Winter Park High School Choral Department Handbook 2004-2005

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Winter Park High School

Choral Department

Winter Park High School Main Campus

2100 Summerfield Road
Winter Park, Florida 32792
(407) 622-3200

Freshman Grade Center

528 Huntington Ave
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 623-1476

Mr. William R. Gordon I Mr. David L. Stanley, Freshman Campus

Principal Sr. Assistant Principal

Mr. Andrew T. Minear (407) 622-3252

Director of Choral Activities

Mr. Trent A. Patterson (407) 622-3200 ext. 2414

Associate Director of Choral Activities
Welcome to the Winter Park High School Choral Music Department! You have
chosen to be a part of a chorus program that is recognized statewide and nationally for
achieving a consistent level of excellence. The various choruses have received superior
ratings at district and state choral festivals over the past 61 years! This reputation and
long tradition of excellence is the result of the hard work, passion, and dedication that
students, teachers, and parents continue to give.
This handbook is designed to help you become familiar with the chorus
department and its policies, as well as to give you valuable information you will need
throughout the year. When you turn in the last page, a contract signed by both student
and parent/ guardian, to class by Friday, August 20, 2004, you will receive a quiz grade
of an “A”. This Statement of Understanding will also assure that the student and parent
have read and discussed the information contained in the handbook, and that the chorus
calendar has been examined for conflicts. You should keep the handbook at home for
future reference, |

Team Effort
The education of your child is a cooperative effort between student, teacher, and
parent. Each part of that team needs to feel the support of the other two in order to
facilitate a positive learning environment. We are musicians and teachers dedicated to
helping your children achieve their best in one of the most enjoyable and accessible of
the arts- MUSIC! We are extremely lucky to have a strong core of parent boosters who
work very hard for all of the students in the choral music department. All parents will
have the opportunity to volunteer at some time during the year, if their schedule permits.
Please take a minute to fill out the Choral Booster Registration Form. Parent Booster
meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the chorus room at
the main campus. If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, you are
welcome to call or email.

Let’s have a fantastic year together!

Your Directors,

Andrew T. Minear Trent A. Patterson

mineara( pattert]
407-622-3252 407-622-3200 ext. 2414
Membership Requirements

Membership is based on several important factors:

Musical Ability
You do NOT need to be a good singer to join chorus. You must, however,
continually strive towards your greatest potential. To become a great singer takes
consistent effort and practice. If you are contributing your very best to your voice part,
then you are doing your share to further the progress of the entire chorus. Therefore, the
chief requirement is that you strive to sing your part to the very best of your ability.

Willingness to Work
Each person must be willing to put forth the necessary effort throughout every
rehearsal to make the choral program the best it can be.

To be admitted to one of the choruses at Winter Park High School, you must want
to become a member. No one is forced to join against their will. Remember this at all
times. Because you choose to become a member you have no excuse for not giving all
your effort all the time!

A positive attitude will help you accomplish and enjoy many things in life.
Working together as a team requires treating each other with respect and kindness.
Negative attitudes are unhealthy, interfere with team progress, and will not be acceptable
in the chorus room. If you have an honest and legitimate concern, please come and
discuss it with one of your directors before you share it with anyone else. This increases
their respect for you and accelerates your maturation process.

According to Florida Statute 1006.15, student participation in activities that are
off-campus, involve competition, or require missing class requires a 2.0 grade point
average in the previous semester. This rule will be strictly enforced district-wide this
Uniforms are required for each chorus member. Winter Park High School
Choruses always maintain a professional appearance when in public. It is important for
everyone to look uniform so that the audience can focus on the music each student-
musician has worked so hard to create, rather than on all of the different colors and styles
of clothes. Below are uniform requirements for each ensemble.

