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Steve: Hi Susan, did your new Spanish class start today?

Susan: Hi Steve. Yeah, it was great fun. Hola!

Steve: Hey, you learned something already! So, tell me about the other

Susan: Well, first I want to tell you about the teacher. She's crazy! Her name
in Maria and she's from Malaga in the south of Spain. She's about 35 years old
and is a really friendly person. She's very funny. It's difficult to understand her
accent sometimes but I'm sure it will get easier.

Steve: How many students are there in the class?

Susan: Oh, about 12 I think. Everyone is about the same age, so that's great.

Steve: Where are you going, where are you doing the lessons? Are you at the
college near the tennis club?

Susan: No. We're at the town library. We are using a small room at the library
so it's really quiet and all the books are right there!

Steve: Are the other students all American?

Susan: Most of them are, yes. There is a Japanese girl called Miko. She is
probably the best in the class. Her accent is wonderful. I think she studied
Spanish at school.

Steve: Ah ha...
Susan: And then there's an English boy called James. He lives here and works
at the university. He wants to learn Spanish because he hopes to go to
Argentina next year. He is very young, about 22 years old.

Steve: And the rest of you are American?

Susan: Yes, apart from James and Miko, the rest of us are American. I met
your mother's friend Rosemary.

Steve: Rosemary? Who's she?

Susan: That friend your mother plays tennis with sometimes.

Steve: Oh, Rose Marie! Why is she learning Spanish? She speaks Italian and
French already!

Susan: Well, maybe she wants to be multi-lingual. She speaks really well. I

feel so stupid in that class and that's after just one lesson! Oh dear....

Steve: Don't worry Susan, maybe I'll come by next lesson and then I will be
the worst for sure. What did you do in today's class?

Susan: Because it was the first lesson only, we did some basic things like the
numbers to ten and how to ask a person's name.

Steve: OK, ask me my name in Spanish!

Susan: Oh! Erm, I can't remember. Como ti, come te yama, como ti yamo,
oooh! I can't remember anything!

Steve: (laughs) I will come to the next lesson and help you!

A girl talks about her new Spanish class.

Listen to the file and put 1-3 words into each space.

1. Susan's teacher is a 35-year old from the city of  .

2. There are about   students in the class.

3. The lessons are in the local  .

4. The best student in the class is a   girl called Miko.

5. The student James wants to go to   next year.

6. Most of the students come from  .

7. One of Susan's classmates is a friend of  .

8. In today's lesson, they learned how to ask someone's name and some _____


Mike: We have to make dinner tonight. I hope you remembered!

Cathy: Oops, I forgot actually. What do you want to make?

Mike: Well, I thought we could make that apple pie we did last time. what do
you think?

Cathy: Yeah, ok, that's a good idea. Do we have everything we need?

Mike: Mm, let's go and have a look in the kitchen.

Cathy: right, first, of course, we need some apples. Do we have any?

Mike: Yes, we have a lot of apples. I bought ten only yesterday. How many
do we have to use?

Cathy: I think six large apples will be fine. Now, is there any flour? We have
to use two and a half cups of flour. How much do we have?

Mike: I think we'll have to buy some flour. We don't have much. Maybe only
200 grams. I'll start a shopping list...ok, flour. What about cinnamon and

Cathy: Well, for this recipe, we only need a little cinnamon and nutmeg. How
much do we have?

Mike: Oh, these containers are both full, so we don't need any more. Now, we
need a little salt...

Cathy: OK, we have a lot of salt...

Mike: And quite a lot of sugar, says in the recipe about a cup.
Cathy: Oh...we don't have any sugar! We can't make apple pie without sugar.
Write sugar on the shopping list.

Mike: OK, I've got it. We need a little butter too. Did you buy any butter
yesterday at the store?

Cathy: No, I didn't get any. How much do we need for the recipe?

Mike: Well, it says 100 grams. I think we have some butter in the fridge.

Cathy: Yes, we don't have much but there's enough.

Mike: OK, I will go down to the store and buy these things we need. And we
can start when I return.

Cathy: Fine, I'll come with you.

Two friends talk about what they need to make apple pie. As you listen,
decide who says the following statements.

Put M for Mike
Put C for Cathy
Put N for nobody.

1. I didn't remember our dinner plans. 

2. The oven doesn't work very well. 

3. I bought some apples. 

4. I will write a list of the things we need. 

5. Apple pie is impossible without sugar. 

6. I don't like apple pie that is too sweet. 

7. I didn't buy any butter. 

8. I will go and buy everything we need. 


Interviewer: Excuse me, do you have a few minutes? I want to ask you a

couple of questions.

Charlie: Yes, alright. What would you like to know?

