Invoice Capture Centre 7.5 SP4 Customizing Guide

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OpenText™ Invoice Capture Center for

SAP® Solutions
OpenText™ Business Center Capture for
SAP® Solutions
Customizing Guide
OpenText™ Invoice Capture Center for SAP Solutions
OpenText™ Business Center Capture for SAP Solutions
Customizing Guide
Rev.: V7.5 SP4 / V16 (2016-03-21)
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1 Introduction 1
1.1 Functional overview .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 ICC/BCC runtime scenarios ........................................................................................ 3
1.3 Components of ICC/BCC ............................................................................................ 3
1.4 Customizing................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Hot Spots ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Achieving optimum recognition results....................................................................... 6

2 Configuration and customizing 7

2.1 Overview of the Customizing Client ........................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Tabs, views, and tools ..................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Application menu ............................................................................................ 8
2.1.3 Tools of the Customizing Client ................................................................... 10
2.2 Basic application actions ........................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Opening and closing an application .............................................................. 10
2.2.2 Logging in to an SAP ERP system ................................................................ 11
2.2.3 Exporting an application to SAP ERP ........................................................... 11
2.2.4 Importing an application from SAP ERP ...................................................... 12
2.2.5 Moving an application to another SAP ERP system ..................................... 13
2.2.6 Exporting an application to file ..................................................................... 14
2.2.7 Importing an application from file ................................................................ 15
2.2.8 Deleting an application ................................................................................. 16
2.3 Hot Spots (SAP links) ............................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 Configuring Hot Spots .................................................................................. 17
2.3.2 Starting and stopping Hot Spots .................................................................... 20
2.4 Scripting .................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Scripting entry points .................................................................................... 21
2.4.2 Scripting editor .............................................................................................. 21
2.4.3 Writing scripting code ................................................................................... 22
2.4.4 Scripting examples ........................................................................................ 25
2.4.5 ICC API documentation ................................................................................ 27
2.5 Automation methods ................................................................................................. 28
2.5.1 Adaptive Recognition.................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Rule-Based methods (Document Extraction) ................................................ 28
2.5.3 SnapMatch .................................................................................................... 30
2.5.4 Adaptive Classification (invoice applications) .............................................. 30
2.5.5 Continuous Self-Adaptation (BCC applications) .......................................... 30
2.5.6 Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning (BCC applications) .............................. 30
2.6 Training ..................................................................................................................... 31
2.6.1 Training of Adaptive Recognition fields ....................................................... 31
2.6.2 Tips for training of Adaptive Recognition fields .......................................... 32
2.6.3 Training of Adaptive Classification fields .................................................... 33
2.6.4 Training modes.............................................................................................. 34
2.6.5 Exporting and importing learning data .......................................................... 36

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Contents  iii

2.7 Administering repositories for Adaptive Technologies ............................................. 37
2.7.1 Administering an Adaptive Recognition repository ...................................... 38
2.7.2 Administering an Adaptive Classification repository ................................... 40
2.8 Normalization ............................................................................................................ 46
2.8.1 Action points for normalization .................................................................... 47
2.8.2 Adding a Custom or a Confirmation Rule ..................................................... 49
2.8.3 Attaching rules to fields ................................................................................ 50
2.8.4 Exporting rules to a file ................................................................................. 51
2.8.5 Importing rules .............................................................................................. 51
2.8.6 Detaching rules from fields ........................................................................... 51
2.8.7 Removing rules ............................................................................................. 51
2.8.8 Rules ............................................................................................................. 52
2.8.9 Modifying a rule ............................................................................................ 54
2.8.10 Action parameters ....................................................................................... 55
2.8.11 Migrating invoice applications created with earlier versions ...................... 61

3 Creating and configuring an invoice application 63

3.1 Application development ........................................................................................... 63
3.1.1 Background information about applications ................................................. 63
3.1.2 Custom applications ...................................................................................... 63
3.1.3 Applications created with ICC 5.2 Service Pack 4 or earlier ........................ 64
3.1.4 Basic steps for application development ....................................................... 64
3.2 Creating an invoice application ................................................................................. 64
3.2.1 Specifying name and application type ........................................................... 64
3.2.2 Specifying country for a single-country application ..................................... 65
3.2.3 Specifying properties of a multiple-country application ............................... 66
3.2.4 Adding archive document types .................................................................... 68
3.2.5 Company code detection ............................................................................... 69
3.2.6 Specifying SAP ERP connection data ........................................................... 70
3.2.7 Application creation ...................................................................................... 71
3.3 Use cases ................................................................................................................... 72
3.3.1 More than one receiving country................................................................... 72
3.3.2 More than one sending country ..................................................................... 72
3.3.3 More than one application ............................................................................. 72
3.3.4 More than one SAP ERP system involved .................................................... 73
3.3.5 More than one company code ....................................................................... 73
3.3.6 More than one tax rate and VAT amount ...................................................... 74
3.3.7 High recognition capacity needed ................................................................. 74
3.3.8 More than one Validation Client ................................................................... 74
3.3.9 Vendor IDs are identical throughout company codes ................................... 74
3.3.10 Vendors IDs are not identical throughout company codes .......................... 75
3.3.11 Shared service center ................................................................................... 75
3.3.12 Intercompany invoices ................................................................................ 75
3.3.13 Custom field needed .................................................................................... 75
3.3.14 Not purchase-order-related invoices ........................................................... 75
3.3.15 Non-standard syntax or length of PO numbers ........................................... 76
3.3.16 Processing invoices with appendices .......................................................... 77
3.3.17 Invoice application for new country ............................................................ 78
3.3.18 Applications for China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, Thailand .................... 79
3.3.19 Presetting fields of an invoice application................................................... 80
3.3.20 Processing down-payment invoices ............................................................ 81

iv  Contents ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.4 Configuring an invoice application ........................................................................... 82
3.4.1 Modifying name and description of the application ...................................... 83
3.4.2 Specifying validation settings ....................................................................... 83
3.4.3 Customizing a Chinese (Mainland) application ............................................ 83
3.4.4 Specifying archive document types ............................................................... 84
3.4.5 Specifying requester email addresses ............................................................ 85
3.4.6 Specifying line item processing .................................................................... 86
3.4.7 Specifying order number processing ............................................................. 90
3.4.8 Vendor ID detection ...................................................................................... 92
3.4.9 Specifying currencies .................................................................................... 96
3.4.10 Specifying VAT rates .................................................................................. 97
3.4.11 Specifying company code detection ............................................................ 98
3.4.12 Specifying credit memo detection ............................................................. 100
3.4.13 Specifying default formatting in Validation .............................................. 101
3.4.14 Specifying formatting for different sending countries .............................. 102
3.4.15 Specifying limits for recognition ............................................................... 103
3.4.16 Specifying delivery of ZUGFeRD files ..................................................... 104
3.4.17 Specifying visibility of the line items table ............................................... 104
3.4.18 Specifying field zone colors for the Validation Client .............................. 105
3.4.19 Confirming changed settings ..................................................................... 105
3.5 Changing field settings of an invoice application .................................................... 106
3.5.1 Activating optional fields ............................................................................ 107
3.5.2 Changing field or column order for Validation ........................................... 108
3.5.3 Activating Adaptive Recognition for standard invoice fields ..................... 109
3.5.4 Specifying the default currency ................................................................... 110
3.5.5 Setting limits for date fields ........................................................................ 110
3.5.6 Showing additional tax rate and VAT amount fields in Validation ............ 111
3.5.7 Checking line item amounts against net amount ......................................... 111
3.5.8 Modifying standard recipient and vendor fields .......................................... 112
3.5.9 Configuring the InvoiceDeliveryDate field ................................................. 112
3.5.10 Hiding the invoice items table ................................................................... 113
3.5.11 Confirming the changed advanced settings ............................................... 113
3.6 Adding custom fields to an invoice application....................................................... 113
3.6.1 Adding a field .............................................................................................. 114
3.6.2 Specifying field presentation ....................................................................... 114
3.6.3 Specifying an automation method ............................................................... 120
3.6.4 Configuring SnapMatch automation method .............................................. 121
3.6.5 Using Adaptive Recognition in an invoice application ............................... 122
3.6.6 Configuring Adaptive Classification ........................................................... 123
3.6.7 Rule-based Recognition automation methods ............................................. 124
3.6.8 Adding layout-specific custom methods ..................................................... 125
3.7 Using rule-based custom methods for standard fields ............................................. 125
3.8 Adding custom columns or modifying properties for invoice items recognition .... 127
3.8.1 Adding custom columns .............................................................................. 128
3.8.2 Creating a custom invoice items method .................................................... 128
3.8.3 Adding a custom column to the Invoice Items Custom field ...................... 130
3.8.4 Modifying properties of an invoice items custom field ............................... 131
3.8.5 Specify custom table field as raw line item input ........................................ 132
3.8.6 Implementing layout-specific invoice items recognition ............................ 133
3.9 Optimizing recognition results ................................................................................ 134
3.9.1 Using Adaptive Recognition for standard invoice fields ............................. 134
3.9.2 Using rule-based methods and scripting...................................................... 134

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Contents  v

3.10 Exporting additional recipient or vendor data ......................................................... 135
3.11 Data used by recognition ......................................................................................... 136
3.11.1 Recipient data ............................................................................................ 136
3.11.2 Vendor master data and purchase order data ............................................. 137
3.11.3 Requester data ........................................................................................... 139
3.12 Testing an invoice application ................................................................................. 139
3.12.1 Background information for testing .......................................................... 139
3.12.2 Local test of an invoice application ........................................................... 140
3.12.3 End-to-end test of an invoice application .................................................. 146
3.13 Testing on the development system......................................................................... 147
3.13.1 Importing images into the test system ....................................................... 147
3.13.2 Validation .................................................................................................. 148
3.13.3 Modifying an application during testing ................................................... 149
3.13.4 Monitoring ................................................................................................ 149
3.13.5 Using the Trace Viewer............................................................................. 149
3.14 Resolving problems ................................................................................................. 150
3.14.1 Recognition is not running ........................................................................ 150
3.14.2 Company code detection fails ................................................................... 150
3.14.3 Vendor detection fails ............................................................................... 151
3.14.4 OCR error status in VIM ........................................................................... 151

4 Creating and configuring a BCC application 153

4.1 Creating a BCC application ..................................................................................... 153
4.2 General BCC application settings ............................................................................ 154
4.3 Character sets and languages ................................................................................... 156
4.4 Validation settings for a BCC application ............................................................... 156
4.5 Adding custom fields to a BCC application ............................................................ 158
4.6 Function types for custom fields ............................................................................. 158
4.7 Configuring a Classification function ...................................................................... 159
4.8 Configuring automation methods for a String function ........................................... 160
4.9 Configuring automation methods for a List function .............................................. 162
4.10 Configuring a Partner function ................................................................................ 163
4.11 Configuring a Table function .................................................................................. 163
4.12 Configuring a LookupList function ......................................................................... 164
4.12.1 Specifying presentation of a LookupList field .......................................... 165
4.12.2 Specifying compactness for a LookupList field ........................................ 166
4.12.3 Specifying filters for a LookupList field ................................................... 167
4.13 General properties of a BCC function ..................................................................... 168
4.14 Automation methods for BCC fields ....................................................................... 169
4.14.1 Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA)........................................................... 169
4.14.2 Adaptive Recognition (ART) .................................................................... 169
4.14.3 Rule-Based Extraction (CDE) ................................................................... 169
4.14.4 Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning (LUPL) ............................................ 170
4.15 Testing and training of a BCC application .............................................................. 170
4.16 Exporting results to a BC application ...................................................................... 170
4.17 Solution Accelerators .............................................................................................. 171
4.17.1 Delivery Note Solution Accelerator .......................................................... 172
4.17.2 Sales Order Solution Accelerator .............................................................. 172
4.17.3 Mailroom for HR Solution Accelerator ..................................................... 173

vi  Contents ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5 Field reference 175
5.1 Header fields............................................................................................................ 175
5.1.1 Company Code ............................................................................................ 175
5.1.2 Recipient Name ........................................................................................... 175
5.1.3 Recipient Name 2 ........................................................................................ 176
5.1.4 Recipient Vat Number ................................................................................. 176
5.1.5 SAP System................................................................................................. 176
5.1.6 Reference Number (Invoice Number) ......................................................... 176
5.1.7 Invoice Date ................................................................................................ 177
5.1.8 Date of Supply ............................................................................................ 177
5.1.9 ESR Number ............................................................................................... 177
5.1.10 Credit Memo ............................................................................................. 178
5.1.11 Vendor Number ......................................................................................... 178
5.1.12 Vendor Name ............................................................................................ 179
5.1.13 Vendor Name 2 ......................................................................................... 179
5.1.14 Vendor VAT Number ............................................................................... 179
5.1.15 Vendor VAT Number 1............................................................................. 180
5.1.16 Vendor VAT Number 2............................................................................. 180
5.1.17 Vendor VAT Number 3............................................................................. 180
5.1.18 Vendor VAT Number 4............................................................................. 181
5.1.19 Vendor VAT Number 5............................................................................. 181
5.1.20 Vendor Bank Account Number ................................................................. 181
5.1.21 Vendor Bank Name ................................................................................... 182
5.1.22 Vendor Bank Number ............................................................................... 182
5.1.23 Vendor City ............................................................................................... 182
5.1.24 Vendor IBAN ............................................................................................ 183
5.1.25 Vendor POBOX ........................................................................................ 183
5.1.26 Vendor POBOXZIP .................................................................................. 183
5.1.27 Vendor State .............................................................................................. 184
5.1.28 Vendor Street ............................................................................................ 184
5.1.29 Vendor SWIFT .......................................................................................... 184
5.1.30 Vendor ZIP ................................................................................................ 185
5.1.31 PO Number ............................................................................................... 185
5.1.32 PO Number List ........................................................................................ 185
5.1.33 Delivery Note List ..................................................................................... 186
5.1.34 Requester Email ........................................................................................ 186
5.1.35 Gross Amount ........................................................................................... 186
5.1.36 Net Amount ............................................................................................... 186
5.1.37 Currency .................................................................................................... 187
5.1.38 VAT Amount ............................................................................................ 187
5.1.39 VAT Amount 1 ......................................................................................... 187
5.1.40 VAT Amount 2 ......................................................................................... 187
5.1.41 VAT Amount 3 ......................................................................................... 188
5.1.42 VAT Amount 4 ......................................................................................... 188
5.1.43 Total Tax Amount ..................................................................................... 188
5.1.44 Canadian Goods Tax Amount ................................................................... 188
5.1.45 Canadian Harmonized Tax Amount .......................................................... 189
5.1.46 Canadian Provincial Tax Amount ............................................................. 189
5.1.47 VAT Rate .................................................................................................. 189
5.1.48 VAT Rate 1 ............................................................................................... 189

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Contents  vii

5.1.49 VAT Rate 2 ............................................................................................... 190
5.1.50 VAT Rate 3 ............................................................................................... 190
5.1.51 VAT Rate 4 ............................................................................................... 190
5.1.52 Canadian Goods Tax Rate ......................................................................... 190
5.1.53 Canadian Harmonized Tax Rate................................................................ 191
5.1.54 Canadian Provincial Tax Rate ................................................................... 191
5.1.55 Freight Amount ......................................................................................... 191
5.1.56 Handling Charges ...................................................................................... 192
5.1.57 Payment Reference .................................................................................... 192
5.1.58 Tax Invoice ............................................................................................... 192
5.1.59 Invoice Code ............................................................................................. 192
5.1.60 Invoice Category ....................................................................................... 193
5.1.61 Secret Code ............................................................................................... 193
5.1.62 Secret Code 1 ............................................................................................ 194
5.1.63 Secret Code 2 ............................................................................................ 194
5.1.64 Secret Code 3 ............................................................................................ 194
5.1.65 Secret Code 4 ............................................................................................ 194
5.1.66 Excise Duty ............................................................................................... 195
5.1.67 Education Cess .......................................................................................... 195
5.1.68 S&H Education Cess ................................................................................. 195
5.1.69 Remit-To Address ..................................................................................... 195
5.1.70 Ship-To Address........................................................................................ 197
5.1.71 Original Invoice Number .......................................................................... 199
5.1.72 Contract Number ....................................................................................... 199
5.1.73 Consignor Name........................................................................................ 199
5.1.74 Consignor Address .................................................................................... 199
5.1.75 Consignee Name ....................................................................................... 199
5.1.76 Consignee Address .................................................................................... 200
5.1.77 Payer Address ........................................................................................... 200
5.2 Line item fields ........................................................................................................ 201
5.2.1 Delivery Note Number ................................................................................ 201
5.2.2 PO Number ................................................................................................. 201
5.2.3 PO Line Number ......................................................................................... 202
5.2.4 Amount........................................................................................................ 202
5.2.5 Quantity ....................................................................................................... 202
5.2.6 Unit of Measure........................................................................................... 203
5.2.7 Item Description .......................................................................................... 203
5.2.8 Unit Price .................................................................................................... 203
5.2.9 Tax Amount ................................................................................................ 204
5.2.10 Canadian Goods Tax Amount ................................................................... 204
5.2.11 Canadian Harmonized Tax Amount .......................................................... 204
5.2.12 Canadian Provincial Tax Amount ............................................................. 204
5.2.13 Tax Rate .................................................................................................... 205
5.2.14 Expense Type ............................................................................................ 205
5.2.15 Condition Type.......................................................................................... 205
5.2.16 Serial Number ........................................................................................... 206

6 Glossary of Terms 207

7 Index 213

viii  Contents ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

1 Introduction
1.1 Functional overview
As an option for OpenText™ Vendor Invoice Management for SAP ® Solutions (VIM), OpenText™ Invoice Capture
Center for SAP® Solutions (ICC) extends VIM’s capabilities to automate capturing of machine-printed paper invoices.
As a component of OpenText™ Business Center Capture for SAP® Solutions (BCC), the software permits to automate
capturing of other machine-printed invoice-related documents.
For electronic processing documents are scanned on entry to the financial accounting department. The digital images of
the documents are stored in an archive. ICC/BCC Recognition is indirectly triggered by the early archiving mechanism

ICC/BCC Recognition extracts the essential data (for example date, amount, order number etc. for invoices) from the
scanned documents in the archive.
For recognition of invoices, it uses a knowledge base that has been trained on samples of thousands of invoices from
many countries around the world. In addition, it uses fuzzy database matching: ICC/BCC Recognition maps the read data
– such as names, addresses, vendor numbers, purchase order numbers etc. – to SAP ERP vendor master data and SAP
ERP purchase order data during analysis.
The extracted information is passed on to VIM, or BC, respectively.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Introduction  1

Based on business rules, VIM/BC decides whether the automatically extracted data have to be reviewed and possibly
corrected or completed by a clerk. In this case, the document is transferred to a Validation Client, which is a Windows
program that is used by a clerk to check, correct, and complete the extracted data. The validated data are then passed on
to VIM/BC.

2  Introduction ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

1.2 ICC/BCC runtime scenarios
ICC and BCC are strongly related and share great parts of code.
If you install ICC, you can create, configure, import, and process Invoice applications and Custom applications. In this
case Vendor Invoice Management is required on SAP ERP.
If you already use ICC and also want to process BCC Solution Accelerators, you must remove ICC, install BCC, the
plug-ins for the respective Solution Accelerators, and in addition, the BCC Invoice plug-in.
If you install BCC, you can create, configure, import, and process Custom applications. If a BCC system should be
extended for Solution Accelerators, you must install the respective BCC plug-ins. If a BCC system should be extended
for Invoice applications, you must install the BCC Invoices plug-in and Vendor Invoice Management should be available
If Business Center is present on SAP ERP, both, ICC and BCC connect to Business Center. Business Center routes
Invoice applications by default to Vendor Invoice Management automatically, if it is also present on the respective SAP
ERP system.
If ICC is installed, and Business Center is not present on SAP ERP, ICC will automatically connect to Vendor Invoice

1.3 Components of ICC/BCC

An ICC/BCC system consists of the following components:
 BC Inbound Configuration or ICC Dispatcher
 Recognition Server, Recognition Node
 Customizing Client (user interface)
 Validation Client (user interface)
The heart of an ICC/BCC system is the BC Inbound Configuration or ICC Dispatcher, a component of Business Center
/VIM, the other non-SAP parts ICC/BCC interact with.
Data extraction is performed on a special server PC, normally a multi-processor machine. This server PC is the
Recognition Server. In huge systems the Recognition Server can be supported by additional recognition PCs, called
Recognition Nodes. The Recognition Server and its Recognition Nodes make up a Recognition Cluster. The Recognition
Server distributes the workload among the nodes of the Recognition Cluster.
The Recognition Server owns a local database instance. The databases of this instance contain data that the Recognition
Server and the Recognition Nodes need to deliver good extraction results:
 Vendor master data and purchase order data are compared with read information.
 Recipient data are used to determine the recipient of an invoice (ICC).
 Learning data are used to extract data for fields that use Adaptive Recognition.
Vendor master data, purchase order data (ICC), and learning data are downloaded from SAP ERP periodically.
An ICC/BCC system has to be customized to meet the needs of the customer. Customizing is done with a Windows
program, the Customizing Client. In addition, the Customizing Client provides monitoring facilities, which can be used
to monitor and control a system at runtime. The Customizing Client is always installed on the Recognition Server.
Finally, an ICC/BCC system contains several Validation Clients. The Validation Client is a Windows program that
permits to review and eventually complete or correct the extraction results of the Recognition step.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Introduction  3

1.4 Customizing
Customizing is done by creating applications with the Customizing Client. An application bundles all settings that are
needed to process documents of a certain kind, for example which fields have to be extracted by which extraction
For each application you have to define the archive document type of the documents that should be processed with this
application. At runtime, when the Recognition Server receives a new document image to process, it also obtains the
archive document type of the corresponding document; thus it can decide which application is to use to process the
document image.
The applications usually are created in a development environment on a special development Recognition Server
connected to a SAP ERP development system. The applications created with the Customizing Client on this development
Recognition Server are stored in a shared folder on the Recognition Server and can immediately be used to process
documents for testing purposes by the Recognition Server and all its Recognition Nodes.
At any development state, the applications can be saved to the SAP ERP system. The Validation Clients also need the
applications to control document validation. As soon as the applications have been saved in a SAP ERP system, they are
available for the Validation Clients connected to this SAP ERP system.

4  Introduction ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Besides the facility to save an application in SAP ERP (export), the Customizing Client also provides the facility to load
an application from SAP ERP to the Recognition Server (import). Using the export and import facilities, the
Customizing Client user can copy an application from a development system to a test system or from a test system to a
production system.

1.5 Hot Spots

The Recognition Server periodically fetches recognition jobs and downloads data from the SAP ERP system. These
periodical tasks are performed by using the Hot Spot technology. A Hot Spot becomes active regularly after expiring of a
specified interval or at a specified time on specified days and then tries to fetch new data.
An invoice application uses Hot Spots of two different types. An SAP Extraction Link is used to fetch new recognition
jobs from SAP ERP. Two SAP Download Links are used to fetch new data, such as vendor master data and purchase
order data; the first is configured to perform a weekly full download, whereas the second is configured to perform daily
delta-download of purchase order data.
An Application for other document types also uses two different Hot Spot types. An SAP Extraction Link is used to fetch
new recognition jobs from SAP ERP. An SAP Feedback Link is used to download feedback data which are needed for
different learning data extraction methods.
The Hot Spots have to be configured with the Customizing Client.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Introduction  5

1.6 Achieving optimum recognition results
To achieve optimum character recognition results you should optimize quality of scanned images not only on the
production system but also during testing. Therefore, take the following into account:
 Use professional scanning equipment to achieve optimum image quality.
 Optimize scanner settings. Documents should be scanned with 300 dpi and compressed with Fax4. Lower
resolution or other compression modes may deteriorate recognition results. It is not recommended to use a
resolution higher than 300 dpi because this would increase data volume but would not improve recognition
 If possible you should not use color scanning because color images would increase data volume considerably
slowing down processing whereas it would not increase recognition quality in most cases.
 If documents of specific vendors have bad printing quality, bad paper quality, or an unsuitable layout, contact
the vendors.
Reduce possible errors or performance problems by using suitable operating procedures and suitable application settings
taking the following into account:
 Use separator sheets or barcode for attachment separation. Automatic separation should only be used if PDF
files have to be processed. Each activated method for attachment separation is checked at each page; if any of
the checked conditions is fulfilled, extraction is stopped.
 Use ICC parameters to limit runtime such as stopping character recognition on attachments, skipping terms and
conditions pages.
 Do not use documents that have run through a manual approval process. Documents should not be stamped or
marked. This deteriorates recognition results.
 For invoice applications, achieve good quality of master data. If downloaded data do not match the invoice
material they cannot be used to support recognition.
To be able to optimize your applications, the operating procedures, and master data, testing environment is important. It
should be as similar to production environment as possible. With regard to testing, you should take the following into
 Use the production scanning equipment already during development and test of your applications. Otherwise
recognition results during production may differ from result during testing making testing less efficient.
 Scan original documents, that is, do not use copies.
 Test with real documents, that is, don not use synthetic test documents.
 For invoice applications: Take care to achieve a good relationship between invoice and purchase orders, that is,
an invoice should refer to a single purchase order. In addition, use realistic purchase orders and vendor data; for
example copy live data from the production system.

6  Introduction ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2 Configuration and customizing
2.1 Overview of the Customizing Client
The Customizing Client provides tools to adapt the system to the customer’s needs. These customizing settings are
bundled in so called applications. To customize ICC/BCC for your needs, you have to create applications. During
application development you have to test your applications. You have to configure and monitor your test system. You
may want to check the recognition results. You may want to examine how an application is presented on a Validation
Client. The Customizing Client provides tools to support all these tasks.
You can switch between several views and you can open several tools needed for development. You can access all tools
and views from the ribbon of the Customizing Client. Related tools and views are grouped on two different tabs. A tab of
the ribbon corresponds to a scope of the ICC/BCC system. Selecting a different tab in the ribbon automatically changes
the view.
To open a development tool:
 On the respective tab, click the button for the development tool.
The tool opens in a separate window.
To open a view:
 On the respective tab, click the button for the view.
The view opens in the Customizing Client window. The according view button in the ribbon stays pressed to
indicate which view is currently displayed.
The view is displayed until you open another view.

2.1.1 Tabs, views, and tools

The ribbon of the Customizing Client presents two tabs:
 Application
 General
On each tab you find the views and tools of one of the functional scopes of the Customizing Client:
The Application tab presents the Application view, and all tools needed for application development. It provides the
Settings dialog box and the Adaptive dialog box. In addition, the Application tab provides all facilities of the
Validation Client to test Validation within the Customizing Client.

During application development, you work mainly with the Application view.
Note that the Application tab does not provide view buttons. There is only one view for the Application tab. Selecting
the Application tab automatically opens the respective view.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  7

The General tab provides monitoring facilities to the Customizing Client user. On the General tab, you can switch
between several technical monitoring views: HotSpot view, Jobs view, and Cluster view. In addition, the General
tab provides the tools Trace Viewer and Load Manager Configuration tool, which are described in detail in the
Administrator’s Guide.

The views and tools of the General tab are needed for the technical configuration and for monitoring of an ICC/BCC
production system. You might need these facilities during testing of your applications.
All tools of the Application tab work on the currently opened application whereas the General tab permits to show
global data of the Recognition Server – independently of the opened application.
The tools and views of the General tab and the Validation tools of the Application tab are not discussed in detail in
this guide. For more information about monitoring and technical configuration, see ICC/BCC - Administrator`s Guide;
for more information about Validation, see ICC/BCC - User`s Guide. This guide concentrates on application

2.1.2 Application menu

New Application
Creates a new application. A wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the wizard and click Create.
Application creation takes some seconds. When the application has been created, click Close.

8  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Open Application
Opens an existing application. Click the respective item on the submenu. For more information, see "Opening
and closing an application" on page 10.
Close Application
Closes an open application. For more information, see "Opening and closing an application" on page 10.
SAP Connection
The SAP Login dialog opens and permits to log in to an SAP ERP system. For more information, see
"Logging in to an SAP ERP system" on page 11.
Delete Application
Deletes an existing application. Click the respective item on the submenu. Take notice that this deletes all
configuration data of the application. Note that the application is deleted only on the Recognition Server. For
more information, see "Deleting an application" on page 16.
Import Application
Imports the configuration data of an application from SAP ERP or from a file archive. For more information,
see "Importing an application from SAP ERP" on page 12 and "Importing an application from file" on page
Export Application
Exports the configuration data of an application to SAP or to a file archive. For more information, see
"Exporting an application to SAP ERP" on page 11 and "Exporting an application to file" on page 14.
Import Documents For Training
This command starts a training session and imports documents from SAP ERP system that have been marked
for training by a Validation user. A SAP Login dialog box opens. Select a SAP ERP system, type your
credentials and click OK. After all documents available for training have been downloaded, the first document
is shown in a Validation view for training.
Shows the Info dialog box with version and copyright information.

Note: Normalization for invoice applications has been modified incompatibly with ICC 6.0. If you open an
invoice application created with ICC 5.2 that uses scripting or custom normalization, you are asked whether the
application should be migrated. If you answer with No, the application is not upgraded and the documentation of
ICC 5.2 is still valid with regard to normalization for this application. If you answer with Yes, you have to adapt
your scripting code. Applications that use neither scripting nor custom normalization are always upgraded.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  9

2.1.3 Tools of the Customizing Client
The following section provides an overview of the customizing tools of the Customizing Client. Tools for validation,
monitoring, and technical configuration are not part of this Guide. Settings dialog box

The Settings dialog box permits to change the customizing settings of an application. It provides access to the fields
and to the Scripting editor. To open the Settings dialog box, click Settings in the Setup group of the Application
tab. Scripting editor

The Scripting editor permits to write scripting code for various scripting entry points. To enter scripting code, open the
Settings dialog box, and in the tree view open the Advanced and the Scripting node, and then click the desired
scripting entry point. For more information, see "Scripting" on page 21. Adaptive dialog box

The Adaptive dialog box permits to administer the repositories of Adaptive Recognition and Adaptive Classification.
To open the Adaptive dialog box, click Adaptive in the Setup group of the Application tab. For more information,
see "Administering Repositories for Adaptive Technologies" on page 37. Document Extraction Design Studio

In the Document Extraction Design Studio you implement the rules for custom fields that use a rule-based recognition
automation method.
To open the Document Extraction Design Studio in an invoice application, open the Settings dialog box, click a field
node in the tree view, click the Automation tab, and then click Create rule-based method. For more information,
see "Rule-Based Methods (Document Extraction)" on page 28.
To open the Document Extraction Design Studio in a BCC application, open the Settings dialog box, click a suitable
field node in the tree view, and then click Edit rule-based methods. For more information, see "Rule-Based
Extraction (DSE)" on page 169.

2.2 Basic application actions

2.2.1 Opening and closing an application

You have to open an application to change the configuration of an application or to test an application.
To open an application, click Open Application on the application menu, and click the appropriate application on the

Note: Normalization for invoice applications has been modified incompatibly with ICC 6.0. If you open an
invoice application created with ICC 5.2 that uses scripting or custom normalization, you are asked whether the
application should be migrated. If you answer with No, the application is not upgraded and the documentation of
ICC 5.2 is still valid with regard to normalization for this application. If you answer with Yes, you have to adapt
your scripting code. Applications that use neither scripting nor custom normalization are always upgraded.
To close the current application, click Close Application on the application menu, and then select the appropriate
application on the submenu.

10  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.2.2 Logging in to an SAP ERP system
Sometimes you need to log in to a SAP ERP system or to switch to a different system, for example if you want to search
in an SAP table using the F9 function key in the Validation view.
To log in to a SAP ERP system:
1. In the application menu, click SAP Connection. The SAP Login dialog box opens:

2. Select a system from the System drop-down list and enter client, user name, and password.
The Language field does not take effect with this release; you can leave this field empty.
3. Optionally click Check Login to check whether the login data are valid for the specified SAP system.
4. Click OK.
Depending on the system configuration, you may be able to use SSO ticket handling.
To log in using SSO ticket handling:
1. Select the SSO ticket handling check box.
The dialog box changes and shows a Ticket issuer url box.
2. Enter client and ticket issuer url and then click OK.

2.2.3 Exporting an application to SAP ERP

At any development state, an application can be saved on the SAP ERP system. As soon as the application has been
saved on a SAP ERP system, it is available for the Validation Clients connected to this SAP ERP system.
To save an application to SAP ERP:
1. Open the application menu, point to Export Application, and then click To SAP.
2. In the SAP Login dialog box, enter the SAP ERP connection data for the Customizing Client SAP ERP user.
For more information about the required authorizations, see “Customizing Client SAP ERP User” in ICC/BCC -
Administrator’s Guide.
3. To check the login data, you can click Check Login.
4. in the SAP Login dialog box click OK,
5. In the list of available applications, select the respective application and click OK. The application is saved to

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  11

Note: For an invoice application, export always comprises the recipient data, which have been imported for
automatic company code detection (see "Specifying company code detection" on page 98), and the phrase value
files that have been created for SnapMatch custom fields (for expert use only). The database containing vendor
master data and purchase order data downloaded from SAP ERP (see "Vendor master data and purchase order
data" on page 137), and the databases containing learning information for adaptive recognition fields and adaptive
classification fields (see "Training" on page 31) are NOT exported to SAP ERP.

2.2.4 Importing an application from SAP ERP

To load an application from SAP ERP to a Recognition Server:
1. Start the Customizing Client on the Recognition Server.
2. Open the application menu, point to Import Application, and then click From SAP.
3. In the Import Application wizard, enter the SAP ERP connection data for the Customizing Client SAP ERP
4. To check the login data, you can click Check Login.
5. In the SAP Login dialog box, click OK
6. In the list of the available applications, select the respective application and click OK. If an application with the
same name already exists, the wizard shows a page with a respective message. In this case you can click Back
and select a different application, or you can click Cancel to terminate the wizard; if you click Next, the
application is overwritten.
The application is copied to a shared folder on the Recognition Server.
When you download an application from SAP ERP, three Hot Spots are created for this invoice application, two for
other applications. These Hot Spots have to be configured for the current Recognition Server.
For more information about the required authorizations, see section "Customizing Client SAP ERP User" in ICC/BCC -
Administrator’s Guide. For more information about Hot Spots, see "Hot Spots (SAP Links)" on page 16.
Export of an invoice application to SAP ERP does not include the database containing vendor master data and purchase
order data downloaded from SAP ERP, and the databases containing learning information for adaptive recognition fields
and adaptive classification fields. After importing an invoice application from SAP ERP these databases exist but they
are empty. The vendor master data and purchase order data database are automatically filled with the correct download
values after configuration and activation of the SAP Download Link HotSpot.
Usually you fill the learning databases by performing new training. If you want to use the learning databases of the
source system, you can create backups of the learning databases on the source system, and restore them on the current
system. For more information, see “Backups of the Databases” in the Administrator’s Guide.

12  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.2.5 Moving an application to another SAP ERP system
Typically you create a new application on a special development system that uses its own development SAP ERP
system, transfer the application to a test system, and later release it to the production environment.
To transfer an application from a source system to a target system:
1. On the Server of the source system, export the application to the target SAP ERP system (see "Exporting an
application to SAP ERP" on page 11).
2. On the Server of the target system, import the application from the target SAP ERP system (see "Importing an
application from SAP ERP" on page 12).
3. On the Server of the target system, configure the Hot Spots (see "Configuring Hot Spots" on page 17), and
ensure that the vendor master data and purchase order data database, or the feedback database, respectively, are
4. On the Server of the target system, perform training to fill the learning databases or restore backups of the
learning databases of the source system.
5. The Validation Clients of the target system detect and download the new application automatically when they
are started next time.
The following diagram shows these steps (for clarity, minimum configurations are shown, that is, Recognition Nodes
and additional Validation Clients are not shown):

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  13

2.2.6 Exporting an application to file
To create a backup, or to supply your application if you need to report a problem, you can export an application to an
archive file.
To export an application to a file:
1. Open the application menu, point to Export Application, and click To File. The Select Application dialog
box opens.
2. Select an application in the Select an application list.
When you have selected an application, up to four check boxes are shown:
 The Settings check box represents the application.
 The Learning data check box represents the repositories containing data of samples trained for adaptive
recognition and adaptive classification fields. For more information, see "Training"). This check box is
only available if at least one of these methods is used and samples have been trained.
 The Download data check box is present for an invoice application if vendor master data or purchase
order data downloaded from a SAP ERP system are available.
 The CSA data check box represents the feedback data provided by the self-learning automation methods
(CSA and LUPL). It is available for a BCC application, except if no self-learning automation method is
used by all functions of the application.
By default, all available check boxes are selected.
3. If only part of the data should be exported, clear check boxes as needed.
4. Click OK to close the Select Application dialog box. A file dialog box opens.
5. By default, the application name is used as file name. Select a folder and click OK. The application is saved in
an archive file.
Export of an invoice application always comprises the recipient data, which have been imported for automatic company
code detection (see Specifying company code detection) and the phrase value files that have been created for SnapMatch
custom fields (for expert use only).

