Assessment 1 - Scoring Guide

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Capstone Project Summary Scoring Guide


Describe the Does not Identifies an Describes the Describes the background of
background of the identify a organization but does background of the the chosen organization;
chosen specific, real not describe sufficient chosen organization. includes factors or
organization.  organization. details to gauge characteristics about the
whether the organization that makes it
organization is an appropriate to use for the
appropriate selection capstone project.
for use in the capstone
Describe an Does not Identifies a business Describes an Describes an intended
intended business identify a topic, problem, or intended business business topic, problem, or
topic, problem, or business topic, opportunity, but the topic, problem, or opportunity to research;
opportunity to problem, or research intent and opportunity to provides concrete examples
research. opportunity. scope is unclear. research. and citations that support
selection of the business and
the scope of research.
Explain the level of Does not Identifies the level of Explains the level of Explains the level of
accessibility to data identify the level accessibility to data accessibility to data accessibility to data
necessary to of accessibility necessary to examine necessary to necessary to examine a
examine the chosen to data the chosen business examine the chosen business topic, problem, or
business topic, necessary to topic, problem, or business topic, opportunity; outlines the
problem, or examine the opportunity. problem, or process for obtaining the
opportunity. chosen opportunity. data and mitigating risks in
business topic, obtaining the data.
problem, or
Explain how the Does not Explains how the topic Explains how the Explains how the topic will
topic will allow explain how the will allow topic will allow allow showcasing of
showcasing of topic will allow demonstration of each showcasing of leadership ability by
leadership ability by demonstration MBA program leadership ability by demonstrating some MBA
demonstrating some of MBA outcome; however, the demonstrating some program outcomes.;
MBA program program explanation does not MBA program explanation includes specific
outcomes. outcomes. support the alignment outcomes. details and examples.
of topics to the
program outcomes.
Write coherently to Does not write Writes somewhat Writes coherently Writes coherently to support
support a central coherently nor coherently to support with minimal or a central idea with correct
idea with correct use grammar ideas, but writing has minor errors to grammar, usage, and
grammar, usage, and mechanics some grammar, support a central mechanics as expected of a
and mechanics as as expected of mechanics, or other idea with correct business professional;
expected of a a business errors that detract from grammar, usage, writing is free from errors
business professional; credibility as a and mechanics as and formatted appropriately
professional. writing has business professional. expected of a for the purpose or audience.
major errors. business

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