm is likely to do the job, so
Or+l-ER: ~D XlENllSTS this portal is temporary at best.

LEDll1!S P. 4-A-SH- Ny,-D,A-M RJ,-9J~SSBI

Gash is going places-underground places. His Madam Gretchin Rasmussen is all that Sally
laboratory is located in a cavern entered through said, and a little more. Few know that Utah Starr
the basement of the Asylum (page 103). didn't just kill her husband; he torched him with
Gash's creations and how they work are the flamethrower of his steam wagon.
detailed in hi s journal, included in this sel. Claus lived for days in agony, while Gretchin
Gash's statistics and those of his assistants are tried her best to save him , One day, while
discussed earlier in this chapter (page 104). flipping through an old book in Claus' collection,

J1 .'"
~ ,
yo' r
.(: C~E r?
7 _ ;>

she found an alchemica l formula for restoring iVy.-D,;".\ Kfr5»Us.s.a

life to the dead! Corporeal: D:2d6, N:ld6, S:ld6, Q:2d6, V:2d6
She read the book voraciously. and sometime Climbin' Id6, drivin': steam wagon 3d6. horse
in that night. Grelchin became a mad scientisl- ridin' 2d6. teamster 2d6
actually. an alchemist . Menta l: C:3dlO, K:2d12. M:2d6. Sm:4d lO, Sp:4d8
Claus died that very night. Gretchin "pickled" Academia: occult Sd12. area knowledge: SaIL Lake
his body in formaldehyde and began to concoct City 2d12, guts 4d8. medicine: genera! 4 d!~,
a new serum. She knew that even if she persuasion 4d6, science: alchemy 7d12, sCience:
managed to return her husband from death, his chemistry Sd12, scrutinize 4d lO, search 4dlO
horrible burns would only kill him again. So she Edges: Arcane background: mad scientist puny
must discover a formula to heal his burns before (in a motherly sort of w ay)
she can even attempt the resurrection serum , Hindrances: Oath (resu rrect her dead husband)
In the meantime, she experiments with her Gear: Madam Rasmussen keeps a loaded
concoctions on burn victims from the City o' double-barreled shotgu n behind the door La
Gloom. She is making progress in this area and her office, and anot her in her steam wagon.
now must begin to study the resurrection serum.
To do this. she's hired two local goons, ClelUs CLE-rus. &- WIU'i
Red and Willy Banks, to "procure" bodies from Corporeal: D:3d6, N:2d6, S:2d8, Q:2d6, v:2d6
the Gentile Cemetery. The grave-robbers have run Climbin ' ld6, fightin': brawlin' 2d6, horse ridin'
into Dr. Manfred Stark's boys on several 2d6, shooUn': pistol 3d6, teamster 2d6
occasions, and each time they've wound up in a Mental: C:ld6, K:ld4, M:1d4. Sm:l d4, Sp:ld4
brawl over the freshest corpses. Academia: occult ld4, area knowledge: Salt Lake
What might eventually happen when grave- City 3d4, guts 2d4, search 2d6
robbers fight in a cemetery where the Fear Level Gear: Cletus and Willy carry clubs and double-
is already high is best left to you, Marshal. At action Peacemakers and keep a Winchester 73
the very least. a few of the corpses they want Lo and a shotg un on their horses.
rob ought to come to unlife and put up a fight.
~. Pffia .S!T~.!=,AJ/E$ hex Slinger to stumble across the formulae
herself. Any character with the Edge arcane
R. Percy Sitgreaves was onto something with background: huckster simply perusing a copy of
his theories of "l haumaturgical diffusion." You'll catalog may notice snippets of the formulae on
find out just how much when you read the a successful Hard (9) academia: occult roll - based
journal oJ Thaumaturgical Diffusion included in on Cognition instead of Knowledge. After that,
this set. she must spend a number of days equal to 15-
As for Infinity Press, it's a two~man operation- her Smarts die type deciphering the codes and