Tip: You can use this command to export only the learning data to a file by clearing all check boxes except the
Learning data check box. For a BCC application, you can export only feedback data by clearing all check boxes
except the CSA data check box.

14  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.2.7 Importing an application from file
To import an application or data from an archive file to a Recognition Server:
1. Start the Customizing Client on the Recognition Server.
2. Open the application menu, point to Import Application, and click From File. A file dialog box opens.
3. Select the archive file, and click Open. The Select Application Components dialog box opens:

The available check boxes depend on the data contained in the selected archive file, that is, a check box is
available if the corresponding check box was selected in the Select Application dialog box during export. If
you want to import an application and the Settings check box is not available, you have selected an unsuitable
archive file; in this case terminate import by clicking Cancel and try again with a suitable archive file.
4. If available data should not be imported, clear the respective check boxes.
5. Click OK to start import.
6. If one of the applications on the Recognition Server has the same name as the application in the archive file, a
message is shown. In this case you can either cancel the import, or overwrite the application on the Recognition
Server with the application from the archive file.
When you import an application from file, up to three Hot Spots are created. These Hot Spots have to be configured for
the current Recognition Server. For more information about Hot Spots, see "Hot Spots (SAP links)" on page 16.
If a new application is created during import, databases for learning data are created; for an invoice application,
additionally databases for download data are created. If no learning data or no download data are available or if you
cleared the corresponding check box, the respective database is empty. If no download data are imported for an invoice
application, ensure that the vendor master data and purchase order data database are automatically filled with the correct
download values after configuration and activation of the SAP Download Link Hot Spots.
Usually you fill the learning databases by performing new training. If you want to use the learning databases of the
source system, you can create backups of the learning databases on the source system and restore them on the current
system. For more information, see “Backups of the Database” in the ICC/BCC - Administrator’s Guide.

Tip: The Import Application command is also used to import learning data for an existing application or to
import feedback data for a BCC application. Either you import from an archive that contains only the respective
type of data, or you clear the other check boxes if they are present so that only either the Learning data, or the
CSA data check box remains selected. If you clear the Settings check box or if it is not present, you can select
the target application by clicking the desired application in the application list at the top of the dialog box.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  15

2.2.8 Deleting an application
To delete the current application:
1. To delete the current application, first close the application.
2. Open the application menu.
3. Click Delete Application, and click the appropriate application in the submenu.

The application is deleted locally on the Recognition Server. It is not deleted in SAP ERP. For information
about deleting an invoice application in SAP ERP, see “Deleting an ICC application from SAP tables” in
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Administration Guide.

2.3 Hot Spots (SAP links)

For each application, up to three Hot Spots are created on the Recognition Server:
 The SAP Extraction Link is used to fetch recognition tasks, which are then processed by the Server and the
Recognition Nodes.
 The SAP Download Links are used to fetch vendor data and purchase order data for an invoice application.
 The SAP Feedback Link is used to fetch feedback data needed for data extraction in a non-invoice application.

For all SAP ERP downloads, the data size is restricted to 5 GB if you work with VIM 5.2 SP3 or higher. In this
case, a download is terminated as soon as 5 GB data have been downloaded.
After creation of the application, all Hot Spots are disabled. After configuring the Hot Spots, start those Hot Spots that
are used by your application.
All Hot Spots are created with a default scheduling behavior. Each Hot Spot checks its input channel regularly for new
data according to its scheduling configuration. For each Hot Spot you can configure separately whether it should check
its input channel once a day at a specified time, or regularly after waiting a specified interval.
All types of SAP Hot Spots fetch their data directly from SAP ERP using a specified SAP ERP user account. For each
Hot Spot you can configure the SAP ERP user account separately. By default, the SAP ERP configuration of the Hot
Spots is set to the SAP ERP user account data that the user has entered during application creation.
Configuration of a SAP Extraction Link and a SAP Feedback Link comprises the archive document types processed by
the application.
The configuration of a SAP Download Link provides additional settings specifying the download data.
If you later modify archive document types using the Settings dialog box, or if SAP ERP login data change, you must
adapt the Hot Spot configurations manually.

Within ICC/BCC, Hot Spots are always created and deleted automatically together with the corresponding
application. You should not create Hot Spots manually, and you should never delete a Hot Spot of an
application manually.

16  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.3.1 Configuring Hot Spots
To configure a Hot Spot:
1. On the General tab, in the Server group, click HotSpot. A list of all Hot Spots is shown.
2. Select the respective Hot Spot.
3. If the Hot Spot is running, click Stop.
4. Click Properties on the toolbar, or right-click the Hot Spot, and click Properties on the context menu to
open the Properties dialog box. Scheduling
For all Hot Spot types, you can configure the polling cycle in the Scheduling area of the Properties dialog box. You
have the following options to specify the days:
 All days: Select to poll every day.
 Workdays: Select to poll only on workdays (Monday through Friday).
 Custom: Select and specify the days.
You have the following options to specify the time:
 Every minute: Specify the period in minutes.
 Every hour: Specify the period in hours.
 Fixed time: Specify a time. The Hot Spot is polled only once a day at the specified time. Adapting an SAP Extraction Link or an SAP Feedback Link

The SAP Extraction Link downloads 10 documents per cluster node if less than 5 documents per cluster node are in
progress so that about 5 to 15 documents per cluster node are in progress. Therefore you can let the default value
unchanged so that the Hot Spot is activated every minute. To prevent timeouts in VIM/BC, you should set the allowed
time for Extraction to 7200 seconds and the retry count to three.
For more information about configuring VIM, see “Maximum allowed time for Extraction and Validation” in OpenText
Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide.
In BC, set Time limit and No.ofRetry of the modules EXTR_WAIT and VALI_WAIT. For more information, see
" Modules" in Business Center - Configuration Guide.
A SAP Feedback Link is activated every minute by default.
To adapt an SAP Extraction Link or an SAP Feedback Link:
1. Configure scheduling as described above.
2. In the Connection area, specify the archive documents types in the Connection area. Enter the names of all
SAP ArchiveLink document types that should be processed by the application. Use a semicolon followed by a
space to separate the document types, for example DocumentType1; DocumentType2;

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  17

The list of document types should be identical to the list of document types defined for the application in the
Settings dialog box.
3. Specify the SAP ERP login data. Adapting an SAP Download Link

The download has to be configured on the SAP ERP side (for more information, see Vendor Invoice Management for
SAP Solutions - Administration Guide) and on ICC Hot Spot side (for more information about ICC Hot Spots, see
"Configuring Hot Spots" on page 17).
By default, ICCBCC creates two SAP Download Link HotSpots when you create an invoice application. The first is
configured for weekly full download, whereas the second is configured for daily delta-download excluding the vendor
table. The full download is useful to synchronize the tables, especially if you are using the Open only option in the PO
download program on SAP ERP side. The delta-download performed each day reduces the data volume that has to be
downloaded and ensures that downloaded data are up-to-date.
Two SAP Download links are created for an invoice application. The first is configured to run once per week performing
a full download including all data. The second is configured to run every day performing a delta download excluding the
vendor table.
For SAP Download Links, use a fixed time for all days or for workdays, because master data downloads should not
occur more than once a day. The scheduled times must be coordinated between all Hot Spots and the download batch
programs on SAP ERP side.
Example: The SAP ERP download is scheduled to 3 a.m. Schedule the download for the first HotSpot to 5 a.m. For
the next Hot Spot schedule the download to at least 5:30 a.m.
To adapt an SAP Download Link:
1. For a SAP Download Link of an invoice application, configure scheduling as described above.
2. In the Connection area, click the ellipsis button behind the System box to modify the SAP ERP login data.
3. Specify details about the download data.

18  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4. If you do not want to download vendor tables, purchase order tables, or purchase order items, clear the
respective check box.
The vendor table is always downloaded completely. If you want to download only changes of the purchase
order table, click Delta download.
5. In the Company codes area, enter the name of the SAP ERP systems in the Logical system box, and the
corresponding company codes for which data should be downloaded into the Company code column.
Whereas Vendor Input Management collects data for all available SAP ERP systems and company codes, only
data for the specified logical systems and company codes are downloaded to the Recognition Server.
It is important that you either leave the subsystem and/or company code empty (empty means “all”), or add all
relevant combinations of SAP ERP system (logical system name like for example D01CLNT800) and company
codes. Otherwise the Hot Spot does not retrieve all relevant data and recognition quality is reduced.
6. When the download operation has been completed, the temporary download files are deleted immediately by
default. If these files are needed for diagnostic purposes, select the Keep data for diagnostics check box. In
this case the download files are available in the cache until the respective cache entry is deleted later on.
Several features controlled by options in an invoice application settings need data from the vendor table, the
purchase order table, or the PO item data. If needed data are not downloaded, the respective feature cannot take
effect. Therefore check which download data are needed by the application, before switching a certain type of
download off.

Do not use daily full download on SAP ERP side, and daily delta download on ICC side. This would lead to
fast growth of the database on the ICC/BCC side with many duplicate entries.

Tip. To determine how long a download takes, start the Trace Viewer, go to the DOKuStar Load Manager
section of the trace file list and look into traces files whose name starts with DOKuStarClusterNode. There
trace records permit to determine how long the three steps of a download took: downloading the data, writing the
data to the database, and updating the vendor index file.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  19

2.3.2 Starting and stopping Hot Spots
You start a Hot Spot after you have configured it. A newly configured Hot Spot is always in state Disabled. If you
create a new application, all its Hot Spots are in this state. In this case configure each Hot Spot of the new application
and start it afterward. When you start it the state changes to Scheduled.
To modify configuration of a Hot Spot later, you must stop the respective Hot Spot temporarily.
To start a Hot Spot:
1. Start the Customizing Client on the Recognition Server.
2. In the Server group of the General tab, click HotSpot to show the list of Hot Spots.

3. Select the Import Hot Spot.

4. Click Start.
You stop a Hot Spot in order to be able to change the configuration.
To stop a Hot Spot;
1. Select the Hot Spot.
2. Click Stop.
If a Hot Spot should run before its appointed scheduling time, you can run it immediately independent of the scheduled
time. This is sometimes useful during testing. This is only possible if the Hot Spot is in the Scheduling state.
To run a Hot Spot:
1. Select the Hot Spot.
2. Click Run Now.

20  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.4 Scripting

2.4.1 Scripting entry points

ICC/BCC provides a convenient scripting interface, which permits to extend the standard functionality with your own
code. There are specific times during document processing where scripting may take place. At runtime, at these specific
times ICC/BCC checks for suitable scripting code to be executed.
At the following entry points, scripting code can be executed:
 Custom Extraction: only at invoice applications: after extraction of custom fields, before ICC/BCC
 Data Extraction: after extraction of predefined fields and ICC/BCC processing,
 Validation (Document Loaded): after a document has been loaded into Validation,
 Validation (Field Changed): after a field value has been changed in Validation,
 Validation (Field Deactivated): after a field has been deactivated in Validation,
 Validation (Field Closing): if a document is about to be closed in Validation.

2.4.2 Scripting editor

To enter scripting code:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab click to open the Setting dialog box
2. Open the Scripting node. For an invoice application, it is a subnode of the Advanced node,
3. Click the subnode of the respective scripting entry point.
4. If you want to write scripting code, first choose the scripting language. Scripting code can be implemented in
Jscript.NET or in C#.
The text editor includes comments explaining the parameters that are passed to the current scripting code. Write
your own code below the comment, and click Compile to check the syntax.
5. To specify the namespaces used by your scripting code, click Namespaces. The Specify Namespaces
dialog box opens.
6. Enter the namespaces for the current scripting code and click OK.
The code entered in the text editor must not contain a method header! Simply enter the method body as shown
in "Scripting Examples" on page 25.

Note: The scripting code is executed even if you have not compiled it. Therefore always make sure that the
scripting code is correct and executable when you close the Settings dialog box.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  21

2.4.3 Writing scripting code Scripting code - overview

Interface Parameters Return value Executed by

Custom Extraction DataPool data void Recognition
(only at invoice ITrace trace Server
Data Extraction DataPool data void Recognition
ITrace trace Server
Validation (Document DataPool data bool (true = Validation
Closing) int mode (0 = Cancel, 1 = document is closed)
Submit, 2 = Reject)
IScriptHelper helper
ITrace trace
Validation (Document Document doc void Validation
Loaded) IScriptHelper helper
ITrace trace
Validation (Field IField field bool (true = event Validation
Changed) IScriptHelper helper handled)
ITrace trace
Validation (Field IField field bool (true = event Validation
Deactivated) bool sce (true = field value handled)
has been filled using Single
Click Entry)
IScriptHelper helper
ITrace trace Manipulating the Runtime Document

When a document is imported into an ICC/BCC system, a data structure called Runtime Document is created
representing the processing job with its document. The Runtime Document is passed from processing step to processing
step. At the end of each processing step the results of the respective step, for example the extracted data, are added to the
Runtime Document. At the beginning of each processing step the results of the previous steps are read from the Runtime
Document and used as input for further processing. During export, the final structure and contents of the Runtime
Document determines what is exported.
The Runtime Document is a hierarchically structured XML document. During processing, the structure of the Runtime
Document is changed permanently according to the progress of processing. At each processing step a certain structure of
the Runtime Document is expected, which has to be provided by the previous steps.
At some scripting entry points the Runtime Document is passed as parameter to the scripting code. In the scripting code
you can manipulate the Runtime Document in a useful and allowed way to influence or change further processing.
When manipulating the Runtime Document, always be sure to provide the expected data structure for the next processing

22  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Accessing metadata in invoice applications
Sometimes scripting code needs access to data that are not present in the ICC fields in an invoice application, for
example the archive document type. VIM can be configured to transfer data to ICC/BCC, which then appear as
annotations in the Runtime Document. For more information about VIM configuration, see chapter "Using the Metadata
Interface of the ICC Dispatcher" in the VIM Scenario Guide. For more information about accessing annotations, see the
ICC/BCC API help file. IScriptHelper
An IScriptHelper object is passed as parameter to each Validation scripting method. You can use this object to set the
status of a field to error and to show a message in the status line of Validation. Tracing
An ITrace object is passed as parameter to each scripting method. You can use this object to write trace messages to the
ICC/BCC trace folder.
For more information about tracing, see ICC/BCC - Administrator's Guide. Cultures
Recognition and Validation use an internal format for dates, amounts, and numbers:
 dates: de-DE
 amounts and numbers: en-US with decimal separator (.), but without thousands separator (,)
Be sure to use these internal formats in the scripting entry points.
If your application uses a custom field with amount or date values, make sure that the field values are also in these
internal formats if standard rules at the action point Export SAP are used.
If an application uses custom rules for the standard amount and date fields, the rules should also convert the field values
to these internal formats.
When the Validation Client user changes the user interface language, the culture of the Validation Client
program changes. This may cause some .NET methods to behave differently. Therefore take care that your
scripting code for Validation entry points is culture-independent. In addition, you should test your code with
different language settings in the Validation Client. Scripting - Custom Extraction

This scripting entry point is only available at invoice applications.
The code implemented for this scripting entry point is called after the automatic extraction of custom fields has been
performed, but before ICC/BCC processing has started. The Runtime Document is passed as parameter to the scripting
code. The field elements in the Runtime Document now contain the values extracted by Recognition, but the values have
not been checked yet. By manipulating the Runtime Document you can:
 Set values of data fields
for example, read a barcode from the document using a custom field and preset an ICC/BCC field with its
results (for example the company code).
The return value of the scripting code has to be void.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  23 Scripting - Data Extraction
The code implemented for this scripting entry point is called after the automatic extraction of predefined fields has been
performed. The Runtime Document is passed as parameter to the scripting code. The field elements in the Runtime
Document now contain the values extracted by ICC/BCC Recognition. By manipulating the Runtime Document you can:
 Set values of data fields
particularly for fields whose value can be derived from other data fields.
The return value of the scripting code has to be void. Scripting – Validation (Document Closing)

The code implemented for this scripting entry point is called after a document has been closed in Validation (within the
Validation Client or Customizing Client). The Runtime Document is passed as parameter to the scripting code. The
second parameter states whether the user has closed the document by pressing Submit (1), Cancel (0), or Reject (2).
In your scripting code you can:
 Check field values and, in case of error, set field states to error and leave the document open.
The return value of the scripting code has to be a Boolean determining whether the document should be closed (true) or
should stay open (false). Scripting – Validation (Document Loaded)

The code implemented for this scripting entry point is called after a document has been loaded in Validation (within the
Validation Client or Customizing Client). The part of the Runtime Document that represents this document is passed as
parameter to the scripting code. In your scripting code you can:
 Format field values according to the preferences of the current user
The return value of the scripting code has to be void. Scripting - Validation (Field Changed)

The code implemented for this scripting entry point is called after the value of a field has changed in Validation (within
the Validation Client or Customizing Client). For example, if the user types in a new value for a field with the keyboard,
the code is called after each keystroke. The respective field is passed as parameter to the scripting code. In your scripting
code you can:
 Check whether the user enters correct values and, in case of error, set the field state to error and show a message
in the status line of Validation.
The return value of the scripting code has to be a Boolean stating whether the event has been handled (true).

Note: If the user selects an entry in a Lookup List control, the scripting method is called for each data field
belonging to the Lookup List.

24  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Scripting - Validation (Field Deactivated)
The code implemented for this scripting entry point is called after a field has lost the focus in Validation (within the
Validation Client or within the Customizing Client). The respective field is passed to the scripting code as first
parameter. The second parameter is a Boolean, which states whether the field’s value has been filled with the mouse
using Single Click Entry technology. For more information, see ICC/BCC - User's Guide. In your scripting code you
 Compute and set the value of dependent fields.
The return value of the scripting code has to be a Boolean stating whether the event has been handled (true).

Note: The scripting method will not be called for data fields belonging to a Lookup List because these fields never
have the focus and never lose the focus.

2.4.4 Scripting examples Custom Extraction example
This scripting entry point is only available at invoice applications.
Compared to the Data Extraction scripting entry point, the current document is to be found as an alternative document.
Therefore the following scripting code has to be used to access the document:

//DataPool data
//ITrace trace

foreach (Document doc in data.RootNode.Documents)

foreach (Document altDoc in doc.Alternatives)


ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  25 Data Extraction example
// Splitting a bar code field into three other fields.
// Iteration over all documents.
foreach (Document doc in data.RootNode.Documents)
// Getting the bar code field named 'BarCode'.
Field bCode = (Field)doc.Fields["BarCode"];
// The field 'BarCode' should be defined in the project setup.
// If it is not defined, nothing will happen.
if (bCode != null)
// Splitting the value of the bar code field.
// The separation character of the value is '-'.
string[] bCodes = bCode.Value.Split('-');
// The bar code value should contain three subvalues.
// If not, nothing will happen.
if (bCodes.Length == 3)
// Getting the field for the first subvalue.
Field sStation = (Field)doc.Fields["ScanStation"];
// The field 'ScanStation' should be defined in the project setup.
// If it is not defined, nothing will happen.
if (sStation != null)
// Changing value and state of field 'ScanStation'.
sStation.Value = bCodes[0];
sStation.State = DataState.Ok;
// Getting the field for the second subvalue.
Field year = (Field)doc.Fields["Year"];
// The field 'Year' should be defined in the project setup.
// If it is not defined, nothing will happen.
if (year != null)
// Changing value and state of field 'Year'.
year.Value = bCodes[1];
year.State = DataState.Ok;
// Getting the field for the third subvalue.
Field loc = (Field)doc.Fields["Location"];
// The field 'Location' should be defined in the project setup.
// If it is not defined, nothing will happen.

26  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

if (loc != null)
// Changing value and state of field 'Location'.
loc.Value = bCodes[2];
loc.State = DataState.Ok;
} Validation (Field Changed) example

// Reacting to value change of a field.
// Comparing field name to name of required field.
if (field.Name == "ScanStation")
// Checking value of field.
if (field.Value == "Scanstation23")
// Getting field named 'Year'.
Field year = (Field)field.ParentDocument.Fields["Year"];
// The field 'Year' should be defined in the project setup.
// If it is not defined, nothing will happen.
if (year != null)
// Changing value and state of field 'Year'.
year.Value = "2023";
year.State = DataState.Ok;
return true;

2.4.5 ICC API documentation

For detailed information, see ICC/BCC API online help (icc_api.chm).

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  27

2.5 Automation methods

2.5.1 Adaptive Recognition

Adaptive Recognition assumes that most documents fall into one of a set of subclasses of documents that have the same
layout so that the data fields can be found at the same position for all documents of a subclass, for example all
documents of the same vendor. To be able to extract the data fields of documents automatically, information about the
subclasses has to be provided which is done by training using the Customizing Client.
Whenever fields could not be extracted automatically, and have been captured with a mouse click during training on the
Customizing Client, the document should be sent to training by clicking the Train button before submitting the
document. The text layout of the document and the position where you captured the field are then be stored as sample in
a database. During recognition, the current document layout is matched against all samples contained in the database. If a
matching sample is detected, the field is extracted at the position where it had been captured on the sample.
If you train each document where the field could not be found, recognition rate increases steadily because more and more
often a matching sample is found for the current document.
For more information about training, see "Training of Adaptive Recognition Fields" on page 31.

2.5.2 Rule-Based methods (Document Extraction)

Rule-based recognition methods use Document Extraction to search for data fields on documents.
Document Extraction provides many preconfigured so-called index fields, which search for data in a special format.
There are fields searching for typical header fields on European invoices, separate fields searching for header fields on
US-American invoices, fields searching for dates, amounts, keywords or phrases, or strings matching a regular
expression. There is a field that uses an index field to search a key value and then uses another field to search for a value
field relative to the found key value. Another field permits to try several field types one after another until the field could
be read successfully.
Outside ICC/BCC, Document Extraction uses a single project to process pages of a document. First image processing is
performed, then character recognition reads the data, classification is performed using classification features to determine
a document type, and at last index fields are read for an assigned document class. This processing mode is described in
the online help of the Document Extraction Design Studio and OpenText Capture Document Extraction - Developer’s
Within ICC/BCC, Document Extraction is used in a very special manner. Extraction may be called more than once with
preconfigured specialized projects. If you start the Document Extraction Design Studio, it starts with a project where you
can specify index fields, which can then be used as custom fields in your application. In this project, add your needed
fields at the IndexFields subnode of the Unknown node of the Classes tab of the project explorer:

28  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

If you read the online help of the Document Extraction Design Studio or OpenText Capture Document Extraction -
Developer’s Guide, you should always be aware that Extraction is used in a special manner so that there are many
features in Document Extraction that must not be used within ICC/BCC. For example, you should never create document
types or features in the Types tab of the project explorer except for layout-specific items recognition or layout-specific
custom fields, and you should never create classes in the Classes tab of the Project Explorer.
Therefore you should especially refer to the following chapters or sections of OpenText Capture Document Extraction -
Developer’s Guide and the online help whereas great parts of the remaining sections describe features that cannot be
used within ICC/BCC:
 Section “Global Fields” in the chapter “Features and Index Fields”: You can specify your fields as global fields
in the Globals tab of the project explorer and reference them at the IndexFields subnode of the Unknown
node in the Classes tab.
 Chapter “Field Types”: Here all the different field types are described in detail. But be aware that only a subset
of the field types can be used within ICC/BCC.
 Chapter “Design Studio”: Do not modify options and project settings, and be aware of the restrictions described
above for the project explorer.
 Section “Properties of Features and Index Fields” in the chapter “Properties”: Here you find detailed
descriptions of all properties of the field types you may use.
 Chapter “Image Preprocessing”: ICC/BCC has a preconfigured image preprocessing, which is used to read text
from the document. If you modify image preprocessing, the text is read more than once which increases runtime
considerably. Therefore you should avoid modifying image preprocessing.
You can use most field types of Document Extraction, but be aware of the following rules and restrictions:
 Especially suitable and useful are all fields that return their results only in the value item of the result data,
such as the field types Amount, BarCode, Date, Phrase, and Regular Expression.
 For invoice applications, table fields (field types Table, Invoice Items, Invoice Items Custom, US
Invoice Items, and US Invoice Items Custom) are not shown in the Validation Client.
 The Validation Client only shows the string returned in the value item of the field result. Sub-elements of the
result data can be accessed during scripting.

Note: Modifications of the Document Extraction project do not take effect until you close the Settings dialog box
with OK afterward. It is not sufficient to save the project in the Document Extraction Design Studio.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  29

2.5.3 SnapMatch
The SnapMatch automation method permits to match a document against a database. If a matching database record
can be found, all data fields assigned to columns of the database are then filled automatically.
SnapMatch is used by the LookupList function that can be configured for a BCC application. It can also be configured
as automation method in an invoice application.

2.5.4 Adaptive Classification (invoice applications)

Adaptive Classification can be configured as automation methods for custom fields of an invoice application. It can be
used to extract information from a document that cannot be determined from a certain text on the document or from its
layout but is a property of the whole document. The method compares the complete text of the document with that of
samples stored in a database and tries to find a class of matching documents with similar textual content.
A good example for adaptive classification is determining the language a document is written in. But the method can also
be used to distinguish different types of documents. In case of success, adaptive classification assigns a value of a
predefined list of possible values to the data field.
To be able to classify documents automatically, adaptive classification needs several samples for each field value in its
database. Therefore it cannot return valid results until enough documents have been added to the database using training.
It is recommended to train at least ten documents of each type.
To train documents, click the Train button during Validation before submitting a document after the correct value has
been selected for the respective field. While documents are being trained, you can observe that more and more often
adaptive classification suggests the correct value for the field.
For more information about training, see "Training of Adaptive Classification Fields" on page 33.

2.5.5 Continuous Self-Adaptation (BCC applications)

Continuous Self-Adaptation can only be used in BCC applications. It uses data about document layout and field data
collected by the Validation Client and SAP ERP to adapt to occurring document layouts automatically.

2.5.6 Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning (BCC applications)

Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning can only be used in BCC applications. Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning is a self-
learning automation method that uses typical phrases to find a value with a specified format, for example a date or an

30  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.6 Training

2.6.1 Training of Adaptive Recognition fields

If Adaptive Recognition (ART) is used for some fields, the Recognition Server and the Recognition Nodes have to learn
how to extract data for the adaptive recognition fields. They need an example for document layout, and the information
where the field value is located on documents of this layout.
These examples and the respective location information have to be provided by training. The Recognition Server keeps
these learning data in special repositories in a database. For more information about repositories, see "Administering
repositories for Adaptive Technologies" on page 37.
At all types of applications, Adaptive Recognition can be used for custom fields (see "Adaptive Recognition " on page
28). Training for invoice applications

At invoice applications, Adaptive Recognition can be activated for some standard invoice fields (see "Using Adaptive
Recognition for standard invoice fields" on page 134) and it is used for some optional fields of invoice applications
(Supply Date, Freight Amount, or Handling Charges). By default, these optional fields are not shown in the
Validation Client so that they cannot be trained and thus are not extracted. They have to be activated manually. For more
information, see "Activating optional fields" on page 107.
At invoice applications with country setting China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, and Thailand, Adaptive Recognition is
also used for most standard fields and for the line items table.
Thus for invoice applications you have to perform training for Adaptive Recognition in the following cases:
 If your application uses China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, or Thailand as recipient country.
 If it uses optional fields.
 If it uses Adaptive Recognition custom fields.
 If it uses Adaptive Recognition for standard fields.
Without training, the Recognition Server and the Recognition Nodes do not extract values for optional fields, for custom
fields, and for many fields of a Japanese, Korean, or Thai application. In the Validation Client, the respective fields are
always empty and must therefore be captured manually by the Validation user.
For standard fields (except for China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, and Thailand as recipient country) rule-based
extraction is always used. In this case, Adaptive Recognition is used to improve recognition results for invoices where
rule-based extraction did not succeed.
For fields of the amount group, that is, net amount, VAT amounts, VAT rates, and total amount, special rules apply.
If you activate Adaptive Recognition for the field InvoiceOrderNumber, take care to train this field only
on invoices containing a single PO number. Otherwise the remaining PO numbers are never returned, even if
they were determined by rule-based extraction.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  31 Training fields of the amount group
For an invoice application, take the following into account:
Adaptive Recognition is suited for fields that are at the same position on all documents of the same layout; for an invoice
application that would be invoices of the same vendor. Thus with an invoice application Adaptive Recognition may
sometimes find erroneous results for fields of the amount group if they are positioned at the end of the items table
because due to the different length of the items table they may occur at a different position than on a trained sample.
Therefore you should train fields of the amount group only for vendors where theses fields are located at the same
position on all invoices.
ICC checks the values of net amount, tax amounts, tax rates, and total amount against each other. If you train values of
the amount group, you should capture a value for each field of the amount group that is present on the invoice using the
mouse even if a value is already present for a part of the fields.
For applications with country setting China (Mainland), and India, Adaptive Recognition results for fields of the amount
group are always ignored. For applications with country setting China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, and Thailand they are
used because Document Extraction is not used for these countries.

2.6.2 Tips for training of Adaptive Recognition fields Overview
Data extraction with Adaptive Recognition consists of two steps. As first step a matching sample is searched in the
database. If a sample could be found, in a second step the fields trained for this sample are read from the document.
The first step, sample matching, is very fast even with a database containing a large number of samples. Therefore it is
not important to minimize the number of trained samples. Therefore, if a training image seems to be a very good
candidate for the respective document type and contains all fields where Adaptive Recognition has been activated, just
train the document and add a new sample to the database. Do not loose time with checking and deciding whether the old
sample is useful, or needed. You can leave it in the database; it does not matter normally. Check and maybe remove a
sample only if you suspect that it has been trained erroneously.
More important is to prevent making severe errors during training. If you capture data for a field at the wrong position,
for any document that is matched to the respective sample in the future, this field will contain a wrong value. Therefore
be careful when capturing the fields.
The following sections give some hints for sample selection, and tips how to avoid errors during field training. Tips for sample selection

A sample always represents the layout for a group of documents. For invoices this normally would be the invoices of a
certain vendor. If a vendor always uses the same invoice layout, it is often sufficient to train a single document.
Normally it is not useful to train several samples for the same document layout, but it is not harmful as long as the
samples are trained correctly.
If documents often contain stamps at different positions, it may be useful to train different samples. Adaptive
Recognition may then be able to yield acceptable results with a sample with a similar stamping more often.
In order to support extraction with Adaptive Recognition, a sample should be as follows:
 It should be complete, that is, it should contain all fields where Adaptive Recognition has been specified.
 It should contain as few stamps or handwritten additions as possible.
 It should not have too much skew.
 It should consist of few pages.
 It should have good print quality.
If a candidate does not seem suitable for training, do not train it. If documents with this layout appear frequently, a
similar document, and maybe one more suitable for training, will occur and can then be trained.

32  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Tips for field training
During training, take the following rules into account:
 Capture only values for empty fields and for fields that were extracted at the wrong position.
 In an invoice application, do not use the mouser to capture standard fields that already contain a correct value.
Often these fields have been extracted by a highly-optimized rule-based method and in this case it is not useful
to extract it with Adaptive Recognition instead.
 If the tooltip shows an erroneous value, do not train the document. Probably the field would have been extracted
if character recognition results would have been correct; in this case training this document would not be
 You should check whether a field may be empty because the value violated a rule, for example if a date is
outside the valid range. In these cases do not train the document. Probably a valid value would have been
 Do not train values that are contained in a table or in a row following a table. In this case, field position would
depend on the number of table rows and would thus be on varying positions on different documents of the same
layout. In this case, Adaptive Recognition cannot be used. Examples for training errors

If a sample is trained where fields are not captured correctly, all documents where this sample is used to find the fields
will contain erroneous values. Therefore it is important to be careful when capturing data during training. The following
table lists some possible training errors:

Error Description
Wrong field To specify a field at a wrong logical position is a severe error during training,
because this yields an extraction error each time the sample is used for extraction.
In this case Adaptive Recognition always extracts the field at a wrong position.
Field not present on the Some fields may not be present on all documents of a specific layout. If a
training document candidate does not contain such a field, it is not suitable for training. Wait for a
better candidate that contains all fields where Adaptive Recognition is used.
Wrong logical field size Sometimes the tooltip contains an additional character or word that is printed
closely to the field value. For example a VAT rate could contain a following
percent sign, or a value could include a following comma. In this case, hold
CTRL down while you draw a rectangle around the field value so that the
captured value only contains the desired characters.

2.6.3 Training of Adaptive Classification fields

Adaptive Classification can be used for custom fields in an invoice application. For more information, see "Adaptive
Classification (invoice applications)" on page 30. Adaptive Classification is not used by default. Therefore, you have to
perform training for Adaptive Classification only if you work with an application that uses Adaptive Classification
custom fields.
Without training, the Recognition Server and the Recognition Nodes do not extract values for these fields. In the
Validation Client the respective fields are always empty, and field values therefore must be entered manually by the
Validation user.
The Recognition Server and the Recognition Nodes have to learn how to select values for the Adaptive Classification
fields. They need example invoices for each value of an Adaptive Classification field.
These examples and the respective field value have to be provided by training. The Recognition Server keeps these
learning data in special repositories in a database. For more information about repositories, see "Administering
repositories for Adaptive Technologies" on page 37.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  33

2.6.4 Training modes
Typically, training is performed using the Customizing Client on a separate standalone system used only for application
development and training. The user needs local administrator rights on this standalone system.
In this case take care to use the same application for training that is used on the production system because it is not
possible to import learning data into a different application, even if it has the same name, settings, and fields. To make
sure that you work with the right application, import it from the SAP ERP system.
Fill the missing field values of the Adaptive Recognition fields using the mouse (for more information, see “Correcting
Documents Using the Mouse” in OpenText Invoice Center - User’s Guide.
Take notice that in the Customizing Client fields that can be trained are marked by a blue frame in the field list. For
Adaptive Classification fields, select the appropriate value from the drop-down list. The training data are immediately
sent to the appropriate database when you submit a document.
Training is typically performed by a specially trained Validation operator that needs local administrator rights on the
Customizing Client. This Customizing Client does not communicate with the Recognition Server; it works standalone, or
communicates with the SAP ERP system in the same way as a Validation Client.
When a training session has been finished, export the learning data to a file and import this file on the production system.
Alternatively, training can be performed on the production system. In this case training modifies the training database
used during production directly.
If you perform training and at the same time modify the application, you must export the application together
with the learning data to a file, import the file at the production system, and in addition export the application
to SAP ERP. Using export/import using a file is necessary because learning data are not exported to SAP ERP.
Three different training modes are available:
 Training of images selected during validation. Images that were selected by Validation users and are marked in
VIM/BCC are imported for training (recommended training mode).
 Training locally without SAP ERP. Images prepared in a folder are processed and are then available for training
in the Customizing Client.
 Training during validation using the Customizing Client. Training of images selected during validation

To be able to use this training mode, select the Activate “Mark for Training” in Validation check box at the
Validation node in the Settings dialog box; at an invoice application this is a subnode of the Configuration node.
This makes the Mark for training command in the Validation Client available. If the Validation operator uses this
command on documents with bad recognition results, the respective images are marked in a table in the SAP ERP
system and the images with their results can later be downloaded for training.
For training, the Customizing Client is used. If you perform training using the Customizing Client on the ICC/BCC
Server, the learning data are written to the production database and take effect immediately.
Alternatively, you can use a separate standalone ICC/BCC system with its own SQL Server instance. In this case, export
the learning data of the respective application after a training session and import them on the ICC Server of the
production system.
Before you start a training session, you should check which documents are marked for training. For invoice applications
use the VIM Admin Tool (for more information, see OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions -
Administration Guide) and unmark documents, for example if many similar documents have been marked. For BCC
applications use the Inbound Administration Work Center in BC. For more information, see chapter 4 "Business Center
Workplace: Inbound Administration work center" in OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions - User Guide.

34  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To start a training session:
1. Start the Customizing Client.
2. Open the respective application.
3. On the application menu click Import Documents For Training.
4. In the SAP Login dialog box, select a SAP system, enter your credentials, and confirm with OK. The first
document with its results is then being displayed.
5. When you have captured all required fields, click Submit+Open.
With this training mode you do not need to click Train because this button is active automatically during the
whole training session.
When the document has been trained, the results are dismissed, that is, they are not transmitted to SAP ERP,
and the next document is shown.
6. If you do not want to train the current document, click Skip and open. The current document is then
discarded and the next document is shown.
7. To terminate training before all documents have been trained, click Cancel. The current document is again
available for training in the next training session. A click on Reject discards the current document and
terminates the training session.
Take care not to click Open inadvertently if this button is enabled. This would terminate the training session
and load a document for normal validation. Training locally without SAP ERP

To be able to use this training mode, you must prepare a folder with suitable images. Therefore this training mode may
be useful when you start to work with an ICC/BCC application; in this case you could prepare a folder with a few
documents for each document layout.
Typically you perform training on a separate standalone system, export the learning data, and import them on the
production system.
To start training locally:
1. Start the Customizing Client, and open the respective application.
2. In the Validation group of the Application tab, click Open from file, go to the prepared folder, select
several images, and click Open. You may have to wait some seconds until the first document has been
3. For each document, capture all required fields using the mouse, then click Train and Submit. The document is
trained and the next document is shown.
4. If you do not want to train the current document, click Cancel or click Submit without clicking Train. The
current document is then discarded and the next document is shown.
5. To terminate training, close the application.
If you have trained the selected documents and want to continue training, click Open from file again and select new

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  35 Training during validation
Alternatively, you can perform training during validation using the Customizing Client on the production system.
For invoice applications, the SAP ERP user must be configured for the VIM VALIDATOR role to be able to use this
training mode (for more information, see Vendor Invoice Management - Administrator's Guide).
For BCC applications, see " Validation agent assignment" in Business Center - Configuration Guide.
To perform training during validation:
1. To be able to perform validation with the Customizing Client, click ICC Options on the application menu, and
select the Activate Validation mode in Customizing Client check box.
2. To open documents from SAP ERP, in the Validation group of the Application tab, click Open.
3. When you have captured all required fields, click Train and click Submit+Open. The document is trained, its
results are transferred to SAP ERP, and the next document is shown.