9'" Grade Women’s Chorus: These ladies must rent the black jumper from the school. In
addition, they need to purchase closed-toe black pumps and provide natural-colored

9"".12"" Grade Men: All men must provide their own plain white undershirt and BLACK
socks. From the school, they need to purchase their white tuxedo shirt, black shoes, tie,
and cummerbund. In addition, they must rent a tuxedo from the chorus. Returning men
may already have parts of this uniform.

10-12" Grade Women: All 10" through 12" grade women will need to purchase a new
uniform this year. They must provide their own closed-toe black pumps and natural-
colored pantyhose.

Belle Chanson: These ladies must purchase an additional dress. In addition they must
purchase shoes, briefs, and tights from the school. Returning members may reuse their
dress from last year.

Park Singers: Men in this ensemble must purchase a tie and vest, and rent a tuxedo jacket
with tails from the school. Women in this ensemble must purchase an additional dress,
shoes, briefs, and tights from the school. Returning women may reuse their dress from
last year.

Uniforms should be clean and pressed when worn for performances. Boys’ hair
should be brushed and away from the face. Ladies hair must be tied back with invisible
or black hair ties. No jewelry (unless part of the uniform), including watches, may be
worn, unless it may not be taken off for religious reasons and there is a note from home.
Only small stud earrings for ladies may be worn. Only minimal makeup and no cologne
or perfume should be worn.
You should already have received specific pricing information for uniforms. It is
important to turn in uniform payments promptly so they can be ordered in time for
concerts. If there is a financial concern about the uniform policy, please do not
hesitate to call the chorus office. No student will be turned away from chorus
because they cannot afford the uniform.
Classroom Policies and Expectations
The Classroom Expectations are posted in the chorus classroom. They are:

Positive Effort
Positive Attitude
Correct Singing Posture

Some other things to remember...

I, Students must have their music folder and a pencil with them every day.
2. Students must be in their assigned seat with their music folder and a pencil
and be ready to begin class at the sound of the second bell. Otherwise they
will be marked tardy.
Candy, food, and drinks are not permitted in the chorus room. Water-sippers
are allowed for those who often get thirsty. STUDENTS MAY NOT USE
Students will be allowed to use the rest room during class once per quarter.
Students should use the rest room and water fountains BETWEEN classes.
No chewing gum- EVER.
The phone in the chorus room/ office is not to be used by students for personal
business. Pay phones are available on campus.
All school rules, including dress code, are in effect in the chorus room. The
Orange County Code of Student Conduct will be enforced during the school
day and on off-campus chorus trips.

Tardy Policy
In a music class where every member is contributing to the overall success of the
ensemble, lateness and absences have a negative affect on the entire class. Students must
be responsible and be on time.
Tardiness is excused only with a pass from the office or another teacher.
Each tardy will result in a lowering of the daily participation for that day.
First tardy will result in a warning.
Second tardy will result in a detention.
Third tardy will result in a detention and a parent phone call.
Fourth Tardy will result in an Administrative Referral.

Violation of classroom policies or expectations will be handled as follows:

Student will be reminded of classroom expectations.
Student may be given detention after second reminder.
Call to parent/ guardian will be made if inappropriate behavior continues.
Further disciplinary action will be taken.
Choral Music Department
Grade Policy

Participation 35%
Concert Attendance 35%
After School Rehearsal Attendance 10%
Quizzes and Assignments 20%

Participation grades are earned using the following rubric:

Auiseceees Student shows positive, proactive leadership and behaves above and
beyond the Classroom Expectations. eee Student meets the Classroom Expectations.
Co... Student sometimes meets the Classroom Expectations.
Du... Student rarely meets the Classroom Expectations.
ee Student never meets the classroom expectations.

Chorus is a performance ensemble class. Performances are an important

experience for the student-musicians and an integral part of the curriculum. Therefore,
attendance at concerts after the school day is required a few times a year. This portion of
FAILING GRADE. Mark your calendars now for the concert and MPA dates. If getting
a ride to these performances might be a problem, arrange a ride you can count on, or let
Mr. Minear or Mr. Patterson know a week in advance so that they can help you find a
ride. Your child or children should have transportation home no more than 30 minutes
after the end of a concert.

