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Applied Radiation and Isotopes 122 (2017) 41–46

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Measurements of M and L X-ray energies and relative intensities emanating MARK

from 241Am source
H.R. Verma
Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002, India


Keywords: Energies and relative Intensities of 13 X-ray transitions in the M X-ray spectrum (per 100 disintegrations of
241 241
Am radioactive source Am) viz. M4N1, Mξ1,2, M3N1, Mα, Mβ, Mγ, M2N1, M3O4,5+M3P1, M3Q1, M1N3, M2N4+M1N3, M2O1 and
93Np M and L X-ray-transitions M1O2,3 lines along with L1-L3 have been measured in addition to the 21 L X-ray lines viz. Lℓ, Lt, Ls, Lα2, Lα1, Lη,
Energy and intensity measurements Lβ6, Lβ2,15, Lβ4, Lβ5,7, Lβ1, Lβ3, Lβ9,10, Lγ5, Lγ1, Lγ2,8, Lγ3,6, Lγ4,4, Lγ13 including two new lines at 19.63 and
Si(Li) detector
23.17 keV, have been measured. Since the M and L X-ray lines of 93Np in the decay of 241Am source are
frequently used for energy and efficiency calibration of the Si(Li)/HpGe detectors, the present measurements
have been undertaken with an objective to update the data since there are either no concrete data available
(even in the Table of Radioactive Isotopes and Table of Radionuclides) or there exist inconsistencies/disparities
in the data available in the earlier publications. We confirm the existence of L1-L3 X-ray transition (falling in the
region of M X-ray energy range) and Lt, Ls and Lβ9,10 (forbidden transitions as per selection rules). However, the
origin of the two new L X-ray lines at 19.63 and 23.17 keV, both with intensities of 0.05 ± 0.01%, could not be

1. Introduction of 93Np emitted by 241Am source has however, a large difference in

their measured I(X)/I(γ) intensities (Karttunen et al., 1971; Cohen,
Several of the important phenomena in X-ray physics have been 1980; Campbell and McGhee, 1986). Campbell and McGhee (1986) has
understood by studying K-, L- and M-shell X-ray line intensities categorically pointed out that the 3.3 keV M X-ray line from 241Am,
produced by irradiation of matter with X/gamma-rays or bombardment low-energy photon intensity standard, has a comparatively large (9%)
with charged particles. These phenomena are mainly employed in uncertainty quoted for its emission rate.
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Particle Induced X- In the Si-K and Au-M absorption edge low energy region, the
ray Emission (PIXE) respectively (Verma, 2007). In these techniques, efficiency determination of the Si(Li) detector has been carried out by
the X-ray spectra are measured with high-precision Si(Li)/HpGe X-ray Pajek et al. (1989) by the PIXE method using proton- and 4He-ion
detector which needs to be calibrated in terms of energy and efficiency beams on low-Z target elements and using the K-shell X-ray productions
(Campbell, 2002; Knoll, 2010). While the 241Am radioactive source is cross sections of the target elements. For efficiency calibration of HpGe
used as Gamma-excitation source in the EDXRF technique, it is also X-ray detector, Mohanty et al. (2008) have used 3.3 keV Np M X-ray in
used for energy and efficiency calibration of Si(Li) and HpGe X-ray addition to the NpL X-ray and gamma-rays emitted by 241Am, taking the
detectors employed in EDXRF and PIXE studies (Campbell and McGhee, NpL X-ray line intensities recommended by IAEA (1991) and found the
1986; Pajek et al., 1989; Rodríguez-Fernández et al., 1994; Braich et al., intensities, given by Chu et al. (1999) in WWW Table of Radioactive
1996; Mohanty et al., 2008; Verma, 2013). The paper of Campbell and Isotopes, to be inappropriate. Even the total intensity percent of the L X-
McGhee (1986) has listed 241Am as an important radioactive source for ray lines, with energies ranging from 11.89 to 22.2 keV, have marked
efficiency calibration of Si(Li) detectors in the 3−40 keV range. difference as it has been quoted as 37.7 ± 0.5 (measured value) and
However, the book by Knoll (2010) shows the X- and γ-ray spectrum 40.2 ± 0.9 (calculated value) by Schönfeld and Schötzig (2001) and
of 241Am given by Gehrke and Lokken (1971) and the X-ray line (36.7 ± 2.1)% by Chechev and Kuzmenko in LNE-LNHB/CEA-Table de
intensities corresponding to Lα, Lβ+η, Lγ and Gamma-rays of 26.35 Radionucléides (Bé et al. 2010).
and 59.54 as given by Campbell and McGhee (1986) for efficiency The 241Am (Half-life of 432.2 ± 0.7 Years) decays by 100% through
calibration of Si(Li) detectors. The lowest energy available for effi- alpha transitions to 237Np. Most of the decay (84.6%) populates the
ciency determination studies is the 3.3 keV M-shell x-ray group of lines excited level of 237Np with energy of 59.54 keV. The decay of this state