Percy and Reggie Hughes, a nine-year-old reading the text. After that. she may find
Mormon. Percy doesn't really need the boy individual hexes as described above.
around, but he's taken to him and hopes to one
day Leach him the ways of a huckster. If Percy
ever gelS caught teaching such "black arts," ~. i'Jy,~RED ?TMK
however. the next S&R catalog might be printed Stark is the resident "Dr. Frankenstein." He's
in blood. attempting to create a "new" being from the
parts of dead co rp ses. He doesn't murder anyone,
P\<:OFILF but his hirelings do rob the Gentile cemetery
Corporeal: D:2d6. N:ld6, S:2d6, Q:3d6, V:2d6 Ipage 1111.
Climbin' ld6, dodge 2d6, drivin': steam wagon Stark's "monsters" have yet to animate. He
3d6. fightin': brawl in' 3d6, horse fidin' 2d6, feels he's lacking some key ingredient in his
sleight 0' hand 2d6, sneak 2d6, teamster 2d6 theory. His distant neighbor, Dr. Tremane, has
Mental: C:2d10, K:4d12, M:2d6, Sm:4d12, Sp:3dS been doing incredible things with electricity.
Academia: occult 5d 12, area knowledge: Salt Lake Stark has been calling on Tremane lately to
City 2d12, guts 3dS, persuasion 3d12, science: learn more about electricity and see if it might
alchemy 4d12, science: engineering 4d12, provide the "spark" that can bring hi s creation to
science: chemist ry 2dl2, scrutinize 4dlO, life. We've given you statistics for the "monster"
search 4dlO below, should Stark complete his research in
Edges: Arcane background: mad scientiSt. arcane your campaign.
background: huckster, rteel-footed Stark also has the dubious distinction of
Hindrances: Curious, geezer being the only Harrowed mad scientist in the
Tricks: area. The worst part is that his manitou doesn't
Hexes: Being the developer of the spells in his cause much trouble-it lets him continue his
journal, Sitgreaves knows all the spells at level work. How scary is that?
I. and a few at higher levels: Blast furnace 2, Stark has three servants: Pete, Ed, and Ed.
caltrops 3, devil's workshop 3, grenade 4, Each one's dumber than a prairie tick and half
haywire 4, infernal machine 3, razor coils 2, as charming. They're not particularly dangerous,
shard 3 though they'd bully a si ngl e opponent if she
Gear: Single~action Colt Peacemaker didn't look too tough. When not robbing graves,
they work around the house or go take a ride
Fin:::fi<O l +1 E -I-I-£)(E"'> ou t to Corrine for whiskey.
percy Sitgreaves was fairly creative in hiding
his newly invented hexes in Smith & Robards' ~. 1\\<-'lRED .?T~
catalog. The formulae are concealed in technical Corporeal: D:2dS, N:2d6, S:2d8, Q:ld6, V:2d6
data, seemingly random order numbers, Climbin' Id6, drivin': steam wagon 3d6, fightin':
descriptive paragraphs, and even a few of the brawl in' 2d6, horse ridin ' 2d6, teamster 2d6
hand~drawn illustrations. Mental: C:4d8, K:4dI2+4, M:2dIO, Sm:3dI2, Sp:3d8
Any huckster studying the catalog with the Academia: occult 7d I2+4, area knowledge: Salt
intent to find a specific hex has to make a Hard Lake City 2dI2+4, guts 6dS, medicine: surgery
(9) academia: occult roll to find the complete 6dI2+4, science: alchemy 3<112+4, science:
formula. See the accompanying Journal for more biology 8dI2+4, science: chemi stry 4dI2+4,
details. Of course, to look for the hexes, a scrutinize 2dS, search 6d8
huckster has to know they're there in the first Edges: Arcane backgrou nd: mad scientist
place. There are two ways for this to happen. Hindrances: Oath (create artificial life)
The first is to have someone in the know pass HaHowed Powers: Supernatural Aptitude
the information along. The second is for the (Knowledge+2 levels), evil eye 2
Gear: Dr. Stark is never armed.

