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Standard format for final year project report for ECE Department

Part one: Preface

1. Title page
 University logo
 Name of university, Institute and Department
 Title of the thesis
 Name/s of the candidates
 Name of advisor
 And finally a statement

“A final year project report submitted to Electrical and Computer Engineering department,
Institute of Technology, University of Gondar in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Industrial Control Engineering Focus

 Submission date ,month and year

 Place of submission(Gondar, Ethiopia)

For more illustration a model of approval page is shown in Appendix A.

2. Approval page
 Name of university, Institute and Department
 Title of the project
 Name/s of the candidates
 Name of approval board or Examiners and place for signature and date

For more illustration a model of approval page is shown in Appendix B.

3. Declaration page
 Declaration of candidate on the originality of the work
 Name and signature of the candidate
 Place of submission
 Date submission
 Statement by the advisor

Prepared by: ECE Department

 Name and signature of the advisor

For more illustration a model of approval page is shown in Appendix C.

4. Abstract Page
 Summarized structure, ideas and facts of the whole sections of the report.
 Due to the above fact, Abstract is written after the completion of the main part of
the report.
 Abstract shall be completed in one page including the keywords of the report.
5. Acknowledgement Page( Optional)
 This sub-section is not compulsory but can be included in a report to convey
appreciation to those who have been involved in the project
6. Table of Contents
 Lists of the chapters, topics and sub-topics together with their page numbers.
 Sub-topics and topics should be labeled according to the chapter.
 This numbering system provides a clear picture of the relationship between
chapters and topics and shows how they are connected.
Table of contents can be easily formed using the feature of word processing features for this
application. (Example, chapters can be labeled as “level 1”, sub-topics can be labeled as “label
2”…and so on based on the structure of the content)
7. List of Figures
 Contains the titles of figures, together with their page numbers which are listed in
the main report or appendix.
 The numbering system is the same as that used for topics in table of contents and
captions shall be assigned according to the chapter number. Example the first
figure of chapter one can be captioned as: Fig 1.1 …
 Every figure should have high quality. When it is printed, it should be seen
 Every figure should be center aligned.

This can also be easily formed using the feature of word processing features as table of contents.

8. List of Tables

Prepared by: ECE Department

 Contains the titles of tables, together with their page numbers which are listed in
the main report or appendix.
 The numbering system is the same as that used for topics in table of contents
 Like that of figures, tables also should be aligned at center.
 Don’t use snipped tables throughout your document.
9. List of Abbreviations
 Should include the alphabet of each abbreviation, and the full name
represented by the abbreviation.

Part two: Main part of the Report

The following format can guide or assist any one to prepare a project report. But it does not
mean that every report should strictly follow the indicated steps.

Chapter 1: Introduction

This part introduces to the project. It contains:

 Background of the study

 Statement of the problem
 Objectives of the study
 General Objective
 Specific Objectives
 Methodology
 Scope of the study
 Organization of the report

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This chapter surveys previous or current systems relevant to the project topic. They are to be
compared amongst another in order to produce the better one.

Prepared by: ECE Department

Here, it is good to demonstrate the conceptual framework of the study. All the components and
materials to be used in the project should be described here about their particular purpose in the

Chapter 3: System modeling and Design

This chapter should include the design aspects of the project. Its basic components are:

 Introduction
 Hardware design
 Software development

Other relevant design considerations have to be incorporated under this chapter.

Chapter 4: Simulation result and discussion

During this phase, the designed system will be developed/simulated via various simulators to
portray that the design has satisfied the desired working conditions/specification. The discussion
is important to support the rationale behind the achieved output. Besides, system testing and
evaluation details should also be documented.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation

Overall summary of the system will be discussed in this part of the report. This chapter also
summarizes strengths and weaknesses of the systems compared throughout the project. As part
of the project, this chapter will also present the recommendations for future improvements.

Part three: accessory

Appendices (Optional)

 Additional illustration of the report, mathematical proofs, graphical data and so on, to
support the main part of document.