2.6.5 Exporting and importing learning data

You can export the learning data to a file together with the application. Alternatively, only the learning data can be
exported to a file. Which method you use, depends on your system configuration and on the training mode you use (see
"Training modes" on page 34).
To export learning data to a file:
1. On the application menu, point to Export Application and click To File.
2. In the Select Application dialog box, select an application in the list, and clear the Download data check
box if it is present.
3. If only the learning data should be exported, clear the Settings check box.
4. Confirm with OK and specify a file in the appearing file dialog box.
To import learning data:
1. On the application menu, point to Import Application and click From File.
2. In the file dialog box, select the desired archive file and click Open. The Select Application Components
dialog box opens.
3. If the archive file contains an application, the Settings check box is selected. If it contains download data, the
Download data check box is selected. Clear both check boxes if they are present.
4. Click the desired application in the application list at the top of the dialog box and confirm with OK.
5. If the selected application already contained learning data, a dialog box asks for confirmation. If you confirm
with OK, the present learning data of the application are overwritten with the learning data contained in the
archive. Therefore take care to use the same learning data for training that are used on the production system for
that application. If you are not sure whether the file with learning data is complete, click Cancel to abort the
For field identification, internal IDs are used. Therefore learning data can only be imported into the same
application they were trained on. If the learning data contained in the archive do not match the application
because they were trained for a different application or a different version of the application, a dialog box asks
you for confirmation. In this case you should terminate import by clicking Cancel.

36  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.7 Administering repositories for Adaptive Technologies
The Adaptive dialog box permits to administer the repositories (learning databases) for Adaptive Recognition fields and
Adaptive Classification fields.
To open the dialog box,
1. On the Setup group of the Application tab, click Adaptive.

On the left side of the Adaptive dialog box you find a tree structure presenting the ART and ACT repositories
of the current application.
2. Select the respective tree node to display the corresponding repository on the right side of the Adaptive dialog
Adaptive Recognition is used for the following:
 For some optional fields (Supply Date, Freight Amount, or Handling Charges). These fields are not used
by default. They have to be activated manually (see "Activating optional fields" on page 107).
 For any of the standard fields of applications with country setting China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, and
 Adaptive Recognition can be used for custom fields (see "Adaptive Recognition" on page 28).
 Adaptive Recognition can be activated for some standard invoice fields (see "Using Adaptive Recognition for
standard invoice fields" on page 134).
Adaptive Recognition fields have to be trained (see "Training of Adaptive Recognition fields" on page 31). Learning
data are kept in different repositories within a database. There is a single Adaptive Recognition (ART) repository for all
fields of an application that use the Adaptive Recognition automation method.
If you do not use Adaptive Recognition fields in an application, the ART repository of the application is empty.
Adaptive Classification can also be used for custom fields (see "Adaptive Classification (invoice applications)" on page
30). Adaptive Classification is not used by default. Adaptive Classification fields have to be trained (see "Training of
Adaptive Classification fields" on page 33). Learning data are kept in different repositories within a database. There is a
separate Adaptive Classification repository (ACT) for each field of an application that uses the Adaptive Classification
automation method. If you do not use Adaptive Classification fields in an application, there will not be ACT repositories
to administer.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  37

2.7.1 Administering an Adaptive Recognition repository
To display the contents of the respective repository, select the ART node in the Adaptive dialog box

For each sample (trained document) of Adaptive Recognition, the trained field values are shown in addition to
administrative data.
Usage Count
Indicates how often the sample has been used.

Last Usage Date

Shows when the sample was used last time.

If you click Reset usage counters ( ) in the toolbar, last usage date and usage count of all samples are being

The state of a sample, indicated by the State column, affects recognition and training.
 A sample in state confirmed is never removed automatically.
 State unconfirmed is the default state for newly trained samples. A sample in state unconfirmed may
be removed during training of a new sample if it has been trained more than 30 days ago, its usage count is
zero, and repository size has reached its maximum size of 2000 samples.
 A sample in state excluded is not used for data extraction. In addition, it is not removed automatically.
Newly trained samples always have state unconfirmed. The first three buttons of the toolbar permit to
assign a different state to selected samples. You can use this to prevent removal of samples by setting their
state to confirmed after you have checked that they are useful and have been trained correctly.
It is recommended to let the state unconfirmed unchanged for all samples. Thus samples that are no longer
needed can be removed automatically during training if the repository has reached its maximum size. If you
want to change the state of a sample to confirmed, you should be sure that the sample has been trained
correctly and that it will not become obsolete in the future.

Note: Take notice that samples that have been trained with ICC 6.0 or earlier, show state confirmed.
When you select samples, the context menu and corresponding toolbar buttons permit to delete the selected samples from
the repository, or to save the images to a folder.

38  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To rename a sample:
1. Right-click the sample row.
2. Click Rename.
3. Enter the new name.
To show samples:
1. Select one or more samples.

2. Click Show samples on the context menu or the corresponding toolbar button ( ).

3. If you selected several samples, you can use the arrow buttons to browse through the samples.
4. On the left side, the trained field values are shown. When you select a field result, and the respective box
coordinates are available, the result is highlighted on the document. When you position the pointer on a field,
additional data, such as state and confidence value are shown.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  39

5. You cannot correct a sample in this view. If a sample has been trained incorrectly, click Delete on the toolbar
to remove the sample from the repository.

2.7.2 Administering an Adaptive Classification repository

Adaptive Classification is only available at invoice applications.
When you select an Adaptive Classification field node in the Adaptive dialog box, an overview about the trained
samples of the respective repository is shown: Displaying the contents of the repository

When you select an Adaptive Classification field node in the Adaptive dialog box, and then select the Repository tab,
the contents of the respective repository are shown:

For all samples in the repository it shows, amongst others, the identification number, which is used to identify the
sample, the date when it was added to the repository, the file name of the image file used for training, and the class.
Each possible field value of an ACT field is a class. When you select a field value for an ACT field in the Validation
Client or in the Adaptive dialog box, you classify the invoice.
The context menu of an entry permits to open or remove a sample, or to change its document class (that is, the field
value of the ACT field) directly:

40  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Edit Samples opens an Edit Sample view for the selected samples. You can then control and modify the document

Removes the sample from the repository. Use this command to delete incorrectly trained samples.
Change Class
Permits to change the document class of the selected samples directly. A Change Class dialog box opens
where you can select the new document class. Use this command to correct incorrectly trained samples.
The toolbar of the view permits to refresh data, and to start training.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  41 Analyzing a repository
Select an Adaptive Classification field node on the Adaptive dialog box, and then select the Analysis tab to open the
Analysis view:

For each document of the repository, the Analysis tab displays, how this document would have been classified if it
were not trained. Thus this view shows how Adaptive Classification would classify unknown documents using the
documents in the repository. Thus, if you have a set of documents, there is no need to divide it into a set of training
candidates and a second set you use to test classification afterwards. You can train all your documents and still you can
then test classification and get a detailed analysis about the quality of classification for the different classes.
Test classification may yield different results: For example, a document may not be classified at all if there are no similar
documents in the repository. It may be rejected if its confidence value is below a threshold, or it may be classified to its
trained class (correct) or to another class. These different states are represented by traffic light colors:
Green: Documents that have been classified to their trained class (correct)
Yellow: Documents that have been rejected or could not be classified at all (reject)
Red: Documents that have been classified to another class (incorrect)

Note: If only a single document has been trained for a class, it is necessarily classified to a different class in this
test classification. But you should train additional samples for such a class anyway.
The Analysis tab shows the classification results of all documents in two ways:
 The bar on the right visualizes the state of all documents in the repository.
 In the center, the states are displayed in a map per result class. The result classes are sorted by the number of
documents assigned to the respective class. The width of a column indicates the number of documents.
Thus every area unit in the map represents the same number of documents. Thus it provides a view to the contents of the
You have the following options:
 The map can be zoomed, if necessary.
 When you move the pointer over the map or the bar, a tooltip appears describing the details of the area.

42  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

 You can select documents by clicking on the respective areas. If an area has been selected, it is shown hatched.
If you click Edit Samples, a Training tab opens with all selected samples. There you can view the
documents, change their class, or delete them from the repository.
 If you see a big area of incorrect or rejected documents, and you would like to understand how they have been
trained, click the Substitution button in the toolbar. Then the Analysis view changes to:

Now horizontal lines appear in the reject and incorrect areas, separating areas of documents rejected or
misclassified to another class. In green yellow, you can also see the documents that are correct, but rejected.
The documents in these areas can be selected in the same way as described above.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  43 Toolbar of the Analysis tab


The first button of this group starts a refresh of the data shown in the view. Use this button if you modified the
The second button permits to restrict the analysis to the last trained samples. When you click the button, a dialog box
opens where you can specify a date. When you confirm the dialog box with OK, the view is refreshed with the samples
that were trained after the specified date. If new samples are trained, after your application has already been released and
is running in production, you can see how the new samples fit the classifier. If you select all substitutions, you can see
only the problematic samples added since the last released version of the repository.

With these buttons you can enlarge or reduce the representation shown in the view horizontally or vertically. As soon as
you enlarge, a corresponding scroll bar is displayed, which permits to scroll to parts of the view that are not visible. With
the last button you can return to the default representation with a single click.
Mode selection

The first button shows the distribution of rejects and incorrect samples. If the button is not pressed, all rejects and
substitutions for a class are shown as a single area. If the button is pressed, the yellow areas tell not only the rate of
documents that have been classified to the wrong class, but which classes were substituted how often. The green-yellow
areas show, how many samples were classified correctly, but were rejected as unreliable.
The second button toggles between two different representations of the classification results in the Analysis tab. The
view either shows classification rates per trained class, or classification rates per result class.
The first representation indicates the quality of the different trained classes. The second representation shows you how
reliable the result is if a specific class has been found.

The first two buttons of this group permit to select all documents that have been classified to the wrong class during
analysis, or the documents that could not be classified at all, respectively. The last button removes all previous

This button toggles between color and black-and-white representation of the view.

44  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Context menu of the Analysis tab

Edit Samples
Opens all selected samples, that is, samples of the areas shown hatched in the view, on a Training tab so that
they can be edited.
Show Bars
The Analysis tab indicates the number of samples trained for a class through the size of the respective area.
By default the bars for the different classes all have full height but different width according to the number of
samples. If this command is marked, all bars are shown with same width but different height.
Save Report
Saves the result statistics of the data currently shown in the view to a text file. All data items in the files are
separated by tabs to make it easy to import the data into other programs. The following example shows a
report file:

Report on 2010.04.26 09.39.51 Trained class distribution per result class

Total Statistic 11 Documents

Date Wrong% Reject% Correct% Wrong Reject Correct
2010.04.26 09.39.51 27.27% 9.09% 63.64% 3 1 7

Fine Statistic Substitutions per ResultClass

ResultClassName AssignedClassName State Count Percent in Result Total Percent
English English Correct 5 100.00% 45.45%
German French Wrong 2 40.00% 18.18%
German English Reject 1 20.00% 9.09%
German German Correct 2 40.00% 18.18%
French German Wrong 1 100.00% 9.09%

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  45

2.8 Normalization
ICC/BCC can process documents from many different countries, which have different spelling of dates, amounts, or
numbers. Because field values of these types have to be delivered to SAP ERP in a prescribed format, some
normalization of field values has to be performed. For all standard fields, the necessary normalization is performed
automatically. Therefore most invoice applications do not require any modifications or extensions of normalization.
Normalization comprises a set of functions which can be combined in order to perform common tasks for fields in a
declarative way. Alternatively, normalization can also be performed by scripting.
The normalization functions are needed to accomplish the following tasks:
Checking field format:
Adaptive Recognition delivers unchecked character strings. Therefore it is necessary to check whether a date,
amount, or number field contains a valid field value. Especially for dates this is not an easy task, because in
different countries not only different separator characters are used, the order of day, month, and year varies
and month names may appear in the different languages with their own abbreviations. For numeric values and
amounts also different formats are in use.
Conversion to generic format:
When field values are checked either during processing of standard fields by ICC or by custom scripting, often
some calculations have to be performed. For example, for a date field it may be checked whether the date is
older than one year. Because Adaptive Recognition returns the string read from the document, you would have
to write code taking all different spellings of dates into account if no normalization were available. Therefore
the normalization functions permit to convert dates, amounts, and numeric values to generic formats.
Conversion to SAP format:
SAP ERP expects some data in a special format. For example, dates must have the format YYYYMMDD.
Therefore for some fields a normalization function performs the necessary formatting at SAP ERP export.

Normalization has been modified incompatibly with ICC 6.0. If you open an invoice application created with
ICC 5.2 that uses scripting or custom normalization, you are asked whether the application should be migrated.
If you answer with No, the application is not upgraded and the documentation of ICC 5.2 is still valid with
regard to normalization for this application. If you answer with Yes, you must adapt your scripting code.
Applications that use neither scripting nor custom normalization are always upgraded.

46  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.8.1 Action points for normalization
If field values are added to the Runtime Document, they are converted to a generic, language-independent format. Thus
you can also write language-independent scripting code, which can be used for applications processing documents from
different countries written in different languages.
There are several points during document processing where normalization is performed for standard fields and where
you can replace the default rules for standard fields, or specify custom normalization rules for custom fields:

1) The scripting entry point Custom Extraction, the component ICC Processing, and the Action Point Export
Validation are only present for invoice applications and applications of type Custom documents. For applications
of type Custom and for Solution Accelerator applications, these items are not present.
 After data extraction, the Extraction action point can be used to specify custom rules that take effect before
the Custom Extraction scripting entry point and ICC/BCC Processing. Then, two scenarios have to be
 After the Data Extraction scripting entry point, the Extraction step provides data for export to SAP ERP in case
that the document is not sent to Validation. Here, at an action point Export SAP, default normalization rules
for standard fields are applied, which convert the standard fields to the format expected by SAP ERP.
 For export to Validation, separate rules can be specified at the Export Validation action point.
 In Validation there is an action point Display, which converts the internal language-independent format into
the format that should be displayed. At a second action point Manual Input data captured by the Validation
operator are checked and normalized. Before the data are exported to SAP ERP in Validation, again the
normalization rules of the action point Export SAP are applied.
In the project tree of the Settings dialog box, all normalization rules can be found under a Rules node; at an invoice
application, it is a subnode of the Fields node. The Rules node has a subnode for each action point:

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  47

An action point node shows three subnodes:
 At the Confirmation Rules node, you can specify rules, which take effect if the Validation operator
confirmed the respective field with CTRL+ENTER. In this case the custom sequence specified at this action
point replaces the default action and the custom action for this field. The Extraction action point node does not
show this subnode.
 At the Custom Rules node, you can specify custom rules, which can replace the predefined standard rules for
certain fields.
 The Predefined Rules node shows the standard rules for the standard ICC/BCC fields. These rules cannot be
modified or deleted, fields cannot be attached or detached, and you cannot add new rules under this node. This
ensures that standard normalization again takes effect if you detach custom rules from fields.
Each rule has all fields as subnodes that are attached to the rule so that you can see immediately to which fields the rule
is applied. If you double-click such a field node, the respective field under the Fields node is selected.
 The following example shows that standard rule DI_Date is attached to the fields InvoiceDate and
InvoiceDeliveryDate at the action point Display of an invoice application. Thus this rule is applied to the
InvoiceDeliveryDate field. For the InvoiceDate field it is replaced by the custom rule My_DI_Date:

 At the field definition nodes, a Rules subnode with the same structure is shown. But here only those rules are
shown that are attached to the respective field. The following example shows the InvoiceDate field node
where you can again see that a custom rule has been attached at the Display action point, which replaces the
standard rule:

48  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

If you double-click a rules subnode under a field definition node, the respective rule definition under the Fields >
Rules node is selected.
The Rules subnode of field definition nodes is only used to indicate which rules are attached to the respective field. You
cannot add, modify, attach, detach, or remove rules at the subnodes of this Rules node.

2.8.2 Adding a Custom or a Confirmation Rule

To add a new rule:
1. Expand the nodes Fields > Rules and the respective action point node.
2. To add a custom rule, right-click its Custom Rules subnode, or to add a confirmation rule, click its
Confirmation Rules subnode, and then click Add New Role on the context menu. Example:

The New Rule dialog box opens.

3. In the Rule name box, type a name for the new rule.
4. To create a copy of an existing rule, click the respective rule in the rule list showing all predefined and all
custom rules; if you accept the default value <empty>, an empty rule is created:

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  49

5. If you create a new rule as copy of an existing rule, a dialog box may be displayed, which asks whether attached
fields should also be attached to the copy.

2.8.3 Attaching rules to fields

To attach a custom rule or a confirmation rule to a field:
1. Right-click the respective rule definition node, and then click Attach Rule to Field. The Select Field dialog
box opens and shows a list containing all predefined fields and all custom fields:

2. Click the desired field and confirm with OK.

50  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.8.4 Exporting rules to a file
Exporting and importing rules permits to copy rules of an application to another application.
To export rules to a file:
1. Right-click the Rules node or one of its subnodes.
2. If you did not click on a single rules node, the Export Rules dialog box opens and displays a list of available
rules below the respective node:

Select the rules that should be exported, and then click OK.
3. In the file dialog box select a folder, enter a file name, and then click Save.
The selected rules are written to an XML file with the extension .rules.

2.8.5 Importing rules

To import rules:
1. Right-click the Rules node, and then click Import Rules.
2. In the file dialog box, select a file containing exported rules and click Open.
All rules contained in the file are added to the action point from which they were exported.
If a predefined or a custom rule was exported, it is imported as custom rule. An exported confirmation rule is
imported as confirmation rule.
If a rule with the same name exists at a node, the name of the imported rule is modified by appending a number
enclosed in brackets so that existing rules are not overwritten.

2.8.6 Detaching rules from fields

To detach a rule from a field:
1. Expand the rule definition node in the tree view.
2. Right-click the respective field subnode and then click Detach Rule from Field.

2.8.7 Removing rules

To remove a rule:
1. Expand the respective action point.
2. Right-click the rule node and then click Remove Rule.
If fields are still attached to the rule, you are asked for confirmation.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  51

2.8.8 Rules
A rule is composed of a list of normalization actions, which are processed sequentially as long as the field state remains
OK. As soon as an action sets the field state to Error, processing continues at the next Continue on error action in the
rule; or it terminates if no such action is present.
The following table shows how the different actions affect field value or field state:
Action may change state may change value
Translate characters no yes
Translate words yes yes
Regular expression yes yes
Check type yes yes
Check type and formatting yes yes
Check sum of table column yes no
Checksum yes no
Mathematical equation yes no
Continue on error yes no
Status bar – Text on state error… no no Translate characters

This action permits to replace or delete characters in field values. For example, it could be used to convert a field value
to upper case, or remove percent signs from VAT rates. Translate words

This action replaces words using a translation table. For example, this action could be used to translate abbreviations
occurring in the quantity or currency column on documents of a certain country to ISO identifiers used by SAP ERP. If
the field value is not present in the translation table, the field state is set to Error. Regular expression

The Regular expression action is a very powerful tool for validation and conversion of field values. It consists of a
pattern specified in a special syntax for details) and replacement information. For more Information about the syntax,
refer to
If no match can be found, the field value remains unchanged, but the field state is set to Error. If a match is found, the
specified replacement takes place. Take notice that parts of the field value that do not match the regular expression
remain unchanged. Thus the regular expression should be able to identify and remove unwanted extensions of the field
value which may not be easy in some cases. Therefore a test dialog box permits to test the regular expression. Check type

This action permits to check dates, amounts, or decimals. For each type, a culture list is stepped through until the field
value can be parsed successfully. If parsing does not succeed for any culture in the list, the field state is set to Error.
Otherwise the field value is converted to a format that is suitable for scripting:

Type Generic format Example input Result

Date DD.MM.YYYY 21. January 2010 12.01.2010
Amount No thousands separator; dot as decimal separator 12.345,67 12345.67
Decimal No thousands separator; dot as decimal separator 19,5 19.5

52  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Check type and formatting
This action is similar to Check type but allows more flexible parsing and formatting. In addition to a culture list for
parsing of the field value, syntax and culture for the result can be specified. For more information about culture
information, see For more
information about formatting details, see Again, the field state is
set to Error if the field value cannot be parsed with any of the specified cultures. Check sum of table column

This action computes the sum of all values of an item table column and compares it with the value of the current field. If
the values differ, the field state is set to Error; in Validation the field is shown as erroneous and an according message is
displayed in the status line below the field list. The action can be used to check the sum of the line item amounts against
the net amount. Checksum
This action checks the check sum of the field value according to the specified check sum algorithm. If the check sum is
not correct, the field state is set to Error. Three different check sum algorithms are available:
 modulo10_FI
 modulo10_NO_SE
 modulo11_NO_SE Mathematical equation

This action evaluates a mathematical expression. The field state is set to OK, if the expression evaluates to true, Error
The expression must consist of an equal sign and terms on its left and right side. The variables must be field names or
column names of table fields whose values are decimals. A column name evaluates to the sum of the column values of
all rows. The terms can contain parentheses, decimals, and basic arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/).
For each field or table column that is used in the equation, you should specify a Check type action at the Manual
Input node with Amount or Decimal as type. Continue on error

If an action sets the state to Error, processing jumps to the next Continue on error action, or processing terminates if
no such action follows. The action sets the state to OK so that following action can be executed. Therefore this action
can be placed between alternative parts of the rule and works like a logical OR for sequences: if the first part of the rule
fails, the next part following the first Continue on error action starts etc.
This action is especially useful for rules comprising a regular expression as a regular expression cannot have alternative
replacements. Status bar

Three actions permit to specify message texts, which are displayed if the field state is Error. Thus you can specify
separate message texts for empty field, for a date that is not within the specified range, and a generic text for other error

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  53

2.8.9 Modifying a rule
When you select a rule definition node in the tree view of the Settings dialog box, the actions of the corresponding rule
are shown:

To modify the action list, right-click an item in the action column; if you just created a new sequence, use the empty first
line that is shown. The following context menu appears:

Insert action before

Click one of the actions on the submenu. The action is inserted before the selected item.
Append action to end
Click one of the actions on the submenu. The action is appended at the end of the action list.
Deletes the selected action from the rule.
Move action up,
Move action down
These commands permit to change the order of actions by moving the selected action up or down.

54  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To modify an action:
1. Right-click the Parameter column of the respective action row.
2. Click Edit parameter. The configuration dialog box of the respective action type opens.

Note: If you click a rule that is a subnode of a Predefined Rules node, its action list is shown, but the context
menu is not available because the default action sequences cannot be modified.

2.8.10 Action parameters

To modify an action, right-click its parameter field, and then click Edit parameter. A dialog box opens where you can
modify the parameters of the respective action. Parameters of the Translate Characters action

This action permits to replace or delete characters in field values. For example, it could be used to convert a field value
to upper case, or remove percent signs from VAT rates.

To add a character translation:

1. Click Add on the context menu
2. Type a single character in the From and To boxes of the appearing new row.
With the remaining commands you can delete a selected item from the list, or change the order by moving a selected
item up or down.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  55 Parameters of the Translate Words action
This action replaces words using a translation table. For example, this action could be used to translate abbreviations
occurring in the quantity or currency column on documents of a certain country to ISO identifiers used by SAP ERP. If
the field value is not present in the translation table, the field state is set to Error.

To modify the translation table:

1. In the Translation table box, type a name for the word translation table. If you choose a new name, the
translation table is saved to a new file when you click OK later. If you enter the name of an already existing
translation table, it is loaded, and its entries are shown. This permits to use the same translation table in different
actions. In this case you should be aware that all actions using the same table are affected if you modify the
table later.
2. To modify the translation table, use the commands of the context menu to add new entries, to delete a selected
entry, or to change the order by moving a selected entry up or down.
3. When you click OK, the translation table is saved to a file using the translation table name as filename.
You should not copy the standard rules for currencies and item units to modify these data. Instead go to the
field list in the project tree and specify currencies at the Currencies sub node of the Amounts node, or
specify item units on the Units Of Measure tab of the InvoiceItems field.

56  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Parameters of the Regular Expression action
The Regular expression action is a very powerful tool for validation and conversion of field values. It consists of a
pattern specified in a special syntax and replacement information. For more information about the syntax, see .
If no match can be found, the field value remains unchanged, but the field state is set to Error. If a match is found, the
specified replacement takes place. Take notice that parts of the field value that do not match the regular expression
remain unchanged. Thus the regular expression should be able to identify and remove unwanted extensions of the field
value which may not be easy in some cases. Therefore a test dialog box permits to test the regular expression.

To enter a regular expression:

1. Enter a regular expression and a replacement string. In the replacement string you can refer to parts of the found
match that correspond to parts of the regular expression that you enclosed in parentheses. With $n you refer to
the n-th opening parenthesis in the regular expression. With $0 you refer to the whole matching string without
having to enclose the complete regular expression in parentheses.
2. Type a test string in the Sample input data box and click Test. If the string matches the regular expression,
the result is shown, the orange area turns green.
3. Click OK.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  57 Parameters of the Check Type action
This action permits to check dates, amounts, or decimals. For each type, a culture list is stepped through until the field
value can be parsed successfully. If parsing does not succeed for any culture in the list, the field state is set to Error.
Otherwise the field value is converted to a format that is suitable for scripting:

Type Generic format Example input Result

Date DD.MM.YYYY 21. January 2010 12.01.2010
Amount No thousands separator; dot as decimal separator 12.345,67 12345.67
Decimal No thousands separator; dot as decimal separator 19,5 19.5

To modify the check type action:

1. In the Type list, click one of the available data types Amount, Date, or Decimal.
2. Enter all cultures (.NET cultures such as en-US) into the parse culture list separated by a space that should be
used when trying to parse the current field value.
Do not modify format specifications on the Format tab of the Region and Language dialog box of the
Windows Control Panel because this would affect checks and formatting within ICC/BCC.

58  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Parameters of the Check Type and Formatting action
This action is similar to Check type but allows more flexible parsing and formatting. In addition to a culture list for
parsing of the field value, syntax and culture for the result can be specified. For more information about culture
information, see . For more
information about formatting details, see .Again, the field state is
set to Error if the field value cannot be parsed with any of the specified cultures.

To modify the check type and formatting action:

1. In the Type list, click one of the available data types Amount, Date, or Decimal.
2. Enter all cultures (.NET cultures such as en-US) into the parse culture list separated by a space that should be
used when trying to parse the current field value.
3. At the Format parameter enter a .NET Framework format string, and at Format culture enter the culture that
should be used to format the result.
Do not modify format specifications on the Format tab of the Region and Language dialog box of the
Windows Control Panel because this would affect checks and formatting within ICC/BCC. Parameters of the Check Sum of Table Column action

This action computes the sum of all values of an item table column and compares it with the value of the current field. If
the values differ, the field state is set to Error; in Validation the field is shown as erroneous and an according message is
displayed in the status line below the field list. The action can be used to check the sum of the line item amounts against
the net amount.
When you click Edit Parameter, a dialog box opens where you can select the table column in a list. Select a column
with numerical values and confirm with OK.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  59 Parameters of the Checksum action
This action checks the checksum of the value with the specified checksum mode.

To specify the checksum mode:

 In the Select Checksum Mode dialog box, click a mode in the list. Parameters of the Mathematical Equation action

This action evaluates an equation containing field or column names as variables, and sets the field state to Error if the
equation does not evaluate to true.
In the Specify Equation dialog box, enter the equation and in the Maximum allowed difference box, enter the
maximum difference between the values of the left and the ride side of the equation. Parameters of the Status Bar actions

Three actions permit to specify message texts, which are displayed if the field state is error. Thus you can specify
separate message texts for empty field, for a date that is not within the specified range, and a generic text for other error
There are three actions where you can specify a message text, which is displayed in the status bar if the field is in state
error at the end of the rule:
Text on state error if empty
Text specified here is displayed if the field is empty at the end of the rule.
Text on state error if value out of range
Text specified here is displayed if a date is not within the specified range.
Text on state error
Text specified here is displayed in all other cases if the field state is error at the end of the rule.
At each of these actions, Edit parameter opens a dialog box where you can enter a message text.
The order of these actions and their position within the rule is not important. They are implicitly moved to the end of the

60  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2.8.11 Migrating invoice applications created with earlier versions
Normalization controlled by the Extended Customizing dialog box has been modified incompatibly in ICC 6.0 SP1.
It now uses country-independent formats for amount, date, and quantity values also within Validation scripting. The
following diagram illustrates data formats and formatting in Validation for earlier versions on the left side, and for ICC
6.0 SP1 and later versions on the right side. Dark-blue arrows indicate data in generic, country-independent formats,
whereas light-gray arrows indicate country-specific data formats. Normalization action points are shown in orange color:

If your invoice application does not need to use the new extended customizing, you do not need to migrate the
application. In this case, the application runs in legacy mode and normalization behaves as in ICC 5.2. If you open such
an application in the Customizing Client, answer with No when you are asked whether the application should be
If you want to use the new extended customizing features or if you want to write country-independent scripting code,
your application must be migrated. If your application uses scripting or if you modified normalization using the
Extended Customizing dialog box, you must check and adapt your application. The following table gives an
overview how you have to proceed depending on your application:

Validation scripting used Planned changes Confirm Migration Use Normalization

or Extended dialog box with documentation of
Customizing modified?
No Don’t care - (Migration is 7.5
performed automatically)
Yes None No former version
Yes Use only extended customizing No former version
functions of former version
Yes Use the new extended Yes 7.5

When an application is loaded, ICC/BCC performs some checks and decides how to proceed. Three cases have to be
 If the application has been created with ICC 6.0 SP1 or later, nothing has to be done.
 If the application has been created with an earlier version, but it contains neither scripting nor extended
customizing (that is, no modifications were made in the Extended Customizing dialog box), automatic
migration is performed.
 If the application has been created with an earlier version, and contains scripting in Validation or extended
customizing, the application runs in legacy mode, that is, normalization behaves as in version 5.2. If such an
application is opened in the Customizing Client, you are asked whether the application should be migrated.
Before you answer with Yes, take care to keep a copy of your application for later references.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuration and customizing  61 Scripting in validation
Only scripting in Validation processing fields with date, amount or quantity values has to be investigated. In former
versions, these fields contained country-specific data. For example the decimal separator in amount values is country-
Now all standard fields with state ok contain data in a generic format in the Runtime Document:

Data type Format

Amount and quantity Decimal point is used as decimal separator; no thousands
separators are used.

With this in mind, check your Validation scripting and adapt it, if necessary. In Validation, field values are now
formatted for display and are controlled after manual input by extended customizing. Extended customizing

If you did not modify extended customizing, that is, if you did not add any custom action points in the Extended
Customizing dialog box, nothing has to be done. ICC/BCC upgrades extended customizing to the new default settings.
When an application is migrated, normalization is replaced completely. Thus all custom action points and custom action
sequences get lost, and you must specify custom normalization anew.
Because the action point ExtSAP already worked on generic data in the former version, you can specify the same action
sequences using the same parameter settings at the action point Export.
At the action points Display and Manual Input, keep in mind that the Display action point specifies conversion of
data from generic format to country-specific format, whereas the action point Manual Input specifies checking and
conversion to generic format for values captured with mouse or keyboard. The default formatting for the Display action
point is determined by the Display culture property specified at the Display cultures node of the Settings dialog

62  Configuration and customizing ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3 Creating and configuring an invoice
3.1 Application development

3.1.1 Background information about applications

Invoice Capture Center provides various settings to adapt the system to customer needs. These customizing settings are
bundled in so called “invoice applications”. To customize Invoice Capture Center for your needs you have to create
invoice applications.
Application creation is done with the Customizing Client on the Recognition Server, usually on a special development
Recognition Server or standalone system connected to a SAP ERP development system. The created applications are
stored in a shared folder on the Recognition Server. Each invoice application is saved in its own slot in this shared folder.
A new application can immediately be used to process invoices by the Recognition Server, but it is not automatically
available for the Validation Clients to validate the recognition results. To provide a new application for the Validation
Clients, the application has to be exported to SAP ERP (for more information, see "Exporting an application to SAP
ERP" on page 11).
As soon as a Validation Client user has logged on to SAP ERP, all available invoice applications are downloaded from
SAP ERP to the Validation Client (import).
An application saved in SAP ERP can also be downloaded to any Recognition Server (import); for more information, see
"Importing an application from SAP ERP" on page 12. This facility is used for example to move an application from a
development Recognition Server to a test Recognition Server. For more information, see "Moving an application to
another SAP ERP system" on page 13.

3.1.2 Custom applications

Starting with ICC 7.5 SP2, the application type Custom document has been replaced with the new BCC application
type Custom. Existing applications of type Custom document can still be used and their settings can be modified
but you cannot create a new application of this type.
Starting with ICC 7.5 SP2, applications of the new type Custom can be created, configured, and used for document
processing. For more information about creation and configuration of Custom applications, see "Creating and
configuring a BCC application" on page 153.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  63

3.1.3 Applications created with ICC 5.2 Service Pack 4 or earlier
Until Service Pack 4, each application was assigned to one of ten slots called JobClass1 to JobClass10. In SAP
ERP, this slot name is displayed as application name, whereas the ICC application name appears in the column Field
Description. For application created with Service Pack 5 or later, the ICC application name is also shown as
application name in SAP ERP.
Applications are now no longer assigned to fixed slots. This is also true for old applications. Therefore restrictions and
rules for export and import of applications described in earlier releases of this manual no longer apply.
Please take notice that changing the application name has different effect for old and new applications:
 For applications created with Service Pack 4 or earlier, it only changes the field description in SAP ERP.
 For applications created with Service Pack 5 or later, it actually changes the application name. If you then
export the application to SAP ERP, a new item is created, whereas the application with the old name still exists
in SAP ERP so that you created a copy of your application. If you want to rename an application, you must
delete the application with the old name in SAP ERP.

3.1.4 Basic steps for application development

1. Download all invoice applications stored in the SAP system to the Customizing Client.
2. Create a new application.
3. Configure your new application.
4. Configure the Hot Spots of your application.
5. Test your application locally and with SAP ERP.
6. Export your application to the SAP ERP system.

3.2 Creating an invoice application

To create a new application:
1. On the application menu, click New Application. The Create Application wizard starts.
2. Specify name and application type.
3. Select country for a single-country application or specify properties for a multiple-country application.
4. Add archive document types.
5. Specify company code detection.
6. Specify SAP ERP connection data.
7. On the Ready page, click Create. The application is then created which takes some seconds.

3.2.1 Specifying name and application type

On the Select Application Type page type the application name in the Name box.
If the application should process only invoices for a single receiving country, accept the default option Single country.
When you click Next, the Regional Settings of the Receiving Country page is shown.
If the application should process invoices for several receiving countries, click Multiple countries. When you click
Next, the Select Receiving Countries & Application Display Language page is shown.

64  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.2.2 Specifying country for a single-country application
If Single country was selected on the Select Application Type page, the Select Regional Settings of
Receiving Countries page is shown as next page.
In its Country list, click the target country, that is, the country where the recipients of the documents reside.
The country list consists of two separate lists:
The first list contains countries for which automatic data extraction has been optimized so that you get good recognition
results for many header fields for most of these countries without special customizing. If you select China (Traditional),
Japan, Korea, or Thailand as country, most fields are extracted with Adaptive Recognition; therefore you must perform
training to enable ICC/BCC to extract data automatically. The first list contains the following countries:

Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China (Mainland)

China (Traditional) Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany
Hungary India Italy Japan Korea Netherlands
New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore
Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey
United Kingdom United States

For countries of the second list the application is preconfigured with regard to character recognition, culture settings
controlling data conversion and formatting, and VAT rates are specified. For some of these countries, data extraction
also yields good results if the respective country uses the same keywords and phrases as one of the countries of the first
list. For some countries, additional customizing is needed to achieve high recognition rates. For more information, see
"Invoice application for new country" on page 78. The second country list contains the following countries:

Andorra Angola Argentina Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain

Barbados Belarus Benin Bolivia Bosnia Bulgaria
Burkina Faso Cap Verde Central African Chile Colombia Costa Rica
Cote d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Democratic Republic of the Dominican
Congo (Congo Kinshasa) Republic
East Timor Ecuador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Estonia Greece
Grenada Guatemala Guinea Haiti Honduras Iceland
Ireland Jamaica Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia
Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemburg Malaysia Mali Malta
Mauritius Mexico Moldova Monaco Mozambique Namibia
Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Oman Panama Paraguay
Peru Philippines Republic of the Congo Romania San Marino Senegal
(Congo Brazzaville)
Serbia Seychelles Slovenia South Africa Suriname Togo
Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  65

Note: When the application has been created, the county settings can be found in the Settings dialog box where
they are shown at the Receiving Countries subnode of the General node.