Interviewer: Well, I work for The Regal Bookstore and we are doing a survey
about people's reading habits. Can I ask you how often you read fiction

Charlie: Very often. I usually read about one book a week, sometimes more if
I'm away on vacation.

Interviewer: Now then, next question. What three categories of books do you

prefer to read?

Charlie: Hmm, let me think. I absolutely love crime books, you know Agatha
Christie, a good whodunit. I am also keen on science fiction books such as
Arthur C. Clark and Asimov. And then, recently I've read a lot of Westerns.
Interviewer: Fine. How much do you think you spend on fiction books every

Charlie: Not very much because I get a lot of my books from friends when
they have finished reading them. Probably around $50.

Interviewer: OK, now the next question is about where you buy your books,
if you don't get them from your friends of course. Do you spend most of your
money on books in stores or on the Internet?

Charlie: As I said, I don't buy books very often but when I do, I buy them
online or sometimes I go to a bookstore if I see something interesting in the

Interviewer: And have you ever been to The Regal Bookstore before to buy

Charlie: Yes, I bought something from that store only two weeks ago. It was
the new book by Grisham. I saw that it was on special offer so I came in.

Interviewer: Great, now my final question. Would you buy a book from the
Regal Bookstore web site? We have a new site, did you know?

Charlie: No, I didn't know. I will go and have a look at it as you have some
good prices. I would like to buy something from the site if the price was right,
of course.

Interviewer: OK sir, thank you for your time. Have a nice day.

Charlie: No problems. Good day to you.

You will hear and read Charlie answer some questions about books and
reading. Complete the questions that you hear during Charlie and the
interviewer's conversation. You might need up to FOUR words. often you read  ?

2. What three categories of books   to read?

3. How much do you think you spend on fiction books  ?

4. Do you spend   on books in stores or on the Internet?

5. Have you ever been to The Regal Bookstore before to  ?

6. Would you buy a book from the Regal Bookstore  ?


Graham: Oh, I fell asleep. Where are we?

Barbara: We're almost there.

Graham: Oh no! I wanted to look out of the window to see all the places we
flew over. Why didn't you wake me up?

Barbara: You looked very tired so I didn't want to.

Graham: I was asleep for over three hours. What can you see out of the
window now?

Barbara: It looks like desert below, but I think we are near Los Angeles. We
went over the Rockies a short time ago. The mountains were absolutely

Graham: I can't believe I missed that. I really wanted to see the Rockies.

Barbara: Sorry Graham. You can sit next to the window when we fly back to
New York.

Graham: Thanks. Did you have something to eat? I know you were hungry.

Barbara: Yes. About an hour ago. I ate chicken and rice. There was also a
dessert but it had pear in it so I didn't touch it.

Graham: I'm really hungry now too. I didn't have any breakfast this morning
Barbara: We can buy something for you when we get to the airport. You
don't like chicken anyway and the alternative was Spanish Omelet which
looked disgusting.

Graham: What other things did you see out of the window? Did you see
Chicago and the Great Lakes?

Barbara: Yes, we flew right over Chicago. I could see little boats on the lake.
It was wonderful.

Graham: I can't believe I was sleeping. And I had a dream about flying too.

Barbara: They showed a great movie too. You know the one about Brad Pitt
being the manager of the chocolate factory.

Graham: That's not Brad Pitt in that movie. I like that film too. I think we are
starting to land.

Barbara: Yes, we aren't so high now. What are we going to do when we get

to Los Angeles?

Graham: We have to make a phone call to your father, don't we?

Barbara: Right, then, let's go straight to the hotel to sleep. I'm exhausted.

Two friends talking on a plane from New York to Los Angeles.

Answer either true or false for each question.

1. Graham has been asleep for the last three hours.



2. Barbara couldn't see the Rocky Mountains because of cloud.



3. Barbara ate chicken and rice for dinner and a pear for dessert.



4. Graham is hungry because he didn't have breakfast.



5. Graham slept after the plane passed Chicago.



6. Barbara watched a Brad Pitt movie.


7. They will meet Barbara's father at the hotel in Los Angeles.



Clive: Hey Heather, when is your brother getting into town?

Heather: On Thursday at eight o'clock in the evening.

Clive: Are you going to do anything together that night?

Heather: No, I think he'll be too tired and will probably just want to go to bed

Clive: That's true, it's a long flight from Melbourne.

Heather: I am so looking forward to having him here.

Clive: How long is he going to stay?

Heather: Only till Monday, then he goes to Boston to see our parents.

Clive: Great, so what about Friday? What are you going to do? Do you have
any special plans?