E-mail address:
Received 10 July 2016; Received in revised form 26 December 2016; Accepted 11 January 2017
Available online 12 January 2017
0969-8043/ © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
H.R. Verma Applied Radiation and Isotopes 122 (2017) 41–46

directly into the ground state happens 94% of the time, while in 6% of including Gehrke and Lokken (1971), Campbell and McNelles
the cases, the decay from this state is to a lower nuclear excited state, (1974), Cohen (1988) and Lépy et al. (1994, 2008). Based on these
33.2 keV above the ground state (Chechev and Kuzmenko, 2009). The experimental results, the absolute Np LX-ray emission probabilities
other three energies are from Neptunium electrons making transitions for only five transitions, i.e., Lℓ (0.844 ± 0.009)%, Lα (13.02 ±
which result in Lα, Lβ, and Lγ X-rays (13.9, 17.8, and 20.8 keV 0.10)%, Lη (0.384 ± 0.020)%, Lβ (18.58 ± 0.13)% and Lγ (4.83 ±
respectively). The following points regarding the L and M X-rays of 0.03)%, have been recommended. The comparison of these re-
93Np emanating from Am, presented in the earlier publications, are commended intensity values with the calculated values of
noteworthy: Schönfeld and Schötzig (2001) show significant difference for Lα
(13.3 ± 0.4)%, Lβ (20.0 ± 0.6)% and Lγ (5.17 ± 0.14)%.
(i) While WWW Table of Radioactive Isotopes based on the Lund/ Secondly, the total absolute emission probability of Np M X-rays
LBNL Nuclear Data Search (Chu et al. 1999) provides energies and is the experimental result given in the paper of Karttunen et al.
relative intensities of Lℓ, Lα2, Lα1, Lη, Lβ6, Lβ2, Lβ4, Lβ5, Lβ1, Lβ3, (1971) quoted as 6.35 ± 0.60 per 100 decay of 241Am. These X-ray
Lγ1, Lγ2, Lγ3, Lγ6 of 93Np, Zschornack (2007) has listed energies of transitions intensities are relative to the 26.345 keV γ-transition,
various L and M X-ray lines of 93Np. However, the later report by the intensity of which has been recommended as 2.31 ± 0.08% by
Kortright and Thompson (2009) has only listed the energy of Mα1 Chechev and Kuzmenko (2009) based on various available experi-
X-ray line up to 92U and has not listed any value for 93Np Mα1 line. mental data for this gamma-transition.
(ii) In addition to the L X-ray transitions, Cohen (1988) reported (b) In Table of Radionuclides, Bé et al. (2010) have listed energy values
measurements on relative intensities of the M X-ray transitions for Lℓ (11.89 keV) and Lη (15.876 keV) but indicated the energy
from 241Am, including L1-L3 transition in the group of M X-ray ranges for Lα (13.76–13.944 keV), Lβ (16.13–17.79 keV) and Lγ of
lines. The L1-L3 radiative transition was first seen in the singles M 20.12 22.2 keV group of transitions. Further, the XL(Np) total
X-ray spectrum of 241Am and confirmed in coincidence with L3-X- emission probability has been given as 37.66(17) photons per 100
rays by Karttunen et al. (1971). Based on these measurements, disintegration relative to the γ2,1(Np) of 26.3446(2) keV having
L1L3 X-ray line has been adopted in the list of M X-ray lines by intensity of 2.31(8) photons per 100 disintegrations.
Zschornack (2007). Measuring the M X-ray lines of 92U with better
resolution technique of Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (a) Chu et al. (1999) in Table of Radioactive Isotopes lists only all
(WDXRF), Dellith et al. (2011) has made no reference to L1L3 line important L X-ray transitions. The intensity values of various
of energy 4.59 keV (as can be calculated from energy values transitions are significantly lower than those of Lépy et al. (2008)
assigned to these levels of 92U) although they have measured the
intensities of M2N4 of 4.402 keV, M1N3 of 4.503 keV and M2O1 of (vi) An outcome of twenty-year project at NIST, Deslattes et al.
4.864 keV falling in this region of L1-L3 X-ray. Since this transition (2003) have provided experimental K and L X-ray energies by combin-