3.2.3 Specifying properties of a multiple-country application

If you have selected Multiple countries on the Select Application Type page, several properties of a multiple-
country application must be specified.
The Regional Settings of Receiving Countries page shows a list of all supported receiving countries on the left

Select the required countries and click Add until the list on the right side contains all required receiving countries.

66  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

In the Application display language list, click the language that should be used to display the field names in the
Validation Client. If several entries for the same language are available, select the entry with a suitable country; the
selected country determines the format that is used for dates.
When you click Next, the Regional Settings of Vendor Countries page is shown:

On this page you specify the vendor languages, that is, the languages occurring on incoming documents, and
corresponding data formats. Select the required items in the list on the left side and click Add until the list on the right
side contains all needed languages.
Some countries have a special date format. For example in the United States a date starts with the month whereas in
other countries with language English, the date starts with the day. Therefore some items in the list show a country in
Due to possible ambiguities, order in which formats are checked can be important. Therefore you can change the order of
the items in the list on the right side. To move an item, select it and then click Move up or Move down.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  67

3.2.4 Adding archive document types
On the Archive document types page, add the names of all archive document types that should be processed by the
new application:

To add an archive document type, click Add, type the name of an existing SAP ArchiveLink document type in the
appearing dialog box, and confirm with OK.
The archive document types must be the same as in VIM.
For more information about configuring ArchiveLink document types in SAP ERP, see "Configuring ArchiveLink" in
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide.
The connection to SAP ERP is established by Hot Spots (for more information, see "Hot Spots (SAP links" on page 16).
The specified archive document type list is used to pre-configure the SAP Extraction Link Hot Spot. The configuration
of the Hot Spots can be changed later (see "Configuring Hot Spots" on page 17).

Note: You can modify the archive document types later using the Settings dialog box (for more information, see
"Configuring an invoice application" on page 82).

68  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.2.5 Company code detection
Company code detection can be specified during application creation on the Company code detection page, or later
on the Company codes tab of the Settings dialog box.

Three different methods are available to determine the company code. You can use:
 A single, fixed company code for all documents of the current application
 A separate company code for each archive document type
 Automatic company code detection
To be able to use automatic company code detection, you need to prepare a database in text file format (see "Recipient
data" on page 136), which contains the address data of the recipients together with their company codes and SAP ERP
target systems.
To use a fixed company code:
1. In the Company code detection list, click Use a fixed company code.
2. Enter the company code and the name of the target SAP ERP system all documents shall be transferred to.
To use different company codes for the different archive document types:
1. In the Company code detection list, click Use a company code per archive document type. The
dialog box shows a list of all archive document types that you specified on the Archive document types
2. For each shown archive document type, select the first archive document type, click Edit, enter the company
code and target SAP ERP system name for the document type, and confirm with OK.
To use automatic detection:
1. In the Company code detection list, click Automatic company code detection.
2. Enter a company code and target SAP ERP system name, which is used if the recipient of a document cannot be
3. Click Import recipients, select the prepared database file containing recipient data with the corresponding
company codes and target SAP ERP system names in the appearing file dialog box and confirm with Open.

Tip: If you process invoices for one company code only, choose Use a fixed company code.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  69

For each company code detection method, the company code is connected with a SAP ERP target system. At runtime, if
Invoice Capture Center has detected the company code of an invoice, it also knows the SAP ERP target system for the
invoice. When Invoice Capture Center exports the recognition results to Vendor Invoice Management, it also exports the
found target SAP ERP system. VIM manages the transfer to the respective SAP ERP system. Thus, Invoice Capture
Center supports SAP ERP multi-backend systems.

Note: You can modify company code detection later using the Settings dialog box. For more information, see
"Configuring an invoice application" on page 82. The company code field is shown in Validation only if automatic
company code detection has been specified. This setting cannot be modified, that is, selecting or clearing the
Visible check box on the Presentation tab in the Settings dialog box does not take effect for the company code

3.2.6 Specifying SAP ERP connection data

SAP ERP connection data can be specified during application creation on the Connection to SAP page. The
Recognition Server uses this SAP ERP connection data to log on to SAP ERP for fetching recognition jobs and
download data. For more information about required authorizations, see section “Recognition Server / Recognition Node
SAP ERP User” in OpenText Invoice Capture Center - Administrator’s Guide.
The connection to SAP ERP is performed by Hot Spots (for more information, see "Hot Spots (SAP links)" on page 16.
The specified SAP ERP connection data are used to pre-configure these Hot Spots. The configuration of the Hot Spots
can be changed later (see "Configuring Hot Spots" on page 17). Selecting a preconfigured SAP ERP system

If a saplogon.ini file is present on the system, the System list shows available SAP ERP systems. In this case you
can just click an SAP ERP system in the list and enter the remaining data, that is, user name, password, and language.
To make sure that you have specified correct data, you can click Check Login.
Alternatively, if SSO ticket handling is available, select the SSO ticket handling check box. In this case the dialog
box shows different properties. Enter client and ticket issuer url and then click Next.
When you have specified valid login data, click Next to proceed to the next page.

70  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Specifying RfcConfig parameters
If the System list of the Connection to SAP page is empty, or if you need to connect to a SAP ERP system that is
not available in the list, and you have all needed logon data ready, click Advanced to open the SAP Connection
dialog box and type values for the required parameters in the Rfc Config Parameters list:

Click Check login to test whether you have specified all needed values correctly.

Tip: If a saplogon.ini file is present, you can select a suitable SAP ERP system in the System list of the
Connection to SAP page before you click Advanced. The SAP Connection dialog box then shows the
parameters of the selected SAP ERP system, and you can modify values instead of typing everything in.
When you have entered all values correctly, type a suitable name in the System name box and then click Apply to
close the dialog box. The new SAP ERP connection appears in the System list.

The new connection is used for the Hot Spot connections of the current application but its data are not stored
separately. If you switch to another connection and close the Customizing Client, the connection specified in the
SAP Connection dialog box no longer appears in the System list afterward and the corresponding data get lost.
Click Next to proceed to the next page.

3.2.7 Application creation

ICC/BCC is now ready to create the application. Click Create to create the application. The invoice application is stored
in a shared folder on the Recognition Server and can immediately be used to process invoices for testing purposes by the
Recognition Server and all its Recognition Nodes. The new application is opened automatically.
The new application is not yet available for Validation Clients. To provide the invoice application for the Validation
Clients you have to export the application to SAP. For more information, see "Exporting an Application to SAP ERP" on
page 11.

Note: You can modify the customizing settings using the Settings dialog box. For more information, see
"Configuring an Invoice Application" on page 82.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  71

3.3 Use cases

3.3.1 More than one receiving country

The country setting of the application, that is the country in which the recipient of an invoice resides, determines the
VAT rates and the default currency within recognition and also the country culture such as the date format and the
amount format.
Usually a separate application should be created for each receiving country. For each application a different archive
document type has to be created in VIM (for more information, see "Creating an ICC Archive Document Type" in
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions -Configuration Guide). Invoices have to be sorted and scanned
with the different archive document types.
To be able to process invoices of several receiving countries with a single application, create a multiple-country
application. For more information, see "Creating an invoice application" on page 64.

3.3.2 More than one sending country

Check the list of languages supported by ICC (see "More than one receiving country").
If an invoice language is not in the list of languages supported by ICC/BCC the OCR is able to manage the detection of
vendor ID and company code as long as the addresses of sender and recipient) on the invoices are readable.
Example: Invoices from South American Vendors are written in Spanish but the layout might differ considerably from
Western European standard.
Western European invoices should not be mixed in one application with invoices from China (Mainland), China
(Traditional), Japan, Korea, Thailand, or USA. For each application, a different archive document type has to be created
in VIM (for more information, see "Creating an ICC Archive Document Type" in Open Text Vendor Invoice
Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide). Invoices have to be sorted and scanned with the different archive
document types.
 China (Mainland), China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, Thailand: A separate application has to be created.
Because of their special character sets, invoices of these countries must be handled in a separate applications. In
addition, except for China (Mainland), some samples of each invoice layout have to be trained because
Adaptive Recognition is used to extract the invoice data; for more information about training, see "Training" on
page 31. Without training there are no recognition results except for fields with database support such as fields
with vendor data.
 United States: A separate application has to be created. As there us no value added tax in the Unites States, you
do not need to specify VAT rates during application creation.
 Invoices from Western Europe countries – At least one separate application has to be created. The receiving
country determines the application VAT rates and currency.

3.3.3 More than one application

If you have created more than one application and want to use SAP ERP download data, you have to configure the SAP
Download Link Hotspots. For each SAP Download Link Hot Spot (each application) you have to specify which data
should be downloaded from which SAP ERP system and for which company code(s). This can differ completely for each
For more information about configuring download Hot Spots, see "Configuring Hot Spots" on page 17.

72  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.3.4 More than one SAP ERP system involved
Several SAP ERP systems often result from the acquisition of several companies with different system landscapes and
different master data structures. It is important that the invoices end on the correct accounts payable SAP ERP system
with the correct company code and the correct vendor data.
Each involved SAP ERP system needs to be configured separately for VIM and ICC/BCC. The archive document types
should be named uniquely throughout the system landscape. The download job has to be triggered on each involved SAP
ERP system.
For the determination of the SAP ERP target system there are three different alternatives:
 Creating a single application: using manual separation of the documents and scanning with different archive
document types (recommended alternative). For each archive document type the receiving SAP ERP system
and the company code are specified in ICC.
 Creating different applications. If you use more than one application for several SAP ERP systems, you can
configure them independently. For example you use one fixed company code and a single fixed SAP ERP
system in one application and automatic company code detection (based on recipient data table) in another.
 Mixing archive document types (manual document separation required) and automatic company code
detection in a single application. For automatic company code detection you have to import the recipient data in
the company codes settings.
For more information, see "Specifying archive document types" on page 84 and "Specifying company code detection" on
page 98.

3.3.5 More than one company code

It is important that the invoices end on the accounts payable SAP ERP system with the correct company code and the
correct vendor data.
For the determination of the company code there are three different alternatives:
 Creating a single application: using manual separation of the documents and scanning with different archive
document types (recommended alternative). For each archive document type, the receiving SAP ERP system
and the company code are specified in ICC.
 Creating different applications. If you use more than one application for several SAP ERP systems you can
configure them independent of each other. For example you use a fixed company code (a single fixed SAP ERP
system and one fixed company code) in one application, and automatic company code detection (based on
recipient data table) in another.
 Mixing archive document types (manual document separation required) and automatic company code
detection in a single application. For automatic company code detection you have to import the recipient data in
the company codes settings.
For more information, see "Specifying archive document types" on page 84 and "Specifying company code detection" on
page 98.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  73

3.3.6 More than one tax rate and VAT amount
In order to support processing of invoices with several different tax rates, there are four pairs of additional fields for
additional tax rates InvoiceVatRate1 .. InvoiceVatRate4, and InvoiceVatAmount1 .. InvoiceVatAmount4.
These fields are processed and exported to VIM if additional tax data could be found on an invoice.
By default, these fields are not shown in Validation. By changing the configuration in the Settings dialog box, you can
make some or all of these fields visible.

Note: The values of these fields are not checked, neither after Recognition nor after Validation.

3.3.7 High recognition capacity needed

To increase throughput, you can add Recognition Nodes as needed. A combination of Recognition Server and
Recognition Nodes is called Recognition Cluster. The Recognition Server distributes the workload within the
Recognition Cluster.
Customizing has to be performed on the Recognition Server.
For more information, see “Installation of a Recognition Node”, “Configuring the Cluster”, and “Load Balancing” in
OpenText Invoice Capture Center - Administration Guide.

3.3.8 More than one Validation Client

Usually you need more than one Validation Client.
For more information, see “Installation of a Validation Client” in OpenText Invoice Capture Center Administrator's
The Validation Clients receive documents for processing when the invoice application has been exported to the SAP
ERP system.

3.3.9 Vendor IDs are identical throughout company codes

Vendor Data are downloaded to ICC/BCC for processing and interpretation. In a company with many company codes
and a large number of vendors, the download may take a long time for all company codes.
If the vendor IDs are identical throughout all company codes of the SAP ERP system used in ICC/VIM, there is no need
to download them all. It is sufficient to load every vendor only once without reference to a specific company code.
To ignore the company code:
1. Change the variant of the SAP ERP download program (/OPT/IR_DL_VENDOR_TO_STG_TABLE). Select
Ignore Company Code. For more information, see “Downloading the vendor database from SAP” in
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management - Administration Guide.
2. Stop processing.
3. Change the ICC/BCC settings (Company Code) of your application. Select the Ignore company code and
SAP system at vendor detection check box.

74  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.3.10 Vendors IDs are not identical throughout company codes
Vendor Data are downloaded to ICC/BCC for processing and interpretation. In a company with many company codes
and a large number of vendors the download may take a long time for all company codes.
If the vendor IDs are not identical throughout the SAP ERP systems’ company codes used in ICC/VIM, you have to
download the vendor data for all those company codes. Configure the Download Hot Spot for all used company
Verify in the ICC/BCC settings (Company Code) that the Ignore company code and SAP system at vendor
detection check box is cleared. If it is selected, the vendor data are processed and interpreted by ICC/BCC as a generic
set with confusing results.
Changes to the ICC/BCC settings should only be made after processing has been stopped.

3.3.11 Shared service center

If invoices of different companies are processed in a shared-service center, manual sorting in a post shop is required.
Different archive document types have to be created in order to control the delivery to the correct SAP ERP system with
the correct company code.
Depending on the receiving countries and the invoice languages, at least one application has to be created for each

3.3.12 Intercompany invoices

If intercompany invoices are processed, manual sorting in a post shop is required. Different archive document types have
to be created in order to control the delivery to the correct SAP ERP system with the correct company code.
Depending on the receiving countries and the invoice languages at least one application has to be created for each

3.3.13 Custom field needed

If you need additional fields, you can add custom fields. For more information, see "Adding custom fields to an invoice
application" on page 113.
For more information about adding and configuring of custom fields, see "Adding custom fields to an invoice
application" on page 113.
In order to process such custom fields in VIM, VIM also has to be extended (for more information, see “Mapping
external system data (OCR/IDoc)” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions- Configuration Guide).

3.3.14 Not purchase-order-related invoices

If you want to process invoices that are not related to orders, OCR does not check the invoice line items against the
downloaded purchase order data as they are not relevant for this type of invoice.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  75

3.3.15 Non-standard syntax or length of PO numbers
Standard ICC/BCC accepts purchase order numbers consisting of 10 digits within specified ranges depending on the first
two digits:

If you use a different syntax or length for purchase order numbers, you have to change PO number settings. Mark Use
Regular Expression, and then click Edit in order to enter a regular expression:

76  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

The Enter Regular Expression dialog box opens:

For more information about regular expressions, see "Using regular expression" on page 91.
The official Microsoft homepage for regular expressions is:
As long as the Use Regular Expression check box is selected, the standard format and previously specified number
ranges are not checked. Therefore the number ranges are not shown and you cannot add or remove a number range in
this case.
If the specified regular expression accepts PO numbers with less than 10 digits, you must change to Manual Input rule.
It must accept PO numbers with leading zeroes, and it must add leading zeroes to PO numbers with less than 10 digits in
order to return only 10-digit numbers.

3.3.16 Processing invoices with appendices

Some of your invoices may have appendices that should not be processed by ICC/BCC Recognition. For this purpose,
the AppendixSeparatorSheet.tif patch code sheet with Patch Code 1 can be used as separator sheet. It is
provided in the SampleImages folder of the ICC installation folder. During scanning, this separator sheet should be
inserted between an invoice and its appendices. All pages following the separator sheet are not processed by ICC/BCC
Recognition and are not visible in Validation. To use this feature no special configuration is needed in your invoice
Alternatively, you could mark the page where recognition should stop with a barcode label. In this case, specify the
respective barcode type at the Skip pages node in the Settings dialog box.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  77

3.3.17 Invoice application for new country
If you need to process invoices of a country that is not supported by Invoice Capture Center, you can improve
recognition results by advanced customizing.
To create and optimize an application for a new country:
1. Create a new application and choose a country that uses the same or a similar character set so that good
character recognition results can be expected. In addition, this country should have a similar tax system than the
new country.
2. In the tree view of the Settings dialog box, expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > Amounts,
click the VAT Rates node, and specify all needed VAT rates.
3. In the Settings dialog box, lick the Display Culture subnode of the Fields node to adjust the display culture
according to the new country.
4. In the Settings dialog box, click the Sending Countries subnode of the Fields node and add the culture for
the new country as first item to the culture list.
If the country is available in the extended country list, that is, if the country name is preceded by two asterisks,
the application is already preconfigured accordingly and provides recognition results for:
 vendor determination,
 company code detection,
 Single Click Entry in Validation,
 PO numbers and delivery note numbers,
 Vendor VatID and Recipient VatID.
In this case you should only check whether the preconfigured VAT rates are correct.
In both cases, for new countries as well as for countries of the extended country list, recognition rate of the
different invoice fields varies considerably between fields, and between different countries.
5. Expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > InvoiceCreditMemo, click the Phrases List subnode,
and add keywords and phrases that can be used to determine credit memos for the new country.
6. At the node Fields > Predefined Fields, expand the Amounts node, and then click the Currencies
subnode. Specify the valid currencies by selecting or clearing the Active check box of currency items as
needed. If you need a currency that is not listed, right-click in a table row and then click Add translation line
on the context menu. Type the ISO code in the ISO column; then click the ellipsis button to open the Phrases
dialog box and add the notations that may occur for the respective currency.
7. To specify item units, click the InvoiceItems field node and then click the Units Of Measure tab. Select or
clear Active check boxes for item unit entries as needed. If an item unit specification is missing, you can add
new rows and specify the corresponding notations in the same way as at the Currencies node.
8. If recognition results of a header field such as InvoiceDate or InvoiceNumber are not satisfactory, you
could replace the standard automation method with a rule-based method either for all invoices or only for
invoices of some special layouts.
9. If recognition of line items is not satisfactory, you could create and optimize an InvoiceItemsCustom field in
Document Extraction, and add it as custom field. For the custom field you can specify new phrases for column
header detection, new phrases for end-of-table detection, different recognition for standard columns etc.

78  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.3.18 Applications for China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, Thailand
Application with these country settings do not use the ICC/BCC knowledge base, but use Adaptive Recognition instead.
Thus they provide less preconfigured invoice fields but offer more functionality to do vendor-specific invoice layout
training with Adaptive Recognition.
For applications with these country settings, training for the invoice layouts of the most frequent vendors sending in the
highest invoice volumes needs to be performed. Adaptive Recognition can be used for header fields and for the invoice
items table. For the invoice items table, only the first row needs to be trained; Adaptive Recognition then extracts the
complete table automatically. For invoice layouts that have been trained, often very good recognition rates can be
For the following preconfigured fields, applications with these country settings provide the same functionality as
applications for other base countries:
 Vendor fields: The vendor is determined based on downloaded vendor master data, or from PO.
 Company code: The company code is determined using recipient data, or from PO.
 All fields that return data based on database matching are available and work based on downloaded data in the
same way as for other ICC/BCC countries.
Single Click Entry is also available in the Validation Client so that data which have not been extracted automatically can
be captured with a single mouse click.
If you are setting up an application for use in a productive environment for one of these countries, you should plan an
Adaptive Recognition training phase. Training should be performed for the vendors delivering high invoice columns.
Therefore you should first analyze invoice volumes per vendor. Ideally, a few hundred vendors represent a large part of
the invoice volume. For these vendors, training should be performed before production starts. To optimize recognition
rates, additional vendor-specific training should be planned. For vendors with low invoice volume, data can be captured
comfortably in the Validation client using Single Click Entry.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  79

3.3.19 Presetting fields of an invoice application
For some fields of an invoice application it is possible to supply preset values using scripting before ICC/BCC
processing takes place. In this version, the fields System, CompanyCode, InvoiceVendorNumber, ListPO, and
ListDN can be preset.
The values must be supplied at the scripting entry point CustomExtraction in a special document with the name
PresetInvoice with the attribute Producer set to Preset.
The following code example shows the scripting code needed to preset values for the two fields System and

Document PresetInvoice = new Document(data,”PresetInvoice”);

PresetInvoice.Producer = ”Preset”;
PresetInvoice.Fields.Add(new Field(data,”System”,”MySAP”,DataState.Ok));
PresetInvoice.Fields.Add(new Field(data,”CompanyCode”,”1234”,DataState.Ok));

In the example code, fixed strings are assigned for the two fields. Alternatively, the application could use barcodes. In
this case add a custom field of type BarCode and use scripting to extract system and company code from the result of
this field.
The fields must not be empty. Therefore take care to provide a default value if necessary. Also take care to assign a value
to both fields; setting only one of the fields does not take effect.
The value of the CompanyCode field must comprise four digits. The value of the System field is a string.
The following example code shows the scripting code needed to preset a value for the field InvoiceVendorNumber:

Document doc= new Document(data,"PresetInvoice");

doc.Producer = "Preset";
doc.Fields.Add(new Field( data, "InvoiceVendorNumber", "0000000999", DataState.Ok));

The example code assigns a fixed value. In a real application, a value would be supplied in a variable by preceding code.
A vendor ID supplied by scripting is still be checked against downloaded vendor master data. If the supplied vendor ID
is not present in the master data, it does not take effect and the InvoiceVendorNumber field remains empty.
The following example shows scripting code that could be used to preset a value for the field ListPO:

Document doc= new Document(data,"PresetInvoice"); doc.Producer = "Preset";

if ( data.RootNode.SelectSingleNode(@"//PreListPO")!= null )

The example code assigns the value of a field PreListPO, which could have been extracted using a custom automation
method. The field in the document PresetInvoice must have the name PreListPO; it may contain additional POs
as alternatives. If the field PreListPO exists in the document PresetInvoice, its content is used in ICC
exclusively. This is also true if PreListPO is empty.
The following example shows scripting code that could be used to preset a value for the field ListDN:

Document doc= new Document(data,"PresetInvoice"); doc.Producer = "Preset";

if ( data.RootNode.SelectSingleNode(@"//PreListDN")!= null )

The example code assigns the value of a field PreListDN, which could have been extracted using a custom automation
method. The field in the document PresetInvoice must have the name PreListDN; it may contain additional DNs
as alternatives. If the field PreListDN exists in the document PresetInvoice, its content is used in ICC
exclusively. This is also true if PreListDN is empty.

80  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.3.20 Processing down-payment invoices
Down-payment invoices contain typical phrases, which can be used to distinguish them from other types of invoices.
This permits to recognize down-payment invoices, to indicate them in the Validation Client and to transmit special codes
to VIM.
To recognize down-payment invoices and to indicate them in the InvoiceCategory field:
1. On the Application tab, click Settings to open the Settings dialog box.
2. Add a new custom field: Open the Fields node, right-click the CustomFields node, click Add new custom
field, and type a suitable name in the Field name box, for example DownPayment.
3. Click the Automation tab and then click Create rule-based method to start the Document Extraction
Design Studio.
4. Add a Phrase field: In the Project Explorer click the Classes tab, right-click the IndexFields node of the
Unknown class node, point to Add Index Field, and then click Phrase. Type a suitable field name, for
example DPayment.
5. Adapt the search area so that the phrase is contained in the search area on all respective invoices.
6. Add phrases that indicate a down-payment invoice. Click OK to close the dialog box.
7. Save the project and close the Design Studio.
8. In the Settings dialog box, click the new field, for example Custom DPayment in the Method list.
9. Go to the InvoiceCategory field and click the Presentation tab.
10. Select the Visible check box so that the field is shown in the Validation Client, and determine the valid field
values for down-payment invoice and other invoices from the Items list.
11. Use scripting to set InvoiceCategory field depending on the result of the custom field. For down-payment
invoices it returns state OK, for other invoices it returns state empty.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  81

3.4 Configuring an invoice application
To configure the current application, click Settings in the Setup group of the Application tab to open the Settings
dialog box:

Note: The Settings button is only available if an application is open. The current application is shown in the title
bar of the Customizing Client. To open an application, click Open Application on the application menu, and
then click the appropriate application.
On the left side, the Settings dialog box shows all configurable items of the current application in a tree view. To
modify an item, you open the respective nodes and click the desired item. The right side of the dialog box then shows the
properties of the selected item.
At the uppermost level, four nodes are shown:
 The General node permits to modify name and description of the application at its Name subnode.
 The Configuration node permits to specify archive document types and to control training in the Validation
 The Fields node permits to specify all settings controlling data extraction.
 The Advanced node permits to enter scripting code, and to control which pages should be excluded from data

82  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.4.1 Modifying name and description of the application
To modify name and description of an application:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the General node.
2. Click the Name subnode and type a new name or description for the current application.
3. If you change the application name after you have exported the application to SAP ERP, delete the application
with the old name in SAP ERP. Otherwise two applications with different names would exist, that means you
created a copy.

Note: For applications created with ICC 5.2 Service Pack 4 or earlier, changing the application name in ICC only
changes the field description in SAP ERP, whereas the SAP ERP application name is still JobClass<n>

3.4.2 Specifying validation settings

In the Validation Client, the ribbon contains a command Mark for training. If the Validation operator uses this
command, the respective invoices with its result data are stored in VIM and can later be downloaded for training using
the command Import Document For Training on the application menu of the Customizing Client. By default, the
command is not available.
To activate training:
1. Expand the Configuration node in the tree view of the Settings dialog box.
2. Click the Validation subnode.
3. Select the Activate „Mark for training“ in Validation check box.
By default, the Validation operator can reject an invoice by clicking Reject and entering a reject reason. If the
Validation operator should not be able to reject invoices, the command can be disabled.
To deactivate the Reject command:
1. Expand the Configuration node in the tree view of the Settings dialog box.
2. Click the Validation subnode.
3. Clear the Activate „Reject“ in Validation check box.

3.4.3 Customizing a Chinese (Mainland) application

To customize an application with country setting China (Mainland):
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the General node,
2. Click the Receiving Countries subnode.
On the right side, the following check boxes are shown:
Use Custom Forms
Enables the Edit Forms button. A click on this button starts the RecoStar Design Studio, which you can use
to configure and test a RecoStar project for data extraction from forms.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  83

Use Custom Free Forms
Enables the Edit Free Forms button. A click on this button starts the Document Extraction Design Studio
with the Extraction project of the current Chinese application so that you can modify or extend this project.
For more information about the Document Extraction Design Studio and the Document Extraction fields and
their properties, see OpenText Capture Document Extraction - Developer’s Guide.
To be able to use the RecoStar Design Studio or to modify the Document Extraction project, you need special training.
To be able to work with the RecoStar Design Studio you may need an additional license. Therefore turn to OpenText
Learning Services if you want to use these features.

If Adaptive Recognition is used for applications with country setting China (Mainland), you should only
train invoice layouts that are not supported by ICC. Adaptive Recognition results are discarded for invoice
layouts that are supported by ICC.

3.4.4 Specifying archive document types

You can specify your archive document types on the Archive document types page of the Create a New
Application wizard while you create an application.
To modify the archive document types later:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the Configuration node.
2. Click the Archive document types subnode. The list on the right side shows all specified archive document

3. To add a type, click Add, type the name of an existing SAP ArchiveLink document type in the appearing dialog
box and confirm with OK.
4. To modify a defined type, select it and click Edit. You can then modify the name in the appearing dialog box.
Be sure to use the name of an existing ArchiveLink document type in SAP ERP.
5. To remove a type, select it and click Remove.
For information about configuring ArchiveLink document types in SAP ERP, see "Configuring Archive Link" in
OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions- Configuration Guide.

84  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Note: During creation of an invoice application, three Hot Spots are automatically created and configured. The
archive document types entered during application creation are used for the configuration of the SAP Extraction
Link Hot Spot. For more information, see "Adapting an SAP Extraction Link or an SAP Feedback Link" on page
17. The list of document types in the application settings and the list of document types in the SAP Extraction Link
configuration should always be identical. If you change the document types list in the Settings dialog box, the
document types list of the SAP Extraction Links will not be updated automatically. Therefore, after changing the
archive document types configuration of the application, be sure to adapt the configuration of the SAP Extraction
Links. For more information, see "Configuring Hot Spots" on page 17.

3.4.5 Specifying requester email addresses

ICC/BCC only recognizes requester email addresses that have been specified for the application. Therefore you should
specify all requester email addresses that occur on your documents.
To specify requester email addresses:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > InvoiceRequesterEmail.
2. Click Email Address List:

3. To add an email address, click Add, type a complete email address (, or an entire
domain ( in the appearing dialog box, and confirm with OK.
4. To modify an entry, select it and click Edit. You can then modify the email address in the appearing dialog box.
5. To remove an entry, select it and click Remove.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  85

3.4.6 Specifying line item processing
ICC/BCC can extract the invoice line items, and it can match the invoice line items against downloaded purchase order
To specify invoice line item processing:
1. Open the Settings dialog box, expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields> InvoiceItems, and then
click the Automation tab:

2. If additional information contained in the line items, such as additional costs and discounts, should be extracted,
select the Enable line item qualifying and filtering check box.
3. If the line items should not be extracted, clear the Extract line items check box.
4. If purchase order data are downloaded, and the invoice line items should be matched against these data, select
the Check line items against downloaded data check box.

Note: PO line number, PO number, and delivery note number are not returned by the recognition step. Therefore
these fields are empty in the invoice item data if the Check line items against downloaded data check box is
not selected. Line item mapping

If purchase order data are available, and the Check line items against downloaded data check box is selected,
ICC tries to find the corresponding purchase order item for each invoice item, and to complete the item data by adding
the following:
 PO number
 PO item number (position)
 Delivery note number of the corresponding purchase order item
To this purpose it uses the PO item data (records with ITEMTYPE 1), and the goods receipt data (records with

86  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Note: PO number, PO item number, and delivery note number (optional field, see "Activating optional fields" on
page 107) are only supplied by line item mapping; these items are not extracted from the invoice. Therefore these
fields are empty if line item mapping is not enabled, or does not succeed.
Line item mapping uses a subset of the downloaded data defined by the vendor and the purchase order numbers that
could be found on the invoice. It then uses the following to identify corresponding items:
 Quantity
 Unit price
 Item amount
If several items have the same values for these fields, it uses description text and the values of the column RESERVE1 to
resolve ambiguities. The column RESERVE1 is empty by default, but could be filled with data such as EAN numbers or
material numbers by customizing the SAP ERP download.
Line item mapping also uses the GR (Goods Receipt) data so that it is able to map items at which unit price and item
amount match, whereas the quantity found on the invoice does not equal the quantity in the purchase order data.

Note: Download comprises items with ITEMTYPE 3 (planned delivery costs), and ITEMTYPE 4 (goods receipt
for planned delivery costs). These items are not used at the moment.
If the sum of the recognized item amounts equals the recognized invoice amount and only a single invoice item could not
be mapped to a single remaining purchase order item, this item is mapped without regard to the field values.
If the unit price or the amount of an invoice item on the invoice differ(s) slightly from the unit price or amount values in
the corresponding purchase order item in the downloaded data, line item mapping will not find the corresponding
purchase order item in the downloaded data by default. To allow mapping despite of slightly different values, enter a
tolerance value under Set line item mapping tolerance. To specify an absolute tolerance, accept the default option
Absolute; otherwise select Percent. If the difference is in the specified tolerance range, line item mapping finds the
corresponding purchase order item. A percentage value may not work as expected due to the nature of the algorithm,
which is optimized for fast search.
By default, only PO numbers found on the invoice are returned. If you select the If no PO number found, determine
PO number from DB check box, a PO number found in the database is returned if the PO number could not be found
on the invoice.
To prevent high runtimes or erroneous results, line item mapping is not performed if no PO number could be found and
more than 200 line item candidates were detected.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  87 Specifying item units
In special cases, for example if you want to extend an application for a country that is not supported by ICC/BCC, you
must modify the list of item units.
To modify the item units table:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand InvoiceItems.
2. Click the Units Of Measure tab. All item units supported by ICC/BCC are shown as list:

3. To deactivate an item, clear the check box in the Active column.

4. To modify the set of notations for an item, click the ellipsis button in the respective row. A Phrase dialog box
opens and shows all notations defined for the item. You can then add, remove, or modify notations as needed.
5. To add a new item unit, right-click the item unit list, click Add translation line, type a name into the
appearing new line, click the ellipsis button to open the Phrase dialog, and specify phrases for the new item

Note: New item units only bring about that the specified values are accepted in the Validation Client; specifying
additional item units does not affect Recognition.

88  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Specifying extraction of additional costs and discounts
By default, extraction of additional costs and discounts is switched off. The respective item rows that could be identified
are not returned.
You can activate the extraction of expenses and discount. By default, item rows for additional costs and discounts are
returned, whereas found rows for the other amount types in the Qualifier list are removed from the InvoiceItems field
result. ICC/BCC uses keywords and phrases to determine the different kinds of expenses and discounts and searches
them not only in the items table area but also below where they may occur as a separate block on some invoices. To
optimize detection of expenses and discounts, you can add phrases, for example if you customize an application for a
new country, or you can remove phrases that cause problems on special invoices.
To activate extraction of expenses and discounts:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand InvoiceItems.
2. On the Automation tab of the InvoiceItems field, select the Enable line item qualifying and filtering
check box. This adds an Item Qualifying tab:

3. If found rows for additional qualifier types should also be returned, select the check box in the Deliver column
for the respective item.
4. To define additional application-specify qualifier types, right-click into the table, click Add key word row,
type a name in the Qualifier column, and add phrases to the phrase list of the new item. If the detected items
should be removed from the result, clear the check box in the Deliver column.
5. In the Phrases column, click the ellipsis button for the respective item. In the Phrase dialog box opens add,
edit, or remove phrases.
6. The ExclusionPhrases list contains phrases that are similar to some item qualifiers but may occur in other
types of items lines. Therefore they must not be found to avoid confusion.

Do not use the Delete key word row command on the context menu on the predefined items; otherwise the
preconfigured phrase list gets lost.

Note: If you select the Enable line item qualifying and filtering check box, the Visible check box at the
ItemQualifier column of the InvoiceItems field is also selected automatically so that this column is shown as
Qualifier column in the table view of the Validation Client. This column is a list where the Validation operator
can select either an empty item or one of the qualifiers whose Deliver check box is selected on the ItemQualifier

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  89

3.4.7 Specifying order number processing PO number ranges
By default, ICC/BCC only accepts purchase order numbers consisting of 10 digits within specified ranges depending on
the first two digits. When you create a new application, the configuration already contains some typical purchase order
number ranges shown in the PO number ranges list.

Note: The PO number ranges (and the regular expression) only affect recognition. Their purpose is to prevent that
other numbers found on the invoices, such as phone numbers, are interpreted as PO numbers. If PO numbers are
checked against downloaded data, or during line item mapping, PO numbers may be returned that are contained in
downloaded data but are outside the specified number ranges (or do not match the regular expression).
To modify the number ranges:
Open the Settings dialog box, expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > PO Numbers.

7. To add a range, click Add, type the first two digits of the purchase order number range, and confirm with OK.
8. To modify an entry, select it and click Edit. You can then modify the first two digits in the appearing dialog
9. To remove an entry, select it and click Remove.
If your purchase order numbers have a different structure that cannot be determined by number ranges, you can use a
regular expression to determine the purchase order numbers (see below).

90  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Check against downloaded data
If the PO numbers found by Recognition should be checked against downloaded purchase order data, select the Check
PO numbers against downloaded data check box. If recognition found a PO number on the invoice that resides
within the specified number ranges (or matches the regular expression), it is shown as erroneous in Validation if it could
not be found in the downloaded data.

Note: This check box only affects the returned header PO number. To get PO numbers for line items, you need to
select the Check line items against downloaded data check box at the Extraction subnode of the
InvoiceItems field node.