Heather: You bet! He can relax in the apartment on Friday morning and then
in the afternoon, we are going to the beach with some of my friends to have a

Clive: I hope the weather is sunny for you.

Heather: So do I.

Clive: And then in the evening?

Heather: I'm going to take him to Domingo's. That Mexican restaurant on 7th

Avenue - do you know it?
Clive: Yeah, but I thought it was very difficult to book a table there.

Heather: Not if you know one of the waiters it isn't! Then, on Saturday

morning, we are going to go to the Metropolitan Museum. They've got an
exhibition I know Terry will be really interested in. And then we are having
lunch in Central Park before doing a bit of shopping.

Clive: It seems strange to come all the way back from Australia to do some

Heather: Yes, I know but there are some things he wants to buy.

Clive: I'm meeting you guys on Saturday evening at eight o'clock, right?

Heather: Oh yes, of course. The party is at Clare's house. Come round here
just before eight and we can take a cab over to Clare's together.

Clive: Alright.

Heather: My brother's leaving early on Monday so Sunday will be his last

day with me. We are driving up to the lakes first thing and we are fishing all
day on Sunday. It will be just like when we were young. When we come back
to the city, I have one extra surprise for him before he leaves the next day.

Clive: Oh, tell me what it is.

Heather: OK, but promise not to say anything to him. We're going to see a
basketball game. It was so difficult to find tickets but I got them. It's going to
be a great weekend.

Clive: That sounds wonderful. You will have a brilliant time.

Now, you are going to listen to a conversation between Heather and Clive. As
you do, complete this itinerary for Heather's brother using these words:

basketball match - Metropolitan Museum - shopping - to party - in park -

early - in apartment - picnic - go - Mexican restaurant - in Boston

1. Go to bed  .

2. Relax  .

3. Go to beach for  .
4. Go to  .

5. Go to  .

6. Have lunch  .

7. Go  .

8. Go  .

9.   fishing

10. Go to see  .

11. Visit parents _____

Jen: What's the first thing you want to do when we get to London, Mike?

Mike: I don't know. I really want to see the Tower of London and I suppose
we have to go to Buckingham Palace as soon as possible.
Jen: I just hope the weather isn't too bad. My uncle went last year in
August and he said it rained every day for a week.

Mike: I think it is going to be sunny this week so don't worry. Now where is
our plane flying from? Do you know which gate we need to go to?

Jen: I really can't remember. Look, over there, there is one of those TV
screens with all the flight departure information. Let's go and have a look at
that. We still have a lot of time. Why do you always get so nervous at

Mike: I'm not nervous Jen, I just don't want to be the last person getting
on the plane. Remember last year going to Germany when everybody was
waiting for us. That was so embarrassing.

Jen: OK, it's all up there, look. There are three flights to London. British
Airways leaves at 10 o'clock, American Airlines also leaves at 10 o'clock and
Air India leaves at 10 past 10. Who are we flying with? I know it's not Air
India, is it?

Mike: American Airlines. We fly with them. So the departure is 10 o'clock

but what gate is it? It says "please wait in departure lounge" up on the
screen so I guess we have to just wait here.

Jen: That's very strange because the British Airways flight leaves at the
same time, but Gate 7 is written up there.

Mike: I don't know, Jen. Maybe there's a problem but we don't have very
long to wait.

Jen: Oh, look! Our flight information is there. We have to go to Gate 24,

flight boards at 9.30.
Mike: Great! Now, where is gate 24? Is it on the eastern or the western
side of the airport?

Jen: Look at that yellow sign. We have to catch the airport shuttle for all
gates from 10 to 30.

Mike: Let's go ... that's the west of the airport and it takes about 10
minutes to get there.

Jen: We're going to London!

Listen to Jen and Mike talking at the airport.

Answer these true/false questions.

 Mike wants to go and see the Tower of London.



2. It never rains in London in August.



3. Jen doesn't remember the correct gate number.



4. Mike has terrible memories about his trip to Germany.



5. There are three flights leaving at ten o'clock.



6. Mike knows which airline they are flying with.



7. There's a problem with the British Airways flight.



8. They are going to walk to the gate.




Store Assistant: Good afternoon, Madam. Welcome to Everest Stores. Is

there anything I can help you with today?

Customer: Oh, hi, yes, erm, I have a few things I need to buy today and this
is my first time here, so I'm not sure where everything is.

Store Assistant: That's fine, that's what I'm here for. Now, what do you need

Customer: I have to buy a hat for my sister. She's going to a wedding in New
Orleans next weekend and asked me to get a new hat for her. Do you sell hats?

Store Assistant: Yes, we do, Madam. All women's clothing is on this floor,

the first floor. If you go in that direction and go past the jackets, you'll find the
hats over to the left.