has not been reported in any of the other papers on M X-ray ing modern theoretical calculations with evaluated selected experi-
emission of high-Z elements due to impact of photons/charged mental data, to produce a comprehensive data for all of the elements
particles, it is pertinent to reinvestigate the L1L3 transition of from Neon to Fermium.
4.818 keV, emanating from 241Am, falling in the group of M X-ray From this and the above noted two compilations, it is amply clear
lines. that no data exist for the component M X-ray lines of the M X-ray group
(iii) Measurements of L X-ray lines from 241Am by Cohen (1988) and (having average energy of 3.3 keV) and there is still a lack of
Lépy et al. (2008) present the L X-ray emission probabilities of recommended data relating to energies and intensities of L X-ray lines
very week Lt (L3-M2) of energy 12.244 keV and Ls (L3-M3) emanating from 241Am. In this paper, an attempt has thus been made to
transitions of energy 13.177 keV which otherwise happens to be carry out the precise measurements on M and L X-ray line energies and
forbidden transitions according to selection rules. Similarly mea- intensities emanating from 241Am, in order to update the literature and
surements of Cohen (1988) and Lépy et al. (2008) has assigned the make the X-ray data of this isotope useful for future applications. In
values for their emission probabilities for the Lβ9,10 (L1-M5,4) context to the efficiency calibration of Si(Li) detectors, the present data
transitions of energy 18.58 and 18.76 keV, which also are other- will help to measure the efficiency more precisely, using intensities of
wise forbidden,. These transitions (Lt, Ls, Lβ9,10) are further listed Mα, Mβ and Mγ lines corresponding to the energies of these component
in the book of Zschornack (2007) but no values are given as lines, rather than the total M X-ray group.
calculated emission probabilities by Schönfeld and Schötzig In the light of the above, we report the measurements on L and M X-
(2001). Whether and why these forbidden transitions exist is a rays of 93Np emanating from 241Am because of the incompleteness and
key question which needs to be addressed. the following inconsistencies and disparities in the existing data. Since
(iv) The reference to the measurements by Cohen (1988) and Lépy it is not possible to measure all the individual L and M X-ray lines with
et al. (2008) have been mentioned in the decay scheme of 241Am the Si(Li) detector due to its limited resolution, the various groups of
as presented in the Table of Radionuclides (Bé, 2010) and the the X-ray lines are deconvoluted further into various subgroups Mζ
comments on evaluation of decay data of 241Am (Chechev and (M4–N2; M5–N3), Mδ (M4–N3; M3–N1), Mα(M5–N6,7,O3), Mβ (M4–
Kuzmenko, 2009) updated up to 2009. The above work has been N6,O2,3; M3–N2), Mγ(M3–N4,5) and Mm1(M3–O1,4,5,N6,7; M2–N4; M1–
supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in N2,3), Mm2 (M2–O1,4; M1–O2,3) using computer software as detailed in
order to keep the data updated. The data have been collected and our earlier paper (Braich et al., 1996) related to the X-ray cross section
evaluated by an international working group (Decay Data measurements using and heavy charged particles and also by Kaur et al.
Evaluation Project, DDEP) led by the Laboratoire National de (2014) in their papers related to the X-ray cross section measurements
métrologie et d′essais – Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel using photons.
(LNE-LNHB). However, the intensity values of individual M and
L X-ray lines emanating from 241Am, based on the previous 2. Experimental
publications, have neither been adopted nor mentioned. The
revelations made in these two compilations are as follows: 2.1. Data acquisition, energy and efficiency calibration of Si(Li) detector