Note: To check the purchase order numbers, not all entries of the downloaded purchase order data are used.
Invoice Capture Center only uses the entries whose VENDORID field value matches the found vendor number,
whose COMPANYCODE field value matches the found company code, and whose SYSTEM field value matches the
found SAP ERP target system. Multiple PO numbers

If an invoice contains several purchase order numbers, the first found PO number is returned as header PO number. Using regular expression

You can use regular expressions instead of number ranges to detect purchase order numbers on invoices.
To use a regular expression:
1. Select Use Regular Expression. Instead of the PO number ranges box, the PO regular expression box is shown:

2. Click Edit to enter the regular expression.

3. In the Regular expression box, type the regular expression:

4. To test your regular expression, type a test string in the Sample input data box and click Test. If the test
string matches the regular expression, the Result color box changes to green. If the regular expression uses

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  91

parentheses to group parts of the regular expression, the Groups box shows the values assigned to the group
5. If your regular expression does not deliver a purchase order number but a string containing a purchase order
number, type a replacement string in the Replacement string box. Click Test to test the regular expression
and the replacement string with the test string. The Result box shows the output string.
6. Click OK to accept the regular expression. The regular expression is shown in the PO regular expression
7. If the specified regular expression accepts PO numbers with less than 10 digits, you must change to Manual
Input rule. It must accept PO numbers with leading zeroes, and it must add leading zeroes to PO numbers with
less than 10 digits in order to return only 10-digit numbers.

3.4.8 Vendor ID detection

To determine the vendor ID, two methods are provided:
1. Using downloaded purchase order data: If a purchase order number is found on the invoice and the downloaded
purchase order data contain a record for which PO number, company code, and SAP ERP system match the
values determined for the invoice, the vendor ID of this record is returned.
Prerequisites for this method:
 Purchase Order Data have been downloaded
 There is only a single SAP ERP system in all records of the download data.
Usage of this method can be switched off. If no Purchase Order Data are downloaded for the application, or if
more than one SAP ERP system is involved, you must switch this method off.
The method is useful if invoices often do not contain bank data or if the downloaded vendor master data are not
sufficiently filled for ICC/BCC Recognition purposes
2. Matching data found on the invoice against the downloaded vendor master data, for example bank data and
address data.
This method is only used if the first method has been switched off or if it did not succeed. Good results can be
expected if the vendor master data are sufficiently filled for ICC/BCC Recognition.
By default, the determined Vendor ID is only returned if the company code and SAP ERP system match the
values determined for the invoice. Alternatively you can specify that a determined Vendor ID should always be
returned without checking company code and SAP system. For more details about this alternatives, see below. Mapping algorithm using vendor master data

Vendor data are printed on the invoice mostly in form of address data with additional data like telephone number,
internet address of the company, bank data etc. There exist country-specific differences, how many vendor data are
printed on the invoice: in some countries company name of the vendor is mostly printed in form of a logo, or sender
address or bank data are not printed on invoices.
For the SAP system, the vendor ID, that means the vendor number in the SAP system of the invoice receiving company,
is the relevant identification for further invoice processing. This vendor ID is usually not printed on the invoice.
So an algorithm has been implemented to determine the vendor ID from data of the invoice issuing party printed on the
invoice. Due to country-specific variants mentioned above, the algorithm not only uses vendor address data, but all
invoice data that may contribute to vendor determination. The algorithm is based on generic SnapMatch. SnapMatch
tries to match the full text of a document against a database and returns the database records for which column values
have been found on the invoice.

92  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

The generic mapping algorithm has been optimized for invoice vendor determination on big samples of SAP vendor
master download data from different countries and different companies. The algorithm delivers very good results for the
big majority of vendors. It cannot be excluded that for handling specific issues for few vendors customer-specific
enhancement may be necessary.
For mapping results, a filter has been implemented, which assigns a priority to each column. A vendor result is accepted
only if at least a minimum number of column values with a priority not bigger than a threshold could be matched against
strings found on the document.
Unambiguous items have a high priority, whereas ambiguous items have lower priorities. For a vendor to be identified,
either one or two high priority items are needed or a higher number of low priority items. In case of more than one
competing results, the result supported by the highest number of high priority items wins.
The priorities of the columns are defined as follows:

Priority Items needed Columns


Other columns are not significant for vendor identification.

For more information about the available columns and their origin, see "Vendor master data and purchase order data" on
page 137.
For columns of priority 1 and 2, a column value must match a read string exactly. The algorithm requires identical
content, but considers different writing styles of column value and found string, for example spaces in VATID.
For columns of lower priority, column values do not need to match exactly, which takes OCR errors into consideration.
A vendor result will only be accepted if, for example:
 at least one priority 1 or 2 column value matches exactly, or
 at least two columns values of columns with priority 1 to 3 have been found, or
 at least five column values of columns with priority 1 to 4 have been found.
Otherwise the vendor ID field will remain empty.
Furthermore, vendor results not receiving a minimum confidence value will be removed.
In a second step, only a single result will be kept in case of several results have the same triplet of vendor number,
company code and system.
Finally, it will be checked whether the determined vendor ID matches the company code and SAP system if the Ignore
company code and SAP logical system at vendor detection check box has not been selected.
The mapping algorithm and its parameters are not customizable, but you can add custom items in the columns
RESERVE1 (for items with mapping priority 1) and RESERVE2 (for items with mapping priority 3), which will
automatically be used for mapping.
You can use the custom columns to include customer-specific fields in data mapping. This would also need creation of a
customer-specific periodical report for populating the RESERVE1 and RESERVE2 fields in staging table
/OPT/VIM_STG_LIF (that is the table where the standard download report delivered with VIM writes extract of SAP
vendor master data). Data of this table are downloaded to the ICC database.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  93

A common use case is to take different writing style in SAP master database and on the invoices into account. For
example, in some European countries VAT ID is written with or without leading country identifier.
 For special cases concerning few vendors, alternative writing styles should be maintained in SAP database.
 For handling alternative writing styles for all vendors, a customer-specific periodical report could be created for
populating the RESERVE1 column of the staging table with data for alternative writing style. This column will
automatically be used by the mapping algorithm. Specifying vendor ID detection

To modify vendor ID detection:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
2. Click InvoiceVendorNumber, and then click the Automation tab:

3. If the first method for Vendor ID determination should not be used, clear the Use PO number for vendor
detection check box.
4. If company code and SAP system should not be checked within the second method, select the Ignore
company code and SAP logical system at vendor detection check box.
This is typically used by companies using identical vendor IDs in all company codes and in all subsystems, or in
a single-system environment. It permits to reduce download data volume considerably by downloading PO data
only for a single company code. Data quality of SAP download data

Quality of SAP vendor master data has great impact on recognition rate for vendor ID because they are used in the
mapping algorithm. It is very important that data with mapping priority 1 or 2, described above, are maintained
The download frequency can be adjusted in the system and depends on the frequency of adding or removing vendors in
SAP data base. Download may take place once a day, a week, or a month. Appropriate parameter settings have to be
defined during the project implementation phase. Parameter settings have to be aligned for ICC and VIM.

94  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Additional measures for enhancing vendor recognition
For top vendors sending in high invoice volumes it would make sense to ask them to change invoice layout for making
vendor determination easier for ICC recognition:
 Print additional data on the invoice, which can be used with priority 1 or 2 for mapping and which may help to
determine the vendor, for example VAT ID, phone number, internet address.
 Print the vendor number on the invoice with defined key word. for example “Vendor ID: 1234”. The
RESERVE1 column in the data base could be populated with Keyword + Vendor Number and could then be
used for SnapMatch mapping.
 Avoid invoice layouts with design elements covering information used by recognition:
 Keywords should not be printed in colored or shaded areas.
 Barcodes or stamps – if used at all – should not cover information and should not appear next to
information to be recognized.
 Vendor data should be printed clearly and completely on the invoice, vendor company name should not
appear only in a logo.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  95

3.4.9 Specifying currencies
The valid currencies that are used when the amount values are extracted are preconfigured depending on the country
setting of the application. For each currency, there is a list of different notations that may occur on the documents.
The used currencies and valid notations can be modified.
To modify the currency specifications:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > Amounts.
2. Click Currencies:

The list on the right side has an item for each currency supported by ICC/BCC; each currency is represented by
its three-letter ISO code. At the currencies that are preconfigured for the current application the Active check
box is selected; these currencies are shown on top.
3. To modify the set of valid currencies, select or clear Active check boxes as needed.
4. To show the supported notations, click the ellipsis button in the respective currency row. A Phrase dialog box
opens where you can add, modify, and delete notations as needed.

Tip: To specify the default currency, go to the InvoiceCurrency field, and click a currency in the Default
value list on the Data tab.
To add a new currency:
1. Right-click the item unit list, click Add translation line, and type a name in the appearing new line.
2. Click the ellipsis button to open the Phrase dialog box and specify phrases for the new currency.

Note: New currencies only bring about that the specified values are accepted in the Validation Client; specifying
additional currencies does not affect Recognition. Only selecting and clearing of the Active check box for standard
currencies affects Recognition. Modification of notations and added new currencies only affect manual input and
Single Click Entry.

Note: If a dollar sign is found, no currency is returned because it cannot be determined whether the dollar sign
indicates currency AUD, CAD, HKD, or USD.

96  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.4.10 Specifying VAT rates
During application creation, the current VAT rates of the specified country are added to the application configuration
automatically. Therefore you need to modify the VAT rates only if the VAT rates of the respective country change, or if
you want to process invoices from an additional country with different VAT rates.
To specify the VAT rates:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > Amounts.
2. Click VAT Rates:

3. To add a VAT rate, click Add, type the VAT rate in the appearing dialog box and confirm with OK.
As VAT rate, you can enter an integer, or a decimal with up to two decimal places and a dot as decimal
separator. The value must be between 0 and 100.
4. To modify a VAT rate, select the respective entry, click Edit, and type the new value in the appearing dialog
5. To remove a VAT rate, select the respective entry and click Remove.
With country setting Canada, the VAT rates box looks different and permits to enter valid tax rates of the different tax
types (Provincial Sales Taxes, Goods and Services Tax, and Harmonized Sales Tax):

With country setting India, the VAT rates box also looks different and permits to specify values for Indian tax types:

Note: The VAT Rates node is not available for applications with country setting USA.

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3.4.11 Specifying company code detection
Four different methods are available to determine the company code:
 A single, fixed company code for all documents of the current application. If you process invoices for a single
company code only, choose Use a fixed company code.
 A separate company code for each archive document type
 Automatic company code detection using only recipient data
 Automatic company code detection using recipient data and also using the PO number. In some applications,
automatic company code detection may deliver poor results if the receiving addresses are very similar or if
vendors write unclear receiver addresses on their invoices. In these cases, use the fourth method including
determination of the PO number.
You can specify company code detection during creation of an application on the Company code detection page of
the Create a New Application wizard.
To modify the company code detection later:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > CompanyCode.
2. Click the Automation tab.

To use a fixed company code:

1. In the Company code detection list, click Use a fixed company code.
2. Enter the company code, and the name of the target SAP ERP system all documents shall be transferred to.
To use different company codes for the different archive document types:
1. In the Company code detection list, click Use a company code per archive document type. The
dialog box then shows a list of all archive document types you have specified when you created the application.
2. For each shown archive document type, select it, click Edit, enter the company code and target SAP ERP
system name for the document type, and confirm with OK.

98  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To use automatic detection:
1. To be able to use automatic company code detection, you need to prepare a database in text file format (see
"Recipient data" on page 136), which contains the address data of the recipients together with their company
codes and SAP ERP target systems.
2. In the Company code detection list, click Automatic company code detection.
3. Type a company code in the Default company code box and a target SAP ERP system name in the Default
SAP logical system box. These values are used if the recipient of a document could not be detected.
4. Click Import recipients, select the prepared database file containing recipient data with the corresponding
company codes and target SAP ERP system names in the appearing file dialog box, and confirm with Open.
To use automatic detection including determination by PO number:
1. To be able to use automatic company code detection, you need to prepare a database in text file format (see
"Recipient data" on page 136), which contains the address data of the recipients together with their company
codes and SAP ERP target systems.
2. In the Company code detection list, click Automatic company code detection incl. determination
by PO number. Recognition then uses the downloaded purchase order data first to determine the company
code. Only in case of failure, the recipient data are used subsequently. Note that this method can only be used in
applications with a single SAP ERP system; with several SAP ERP systems, PO numbers are not unique.

Note: Take notice that the company code field is shown in Validation only if automatic company code detection
has been specified. This setting cannot be modified, that is, selecting or clearing the Visible check box on the
Presentation tab of the Settings dialog box does not take effect for this field.
For each company code detection method, the company code is connected with a SAP ERP target system. At runtime, if
ICC/BCC has detected the company code of an invoice, it also knows the SAP ERP target system for the invoice. When
ICC/BCC exports the recognition results to Vendor Invoice Management, it also exports the found target SAP ERP
system. Thus ICC/BCC supports SAP ERP multi-backend systems.
To prepare the recipients data file, you can use transaction /OPT/VIM_COMP_DN and report
/OPT/VIM_COMPCODE_DOWNLOAD of Vendor Invoice Management which creates a file in CSV format containing
address data for all company codes. To optimize company code detection, insert additional lines with all address variants
that may occur on invoices for each company code manually before you import the file.
When you later export the application settings to a file or to SAP ERP, the recipient data are be included automatically so
that they are present when you import an application on the production system.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  99

3.4.12 Specifying credit memo detection
To optimize recognition of credit memos, you can modify the list of phrases that are used to identify credit memos, for
example by adding phrases of a country that is not supported by ICC/BCC.
To modify the phrase list:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > InvoiceCreditMemo.
2. Click Phrases List:

3. Use the buttons Add, Edit, and Delete to modify the list of phrases as needed.
The Phrase list tab contains phrases in different languages, which are used to detect a credit memo. To
optimize recognition you could remove phrases if invoices of the respective language do not occur at your
application, or you could add phrases of countries that are not supported by ICC/BCC.
4. If certain phrases result in an erroneous detection of a credit memo, click the Exclusion list tab, and add the
respective phrases.
For example, the word Credit appears in the company names of several banks. If such a company name
occurs on an invoice, this invoice would be erroneously classified as credit memo. This can be prevented by
adding the respective company names to the exclusion list.

100  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.4.13 Specifying default formatting in Validation
By default, the culture used by the Validation Client for formatting of culture-specific data such as date and amount
values is determined by the country setting of the application.
To modify the display culture:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the Fields node.
2. Click Display Culture:

1. In the Display culture box, type a culture in the format cc-CC.

Do not modify format specifications in the Formats tab of the Region and Language dialog box and the
Customize Format dialog box of the Windows Control Panel because this would affect checks and
formatting within ICC/BCC.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  101

3.4.14 Specifying formatting for different sending countries
Whereas your application has been created for a specified country, ICC/BCC is able to process also invoices of other
countries that may use different formats for dates, amounts, and numbers, for example there may occur dates with month
names written in different languages. On such invoices, Recognition is also able to read some of the fields successfully.
The Validation Client tries to convert dates, amounts, and numbers using different cultures until conversion succeeds.
To modify the culture list used for conversion:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the Fields node.
2. Click Sending Countries.
3. Modify the Format interpretation list as needed.

In the Format interpretation list, you can modify the list of cultures used for conversion. You can do the following:
 Reorder the cultures, for example if invoices from some foreign country occur often in your input.
 Delete cultures of languages that do not occur at your application.
 Add a culture of a country that is not supported by ICC/BCC.
The culture list always contains the culture of the country of your application as first item, and you do not modify this
first item in normal applications, but you do modify this item if you customize an application for a country that is not
supported by ICC/BCC.
The available cultures depend on the operating system version. If you want to add cultures, make sure that the
specified culture is supported on your operating system, and the operating system of the intended production
system. On the Internet you can find lists of the supported cultures of the different operating system versions on
the MSDN website..
You must not modify format specifications in the Formats tab of the Region and Language dialog box
and the Customize Format dialog box of the Windows Control Panel because this would affect checks and
formatting within ICC/BCC.

102  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.4.15 Specifying limits for recognition
Sometimes invoices are followed by excessive attachments whereas it is known that nearly all invoices do not exceed a
certain number of pages. To prevent wasting of a lot of time for processing of pages that do not contain useful invoice
data, recognition stops after a specified number of pages, or if a barcode or a patch code sheet with Patch Code 1 is
detected or if a specified phrase is found. If you know that your invoices fulfill some of these conditions, you can specify
You can specify where Recognition should stop on a document consisting of several pages.
To specify limit for recognition:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the Advanced node
2. Click Skip Pages:

If all invoices do not exceed a certain number of pages, specify that number at Stop extraction after number
pages. Extraction then stops reading after the specified number of pages if no other condition is fulfilled earlier.
If the page following the last page of each invoice is marked with a barcode label, click the respective barcode type in
the on page with barcode list. For this feature to work reliably, the barcodes should not be too short and should be
placed horizontally without too much skew. By default, any barcode of the specified type causes extraction to stop. If
you select the with specific content check box, extraction only stops if the barcode contains the specified value. If
you append ".*" to the specified string, each barcode whose value starts with the specified string causes extraction to
stop. Take notice that the barcode may only contain Latin characters and digits.
If you select the OR on page with phrases check box, you can specify phrases. Extraction stops if one of the
specified strings is found on a page. To make sure that a phrase is always found even if not all characters could be
recognized correctly, the algorithm will allow small differences between a specified phrase and a found string. To
prevent that text occurring within the invoice data inadvertently stop extraction, you can also specify a list of exclusion
strings. If a string matches a specified phrase but also matches an exclusion string, it will not stop extraction. To specify
the strings, click Edit phrases and enter phrases and exclusions in the Phrase List dialog box. The specified phrases
and exclusion strings may only contain Latin characters; Asian characters cannot be used.

Make sure that you do not specify too short strings as phrases. Otherwise similar strings occurring within the
invoice could erroneously terminate extraction so that important invoice data could get lost.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  103

By default, Validation only displays pages where extraction has been performed. If all pages of a document should be
displayed, select the Show all pages in Validation check box.
In some applications problems may occur at invoices with very large attachments if no patch code sheet is used. In this
case select the Stop attachment extraction check box. ICC/BCC then tries to determine whether the invoice has
been completed at a preceding page so that the current page already belongs to an attachment; in this case invoice
processing is stopped for the remaining pages. This automatic method to stop attachment extraction can be combined
with the other methods for attachment separation available in the Stop Extraction area. Each activated method is
checked at each page; if any of the checked conditions is fulfilled, extraction is stopped.
Sometimes invoices contain pages containing a lot of text printed in small font whereas they do not contain any invoice
data that have to be extracted. Examples are terms and conditions pages. Due to the large amount of text these pages use
a lot of processing time and sometimes even cause problems. If you select the Ignore page check box, pages that
contain more than 10000 characters or that contain more than 4000 characters where more than 75 percent are
alphabetical characters are not processed. If the default values are not suitable for your invoices, you can modify the
threshold values.

3.4.16 Specifying delivery of ZUGFeRD files

ZUGFeRD (Zentraler User Guide der Forums elektronische Rechnung Deutschland) is a German specification for a
format of electronic invoices. It specifies the format of an XML file that can be added as attachment to PDF files in PDF-
A/3 format.
Starting with version 7.5 SP3, ZUGFeRD files are supported by VIM.
The ZUGFeRD file is stored in the table /OTX/PF01_t_1IMG. The following data for the ZUGFeRD file are stored in
this table:


CONTENT ZUGFeRD file in XML format
DOC_SIZE Size of the ZUGFeRD file

To specify delivery of ZUGFeRD files:

1. Open the Settings dialog box, expand the Advanced node, and click Other.
2. Select the Deliver ZUGFeRD file check box.

3.4.17 Specifying visibility of the line items table

By default, the line items table is only shown in the Validation Client if the ListPO field is not empty, that is if a PO
number is available.
To modify visibility of the line items table:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields, click InvoiceItems.
2. Click the Presentation tab.
3. To show the line items table for all invoices, clear the Hide table if no PO check box.
4. If the line items table should never be shown, clear the Visible check box. In this case, the Hide table if no
PO check box does not take effect and is not available.

104  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.4.18 Specifying field zone colors for the Validation Client
You can specify field zone colors for the Validation Client. The specified colors are used in the Validation Client as long
as the Validation user does not modify colors. If the Validation user has modified colors and then clicks Restore
Default in the Colorize Field Groups dialog box, the application-specific colors again take effect.
To specify application-specific field group colorizing in the Validation Client:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the Configuration node.
2. Click Field Zone Color:

For each group, the dialog box shows a rectangle highlighted with the currently used color.
For each group, the color used for highlighting is a lighter version of a dark base color. Below the colored rectangle of
each group, a slider controls the color used for highlighting. If you move the slider to the left, the color becomes lighter
until it becomes white if you move the slider to the left end. If you move the slider to the right, the color becomes darker
until it equals the dark base color if you move the slider to the right end.
To select a different base color for a group, click the respective rectangle. The Color dialog box opens. In this dialog
box you can select a color from a set of basic colors or specify your own color.

3.4.19 Confirming changed settings

In the Settings dialog box, click OK to install the new settings for the current application. The configuration data of the
application on the Recognition Server are updated.
Changes of the application are not yet available for Validation Clients when you close the application. To
provide the Validation Clients with the changed invoice application, you must export the application to SAP
ERP; for more information, see "Exporting an application to SAP ERP" on page 11.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  105

3.5 Changing field settings of an invoice application
To change the field settings of the current application:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab, click Settings.
2. In the Settings dialog box, expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields. Fields or groups of fields with
all their settings are shown as subnodes.
3. Click a field node to show its properties.
Several fields cannot be found on the topmost level. For example, to access fields of the amount group, open the
Amounts node and its Elements subnode.

Note: The Settings button is only available if an application is open. The current application is shown in the title
bar of the Customizing Client. To open an application, click Open Application on the application menu, and
then click the appropriate application.
On the different tabs of the field settings you:
 Activate optional fields.
 Change the order of the fields or columns for Validation.
 Activate Adaptive Recognition for standard invoice fields.
 Set limits for date fields.

It is recommended to change field settings of an application only in ways described in this guide. Changing
field settings without expert knowledge may deteriorate recognition results.

106  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.5.1 Activating optional fields
ICC/BCC provides some optional fields. With a default configuration, these fields are not extracted, and they are not
shown in Validation.
In this release the following optional fields are available:

Field Internal Name

Supply Date (only for some countries) InvoiceDeliveryDate
Freight Amount InvoiceFreightAmount
Handling Charges InvoiceHandlingCharges

These fields are adaptive recognition fields. The Server and the Recognition Nodes must learn how to extract data for
these fields. The learning data for these fields have to be provided by training (see "Training of Adaptive Recognition
fields" on page 31).
For Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, Supply Date is a standard field, which is read by a special automation method.
To make an optional field visible:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Field >Predefined Fields.
2. Click the respective field to show its properties.
3. On the Presentation tab, select the Visible check box:

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  107

3.5.2 Changing field or column order for Validation
In Validation (within the Customizing Client or Validation Client) the fields are shown in the order defined by the Tab
order values.
To change the order of the fields in the Validation Client:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
2. Select the fields in the desired order and on the Presentation tab set Tab Order property of the fields to
suitable increasing values:

Note: The invoice items table is always shown as last field without regard to its tab order value. Therefore it is not
meaningful to assign a lower tab order value to the InvoiceItems field.
To modify column order of the invoice items table:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > InvoiceItems > Elements.
2. Select the different column nodes and on the Presentation tab modify the values of the Tab order property
as needed.

108  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.5.3 Activating Adaptive Recognition for standard invoice fields
The following standard fields of an invoice application can be optimized by using Adaptive Recognition:
 InvoiceCurrency,
 InvoiceDate,
 InvoiceNetAmount,
 InvoiceNumber,
 InvoiceOrderNumber (Header),
 InvoicePaymentReference,
 InvoiceTotalTaxAmount,
 InvoiceVatAmount,
 InvoiceVatAmount1 .. 4,
 InvoiceVatRate1 .. 4
 InvoiceTotalAmount.
To activate Adaptive Recognition for one of these fields:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
2. Click the respective field subnode to show the field properties. To access fields of the amount group, also
expand the Amounts node and its Elements subnode.
3. On the Automation tab, select the Enable adaptive recognition technology check box:

To improve the recognition result, you have to perform training. For more information, see "Training of Adaptive
Recognition fields" on page 31.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  109

3.5.4 Specifying the default currency
You can specify a default currency.
Specify a default currency only if all invoices processed by the application use the same currency. Otherwise
the wrong currency is delivered if for an invoice using a different currency the currency is missing or cannot be
To specify a default currency:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > Amounts > Elements.
2. Click the InvoiceCurrency field.
3. Click the Data tab, and click a currency in the Default value list. The list shows all currencies whose Active
check box is selected at the Currencies node at the Amounts node.
If a default currency is not wanted, delete the default value manually. In this case, the field is empty if no currency could
be found on the invoice.

3.5.5 Setting limits for date fields

The date fields InvoiceDate and InvoiceDeliveryDate accept only dates within a specified range. By default they
accept dates up to one year back from the current date.
To modify the limits for a date field,
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the Fields > Predefined Fields nodes.
2. Select the respective field to show the field properties.
3. On the Automation tab, change the Lower limit and Upper limit settings:

If the limits are set to a negative value, only date values are found and returned that are smaller (that is earlier) than the
date of processing.

110  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To specify absolute dates for the limits, select use absolute date specification:

If Lower limit is set to an absolute date, only date values are found and returned that are greater (that is later) than or
equal to the specified date. If Upper limit is set to an absolute date, only date values are returned that are smaller (that is
earlier) than or equal to the specified date.

3.5.6 Showing additional tax rate and VAT amount fields in Validation
In order to support processing of invoices with several different tax rates, there are four pairs of additional fields for
additional tax rates InvoiceVatRate1 .. InvoiceVatRate4, and InvoiceVatAmount1 .. InvoiceVatAmount4.
These fields are processed if additional tax data can be found on an invoice, but by default these fields are not shown in
To make these fields visible in Validation, open the Settings dialog box, and for each desired field, select the field in
the field list in the tree view, click the Presentation tab, and select the Visible check box.

3.5.7 Checking line item amounts against net amount

In order to support the Validation Client user, the sum of the line item amount values can be checked against the net
amount field or a suitable custom field by specifying a normalization action. The respective field is shown as erroneous
in the Validation Client if the sum of the column values of a specified column of the line items table does not equal the
field value, and a corresponding message is displayed. Thus the Validation operator knows that all line items have been
read correctly if the respective field does not indicate an error.
To configure this check:
1. On the Application tab click Settings to open the Settings dialog box.
2. Expand the nodes Fields > Rules > Manual Input, right-click Custom Rules and click Add New Rule.
3. In the Add New Rule dialog box, type a name for the rule and confirm with OK.
4. Right-click in the Action column of the still empty action list, point to Insert action before, and then click
Check sum of table column.
5. Right-click the Parameter property, and then click Edit Parameter.
6. In the Select Table Column dialog box, click ItemAmount in the list showing all line item columns, and
then click OK to close the dialog box.
7. Right-click the new rule node, and then click Attach Rule To Field.
8. A dialog box shows all fields. Double-click InvoiceNetAmount.
9. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  111

3.5.8 Modifying standard recipient and vendor fields
The recipient is determined using the recipient database. Name and VatID of a found recipient are returned by standard
fields, which you can find under the node …CompanyCode > InvoiceRecipient in the project tree of the Settings
dialog box.
The vendor is determined using the vendor database and a lot of vendor data are returned by standard fields, which you
can find under the node … InvoiceVendorNumber > InvoiceVendor.
For all these standard fields, some properties on the Automation tab can be modified. The following example shows
these properties for the field InvoiceRecipientName:

 The Lookup list column determines the assigned database column. Do not modify this property.
 The Column confidence property takes effect if Deliver OCR results or Deliver database entry
checked by OCR is selected. If you type a value in the Column confidence box, a value is only returned
for the column if the value read from the invoice matched the database column value with a higher confidence.
If Deliver OCR results is selected, the value read from the invoice is returned in this case. If Deliver
database entry checked by OCR is selected, the column value from the database is returned; this makes
sure that the value is returned in the correct format for ICC/VIM.
If you set Column confidence to 100, a value is only returned if the read value was identical to the column
value. For some standard fields, this property has the default value 100.
For some fields, Deliver database entry checked by OCR is selected by default, whereas for most fields
Deliver OCR results is selected.
 If Deliver database entry is selected, the value of the respective database column is returned even if it is not
present on the invoice.
 If the Refresh from base field check box is selected, the field value is updated if another database entry is
being selected by the Validation user. If the field value should not be updated during Validation, clear the check
 By default, the field is positioned within a group together with the corresponding base field and its tab order is
modified accordingly. If the additional field should be the last field in tab order, clear the Place near base
field check box. If you select the check box again later, modify the tab order to position the field as desired.

3.5.9 Configuring the InvoiceDeliveryDate field

Whereas the field InvoiceDeliveryDate is an optional field for several countries, which can only be read with
Adaptive Recognition if needed, the field is a standard field for Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, and is read with a
special automation method ICCInvoiceDeliveryDate for these countries.
This automation method returns a date only if it lies within a specified date range. By default, it accepts dates within a
year back from the current date. The lower and upper limit of the date range can be specified either as number of days or
as fixed date values.
In addition, you can switch on Adaptive Recognition to improve recognition results.

112  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.5.10 Hiding the invoice items table
By default, the invoice items table is displayed in the Validation Client if the field ListPO is not empty. In this case, the
Validation user can show or hide the invoice items table with a click on Show/hide table in the Invoice Items group.
You can hide the table. In this case, the items table is not shown in the field list of the Validation Client, the upper part of
the Table view is empty, and the Show/hide button is not available
To hide the invoice items table in the Validation Client:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
2. Click the InvoiceItems node.
1. On the Presentation tab, clear the Visible check box.
1. Configuring presentation of company code and invoice vendor field
The CompanyCode field and the InvoiceVendorNumber field use an internal Address control for presentation in
the Validation Client. Both fields show preconfigured columns (<COMPANY>, <STREET>, <ZIP>,<CITYNAME>) of
the database record that corresponds to the field value.
Presentation can be modified by adding text strings or by adding or removing database columns. Text strings appear in
bold, italic font in the Validation Client.
To modify presentation of one of these fields:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
2. Click the CompanyCode or the InvoiceVendorNumber node and
3. On the Presentation tab, modify the presentation specification in the Adress layout box.
4. To add a column, click Add column, select the desired column in the Column Selection dialog box and
confirm with OK. To specify a new line, use CTRL+ENTER.
For example, if you specify a line:
Company: <COMPANY> City: <CITYNAME>
a result could appear in the Validation Client as:
Company: Open Text City: Waterloo
For the InvoiceVendorNumber field, the Validation Client by default only shows the best matching record for each
alternative vendor ID. In special cases, for example if several records with different bank accounts exist and the correct
one must be selected, all records the database contains for a vendor ID must be available.
To show all alternative database records for a vendor ID:
 On the Presentation tab of the InvoiceVendorNumber field, select the Show duplicate vendor
number matches check box.

3.5.11 Confirming the changed advanced settings

Click OK on the Settings dialog box, to save the new settings for the current application. The configuration data of the
application on the Recognition Server are updated.
The changes of the application are not yet available for Validation Clients. To provide the Validation Clients
with the changed invoice application, you must export the application to SAP ERP (see "Exporting an
application to SAP ERP" on page 11).

3.6 Adding custom fields to an invoice application

ICC/BCC is preconfigured with fields for the data that are typically captured from invoices together with optimized
automation methods, which permit to capture these fields automatically.

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If you want to capture additional information, you can extend Invoice Capture Center by adding custom fields that are
exported to VIM automatically. In order to process such custom fields, VIM also has to be extended (for more
information, see “Mapping external system data (OCR/IDoc)” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management - Configuration
Instead of capturing custom fields only manually during Validation, you can also use one of the generic automation
methods, or create your own custom methods using Document Extraction, to extract custom fields automatically.
To add a custom field:
1. Open the Settings dialog box, add a new field, and specify the field name and additional properties as needed.
With the specified field name, the field is exported.
2. Specify how the field should be presented to the Validation user.
3. If the field should be extracted automatically, specify a generic automation method, or create a custom
automation method if needed.

3.6.1 Adding a field

To add a field:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
2. On the tree view of the Settings dialog box, expand the Fields node.
3. Right-click the Custom Fields node and click Add New Custom Field. A new field node is added. Click
the Data tab:

4. In the Field name box, type the name that identifies the field.
5. Enter a default value if necessary; otherwise the field remains empty if it is not captured.
6. Select the Field cannot be empty check box if the field is mandatory. Validation then indicates an error if
the user tries to submit the invoice while the field is still empty.

3.6.2 Specifying field presentation

To specify how a new field should be presented in the Validation Client:
1. Click the Presentation tab:

114  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2. If the field should not be shown in the Validation Client, clear the Visible check box.
3. In the Display name box, type a title for the field that should be shown in the Validation Client. Otherwise the
field name is used.
4. The field appears as last field in the field list and by default it is also the last field in the tab order. If you want
that the field should be activated earlier if the Validation user captures fields or uses the TAB key to proceed
through the fields, enter a value for Tab order that lies between that of the desired predecessor and successor.
5. Select the Read only check box if the Validation user should not be able to modify the field value.
6. At the Control property, specify the appearance of the field. With the default TextBox, a simple text box is
displayed where the user can capture text using the keyboard or the mouse:

For special purposes, several alternative controls are available. Alternative field controls

Instead of a text box, you can specify the following alternative presentations for a field at the Control list of the Fields
dialog box:
If you select Checkbox, a check box is shown for the field:

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If you select ComboBox, a list permits to select a preconfigured value:

If you select ComboBox, the dialog box changes, and shows an empty value list, and buttons Add and

Click Add to add a value; a text box appears where you can enter the text. The list shows the already
specified values. To remove a value, select it and click Remove.
For the values, you can use uppercase and lowercase letters, but during processing lowercase letters are used.
If you add the same name with different spelling, this variant is ignored. Captured data may use any spelling,
that is, any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. The returned result value uses the spelling of the
value you specified in the value list.
To achieve a special order of the items, you can either move a selected item up or down or click Sort to sort
the items alphabetically.
Select LookupList to configure database support for the field.
If you select ListBox, the field value must be a comma-separated list of strings which is shown as a list in
the Validation Client:

If values are captured for such a field, the field remains active in contrast to a textbox field. Thus the
Validation operator can capture several list items using the mouse or the keyboard. In addition, list items can
be selected and removed.

116  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

If you select Button, a button with the current field value as label is shown:

When the button is pressed, the code defined at the scripting entry point Validation (Field Changed) is
If the button should show a fixed label, specify this text at the Default value property on the Data tab. Configuring database support for fields

For data entry in the Validation Client, database support can be configured. The field then presents a list showing the
values of a specified column of a database file. The user can then choose from the list instead of typing text.
The database file has to be a text file containing a separate line for each database record, and a heading line containing
the column names, which must not contain spaces or special characters. Neighboring column values must be separated
by a separator character. By default, a tab character is expected as separator, but you can also import files that use
commas or semicolons as separator. Column values may contain spaces, and have no delimiter by default, but you can
also import files where each column value is enclosed by quotes or apostrophes.
To configure database support for a field:
1. Click the Presentation tab:
1. In the Control list, click LookupList.
The dialog box now changes: below the Control list, the Lookup list column list appears:

2. If you configure database support for the first time, the list is empty. In this case, click the ellipsis button behind
the Lookup list column list. The Manage Lookup List dialog box opens:

With this dialog box you can configure a list of all database files used by the current application.
3. To add a database, click Import. The Import a Table dialog box opens:

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4. Click the ellipsis button behind the Source File box, select the database file in the appearing file dialog box,
and confirm with Open.
5. By default, the file name of the source file is used as table name, which appears in the column names shown in
the Lookup list column list on the Presentation tab. If you want a different name to be used, specify it at
the Target table name property.
6. If the file uses a special encoding, select the respective value in the Encoding list.
7. If column values are enclosed by quotes or apostrophes, click the respective value in the Delimiter list.
8. If the column values are not separated using the TAB character, click the used separator character in the
Separator list.
9. When you have specified all properties correctly, click Next. The Import dialog box opens:

10. Click Import. The database file is imported, and appears in the file list of the Manage Lookup List dialog

118  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

11. If you want to remove a file, select it and click Delete. To import a newer version of a database file, select it
and click Reload.
12. When the necessary database files have been loaded, close the dialog box by clicking Close.

Tip: If your database file changes frequently, an automatic reload can be configured using the program
LookupDatabaseUpdater.exe. For more information, see section "Configuring Lookup Lists in" the chapter
“Technical Operations” in Invoice Capture Center - Administrator’s Guide..
The Lookup list column list on the Presentation tab shows all available columns of all loaded database files as
<filename>.<columnname>. In the following example, a database file MyDatabase.txt has been imported:

To assign a database column to the current field, click the desired column.
If you specify LookupList as control for further fields and assign columns of the same database file, the fields are
shown as a group in the Validation Client. As first control in the group, a search box is shown, which is used to
determine the matching database record manually. If you type a search string in this box, or capture an according value
from the document, the list of the control then shows all matching database records. As soon as you select an item in the
list, all fields of the group are filled with the respective column values.
If you want to specify automation for such fields, you must use the automation method Generic SnapMatch for all
fields using columns of the same database file. SnapMatch then uses the respective database file to find a database record
that matches the current document, that is, where several column values of the result record could be found on the
Take notice that it is of no relevance for SnapMatch, for which columns of the database you configure fields. Just
configure fields for those columns that should be exported in the invoice result. If you want to export a column whose
content is of no use for the validation operator, you can clear the Visible check box on the Presentation tab for this
field. The field is then filled and exported, but it is not shown in the Validation Client.