Prepared by: ECE Department

All works or studies referred to in the report in the form of quotations or citations must be included in
the bibliography. The references should be written in the specific format approved by the Faculty that
is to use specific referring style. Each reference should be written in single spacing format and a
double space should be left between references.
A detailed information about the referring style is shown in appendix D:

Prepared by: ECE Department


<Font Size 16><1.5 line spacing>



<Font Size 14>


<Font Size 16>

A final year project report submitted to Electrical and Computer Engineering

department, Institute of Technology, University of Gondar in the partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering
(Industrial Control Engineering Focus area)
<Font Size 12>

July,2013 E.C.

Gondar, Ethiopia
<Font Size 12>

<Font Size 16><1.5 line spacing>



<Font Size 14>


<Font Size 16>

Approval by Committee
The undersigned certify that the above candidate/s has fulfilled the condition of the project paper
in partial fulfillment of the the requirements for the degree of BSc in Electrical and Computer
Engineering (Industrial Control Engineering Focus area)

__________________ ___________

Examiner Signature Date

________________ _____________

Advisor/Supervisor Signature Date

__________________ ___________

Dept. Head Signature Date

We, the undersigned, declare that this project, ”Title of the project” , is our own work, and
has not been presented for in any other place, and all sources of materials used for the project
have been fully acknowledged.

Name of the candidates Signature

1. _________________ ___________________
2. _________________ ___________________
3. _________________ ___________________
4. _________________ ___________________

Place: Gondar

Date of Submission: ________________

This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.

Name of the Advisor ________________

Advisor’s Name Signature

Referring Style
We can have different referring styles. Among this:

1. Referencing a book with only one author:

Name of the author, “title of the literature”, place of publisher, name of publisher, year of

2. Referencing a book by two or more authors:

Name of the first author, name of the second author & name of the last author, “title of the
literature”, year of publication, place of publisher, name of publisher.

3. Internet site with author:

Name of the author. “Title of the Document”, blogged year, retrieved date, site of the document.
4. Internet document without author:
Place of document. Retrieved date, site of the document
5. Computer Program:
Name and version of the product [Computer Software] (released date). Place of release, Owner
Company’s Name.
6. Conference/Proceeding Publication:
Name of the researcher, “title of the research/project”, year of presentation, place of Proceedings,
page number.

7. Journal Publication:
Name of the researcher, “title of the research/project”, year of presentation. Name of the Journal,
Research number: interval page in the journal, number of pages in the journal, date of
Formatting Guide Lines

1. Document Layout:

The document should have the following margins:-

Top: 1 inch
Right: 1 inch
Left: 1.5 inch
Bottom: 1 inch
Report should be typed using Times New Roman, 16(Chapter), 14(Section) and 12
The body text should be typed with 1.5 spacing. Single spacing is only permitted in
tables, long quotations, footnotes, notes, citation and references.
Page Numbering
All page numbers should be printed with font size 12, 1.0 cm from the bottom margin and
placed at the right hand side without punctuation.
Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.) should be used in the preface section except for Approval
page and Title page.
No specific arrangement is required for the numbering of topics and sub-topics but,
whatever arrangement is adopted, it must be consistent.

2. Caption
2.1. Table
Tables are printed within the body of the text at the centre of the frame and labeled
accordingly to the chapter in which they appear. Thus, for example, tables in Chapter
2 are numbered sequentially: Table 2.1, Table 2.2 etc. Table captions should always
be positioned above the tables.
2.2. Figure
Figures contain graphs illustrations or photographs are printed at the centre and
labeled accordingly to the chapter in which they appear. Thus, for example,
Figures in Chapter 3 are numbered sequentially: Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2 etc. Figure
captions should always be positioned below the figures.

Header and footer

The header should consist of the project title at the left and the year at the right.
The title shall be written by capitalizing each word except for the prepositions, 12
pt. The year should be placed in Ethiopian calendar.
The footer should contain the institution name to the left side and the page
number to the right side. The Institution name shall be written by capitalizing
each word except for the prepositions, 12 pt.


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