(a) 241
Am – Comments on evaluation of decay data by Chechev and L and M X-rays from a calibrated 10 μCi 241Am were measured by
Kuzmenko (2009), provides the experimental values of L X-ray line Si(Li) detector (ORTEC Model No. SLP-06165-S) having energy resolu-
intensities in the decay of 241Am measured by various authors tion 150 eV at 6.4 keV. The energy calibration of the Si(Li) detector was

H.R. Verma Applied Radiation and Isotopes 122 (2017) 41–46

made taking the Mα (3.262 keV) and Mβ (3.436 keV) X-ray component
lines from 241Am as given by Cohen (1988), Kα and Kβ lines of the
standard radioactive sources 55Fe and 57Co as given in the Table of
Radionuclides (Bé et al., 2010) and K X-ray line energies due to the
proton bombardment on thin foils of 22Ti, 24Cr and 29Cu as given in the
X-ray Data Booklet (Thompson, 2009), 11.89 keV Lℓ X-ray and
26.345 keV gamma-ray lines from 241Am (Bé et al., 2010; Chechev
and Kuzmenko, 2009). The efficiency of the Si(Li) detector was
determined from K X-ray cross section measurements of 22Ti, 24Cr
and 29Cu foils bombarded by 3 MeV protons (Mehta, 1992) in addition
to primary method of using calibrated 55Fe and 57Co X-ray sources as
described elsewhere (Braich et al., 1996). These experimental efficiency
values of the detector were supplemented by the theoretical values at
various energy values from the detector parameters, as per information
provided by ORTEC, such as thickness of gold contact layer, Si-sensitive
and dead layers and the Be-window by following the procedure
described by Pajek et al. (1989). These efficiency values, so obtained,
were further corrected for X-ray absorption in the Mylar window,
separating the Si(Li) detector from the source, and the air gap between
source and the detector, as per the geometry of the experiment. The
efficiency curve, so obtained, was least square fitted in two parts (i) Fig. 2. A typical L X-ray spectrum of 241Am as recorded by a Si(Li)detector and the
positions of various component lines obtained after fitting the spectrum in different
one, for the steep low energy region from 2 to 7 keV (using polynomial
groups (Lℓ, Lα, Lβ, Lγ) of X-ray lines. Peaks marked (?) are the new but unassigned
fitting on the log-log scale) for the purpose of M X-ray intensity transitions.
calculations and (ii) two, for the rather flat and relatively higher energy
region from 7 keV onwards by using normal polynomial fitting for L X- Since only 15 maximum lines can be fitted in any region of interest
rays and Gamma-ray line intensities. using “NFIT” software, we divided the L X-ray spectrum so as to cover
under three groups, viz. Lℓ, Lα and Lβ lines, Lα, Lβ and Lγ lines, Lβ, Lγ
2.2. Spectrum analysis and 26.345 keV γ-transition. This also helped to make comparison of
the peak areas with different linear background for each group. The
Spectra of M and L X-rays emanating from 241Am source were positions of the component lines corresponding to various X-ray lines in
recorded with good statistics. Since the two important factors in these a typical L X-ray spectrum are as shown in Fig. 2. The results of the
measurements are the resolution of the detector and the compatible fitting were also verified by OriginPro (2016) software.
software to analyze the recorded spectra, the groups of M and L X-ray