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3.6.3 Specifying an automation method
If a new field should be extracted automatically, you need to specify an automation method on the Automation tab of
the Settings dialog box:

The Method list contains four generic automation methods, which can be used for custom fields:
 Generic DatabaseColumn method: this method permits to export additional recipient or vendor data.
 Generic Snapmatch method: this method permits to find a record in a database that matches data on the
invoice. Therefore this method is best suited if you have a database and expect that some data of one of its
records should be present on the invoice. For more information, see "Configuring SnapMatch automation
method" on page 121.
 Generic Adaptive recognition method: with this method you first perform training in order to store typical
invoices and the position of the index field on these invoices as templates in a database. During extraction, a
matching sample is determined for the current document, and the field is then extracted at the position where it
was trained for this sample. This method is suitable for many kinds of fields. For more information, see
"Adaptive Recognition " on page 28.
 Generic Adaptive classification method: this method compares the whole textual content of the invoice
with previously trained samples in a database and returns a class value for the best matching samples in the
database. This method is suitable for fields that should determine a property of the whole invoice; for example it
would be suitable to determine the language the invoice is written in. For more information, see "Adaptive
Classification (invoice applications)" on page 30.
 In addition, you can create your own rule-based method using the Document Extraction Design Studio. There a
lot of field types are available. For example you can search date or amount values, regular expressions in a
specified area of the invoice, search a field relative to the position of another field, and much more. For more
information, see "Rule-based Recognition automation methods" on page 124. The respective method names are
preceded by Custom.

120  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.6.4 Configuring SnapMatch automation method
To configure SnapMatch in an invoice application:
1. Load a database file, as described in "Configuring database support for a field" on page 117. As soon as you
have loaded a database, all its columns are available to be assigned to a data field.
2. For each data field that should return the value of a database column, select the field in the tree view of the
Settings dialog box, click the Presentation tab, click LookUpList in the Control list, and then select
the desired lookup list column from the appearing Lookup list column list.
The column names are preceded by the name of the database file. This is important if you use more than one
database file in an application.
3. For each data field that should return the value of a database column, select the field in the tree view of the
Settings dialog box, click the Automation tab, and select Generic SnapMatch as automation method.
As database file you need a text file, which contains the column names in the first row, and a database record in each
following row. The different column values have to be separated by TAB characters, semicolons, or commas. In
addition, the column values may be enclosed in delimiters such as apostrophes.
If possible, you should use a file with encoding UTF-8. Otherwise some characters, for example diacritical
characters, may not be displayed correctly in the Validation Client.
In the Validation Client, all fields assigned to columns of the same database are shown in a group with an additional text
box at the top with the name of the database file. If SnapMatch found a matching database record, all fields are filled
with the available column values of the found record. To find a database record manually, enter a string that should
appear in a column value into the text box at the top of the group. If a matching record exists, its data are then filled into
the data fields.
If a column value must be present on the document and must be recognized with a minimum confidence, set the property
Column confidence of the corresponding field to the respective confidence value. If this property has a value greater
zero, all found database lines where the respective column was not found or was found with a lower confidence value are

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  121

3.6.5 Using Adaptive Recognition in an invoice application Use cases for Adaptive Recognition
By default, data extraction for the standard fields of an invoice application uses rule-based methods that have been
optimized for the baseline countries using large sets of invoices. Therefore recognition rate should be already high for all
standard fields for these countries.
Exceptions are applications with country setting China (Traditional,), Japan, Korea, and Thailand. Because rule-based
extraction is not available for these languages, Adaptive Recognition is used for all standard fields of these countries
where rule-based methods are used for other countries.
In the following special cases, Adaptive Recognition can be used to optimize recognition:
 A header field is not extracted on all invoices of a special vendor, for example because none of the keywords or
phrases used to find the field is present. After Adaptive Recognition has been activated and an affected invoice
has been trained, Adaptive Recognition can find the field on most invoices of the respective vendor finding it at
the same position as on the trained sample.
 If custom header fields are added to an application, you can use Adaptive Recognition as primary automation
method or you can use it to enable optimization if a rule-based method is used as primary automation method.
 All optional fields use Adaptive Recognition. Therefore training is necessary if optional fields should be
extracted automatically.

Note: For applications with language setting China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, and Thailand, Adaptive
Recognition is also used for extraction of the line item table.
Adaptive Recognition cannot be used for:
 Line item fields. Exceptions: for China (Mainland), China (Traditional), Japan, Korea, and Thailand Adaptive
Recognition can be used for line items.
 Fields using download data, such as vendor and recipient fields
 Amount fields of applications with country setting India
 Fields occurring at different positions on invoices of the same vendor; therefore extraction of amount fields
does not benefit from training for vendors where the amount is positioned behind the last line item row so that
its position depends on the number of line items.

Note: Take notice that for the standard amount fields values found by Adaptive Recognition are only taken into
account if the standard rule-based method did not return a result.

Note: For China (Mainland), Adaptive Recognition results are only used for invoice layouts that are not yet
supported by ICC. For invoice layouts supported by ICC, Adaptive Recognition results are discarded. Therefore it
is not useful to train samples for these layouts.

122  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Configuring activating Adaptive Recognition
For some standard fields and for custom header fields where you specified a rule-based automation method, Adaptive
Recognition can be activated by selecting the Enable adaptive recognition technology check box on the
Automation tab. This can be used to optimize recognition.
To specify Adaptive Recognition as primary automation method for a custom field:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the field node.
2. Click the Automation tab.
3. In theMethod list, click Generic Adaptive recognition.
Sometimes the value of a custom field that always has the same value for a certain vendor is not present on the invoices
of certain vendors. For example for some vendors no currency may be printed. In this case select the Enable training
of constant value check box that is only available for the Adaptive Recognition method. You can then enter the value
of this field with the keyboard during training. Adaptive Recognition then fills the field with this fixed value each time
the respective sample is used. If the Enable training of constant value check box is not selected, the field remains
empty in this case because by default Adaptive Recognition only captures fields that were trained using the mouse, as it
does not know where to find the field on the invoice if you entered a value using the keyboard during training.

3.6.6 Configuring Adaptive Classification

To configure adaptive classification for a field in an invoice application:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the field node.
2. Click the Presentation tab, and
3. In the Control list, click ComboBox.
4. Add the legal result values to the appearing value list. During validation, only one of these values can be
selected for the field.
5. Click the Automation tab, and select Generic Adaptive classification as automation method.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  123

3.6.7 Rule-based Recognition automation methods
Rule-Based Recognition uses Document Extraction to search for data fields on documents. You define the needed fields
in the Document Extraction Design Studio. Sometimes it may be useful to create several index fields of the same field
type using different search areas or property settings as needed.
To configure automation methods in an invoice application
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the field node.
2. Click the Automation tab.
3. Click Create rule-based method to start the Document Extraction Design Studio.
4. In the Project Explorer view, on the Classes tab, expand the nodes Unknown > IndexFields.
5. Define the needed fields.
6. Save the project.
7. When you close the Document Extraction Design Studio, all index fields you specified under the Unknown
node are available in the Method list on the Automation tab of fields. Select the respective new rule-based
method in the Method list.

For more information about rule-based methods, see "Rule-based methods (Document Extraction)" on page 28 and
OpenText Capture Document Extraction - Developer’s Guide.

124  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.6.8 Adding layout-specific custom methods
If you have added a rule-based custom method using the Document Extraction Design Studio, you can replace this
method with a different rule-based custom method for certain invoice layouts, where your generic custom field does not
work satisfactorily.
To specify a layout-specific custom method:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the field node.
2. Click the Automation tab.
3. Click Create rule-based method to start the Document Extraction Design Studio.
4. In the Project Explorer, click the Types tab and create a new document type. The document must refer to the
document class Unknown, which is the default.
5. Add suitable classification features to the Features subnode to determine invoices of the respective layout (for
more information about classification features, see “Classification Features” in OpenText Capture Document
Extraction - Developer’s Guide or the online help of the Document Extraction Design Studio).
6. Click the Classes tab, open the Unknown node; there you find a subnode corresponding to your new
document type. Right-click the IndexFields subnode of this document type node.
7. Point to Add Index Field on the context menu, and then click a suitable index field type. Use the identical
field name as for your generic custom method field. Thus the new method replaces the generic method for the
respective document type.
8. Modify properties of the new document-type-specific custom method as needed.
9. Save the Document Extraction project and close the Document Extraction Design Studio.

Note: Modifications of the Document Extraction project do not take effect until you close the Settings dialog
box with OK afterwards. It is not sufficient to save the project in the Document Extraction Design Studio.

3.7 Using rule-based custom methods for standard fields

For several standard fields of an invoice application, the standard automation method can be replaced by your own rule-
based custom method.
To specify a rule-based method for a standard field:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
2. In the Settings dialog box, expand the Fields > Predefined Fields node.
3. Click a suitable field node. To access the fields of the amount group, also open the Amounts node and its
Elements subnode.
4. Click the Automation tab, and then click Create rule-based method to start the Document Extraction
Design Studio.
5. In the Project Explorer, click the Classes tab and add your custom method to the IndexFields node of the
Unknown document class.
6. Save the Document Extraction project and close the Document Extraction Design Studio.
7. Click the respective field node in the tree view of the Settings dialog box, click the Automation tab, and
click the rule-based custom method in the Use custom field list:

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If Enable adaptive recognition technology has been selected, the result of the custom method is only used if
Adaptive Recognition did not return a value.
If you add your custom method at the IndexFields node of the Unknown document class node as described above, the
custom method replaces the ICC standard method for all documents. Alternatively, you can replace the standard method
only for invoices identified by a specified document type.
To create the custom method in the Document Extraction Design Studio for this case:
1. In the Project Explorer view, click the Types tab.
2. Right-click into an empty area of the view and click Add Document Type on the context menu.
3. Add suitable classification features at the Features subnode of the new document type to identify the
respective invoices.
4. Click the Classes tab, open the document type link node of your new document type and add your custom
method to its IndexFields subnode. In the following example, a document type MyDocumentType has been
added, and its IndexFields subnode has just been selected:

If you add your custom method to this node, it replaces the standard method only for documents of the respective
document type whereas the standard method takes effect for all other documents.
You can even replace the standard field for several user-defined document types by using the same field name at all
document type link nodes.

126  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.8 Adding custom columns or modifying properties for
invoice items recognition
Invoice Capture Center is preconfigured with a special method for invoice items recognition with all columns that are
typically captured from invoices together with optimized methods to capture these columns automatically, or to fill them
using corresponding download data.
If you want to capture additional item data, or if you want to modify properties of the invoice items field, you can replace
the standard item table with a custom field that can be modified or extended.
To add a custom column:
1. Add custom columns at the InvoiceItems field.
2. Create a custom method in Document Extraction using an Invoice Items Custom field, or a US Invoice
Items Custom field, respectively.
3. Add columns to the custom method as needed.
4. Select this custom method as raw line item input for the Invoice Items field.
To modify invoice item recognition:
1. Create a custom method in Document Extraction using an Invoice Items Custom field, or a US Invoice
Items Custom field, respectively.
2. Modify properties of the custom field, as needed.
3. Select this custom method as raw line item input for the Invoice Items field.
The different steps are described in detail in the following sections.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  127

3.8.1 Adding custom columns
To add custom columns to the Invoice Items field:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
2. Expand the nodes Fields  Predefined Fields  Elements InvoiceItems.
3. Right-click the Elements subnode and then click Add New Custom Column:

4. Type the desired column name in the Field name box on the Data tab.

3.8.2 Creating a custom invoice items method

To create a custom method for a custom invoice items column, select a field in the field node on the tree view of the
Settings dialog, click the Automation tab, and then click Create rule-based method to start the Document
Extraction Design Studio.
For applications with country settings other than Hungary or India:
1. In the Document Extraction Design Studio, click the Classes tab in the Project Explorer view, and under the
Unknown node, right-click the IndexFields node:

128  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

2. For an application with country setting USA, point to Add Index Field, then point to US Invoice on the
submenu, and then click US Invoice Items Custom. For all other countries select Invoice on the submenu,
and then click Invoice Items Custom.
3. The new field appears under the IndexFields node. Replace the default field name:

4. Invoice Capture Center takes care of the specified VAT rates only for the standard fields. Therefore take care to
specify the valid VAT rates at the Vat Rates property of the Invoice Items Custom field.
For applications with country setting Hungary or India, special preconfigured Invoice Items Custom fields have to be
used, which are delivered as custom operator files that have to be loaded as global fields in the Design Studio.
For applications with country setting Hungary or India:
1. In the Document Extraction Design Studio, click the Globals tab in the Project Explorer view.
2. Right-click the view, and click Add Custom Operator on the context menu:

3. A file dialog box opens. Go to the CustomItems subfolder of the ICC/BCC installation folder. For Hungary
select the file CeItems_HU.ics, for India select the file CeItems_IN.ics, and then click Open.
4. Click the Classes tab, and under the Unknown node, right-click the IndexFields node.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  129

5. On the context menu, point to Add Global, and then click the name of the new custom operator.
6. Click the Global tab, and modify the global field as needed.
7. Invoice Capture Center takes care of the specified VAT rates only for the standard fields. Therefore take care to
specify the valid VAT rates at the Vat Rates property of the Invoice Items Custom field.

Note: Modifications of the Document Extraction project do not take effect until you close the Settings dialog
box with OK afterwards. It is not sufficient to save the project in the Document Extraction Design Studio.

3.8.3 Adding a custom column to the Invoice Items Custom field

To add a custom column to an InvoiceItems Custom field:
1. Right-click the Columns node, point to Add Search in ItemText, and then click the appropriate field type
for your custom column.
In the following example, a Regular Expression field is used:

2. A new column node appears. Replace the default name with the column name you entered in the Settings
dialog box of the Customizing Client; it is important that these names are identical!
3. Open the new column node, select its index field subnode, and modify the field properties as needed. For more
information about field properties, see OpenText Capture Document Extraction - Developer’s Guide or the
online help of the Design Studio. In the following example, a Regular Expression column with the name
MyCustomColumn has been added; the node has been selected, and the Properties view shows the field

130  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4. When you have specified the properties, save the project, and exit the Design Studio.

3.8.4 Modifying properties of an invoice items custom field

To modify invoice items recognition, you can modify the properties of an invoice items custom field, and its columns.
For more information, see OpenText Capture Document Extraction - Developer’s Guide. There you find descriptions of
the Invoice Items Custom Field, of the US Invoice Items Custom Field, and of the properties of both field

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  131

3.8.5 Specify custom table field as raw line item input
When you have created a custom invoice items method for a new custom column using the Document Extraction Design
Studio, you have to link the new method to the Invoice Items field.
To link the new method to the Invoice Items field:
1. Open the Settings dialog box and expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
2. Click the InvoiceItems node.
3. Click the Automation tab, and click the new custom method in the Use raw line items from custom field

4. When you click OK to close the Settings dialog box, the application is updated.

132  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.8.6 Implementing layout-specific invoice items recognition
If you have added an invoice items custom method, in order to add a custom column or to modify properties of invoice
items recognition, you can even implement specific invoice items recognition for invoice layouts where your generic
custom method does not work satisfactorily.
To specify layout-specific items recognition:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
2. In the Settings dialog box, expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
3. Click a suitable field node. To access the fields of the amount group, also open the Amounts node and its
Elements subnode.
4. Click the Automation tab, and then click Create rule-based method to start the Document Extraction
Design Studio.
5. In the Project Explorer, click the Types tab and create a new document type. The document must refer to the
document class Unknown, which is the default.
6. Add suitable classification features to the Features subnode to determine invoices of the respective layout (For
more information about classification features, see “Classification Features” in OpenText Capture Document
Extraction - Developer’s Guide or the online help of the Document Extraction Design Studio).
7. Go to the Classes tab, open the Unknown node; there you find a subnode corresponding to your new
document type. Right-click the IndexFields subnode of this document type node, point to Add Index Field,
then point to Invoice, and then click Invoice Items Custom; for country setting USA, click US Invoice
Items Custom under US Invoice instead. Choose the identical field name as for your generic items custom
field. Thus the new field replaces the generic field for the respective document type.
8. Modify properties of the new document-type-specific field, as needed.
9. Save the project and exit the Design Studio.

Note: Modifications of the Document Extraction project do not take effect until you close the Settings dialog
box with OK afterwards. It is not sufficient to save the project in the Document Extraction Design Studio.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  133

3.9 Optimizing recognition results

3.9.1 Using Adaptive Recognition for standard invoice fields

The following standard fields can be optimized by using Adaptive Recognition:
 InvoiceCurrency
 InvoiceDate
 InvoiceNetAmount
 InvoiceNumber
 InvoiceOrderNumber (Header)
 InvoicePaymentReference
 InvoiceTotalTaxAmount
 InvoiceVatAmount
 InvoiceVatAmount14,
 InvoiceVatRate1..4,
 InvoiceTotalAmount
To activate these fields for Adaptive Recognition, follow the steps described in "Activating Adaptive Recognition for
standard invoice fields" on page 109. Afterwards you have to perform training. Provide sample invoices for each vendor
and train them on the Customizing Client. For more information about training, see "Training of Adaptive Recognition
fields" on page 31.

3.9.2 Using rule-based methods and scripting

To optimize a standard field by reading the field result with your own rule-base method:
1. Create a suitable rule-based method in the Document Extraction Design Studio. For more information about
rule-based automation methods, see "Rule-Based Recognition automation methods" on page 124 and "Rule-
based methods (Document Extraction)" on page 28).
2. Add a custom field. For more information, see "Adding custom fields" on page 113.
3. Assign your rule-base method to your custom field. For more information, "Rule-Based Recognition automation
methods" on page 124.
4. Write scripting code for the scripting entry point Data Extraction. For more information about scripting, see
"Scripting" on page 21. Compare the value of the standard field with the value of your custom field. If the value
of the custom field is better, assign it to the standard field.

134  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.10 Exporting additional recipient or vendor data
For compliance checks it may be necessary to export additional information about the determined recipient or vendor to
Vendor Invoice Management. For this purpose, special custom fields can be added where each field returns information
about a database column of the found recipient, or vendor, respectively.
To add such fields:
1. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
2. In the Settings dialog box, expand the Fields node.
3. Right-click the Custom Fields node, click Add New Custom Field on the context menu, and enter a
suitable field name on the Data tab.
4. Click the Automation tab and select Generic DatabaseColumn as automation method. Additional
properties and options appear for this method.

5. The Lookup list column list shows all database columns of the current vendor and recipient database files.
Click the desired item in the list.
6. The Column confidence property takes effect if Deliver OCR results or Deliver database entry
checked by OCR is selected. If you specify a value at the Column confidence box, the column value is
only returned if the value read from the invoice matched the database column value with a higher confidence. If
you set it to 100, the value is only returned if the read value was identical to the column value.
7. By default, the field returns the data that were read from the invoice for this column if it could be found. To
return the value of the respective database column, click Deliver database entry. To deliver the database
column value only if the value could be found on the invoice, click Deliver database entry checked by
OCR; this makes sure that the value is returned in the correct format for ICC/VIM.
8. If the Refresh from base field check box is selected, the field value is updated if another database entry is
being selected by the Validation user. If the field value should not be updated during Validation, clear the check
9. By default, the field is positioned within a group together with the corresponding base field and its tab order is
modified accordingly. If the additional field should be the last field in tab order, clear the Place near base
field check box. If you select the check box again later, modify the tab order to position the field as desired.
Take notice that Deliver OCR results and Deliver database entry checked by OCR can only be used if the
respective database column is searched on the documents. In addition to the columns used by the standard fields, these
are the following columns:
STREET and POBOX of the Recipients database and
PHONE, FAX, EMAIL, WWW, SWIFT, RESERVE1, and RESERVE2 of the Vendors database.
If you use these options with one of the remaining columns, the field always returns an empty result.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  135

3.11 Data used by recognition
Recognition uses various data to provide good extraction results. The data come from different sources:
 Recipient data are imported from a database text file by the Customizing Client user during application
 Vendor master data are periodically downloaded from SAP ERP at runtime.
 Purchase order data are periodically downloaded from SAP ERP at runtime.
 Requester data are entered by the Customizing Client user during application development.
Each application uses its own data.

3.11.1 Recipient data

If you want to use automatic company code detection, or if the field InvoiceRecipientVatID should be filled
automatically, you have to supply a database file that contains recipient address data together with the corresponding
company codes and SAP ERP system names, or the VAT IDs, respectively.
The database file must contain all spelling variants of all companies. For each company there may be several entries in
the database file.
As database file, a text file in a special format has to be supplied:
 Each database entry must be contained in a single line.
 The fields of an entry have to be separated by a single TAB character.
 The fields may contain spaces.
 The first line of the file defines the fields (columns) and their order. It must contain the names of all columns
separated by TAB characters. The column names of standard columns are all written in capitals.
 All the following lines containing the database entries must contain all the fields specified by the header line. If
a field is empty, two TAB characters follow each other.
 The database file must contain the columns COMPANYCODE, SYSTEM, and several columns with recipient data.
 The columns COMPANYCODE and SYSTEM must always be filled. Company code detection uses the columns
COMPANY, COMPANY1, STREET, POBOX, and VATID. To ensure optimum company code detection, these
columns should all be present in the recipient database file.
 If the field InvoiceRecipientVatID should be filled automatically, the database file must contain the
column VATID.
The following example shows a database file with the header line, and a single database line, where <tab> denotes the
TAB character:
1000<tab>Open Text<tab>Frank Tompa Drive<tab><tab>Waterloo<tab>N2L 0A1<tab>Canada<tab>T11
The following columns can be used:
Column name Description
COMPANY Company name
COMPANY1 Alternative company name
STREET Street name
VATID Value-added tax identification number
COMPANYCODE Company code
SYSTEM SAP ERP target system name

136  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.11.2 Vendor master data and purchase order data
Vendor Input Management collects vendor master data and purchase order data regularly from all backend SAP ERP
systems, and provides the collected data for Invoice Capture Center. For the download of these data into Invoice Capture
Center, a SAP Download Link Hot Spot is created automatically when you create an application. In the Hot Spot
configuration, you configure scheduling, that is, how often download should be performed (see Configuring Hot Spots).
Whereas vendor master data are all always downloaded completely, you can configure either full download or delta-
download for purchase order data:
 During a full download, the data in the database are deleted before the complete data are downloaded from SAP
 During a delta-download, only new data are downloaded and added to the respective database. In this case the
database grows continually because old data are not deleted from the database.
If you work with purchase order data, it is recommended to use delta-download in order to reduce the amount of
download data and to use a single full download in between to get rid of obsolete data (for more information,
see section “Periodic Tasks” in the chapter “Technical Operations” of OpenText Invoice Center -
Administrator’s Guide).
If you do not work with purchase order data and therefore only vendor master data are downloaded, specifying delta-
download has no effect.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  137

The vendor database comprises the following columns:

Column name Source Description

VENDORID VF_KRED or LFA1 Vendor number
SYSTEM T000 SAP ERP target system name
COMPANY LFA1 Company name
COMPANY1 LFA1 Alternative company name
STREET LFA1 Street name
STATE VF_KRED Region (state, province, county)
ZIP LFA1 Postal code
ZIP1 LFA1 Alternative postal code
PHONE LFA1 Phone number
FAX VF_KRED Fax number
BANKCOUNTRY LFBK Bank country key
BANKACCOUNT LFBK Bank account number
BANKNAME BNKA Name of bank
ESRNR VF_KRED POR subscriber number
VATID LFA1/LFAS Value-added tax identification number
VATID1 LFA1 Tax number 1
VATID2 LFA1 Tax number 2
VATID3 LFA1 Tax number 3
VATID4 LFA1 Tax number 4
VATID5 LFA1 Tax number at Responsible Tax Authority
EMAIL ADR6 Internet mail address
WWW LFA1 Uniform resource locator
IBAN TIBAN International Bank Account Number
SWIFT BNKA SWIFT code for international payments
BLACKLIST Handling tax check
RESERVE1 Reserved (used for prio 1 item mapping)
RESERVE2 Reserved (used for prio 2 item mapping)
CUSTOM1 Reserved for customer fields
CUSTOM2 Reserved for customer fields

For vendors with country India„ in VIM system with India localization, origin of VAT ID data is as follows (download
program for India):

138  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Column Source Remark

Data are downloaded with vendor download report /OPT/IR_DL_VENDOR_TO_STG_TABLE.

The columns RESERVE1 and RESERVE2 can be used to supply spelling variants for items that otherwise might not be
matched correctly.
The table contains one line per vendor/company code/system. If there is more than one bank account for the vendor,
additional lines are generated for this vendor. If there are additional VAT registration numbers for this vendor in table
LFAS, additional lines are generated for this vendor. Additional communication data are not considered.

3.11.3 Requester data

For applications, the email addresses of all requesters have to be entered during application development; for more
information, see "Specifying requester email addresses" on page 85.

3.12 Testing an invoice application

3.12.1 Background information for testing

The quality of an invoice application test mainly depends on two things:
 The technical environment that has been set up for testing
 The material provided from scanning. Technical environment

The main task of an invoice application is to find vendor and recipient data on the invoice in order to deliver the invoice
to the correct SAP ERP system into the correct Vendor Invoice Management process. In addition, invoice data like
invoice date, purchase order, amount, or item data are read and delivered for visual check or even for posting in SAP
For an invoice application, Recognition uses a knowledge base that has been trained on thousands of invoices from
around the world. The fuzzy database functionality involved can be used to compare the read data (names, addresses,
purchase order numbers) with data downloaded from SAP ERP.
If there is no SAP ERP system available to download from and to deliver to, Recognition finds a lot of data but not
vendor number, purchase order item data (purchase order number, and PO line item data), and recipient data. In this case,
testing can only be done locally with the Customizing Client using Open from file. The recognition results can be
viewed in the Validation view, which opens within the Customizing Client when you click Open from file. If company
code detection has been set to Use a company code per archive document type, the Select Archive
Document Type dialog box opens and you have to select an archive document type. The recognition results are deleted
when you submit the invoice after validation.
If you have a SAP ERP system for downloading data, the recognition rate improves. With current data even the vendor
number is found.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  139

An end-to-end test can only be carried out with a fully configured ICC-VIM landscape. The download data have to be
available on the SAP ERP system and have to be imported into ICC/BCC. If the SAP ERP system is connected and the
Extraction Hot Spot is in state Scheduled, an image that has been put into SAP ERP with the matching archive
document type is picked up by ICC and data extraction delivers recognition results. Depending on the validation group
of the archive document type and the recognition results of the image there might be a validation step. After validation or
recognition (if validation was skipped), the invoice data are delivered to VIM. Scanned material

The invoices should be scanned with 300 dpi and compressed with Fax4. Lower resolution or other compression modes
may deteriorate recognition results.
For more information about supported formats, see “Image Formats” in ICC/BCC - Administrator’s Guide.
Do not use invoices that have run through a manual invoice approval process. Invoices should not be stamped or marked
because such invoices would deteriorate recognition results.

3.12.2 Local test of an invoice application

As long as the VIM system is not available or not fully configured, you can perform a local test with the Customizing
Prerequisite is that company code detection for the current application has been either set to Use a fixed company
code or to Automatic company code detection.
Some application settings – like Automatic company code detection – require that download data are available. In
addition, recognition results can be improved by using download data.
If there is no VIM system available, recognition cannot use any download data. In this case, the vendor address from
recognition cannot be matched to vendor data, and therefore no vendor ID is available. No automatic company code
detection takes place, and the company code is always set to the standard value, which has been defined in the
The following sections describe how SAP ERP data can be downloaded without installing and configuring VIM. In the
sections thereafter, use of the VIM download is addressed. Using ICC download from SAP ERP

If VIM installation has not taken place in the SAP ERP system landscape, a special download package
(/ODT9/DOWNLOAD_ICC) can still be transported into the SAP ERP system landscape to improve recognition results.
It can be found on the OpenText Knowledge Center
The package includes three download programs for Invoice Capture Center, which create four text files:
 /ODT9/DL_L_ICC_TO_FILE exports vendor data (Lieferanten.txt)
 /ODT9/DL_PO_ICC_TO_FILE exports purchase order data (PO_Header.txt and PO_Items.txt)
 /ODT9/DL_R_ICC_TO_FILE exports recipient data (Empfaenger.txt, compulsory for automatic
company code detection)
If you use Automatic company code detection, you need recipient data. If you Use a fixed company code,
you do not have to download recipient data unless the field InvoiceRecipientVatID should be filled
The files are downloaded to the SAPWorkDir of the SAP ERP user that runs the program. They have to be made
available to the ICC/BCC Server manually.

Note: For download you should use a SAP ERP system with current vendor and purchase order data in order to
achieve good recognition results on matching invoices.

140  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Loading vendor data
To load vendor data:
1. Start the Customizing Client, and open the invoice application that should make use of the download data.
2. In the Setup group of the Application tab, click Settings. The Settings dialog box opens.
3. Expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields.
4. Click InvoiceVendorNumber, and then click the Presentation tab:

5. At the Index Column list, click the ellipsis button. The Manage Lookup List dialog box opens.

6. Select the Show internal tables check box.

7. Select the list entry Vendors, and then click Reload. In the appearing file dialog box select the file that you
want to load (Lieferanten.txt).
8. Wait until a dialog box indicates that import has been finished. Close the dialog box with OK. Then close the
Manage Lookup List dialog box with Close.
9. Close the Settings dialog box with OK.
The invoice application is now being updated.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  141 Loading purchase order data
To load purchase order data:
1. Start the Customizing Client, and open the invoice application that should make use of the download data.
2. In the Setup group of the Application tab, click Settings. The Settings dialog box opens.
3. Expand the nodes Fields> Predefined Fields.
4. Click InvoiceVendorNumber, and then click the Presentation tab:

5. At the Index Column list, click the ellipsis button. The Manage Lookup List dialog box opens.
6. Select the Show internal tables check box.

7. Select the list entry Positions, and then click Reload. In the appearing file dialog box select the file that you
want to load (PO_Header.txt).
8. Wait until a dialog box indicates that import has been finished. Close the dialog box with OK.
9. Select the list entry PositionDetails, and then click Reload. In the appearing file dialog box select the file
that you want to load (PO_Items.txt).
10. Wait till the Import finished dialog box opens. Close the dialog box with OK. Then close the Manage
Lookup List dialog box with Close.
11. Close the Settings dialog box with OK.
The application is now being updated.

142  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Loading recipient data
With an invoice application, recipient data are used if the option Automatic company code detection has been
selected and if the field InvoiceRecipientVatID should be filled automatically.
If you use a fixed company code, you do not need recipient data unless the field InvoiceRecipientVatID should
be filled automatically.
If you only have a couple of recipients, you can create them manually as described in "Recipient data" on page 136.
If you have many recipients and ICC is connected to a SAP ERP system, you can use downloaded data. Complete the
downloaded recipient file manually; it must contain all spellings of all companies. For most companies, there are several
entries in the file.
To load the completed recipient file:
1. Start the Customizing Client, and open the invoice application that should make use of the download data.
2. In the Setup group of the Application tab, click Settings. The Settings dialog box opens.
3. Expand the nodes Fields> Predefined Fields.
4. Click Company Code, and then click the Automation tab.
5. In the Company code detection list, click Automatic company code determination or Automatic
company code determination incl. determination by PO number:

6. Click Import recipients. In the appearing file dialog box select the file that you want to import and then click
7. Wait till the Import finished dialog box opens. Close the dialog box with OK.
8. Close the Settings dialog box with OK.
The application is now being updated.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  143 Using VIM download from SAP ERP (test) system
If the VIM SAP ERP system is not fully configured but vendor and purchase order downloads can be made to improve
recognition for an invoice application, the following is important: downloads should be made from a SAP ERP system
that contains current vendor and purchase order data. Some customers prefer to create a client copy of the relevant tables
on the SAP ERP production system and to import it to the SAP ERP test system. With this method, current data are
available on the test system which can be downloaded to ICC/BCC. Testing an invoice application locally

To test an invoice application locally:
1. Start the Customizing Client, and open your invoice application.
2. In the Validation group of the Application tab, click Open from file.
3. In the appearing file dialog box select the invoice image file that you want to import from a local folder. If
company code detection has been set to Use a company code per archive document type, the Select
Archive Document Type dialog box opens and you have to select an archive document type.
4. Wait while the image is being processed. Validation opens within the Customizing Client:

You can now check the recognition results. Fields that could be extracted correctly and empty fields that are
optional are highlighted with green color; empty mandatory fields are highlighted with red color.
5. Click Submit or Cancel to close the Validation view. The recognition results are deleted. Providing download data for local testing

If you cannot provide download data from a SAP ERP system, you can still create and import some download data

144  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To provide empty template files with the correct header line showing all needed columns, create a new invoice
application and export it to a file. During export, the Customizing Client writes all application files to a compressed ZIP
archive. From this archive extract the files
 Vendors.csv for vendor download data,
 Position.csv and PositionDetails.csv for PO download data, and
 Recipients.csv for recipient data.
When you add data records to the files, take care to separate the columns with a TAB character. If the number of TAB
characters in a line does not match that of the header line, you get an error during import.
The prepared files can then be loaded into ICC/BCC (for more information, see "Using ICC download from SAP ERP"
on page 140).

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  145

3.12.3 End-to-end test of an invoice application
If VIM and ICC/BCC are fully configured, an end-to-end test can be carried out.
You need the SAP ERP system and a Validation client or Customizing Client for the integrated test. The Extraction Link
Hot Spot has to be in state Scheduled.
The monitoring component is on SAP ERP side. After an invoice has been stored in SAP ERP, it is processed
automatically, and is then ready for validation or within VIM. In your test you should be the one who has been assigned
to the Validation group in order to be able to validate the test image.
The automatic steps can be viewed by means of document state changes.
Log on to the VIM SAP ERP system.
 Step 1 (SAP ERP): Archive an invoice with transaction OAWD.
 Step 2 (SAP ERP): Open the ICC Admin tool with transaction /n/OPT/VIM_7ax8.
 Step 3 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Check whether the correct Archive Object, the correct DP Doc Type,
and the correct Content Repository are used.
 Step 4 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Check whether the status is correct. Initial “Status” is 01: Scanned.
 Step 5a (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Watch the status change. The ICC extraction link polls for documents
from SAP ERP. If the service is configured correctly, the document status changes to 72: Sent to OCR.
 Step 5b (ICC/BCC Customizing Client): You can watch the extraction activities if you start the Customizing
Client and open the Jobs view on the General tab.
 Step 6 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Watch the status change. Next is status 73: Extraction Completed.
 Step 7 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Watch the status change. The DP Trigger spool job moves the document
to status 74: Ready for Validation, provided the validation groups and validation roles were maintained
 Step 8 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Watch the status change. The ICC/BCC Validation Client, or the
Customizing Client, respectively, polls for all documents from SAP ERP with status 74. Subsequently, the
status changes to 75: Send for Validation.
 Step 9 (ICC Validation Client): Start the ICC/BCC Validation Client (or the Customizing Client), open your
application, and click Open. Check the recognition results and change them if necessary. Click Submit in
order to deliver the data to VIM.
 Step 10 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Watch the status change. As soon as the user submits the validated
invoice in the Validation Client, the status changes to 76: Validation Complete.
 Step 11 (SAP ERP – ICC Admin Tool): Watch as the document vanishes from the ICC Admin tool. The DP
Trigger job is again responsible for moving the validated document into the VIM Workflow. For this to happen,
the VIM Workflow must have been customized - especially with regard to “role resolution” and “parking or
posting options”.

146  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.13 Testing on the development system
The Customizing Client contains all features and tools that you may need to test an invoice application, and to analyze
occurring problems.
You can do the following:
 Import images locally or from SAP ERP.
 Monitor all Hot Spots, Jobs, and Cluster Nodes using the General tab.
 Use the Trace Viewer to analyze problems.
 Use the Adaptive Technologies dialog box to analyze repositories of Adaptive Recognition and Adaptive
 Use the Application view to test Validation behavior.