.s.Tf~'S. FuJ'KJES> mind causes it great pain, so its mood can
Co rpo real : D:3d6, N:2d6. S:2d8. Q:2d6, V:2d6 change from that of an innocent child to that of
Climbin' ld6, drivin': steam wagon 2d6, fight;n': an ang ry Kodiak with the slightest trigger.
brawlin' 2d6, horse rid in' 2d6, shootin': pistol Treat the monster just like you've seen
3d6, teamster 2d6 Frankenstein's monster portrayed in the movies,
Mental: C:ld6. K: ld4, M:ld4, Sm:ld4, Sp:ld4 but remember, it's really just a trick played by
Academia; occull ld4, area knowledge: Salt Lake the Reckoners. There's nothing they like beller
City 3<14, guts 2d4, search 2d6 than to watch some hero attempt to save the
Gear: Stark's rlunkies carry clubs and cheap "pitiful" monster when it turns feral and atlacks.
double-aclion pistols (Reliability 19).
T +. E MOL"'-TER Corporeal: O;2d6, N:ld6, S:4dIO, Q2d6, V:4dIO
The monsler looks [ike what it is- a crude Climbin' 3d6, fightin': brawlin' 4d6
amalgamation or arms, legs, lorso, and a head Mental: C:ld6, K:ld4, M:2d6, Sm:ld4, Sp: ld4
stitched together. When Stark finally figures out Terror: 9
electricity is the final piece in the animation Special Abilities:
puzzle, he inserts two large metal bolls into the Undead.
monster's cranium. The electricity travels inlo coup: A Harrowed who absorbs the monster's
these bolts and brings the brain back to unlire. essence gains a level in slilehin'.
The monster isn't a damned and ev il soul like
walkin' dead, and it isn't "cohabited" by a ~. ~<>ORY T'ill",41iE
manitou like the Harrowed. Instead, the body is Tremane is indeed the wizard of electricity
an empty shell with only faint traces of it s that Sally mentioned. Anyone who grabs his
individual pieces' many souls. In short. it is an house's front doorknob on his own finds that
abomination created by the Reckoners and made out- it delivers a shock that causes 3dl0 Wind.
to believe it's "alive." The confusion in its addled Moving around his mountaintop home is also
dangerous. Every time a character moves around
the house, roll a dZQ. On a ZO, a floorboard
snaps. The hero must make an Onerous (7)
Nimbleness or Strength roll (her choice) to avoid
tumbling down the mountain to her doom.
Tremane had an assistant once, but he
mysteriously disappeared. His fate might be
easily guessed once a character almost falls
through the floor. Tremane seems to have no
trouble naVigating abou t. Don't roll for loose
floorboards if the posse follows in his footsteps.
Dr. Tremane isn't up to anything particularly
insidious, but Dr. Stark speaks with him every
week, as he believes a strong electrical current
may be just the thing to give his creation liCe.

Corporeal: D:2d6, N:2d6, S:ld6, Q2dB, V:2d8
Climbin' 4d6, horse ridin' 3d6, teamster 2d6
Mental: C:4dlQ, K:3dI2, M:ld4, Sm:4dI2, Sp:3d6
Academia: occult 2d12, area knowledge: Salt Lake
City 2d12, guts 2d6, science: electrical
engineering 6d12, science: engineering 3dl2
Edges: Arcane baCkground: mad scientist
Hindrances: Loco (absent minded)
Gear: Or. Tremane carries an electrostatic gun.
He doesn't know how to use it properly (thus
no shootin' Aptitude), but he gives it a try
anyway in an emergency.

The State
of Deseret
Scale: 1"=35 miles

The Salt Flats

Great Salt
Lake Desert 0veTIoo)<'
• Hotel

• ~ulJ
"an;y, !Jl

• oj Hell

DeviI's •
Life in the Weird West's"" never really easy,
but some places are worse than others. If you're
fond of things like clean water, fresh air. and
wide-open spaces, then the City 0' Gloom's just
about the worst place around.
Sure, Salt Lake City's the only place in the
West with electric lights and indoor plumbing,
and it's the center of the most incredible
scientific advances anywhere in the world, but
progress always ha s its price.
The City 0' Gloom boxed set comes packed
with everything you need to know about this
city on the cutting edge of the Weird West's
tomorrow. It includes a I28-page sourcebook
(which covers the history and current state of
affairs of Salt Lake City, plus full rules for
sku llchucker™, the most popular bloodsport in
the City 0' Gloom), a 32-page digest on the
mechani cal augmentations of the human body
performed by the outlawed Dr. Gash, another
32-page digest featuring new hexes for huckster
mad scientists, three ful l-co lor cards (featuring
a salt rattler, a landship, and counters for use
with the sku llchucker game), plus a full -color
poster map featuring Sa lt Lake City on one side
and a skullchucker gameboard on the other'


ISBN 1-889546-24-0


Deadl 1lI~~~~ west the Deadlands logo, o,,,,,
ndc~'.h;.~PI... cle slarbu l
.~ rks of Pmnacle EntertainmpJ
Entenammenl Group, Inc. All
In USA Components prmted I 6/5 0.0 0
9 781889 546247

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