Reasons why missing a performance is not good:

° The student will have worked very hard and not seen the ultimate result of
their work.
e The student will miss the opportunity to create a memorable experience that
can last a lifetime.
e Each student is vital to the performance. There are NO substitutes.
° Performance is the ultimate standards-based assessment. Students earn their
grade based partly on performances.
e The group will suffer from a less than fulfilling performance condition.
e Performing is incredibly fun!!

Student-musicians will be asked to attend after-school rehearsals. Working towards a

performance is a team effort, so it is important that each student-musician attend these
rehearsals. Specific days will be determined at the beginning of the school year for the
after-school rehearsals for each ensemble. Do not schedule: work, appointments, club
meetings, detention, etc., on those afternoons. We may not use each of those after-school
rehearsals (to minimize your time commitment); however, your attendance is required
when they do take place. Changes ir. the prearranged rehearsal schedule will be posted at
least one week in advance of the change when possible. Every effort will be made to
advise you of a cancellation well in advance so that you may plan your time productively.
Each member of the Choral Department is required to attend section rehearsals.
These rehearsal times will be determined by the section leaders and director and will be
posted at least one week in advance of the rehearsal.

Reasons why missing a rehearsal is not good:

e The student misses new information.
e A rehearsal is part of an ongoing development of one’s physical and mental
° The student might miss the opportunity to work with an expert guest
e The blend and balance of the group cannot be considered, as it will change
with attendance.
e When the student returns, the group will waste rehearsal time teaching the
material from the previous rehearsal.
e The morale of the group 1s affected.
e The student missing a rehearsal can fall out of touch with the group’s goals.

Attendance at all chorus rehearsals and performances is required and part of how
students earn their grade in chorus. The only acceptable excuses for missing a rehearsal
or performance are:

Personal illness, excused by the attendance office.


Death in the family, excused by the attendance office.

Out-of-town trips with parents, excused in advance by the attendance office.
Other reasonable excuses, discussed in advance with the director or excused
by the attendance office.

Work is not an excuse for missing a rehearsal or performance. Arrange your work
schedule so that it allows you to attend all rehearsals, performances, and out-of-town

All choirs may have out-of-town concert performance trips scheduled for the year
(i.e. District and State Chorus Festivals, tours). All students are expected to participate in
these concert trips. Opportunity is given during the year for every student to earn money
to pay for these trips or to try to accumulate the money throughout the year. The “lack of
funds” or “having to work” will not excuse you from these trips. Students with a
particular financial hardship are encouraged to speak to the choral directors early in the
year to secure financial aid or assistance. Unexcused absence from these trips will be
counted as an unexcused absence from a performance. A minimum of 80% of the chorus
(with a balance of voice parts) must agree to participate in the trip for the group to go.
If a student has an excused absence from a performance, they may make up for
this portion of their grade by writing a research paper (pre-arranged topic with director),
due 10 school days after the missed performance.

Students in advanced auditioned choruses (Park Singers, Belle Chanson) are

required to participate in all performance activities as part of the fulfillment of the course
requirements. This may include several local and area opportunities. Those choosing not
to participate in any performance activity without previous permission may be transferred
to anon auditioned ensemble, a study hall, or other available class for the remainder of
the school year.

The fourth portion of the grade will be an average of the grades for all written and
oral quizzes and assignments. Ifa student has good attendance and pays attention in
class, these grades will be very good.



