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As, like, such as, so, such

Clause = Subject + verb

A. Like/as + clause (or as + clause, but it’s less common)

 to say that things happen in a similar way
i. Peter Harris was great, like/as he always is.  with adverbs of frequency, like always,
usually, sometimes, often, occasionally, etc.
ii. My mum is cooking dinner, like she usually does.
iii. Karen is teaching grammar, like she always does.
iv. Joey was working last night, like he always does.

B. like + noun (or pronoun, e.g. she, he, they, her, him, them)
 to say that something is similar to something else
i. I would like to get a haircut like yours.
ii. I would like to get a car like hers.
iii. I have an apartment like a tiny box.
iv. I want to speak well like a native speaker.

C. as + noun (job)
 to say that somebody has a particular job
i. I quite like James Pearson as a critic.
ii. I work as a teacher.
iii. I would like to earn a living as an engineer.

D. such as or like + noun

 to introduce examples
i. Critics such as/like James Pearson loved it.
ii. I love watching dramatic movies such as/like Titanic.
iii. I like wearing casual clothes such as Mango, Zara, etc.

E. as + noun
 to say what something is used for
i. I’m using my dining table as my work desk.  my dining table was not supposed to be a
work desk.
ii. In the musical, they were using boxes as train compartments.
iii. I’m using my towel as a yoga mat.

F. As fixed phrases
 as well  too
i. She hated the movie, and I did as well.
 as you know  giving information that someone already knows/reminding them of something
i. As you know, we have tests on Friday.
ii. As you know, = As you might recall/may be aware (also common)
 as I said earlier  referring to previous information
i. As I said earlier, we have a reading test on Friday.
 as well as  and
i. She hated Star Wars as well as Harry Potter.  2 objects
1. She hated them, like me.
2. I hated them as well.
G. Using so/such for emphasis
 so + adjective/adverb
i. The plot was so far-fetched.
ii. Avatar was so overrated.
iii. I am so hungry at the moment.
 such (+ a lot of) (+ adjective) + noun
i. It’s very sunny outside – it’s such a beautiful day.
ii. Learning grammar is such a headache.
iii. Doing the laundry is such hard work/a pain/a pain in the ass.
 so + much or many + noun
i. So many critics loved it.  countable nouns
ii. I can’t understand why it’s getting so much attention.  uncountable nouns
iii. I have been to Coles so many times.
iv. Going out with friends is so much fun.
 …(+ that) + clause = to show consequence/result
i. There was so much rain on the weekend that my roof started leaking.
ii. I was so sick that I went to the hospital.
iii. She was so bored that she fell asleep.
iv. He worked so hard that he had a lot of money.

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