lines were obtained by a least square fitting interactive code “NFIT”
3. Results and discussion
(Nakano et al., 1990) workable on a personal computer as described in
our earlier papers (Braich et al., 1996; Verma, 2013). The fitting
The results for M and L X-ray energies and their intensities are
method helps to separate the component lines at variable/fixed peak
presented in Tables 1 and 2 which have been calculated by taking the
positions and peak widths and fits various lines so as to minimize the
26.345 keV γ-ray peak intensity equal to 2.31(8)%, as recommended by
residue between the raw data and the fitted components using Voigt
Chechev and Kuzmenko (2009). The uncertainties in the X-ray line
function (Gaussian with Lorentzian convolution). A typical spectrum of
energies are ~ 5 eV for strong line and ~ 10 eV for the weak lines and
M X-ray lines, emanating from 241Am source, as recorded by the Si(Li)
are mainly due to the fitting of the component lines. The uncertainties
detector and the various component lines, along with the background,
in the relative intensities of strong lines are ~5% while those of the
obtained after fitting the raw data is as shown in Fig. 1.
weak lines are ~10–15%. The uncertainty in these intensity values,
presented in brackets as the numbers in the last digits of the values,
arise mainly due to the uncertainties in the efficiency values of the
Si(Li) detector, due to the statistical variation in the background fitting
and subtraction, yield of various X-rays and their self absorption and
counting statistics for the weak lines.
We have compared our results with those of Cohen (1988) for both
M and L X-rays and with those of Chu et al. (1999) and Lépy et al.
(2008) for L X-ray transitions. The second peak position of the M X-ray
spectrum at 2.608 keV is the sum of Mξ1,2(M5N3+M4N2) and Mδ
(M4N3), since we are not able to resolve the Mξ1,2 (M5N3+M4N2) of
energy 2.55 keV from Mδ (M4N3) of 2.764 keV. A comparison (Table 1)
shows that our results for the intensities of various M X-ray transitions
are 10–15% higher for most of the strong transitions like Mα, Mβ, Mγ,
approximately ~30% higher for L1-L3 and approximately ~50% higher
for M3N1, (M2N1+M3O1) and (M2O4+M1O2,3) than the values
given by Cohen (1988), normalized to 26.345 keV γ-transition.
As shown in Table 2, our results for L X-ray intensities of various
transitions are higher than those presented in the Table of Radioactive
Isotopes (Chu et al., 1999), but in agreement with those of Lépy et al.
(2008), within experimental uncertainties which range to < 5% for
Fig. 1. A typical M X-ray spectrum of 241Am as recorded by a Si(Li)detector and the strong Lα1, Lβ1 and Lγ1 X-ray transitions. Although the intensity values
various component lines along with the background obtained after fitting the raw data. for the total Lβ and Lγ groups are matching with those of Lépy et al.

H.R. Verma Applied Radiation and Isotopes 122 (2017) 41–46

Table 1
Energies and relative intensities of M X-ray lines of 93Np emanating from Am source.

M X-ray Line/group of lines Cohen (1988) Present Work

Energy (keV) Relative Intensity Rel. Intensity normalized to 26.3 keV Energy (keV) Rel. Intensity w.r.t. 26.345 keV γ-ray
w.r.t Lα=1 using their Lα branching ratio=0.127(4) (= 2.31 ± 0.08)

M4N1 2.350 0.0162 (12) 0.206 2.362 0.25 (3)