3.13.1 Importing images into the test system

While you develop invoice applications on a standalone development system, two different modes for testing can be
 Testing locally without SAP ERP: During local testing, you select image files from a folder, which are
processed immediately, and are then available for validation within the Customizing Client. When you submit a
document, the results are deleted.
 Testing with SAP ERP: For testing with SAP ERP, SAP ERP and ICC/BCC must be configured in the same
way as for production, that is, test documents have to be made available for processing through the archive and
VIM so that they are then available for validation in the same way as during production.
In both modes you use Validation within the Customizing Client. In contrast to the Validation Client, the Customizing
Client never imports applications from SAP ERP automatically. Thus you always work with the current local version of
the applications; you do not need to export an application to SAP ERP to be able to test validation behavior.
By default the Open command in the Validation group of the Application tab is disabled to prevent that the user of
the Customizing Client inadvertently validates invoices from a SAP ERP production system. To be able to import
invoice from a SAP ERP system, click ICC Options on the application menu, and then select the Activate Validation
mode in Customizing Client check box.
Apart from application import, the Validation Client and the Customizing Client provide the same validation facilities.
For more information about the Validation Client user interface, see ICC/BCC - User’s Guide.
If you have installed a standalone system, the Customizing Client and the Validation Client are installed on the
same PC. You may test your application using the Validation Client of your standalone system, but be careful
there. The Customizing Client and the Validation Client of a standalone system use the same local folder for
the applications. A Validation Client always imports the applications from SAP ERP. If you have changed an
application using the Customizing Client since the last application export to SAP ERP and then use the
Validation Client of your standalone system, the Validation Client loads the old version of the application from
SAP ERP and your changes get lost. It is recommended to use a Validation Client on a separate PC if you want
to test validation with a Validation Client. If you have modified the application on the Customizing Client, you
must export the application to SAP ERP and restart the separate Validation Client to be able to use the new
version of the application on the Validation Client.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  147 Testing locally
If you create a new invoice application, and start to configure it, it is convenient to test locally without SAP ERP.
To test locally, click Open from file in the Validation group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client. This
command opens a file dialog box were you can select one or several test images. When you confirm with Open, the
images are processed locally, that is, load balancing is not used, the documents are not processed at Runtime Nodes of
the Load Manager and processing does not show up in the Jobs view and the Cluster view of the Customizing Client.
As soon as the images have been processed, the first image is shown for validation in the Customizing Client. As soon as
you click Cancel, the next image is shown if available. If you click Submit, checks take place in the same way as in
the Validation Client and a result file result_SAP.xml is written to the temporary files folder containing the data
that would have been exported to SAP in production mode.

Note: Vendor master data and purchase order data have to be available for local testing to get good recognition
results. Testing with SAP ERP

To test an invoice application with SAP ERP, invoices must be made available for processing through the archive and
VIM. The SAP Extraction Link of your local system must be active. According to the scheduling of the SAP Extraction
Link Hot Spot, your local Recognition Server asks VIM for new invoices to process. The invoice images are processed at
Runtime Nodes of the Load Manager, and processing will show up in the Jobs view, and the Cluster view of the
Customizing Client. The recognition results are exported to VIM. According to the route-to-Validation rules, VIM
provides the invoices for Validation.
Click Open in the Validation group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client to get the next invoice for
validation from SAP ERP.

Tip: By default, the Open command is not available. To be able to import invoice from a SAP ERP system, click
ICC Options on the application menu, and then select the Activate Validation mode in Customizing Client
check box.

3.13.2 Validation
After opening an invoice within the Customizing Client, the Application tab shows the invoice image and the extracted
invoice data.
The Validation Client and the Customizing Client provide the same validation facilities. Thus, for more information
about the Validation user interface, see ICC/BCC - User’s Guide. Note that the validation view of the Validation Client
shows the original, scanned invoice image whereas the Customizing Client shows a preprocessed image.

148  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.13.3 Modifying an application during testing
If you modify the invoice application, the Cluster Nodes of the Recognition Cluster are reset. They start to work with the
modified application as soon as they start the next job.
If you modify an application while testing with SAP ERP, you should stop processing first. Do not make new documents
available in SAP ERP, wait until all Cluster Nodes have finished processing and are waiting. Then open and submit all
invoices available for validation. Then make new invoices available after you have modified the application. If you do
not follow this procedure, you may not know whether an invoice you open for validation has been processed with the old
or the new version of the application.
For more information about load balancing and the Load Manager, see “Load Balancing” in ICC/BCC - Administrator’s

3.13.4 Monitoring
During application testing you may want to monitor the system. For information about monitoring, see ICC/BCC -
Administrator’s Guide.

3.13.5 Using the Trace Viewer

If problems occur during development and testing of invoice applications, you can use the Trace Viewer to check the
trace files created by the different components of ICC/BCC for error messages.
For more information about the Trace Viewer, see "Trace Viewer" in ICC/BCC - Administrator’s Guide.

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3.14 Resolving problems

3.14.1 Recognition is not running

 Is the ICC Extraction Link Hot Spot of the application configured and scheduled? Are the document types
identical to VIM archive document types?
 Are the ICC services, whose names start with DOKuStar, running on the ICC system? For more information,
see “Services” in OpenText Capture Center - Administrator’s Guide.
 Is the connection between ICC and SAP VIM working?
 Have the applications been exported to SAP ERP? VIM does not supply recognition tasks if no applications
have been uploaded.

3.14.2 Company code detection fails

If you use automatic company code detection and it fails due to similar recipient addresses, adapt the application settings.
To adapt the application settings:
1. Stop processing.
2. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
3. Expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > Elements > InvoiceRecipient > Elements >
4. Click Company Code Determination.
5. In the Company code detection list, click Automatic company code determination incl.
determination by PO number. The downloaded purchase order data are then used for company code
For more information, see also "Specifying order number processing" on page 90. Schedule the VIM job for PO
download and the ICC Download Link Hot Spot accordingly.
If use of PO data is not an option for you, advise your vendors to add department information, or to use the exact
company name in the invoice address field.
Changes to the ICC settings should only be made after processing has been stopped.

150  Creating and configuring an invoice application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

3.14.3 Vendor detection fails
If you vendors are often not recognized due to similar vendor addresses, adapt the application settings as follows:
To adapt the application settings:
1. Stop processing.
2. In the Setup group of the Application tab of the Customizing Client, click Settings.
3. Expand the nodes Fields > Predefined Fields > Elements > InvoiceRecipient > Elements >
4. Click Vendor ID Determination.
5. Select the Use PO number for vendor ID detection check box. The downloaded Purchase Order data then
support the detection of the company code.
For more information, see "Specifying order number processing" on page 90. Schedule the VIM job for PO download
and the ICC Download Link Hot Spot accordingly.
If use of PO data is not an option for you, revise your SAP ERP vendor master data by adding add missing email or
internet addresses.

3.14.4 OCR error status in VIM

Document stays in status 01 a very long time and does not change to status 72 “Sent to OCR”:
 Check whether the application Hot Spot is scheduled on the ICC Recognition Server.
 Check whether the archive document types are specified correctly in the Hot Spot configuration. Do they
correspond to the SAP ERP archive document types?
 Is the VIM Status Job running?
Document stays in status 72 “Sent to OCR” a very long time and does not change to status 73 “Extraction Completed”:
 Check whether the DOKuStar services on the Recognition Server (and on the Recognition Nodes) are up and
 Is the VIM Status Job running?
Document stays in status 73 “Extraction Completed” a very long time and does not change to status 74 “Ready for
 Check whether the DP trigger job is scheduled on the VIM SAP ERP system.
 Is the VIM Status Job running?
Document in status 84 “Mapping Error”:
 Check the definition of the mapping table in SAP ERP.
Status 85 “Error in Resolving Validation Agent”:
 Check VIM customizing (missing archive document type / missing user assignment in validation TA
Status 87 “Error in OCR Extraction”:
 Check ICC/BCC tracing (for more information about tracing, see OpenText Invoice Center - Administrator’s
Guide, chapter “Logging and Tracing”.
For more error scenarios please refer to the ICC/BCC Administration Guide chapter “Technical Operations –

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring an invoice application  151

4 Creating and configuring a BCC
4.1 Creating a BCC application
You can create BCC applications of the following types:
 The application type Custom can be used for any type of business documents. Such an application does not
have any preconfigured fields. All fields have to be added manually.
 The applications of the types Delivery notes and Sales order are pre-configured applications containing
suitable fields with automation methods and normalization. Applications of these types can be adapted to your
needs. You can change automation methods, modify all properties and normalization rules, or add more fields
as needed.
To create a new application:
1. On the application menu, lick New Application. The Create Application wizard starts.
2. In the Application Name box, enter the application name.
3. Click a BCC application type (Custom, or a Solution Accelerator).
4. Click Next and on the next page of the wizard click Create.
5. When the application has been generated, specify general application settings (OCR character set, format
interpretation list and the archive document types of documents that should be processed by the application).

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4.2 General BCC application settings
To specify general application settings:
1. On the Application tab, click Settings to open the Settings dialog box.
2. Click the General node:

Shows by which user and at which date the application was created. You can also enter a comment describing
application details.
OCR character set:
This property specifies the character set used for character recognition. Thus it also determines the languages
of the processed documents. The default character set Western Europe (CP 1252 WinLatin1) is suitable for
languages of Western European and American countries and also for many other countries where the
supported languages are also used.
Do not change the character set after you have added rule-based methods (Document Extraction) to your
application. Otherwise the character sets of these methods become invalid and they may not work
Format interpretation list:
Specify default languages (cultures) used for conversion at the normalization rules of the types Check type
and Check type and formatting if the property Parse Culture List is empty at the respective rule. It
should contain the languages of the documents that should be processed by the application. Typically, the first
item specifies the language of the most frequent documents.
At the rules, the current field value is checked against the cultures in the specified order. If a culture returns a
successful result, checking is terminated, the field state is set to OK, and depending on the rule type, the value
may be converted according to the determined culture.

154  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

When you specify cultures, take the following into account:
 Do not process documents with the same application that use a different order for dates, for example
British and American dates (dd/mm/yy <-> mm/dd/yy).
 Combine different cultures for decimals with three decimal places only if they use the same thousands
The available cultures depend on the operating system version. If you want to add cultures, make sure that
the specified cultures are supported on your operating system, and the operating system of the intended
production system. On the Internet you can find lists of the supported cultures of the different operating
system versions on the MSDN website.
You must not modify format specifications in the Formats tab of the Region and Language dialog
box and the Customize Format dialog box of the Windows Control Panel because this would affect
checks and formatting within Invoice Capture Center
Archive document types:
Add the archive document types of the documents that should be processed by the application. To add an
archive document type, click Add and enter the archive document type in the appearing dialog box.
The same archive document types that are specified here must also be specified at the Download Link Hot
Spot and the Feedback Link Hot Spot of the application.

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4.3 Character sets and languages
At the OCR character set property of the general settings of a BCC application, six character sets are available that
correspond to the most important Windows codepages.
The following table shows the languages/countries that can be used for the different character sets:

Western Europe Afrikaans Danish Dutch English Finnish

(CP 1252 WinLatin1)
French German Icelandic Indonesian Italian
Luxembourgish Norwegian Portuguese Spanish Swedish
Central Europe Albanian Bosnian (Latin) Croatian Czech Hungarian
(CP 1250 WinLatin2)
Polish Romanian Serbian (Latin) Slovak Slovenian
Cyrillic Azeri (Cyrillic) Belarusian Bosnian (Cyrillic) Bulgarian Kazakh
(CP 1251 WinCyrillic)
Kyrgyz Macedonian Russian Serbian Tajik
Ukrainian Uzbek (Cyrillic)
Baltic (CP1257) Estonian Latvian Lithuanian
Greek Greek
Turkey Azeri (Latin) Turkish Uzbek (Latin)
(CP 1254 WinLatin5)
China Mainland China Singapore
(CP 936)
China Traditional Taiwan Hong Kong
(CP 950)
Japan (CP 932) Japanese
Korea (CP 949) Korean
Thailand (CP 874) Thai

4.4 Validation settings for a BCC application

You can specify settings for the Validation Client:
 You can specify, in which format culture-specific data such as amounts or dates are displayed in the Validation
Client. Normally, the value of this property must equal the first item in the Format interpretation list in the
general application settings. If these values are different, you are asked for confirmation when you click OK in
the Settings dialog box.
 You can change the colors used to highlight different groups of items in the Validation Client.
The specified colors are used in the Validation Client as long as the Validation user does not modify colors. If
the Validation user has modified colors and then clicks Restore Default in the Colorize Field Groups
dialog box, the application-specific colors again take effect.
 You can define whether the command Mark for training should be available in the Validation Client.

156  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To modify Validation settings of a BCC application:
1. On the Application tab, click Settings to open the Settings dialog box.
2. Click the Validation node.

3. In the Regional format list, select in which format culture-specific data such as amounts or dates should be
displayed in the Validation Client.
Normally, the value of this property must equal the first item in the Format interpretation list in the general
application settings. If these values are different, you are asked for confirmation when you click OK in the
Settings dialog box.
4. You can change the colors used to highlight different groups of items in the Validation Client.
For each group, the color used for highlighting is a lighter version of a dark base color. Below the colored
rectangle of each group, a slider controls the color used for highlighting. If you move the slider to the left, the
color becomes lighter until it becomes white if you move the slider to the left end. If you move the slider to the
right, the color becomes darker until it equals the dark base color if you move the slider to the right end.
To select a different base color for a group, click the respective rectangle. The Color dialog box opens. In this
dialog box you can select a color from a set of basic colors or specify your own color.
5. Select the Activate "Mark for Training" in Validation check box if the command Mark for training
should be available in the Validation Client. If the application uses Adaptive Recognition (ART), select this
check box if the Validation user should be able to mark documents that should be trained later. For applications
that do not use ART, selecting this check box is not meaningful.
6. Clear the Activate "Reject" in Validation check box if the Reject command should not be available.
7. If pages that are excluded from extraction at all fields should still be shown in the Validation Client, select the
Show all pages in validation client check box. By default, those pages are not shown.

Note: For Solution Accelerators, names of preconfigured fields are by default shown in the language specified at
the Regional format property if this language is supported by BCC.

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4.5 Adding custom fields to a BCC application
To add a custom field to a BCC application:
1. On the Application tab click Settings.
2. In the Settings dialog box, right-click the Fields node and then click a function type.
3. Enter a name for the function.
4. Specify the general properties.
5. Configure the automation method(s) that should be used. Which methods are available depends on the function

4.6 Function types for custom fields

In a BCC application, the following function types are available for custom fields:
The Classification function is needed for two different scenarios:
 Incoming documents are not pre-sorted and can contain documents that have to be routed to completely
different business scenarios.
 Incoming documents are already pre-sorted, but different business processes have to be triggered for
different document types.
If classification is needed, documents will run through two different applications within BCC. The first
application typically contains only the Classification function whereas the second application performs data
extraction for the respective documents.
To configure a Classification function, you have specify the document types and how they can be determined.
Use this function type if the field value may consist of several character strings. In the Validation Client, the
field is displayed as a table with a single column. As automation methods, CSA, and CDE can be used.
Use this function type to find a matching database entry for the document. To configure the function, you
must load a database file and specify database columns whose values should be returned.
Use this function type to find a matching database record determining a business partner that can be identified
by data found on the document, for example address data. To configure the function, you must specify the
staging table to be used as database, the column value that should be returned and the display format for the
Validation Client.
Use this function type if the field value is a single character string. As automation methods, CSA, ART, CDE,
and LUPL can be used.
Use this function type to capture a table. To configure a Table function, you must add columns. By default,
CSA us used as automation method. Alternatively you can specify a rule-based method using Document

158  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4.7 Configuring a Classification function
For a Classification function, you must specify the document classes that should be determined and how they can be

To specify the class names:

1. Click Add.
2. In the appearing dialog box enter the class name and click OK.
3. By default, the name shown in the Validation Client equals the class name. To specify a different name, click
the name in the Display name column twice to enter edit mode and then type the desired name.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for additional classes.
In the Validation Client, the class names appear in the specified order. To change order, select a row by clicking into the
first column, and then click Move up or Move down. To delete a class, select the row and then press DEL.
The first class in the list is used as default, to which all documents are assigned that cannot be classified.
By default, the Adaptive Classification automation method is used. It compares the textual content of the document with
that of already processed documents to determine the class. It returns a class name if the confidence value for the best-
matching sample is higher than the value specified at the Threshold property and the distance to the confidence value
of the second-best matching class is higher than the value specified at the Distance property.
If the method sometimes returns a wrong class after many documents have already been processed, you can try to
improve classification quality by increasing the threshold values.
By default, Adaptive Classification uses only the first three pages of a document. If a different number of pages or if also
some of the last pages should be used, modify the values at the First or Last property as desired. If all document pages
should be used, click Extract on all pages.
In addition to Adaptive Classification or alternatively, Document Extraction can be used.
To specify classification with Document Extraction:
1. Select the CDE check box.
2. Click Edit Rule-Based Methods to start the Document Extraction Design Studio.
3. On the Types tab, add a document type for each document class (except Unclassified). For the names use
the specified class names.
4. Add features at each document type and run test images, until the first pages of all test documents are classified

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  159

If both classification methods are selected, Adaptive Classification is only used if Document Extraction cannot classify
the document.

Note: During classification with Document Extraction, only the first page of a document is used. The options in
the Used pages area do not take effect for classification with Document Extraction.

Note: Adaptive Classification will only return results after documents of at least two different classes have been

4.8 Configuring automation methods for a String function

For a String function, four types of automation methods are available:
 Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA)
CSA learns from Validation input. It extracts syntax and location of the field value using the data captured by
the Validation user with the mouse (Single Click Entry). If syntax and location is different on documents of the
same layout, CSA learns these parameters too. The strings must have the same length and the same character
class (digits, letters, special characters) at the same position. If the property Syntax is set to Strong, the
strings must be similar starting with the same characters as it will occur for example for order numbers.
Thus CSA is suitable for strings appearing at a fixed position, mainly in the header of forms.
 Adaptive Recognition (ART)
Adaptive Recognition uses previously trained sample documents to extract the field value at the same position
as it was trained for a sample with the same layout. To provide the required samples, documents of the different
layouts must be trained in advance using the Customizing Client.
Thus ART needs preparation by training, but can be used in cases where CSA or LUPL may fail.
 Rule-based methods (CDE) using Document Extraction
While the other methods learn from manually captured results or from preceding training, Document Extraction
uses fixed rules specified using the Document Extraction Design Studio.
 Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning (LUPL)
LUPL first extracts candidate strings whose syntax is specified by a regular expression or a Document
Extraction field. It then uses neighboring phrases to decide which candidate is the correct field value.
This method is suitable for field values that occur at different positions but always in the neighborhood of
typical keywords or phrases.

160  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To configure Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA):
1. Select the CSA check box.
2. Specify syntax checking.
To specify Adaptive Recognition:
 Select the ART check box.
To specify a rule-based method using Document Extraction:
1. Select the CDE check box.
2. Click Edit rule-based method and configure a suitable field using the Document Extraction Design Studio.
3. Save the project and exit the Design Studio.
4. Click the field prepared in step 2 in the Operator list.
To specify Layout-Specific Phrase Learning:
1. Select the LUPL check box.
2. To specify the data format for candidates, either click Edit regular expression and specify a regular
expression, or click Edit rule-based methods and configure a suitable field using the Document Extraction
Design Studio.
3. Click the respective item prepared in step 2 in the Candidates list.
If you select more than one extraction method, the methods will be called one after the other in the order ART, CSA,
LUPL, CDE. As soon as a method returns a result successfully, extraction is terminated and the result of the method is
returned. For example, if CDE and LUPL are selected, LUPL will be called first. If it does not fiend the field, CDE is
called. If CDE does not find the field, it will remain empty.
By default, selected automation methods will process all pages of the document. If they should only process the first or
last pages of the document, click Extract on these pages and enter a number of pages at the First and Last
properties. For example, to extract the field on the first three pages, set First to 3 and Last to 0.
If string replacements performed after automatic data extraction, for example by the Validation operator, should be
learned and applied automatically, you can select the Automatic string replacement check box instead of specifying
normalization rules. This can be useful if different writings for certain field values will be replaced with a specific,
normalized string. Normally, activating of this feature is only meaningful if CDE (Capture Document Extraction) is used
as an extraction method.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  161

4.9 Configuring automation methods for a List function
For a List function, two types of automation methods are available:
 Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA)
CSA is layout-specific. For documents of the same layout, it learns syntax and horizontal position of captured
items. On new documents of the same layout, it extracts strings that have the same character class (letters,
digits, special characters) at each position within the string as has been found on already learned documents.
 Rule-based methods (CDE) using Document Extraction
To be able to use CDE, you must specify a suitable field using the CDE Design Studio. There are fields
searching for amount or date values, or strings specified by a regular expression. Alternatively, you can search
for strings preceded by a specified keyword or phrase. With CDE, the strings need not be positioned below each
other; they can occur at arbitrary positions within a specified search area.

To configure Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA):

1. Select the CSA check box.
2. Specify the syntax. With the default value weak for the Syntax property, the algorithm checks whether the
same class of characters appears at a certain position of a string. For example, the algorithm requires a digit if
all already learned strings had a digit at the respective position.
With the value strong, the algorithm checks whether found strings have similarities to already learned strings.
In some cases, this mode yields better results, for example if the strings are numbers within a limited range.
3. CSA expects the values arranged as a column. At the Position property, specify whether the values are left-
aligned or right-aligned.

Note: The algorithm is able to cope with more difficult scenarios, for example strings with varying lengths or
values that are arranged in two separate columns containing string with a different syntax. Therefore you should try to
use this extraction methods even in complex list types and test whether data are extracted correctly after some training.
To specify a rule-based method using Document Extraction:
1. Select the CDE check box.
2. Click Edit rule-based method and configure a suitable field using the Document Extraction Design Studio.
You can use fields that have an Occurrences property. At the Occurrences property, select the value all so
that the field can return several values.
3. Save the project and exit the Design Studio.
4. Click the field prepared in step 2 in the Operator list.
If you select both extraction methods, CSA will be used first. If it does not find a value, CDE will be called.
By default, selected automation methods will process all pages of the document. If they should only process the first or
last pages of the document, click Extract on these pages and enter a number of pages at the First and Last
properties. For example, to extract the field on the first three pages, set First to 3 and Last to 0.

162  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4.10 Configuring a Partner function
To configure a Partner function:
1. Enter the SAP ERP table name in the Staging table box (COMPANY, CUSTOMER, or VENDOR).
2. Enter the name of the column whose value should be returned in the Index column box.
3. Specify the format that should be used in the Validation Client in the Display layout box. Enter the names of
the table columns that should be shown enclosed in angle brackets and additional text if desired. To specify a
new line, use CTRL+ENTER.
For example, if you specify a line:
Company: <COMPANY>, City: <CITYNAME>
a result could appear in the Validation Client as:
Company: Open Text, City: Waterloo
As automation method, always Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA) is used. If a matching template is found for a
document, the same value is returned for the Index column field that was captured for the template document.

Note: If you want to use the F9 function key in the Validation view of a BCC application containing a Partner
function during local testing with the command Open from File, you must log in to the respective SAP ERP
system so that the required staging table can be accessed.

4.11 Configuring a Table function

To configure a Table function:
1. Specify general settings for the Table field.
2. For each table column, right-click the Elements subnode of the Table field node, and then click Add New
Custom Column.
3. For each table column, select the column node and specify general properties for the respective column.
4. If string replacements for values of a certain table column performed after automatic data extraction, for
example by the Validation operator, should be learned and applied automatically, you can select the
Automatic string replacement check box at the properties of the respective column instead of specifying
normalization rules. This can be useful if different writings for certain values of a table column will be replaced
with a specific, normalized string. Normally, activating of this feature is only meaningful if Document
Extraction is used as an extraction method for the table.
By default, Continuous Self-Adaptation is used as automation method. Alternatively a Rule-Based Method using
Document Extraction can be configured.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  163

To configure a rule-based automation method:
1. Click Document Extraction.
2. Click Edit rule-based methods to start the Document Extraction Design Studio.
3. Create and configure a suitable table field at the Unknown document class, save the project and then close the
Design Studio. For the columns that should be exported and displayed in Validation, you must specify the same
column names that you used for the column nodes of the Table function in the Settings dialog box.
4. Click the respective automation method in the Operator list.
5. If only the rule-based method should be used, clear the Continuous Self-Adaptation check box.
Otherwise, the rule-based method is only used if Continuous Self-Adaptation did not find the table.

4.12 Configuring a LookupList function

The LookupList function has only a single automation method called SnapMatch. SnapMatch tries to determine the
database record that matches the document. This automation method is always used if you load a database file; therefore
you cannot specify an automation method for this function type.

To configure a LookupList function:

1. Prepare the database file by downloading the respective staging table from SAP ERP. With this version, the
database file can only be loaded manually. The database file must have file extension CSV. It must contain a
header line with the columns names, and a line for each database row. The file must be in UTF-8 encoding. To
separate the columns values, TAB characters must be used.
2. Specify general properties.
3. To load a database file, click Import file, select the database file in CSV format, and click Open.
4. Specify presentation in the Validation Client. By default, the field is displayed as Lookup List.
5. If some columns always stand close together, click the Compactness tab and specify compactness.
6. If some subsets of columns always are present together, click the Filters tab and specify filters to prevent that
inadvertently some strings match values of some columns yielding false results.
7. Configure the columns that should be shown in the Validation Client.
After the file has been imported, all available columns are shown as subnodes of an Elements node at the LookupList
function. The column nodes show the general properties, which specify presentation in the Validation Client.

164  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

To configure the columns that should be shown in the Validation Client:
1. Repeat the following steps for all columns that should be shown in the Validation Client.
2. By default, the column name will be shown in the Validation Client. If a different string should be shown, enter
it in the Display label box.
3. If tab order values are specified, the columns are displayed in the order of increasing tab order values. If the
columns should be shown in a special order, enter suitable integers in the Tab order boxes of shown columns.
4. If the column should be shown in the Validation Client, click either Visible or Read-only.
5. If a column value must not be empty, select the Set error if empty check box.
It is not mandatory to load a database file. If you do not load a database file, the automation method SnapMatch cannot
work and data extraction will never return a result for this field. In this case you must add columns manually that should
be displayed in the Validation Client because the staging table cannot be accessed by the Customizing Client. In
addition, the Validation user can only use F9 or the Look up command to select a database record.
Also it is not mandatory to specify a staging table. If you do not specify a staging table, F9 and the Look up command
are not available in the Validation Client.
Thus you must at least specify a database file or a staging table; otherwise the Validation user cannot select a database
record. If possible you should specify both, a database file and a staging table.

4.12.1 Specifying presentation of a LookupList field

To specify presentation of a LookupList field:
1. Click the Validation tab.
2. If the Validation user should be able to select a database record using the F9 function key, enter the name of a
staging table in SAP ERP (one of the staging tables COMPANY, CUSTOM, or VENDOR which are
preconfigured by Business Center, or your own custom table) in the Staging table box.
3. By default, the field is shown as a Lookup List in the Validation Client. If it should be shown in a address
layout similar to the Partner function, click Address view and specify the additional properties.

Note: If you want to use the F9 function key in the Validation view of a BCC application containing a
LookupList field during local testing with the command Open from File, you must log in to the respective SAP
ERP system if a staging table has been specified.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  165

To specify the layout of the address view:
1. At the Index column box, enter the name of the column whose value should be transferred to SAP ERP.
2. Specify the format that should be used in the Validation Client in the Display layout box. Enter the names of
the table columns that should be shown enclosed in angle brackets and additional text if desired. To specify a
new line, use CTRL+ENTER.
For example, if you specify a line:
Company: <COMPANY>, City: <CITYNAME>
a result could appear in the Validation Client as:
Company: Open Text, City: Waterloo

Note: If Address view is selected on the Validation tab, the conflicting properties at the column nodes of the
project tree (Display label, Tab order, and the Display options) are ignored.

4.12.2 Specifying compactness for a LookupList field

If some columns are always positioned closely together on the document, you should specify compactness,
To specify compactness parameters:
1. Click the Compactness tab.
2. In the Max. matches distance area, enter the maximum distance between neighboring values in horizontal
and vertical direction in the X and Y boxes.

After you have imported a database file or defined columns manually, the names of all columns are shown in
the column list in the Compact columns area.
3. Specify the columns for which compactness is required: Either click Specific columns and select the check
boxes at the respective columns, or click All columns.

166  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4.12.3 Specifying filters for a LookupList field
If the database file contains many columns, it may happen that inadvertently some strings on the invoice are similar to
column values of a database entry yielding a false result. If several column values always appear together on an invoice,
you can prevent this by specifying filters.
The Filters tab permits to specify sets of required columns together with minimum confidences for matching data. If
filters are defined, a matching database record is only returned if all columns of at least one of the specified filters have
been detected with at least the specified confidence.
As soon as columns are defined, they appear as a header line and the Add button becomes available:

To add a filter:
1. Click Add. A new filter row is shown.
2. To specify a column as mandatory for this filter, click the down-arrow at the respective column, and click a
confidence value in the list:

In this example, matching data satisfy this filter only if a value for the CITYNAME column could be found on
the document with a confidence greater than 80.
3. Repeat step two for all columns that must appear together.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  167

4.13 General properties of a BCC function
Each BCC function shows the following properties:

Display label
Field name that is shown in the Validation Client.
If it is empty at a predefined field of a Solution Accelerator, the field name is displayed in the language
specified by the Regional format property at the Validation node if this language is supported by BCC. If
it is empty for a custom field, the function name is used.
Tab order
Field order in the field list in the Validation Client is specified by increasing values of this property, that is,
the field with the lowest tab order value is displayed first. If you want the field to be displayed at a different
position, enter a value for Display tab order that lies between that of the desired predecessor and successor.
By default, a field is displayed in the Validation Client and can be modified by the Validation operator.
If the Validation operator should not be able to modify the value, click Read-only.
If the field should not be displayed in the Validation Client, click Hidden.
Set error if empty
Select this check box if the field is mandatory. The Validation Client then indicates an error if the user tries to
submit the invoice while the field is still empty.

Note: The same general properties are available at each column of a Table function and a LookupList function.

168  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4.14 Automation methods for BCC fields

4.14.1 Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA)

Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA) uses data collected by the Validation Client for automatic extraction of fields. The
document results including character recognition results of the whole document are fetched regularly from SAP ERP by
the Feedback Link Hot Spot of the application. If a document of the respective layout is not yet known, CSA stores
information about the document layout and about value and position of the field results in the ICC/BCC database as a
new template. For a table, information about the structure of the table rows is stored. If the document layout is already
known, the new data are checked and used for optimization if necessary.
During extraction, CSA compares the current document with the available templates. If a similar template is found, CSA
knows at which position the CSA fields can be expected. With the default value Weak of the Syntax property, CSA
checks whether characters of the same class (letter, digit, space, separator character) occur at the same position within a
found string. If the property is set to Strong, it is also checked whether a found string starts with the same characters as
the string on the used template.
For a table, CSA uses its data about the table structure to determine row candidates and to extract the whole table. For a
table, position and number of rows can differ from that of the template.
With CSA, fields are always empty when the first documents are being processed. Over time more and more often CSA
will be able to use a matching template to find the fields so that recognition rate increases steadily while CSA adds
further templates for document layouts that appear for the first time. CSA also removes templates automatically that have
not been used for a long time. Thus CSA also adapts to changing document layouts automatically.
CSA is suitable for applications where documents with the same layout occur repeatedly, for example if the documents
comprise forms arriving from different business partners, where documents from the same partner have the same layout.

If you change the name or a property of a CSA function, all previously collected templates will be deleted as
soon as the first document is processed with the modified application.

4.14.2 Adaptive Recognition (ART)

Adaptive Recognition (ART) extracts field values using templates to determine the position of the value in a similar way
than Continuous Self-Adaptation (CSA). But while CSA learns new templates automatically evaluating the activity of
Validation operators, ART needs explicit training.
Therefore it is recommended to use CSA instead of ART.
You should use ART if you want to spend the effort of training typical document layouts before production is started to
optimize Validation effort from the beginning. You could also decide to use ART if you want to control explicitly which
document layouts and field data are trained.

4.14.3 Rule-Based Extraction (CDE)

Rule-Based Recognition uses Document Extraction to search for data fields on documents.
In contrast to self-learning extraction methods (CSA and LUPL) or Adaptive Recognition Document Extraction uses
fixed rules called index fields configured with the Document Extraction Design Studio. An index fields specifies the data
format of the searched item and the area on each page where the value will be searched. With the Document Extraction
Design Studio you can also test whether the specified fields are found on a set of test documents.
For more information about Document Extraction, see "Rule-Based Methods (Document Extraction" on page 28.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  169

4.14.4 Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning (LUPL)
Layout-Unspecific Phrase Learning is a self-learning automation method that uses typical phrases to find a value with a
specified format, for example a date or an amount. It is useful if your documents have variable layouts so that the field
value will appear at varying positions on the documents while typical phrases will appear near the field value.
To enable the automation method to find suitable candidates for the field value, you specify the format of the field values
either by defining a regular expression or by specifying a Document Extraction field.
When a field value has been captured manually by the Validation operator, the algorithm will learn by saving candidate
strings matching the specified format and phrases appearing near invalid matches as well as phrases near the correct
During data extraction, the automation method will search all candidates matching the specified format. It will try to
identify the correct value and to exclude wrong matches using the feedback data from previous documents. If the correct
value can be determined unambiguously it will be returned.

4.15 Testing and training of a BCC application

When you work with a BCC application using the Customizing Client, you should be aware that feedback data are
always collected when you click Submit in the Validation view if the application contains fields with automation
method CSA or LUPL. Feedback data are even collected if you test locally using the command Open from file.
If you are testing an application on a development system or if you perform initial training, you should take care that no
erroneous feedback data are transferred to the production system.
To prevent that erroneous feedback data are transferred to the production system, do one of the
 Click Submit only if you are sure that all captured field values are correct. Otherwise click Cancel to prevent
collection of feedback data.
 If you are not sure whether collected feedback data are correct, clear the CSA data check box when you export
the application to a file so that no feedback data are exported.

If you use Table Auto-Completion at a Table field during initial training, check all table rows and delete all
rows that are not correct. When you click Submit, it is not harmful if some correct table rows are missing, but
the captured data must not contained erroneous rows.

4.16 Exporting results to a BC application

To access BCC results, define a suitable field mapping for the BC target application. For more information, see "4.1.4
Defining external data mapping" in Business Center - Configuration Guide.

170  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4.17 Solution Accelerators
Solution Accelerators are pre-configured applications for special business document types. A Solution Accelerator
already contains some fields with extraction methods and normalization rules.
You can adapt applications based on a Solution Accelerator according to your needs. For example, you could add custom
fields, modify extraction methods of pre-configured fields, or add or modify normalization rules.
To be able to use a Solution Accelerator, you must install the respective plug-in.
For the pre-configured fields, the field name shown in the Validation Client is in the language specified at the Regional
format property on the Validation tab of the application settings if this language is supported by BCC.

Note: If you want to use the F9 function key in the Validation view of a Delivery Note Solution Accelerator or a
Sales Order Solution Accelerator during local testing with the command Open from File, you must log in to the
respective SAP ERP system so that the required staging table can be accessed.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  171

4.17.1 Delivery Note Solution Accelerator
The Delivery Note Solution Accelerator provides the following pre-configured fields:

Field name Field type Extraction methods

DeliveryNumber String CSA
DeliveryDate String CSA, LUPL
OrderNumber String CSA
Vendor_ID Partner CSA, Validation lookup with
Staging table VENDOR and
Index column LIFNR
DeliveryItems Table with columns: CSA
- Description
- MaterialNumber
- Position
- Quantity
- Unit

4.17.2 Sales Order Solution Accelerator

The Sales Order Solution Accelerator provides the following pre-configured fields:

Field name Field type Extraction methods

OrderNumber String CSA
DocumentDate String CSA, LUPL
ContactEmail String CSA, LUPL
RequestedDate String CSA, LUPL
NetAmount String CSA, LUPL
Currency String CSA
ShipTo_ID Lookup list LookupList
SoldTo_ID Partner CSA, Validation lookup with
Staging table CUSTOMER and
Index column KUNNR
OrderItems Table with columns: CSA
- Position
- MaterialNumber
- Description
- Quantity
- Unit
- UnitPrice
- Amount

172  Creating and configuring a BCC application ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

4.17.3 Mailroom for HR Solution Accelerator
The Digital Mailroom for HR Solution Accelerator comprises an application for document classification and a second
application for data extraction.
The classification application contains a single field of type Classification using Extraction method ACT (Adaptive
Classification) with the following document classes:

Class name Display name

/OTBC/5CL2 Unclassified
/OTBC/5EC2 Employment Contract
/OTBC/5I92 I-9 Form
/OTBC/5EA2 Employment Application
/OTBC/5LA2 Internal Letter of Application
/OTBC/5RE2 Resume
/OTBC/5TF2 W-4 Tax Fomr

The extraction application provides the following pre-configured fields:

Field name Field type Extraction methods

FirstName String CSA
LastName String CSA,
EmployeeID String CSA
DocumentDate String CSA, LUPL
DatOfBirth String CSA, LUPL

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Creating and configuring a BCC application  173

5 Field reference
This chapter describes recognition and processing details for the fields of Invoice Capture Center.

Note: If an entry exists for VIM internal name, the field value is visible in VIM baseline screens or can be made
visible by configuration. It can be included in the business rule Missing mandatory information by
Statements under VIM process focus on the Business Rules or Check Rules. If there are no business rules
for a field but the field value is used elsewhere, this is mentioned. If nothing is stated under VIM process, the
VIM baseline makes no use of this field except for showing it in the screens or checking it in business rule
Missing mandatory information.