Customer: OK, great. Then I need to get a toaster. Ours caught fire yesterday
morning and, you know, my kids can't live without toast in the morning for
their breakfast!

Store Assistant: Our kitchen appliances are up on the 3rd, no sorry, the 4th
floor. If you take the elevator from this floor up to the 4th floor, turn left when
you leave the elevator and walk through the pictures and framing section.
You'll see small kitchen appliances on the left with larger items such as ranges
and fridges on the right.

Customer: My husband wanted me to see the cost of a new fridge-freezer so I

can do that too.

Store Assistant: Was there anything else, Madam?

Customer: Yes, my daughter wants a DVD for her birthday. Where can I find

Store Assistant: Our home entertainment section is on the second floor.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to go there before you go and look for the
toaster. There is an escalator that joins all the floors so after you buy your hat,
you can go up the escalator to the second floor where you will find books,
CDs, DVDs as well as all our television and video equipment.

Customer: The last things on my list are a CD for myself, which I can get on
the second floor, and a chair for the kitchen. My husband broke a chair on the
weekend so I need to get a new one.

Store Assistant: Let me think...ah yes, you can find all chairs, stools and
tables in our furniture section but that's right up on the sixth floor. If you go
there immediately, you can ask them to take the chair down to the first floor
and you can collect it when you are ready to leave.

Customer: Thank you ever so much. You have been very helpful. I will go up
to get the chair now and get the other things as I come down.

Store Assistant: No problem, Madam. We hope you enjoy Everest Stores

A store assistant helping a customer in a large department store.

1. How many times has the customer visited Everest Stores before?



     A few times.

2. Why is the customer buying a hat?

     Because she's going to her sister's wedding.

     Because she's going on vacation in New Orleans.

     It's not for her, but for her sister.

3. Why does she need a new toaster?

     Her old one doesn't work anymore.

     She needs a bigger one.

     Her children asked her to get one.

4. What will the customer get on the 4th floor?

     A small kitchen appliance and some information.

     A small kitchen appliance and a large one.

     A small kitchen appliance and a picture frame.

5. Why is she buying a DVD?

     For her sister's birthday present.

     Her daughter asked her to buy a DVD.

     As a present for her daughter's birthday.

6. Why does she decide to go to the 6th floor first?

     Because there's an escalator straight to the 6th floor.

     Because she has to buy something that is large and heavy.

     To get some more information.


Part One

What I find most difficult is listening. I have an old video recorder and I use it
to record movies and other TV shows. Then I watch it later, but I don't watch
the movie. No, I watch all the adverts that I recorded! Adverts are very good
for learning English I think. They're only short, maybe 30 seconds or a minute,
so it's not too long. And they are repeated again and again so you learn the
English quickly. The English in adverts is usually simple, they have a simple


Part Two

I love Harry Potter books. They are very interesting. In fact, I bought all of
those books in English. They were very difficult for me, so I translated them
into my language. It was a lot of work and my friends said I was crazy, but I
enjoyed it. At the end of this, I had a huge vocabulary book full of new words
and I look at those new words every day, I remember them and I try to use
them when I am speaking or writing in English.

Part Three

I use a very traditional method to help me improve my English. I write letters!

Yes, real letters with stamps. My friends say that I'm living twenty years ago
and that it's boring. But I like it. I have pen-pals in the USA, Canada and
Australia. Every week, I get a letter from one of them and I write a reply
immediately, the same day. If I write an e-mail, my computer corrects my
spelling and my grammar - it's like cheating. But with a real letter, you must
think more. And it's special to write and read a real letter, it's something that
takes time and a lot of consideration. I love my letters and I love my pen-pals.
It's a very successful method for me.


Part Four

I love using Skype to learn English. I am a member of a forum called

SkypeEnglish. You can find other friendly people to talk to. You can choose
the country the other person comes from, if it's male or female, the age, other
things like that. I have been talking to Japanese and South Korean girls in the
last few weeks. I find their accent easy to understand and they talk to me about
their beautiful countries. You can also use a webcam if you want, but I don't
do that. My house is always very untidy and I don't want anybody to see that!
You will listen to four people talking about what they do to help learn English
in a better way. Are the following statements about the English student True
or False?

1. Speaker one finds the movies boring.



2. Speaker one likes adverts because they're short.



3. Speaker two bought the books in her language and translated them into



4. Speaker two tries to write letters using her new words from the books.


5. Speaker three gets a new letter about once every month.



6. Speaker three doesn't use e-mail because it's too easy.



7. Speaker four finds the South Korean girls friendly, but hard to understand.



8. Speaker four learns about other people's countries using Skype.



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