Semester Exam Policy

At the end of each semester, students will take a written cumulative exam. The
exam will give students a chance to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired over
the course of the semester. Exam grades will then be factored in with 9-weeks grades to
determine semester and final grades.
Music Library
The music library consists of arrangements and original works for choirs, as well
as an extensive collection of solo and ensemble material. A student may check out music
provided the proper procedure is followed.
e The library is off limits to all students other than the Librarian. Students are
not allowed to go into the choral music library without the consent of the
° To check out music from the library, fill out a music check out form. These
may be obtained from the Choral Music Office.
e When returning music, students should make sure their check out form is
returned to them. Studenis will be held responsible for the music listed on the
check out form.
Use and Care of Music
e Do not fold, tear, or otherwise mutilate music.
e Do not make excessive markings on the music- always use pencil, not ink!
e If a student is issued a music folder, the entire folder should be checked out.
Do not take music out of the folder.
e Students who need a piece of music should fill out a music request form and
place it in the librarians’ box in the choral rehearsal room.

Practice Rooms
The use of practice rooms must be approved in advance by the directors. You
may not use the practice rooms during a period in which you have another class. If you
have a study hall, you may make arrangements so long as the privilege is not abused.
Practice room time is at a premium after school- schedule in advance. Rooms are to be
used for practicing only, not for sleeping, studying, doing homework, or hanging out with
friends. There should be absolutely no food or drinks in the practice rooms.

Bulletin Boards/ Chalk (dry erase) boards

Check the bulletin boards and chalkboard daily for important information. This is
our primary means of communication, so students are responsible for the information
posted. Students are not allowed to write on the board or add anything to the bulletin
boards without the permission of the director. Posted information should never be
removed from the bulletin board without permission. There is a special board set aside
for music camp and college scholarship information.
Concert Etiquette
Concerts are the culmination of hundreds of hours of diligent work from. students... It is__.
our goal to make our concerts professional and of the highest caliber. The audience plays
a significant role in the success of our concerts. As the students prepare for their
performance, so should the audience. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with
setting a good example for other audience members.

Our concerts are “formal” in nature, and therefore it is important for those attending to
dress nicely. When our choruses have performed at Carnegie Hall, everyone in the
audience is dressed in their best. The same thing should hold true when our concerts are
at Winter Park High School or any other venue. This helps create an atmosphere that
these concerts are something special.

Our concerts are frequently taped, and therefore the following expectations of genereal
concert etiquette are requested:
1. No cell phones or beepers. Since music is the art of sound, it is imperative that
the auditorium is perfectly silent in order to hear all the beautiful sounds from the
No flash photography. This is distracting and disruptive to the performers.

3. No talking during performances. Voices are easily picked up by professional

microphones during recording. Be courteous to the performers and to those
seated around you.
4. No yelling or screaming your student’s name. Younger children may be
inclined to try to get the attention of older siblings. This is a serious concert, and
not a sporting event.

Babies or young children will probably NOT enjoy our concerts. Performances last about
an hour and a half to two hours in length. This is a long time for little ones to sit still or
remain quiet. For the enjoyment of those in the audience, and to insure that taped
performances pick up only the sound of music, please IMMEDIATELY take restless
or crying children from the auditorium.

Late Arrivals- If you arrive late for a concert, you will not be admitted into the
auditorium until there is applause. At our Winter Concert, that will be about an hour into
the concert. Late comers may, however, be seated in the balcony. Please be respectful of
the ushers about this point and do not argue. In any professional theater you will find the
same standards. [f vou must leave the concert for any reason, you will not be admitted
until there is a moment of applause. Again, please be respectful of the ushers. The
sounds of doors opening and closing is distracting to both the performers and the

When am I supposed to applaud??? Watch the conductor for cues. It is appropriate to

applaud when the conductor enters the stage, when the choir enters the stage, or when the
choir is seen for the first time. When a selection is concluded, always wait until the
conductor’s arms are down before applauding. If we perform a major work or a
sectionalized piece, wait until all movements are complete before applauding.
Music as a Standard of Intelligence
The discipline of Music is now recognized in the area of brain research as one of the
eight kinds of intelligence. Studies have affirmed that music enhances a student’s
success in logical reasoning and math skills. Those students gifted in music tend to
remember patterns in sound, content and rhythm. Those who are exposed to music on a
regular basis are better able to reduce stress and anxiety, while enhancing their creative
thinking. Music is one of the 40 Developmental Assets proven to promote positive
behavior in youth, enable them to more easily avoid at risk behavior, and become
resilient adults. In addition, music has long been recognized as the universal language
that crosses all boundaries of age, culture, and nationality. The Winter Park High School
Choral Department is proud to offer this asset to our youth and this gift to our