Mξ1,2 (M5N3+M4N2) 2.551 0.0249 (9) 0.316 2.567 0.35 (3)
Mδ (M4N3)
M3N1 2.933 0.0064 (8) 0.0813 2.904 0.18 (2)
Mα (M5N6,7) 3.262 0.173 (4) 2.197 3.262 2.46 (10)
Mβ (M4N6) + M5O3 3.436 0.164 (4) 2.083 3.436 2.43 (10)
Mγ (M3N4,5) +M5P3 3.663 0.0357 (5) 0.453 3.681 0.52 (3)
M2N1 +M3O1 3.867 0.0093 (10) 0.118 3.900 0.23 (2)
M3O4,5+M3P1 4.244 0.11 (1)
M1N2+M3Q1 4.469 0.22 (2)
M1N2,3+M3O1,4,5 4.50 0.0138 (14) 0.175
M2N4 + M1N3 4.707 0.10 (1)
L1-L3 4.818 0.0149 (5) 0.189 4.812 0.26 (2)
M2O1 5.044 0.06 (1)
M2O4+M1O2,3 5.40 0.0022 (17) 0.028 5.312 0.08 (1)

(2008) within experimental uncertainties yet the intensities for some of smaller and calculated values of Schönfeld and Schötzig (2001) are
the component lines e.g. Lβ1, Lβ3, Lγ2,8, Lγ3,6 of these major groups higher than our measured results.
differ due to the fitting procedure (fixing the energies of the component The other important features of the results based on the present
lines and then allowing them to vary so as to give the best fit) and measurements are as follows:
repeating the fitting procedure by changing the background under the
whole Lβ or Lγ group or the total spectrum of L X-ray group of lines. (i) The forbidden transitions ‘Lt’ (L3-M2) and ‘Ls’ (L3-M3) observed by
Our value for Lβ6 (L3-N1) intensity is higher because it also contains Cohen (1988) and Lépy et al. (2008) have also been found in the
L3N2 +L2M2 transitions. The intensity values for the weak Ls, Lγ5 and present measurements at 12.23 and 12.96 keV respectively.
Lγ13 transitions have however, been found to be larger than those of Similarly, the Lβ 9,10 (L1M4,5) transition has been clearly observed
Lépy et al. (2008). A comparison of intensities for strong Lα1, Lβ1 and at 18.734 keV. These forbidden transitions not allowed by the
Lγ1 transitions with the earlier publications show that the measured selection rules: Δn=anything, Δℓ = ± 1, Δmℓ=0, ± 1 are still
values of Chu et al. (1999) in the Table of Radioactive Isotopes are possible (not truly forbidden) but these occur with much smaller

Table 2
Energies and relative intensities of L X-ray lines of 93Np emanating from Am source.

L X-ray Lines of Cohen (1988) Table of Radioactive Schönfeld and Schötzig (2001) Le´py et al. (2008) Present Work (Relative
93Np from the Isotopes Chu et al. (1999) Intensity values w. r. t
decay of 241Am 26.345 keV γ-transition)

Energy Relative Energy (keV) Intensity Energy Calculated Energy Intensity (%) Energy Relative
(keV) Intensity w.r. (keV) Emission (keV) (keV) Intensity (%)
t Lα Probability (%)

