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) || NN errs ._y Gi 3 2 ws ag f eo % = ff “ A a i WW 2041 Ge NOW A THE PRESENCE O° Ay HPPA Heane aust BABY Spinning Leiusnedtive ane SONeNESS \WITH PAK SAlideal emoeoe o-MeHINe CocepOdctes Ni sreccos ans ‘Seleees ON pene Feo AN OveRoowe On ceeative CalaSTeOPHE AWONDA SHEET Up WITH THe AESEED BELEIGE DATE. POs THOSE WHO ASE COININE US BAY Hane 10 He IN ihe ACTION pace Dedies VALE Hie 10.60 eae AND eedo (ESuE ONE POS THE clippoer | Foe Pleey LIKE. pop EveeY RECOMMENDATION AND DOWNLOAD YOU ALL INSPIRE LS TO KEEP GWING THAT FIRE. 2S Issue We TAKE Tey 10 VET YUP ATTENTION A O1 TO geveaL SOME OTHER ITEResTINE CHARACTERS We Exe Nou Bx CASED JST 1Q Maree Yue TAeTE ale NOW YOU H BH MOLE, AS THE GOES ON AND NORE [SSIES INFOLD THECE WOULD BE NOEE CLIP HANCEES: 760 VOLO GET CLUES TO The PLOt St/OUT OUT TO YOU ALL RO THe suppoeT ONCE MeRIN. SPECIAL HANS TO THe STApE AND MANAGEMENT. OP LULA COM. TUNDE MAKIN AND YEMIENLOLORLNDA, OLOOD NATION, KADABOOKS Galle DINE: ANG ENPEROB BECOVE £08 Tel Is CONTAIRIITIONS 10 Te SEODEEE ‘ResEI 3 WOULD Be OUT SOONER THO ATES WOULD GE RELEADEO LATER. TILL THEN-ENIOY PaRTIcibtte, COMMENT SHARE CECOMMEND. PLEASE MAKE LINA NO MIND THIS CHICKEN CALLED QUEWE WEY STANDA CLOSE TO ME. THAT'S MY (ALLS PERSONA « PERSONALLY BOOYELARD FOR NOW, |EMBER OUR COMIC IS FOR ADULTS OHI// NUFR 5210. a- vy. - (dey office and you ran me scream like say tambolo bite me. Wow! Only just downloaded and seen MISFIT, Wow! The story telling is amazing.... wtf. You've got me panting for more... literally. lts the finest writing thave read from you. Well done bruv. Greatness awaits you- fake it. ~ Rayo ‘Boboyen’ Anuwe Kickass cover. Read theiiseue |. Awesome!!! Aduke's intro was a big twist. Now im on the edge waiting for the next edition. Shey e go easy to wait sooo...see this poster na!! Ran aoe Mest increasing ae anticipation foes york, Collyde... mean eraser tral me id ind the dregg lock sitting on the bike behind with the weapons!!.. _ See their cael kilo le ae 2 Stanley Stanch Obende Part 2 go maaaaaaaadddd!! ~ Okiya Gilbert Uchenna Me idon’t understand why everyone gasses this dude up. alli see is boobies every where with no message whatsoever. W Pee Hee i what fluence you have on kids. is your friend -Remi Johnson ~Funmi LA Six pages._this is crap is this the best you can do..and you are always fond of parading yourself as the best @ uw che tie ier twcnde NEY srontecomichaapt co 1 REMEMBER BLOWING Oe AN ae laa ms ve oe ea ear ae PEOPLE HAD TO DIE... eA ep caus THE NEWS REPORTED IT Cr eee aN aa BAG lola PUBLIC PELATION: OEPACTMENT OF THE GOVENMEN’ RANA OAc Taare oraar ie Moeaa are ae aaa PE) [Reoxeraar ae Xafeiel CR aoe fg NU BECAUSE OF MY GIFT OF aaa Reece TH JUST MUPDER THE OPPOSING POLITICIAN LEAVING SUSPICION... LET THE NEWS REPORT LOST CONTROL HIT AN ELECTRICITY POLE AND EXPLODED... 1AM NOT GOING TO PRETEND LIKE | EEN ASLEEP Aaa IS DOING...SINCE WE TOOK OFF. Era print aos Pe hate LOM Le pres Madu alse) eee aie A MILLION TIMES BEFORE... aA Oa AOA GOVERNOR'S JET CMY RECENT CLIENT? SAR ola age eho SAPO A aN Ma EN EITM DT ae ed rac a OW.YES EVERYTHING IS ON THE HOUSE INCLUDING. ME Si2.. DESSERT AFTER ) DESSERT. HEHEHE $0..YOU LIKE WHAT YOU. ‘SEEP A AWW.ARE YOU SHY SIR? DON’T woRRY WE HAVE PLENTY OF TIME BEFORE We TOUCH DOWN AT AZIKIWE AIPORT... nN OLODO NATION provides relevant news & entertainment updates while imparting change in the mindset of our youth. Also offers PR services optimizing our social media platforms. Contact us: O ElosiiciatolodoNation Gotodonation . CHANNEL: C001AE1AD OLODO PIN: 7FF7411F NATION A\ x f | | 1 3) S ANYTHING FIT HAPPEN... i ia a ee 2 PS opener L 2 ha x Ll : Eagle - | ij zi \ : (ett IK ra os e ¥ ‘ie \ Ll | Te Aon Aeon ee Neko NRe ef WHEN WAN MLUML CALL OUP STATION SAY DEM DEY FIGHT FOR STCEET y Pee Meare ein PN Uae Re oa Bue, A ABEE NO DIE ABES Ne 10 FIBRE! HOW MANY HAND 8E 01522, URRGHHHH, one YOU SEE THE GLN IN MY HAND? MADAM THIS EY NA VERY GENTLE GUY. HI NO OEY FINE TROUBLE OHH, eam el ela Clu aa(e) GET TIME FOR RUBBISH... ARREST ALL (OF THEM, THERE ADE ALL HEMP, ‘SMOKERS. TANYA (ATES THEM ‘COME atc aM, oT Xe PT Tree Kool Va Daa ey Le aa ty Be is ty Ba Es ey i 4 eat CAUCE Sul Tales on facebook

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