5.1 Header fields

5.1.1 Company Code

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
CompanyCode All Yes Yes Yes BUKRS
ICC recognition / Format VIM process
Four different methods are available to determine the The company code takes on a key function in the SAP ERP system.
company code. You can use a single, fixed company code for The Company code must exist in table T001.
all documents of the current application, a separate company
code for each archive document type, you can use automatic For Non PO based invoices: if company code is empty then
company code detection or you can use automatic company DEFAULT document type is proposed.
code detection with PO number support. For PO based invoices: the company code is derived by SAP by
querying database table EKKO.
Configuration: For automatic detection, you need a database If no Company code is found then here also DEFAULT document
in text file format. type would be proposed.

5.1.2 Recipient Name

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceRecipientName All No No Yes RECIPIENT_NAME

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using recipient data.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 0.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  175

5.1.3 Recipient Name 2
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceRecipientName2 All No No Yes (no field available)

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using recipient data.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 0.

5.1.4 Recipient Vat Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceRecipientVatID All No No Yes RECEPIENT_VAT_NO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using recipient data. There are two business rules for this field. If the business rule fails,
Deliver OCR result by default. an exception ‘Invalid Recipient VAT Number’ is
Default column confidence 100. raised; for Australia an exception ‘Invalid Recipient
ABN Number’ is raised.

5.1.5 SAP System

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
System All No No Yes TARGET_SYSTEM
ICC recognition / Format VIM process
Logical SAP ERP System. Target SAP ERP system where the document shall be transferred to.
Is determined in the same way as the company code (see
description above).

5.1.6 Reference Number (Invoice Number)

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceNumber All Yes Yes Yes XBLNR

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Vendor invoice number. The reference number is used as a search criterion when documents
This is extracted using keyword search. are changed or displayed.
In correspondence, the reference number is sometimes printed in place
of the document number.
For a credit memo, Reference Number and (depending on the
country) Invoice Date must be filled. Otherwise, an exception

176  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

‘Incomplete Credit Memo’ is raised.

5.1.7 Invoice Date

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceDate All Yes Yes Yes BLDAT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Invoice date is extracted using keyword search. Date on which the original document was issued.
Check: less than one year old. When the business rule is applied, InvoiceDate must have been
filled. Otherwise an exception ‘Missing Invoice Date’ is
Format: display format is independent of recognized

5.1.8 Date of Supply

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceDeliveryDate Opt. Optional Yes SUPPLY_DATE

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is trained on customer’s site with customer’s The supply date is transferred in the invoice header text field.
invoices. Training should be done for the most frequent Depending on the country of the vendor address, the date of supply
vendors using representative invoice images showing that can be a mandatory field.
field. Training should be performed by an administrator Then the exception ‘Missing date of supply’ is raised.
using the Customizing Client
The field is mandatory for specific countries.
Out of the box delivered for Germany, Austria, Switzerland
and Poland.

5.1.9 ESR Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ESRReferenceNumber Switzerland Yes Yes Yes ISR

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Swiss payment reference number. The entire string is POR Subscriber Number derived from ICC ESR Number.
delivered only for Switzerland. If the business rule applies and the ESR check is activated via Z-
Constant ESR_CHECK_REQUIRED, the ESR transferred from ICC
Format: specific format with check digit. is checked against the master data..

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  177

5.1.10 Credit Memo

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name

Visible Mandatory
InvoiceCreditMemo All Yes Yes Yes CREDIT_MEMO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Determined using keywords (invoice, credit memo) This The Invoice type is converted.
field is used to mark the document as either an invoice (‘ ‘) If the Invoice Type is ‘Credit’ then the field Credit Memo is
or a credit note (‘X’). clicked on. If it’s about a credit memo, the field Reference Number
The document is searched for keywords or phrases that (and depending on the country the Reference Date for Credit Memo)
indicate a credit note. In all other cases, 'Invoice' is has to be filled. Otherwise an exception ‘Incomplete Credit
assumed. Memo’ is raised.

5.1.11 Vendor Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name

Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorNumber All Yes Yes Yes LIFNR

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Vendor master data are periodically downloaded from SAP at The vendor number must be valid, that means a vendor master item
runtime. Therefore the Hot Spot SAP Download Link is used must exist for this number. Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Vendor’
to fetch data from SAP regularly (table is raised.
/OPT/VIM_STG_LIF). If a PO number is known, the system checks whether the determined
For vendor determination, automation method SnapMatch is vendor is identical to the vendor in the PO. If not, an exception
used. Following database columns are relevant: ‘Vendor mismatch’ is raised.
 Company If one of the fields HSNM1, STREET, CITY1, PSTLZ, REGIO, or
 Company1 LAND1 does not match with the corresponding field of the vendor
master, an exception 'Vendor Address Mismatch (PO)’ or
 Street
‘Vendor Address Mismatch (NPO)’
 PO Box
is raised.
 Phone
 Fax
 Bank Account
 VAT Number
 Email
 S.W.I.F.T. Code
 WWW address
The search is stopped once a match is found.
If there is a match, the vendor number is copied from the
vendor table into the results file.
If there is no sufficient match, the field remains empty. Fields
required for the vendor search are by default not displayed
and they are not exported in the result file.
Format: max. 10 characters
Vendor data download by HotSpot; table

178  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.12 Vendor Name
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorName All No No Yes VEND_NAME

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Vendor name from ICC is transferred into this field. By modifying
Deliver OCR result by default. the index data manually, the vendor name will be refreshed from the
Default column confidence 0. vendor master.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.13 Vendor Name 2

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorName2 All No No Yes (no field available)

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 0.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.14 Vendor VAT Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatID All Yes No Yes VENDOR_VAT_NO or PAN_NO
ICC recognition / Format VIM process
Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. VAT number is checked against the vendor master data.
Deliver database entry checked by OCR by default. If the value does not match the VAT registration number (field
Default column confidence 100. LFA1-STCEG) in the vendor master data, an exception ‘Invalid
Must be contained in vendor data download. Vendor VAT No.’ is raised.
Australia: If value does not match the VAT registration number (field
LFA1-STCEG) in the vendor master data, an exception ‘Invalid
Vendor ABN No.’ is raised.
India: If the business rule fails, an exception ‘Missing Vendor
PAN Number’ or ‘Mismatch Vendor PAN Number’ is raised.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  179

5.1.15 Vendor VAT Number 1
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatID1 All Yes No Yes VENDOR_TAX_NO or STC_NO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. France: If business rule fails, an exception ‘Invalid Siret
Deliver database entry checked by OCR by default. Number’ is raised.
Default column confidence 100. India: If business rule fails, an exception ‘Missing Vendor STC
Must be contained in vendor data download. Number’ or ‘Mismatch Vendor STC Number’ is raised.

5.1.16 Vendor VAT Number 2

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatID2 All No No Yes TIN_TOT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. India: If business rule fails, an exception ‘Missing Vendor
Deliver database entry checked by OCR by default. TIN/TOT Number’ or ‘Mismatch Vendor TIN/TOT
Default column confidence 100. Number’ is raised.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.17 Vendor VAT Number 3

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatID3 All No No Yes LST_NO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. India: If business rule fails, an exception ‘Missing Vendor
Deliver database entry checked by OCR by default. LST Number’ or ‘Mismatch Vendor LST Number’ is
Default column confidence 100. raised.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

180  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.18 Vendor VAT Number 4
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatID4 All No No Yes CST_NO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. India: If business rule fails, an exception ‘Missing Vendor
Deliver database entry checked by OCR by default. CST Number’ or ‘Mismatch Vendor CST Number’ is
Default column confidence 100. raised.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.19 Vendor VAT Number 5

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatID5 All No No Yes ECC_NO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. India: If business rule fails, an exception ‘Missing Vendor
Deliver database entry checked by OCR by default. ECC Number’ or ‘Mismatch Vendor ECC Number’ is
Default column confidence 100. raised.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.20 Vendor Bank Account Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorBankAccount All No No Yes BANKN

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Value is used to determine the partner bank type.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 100.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  181

5.1.21 Vendor Bank Name
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorBankName All No No Yes BANKA

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Value is used to determine the partner bank type.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 0.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.22 Vendor Bank Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorBankNumber All No No Yes BANKL

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Value is used to determine the partner bank type.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 0.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.23 Vendor City

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorCity All No No Yes REMIT_AD_CITY1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Check rule: field has to match the city of the vendor master data.
Deliver OCR result by default. Otherwise an exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is
Default column confidence 0. raised in the DP workflow.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

182  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.24 Vendor IBAN
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorIBAN All No No Yes IBAN

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Value is used to determine the partner bank type.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 100.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.25 Vendor POBOX

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorPOBOX All No No Yes (no field available)

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 100.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.26 Vendor POBOXZIP

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorPOBOXZIP All No No Yes (no field available)

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 100.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  183

5.1.27 Vendor State
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorState All No No Yes REMIT_REGIO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Check rule: field has to match the region code of the vendor master
Deliver OCR result by default. data. Otherwise an exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is
Default column confidence 0. raised in DP workflow.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.28 Vendor Street

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorStreet All No No Yes REMIT_STREET

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Check rule: field has to match the street of the vendor master data.
Deliver OCR result by default. Otherwise an exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is
Default column confidence 0. raised in DP workflow.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.29 Vendor SWIFT

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorSWIFT All No No Yes SWIFT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Value is used to determine the partner bank type.
Deliver OCR result by default.
Default column confidence 100.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

184  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.30 Vendor ZIP
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVendorZIP All No No Yes REMIT_PSTLZ

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Value is determined using downloaded vendor master data. Check rule: field has to match the zip code of the vendor master
Deliver OCR result by default. data. Otherwise an exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is
Default column confidence 100. raised in DP workflow.
Must be contained in vendor data download.

5.1.31 PO Number
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceOrderNumber All Yes Yes Yes EBELN

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Optionally, PO numbers can also be checked against the If a PO Number is transferred, VIM processes the invoice as PO
downloaded purchase orders. Only purchase orders with invoice. Otherwise, the NPO VIM process starts.
matching company code, vendor number, and SAP ERP Purchase Order must exist in table EKKO; otherwise an exception
target system are checked.
‘Invalid PO number (PO)’ is raised in DP workflow.
Maximum: 10 characters.
If there is a ReleaseGroup in PO, the PO must be released or an
PO download by SAP Download Link exception ‘PO is not released’ is raised.
Table: PO Number is used to determine the company code and the DP
/OPT/VIM_STG_POH (header), document type.
/OPT/VIM_STG_POI (items)
PO Number is used in automatic and manual line item matching to
find out the relevant items of the invoice.

5.1.32 PO Number List

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ListPO All Yes Yes Yes EBELN (in table /OPT/VIM_1PO_DN)

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

PO Number List is used in automatic and manual line item matching
to find out the relevant items of the invoice.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  185

5.1.33 Delivery Note List

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name

Visible Mandatory
ListDN All Opt. Optional Yes LFSNR (in table /OPT/VIM_1PO_DN)
ICC recognition / Format VIM process
If a PO was found, the contents of the column DELIVERY DN note list is used in automatic and manual line item matching to
for that PO (in the PO database) are searched on the find out the relevant items of the invoice.
The result of the search is filled into this field.

5.1.34 Requester Email

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceRequesterEmail Yes No Yes EMAIL_ID

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Valid requestor email addresses have to be specified in the Only the first 80 characters are considered.
application settings. Check rule: If Email- ID does not exist in table /ORS/USERMAP,
ICC matches recognized email addresses against specified the exception ‘Invalid Requester’ is raised.
items. Check rule: If Email- ID does not exist in table /ORS/USERMAP,
Format:, maximum: 255 characters the exception ‘Unable to determine company code’ is

5.1.35 Gross Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceTotalAmount All Yes Yes Yes GROSS_AMOUNT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

All amount fields are searched as a group. Net amount, tax Check rule: all amount values must be numeric.
rates, tax amounts, gross amount, and currency are Amounts are converted to internal currency (local currency).
recognized. The different amounts and tax rates are
checked against the gross amount.

5.1.36 Net Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceNetAmount All Yes Yes No NET_AMOUNT
ICC recognition / Format VIM process
Net amount and other amount values are checked against -
gross amount during recognition.

186  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.37 Currency
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceCurrency All Yes Yes Yes WAERS

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field contains the currency symbol. The recognized Check rule: The currency must exist in SAP ERP table TCURC and
currency code is converted to the corresponding ISO 4217 it must match the currency of the PO. Otherwise the exception
code. ‘Currency Mismatch’ is raised in the DP workflow.
ICC searches currencies in the neighborhood of amount
values. It searches only for currencies that are configured in
the application settings.
If a dollar sign is found, no currency is returned because it
cannot be determined whether the dollar sign indicates
currency AUD, CAD, HKD, or USD.

5.1.38 VAT Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmount All Yes Yes Yes VAT_AMOUNT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field contains the VAT amount if only one VAT Used in check rules for exceptions ‘Invalid Tax Info’
amount has been found on the invoice.

5.1.39 VAT Amount 1

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmount1 All No No Yes TAXAMT_1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field contains the VAT amount if only one VAT
amount has been found on the invoice.

5.1.40 VAT Amount 2

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmount2 All No No Yes TAXAMT_2

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field contains the VAT amount if two VAT amounts
have been found on the invoice.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  187

5.1.41 VAT Amount 3
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmount2 All No No Yes TAXAMT_3

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field contains the VAT amount if three VAT amounts
have been found on the invoice.

5.1.42 VAT Amount 4

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmount2 All No No Yes TAXAMT_4

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field contains the VAT amount if four VAT amounts
have been found on the invoice.

5.1.43 Total Tax Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceTotalTaxAmount US Yes Yes Yes TOT_TAX_AMOUNT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Restriction to a single amount field, applicable for US only. If Auto Calc is filled, then Tax/Amount is ignored. This is SAP ERP
This field contains the tax amount. standard behavior.
If VAT amount / tax amount is not filled, no auto-calc is active and
no tax code can be determined, an exception ‘Invalid Tax
Information’ is raised.

5.1.44 Canadian Goods Tax Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmountGST Canada Yes No Yes TAXAMT_1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Found Canadian goods tax amount, according to the Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.
customized tax rate.

188  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.45 Canadian Harmonized Tax Amount
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmountHST Canada Yes No Yes TAXAMT_3

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Found Canadian harmonized tax amount, according to the Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.
customized tax rate.

5.1.46 Canadian Provincial Tax Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatAmountPSTQST Canada Yes No Yes TAXAMT_2

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Found Canadian provincial tax amount, according to the Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.
customized tax rate.

5.1.47 VAT Rate

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRate All, except Yes Yes Yes ZERO_TAX_RATE

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax rates (percentage) implemented for all supported VIM transforms tax rate to SAP tax code depending on SAP
countries. customizing.
If the Tax/VAT rate is not filled and Zero-Tax-rate is not allowed,
the exception ‘Invalid Tax Info’ is raised.
‘Allow Zero tax rate’ is for allowing VIM to recognize
physical value ‘0’ as a valid tax rate.

5.1.48 VAT Rate 1

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRate1 All, except Yes Yes Yes TAXRATE_1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax rates (percentage) implemented for all supported

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  189

5.1.49 VAT Rate 2
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRate2 All, except Yes Yes Yes TAXRATE_2

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax rates (percentage) implemented for all supported

5.1.50 VAT Rate 3

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRate3 All, except Yes Yes Yes TAXRATE_3

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax rates (percentage) implemented for all supported

5.1.51 VAT Rate 4

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRate All, except Yes Yes Yes TAXRATE_4

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax rates (percentage) implemented for all supported

5.1.52 Canadian Goods Tax Rate

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRateGST Canada Yes No Yes TAXRATE_1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Found Canadian goods tax rate, according to the Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.
customized rate.

190  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.53 Canadian Harmonized Tax Rate
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRateHST Canada Yes No Yes TAXRATE_3

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Found Canadian harmonized tax rate, according to the Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.
customized rate.

5.1.54 Canadian Provincial Tax Rate

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceVatRatePSTQST Canada Yes No Yes TAXRATE_2

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Found Canadian provincial tax rate, according to the Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada
customized rate.

5.1.55 Freight Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name

Visible Mandatory
InvoiceFreightAmount - Opt. Optional Yes FREIGHT_AMOUNT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Customizable field. Freight Amount is checked by table WebflowConstantTable
Can be activated by configuration settings. Recognition is (/ptgwfi/z_const). If tolerance limit is exceeded, an
trained on customer’s site with customer’s invoices. exception is raised.
Training should be done for the most frequent vendors by Freight Amount and Handling charges both are for unplanned costs,
an administrator in the Customizing Client using but they refer to different costs. Handling charges in turn points to
representative invoice images. labor costs etc., which is different to freight costs or freight amount.
Together these fields provide a break-up of unplanned costs.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  191

5.1.56 Handling Charges
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceHandlingCharges - Opt. Optional Yes HANDLING_CHARGES

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Customizable field. Freight Amount and Handling Charges are booked in all as
Can be activated by configuration settings. Recognition is unplanned delivery costs in MIRO.
trained on customer’s site with customer’s invoices.
Training should be done for the most frequent vendors by
an administrator in Customizing Client using representative
invoice images.

5.1.57 Payment Reference

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoicePaymentReference Scand. 1) Yes No Yes KIDNO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Special Scandinavian reference number. Used in check rule for exceptions ‘Invalid Payment
1) Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden

5.1.58 Tax Invoice

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
TaxInvoice Australia, Yes No Yes TAX_INVOICE
Brazil, Ind.

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Keyword “Tax Invoice” on the specified countries above.

5.1.59 Invoice Code

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceCode China Yes No Yes INVOICE_CODE

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Formula type number. China: Used in check rule for exceptions ‘Missing/Invalid
Invoice Code’

192  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.60 Invoice Category

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name

Visible Mandatory
InvoiceCategory Brazil, China, Russia Yes No Yes CLASSIFIER
All other countries No

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

01 Down payment All countries: Used in preprocessing and check rules for several
02 VAT invoice goods1) exceptions.
03 VAT invoice services 1)
04 Revision invoice goods 1)
05 Revision invoice services 1)
06 Correction invoice goods1)
07 Revision of correction invoice (goods) 1)
08 TORG12 (goods) 1)
09 Acceptance ACT services 1)
10 Proforma invoice 1)
11 Import invoice1)
12 Combination of VAT invoice (goods) + TORG12 1)
13 Combination of VAT invoice services + ACT 1)
14 Nota fiscal de serviços eletrônica 2)
20 VAT special 3)
21 VAT common 3)
22 Non-VAT 3)
23 Transport 3)
24 Import 3)
25 Other
26 Triangulation 3)
For all countries except Brazil, China, and Russia, only the values for Down Payment and Other are available.
In ICC the field contains the text string in the language of the application whereas the corresponding number is
transferred to VIM.

5.1.61 Secret Code

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name

Visible Mandatory
InvoiceSecretCode China No No Yes (no field available)

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax number of the invoice.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  193

5.1.62 Secret Code 1
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceSecretCode1 China No No Yes SECRET_CODE1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Second tax number of the invoice. China: Used in check rule for exceptions ‘Missing/Invalid
Secret Code’

5.1.63 Secret Code 2

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceSecretCode2 China No No Yes SECRET_CODE2

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Third tax number of the invoice. China: Used in check rule for exceptions ‘Missing/Invalid
Secret Code’.

5.1.64 Secret Code 3

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceSecretCode3 China No No Yes SECRET_CODE3

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Fourth tax number of the invoice. China: Used in check rule for exceptions ‘Missing/Invalid
Secret Code’.

5.1.65 Secret Code 4

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceSecretCode4 China No No Yes SECRET_CODE4

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Fifth tax number of the invoice. China: Used in check rule for exceptions ‘Missing/Invalid
Secret Code’.

194  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.66 Excise Duty
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceExciseDuty India Yes No Yes EXC_DUTY

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Excise duty amount on the invoice.

5.1.67 Education Cess

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceEducationCess India Yes No Yes EDC_CESS

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Education cess amount on the invoice.

5.1.68 S&H Education Cess

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceSAHECess India Yes No Yes SAHE_CESS

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

S&H education cess amount on the invoice.

5.1.69 Remit-To Address

Supplier’s address to which the billing should happen. For US invoices only. House No
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
RemitHouseNumber US Yes No Yes REMIT_HSNM1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the House No of vendor master.
Otherwise an exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is
raised in DP workflow.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  195 Street
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
RemitStreet US Yes No Yes REMIT_STREET

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the Street of vendor master.
Otherwise exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is raised in
DP workflow. City
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
RemitCity US Yes No Yes REMIT_AD_CITY1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the City of vendor master.
Otherwise exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is raised in
DP workflow. ZIP
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the Postal Code of vendor
master. Otherwise exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is
raised in DP workflow. Country
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
RemitCountry US Yes No Yes REMIT_LAND1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the Country of vendor master.
Otherwise exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is raised in
DP workflow.

196  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Region
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
RemitRegion US Yes No Yes REMIT_REGIO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the Region of vendor master.
Otherwise exception ‘Vendor Address Mismatch’ is raised in
DP workflow.

5.1.70 Ship-To Address

For US invoices only. House No
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ShipHouseNumber US Yes No Yes SHIPTO_HSNM1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match the House No of company code
master data. Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Company
Address’ is raised in DP workflow. Street
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ShipStreet US Yes No Yes SHIPTO_STREET

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match with the street of company code
master data. Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Company
Address’ is raised in DP workflow. City
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ShipCity US Yes No Yes SHIPTO_AD_CITY1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match the city of company code master data.
Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Company Address’ is
raised in DP workflow.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  197 Postal Code
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match the zip code of company code master
data. Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Company Address’ is
raised in DP workflow. Country
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ShipCountry US Yes No Yes SHIPTO_LAND1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match the country code of company code
master data. Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Company
Address’ is raised in DP workflow. Region
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ShipRegion US Yes No Yes SHIPTO_REGIO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Identify from invoice. Check rule: field has to match the region code of company code
master data. Otherwise an exception ‘Invalid Company
Address’ is raised in DP workflow. Original Invoice Date

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceDateOriginalInvoice Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for the
corrective invoices.

198  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.1.71 Original Invoice Number
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceNumberOriginalInvoice Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for
corrective invoices.

5.1.72 Contract Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceContractNo Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for TORG12

5.1.73 Consignor Name

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceConsignorName Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for VAT
invoice goods.

5.1.74 Consignor Address

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceConsignorAddress Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for VAT
invoice goods.

5.1.75 Consignee Name

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceConsigneeName Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for VAT

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  199

invoice goods.

5.1.76 Consignee Address

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoiceConsigneeAddress Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for VAT
invoice goods.

5.1.77 Payer Address

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
InvoicePayerAddress Russia Yes No Yes

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

This field is searched in a Russian application for TORG12

200  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.2 Line item fields
Line item processing is specified in the Settings dialog at the InvoiceItems field node.

5.2.1 Delivery Note Number

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemDeliveryNote All Yes No Yes LFSNR

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Depends on configuration settings for PO item mapping.
Prerequisite is that PO download data also contain delivery
note numbers.
Only purchase orders with matching company code, vendor
number and SAP ERP target system are checked.

5.2.2 PO Number
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemOrderNumber All Yes No Yes EBELN

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

ICC only accepts PO numbers consisting of 10 digits Purchase Order must exist in table EKKO. Otherwise the exception
within specified ranges depending on the first two digits. ‘Invalid PO number (PO)’ is raised in DP workflow.
By configuration, purchase order numbers can also be If there is a Release Group defined in PO, the PO has to be first
mapped with downloaded purchase order data. released or exception ‘PO is not released’ is raised.
The order number processing is specified in configuration
Only purchase orders with matching company code, vendor
number, and SAP target system are checked.
Maximum: 10 characters.
PO download.
Table /OPT/VIM_STG_POH (header)
/OPT/VIM_STG_POI (items)

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  201

5.2.3 PO Line Number
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemPOLineNumber All Yes No Yes EBELP

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

ICC extracts the invoice line items and tries to determine If both PO number and PO line number are transferred, no automatic
the PO Line Number via the downloaded purchase order determination is performed. If the rule is applied and PO line
data. number is not transferred, the line item matching functions in VIM
Matching fields are: are executed. Depending on the configuration, the following
 Quantity exceptions can occur: ‘Unable to match PO lines’,
‘Unable to determine PO line no’ or ‘Manual
 Unit
check needed for indexing lines’
 Amount
If there is a match in each of the three fields and the item
can be clearly determined, the PO Line number is
transferred, otherwise PO line number remains empty.

5.2.4 Amount
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemAmount All Yes No Yes WRBTR

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Item amount. The amount is used in various checks and is necessary to post the

5.2.5 Quantity
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemQuantity All Yes No Yes MENGE

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Decimal with three decimal places If the business rule is applied and the quantity is not transferred from
ICC, the exception ‘Item quantity missing’ is raised.

202  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.2.6 Unit of Measure
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemUnit All Yes No Yes BSTME

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

The recognized unit is converted to SAP internal Code. Check rule: If Unit of Measure is transferred from ICC, it must be
Three characters. defined in table T006. Otherwise the exception ‘Invalid UOM’ is
Check rule: Unit of Measure must match with Unit of Measure of
the PO item.

5.2.7 Item Description

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemDescription All Yes No Yes SGTXT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Up to 255 characters (alphanumeric) are transferred to If the business rule is applied and no Item Description is transferred
SAP/VIM. from ICC, the exception ‘Missing Item Description’ is

5.2.8 Unit Price

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemUnitPrice All Yes No ?? Yes NETPR

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Price for one piece If the business rule is applied and the unit price is not transferred
from ICC, the exception ‘Item unit price missing’ is

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  203

5.2.9 Tax Amount
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemVatAmount All except Yes No Yes TAX_AMOUNT

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax amount on the invoice. The customizing table /OPT/VIM_T100 is the control table for
tax determination. For each document type you can choose whether
the tax amount should be auto calculated or entered.
For the tax determination following scenarios are possible:
 OT tax determination
 OT tax table
 OT tax logic
 Customer tax determination
 Customer tax function module

5.2.10 Canadian Goods Tax Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemVatAmountGST Canada Yes No Yes TAXAMT_1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Canadian goods tax amount in the items. Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.

5.2.11 Canadian Harmonized Tax Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemVatAmountHST Canada Yes No Yes TAXAMT_3

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Canadian harmonized tax amount in the items. Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.

5.2.12 Canadian Provincial Tax Amount

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemVatAmountPSTQST Canada Yes No Yes TAXAMT_2

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Canadian provincial tax amount in the items. Used in Tax Code Determination for Canada.

204  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

5.2.13 Tax Rate
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemVatRate All Yes No Yes ZERO_TAX_RATE1 or TAX_CODE1

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Tax rate (percentage) recognized in item lines. Tax rate is transferred without check from ICC to DP item field Tax
To extract tax identifiers automatically, a custom invoice Rate1. If all line items are blank for Tax rate field, the transfer from
items column and rules for extracting the most frequent tax header to item takes place.
identifiers must be implemented. The Tax Code should be determined: Customizing table
/OPT/VIM_T100 is the control table for tax determination. For
each document type you can choose whether the tax amount should
be auto calculated or entered.
For tax determination, following scenarios are possible:
 OT tax determination
 OT tax table
 OT tax logic
 Customer tax determination
 Customer tax function module

5.2.14 Expense Type

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemQualifier All Yes No Yes QUALIFIER

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Item flag for additional costs and discounts. Customizable processing of additional costs.
Optional column; can be activated and customized at the
InvoiceItems field node.

5.2.15 Condition Type

Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemConditionType All Yes No Yes COND_TYPE

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Field reference  205

5.2.16 Serial Number
Internal name Countries Validation Export VIM internal name
Visible Mandatory
ItemSerialNumber China Yes No Yes SERIAL_NO

ICC recognition / Format VIM process

Serial number in the items.

206  Field reference ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

6 Glossary of Terms
Abbreviation of Adaptive Classification Technology

Adaptive Classification (ACT)

An adaptive classification field does some sort of classification of a document. Normally the field value is one of a set of
terms. The term itself is not contained in the text of the document but can be determined by examining the entire contents
of the document. When configuring an adaptive classification field you enter the set of valid terms for the field. At
runtime the adaptive classification field is presented to the user with a combo box containing the list of terms. The
Recognition Server and the Recognition Nodes have to learn how to select the correct term for an adaptive classification
field from the set of terms. They need a sample for each kind of invoice and the correct term for each sample. These
samples and the according term have to be provided by training. During training, the term is selected manually by the
user. The document and the term are then stored in a learning database. If a similar document is processed later on,
adaptive classification finds a matching sample in the learning database, and uses the learned term.

Adaptive Recognition (ART)

The Recognition Server and the Recognition Nodes have to learn how to extract data for an adaptive recognition field.
They need a sample for each kind of invoice, for example an invoice of each vendor, and the position where the field can
be extracted on this kind of invoice. These samples (=templates) and the according position information have to be
provided by training. During training, the field is captured manually using the mouse. The layout of the document and
the positions of the respective field are then stored in a learning database. If a similar document is processed later on,
adaptive recognition finds a matching sample in the learning database, and extracts the field at the learned position.

An application bundles all settings that are needed to process documents of a certain kind, for example which fields have
to be extracted by which extraction method, or which fields should be visible in the Validation Client.

Abbreviation of Adaptive Recognition Technology

Abbreviation of Business Center Capture.

See Recognition Cluster

Cluster Node
A Cluster Node is a component of a Recognition Cluster performing job processing. The Recognition Cluster contains
one Cluster Node for each processor of the Recognition Cluster. The Load Manager performs load balancing and
distributes recognition jobs among all Cluster Nodes of the Recognition Cluster. If there is only a Recognition Server
and no Recognition Nodes, there will be as many Cluster Nodes as processors in the Recognition Server machine. If the

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Glossary of Terms  207

Recognition Cluster consists of a Recognition Server and several Recognition Nodes, there will be as many Cluster
Nodes as processors in the Recognition Server machine and in all Recognition Node machines.

Content-Based Classification
See Adaptive Classification

ICC/BCC provides various settings to adapt the system to customer needs. These customizing settings are bundled in
applications. To customize ICC/BCC for customer needs you have to create applications.

Customizing Client
The Customizing Client is a Windows program that is used on the development system to customize ICC/BCC, that is, to
create and configure applications. It is also used to test applications, to export them to a SAP ERP system, and to import
them on a test or production System. In addition, it is used to monitor and administer an ICC/BCC system.

Document Reader
In an ICC/BCC system the actual data extraction from document images and super-ordinate tasks, like splitting of pages
or export of results, are performed by a component named Document Reader.

Download Link Hot Spot

For each invoice application, a separate SAP Download Link Hot Spot is created. This link is used to fetch download
data such as vendor master data or purchase order data from SAP ERP regularly according to the configuration of the
Hot Spot. During customizing you specify whether vendor master table, purchase order data, or also purchase order item
data should be downloaded.

Extraction Link Hot Spot

For each application, a separate SAP Extraction Link Hot Spot is created. This link is used to fetch recognition jobs from
SAP ERP regularly according to the configuration of the Hot Spot.

Feedback Link Hot Spot

For each BCC application, a separate SAP Feedback Link Hot Spot is created. This link is used to fetch feedback data
which are collected at the Validation Clients and are used to extract fields automatically, from SAP ERP regularly
according to the configuration of the Hot Spot.

Hot Spot
The Recognition Server uses Hot Spots to fetch recognition jobs, download data, and learning data from its SAP ERP
system. A Hot Spot becomes active regularly after expiring of a specified interval or at a specified time on specified days
and then tries to fetch new data. Each application uses Hot Spots of two different types. A SAP Extraction Link is used
to fetch new recognition jobs from SAP ERP. A SAP Download Link is used to fetch new data, such as vendor master
data and purchase order data.

Abbreviation of Invoice Capture Center

208  Glossary of Terms ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

Invoice Application
See Application

While special, optimized methods are used to extract the standard fields, for adaptive recognition fields and adaptive
classification fields ICC/BCC has to learn how to fill the field values. The learning data have to be provided by training.
The Recognition Server keeps the learning data in its local database.

Links are used to download recognition jobs, download data, and feedback data from SAP ERP. Links are implemented
as so-called Hot Spots. The Hot Spots used for the Links connect to SAP ERP regularly at specified times and fetch
available jobs or data.

Load Manager
ICC/BCC uses load balancing in order to distribute recognition jobs on several processors of the Recognition Server and
on additional Recognition Nodes. Load balancing is performed by the Load Manager. During configuration of the
ICC/BCC system, you configure the Load Manager on the Recognition Server and create computer nodes for all
additional Recognition Nodes and Runtime Nodes for all processors on each Recognition Node.

On a Recognition Cluster, the Load Manager performs load balancing over all processors of the Server and the
Recognition Nodes. The Load Manager on the Server acts as Master. It transfers recognition jobs that are fetched from
SAP ERP regularly to free Cluster Nodes for processing.

Purchase Order Data

For an invoice application, ICC/BCC is able to check the purchase order number and the invoice line items against
downloaded data. To use this feature, download of a purchase order table, and optionally additional purchase order item
data have to be enabled in the configuration of the SAP Download Link Hot Spot. In the application settings you can
then specify that PO numbers should be checked, or that line items should be checked against downloaded purchase
order item data.

Recipient Data
For an invoice application, ICC/BCC can derive the company code and target SAP ERP system automatically using
recipient address data found on the invoice. During application configuration, a database containing recipient data
together with the corresponding company codes and SAP ERP system names has to be supplied if automatic company
code detection shall be used.

Recognition comprises the extraction of essential data, such as date, amount, order number etc., from the scanned
documents and the intelligent verification of these data. Recognition is performed by the Recognition Cluster.

Recognition Cluster
The Recognition Cluster is used for automatic data extraction. On smaller systems with low throughput it consists of the
Recognition Server - typically a computer with several processors - that also hosts the Customizing Client. On large
systems with high throughput, further Recognition Nodes can be added. The Load Manager performs load balancing and
distributes recognition jobs among all processors of the Server and the Recognition Nodes.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Glossary of Terms  209

Recognition Job
Scanned documents are first stored in an archive (early archiving). Then a workflow is started that creates entries for the
documents in the ICC/BCC Dispatcher Infrastructure. The Recognition Server fetches available entries from VIM/BC
regularly, creates Recognition jobs, and transfers them to the input queue of the Load Manager. The Load Manager
assigns the first waiting recognition job to the next Cluster Node that becomes available. The Cluster Node fetches the
document from the archive, processes it, and transfers the result data to SAP ERP. The document is then made available
for Validation.

Recognition Node
For huge systems the Recognition Server can be supported by additional machines, installed as Recognition Nodes. The
Load Manager on the Recognition Server fetches jobs from SAP ERP using a SAP Extraction Link and distributes the
jobs among all processors of the Server and the different Recognition Nodes. By adding Recognition Nodes, the
processing power of the whole Recognition Cluster can be adapted to the required throughput.

Recognition Server
Document processing is performed on a Recognition Cluster consisting of a Recognition Server and possibly additional
Recognition Nodes. The Recognition Server comprises the Customizing Client that is used to customize, configure, and
monitor the ICC/BCC system. It also comprises the databases containing vendor master data, purchase order data,
feedback data, and learning data. It also hosts the Hot Spots that are used to fetch jobs, download data, and feedback data
from the SAP ERP system regularly. The Load Manager of the Recognition Server is the master of the recognition
cluster. It contains the cluster configuration and distributes recognition jobs on the processors of the Server and
additional Recognition Nodes.

Requester Email Data

In an invoice application, ICC/BCC tries to extract the requester email address on invoices. To be able to use this feature,
the expected email addresses have to be entered during configuration of an application.

On a Recognition Cluster, the Load Manager performs load balancing over all processors of the Server and the
Recognition Nodes. The Load Manager acts as a Slave on each Recognition Node. When a Runtime Node terminates a
job, it waits until the Load Manager on the Server that acts as Master supplies it with a new job.

See Recognition Server

Standalone System
For development and testing of applications, all components of ICC/BCC can be installed on a standalone system, that is,
on a single computer.

To be able to extract adaptive recognition fields or adaptive classification fields automatically, some training has to be
performed first. Training can be performed manually by the user on the Customizing Client.

210  Glossary of Terms ICC/BCC Customizing Guide

The extracted invoice data can be checked and eventually corrected or completed by a user. The validation facilities of
ICC/BCC are provided by the Validation Client program and also by the Customizing Client program. Validation on the
Customizing Client is only performed for developing and testing purposes.

Validation Client
The Validation Client is a Windows program that is used by a clerk to check and correct data that have been extracted
automatically and to capture additional fields that could not be read automatically. The corrected and completed data are
then passed on to SAP ERP.

Vendor Invoice Management

Vendor Invoice Management is a complete application for optimizing vendor invoice processes in SAP ERP
applications, along with built-in reporting and analytics to continuously improve processes.

Vendor Master Data

For an invoice application, ICC/BCC periodically loads vendor master data from SAP ERP to its local database using a
SAP Download Link Hot Spot. ICC/BCC compares the vendor information that has been extracted from an invoice
image with vendor master data downloaded from SAP to identify the vendor id.

Abbreviation of Vendor Invoice Management

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Glossary of Terms  211

7 Index
No index entries found.

ICC/BCC Customizing Guide Index  213

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