Lℓ(L3-M1) 11.871 0.0654 (5) 11.871 0.66 (9) 11.890 0.842 (27) 11.87 0.837 (9) 11.893 0.79 (3)
Lt (L3-M2) 12.244 0.0013 (50) 12.24 0.0260 (5) 12.23 0.021 (3)
Ls (L3-M3) 13.177 0.0023 (36) 13.18 0.0199 (5) 12.96 0.044 (6)
Lα2 (L3-M4) 13.942 1.00 (3) 13.761 1.07 (11) 13.7597 1.37 (5) 13.76 1.398 (15) 13.762 1.22 (3)
Lα1 (L3-M5) 13.946 9.6 (10) 13.9441 12.0 (4) 13.95 11.60 (12) 13.962 11.4 (2)
Lη (L2-M1) 15.862 0.0290 (4) 15.861 0.153 (19) 15.876 0.383 (16) 15.86 0.404 (5) 15.892 0.51 (2)
Lβ6 (L3-N1) +L3N2 16.111 0.0186 (11) 16.109 0.184 (19) 16.13 0.218 (20) 16.11 0.248 (3) 16.241 0.38 (2)
Lβ15 (L3-N5) 16.79 2.93 (10) 16.79 0.339 (4) 16.848 2.90 (6)
Lβ2 (L3-N4) 16.95 0.353 (3) 16.816 2.5 (3) −16.84 16.84 2.451 (26)
Lβ4 (L1-M2) 17.061 1.5 (3) 17.0608 1.74 (8) 17.06 1.736 (18) 17.023 1.80 (4)
Lβ7 (L3-O1) 17.27 0.639 (20) 17.27 0.594 (6) 17.288 0.41 (3)
Lβ5 (L3-O4,5) 17.75 1.055 (3) 17.505 0.65 (7) −17.51 17.50
Lβ1 (L2-M4) 17.751 5.7 (8) 17.7504 13.4 (6) 17.75 11.83 (12) 17.758 12.46 (25)
Lβ3 (L1M3) 17.992 1.37 (24) 17.989 1.48 (7) 17.99 1.310 (13) 18.092 0.65 (3)
Lβ 9,10 18.67 0.0139 (8) 18.574(3) 18.58 0.054 (1) 18.736 0.11 (2)
(L1M4,5) 18.759(3) 18.76 0.047 (1)
Lγ5 (L2N1) 20.101 0.0087 (10) 20.12 0.106 (5) 20.10 0.087 (1) 20.106 0.16 (2)
Lγ1 (L2N4) 20.785 0.223 (3) 20.784 1.39 (18) 20.7848 3.19 (13) 20.78 2.94 (3) 20.793 2.92 (4)
Lγ2 (L1N2) 21.31 0.126 (5) 21.099 0.65 (12) 21.11 0.481 (21) 21.10, 0.467 (5) 21.193 0.516 (20)
Lγ8 (L2O1) 21.26 1.16 (4) 21.26 0.520 (6)
Lγ3 (L1N3) 21.342 0.59 (11) −21.49 21.34 21.466 0.84 (7)
Lγ6 (L2O4) 21.491 0.29 (4) 21.49 0.567 (6)
Lγ4,4’ L1O3+L1O2 22.18 0.0202 (6) 22.20 0.236 (10) 22.12 0.173 (2) 22.216 0.20 (2)
Lγ13 (L1P2,3) 22.40 0.069 (1) 22.43 0.010 (3)
26.345 keV γ- 26.345 0.189 (3) 26.3 2.31 (8) 26.345 26.345 2.31 (8)

H.R. Verma Applied Radiation and Isotopes 122 (2017) 41–46

Table 3
Ltot and Mtot X-ray intensities and Mtot/Ltot and Mtot/Lα X-ray Intensity ratios emanating from Am source.

Ltot and Mtot Intensity or Karttunen et al. (1971) per Cohen (1988) Schönfeld and Schötzig (2001) Bé et al. Present
Intensity Ratios 100 decays of 241Am (2010) Results
Normalized to Using NpLα branching Calculated Measured
Lα=1 ratio =0.127 (4)

I(Mtot) 6.35 (60) 0.445 (5) 5.65 7.25 (10)

I(Ltot) 2.93 (3) 37.21 40.2 (9) 37.7 (5) 36.7 (21) 37.33 (20)
I(Mtot)/I(Ltot) 0.195 0.19 (1)
I(Mtot)/I(Lα) 0.470 (45) 0.445 0.58 (5)

probabilities. have much smaller values. The unfitted area in the figure by Lépy et al.
(ii) The intensity of Lt transition is in agreement with that of Lépy (2008), indicates unassigned peak at 21.7 keV, was not be observed in
et al. (2008) and the intensity of Ls transitions is found to be our measurements. Possibly, the new peaks at 19.63 and 23.17 keV,
approximately double than that of Lt transition. This is in contra- both with intensities of 0.05 ± 0.01% observed by us in the spectrum of
diction to the results of Lépy et al. (2008) according to whom Ls is Am, will interest the researchers for future studies since the origin of
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