Choral Parent Boosters

The Choral Parent Boosters is an organization that is comprised of interested parents,
family members, and friends who give support to the Choral Department. They assist the
Director with the fundraising, travel, and organizational duties. All parents are strongly
urged to be an active and contributing member of this organization.

Please mark your calendar:

The Choral Boosters meet every first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the
chorus room at the Main Campus.

Refer to the 2004-2005 Calendar for the date of each Booster meeting for the year.
Remember- All Parents are Boosters!

All across the country, school districts are facing tight budgets and rigorous testing
mandates. Now more than ever, our state and national legislators need to know how
important the Performing Arts are to any school that values a complete and balanced
Education. Below are some websites that can help you be an “advocate for the arts.” the music/home.html awareness
This is certainly not a complete list of Music Education advocacy websites, but these are
sites that can help you be a better advocate for keeping the Arts in our public schools.

Winter Park High School Choral Music Department
Calendar 2004-2005


August 14 all day Concert Choir Reunion Rehearsals/ Concert WP Presbyterian
August 16 in class Ads and Sponsors Fundraiser Kick-Off Chorus Room
August 20-22 5:00 pm Concert Choir Retreat Canterbury Retreat
August 25 after school Freshman Party MC Cafeteria

September 7 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

September 18 TBA Chorus Theme Party TBA
September 20 6:00 pm Spaghetti Dinner Concert MC Cafeteria
September 23 in class Cheesecake Fundraiser Kick-Off Chorus Room

October 1, 2 TBA Stetson Choral Clinic Stetson University

October 5 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room
October 9 9:00 am 1* All-State Test TBA
October | 1 3:00 pm Major Works Dress Rehearsal WP Pres
October 12 7:00 pm Major Works Concert WP Pres
October 21 6:00 pm Wildcat Roar Park Ave
October 22 7:00 pm Homecoming Game (National Anthem) Showalter Field

November 2 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

November 4-6 TBA ACDA State Honor Choir Florida Southern
November 13 9:00 am 2" All-State Test TBA
November 18-19 7:30 pm The Fantasticks! 9" Grade Ctr. Aud.
November 26 7:00 pm Concert Choir Rehearsal with Orlando Philharmonic Bob Carr PAC
November 27 2:00 pm, 8:00 pm Holiday Concert with OPO Bob Carr PAC

December 7 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

December 14 7:00 pm Winter Choral Department Concert 1* Presbyterian Church

January 6-8 TBA FMEA/ All-State Chorus Tampa Convention Ctr.

January 11 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

February | 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

February 2-5 TBA National ACDA Convention/ Honor Choir Los Angeles
February 7, 8, 10 5:00 pm Solo and Ensemble Recitals - WP Women’s Club
February 11-12 TBA Sole and Ensemble MPA TBA
February 18 6:00 pm Choral Department Silent Auction/ Dinner All Saints Church

March | 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

March 8 7:00 pm Pre-MPA Concert MC Auditorium
March 11-12 TBA District Music Performance Assessment Dr. Phillips HS
March 17 7:00 pm Performing Arts Department Prism Concert Auditorium

March/ April TBA Night on Broadway Rehearsal Auditorium

April 5 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room
April 21, 22, 23 7:00 pm Night on Broadway Performances Auditorium

May 3 7:00 pm Parent Booster Meeting Chorus Room

May 9 2:30 pm Dress Rehearsal for Spring Concert Auditorium
May 10 7:00 pm Spring Choral Department Concert Auditorium
May 12 6:00 pm Chorus Banquet TBA

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